What cereals are good for the stomach? Which porridge is the healthiest? — Secrets of healthy eating. Facts about cereals

Before you start studying therapeutic nutrition for gastritis, you need to have a good idea of ​​what kind of disease you mean.

You need to know the enemy by sight

Gastritis is a term derived from the root “gaster”, which means “stomach” in ancient Greek, by adding the suffix “itis”, which always indicates the inflammatory origin of the disease. Simply put, the term means "inflammation of the stomach." This is a widespread disease in the modern world, directly related to frequent stress, poor diet, addiction to fast food and dry food, and abuse of strong drinks. It can also be caused by infection with special bacteria that have the ability to live and multiply in an acidic gastric environment. Gastritis can be treated, but very often becomes chronic and with any deviation from the desired lifestyle, it immediately makes itself felt with sharp or aching pain just below the sternum, belching, heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen and other unpleasant phenomena.

Basic principles of diet for gastritis

As you know, the stomach is one of the main organs that digests food, which means its treatment should begin with proper nutrition. The main cure for gastritis is in a plate on the dining table. For acute and chronic gastritis, three basic principles of diet are followed:

  • mechanical sparing of the gastric mucosa. This means that all foods containing coarse fibers are excluded from the diet. Thus, vegetables are consumed only boiled or baked, porridges are well boiled, the amount of bread is limited, and baked goods are excluded altogether. It is desirable that the food has a homogeneous semi-liquid consistency - then it will interact better with hydrochloric acid, digest faster, without causing stomach overfilling.
  • chemical sparing of the mucous membrane. This principle implies the exclusion of substances that irritate the stomach walls: acids (including fruit), hot spices, spices, alcohol, coffee and strong tea, fats, carbonated drinks.
  • thermal sparing of the stomach. It involves consuming foods at optimal temperature, that is, close to body temperature. Too cold and too hot dishes are excluded.

Food is taken in small portions, about 5-6 times a day. Dinner or lunch should end no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Breakfast is required.

The benefits of puree soups

With gastritis, dishes that can envelop the mucous membrane become of particular importance, thereby preventing it from coming into contact with hydrochloric acid and reducing irritation. These properties have:

  • jelly
  • viscous porridge
  • puree soups

Kissel is good to use as a main drink; it can easily replace an afternoon snack. Porridge is usually consumed for breakfast because it is quick and easy to prepare and replenishes the body's supply of easily digestible carbohydrates, which is especially needed in the morning. But puree soups are irreplaceable as a first course for lunch or as an independent and fairly complete dinner.

Soup in the form of puree for a patient with gastritis can be prepared using low-fat meat or vegetable broth as a base. In the first case, such a dish will serve as an additional source of protein; it will be more satisfying. But vegetable soups will become a source of essential vitamins. The big advantage of such a product is its quick and easy absorption: the stomach does not need to waste time and energy on the final grinding of food lumps, the process of mixing the food lump with gastric juice is very fast. This is important for gastritis with both high and low acidity:

  • with gastritis with an excess amount of hydrochloric acid, the puree quickly “absorbs” it into itself, partially enveloping the mucous membrane and thereby reducing inflammation;
  • with gastritis with low acidity, quick and complete mixing of the puree-like mass with gastric juice allows you to reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid required to decompose the food bolus - therefore, there is no heaviness and “stagnation” of food.

Puree is the most natural consistency for any dish (even if it’s soup). After all, when eating food, a person must first grind all its ingredients in the oral cavity. And in a puree product, all the pieces are already crushed.

Basic cooking rules

1. The main point is chopping all the ingredients from which the soup is made. The oldest method, used by our grandparents, is grinding products, previously crushed with a masher, through a strainer. This cooking option has a number of disadvantages: it takes a lot of time and effort, and it is impossible to chop the meat. A more modern way is to puree all the ingredients of the soup using a blender or food processor. This procedure is quick and hassle-free, allowing you to mix meat and fish with the rest of the ingredients.

2. If the soup is prepared with meat or vegetable broth, then the vegetables are cooked directly in it. In the case where it is allowed to consume only soup cooked in water, the vegetables are prepared separately and then mixed. To prepare meat broth, you can use: a small amount of lean beef, skinless chicken, turkey or rabbit pulp.

3. It is not advisable to overcook vegetables, as this will destroy all the vitamins. Many housewives break this rule, believing that the more boiled the vegetables are, the softer and better the puree soup will be and the more benefits it will bring for gastritis. This is not true. It is possible that overcooked vegetables will be easier to digest, since the fiber in them will be completely destroyed. However, they will not bring any benefit other than saturating the body with carbohydrates. And with gastritis, it is especially important to replenish the supply of vitamins, since their absorption and production are often disrupted due to inflammation of the stomach.

4. The most beneficial for gastritis will be soups that include broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini or pumpkin. These vegetables have the most delicate fiber and a complete vitamin and mineral composition.

5. For greater viscosity, add rolled oats to the vegetable soup. If desired, you can use millet, rice, wheat cereals: they will give the dish additional calorie content.

6. To give a denser, sour cream-like consistency, add a little toasted wheat flour to the vegetable soup at the end of cooking or carefully add whipped egg white into the foam. In case of chronic gastritis, outside the acute stage, you can pour a little low-fat cream into the soup, but in the acute phase it is better to avoid it. Be sure to limit the amount of butter; it is better to replace it with vegetable oil.

8. It is better to exclude spices, including herbs, altogether or use them in extremely small doses. Salt should also be limited.

By following these principles, you can choose the most optimal recipes for yourself in terms of composition and method of preparation, and having mastered them, you can easily make your diet, even with a disease such as gastritis, varied and tasty.

Porridges that coat your stomach

For gastric diseases, the patient is prescribed drug therapy, which is carried out in combination with proper nutrition. The diet excludes heavy, fatty, fried and peppered foods. The patient's diet should be dominated by steamed and boiled vegetables, meat, as well as cereals that envelop the gastric mucosa: millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. Cereals contain a large amount of vegetable fats, fiber, proteins and microelements necessary for stomach diseases.

Healthy porridges that envelop the stomach

The benefits of porridge for stomach ailments are due to the following factors:

  • there is no need for long chewing;
  • does not irritate the mucous membrane of the organ;
  • digests quickly and does not overload the stomach;
  • Provides the body with healthy carbohydrates, vitamins and vegetable proteins.

Porridge envelops the gastric mucosa and facilitates the course of the disease. Thus, the following cereals should predominate in the patient’s diet: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, semolina and millet.

Properly prepared porridges help normalize digestion and regulate bowel movements.

Millet porridge is rarely consumed, even despite its usefulness. It has the ability to control the metabolic process, contains vitamin D and a large amount of vitamins B, A, PP. Natural fiber and varieties of starch and amino acids make millet porridge necessary for diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Buckwheat has a huge amount of essential amino acids, their number reaches eighteen. This protein dietary product is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Buckwheat is used to prepare side dishes; at the acute stage, it is boiled and ground. At the remission stage, it is allowed to include buckwheat in meatballs and stuff vegetables with it, and eat it as a separate side dish with a piece of butter.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oatmeal, unlike millet groats, is the most popular dish. Its benefits are due to phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, choline, zinc and a large number of other useful components that make up the cereal. The tightening properties of oatmeal can create a protective film on the walls of the stomach, which prevents the impact of negative factors on the organ.

Oatmeal is cooked in water to a boiled consistency and rubbed through a strainer or whipped with a blender. At the stage of remission of the disease, you can prepare oatmeal with whole milk, adding butter to the dish. Oatmeal is prescribed to the patient from the first days of treatment, as it is able to restore the body's defenses. When the patient's condition improves, he is allowed to add fruit to the oatmeal.

The benefits of semolina porridge

When your stomach hurts, you should exclude heavy meals and include easily digestible foods, such as semolina porridge. It should be cooked until fully cooked and has a semi-liquid consistency. During the acute phase of the disease, semolina is boiled in water without adding salt and oil. Pureed semolina has enveloping effects, is easily digestible and does not cause intestinal spasms, and is used for ulcers and gastritis.


Diseases associated with the stomach and other organs of the digestive system occur in most cases after excessive consumption of harmful foods. Accordingly, treatment mainly consists of proper nutrition. The patient is prescribed various types of cereals, including rice. The cereal contains eight amino acids, 8 percent protein and does not contain gluten, which contributes to an allergic reaction.

For stomach diseases, rice is used to cook porridge and prepare decoctions that have a strengthening and cleansing effect. In addition, rice is added to meat soufflés, fish cutlets and meatballs. Cooked rice in water does not increase gastric secretion; it is allowed both at the stage of remission and during exacerbation of the disease. For the dietary menu, it is better to choose polished white rice, which is boiled and does not irritate the damaged mucous layers of the organ walls.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley has a high nutritional value and is therefore used for stomach diseases. Barley contains amino acids, vitamins A, B, E, PP, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron and other trace elements, fiber and protein.

A decoction is made from pearl barley, which has a softening effect. Barley porridge is cooked in water until completely boiled, after which it is ground or crushed in a blender. However, pearl barley has contraindications; it is not recommended for use in cases of high acidity of the stomach and in patients with a tendency to constipation and painful gas formation.

Aloe with honey for the stomach in gastroenterological practice

Aloe with honey for the stomach has been used in medicine since the inception of medicine. All recipes belong to the section of alternative medicine. Doctors are ambivalent about this method of treatment, but do not deny the fact of the beneficial effects of honey or aloe on the structures of the stomach and intestines in various diseases. It is worth mentioning that such treatment is more of a preventive nature for chronic forms of gastritis or peptic ulcer, and is used along with drug treatment of acute conditions, during the recovery period after surgery.

Aloe as a medicinal plant

Aloe Vera belongs to medicinal plants, due to the content of many useful substances and microelements in the pulp of the leaves. The plant is widely used in almost all areas of medicine; it is included in many creams, medicinal ointments, and medications for oral use. The leaves, which have a dense gel structure, are of particular value to the plant. Aloe leaf gel for the stomach has the following functions:

  • prevention of peptic ulcer or gastritis;
  • reduction of inflammation, irritation of mucous membranes;
  • elimination of infectious diseases;
  • preventing long-term constipation;
  • alleviation of painful symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • blood purification;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines;
  • sclerosis of ulcerative lesions on the gastric mucosa.

Important! Aloe has been valued since ancient times as an ideal remedy for healing cut and burn wounds due to its high antiseptic and disinfecting properties. To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, it is important to properly prepare, store, and combine aloe leaf extract with other beneficial components.

Honey for the stomach

Bee products are not only a delicacy. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory antibacterial agent for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol tinctures from propolis and other bee products are natural antibiotics, which are rightfully used in official medicine and occupy not the last place there. Honey has the following beneficial properties for the gastrointestinal tract:

  • normalization of acidity;
  • healing of ulcerative lesions, erosions;
  • pain relief, elimination of inflammation;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • removal of toxins and toxic substances;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • restoration of damaged gastric or intestinal mucosa.

Honey is used to treat stomach ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis, colic, and duodenal ulcers. The presence of high concentrations of iron, manganese and copper in honey allows you to activate digestive processes and enhance the secretion of beneficial enzymes necessary for the proper functioning of all gastrointestinal organs.

Important! Honey is perfectly absorbed by the human body, thanks to the optimal ratio of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, and rarely causes allergic reactions. Honey minimizes the negative impact of medications on the stomach, increases local immunity, and promotes rapid recovery after long-term treatment.

Preparing Ingredients

Aloe and honey for the stomach involves ingestion, so it is important to properly prepare raw materials for recipes. Procurement of aloe leaves and selection of honey are important aspects to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. To prepare recipes yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • freshness and quality of honey (it should not be candied);
  • aloe leaves from the bottom of the trunk, without wormholes or damage;
  • leaf age is more than 3 years (characteristic darkening of leaf tips);
  • Aloe leaves need to be cut with a sharp knife.

Honey can be anything, the main thing is that it is a natural product. Cut aloe leaves are wrapped in a cotton towel or gauze and left in the refrigerator for a week. After a week, the leaves are removed and finely chopped with a ceramic knife. Ceramics will not allow useful substances to oxidize when interacting with a metal blade. The crushed leaves are rolled with a rolling pin, and the resulting juice is poured into a glass container. Only after preparing the juice, honey and other ingredients are added to it for further consumption.

Aloe and Honey Recipes

Recipes for treating the stomach with aloe and honey have multiple variations and can be used by patients of any age. Before preparing recipes, you need to become thoroughly familiar with the ingredients other than aloe and honey. If you are allergic to any components in the recipe, it is contraindicated to take it. Even the safest method of treatment must be agreed upon with a doctor to eliminate the risk of complications. If the patient has a burdened clinical history, it is recommended to undergo additional examination and consultation with specialized specialists.

Recipe No. 1

Before you prepare aloe with honey for the stomach, you need to properly prepare aloe juice. For preparation you will need honey (about 100 g), aloe leaves (about 100 g), purified drinking water (about 50 ml). It is better to choose mature leaves growing on the lower part of the plant trunk. The leaves are washed, cut into large pieces, placed in a glass jar and soaked in water. The jar with the composition must be placed in a dark place for 5 days. At the end of the period, squeeze out aloe juice through gauze and combine with honey. The composition is consumed one hour before meals. After eating you should eat some butter.

Recipe No. 2

To eliminate constipation due to gastrointestinal diseases or hemorrhoids, you can try the following recipe. To prepare, you will need to squeeze aloe juice (from 500 grams of leaves), combine the juice with red wine (preferably Cahors about 500 ml) and honey (up to 0.5 kg). The entire composition must be placed in a large bottle or glass jar with an airtight lid and left in a dark place for 6-7 days. After preparing the infusion, you need to take it ¼ cup before meals. It is recommended to drink the infusion with a large amount of rosehip decoction or plain water.

Recipe No. 3

An effective recipe against stomach ulcers is the following:

  • honey of any kind (about 500 g);
  • aloe leaves (up to 500 g);
  • alcohol 96% (about 100 ml).

Aloe leaves are cut into large pieces, which are mixed with alcohol and honey, and then left for 2 weeks. The finished product is filtered through cheesecloth, squeezing the remaining juice from the leaves. The pure product is poured into a clean tinted glass bottle. Taking the drug requires compliance with the dosage. The product should be consumed 1 tbsp. spoon 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break of 10 days. Before drinking aloe with honey and alcohol, you should consult your doctor.

Recipe No. 4

Combine agave with honey for the stomach in equal proportions and take 1 teaspoon before each meal. The recipe is quite simple, suitable for business people.

Recipe No. 5

Mix aloe and plantain juice, bring to a boil in an enamel pan and leave until the concentrated mixture cools. The composition is additionally heated again and infused in a thermos for about 3 hours. Add honey to the cooled mixture and mix thoroughly. Take 2-3 tablespoons before each meal. You need to prepare a little, as the composition is stored in the refrigerator for about 14 days.

Recipe No. 6

To treat chronic gastritis and prevent exacerbations, this recipe is prepared. It is necessary to combine 200 grams of fresh honey, aloe juice and carrot juice in approximately equal proportions. It is better to take carrots from fresh harvested households. This composition is drunk for a long time, about a month. If necessary, the duration of the course can be unlimited.

Recipe No. 7

To make the recipe, you need to mix aloe juice (about 0.25 ml), vodka (0.25 ml), fresh honey (0.25 ml). The composition is poured into an enamel container and infused in a cool place for about 2 months. Drink the tincture 1-2 times a day before meals in the morning. If necessary, you can pre-mix the composition with warm water.

Recipe No. 8

Agave with honey for the stomach helps with digestive disorders. To prepare the recipe you will need linden honey (up to 100 ml) and a glass of Cahors. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and infused for about 5 days. After preparation, the mixture can be drunk 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container.

Recipe No. 9

Important! Recipes containing alcohol components may not be suitable for people with severe forms of gastrointestinal diseases, renal or liver failure, mental disorders, or pregnancy. The balance of risks and expected benefits is always agreed only with the attending physician.

Main contraindications

Treatment of aloe with honey may not be suitable for all patients with gastric or intestinal ulcers. The main contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions of any origin;
  • hypersensitivity to ingredients;
  • the presence of tumors or polyps of any location (benign, oncogenic);
  • arterial hypertension, especially difficult to correct;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • early childhood;
  • burdened clinical history of other organs or systems;
  • internal bleeding.

Important! Only a doctor can objectively assess the patient’s somatic status based on test data and instrumental studies. Self-preparing and using traditional medicine recipes with aloe and honey can be ineffective at best, and even harmful to health at worst.

If difficulties arise when preparing aloe leaves for subsequent use, as well as in the absence of herbal medicine skills, it is better to resort to alternative methods of correcting your own health. The pharmaceutical market today produces ready-made aloe juice, industrially extracted to simplify preparation and use.

Preparation of honey, aloe for stomach treatment:

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?


Porridge joined people's diets many centuries ago. Historians discovered the first mention of dishes made from boiled barley in ancient Rome. In Rus', porridges made from oats and wheat were popular. Being a source of energy, cereals gave the poor person a quick feeling of fullness without requiring large material costs. Rich people also did not deny themselves the pleasure of eating different types of cereals. They were ground, added to various gourmet dishes, and eaten with meat or fruit.

The most healthy cereals according to nutritionists

Manufacturers offer a huge selection of different cereals, from which housewives prepare delicious porridges. But are they all useful? Experts consider cereals from the point of view of their content of nutrients, calorie content, and benefits for digestion. How to choose the ideal cereal, and which porridge is the healthiest?

Nutrition experts identify the seven healthiest grains. Dishes made from them are easily absorbed by the body, saturate it with energy, nutrients, and fiber necessary for digestion.


This type of cereal is considered the undoubted leader among various cereals. It is obtained by processing oats. The coarser the grind of oatmeal, the healthier the porridge turns out. Doctors and nutritionists love oatmeal for its unsurpassed properties.

  • Oat fiber is rich in fiber, which works as a “cleaner” for the body. Coarsely ground oatmeal helps eliminate accumulated toxins and improves digestion;
  • Oats are rich in minerals necessary for normal life;
  • It also has enveloping properties, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the stomach. Oat porridge is especially recommended for people suffering from gastritis or ulcers.

Oatmeal cooked in water is considered the healthiest. Preference should be given to ordinary rolled oats. Unlike instant oats, it is not chemically processed.


A distinctive feature of buckwheat is its minimal calorie content while maintaining high nutritional properties. Buckwheat porridge has long been taken note of by fans of various diets, and for good reason. In addition to nutritional value, buckwheat has many beneficial properties.

  • Cereals contain a large amount of vegetable protein, which is an excellent complement or substitute for animal proteins;
  • Buckwheat is rich in iron and magnesium. It is often prescribed as an adjuvant for anemia, disorders of the heart or blood vessels;
  • Buckwheat porridge is an ideal food for patients with diabetes. This cereal has a minimal glycemic index. When consumed, it does not cause sudden spikes in sugar levels, helping to maintain normal natural insulin levels.

The most useful is the unusual buckwheat porridge, when the cereal is simply poured with water or kefir. Swollen grains retain the maximum amount of nutrients that are lost if the cereal is cooked.


It is the result of processing the oldest grain - millet. Millet porridge contains carbohydrates that take a long time to digest. Due to this, people who consume this product feel full for a long time. Along with quick saturation, millet is rich in elements necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the entire body.

  • A large amount of fiber intensively cleanses the intestines, relieving constipation and removing accumulated toxins from the body;
  • Microelements in millet stimulate blood circulation, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques and the development of atherosclerosis.

Due to the high level of polysaccharides, millet porridge is not recommended for people with diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

Pearl barley

It makes the cheapest, but the most nutritious and very healthy porridge. Many people underestimate its benefits; most people associate pearl barley with the army or kindergarten. They give it there for a reason. In ancient times, pearl barley porridge formed the basis of the diet of warriors. It quickly saturates the body, gives strength and endurance.

  • Since pearl barley is a product of barley processing, it contains a lot of protein and fiber. It stimulates peristalsis, improving the process of food digestion;
  • Pearl barley is rich in phosphorus, which is necessary for active brain function;
  • Potassium helps the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Nowadays, pearl barley porridge has significantly lost its popularity. This is due to the long preparation of pearl barley dishes. To cook delicious pearl barley porridge, use a little trick: soak the barley overnight before cooking. This way it will cook much faster.

Corn grits

Corn porridge is a rare guest on the table, but it is simply necessary to eat it. Corn grits are especially useful for people who want to get rid of extra pounds. Corn grains contain a lot of carbohydrates, which take a long time to break down. The porridge itself is very filling, it is simply impossible to eat a lot of it. At the same time, a small portion eliminates the feeling of hunger for about four hours.

  • Corn porridge is a great way to preserve female beauty. It contains vitamins A, E, PP. Their high content helps maintain youthful skin, a thin waist, and good mood;
  • Corn grits are indicated for people with heart disease. Microelements contained in grains reduce the level of bad cholesterol.

Experts recommend cooking corn porridge only in water. According to most people, after cooking the porridge has an unappetizing appearance and looks like yellow glue. To add flavor, use various additions: apples, nuts, dried fruits. They give the dish an unusual taste and saturate it with additional benefits.


Rice cereal has been the staple food of Eastern peoples for many centuries. There are several varieties of rice. The most useful is brown, unrefined rice. Being a natural adsorbent, rice has the ability to attract and remove excess moisture, toxins, and waste from the body.

  • Unpolished brown rice contains a huge amount of plant protein, which gives strength. Vegetarians are happy to replace meat dishes with this porridge;
  • White refined rice is not as healthy as other varieties. However, its use also has a good effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, and pancreas.

When choosing rice for cooking, pay attention to the main feature: the more refined the grain is, the more quickly digestible carbohydrates it contains and, as a result, the porridge is more nutritious.


Unpretentious to grow, amazing in nutritional properties and benefits, cereals were mentioned in Russian folk tales. Over time, wheat replaced it from the diet. Now producers and consumers have again paid attention to the undeservedly forgotten storehouse of protein, vitamins, amino acids, and microelements - spelt.

  • Spelled is a low-calorie product. It contains a lot of carbohydrates, protein and very little fat. Spelled porridge is excellent for feeding people who regularly exercise;
  • Gluten gives the dish a viscous consistency and contains 18 essential amino acids;
  • Spelled stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes sugar levels, and strengthens the immune system. Finely ground spelled porridge is especially useful for young children and the elderly.

Spelled is also good because all the substances in it are balanced. They are completely absorbed by the body without causing allergic reactions. Spelled can be found on the shelves under other names: emmer, emmer, kammut, spelled. These are all different names for the same cereal.

How to cook porridge correctly

The benefits of the dish depend not only on the composition of the cereal, but also on the method of its preparation. Any healthy cereal can be spoiled, resulting in a product that can harm the body.

  1. Choose cereals that have undergone the least heat treatment. The healthiest porridge is made from coarsely ground cereal, in which particles of the grain shell remain. It is under it that most of the necessary substances are contained;
  2. Cook porridge in water. Many cereals completely lose their properties when consumed with animal fats: milk or butter. For example, oatmeal cooked with milk loses its ability to bind cholesterol;
  3. Use healthy supplements. Season the porridge with fruits, nuts, berries, and dried fruits. Such additives do not increase calorie content, adding benefits to the dish and improving its taste.

Porridges that should not be eaten often

Along with healthy ones, there are so-called “harmful” cereals, the consumption of which brings nothing to the body except extra calories.

Nutritionists give first place to the popular semolina porridge. It is a product of wheat processing, but most of its composition is starch. It causes allergic reactions, contains a lot of calories, and inhibits intestinal function. Almost the entire volume of semolina porridge eaten turns into fat, so it can be consumed extremely rarely.

The second most harmful is rice porridge, made from white polished rice with the addition of milk. If such a rice kulesh is generously sprinkled with sugar, then after digestion only extra calories will remain in the body.

Experts also advise refraining from eating instant oatmeal. The bulk of the beneficial components of oats are contained in the shell. There is no grain fiber inside a bag of instant porridge, but there is a lot of sugar, flavoring and food additives.

When you decide to cook healthy porridge, choose cereals that you like to taste and contain many microelements. According to nutritionists, regular consumption of cereals preserves the health of the digestive system, stomach, and intestines for a long time, gives vigor and vitality.

Mothers, trying to feed their children porridge, talk about its amazing benefits. But is it? Let's try to find out everything about porridge: benefits and harms, what prevails?

Useful properties of cereals

Are porridges healthy? The answer to this question will be positive, because cereals are made from grain crops known for their benefits. It is not for nothing that in Rus' porridge was a symbol of wealth and family prosperity.

Porridges have many beneficial properties:

  • quickly saturate the body, as they are characterized by a high content of fiber, vitamins, vegetable protein and “slow carbohydrates”;
  • at the same time, the calorie content of porridges is low if you do not eat them with butter and sugar;
  • charge the body with the necessary energy;
  • restore the functioning of the digestive system;
  • naturally cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • make the skin elastic;
  • reduce the risk of carcinogenic formations by 20%.

The properties of porridges are influenced by the type of cereal and the method of its preparation. Depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the porridge, it can be viscous or crumbly.

What cereals are best to eat?

Let's try to find out which cereals are healthy?

Refined and unrefined grains are used to prepare porridges. But since all the useful substances are in the shell, the cereal freed from it loses all the necessary substances. If the cereal is also highly crushed, then it can only supply unnecessary calories to the body. The most purified and ground grain is semolina.

Nutritionists say that porridge with milk is better absorbed than porridge cooked with water. But you need to take skim milk so as not to add extra calories.

To make porridge healthier, sugar is replaced with honey, fruits and berries.

Porridge for gastritis is the basis of dietary nutrition. A proper diet improves the digestive process in people suffering from gastric diseases. Let's consider cereals used in the diet of patients with chronic gastritis.

Cereals have a beneficial effect on digestion:

  1. provide the body with energy through carbohydrates;
  2. saturate with vitamins and minerals;
  3. provide vegetable proteins;
  4. improve stomach function through fiber.

Patients with gastritis with low acidity are allowed to eat millet. Millet and pumpkin porridge will be useful.

Rice cereal

Rice porridge is gentle; when cooking the dish, mucus forms. For acute gastritis, it is recommended to cook grated rice. Rice water, like a similar liquid milk porridge, is recommended for patients with low acidity, in addition - as a fixative for diarrhea.

White rice groats are carefully processed; the top layer is removed from the grains. Cleaning makes digestion easier and does not damage the inner walls of the stomach. Rice is contraindicated for constipation and diabetes.

Barley porridge

Barley porridge for gastritis is included in the diet and coats the walls of the stomach well. In order for cereals to be beneficial, the following constant rules are followed when cooking:

  1. The dish is cooked in water, milk is added after cooking.
  2. The porridge should have a liquid consistency.
  3. The dish is eaten warm.
  4. Cereals can be eaten as medicine before meals in small portions.


Buckwheat porridge is valuable for its protein content. Cereals are used as a general tonic. For gastritis, liquid milk soups are cooked from buckwheat. The cereal lowers stomach acid and is indicated for patients with high acidity.

Wheat porridge for gastritis

  • Due to its phosphorus content, cereal restores teeth.
  • eliminates skin rashes that appear in the acute phase of the disease.
  • Millet is a high-calorie product that restores physical fitness even in seriously ill patients.

The dish is cooked until fully cooked. Hard grains are difficult to digest and injure the vulnerable walls of the stomach. If the water has boiled away but the cereal is not cooked, add liquid and monitor the cooking.

Corn grits

Corn porridge is harmful to patients with gastritis and ulcers. In order not to aggravate the situation, the dish is boiled and consumed in a semi-liquid state. Coarse corn is pre-ground in a coffee grinder or blender.

Hercules cereal

Hercules, or oatmeal, is processed oat grains. Oatmeal of a liquid consistency with the addition of milk is a dietary dish for people with gastrointestinal diseases.

The diet of a patient with stomach diseases is limited; this does not apply to oatmeal: the dish is served as a side dish or dessert. In the latter case, the porridge is mixed with dried fruits, honey or jam.

The preparation of the dish depends on the course of the disease and individual characteristics. For patients with digestive difficulties, this is a food and medicine that relieves the inflammatory response. The enveloping property of the product regulates the secretory function of the stomach. Being an absorbent, oatmeal removes harmful substances from the body.

If you consume the dish in the morning, you will forget about heaviness in the stomach and constipation for the whole day. Oatmeal improves digestion during flatulence, cramps and other symptoms of gastritis.

Who is contraindicated in oatmeal?

In order for oatmeal to be beneficial, the dish is boiled in water. This rule especially applies to patients diagnosed with acute gastritis. With this pathology, milk is welcome, but not all patients tolerate it. This means that milk or low-fat yogurt is added to the dish after cooking.

How to choose oatmeal

Cereals should be made from whole grains or high-quality flakes. The flakes are boiled for a quarter of an hour. Before preparing the dish, it is important to consider the rules:

  1. The porridge is cooked to a liquid consistency.
  2. The dish is consumed warm.
  3. It is better not to add salt to oatmeal. After cooking, you can add fresh oil.
  4. The dish is cooked in water.
  5. Oatmeal and rice porridge can be consumed as dessert. Add honey and dates. Raisins or dried apricots will add flavor; raisins can only be added to the dish if the acidity is low. Before adding dried fruits to the porridge, they are soaked in water. Add dried fruits a few minutes before the dish is ready.
  6. Fresh apples, raspberries, and currants are added to the dish at zero acidity. It is better to refuse the supplement. Before adding fruits to a dish, it is recommended to bake them in the oven or steam them. The note applies to peaches, apples, and strawberries. It is better to forget about plums and pears for stomach diseases: fruits are difficult to digest.
  7. It is also advisable not to consume store-bought candied fruits, since the products contain sugar and acids.
  8. It is not recommended to combine porridge with nuts; the kernels are difficult to digest.
  9. Dried figs have seeds that are difficult for the stomach to handle. It is better to refuse dried fruit.

The gastroenterologist explained why porridges made from different cereals are beneficial.

By regularly consuming this porridge, you can get rid of gastrointestinal diseases. It gives you a lot of energy, so you will be energetic all day long. It contains a quarter of the daily requirement of fiber, and three-quarters of a glass of dry oatmeal flakes covers the daily requirement for this element. Oats also contain an enzyme that promotes the absorption of fat in the intestines. The mucus from oatmeal that forms during cooking is very useful. This liquid washes out all microbes and toxins from the stomach and coats the intestinal and stomach mucosa.

Vitamins: Oatmeal is distinguished by a high content of biotin - vitamin H, an active participant in the metabolism of cholesterol, amino acids and proteins. Vitamin H improves human well-being and skin condition.

Caution: Phytic acid, which is contained in oatmeal, inhibits the absorption of calcium in the intestines. In addition, oatmeal leaches calcium from the bones and prevents it from being absorbed in the intestines.

How to cook: Take 3-4 tablespoons of oatmeal, cream, herbs and sugar to taste. Add the flakes to slightly salted water, bring to a boil and add finely chopped herbs. When the cereal becomes soft, the porridge is poured into a heated plate. Then add heavy cream and sprinkle with sugar.

Rice porridge helps with digestive diseases and diarrhea. It contains a lot of carbohydrates and the most useful substance - fiber. The nutritional properties of rice differ slightly depending on its type: brown and parboiled rice contain more micronutrients than white rice. Rice porridge strengthens the nervous system and converts nutrients into energy. And recently, Japanese scientists found that rice is not only good for health, but also increases intelligence.

Vitamins: Of all cereals, rice ranks first in terms of high-quality starch content - 77.3% and the biological value of protein. This cereal is an important source of thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3) and vitamin B6.

Caution: Do not eat rice if you have colic. In addition, rice contains a large amount of carbohydrates and starch, which in excess contribute to the formation of fat.

How to prepare: Soak 50 grams of raisins in water for 30 minutes. Boil 160 grams of prunes in water with sugar. Drain the broth, strain, add water and bring to a boil. Add salt, add 300 g of rice and cook the porridge until tender. Add prunes, raisins, honey to the porridge and stir.

Pearl barley

Although pearl barley porridge contains much fewer vitamins than, for example, oats, it helps improve digestion and gives strength and energy to the body. In addition, cereals are useful for intestinal diseases accompanied by frequent constipation.

Vitamins: Pearl barley contains B vitamins (like all cereals), fiber, and vegetable protein.

Caution: When the porridge cools, it loses its taste and is less digestible. Nutritionists do not recommend barley porridge for young children.

How to prepare: Pour washed cereal into boiling water and cook until half cooked. Pour in 400 g of milk, mix and bring to readiness in the oven. 100 g of smoked loin is cut into small cubes and fried. When serving, the porridge is poured with fat and cracklings. Cold milk is served separately.

If your cardiovascular system suffers, then this porridge will be very useful. Nutritionists advise including millet in soups.

Vitamins: Contains proteins, niacin, copper, manganese and zinc.

Caution: Millet contains a very large amount of fat, so the grain can become rancid during long-term storage, so before cooking it must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water or soaked in cold water for a while to remove the unpleasant taste.

How to cook: Millet is poured into boiling salted water and cooked, stirring occasionally, at a low boil for 5-6 minutes. Then the water is drained so that the cereal and water occupy a volume 2.5 times larger than the dry cereal taken for cooking. Cover the dish with a lid and finish cooking in the oven.


People call this brown cereal a mini-pharmacy, because it saves the body from intoxication and poisoning. It removes harmful toxins and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This miracle cereal also helps with metabolic disorders - obesity, diabetes. Porridge increases potency, promotes the healing of gastrointestinal ulcers, and is recommended for diseases of the pancreas.

Vitamins: On average, buckwheat contains 14% proteins, 67% starch, more than 3% fats, rich in vitamins B1, B2, B6, PP, minerals - phosphorus, potassium, manganese, calcium, iron, magnesium.

Caution: Porridge makes digestion difficult for very young children.

How to cook: Pour the toasted cereal into boiling salted water and cook. You should take 5-6% more water than for porridge made from raw cereals. Porridge made from toasted cereals cooks faster. To ensure that the porridge is crumbly after cooking, it is loosened with a fork. The crusts that form on the surface and walls of the dish can be steamed in twice the amount of water (based on the weight of the crusts) and mixed with the porridge.

Wheat and rye bran

Bran is usually called the residue from grinding flour. Interestingly, they contain all the healing power of the grain. Bran not only promotes digestion, but also removes harmful heavy metals, radionuclides and substances from the body. Despite their coarse grinding, they are easily absorbed by the body and perfectly cleanse the intestines. Bran is also useful for obese people prone to obesity; it swells in the stomach and gives a feeling of fullness.

Vitamins: Bran contains a large amount of B vitamins and mineral salts (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron). The presence of a large amount of fiber in bran is especially important. .

Caution: You should not give bran to small children, because its coarse grinding can complicate digestion. For a number of diseases, for example, during exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, they are contraindicated.

How to prepare: Add apples, eggs, and xylitol (sorbitol) cut into small slices to the pureed cottage cheese. From the dough, as for making pies, flat cakes are formed, placed on a greased baking sheet, stuffed with minced meat and brushed with a raw egg on top. Bake in the oven at high temperature.

Vitamins: Contains the substance phytin, which contains phosphorus. This element binds calcium salts and prevents them from entering the blood.

Caution: Children should not be overfed with porridge, because in babies it reduces the absorption of vitamin D and iron. In addition, like all cereals, it contains gluten protein - gluten, which leads to an excess of carbohydrates in the body.

How to prepare: Quickly pour the entire amount of cereal into boiling water or milk and stir thoroughly to prevent lumps from forming. Bring water or milk to a boil, add salt. And if you are preparing milk porridge, add sugar, stir until it is completely dissolved, then add the cereal, reducing the heat, and cook for 15 - 20 minutes. while stirring.