Rose kent ground cover. Planting and caring for a rose bush Princess Alexandra Groundcover rose variety ‘Swany’

Hint for assessing rose variety (click to see)

Decorative flowering and flower beauty

This is a complex, purely subjective assessment, reflecting exclusively the personal preferences of the rose gardener. After all, both a lush, densely doubled beauty and a simple, modest one with five leaves can “get you hooked” and “make you fall in love with yourself.” The assessment includes the general attitude towards the color of the rose, the composition and quality of the flower, the abundance and continuity of flowering.
★ very low. Completely dissatisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of flowering (looseness, inconspicuousness, weak, rapid flowering)
★★ low. Not satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering (the flower is not impressive, there are few of them, the flowering duration is normal)
★★★ average. Satisfied with the appearance of the flower and the nature of the flowering, but expected more, although the flower and flowering are normal
★★★★ high. I like both the flower and the bloom. The flower is interesting, flowering in abundance and duration corresponds to the species
★★★★★ very high. Delight from a flower and blooming, beautiful, abundant, long


★ no or barely perceptible aroma of freshness
★★ weak light, thin, barely perceptible
★★★ average, moderate, with different notes
★★★★ strong, intense, with certain notes
★★★★★ very strong, outstanding, with a complex aroma that can be heard from a distance

Resistance to diseases (various spots, powdery mildew, rust, etc.)

★ very low (constantly sick, despite preventive measures)
★★ low (gets sick only in unfavorable summers, prevention does not help)
★★★ average (it only gets sick when there is a massive disease of all plants in a very unfavorable summer, prevention and treatment help)
★★★★ high (if observed initial signs diseases, then everything went away with prevention and treatment)
★★★★★ very high (no diseases observed)

Winter hardiness

★ very low (requires strong shelter, but can freeze despite a favorable winter without recovery)
★★ low (requires proper winter shelter, optimal conditions, but may freeze in unfavorable winters)
★★★ average (overwinters well, but requires proper winter protection, recovers when frozen)
★★★★ high (overwinters well, with virtually no losses under winter protection appropriate for the region)
★★★★★ very high (overwinters without or under light shelter, without losses)

Rain resistance

★ very low (the decorative effect is completely lost, the buds rot, the flower falls off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorative effect, the buds slightly rot, the flower quickly falls off)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds and open flowers deteriorate a little or wither)
★★★★ high (slightly reacts, for example, hemp appears, without loss of decorativeness)
★★★★★ very high (does not respond to rain)

Sun resistance

★ very low (complete loss of decorativeness, buds and flowers bake and fall off)
★★ low (partial loss of decorativeness, edges of buds and flowers are baked, color is lost)
★★★ average (slight loss of decorativeness, buds are intact, edges of open flowers are baked, color may change uncritically)
★★★★ high (no effect on decorative effect, flowering without loss, color does not change)
★★★★★ very high (no effect on decorative effect, on the contrary, the color will improve, the abundance of flowering will increase)

Foliage and bush shape

★ unattractive foliage and bush shape
★★ low attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★ average attractiveness of foliage and bush shape
★★★★ tall attractive foliage and bush shape
★★★★★ very high foliage attractiveness and bush shape

Rose Princess Alexandra of Kent was created in 2007 by the English gardener and rose breeder David Austin. The rose Princess Alexandra of kent was named in honor of Elizabeth II's cousin, Princess Alexandra. Kentish beauty grows in the southern territories, in middle lane and even in Siberia. The rose is not very whimsical, and it is not difficult to care for it. In the article we will give a description of the flower and rules for care.

Description of the rose Princess Alexandra

The beautiful creation of David Austin grows into a large graceful bush 90-100 cm high and up to 60 cm wide. The rose flowers are large, cup-shaped, growing one at a time or in inflorescences, slightly tilting the thin stems. They have a pink color with a pearlescent sheen. The outer petals are lighter, approaching the middle, they become brighter and more saturated, which is why the bud seems to glow.

A blooming English rose flower has up to 100 petals. The dark green leaves, due to their glossy effect, further accentuate the large, 12 cm in diameter, double flowering cups of the Alexandra rose.

The plant delights with its fresh, pleasant tea aroma, which acquires lemon notes when the bud begins to bloom, and smells like black currant when it finishes flowering.

Due to its size, the Alexandra rose variety looks great if planted from 3 or more bushes, thereby balancing the number of branches and flowers.

Planting and caring for a rose bush Princess Alexandra

Before you start planting an Austin rose, given that the flower does not tolerate transplantation, you should decide on a permanent place of growth. The plant likes the sun, but it must burn the petals, which can damage them. The place must be chosen so that the roses are accepted in the morning and evening sunlight, and during the hottest time of the day they were in the shade. Therefore, a temperate climate is preferable for growing Alexandra of Kent roses.

The growing area should be open, well ventilated, but protected from drafts. It is recommended to plant the plant on a hill to avoid stagnation of water, which the flower does not tolerate well.

Soil for planting kent rose must be nutritious and fertile. It should allow air to pass through and not retain excess water, and also be slightly acidic. Good option– black soil or loamy soil. If the soil fertility level is low, you can fertilize it.

An important condition when choosing a place to grow roses is that groundwater did not rise closer than 1-1.5 meters to the ground surface. If the acidity of the soil is low, you need to add peat to it; dilute excessively acidic soil with lime or wood ash.

Planting a rose is carried out as follows:

  • a hole is dug no less than 70 cm deep;
  • to avoid stagnation of water, drainage is poured onto the bottom of the hole;
  • a layer of humus or compost is added;
  • poured loose garden soil, forming a slide;
  • a seedling is lowered into the hole. The roots should be placed along the entire slope of the earthen hill;
  • the hole is filled up so that the neck of the root drops 3 cm deep;
  • the soil around the bush is compacted and watered.

Before planting, it is recommended to treat the roots with a growth accelerator or dip them in a clay mash. Dried or damaged ones need to be cut off.

In the first year of growth in a new location, the plant should be allowed to bloom to ensure better supply. nutrients into the roots, for their more active growth. Therefore, the buds must be cut off, leaving 1-2 flowers only in August. After flowering, they will produce seeds, which helps strengthen the plant and prepare for winter. Austin roses form a strong root system and grow 1.5 m long, which is why the bushes do not tolerate transplantation well.

flowering bush Princess Alexandra of Kent roses require constant nutrition. Therefore, before planting, the soil must be fertilized. In spring, to promote faster growth, the flower is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. As soon as flowering begins, it is fertilized with potassium-phosphorus nutrients. To prevent burning of the roots, fertilizers must be diluted with water and poured under the bush, avoiding getting on the flowers and foliage, after watering.

The next day after fertilizing, the soil should be carefully loosened. Instead of chemical fertilizers you can use natural ones in the form of humus or a solution from horse manure.

English rose does not require frequent watering, but in the absence of rain for a long time it is recommended to water it warm water twice a week. You need to pour at least 10 liters under the bush without getting on the leaves. Mandatory conditions for caring for the flower are loosening the soil and removing weeds, which mulching helps with.

With the arrival of winter, the rose bush is covered with earth. You can mix it with compost or humus. Spruce branches are laid under the bush and on the laid stems. They begin covering when the temperature drops to -7 degrees. For complete coverage, a frame is constructed and a special covering material or film is stretched over it. As frost intensifies, the plant becomes completely covered.

Pruning and propagation of roses Princess Alexandra of kent

Princess Alexandra of Kent roses are repeat-blooming plants, so they need to be pruned several times a year. Reasons for circumcision:

  1. The first circumcision occurs in the spring. The stems are pruned into 2-3 buds, which promotes rejuvenation for mature bushes and stimulates the growth of young roses. Spring pruning is also necessary for correct formation bush.
  2. Summer pruning is necessary to remove wilted or dried flowers and get rid of damaged shoots.
  3. In autumn, excess, immature or damaged branches are pruned. The rest are shortened a little.

Pruning also helps protect the plant from various diseases and fungal infections.

The best way for propagation of princess roses - cuttings. The stems for seedlings are cut after the first flowering of the plant. The cuttings are placed in a root growth stimulator for 24 hours, then rooted in the ground. With this propagation, all the qualities characterizing the Alexandra rose variety are preserved.

Rose Princess Alexandra:

In the June extravaganza of flowering, ground cover roses have no equal when they frantically weave their multi-colored dense carpets and spread them across the ground. Thousands of white, pink, yellow, red, often fragrant, double flowers adorn the creeping or cascading shoots, turning the luxury of carpet masterpieces into a fairy-tale vision.

Recently, the demand for ground cover roses of a new generation, the flowering of which begins in early June and continues until the fall, has especially increased.

At the peak of popularity among them are low, spreading roses with flexible shoots covered with shiny leaves.

Ground cover roses are especially desirable in the south, in southern dachas, where summer residents have allocated places for them to decorate low retaining walls, strengthen slopes, in rock gardens, on lawns, and containers; They were grafted onto trunks, resulting in beautiful pink trees with flower cascades, and flower borders and hedges were made from them.

How did it all begin?

The development of ground cover roses began in the 19th century. from rose Vihura ( Rosa wichuraiana), which produced shoots 6 m long. It was she who was first used as ground cover plant. A long time ago, some garden designers learned to pin shoots of the climbing rose variety ‘New Dawn’ to the soil, which we recently talked about on the site and which Vera Tyukaeva grows in Biysk, turning it into a groundcover.

Much time has passed since then, and rose breeders have bred true ground cover roses, separating them into a separate garden group, which is still developing. And every year new varieties of these varieties appear on the domestic and world flower markets. beautiful roses, who in the near future will weave their carpets in many dachas.

What types of ground cover roses are there?

If you look closely at ground cover roses, you will see that they differ from each other not only in color, double size, single or collected in inflorescences, small or large, with or without fragrant flowers, but also in how tall their bushes are and how long their shoots are. Among them there are low roses, from 35 to 70 cm, but their horizontal shoots seem to crawl along the ground for 3-5 m; sometimes they even take root. Others are taller: from 90 cm to 1.5 m, but their shoots are not long and not creeping, but arched, drooping. The width of the last roses is greater than the height. In the West they are called landscape or landscape and are often used to create high borders.

Advantages of ground cover roses

  • strong growth during the growing season and rooting of creeping shoots, giving a dense green covering, decorated with flowers of different colors during the flowering period;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • resistance to diseases and pests;
  • do not require annual specialized pruning;
  • from the age of 2 they suppress the development of weeds;
  • easily propagated by cuttings and layering.

Weaknesses of ground cover roses

Most varieties are winter-hardy southern regions, but in central Russia and to the north they need shelter, since the shoots growing until autumn do not have time to ripen and they are vulnerable to frost. Often such shoots freeze in the shelter in winter, rot, and are affected by fungal diseases, so in October, after the first frost, roses are cut to 20-25 cm and unripe shoots are removed. The base of the roses is hilled to a height of 10-15 cm, then, with the onset of stable cold weather, the shoots of ground cover roses are tied and laid on polystyrene foam, spruce branches, covering the top with spruce branches and roofing material.

This is important

  • In order to choose the right place in the country for planting a ground cover rose, you need to know its “adult parameters”, since a denser planting will stimulate the plants to grow upward, and a very sparse planting will not produce a dense carpet.
  • Pruning ground cover roses involves removing old, dead, weak and very thin shoots in the spring. The remaining shoots are shortened by 1/3.

Accommodation at the dacha

Ground cover roses are good in single and group plantings. They look beautiful in flower beds, in mixed borders, in combination with sages, cornflowers, foxgloves and other perennials. They are luxurious on the terraces of a multi-level plot. The most magnificent of these is the flowering border that demarcates the garden zones. In rockeries, low ground cover roses with small flowers are harmonious. They are incredibly beautiful on the trunks.

Ground cover rose variety ‘Akhtiar’

An exquisite snow-white variety created by Zinaida Konstantinovna Klimenko in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden (Yalta, Crimea) in 2003. The bush is powerful, from 70 cm to 1.2 m in height, with arched shoots. The leaves are dark green and shiny. The flowers are white, cup-shaped, large, more than 10 cm in diameter, double, collected in inflorescences, 5-6 cm long, with a strong aroma. Flowering once, very abundant. Suitable for solitary (single) and group plantings, borders, beautifully flowering hedges and trunks.

Ground cover rose variety ‘Ballerina’

Extraordinary beautiful variety, deservedly received the title of “Best Classic Scrub” at the AARS Rose Competition in the USA in 1998-2001. The bush is 70-90 cm high and up to 1.2 m wide. The leaves are dark green and small. The flowers are pink with a white center, non-double (5-8 petals), 4-5 cm in diameter, with a light aroma and notes of musk; collected in large inflorescences bearing up to 40-50 flowers; bloom from June to November. Advantages of the variety: frost-resistant, shade-tolerant, tolerates hot summers, moderately resistant to diseases. Fitting density: 3 pcs. per 1 sq. m.

Ground cover rose variety ‘Bonica’

A beautiful, delicate variety that can be sold under the names Rosa ‘Bonica 82’, Rosa ‘Meidonomac’. The bush is spreading, powerful, 85 cm high and up to 1.1 m wide. The leaves are dark green and small. The flowers are pink, double, medium, up to 7 cm in diameter, without aroma, collected in small inflorescences. Flowering is abundant, long-lasting, the first wave is the strongest, the second wave is weaker, a burst of flowering is possible at the beginning of autumn. Suitable for groups, wide flower borders, decoration of borders, containers, good for cutting for low vases. Disadvantages of the variety: pink flowers quickly fade in the sun to white. In humid climates and in autumn it is affected by black spot. Planting density: 5-6 pcs. per 1 sq. m.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Concerto’

An amazingly beautiful variety with flowers of a rare light apricot color, created by the French company Meilland in 1995. Bush up to 1 m high, densely leafy. The leaves are green and disease resistant. The flowers are double, collected in inflorescences of up to 15 flowers. Flowering is very abundant.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Fair Play’

A luxurious variety created by Interplant in 1977. The bush is spreading, up to 1 m high, up to 2 m wide. The leaves are dark green, large, shiny. The flowers are pink, semi-double, consisting of 15-18 petals, up to 5 cm in diameter; collected in large inflorescences consisting of large quantity flowers (up to 50), fragrant. Flowering is abundant and can be repeated until frost. Suitable for terraced slopes, flowering borders, for planting in mixborders, trunks. Advantages of the variety: winter-hardy, disease-resistant. Fitting density: 3 pcs. per 1 sq. m.

Ground cover rose variety ‘Ferdy’

Beautiful Japanese variety, which has several names. In addition to the first priority, it can be found on sale as Rosa ‘Ferdi’, Rosa ‘Keitoly’. The variety was created in 1984. The bush is 80 cm high and 1.2 m wide. The leaves are green, not shiny, very small. The flowers are bright pink, semi-double, 2.5-4 cm in diameter, without fragrance, collected in inflorescences. The first flowering is very abundant, blooming from summer to autumn. Used for tapeworms, in groups, on boles, in high borders. Despite the fact that the English reference literature for this variety gives a winter minimum of 15 ° C, summer residents note that it winters well in the conditions of the Moscow region with light shelter.

Ground cover rose variety ‘Fiona’

Nominal rose variety bearing female name– Fiona (“reflecting on God”), created in Germany by Kordes in 1976, so it can be sold under the name Rosa ‘Meibeluxen’. The bush is powerful, 80 cm high and 1.2 m wide, with arched shoots. The leaves are dark green and shiny. The flowers are bright pink, 6 cm in diameter, double, slightly fragrant, collected in large inflorescences. Flowering is abundant and long-lasting from June to November (Southern coast of Crimea). The variety is winter-hardy and very disease resistant.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Fleurette’

Nominal variety, the name of which is translated from French means " flower". Created by Interplant in 1977. Bush up to 90-100 cm high. Leaves are dark green, shiny. The flowers are pink, with a white center, open, semi-double, with a faint aroma. Flowering is very abundant and long-lasting, on the southern coast of Crimea from June to January.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Immensee’

An excellent variety created in Germany by Kordes in 1982. On sale it can be found under the following names: Rosa ‘Grouse’, Rosa ‘Korimro’, Rosa ‘Lac Rose’. The bush is 60 cm high and up to 3 m wide. The leaves are dark green and shiny. The flowers are light pink, 4 cm in diameter, simple, collected in inflorescences, fragrant. Blooms until autumn frosts. Resistant to diseases. Good for tree trunks, suitable for decorating slopes and creating borders.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Kent’

An aristocratic white variety, created in 1988. It can be sold on sale under the names Rose ‘Poulcov’, Rosa ‘Pyrenees’, Rosa ‘White Cover’. The bush is 45 cm high and up to 1 m wide. The leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. The flowers are white, semi-double, large, 4.5 cm in diameter, very fragrant, solitary or in inflorescences. Flowering is abundant, sometimes ending only in autumn. Interesting in group plantings and mixborders.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Nozomi’

A very spectacular rose, created back in 1968, but the interest in it is enormous, since it has no equal in the power of flowering and the number of flowers. It can be found on sale under the name Rosa ‘Heideroslein’. The bush is 45-60 cm high and up to 1.2 m wide. The leaves are small, leathery, shiny. The flowers are white, small, 2.5 cm in diameter, simple with 5 petals, with a slight aroma, collected in inflorescences of 3-8 flowers, but there are so many of them that the leaves are not visible. Suitable for decorating slopes, rocky gardens, and tree trunks. Advantages of the variety: highly resistant to diseases, winter-hardy. Planting density: 3-4 pcs. per 1 sq. m.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Patte de Velours’

An exquisite variety created by the French company Meilland in 2000. Bush up to 1.2 m high. Flowers are pink, changing color, double, up to 40-50 petals, 5-6 cm in diameter, single or collected in inflorescences. Suitable for borders and hedges. Timely removal of faded flowers prolongs the decorative effect of the rose.

Ground cover rose variety ‘Rouge Meillandecor’

A very spectacular variety, created by Meilland in 1989. Bush 60-80 cm high. Leaves are green, leathery, shiny. The flowers are red, with a white eye and yellow stamens, simple, up to 7 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences bearing up to 10-15 flowers. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. Frost-resistant variety, resistant to diseases, tolerates partial shade, grows in the 2nd year after planting. Planting density: 5 pcs. per 1 sq. m. Interesting in standard form.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Snow Ballet’

A wonderful variety, the name of which translates as “ snow ballet" created by Clayworth in 1978. Bush 70 cm high, shoots strong, up to 4 m long. Leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. The flowers are white, with a subtle pink tint, up to 7 cm in diameter, densely double, very fragrant, collected in large inflorescences. Blooms from June to December (on the South Coast). Effective on boles.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Swany’

Another snow-white beauty. The variety was created in 1977. It can be sold under the name Rosa ‘Meiburenac’. The bush is powerful, up to 75 cm high and up to 1.7 m wide, continuously forming new shoots and flowers. The leaves are green and shiny. The flowers are pure white, double, 5 cm in diameter, fragrant, solitary or collected in inflorescences. Flowering is abundant, long lasting, throughout the summer. Suitable for landscaping slopes, ridges, and trunks.

Groundcover rose variety ‘Weisse Immensee’

A very interesting variety, created in Germany in 1982. A bush 0.5 m high with shoots up to 2-4 m long. The leaves are bright green and shiny. The flowers are pure white with golden stamens, up to 6 cm in diameter, non-double, collected in inflorescences, very fragrant. Flowering is abundant and long lasting: until December on the South Coast. Suitable for boles, landscaping slopes, and creating beautifully flowering hedges.

Lyudmila Uleyskaya, Yalta


The arched shoots of this ground cover rose can reach 1.2 m. White cupped flowers look contrasting against the background of dark green foliage. They are double, large and collected in inflorescences, which makes the rose very impressive. Rose Akhtiar Suitable for both single and group plantings, and will also look good in borders, trunks and hedges.


This magnificent variety can also be found on sale under the name Meidonomac. Adult rose Bonica turns into a huge spreading bush up to 90 cm high. Pink double flowers, collected in inflorescences, look very delicate and airy. The plant blooms profusely and in several waves. True, the variety also has a minor drawback: the flowers can fade in bright sun. The rose is good in group plantings, suitable for borders, can grow in containers, and also lasts a long time when cut.

Weisse Immensee

The shoots of this rose can grow up to 4 m in length, but this ground cover does not exceed 50 cm in height. White single flowers, like most ground cover roses, are collected in inflorescences. These modest buds are decorated with golden stamens. Flowering can last until December. Variety Weise Immensi Suitable for standard cultivation, as well as for creating hedges.


This variety is a real aristocrat. Snow-white flowers, leathery shiny leaves, a dizzying aroma... This rose should definitely grow in the garden of connoisseurs classic style. The flowers of this short plant are not large, but in inflorescences they look very impressive. Rose variety blooms Kent abundantly and for a long time - until autumn. The plant looks especially good in group plantings and mixborders.

Patte de Velours

Young but already proven variety Pat De Velor also called “Velvet Paw”. The bush can reach a height of 80 cm. Pink double flowers are notable for the fact that they change color as they bloom. They can be solitary or collected in inflorescences. If you remove fading buds in a timely manner, the flowering of the rose can be extended until autumn. The best rose varieties Pat De Velor look great in mixborders and hedges.

Snow Ballet

The name of the variety translates as “Snow Ballet”. Take a closer look at the lush flowers of this beautiful ground cover rose - don't they resemble ballet tutus? The shrub grows up to 70 cm in height, and the shoots can reach 4 m in length. The densely double snow-white flowers with a subtle pink tint, collected in inflorescences, are very fragrant. Rose varieties Snow Ballet They are distinguished by a very long flowering period: in some regions they decorate the garden until December. It is recommended to plant the plant in a single planting; a standard can be formed.

Fair Play

Luxury grade Fer Play is a spreading rose bush with large dark green leaves and semi-double flowers. The height of the bush can reach 1 m. The flowers, collected in inflorescences, consist of 15-17 petals and have a magnificent aroma. Rose variety blooms Fer Play always abundant, one inflorescence can contain up to 50 buds. Such plants are good for planting on slopes or in mixed borders, and they are also suitable for forming trunks.

Description and taxonomy of ground cover roses

Ground cover roses are very diverse. This group includes not only plants with medium-sized flowers and thin creeping shoots, slightly rising above the ground surface, but also widely spread shrubs growing up to 1.5 m in height. The taxonomy of these roses, like other groups, is traditionally confusing. Most often, 4-5 subgroups are distinguished. We bring to your attention the classification given by Dr. David Gerald Hession. In our opinion, it is more understandable than others not only for an inexperienced beginner, but also for an advanced rose grower:

Ground cover roses of the first two subgroups have recumbent shoots, often capable of taking root at the nodes. The varieties of the next two subgroups form wide spreading bushes with long drooping branches.

Some rose growers, for example French ones, generally distinguish only one group. They claim that ground cover roses are only those that grow horizontally, while tall drooping flowers belong to other subgroups. So don’t be surprised if different sources classify one variety as a groundcover, climbing rose, floribunda rose, or scrub rose (another unrecognized but very popular variety).

Some taxonomists classify as groundcover low varieties of roses with numerous erect shoots that grow strongly and cover a large area (for example, the varieties “Mainaufeya” and “Snow Belate”).

The first roses of the ground cover group bloomed once per season and had single or semi-double small flowers and their colors were limited to white, pink, and red. Modern varieties are characterized primarily by continuous abundant flowering, a larger palette of colors. Today you can often find varieties with large or thick glasses. All of them are characterized by rapid shoot growth, frost resistance and disease resistance.

History of ground cover roses

The vast majority of varieties have been registered in the last thirty years. This does not mean that ground cover roses did not exist before. The Vihura rose, which can grow 6 m wide, has been grown as a ground cover plant since the nineteenth century, and at the beginning of the last century its varieties and hybrids of a more compact shape and attractive appearance began to appear.

In Japan, there is a creeping variety of Rosa Crinkle, which grows on the dunes and is capable of covering a fairly large area. She is also considered one of the ancestors of modern ground cover varieties of roses.

Repeatedly blooming ground cover roses today firmly occupy one of the leading positions in demand not only among roses, but also among other creeping plants.

Using ground cover roses in design

Ground cover roses very quickly gained popularity; every landscape designer considers it his duty to place at least one even in the smallest area. They are used in flower beds, filling narrow terraces, well-lit spaces between large and small landscape groups. They can act as wide borders.

Will look great flowering plant, planted in the middle of the lawn. Roses from the first two groups should be planted on the lawn if it is viewed primarily from above, while tall, drooping varieties will look good from any viewing point. Tall ground cover varieties are quite suitable for growing as a tapeworm.

You can plant any slope with ground cover roses, and this will not only decorate it, but also protect it from erosion. These plants can cover hillocks and other soil irregularities. Using creeping varieties, if necessary, you can disguise the hatch.

Roses of the fourth subgroup are suitable as a low but wide hedge. Because of the spectacular low fence, it is easy to see what is happening outside, and the thorny shoots, which occupy a large area, will protect you from outside intrusion.

Some ground cover varieties are suitable for growing in containers.

Perhaps this video will awaken your own imagination and tell you where to plant this rose in the garden:

Choosing a ground cover rose

Before purchasing a rose (especially one chosen from a catalog), if you do not want any unpleasant surprises, carefully read the description and find out more about it from other sources.

People experience the most disappointment when buying ground cover varieties of roses. Usually they appear on the site in spring or autumn, and without buds. Those photographs that we see in catalogs or on pictures attached to bushes sometimes do not reflect the real state of affairs. Varieties of the first and second groups often bloom in small-flowered inflorescences, and in the photo of ground cover roses we see a single flower, and even much larger than in reality. As a result, we may be disappointed.

The second point is that by ground cover roses we most often mean a plant with soft creeping shoots, designed to cover a large or small plot soil. But you need to remember that there are also drooping roses that can reach a height of 1.5 m. Probably the owner wants to create a bright spot in the corner of the flowerbed by growing instead a 1.5-meter plant, covering with its shoots not only the entire flower garden, but also part of the track will receive a shock.

Varieties of ground cover roses

Let's take a closer look at the varieties of ground cover roses.


Blooming all season low-growing variety with creeping shoots, small leaves and pearlescent flowers with a diameter of about 3.5 cm. Weakly fragrant flowers are collected in tassels of 5-10 pieces, with a weak aroma. At the beginning of flowering they are pale pink in color, but quickly become white, the height of the bush reaches 30-40 cm, and can occupy an area of ​​about 2 square meters. m. In regions with mild winters, it can cover a large area without pruning. Frost resistance and disease resistance are average. Can be grown as a container plant.

Bonika 82

One of the most popular and widespread varieties of the fourth subgroup. The bush can reach a height of 1.5 m, but looks more attractive if it is cut back by half in the spring. The bush is beautiful, spreading, with attractive dark green foliage. It can be grown as a ground cover, container plant or scrub. The first wave of flowering is the most abundant. Flowers with a diameter of 3-5 cm are collected in 5-15 pieces in a brush, when opening they are bright pink, and can fade to almost white. If they are pruned on time, a second and third wave of flowering is possible, otherwise single flowers will form until frost. To the frosts, powdery mildew The variety is moderately resistant to soaking. Resistance to black spot is weak, especially in rainy summers.


This variety continuously blooms with double yellow flowers cup-shaped with a diameter of up to 7 cm. They have a weak aroma and appear singly or collected in clusters of up to 5 pieces. The spreading bush belongs to the third subgroup and its height reaches 60-75 cm. The variety is resistant to diseases and winters well.


Very popular variety, almost every country gives it a different name. Can grow successfully in any climate, refers to different sources to the third or fourth subgroup. The bush is pressed to the ground, has long creeping shoots with dark foliage. Large, up to 8 cm in diameter, semi-double flowers with a faint aroma are painted in a blood-red color, and it does not fade in the sun. The buds are collected in tassels of 10-30 pieces. The variety blooms continuously throughout the season, is frost-resistant, and is moderately resistant to diseases.


The variety belongs to the first subgroup and grows well in breadth. Pink simple flowers up to 4 cm in diameter with a faint aroma look great and are collected in tassels of 3-15 pieces. Flowering is repeated, disease resistance is average. The variety has won several awards.


One of the most interesting varieties, however, blooms profusely only once, with coral-pink semi-double flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, collected in brushes of 5-10 pieces, completely devoid of aroma. The bush is dense, branched, with very beautiful leaves, belongs to the third subgroup. It is best not to cut it off at all, just trim the shoots a little in the spring - this way it will show itself throughout the entire race. It has low frost resistance and high disease resistance.

Flower Carpet

One of the best varieties of the first subgroup. Semi-double or double deep pink cupped flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm bloom continuously and very abundantly, 10-20 pieces are collected in brushes. Several varieties have been developed that differ from the original only in color. It has high winter hardiness, resistance to disease and getting wet.


One of the most awarded ground cover roses. Belongs to the third subgroup and forms a beautiful, neat bush that requires almost no pruning. Blooms profusely and continuously throughout the season. Semi-double flowers with a weak aroma have a diameter of up to 4 cm, collected in tassels of 5-10 pieces. Frost resistance is average, disease resistance is high.

Max Graf

This is the oldest variety of ground cover rose that has survived to this day. By appearance it is easy to determine that it is an interspecific hybrid between the Rosehip wrinkled and the Rosehip Vikhura. Belongs to the second subgroup. Spiny creeping shoots easily take root on their own and quickly cover a large area. This variety is not suitable for flower beds, but is ideal if you need to cover a slope or quickly cover a large area. Simple fragrant flowers up to 5 cm in diameter are dark pink in color and collected in tassels of 3-5 pieces. The variety blooms once, but has decorative foliage and high resistance to cold and disease.


This variety is registered as a ground cover rose, but thanks to its flexible shoots it can be grown as a climbing rose. The lashes raised on a support look even better. Belongs to the second group. It has two waves of flowering, grows strongly, and can quickly cover a large area of ​​up to 7-8 square meters. m. Flowers with a diameter of up to 6 cm are collected in brushes of up to 10-30 pieces, have beautiful wavy petals, are painted coral pink, with a faint aroma. They have high resistance to diseases.


We do not claim what we showed the best varieties ground cover roses - everyone has their own taste. We only hope that we have piqued your interest and encouraged you to explore these beautiful flowers further.

Groups of ground cover roses

This is a new group of low-growing roses with long, twisting shoots, up to 4 m, with small shiny leaves that almost completely cover the soil with a carpet, especially spectacular during flowering. Among the varieties there are those that bloom once, but varieties that bloom repeatedly are of particular interest.

Ground cover roses are called not only those with creeping, but also drooping stems, as well as roses that grow more in width than in height. When several bushes are planted nearby, they quickly occupy a large area.

During flowering, the bushes literally hide under an avalanche of small flowers, collected in dense racemes. The first wave of flowering is followed by a second, sometimes less abundant one.

Reblooming groundcover roses include blood red, pink, pale pink, and pure white.

Flowers vary in shape and size: from simple, semi-double to densely double, with a diameter of 1 cm to 5 cm, with a light or intense scent.

Ground cover roses in the garden are good on rocky hills, rockeries, or decorate retaining walls. They can be wrapped around decorative supports. Ground cover roses do not shed their leaves for a long time, sometimes until spring. In the southern regions, ground cover roses are not covered for the winter. In the middle zone, such roses require light shelter.

All varieties of these roses are divided into five groups, differing from each other in the height of the bush and the shape of the shoots:

  • first: sluggishly growing, lying on the ground;
  • second: growing steeply upward;
  • third: short, thick;
  • fourth: tall, with arched drooping shoots;
  • fifth: horizontally creeping.

Representatives of the 2nd and 5th groups are least suitable for the amateur garden because of their height or intensive, abundant growth.

Caring for ground cover roses is complicated by weeds, especially perennial rhizomatous ones such as wheatgrass or bindweed. Roses should not be planted in areas infested with weeds until they are completely cleared. After all, as soon as the roses grow, it will no longer be possible to set foot on this territory.

Below are photos and descriptions of varieties of ground cover roses that are especially popular.

History of creation and characteristic features

The main progenitor of ground cover roses is rightfully considered Rosa rugosa rubra- Japanese or wrinkled rose, but in our country it is called rosehip. The homeland of these flowers is eastern Asia: Korea, Japan, northeast China and has even been spotted in southeast Siberia. Rose hips grow preferably in coastal areas on sandy areas.

Briefly about the development of the assortment

In 1796, rosa rugosa gave rise to a whole subclass of creeping roses, which are capable of covering a huge area of ​​land. Gardeners also used another type of roses for selection - Rosa wichurana, used in the mid-19th century to form in landscape design, so-called flower carpets.

In the 20-30s of the 20th century, several more varieties of roses appeared, among which the best were Fairy and Max Graf. These were the first flowers among ground cover roses. Closer to the 60s, breeders developed currently popular Sea Foam and Nozomi(you can see it in the title photo).

And already in the 2000s, Meilland, by combining ground cover and miniature roses, achieved the appearance Drift variety series, the peculiarity of which was their compactness, short stature, vitality and, of course, beauty.

Ground cover roses have many different advantages, but the most important are:

  • unpretentiousness;
  • ease of propagation by layering or cuttings;
  • excellent resistance to pests, diseases and frost;
  • no need for annual pruning by a specialist;
  • ability to suppress the development of weeds from the age of 2 years;
  • rapid rooting of shoots and strong vegetation, resulting in a fairly dense carpet of flowers.

The best varieties of ground cover roses

A lot of time has passed since the first ground cover roses were bred. During this time, a huge number of their representatives appeared. There is no point in considering them all. Therefore, we have compiled a small classification of them into three points:

  1. Beauty
  2. Best flowering.

In fact, all these roses are very beautiful, and since people often do not agree on beauty, we immediately apologize if you did not find your favorite ones in this selection.


So, the first rose we would like to mention is Mirato.

This variety has beautiful dark pink flowers that have a round shape. Over time they fade, but this does not make them any less beautiful. When it rains, they sometimes become covered with spots, and in the center of the flower itself you can see golden stamens. When a bush blooms, it is completely covered with buds from beginning to end.

The next representative of this collection is Knirps. This variety features beautiful bright pink miniature buds that look great against the background of dark green foliage.

White, yellow, red

Kent – ​​one of the best representatives of white roses, participated in many competitions with tea roses and proved that ground cover roses can compete with them. They themselves are a bush with semi-double small buds. The flowers have a light, pleasant aroma.

The next representative of our selection is Amber Cover. The buds have an excellent amber-yellow color, but over time they will turn bright yellow, but this will not detract from the composition at all, because against the background of dark green leaves it will seem that you have a huge number of small suns in your garden.

Red Leonardo- a rose of unsurpassed beauty. Dense terry, dark red color, medium-sized flowers, moderate aroma - all this makes this variety very attractive and unforgettable.

Roses for the middle zone

The following classification is by color. In total, ground cover roses come in 5 colors:

  • white;
  • red;
  • pink;
  • orange;
  • yellow.

After analyzing a large number of reviews from Russian gardeners, we selected varieties of each color that are ideal for the Moscow region, based on several parameters: acceptability of domestic weather conditions, beauty, endurance.

One of the best varieties with pink buds is Fairy, or as it is also called, the fairies. Because of the beauty of the flower, it may seem that it is weak, but this is not at all the case. Many gardeners call it the most resilient of the entire subclass. This variety begins to bloom only in mid-summer, but compensates for lost time, and flowering continues until severe frosts . The fairy, as she is called in Russia, is covered with flowers so that no greenery is visible.

Among the representatives of red varieties, Gartenfreude stands out very much. This is a very recently bred variety. Among the mass of its advantages, I especially want to highlight the beauty that is created by the crimson-red hue and small size buds, as well as terry. They are also resistant to precipitation. It doesn't smell. This quality can be positive for some and negative for others.

Quite often heated debates arise regarding Sea Foam: some believe that these are not ground cover roses, others prove the opposite. The flower has a pearly white color, one might say the color of sea foam, it is not for nothing that it is called Sea Foam. They are densely double. The bush has a strong structure, thereby ensuring endurance and unpretentiousness to weather conditions.

Among yellow varieties the best representative in terms of the sum of positive qualities is Nadia Meillandecor. He's very young. The date of its creation falls on 2006, but this did not prevent this variety from establishing itself as a very hardy fighter, which can grow in almost any conditions. It is a bush with soft yellow and lush buds. Besides that, it smells very nice.

Varieties orange roses not so much, Apricot Clementine stands out against their background. Very beautiful colors that smoothly flow from orange to pink. Has small but very strong flowers that tolerate rain well and have excellent immunity to diseases.

Roses with the most abundant flowering

And the last parameter that we planned to consider is the abundance of flowering. Among all ground cover roses, 3 representatives especially stand out.

The first representative is a variety called Super Doroti. Thanks to breeder Karl Hetzel, we can observe this beautiful bush. It has a dark pink color that fades towards the edges. It begins to grow somewhere in the middle of summer, but, due to the activity of flowering, you can enjoy its beauty right up to the frost.

The next variety worthy of attention is Excelsa. ( Excelsa) has charming cup-shaped buds of red-raspberry color. These roses have gained great popularity due to their rapid growth. In some cases, the bush can reach 4 meters. Another advantage is that the variety tolerates frost well.

The next variety is very familiar to everyone; it is often presented in garden design - New Down. This bush, unlike the previously listed varieties, grows in summer; it does not tolerate cold well. But all summer long you will have beautiful pearly pink flowers in your garden, pleasing to your eyes. It can also grow in depleted soils and in partial shade.

Rose care

Finally, I would like to give some tips on ground cover roses.

If you decide to improve your garden, front garden or terrace, it would be better to purchase several varieties of roses with buds of different colors.

Also acquire irreplaceable partners: mantle, salvia and delphinium. Can also be a good addition lavender or heuchera.

When landing, don't forget keep distances, otherwise you may pay for it with the health of your flowers. If the bushes are at a great distance from each other, then they will probably grow for a long time, and the bare area will not look very good. If they are crowded, then they will interfere with each other’s development. Only the optimal distance will give you the result in the form of a thick carpet.

The best time to plant roses is early spring and autumn.

The earthen space between the bushes must be filled with wood mulch, the thickness of which should be no more than 5 cm. This will suppress the growth of weeds and also protect the soil from drying out. To avoid diseases of the bush, it is necessary to water roses only in the morning. When spring comes, it is necessary to feed the plant, because for active future growth it will need nutrients.

To summarize, we can say that ground cover roses are a very good decoration for a garden, yard, terrace and do not require particularly tough care. Among the huge number of varieties, you can choose which one you like best.

Video consultation

Ground cover roses are unpretentious, they rarely get sick and, provided simple rules for choosing a location, planting and care are followed, are easy to care for. However, there are some points you should know. Learn more about how to care for ground cover roses in the video below.

Everything about ground cover roses: varieties, photos with names and descriptions

Ground cover roses can vary in bush structure, but their width is almost always much greater than their height. Numerous branched shoots, on which a large number of leaves are located, create thick crown bush.

Flowers of various colors and sizes usually bloom in inflorescences. During long and lush flowering, they cover the plants in large numbers.

Varieties Description

Danish variety "Amber Cover"(trade name "Amber Viel") was first shown to the public in 2001. The width of the spreading bushes, reaching a height of up to 90 centimeters, can vary from 80 to 150 cm. “Amber Carpet” stands out good health and endurance.

There are almost no thorns on the numerous shoots, covered with leaves of a thick green hue. Quite large yellowish-amber roses (10 cm wide) with an attractive aroma of a species of rose hips bloom in inflorescences consisting of 5-10 pieces. The shape of the flower resembles a rounded cup. Inflorescences on the shoots appear constantly throughout the warm season

German variety "Juanita" Kordes company was created in 2007. The neat bushes (about a meter wide and long) of this shrub are formed from elegantly curving branches, on which there are many medium-sized leaves of a spectacular green color. Although small pinkish flowers (rose width from 3 to 4 cm) with a rather large white center and bright yellow stamens are more reminiscent of rosehip inflorescences, they are combined in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces and give the bushes a cheerful and catchy look.

“Juanita” is liked for its long and lush flowering, as well as its high resistance to diseases. It is suitable for creating large flower arrangements near schools, hospitals and other administrative buildings

German rose "Candela" was obtained at Tantau in 2014. Low but spreading bushes (height can vary from 0.5 to 0.7 meters) consist of straight shoots that begin to bend over time. Yellowish-cream flowers (diameter 4-6 cm) during flowering acquire pinkish highlights along the edges of the petals. Inflorescences of 5-10 pieces create sun-attracting spots that especially stand out against the dark green background of medium-sized leaves.

"Candela" is most often used for planting along paths and for ordinary and landscape plantings in parks and squares. This rose has good disease resistance

German variety "Lipstick" brought out in 2010. Round, elegant bushes (maximum height of about 80 cm), the width of which can reach up to 100-120 cm, look light, despite the huge number of small green leaves with a shiny top.

“Lipstick” attracts attention with its bright small raspberry-carmine roses (diameter about 4 cm) with a small number of petals (about 20) and a white central spot. This variety has a mild aroma. The inflorescences (when fully opened) are very decorated with numerous stamens with dark yellow anthers. Depending on the soil, location and region of growth, a slight purple tint may appear on the inflorescences.

Flowering occurs in several waves, but even in the intervals between them there are always blooming roses on the plant. “Lipstick” demonstrates excellent disease resistance and tolerates winter well (zone six). During flowering, almost no leaves are visible

German variety "Diamond" received in 2001 at the Cordes company. Very neat and dense bushes, the height and width of which are almost equal (50-60 cm), consist of thin, highly branched branches with very small green leaves.

“Diamond” during flowering looks simply amazing because of the tightly packed inflorescences, consisting of large roses (width from 5 to 6 cm), and numbering 5-10 pieces. White flowers with prominent bright yellow stamens create glowing spots large sizes. When designing territories, this variety is suitable for the foreground of flower beds and landscape compositions, as well as for alley and park plantings. "Diamond" resists various diseases well

Belgian variety "Pink Spray" although it was created back in 1980, it still enjoys great love among flower growers. In practice, “Pink Spray” can be classified as a dwarf ground cover rose, since its width can reach up to one and a half meters, and its height is only about 50 cm. The ground covered with this variety has the spectacular appearance of a “blooming carpet” that can replace a lawn. Rose "Pink Spray" is perfect for compositions with stones (rockeries, rock gardens and retaining walls).

Although small flowers have a diameter of only 1-2 cm and are collected in small inflorescences of 5-10 pieces, during flowering a huge number of them are formed on the plant and therefore leaves and shoots are almost invisible.

At the beginning of flowering, the petals are dark pink, but then they become light pink. In the very center of the rosettes there is a pure white spot and stamens with bright yellow-amber anthers

Dutch variety "Bessie" was developed by Interplant in 1998. Very small bushes reach a height of 40 to 60 cm, and a width of 70 cm or more. Spreading shoots with a large number of branches are covered with shiny leaves of a thick green hue. Enough large flowers(width from 4 to 5 cm) are formed in small inflorescences (3-5 pieces). They bloom from interesting multi-colored buds that look like a small ball.

Flowers with a small number of petals can be colored in shades from orange-yellow to golden apricot. The roses appear glowing due to the light yellow spot in the center and orange stamens. Flowering occurs in two waves

Variety "The Fairy" Today it can be called one of the most popular roses in the world, although it was created by Bentally in 1932. This variety is usually classified as a polyantha rose, but it can also be used as a ground cover rose. The width of the bush can reach up to 120-125 cm, and the height can be from 60 to 75 cm.

Well branched and spreading branches are covered with numerous small green foliage. Medium-sized (3-4 cm) inflorescences of a pleasant pink hue, during flowering they first turn pale pink and then completely white.

"The Fairy" begins to bloom a little later than other varieties, but the number of flowers collected in large brushes (from 10 to 40 pieces) is simply surprising. It’s interesting that almost immediately small fruits appear in place of faded roses. orange color. Continuous flowering ends only with the onset of frost.

The most advantage of this rose is its easy reproduction using cuttings that are cut throughout the growing season and immediately stuck in partial shade for rooting. During prolonged rains, various diseases may appear on plants.

Danish variety "Magic Cover" was received in 2000. Compact, medium-sized bushes (height can vary from 60 to 75 cm, and width from 60 to 90 cm) consist of graceful branches on which are located rather long, thin and slightly curved spines of a brownish-orange color, as well as leaves of a dark green hue with slight shine.

The flowers are from 3 to 5 cm wide with a small number of petals (about 15) and are painted in a red-scarlet hue, which resembles the color of a pioneer tie. Large brushes of up to 10 roses create striking splashes of color that stand out against the greenery. Interestingly, each flower stays on the shoot for up to 5 days. Practically continuous flowering repeats in several waves almost until late autumn

Dutch variety "Morsdag" created back in 1949, but still attracts the attention of flower growers from all over the world. It is a sport of the "Dick Bonfire" variety. Small bushes (height about 50 cm and width about 70 cm) with beautiful foliage dark green in color and formed by thin, almost straight shoots.

The roses are medium-sized (4-5 cm), shaped like a round cup, and have slightly curved petals of raspberry-red color. They don't open completely. Quite large inflorescences can consist of 5-20 pieces. Although flowering occurs in several waves, only the first is the most magnificent. "Morsdag" is often classified as a polyanthus rose, but it can be used as a ground cover and for planting in portable containers and hanging containers

Variety "Svani" is a product of Meiland, which was launched in 1978. Moreover, it is worth noting that the first ground cover rose of this famous company and it contains the genes of the evergreen rose and the Vikhurana rose.

Spreading bushes up to one and a half meters wide and 60 to 70 cm high consist of vigorous branches with numerous thorns, which are covered with small evergreen leaves. They give the plant a beautiful festive look

White spectacular roses (diameter 5-6 cm) with a pink highlight in the center have the shape of elegant rosettes. They bloom in raceme-type inflorescences consisting of 5-20 pieces. "Swani" tolerates heat well, but the flowers become a little smaller. In rainy weather it can be affected by gray mold. Flowering continues until autumn and occurs in two or three waves. One bush can cover an area of ​​more than one square meter

Danish variety "Yellow Fairy"(trade name "Fairy Isles") received in 1988. It can be classified as both groundcover and polyanthus roses. Elegantly shaped bushes 50-70 cm high and 60-70 cm wide are formed by curving shoots with a small number of green leaves.

Flowers of medium size (3-4 cm) of a rather bright yellow hue and with a large number of petals are formed on bushes in inflorescences consisting of 3-8 pieces. During flowering, the color gradually becomes lemon and then cream. Although the roses dry up on the bush, this does not spoil general view plants, because new flowers appear in that place again.

Flowering is practically uninterrupted throughout the summer, but can also occur in well-defined waves. Fairy Isles is sometimes affected by diseases

Variety "Super Dorothy" was obtained by the famous breeder Hetzel in 1988 based on the Dorthy Perkins variety. Although it is more often classified as a rambler, it can also be used as a ground cover rose. Spreading tall bushes (height can reach up to 2-3 meters and width up to 2 meters) consist of well-curving shoots with virtually no thorns, which are painted in a light green shade.

The flowers are a deep pink hue with a white spot in the middle and open in large inflorescences consisting of 20-40 pieces. Reverse side The petals are colored a lighter pink. During flowering, especially if the roses are in bright sun, they fade quite quickly and acquire a lighter pink hue.

“Super Dorothy” is distinguished by its high resistance to various diseases. Flowering of this variety occurs in three waves and begins a little later, but continues until the onset of frost.

The English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent was named after Queen Elizabeth II's cousin Princess Alexandra, a practicing gardener and rose lover. The rose can also boast awards for its fragrance from Glasgow (Glasgo 29) and California from the Desert Rose Society Show.

Group – English roses

Subgroup – English hybrids of Antique roses

Flower color – warm pink

Number of petals – 130 (dense terry)

Type of flowering – repeating

The aroma is strong

The main form is a bush

Height – from 1 m

Diameter – 70 cm

Resistance to powdery mildew – good

Resistance to black spot – good

Winter hardiness - USDA zones 5 - 10

Breeder – D. Austin

Catalog name – Ausmerchant

Year of introduction into culture – 2007

The rose Princess Alexandra of Kent has unusually large flowers, warm pink color, with a pearlescent sheen. They are densely terry and formed into a cup-shaped rosette. At first they smell like tea rose. With age, this aroma completely changes to lemon with notes of black currant.

The bush of the English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent is round and low. The foliage is dense and disease resistant.

How to care for the English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent?Water the English rose Princess Alexandra of Kent as needed. Usually this should be done when the soil layer is 3 cm deep. For 1 bush you will need 15 liters of water, which should be poured over the area of ​​the root system, and not over the bush. During drought, watering becomes more frequent and, if possible, evening spraying is used.

It is necessary to fertilize roses at least 2 times a season. Both organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for this.

Be sure to loosen and weed the soil around the plant to keep the plant clean.

It is better to prune the Princess Alexandra of Kent rose during the dormant period. The main branches are shortened by a third, and old and diseased branches are cut out completely.

Where to plant the Princess Alexandra of Kent rose?Choose a sunny or partial shade location for planting roses. It is important that in winter time it was not blown by northern or northwestern winds, which contribute to freezing, especially in those regions where winter can present a surprise in the form of an unexpected thaw. Rose Princess Alexandra of Kent is ideal for a mixborder, hedge or tapeworm. Its partners can be, for example, catnip, salvia or lavender...

The rose "Princess Alexandra of Kent" came from David Austin's nursery, which means that this variety, as befits such a name, combines the charm of old English forms and bright modern colors. Our summer residents fell in love with it not only for its beauty, but its cold resistance and resistance to many diseases make caring for the plant easier.

The variety, named after the cousin of the British Queen, was created only in 2007, but it has already won the hearts of rose lovers on both sides of the ocean. It belongs to the re-blooming scrubs; the bush grows up to 90 cm high and 60 cm wide. Against the background of dark green foliage, large (12 cm in diameter) double cup-shaped flowers of pink pearlescent color stand out clearly; they are single or collected in small inflorescences, under the weight of which the branches bend slightly. The color is unusually pleasant, warm, more saturated towards the center, and the outer petals are slightly lighter. These flowers have an equally amazing smell: traditional tea aroma As the bud blooms, it acquires distinct lemon notes, and then blackcurrant notes.

Enough in summer compact bush sometimes it’s simply strewn with flowers. Large bright flowers consisting of a large number of petals (about 100) never look sloppy; the classic shape of old English roses makes itself felt. The bush looks great from all sides, a small group of 3 plants looks good; roses of this variety are often planted in the foreground of complex multi-tiered flower beds.

Video “Roses of Austin”

From the video you will learn a lot of new and interesting things about these roses.

Landing place

English roses prefer a temperate climate, they like the sun, but not when it strongly burns the delicate petals.

The place for “Princess Alexandra” needs to be chosen open, maybe slightly elevated, to eliminate the possibility of stagnation of water and cold air. It’s good if the sun illuminates the rose from the very morning and evening, but at the hottest time of the day it would be better if it fell into light shade.

The place should be well ventilated, but the bush should not be in a draft. This rose, like all David Austin varieties, does not like transplants, so it is advisable to choose the right place.


The soil needs to be nutritious, slightly acidified, breathable, and not retaining excess water; black soil or loam is perfect if it is improved with fertilizers and peat is added.
It is important that groundwater does not rise closer to the surface than 1 - 1.5 m. It is advisable to regulate the acidity - add peat to alkaline soil, and lime or at least wood ash to too acidic soil.


A hole for the rose is prepared deep, at least 70 cm, a drainage layer is placed at the bottom to avoid stagnation of water, then compost or humus is placed, and a pile of loose garden soil is poured on top. The bush is placed so that the straightened roots are placed on the slopes of the earthen hill, and the root collar goes 3 cm underground.
This ensures that there are no shoots growing below the grafting point (although varieties from David Austin are famous for not producing wild shoots), and saves the vulnerable grafting site from cold and heat. The roots are carefully covered with loose soil, compacted around the bush and watered. Experts advise dipping the roots into a clay mash before planting.

Roses from this nursery are always grafted onto a branded rootstock, they form a strong root system, the length of the main root can reach one and a half meters, so the bushes do not like transplanting.

After planting, young bushes take a long time to get used to a new place, they do not need to be allowed to bloom for the first year, only in August you can leave one bud at a time and let the seeds ripen, this will make the plant stronger and prepare it for the dormant period.


In the summer, sanitary pruning is carried out, damaged leaves and shoots are removed, and fading flowers are cut off. In the fall, excess shoots are removed, and the main formative pruning is carried out in the spring, when living buds are already visible.
Remove frozen shoots or tops of branches, shorten all others by a third to form a beautiful bush.

With the arrival of cold weather, the bush is covered.
The shoots are covered with earth to a height of 10 cm, spruce branches are placed under the bush and on the laid shoots, and a frame is arranged on top, covered with lutrasil and film, so as to leave the possibility of ventilation. In spring, the cover is removed gradually.


"Princess" reproduces well by cuttings. Branches for cuttings are cut after the first wave of flowering and rooted in the ground. Own-rooted plants retain all the characteristics of the variety.

Video “Care and reproduction”

From the video you will learn how to properly care for and propagate roses.