Window profile compare parameters. Plastic profiles for PVC windows: names, reviews, ratings. Thickness of external and external walls

We will analyze each type of profile, and also describe the properties in more detail so that you can make a choice in better side and so that plastic windows will delight you for many years.

Many people have realized the advantages of modern plastic windows over former wooden structures. Plastic windows are incomparably more airtight than wooden ones, which ensures good thermal insulation and sound insulation of the windows, and also prevents the entry of unpleasant odors from the street.

Even double-chamber plastic windows are much warmer than wooden ones; their installation will lead to a significant reduction in heat loss, which means savings. How to choose the right window profile and purchase the best windows so that the price matches the quality. This article will help you understand this issue.

Useful information:

Moreover, from the very plastic window, namely, the preservation of heat in the apartment, of course, depends on its quality. However, the installation of PVC windows also plays an important role.

The profile for a PVC window now meets certain standards, and the best among them simply does not exist. It is divided into three classes: “Economy”, “Standard” and “Premium”. The main thing is that there is a difference between classes, but within a class there is absolutely no difference.

  • “Economy” is the main task of the window, to show that it is plastic. This profile has no advantages or disadvantages. Such windows are installed in most new buildings. At the same time, according to experts: windows from the economy class profile belong in the trash container.
  • “Standard” – has optimal ratio prices and quality. That is, these are windows whose quality is already high, but at the same time there is no inflated self-esteem. This type of profile complies with the Euro standard when performing renovations in apartments. The profile has elastic seals, durable fittings and excellent appearance.
  • “Premium” – primarily emphasizes the status of the owner, for those people who do not have a limit on their family budget.

All the stories about how my profile is whiter, and mine is warmer, and mine is straighter are just a marketing ploy, or an attempt to extract as much money from you as possible.

Video on choosing a profile for PVC windows

Sealing of double-glazed windows

The glass unit is not part of window profile, however, the assembly of the window as a whole depends on the quality of its seal. Here, when choosing, you need to take into account several circumstances:

  • Even in a budget window, the sealing collar should be without cuts and solid. The cut does not affect heat transfer, but will serve as a kind of nursery for the breeding of infection, as with a single seal. Many people recommend sealing the cut with silicone, but due to thermal deformations, microcracks will soon appear.
  • The seal of the frame and glass unit itself must be rubber. Manufacturers often install polyurethane expansion joints; when the window is deformed, they flatten, which leads to sagging of the glass unit in the frame and all the problems described above appear. Will have to do it more often.

A few words about window fittings

When choosing high-quality plastic windows, in addition to the above profiles and double-glazed windows, you need to pay attention to the window fittings, which must be manufactured according to uniform European standards. Then, in any weather, there will be no problems with opening/closing the window.

The fittings should not oxidize or rust. In the window design, all hinges must be hidden, which means the profile should not allow water to flow in. If there is a single seal, condensation will still collect on the hinges, so the seal must be double.

The window frame should have adjustable ventilation slots, thanks to which the window itself will open less, which will increase the service life of the plastic window.

Whose window profile is the best?

It is important to know the manufacturer of plastic windows that value their name. This, of course, serves as an additional guarantee of the quality of the windows.

There is a huge number of companies producing window profiles on the market. The most famous: Montblanc, Salamander, Aluplast, Velux, Exprof, Provedal, Gealan, Vitrage, Brugmann, Veka and others. They gained their authority by making quality windows.

The first series of PVC windows was released in Germany. To this day, German profiles, in particular KBE and Rehau, are very popular among buyers. Below we will try to compare the profiles of plastic windows from some leading manufacturers and note their advantages and disadvantages.

At the KVE profile There are three main modifications from German manufacturers: budget option"Expert", best option“Extra” and the more expensive energy-efficient option “Etalon”. All KBE profile windows are very durable, aesthetically pleasing, environmentally friendly, have high levels of sound and heat insulation, are resistant to various temperature fluctuations, are easy to maintain, and climate control systems in the “Etalon” modification can be used. The minimum price for this profile starts from 12 thousand rubles. The disadvantages of the KBE profile include its gray color, which does not always harmoniously suit the interior of the room.

Very popular nowadays REHAU profiles, also from German manufacturers. Such profiles are very aesthetic, durable, environmentally friendly, also easy to maintain, have low thermal conductivity, such structures can be equipped with special system locking, which will make it impossible to enter the room through the window. Also, these profiles have a very convenient climate control function. The price for these profiles starts from 13.5 thousand rubles. A minor drawback is that the reinforced chamber has small size, and, as a result, the height of the window sash decreases.

Veka profiles were very common in our country and have already proven their durability. However, recently the demand for these profiles has dropped significantly. This happened after the discovery of elevated levels of lead in the profiles, which negatively affects people's health.

Profiles of the Belgian concern Deceuninck have proven themselves to be reliable and excellent quality. Two types of profile data are offered: “Favorite” and “Bautek”. Profiles are popular in modern construction market, are not inferior in all respects to premium systems. The price of these profiles is from 14.5 thousand rubles. The disadvantages include the fact that the Bautek system is not suitable for every home.

It is not uncommon that sellers only know the name of the manufacturer’s company, and in technical characteristics They don’t understand the window profile itself at all. This is where the lies begin: cheaper goods are passed off as higher quality and more expensive.

When choosing, remember that the best manufacturer simply does not exist; do not be fooled by the seller’s persuasion to purchase the best profile - check exactly the class. Otherwise, you will be sold an “Economy” class profile with a single seal at the price of the “Standard” class. Choosing a profile for a window is not only about the quality of the window as a whole, but also comfortable accommodation in an apartment where good plastic windows are installed.

Now, based on the material presented, and paying attention to the advantages and disadvantages of profiles from well-known companies, you can try to choose high-quality plastic window profiles that are suitable specifically for your home.




When purchasing windows, clients most often know almost nothing about the profile and other components used for assembly. To simplify the formulation as much as possible, window profiles are the elements from which the framework of frames and sashes is made. Their choice is influenced by many factors that are recommended to be taken into account. Profiles are responsible for the stability of window structures, energy saving, sound insulation, appearance and tightness, and the durability of windows also depends on them.

Customers usually receive information about the characteristics of PVC systems from the manager in a highly compressed form and may make a mistake in their choice. After all, they do not have basic knowledge and time to think through different options. As a result of such actions, buyers do not get what they wanted. To avoid falling into such situations, you need to fundamentally change your approach to the ordering procedure. Our article will tell you how to choose a profile for plastic windows and what else you need to pay close attention to.

What to consider when choosing a PVC profile

To make a successful purchase of windows, you need to correctly build the sequence of actions. First of all, you will need to find out which profile is better before you order plastic windows. That is, first the brand and type of system are selected, and then the manufacturing company. To find a suitable system, you need to comprehensively consider several criteria.

Profile class

The set of industrial standards RAL-GZ 716/1, which is relevant for EU countries, provides for 3 classes of window profiles - A, B, C. This division and the requirement to mark systems protected buyers from purchasing products that do not meet their requirements. Systems of different classes differ from each other according to 2 main characteristics:
  • composition of raw materials for co-extrusion of profiles;
  • thickness of external and internal walls.

The service life, reliability and aesthetic appearance of windows depend on the quality of raw materials and the thickness of the plastic.
The durability of class A products ranges from 40 to 60 years, and class B is only 20 years. Class C profiles will last only 5 years, but they are not commercially available.

Profile width and number of air chambers

The width (installation depth) and the number of chambers affect both the stability of the windows and their heat-saving properties. The greater these parameters, the warmer and stiffer the structures assembled from such a profile. Today, the market offers systems that have from 3 to 8 cameras and installation depths from 58 to 127 mm.

Thickness of external and external walls

These parameters affect the strength, durability and level of load resistance. For profiles of different classes, these indicators differ as follows:

A-class– the outer walls must exceed 2.8 mm, and the internal jumpers must be at least 2.5 mm;
B-class– the minimum allowed by the standard for external walls is 2.5 mm, and for internal walls – 2 mm.

The thickness of the profile walls also determines the level of noise absorption of window structures and their energy efficiency.

With the same number of chambers and the same installation depth, class A windows are warmer and quieter than class B models.


Plastic windows without reinforcement can become deformed due to the load from large sashes that are heavy. This process entails depressurization of the structure. To prevent this, special metal inserts are inserted into the internal chambers. They differ from each other in cross-section and wall thickness, which should not be less than 1.2 mm. Their optimal thickness is 1.5 mm.

Today, leading European manufacturers of premium systems are actively replacing metal liners with elements made of durable fiberglass. Without sacrificing strength, they reduce the weight of windows and increase their energy efficiency.

Environmental friendliness of PVC

When producing profiles, various stabilizers and modifiers are added to pure PVC to improve the strength, color and heat resistance of the products. Previously, many manufacturers used additives that contained harmful lead. Although studies conducted in Europe partially dispelled buyers' fears and proved that PVC is harmless to health, fear of this metal remains. In addition, lead is undesirable in plastic recycling. As a result, manufacturers replaced the harmful additive with a new, completely safe stabilizer, CaZn.

The biggest concern is not the certified products, but the profiles made in artisanal conditions. Such products may contain lead and other substances harmful to health. In order not to order windows from such components, you need to require a certificate of compliance with environmental safety requirements.

Maximum glass width

Different profiles have different maximum thicknesses of double-glazed windows that can be installed in windows. Typically, this parameter directly depends on the installation depth of the system. The larger it is, the thicker the double-glazed windows can be used to complete the windows.

With the advent of selective glass, there was no longer a need to use thick double-glazed windows to retain heat. Three-chamber models are recommended for use only in northern regions or in noisy areas (to increase the level of sound absorption of windows).

Number of sealing circuits

Modern profile systems have 2 or 3 sealing circuits. The tightness class of structures depends on their number. If the windows are planned to be used in conditions of high wind loads or at very low temperatures, it is advisable to give preference to profiles with 3 sealing contours.

Rebate depth for installation of double-glazed windows

This parameter is rarely paid attention to, although it has important. The depth of the rebate affects the likelihood of condensation occurring around the perimeter of the double-glazed windows. For profiles with a short landing distance, the glass around the spacer quickly cools in winter. This leads to the formation of condensation. To reduce the risk of it falling out, it is recommended to give preference to systems with a rebate depth of at least 20-21 mm.


Most window companies additionally provide plastic lamination services. Its essence lies in applying polymer film with plain or tree-like decor on one or both sides of the profile. If you plan to install colored windows at a facility, it is recommended to find out exactly what coatings the manufacturer offers.
During the search process, you cannot limit yourself to studying profiles. The thermal characteristics of windows depend no less on double-glazed windows and fittings.

How to choose a suitable plastic profile if you need warm windows

To figure out which profile to choose for PVC windows with high energy efficiency, you first need to understand how heat is retained indoors. Fittings, double-glazed windows and, of course, the profile system are responsible for this process. Most heat is lost through the translucent filling, so you need to take care of this part of the window structure first. However, without taking into account the characteristics of the profiles, it is impossible to complete this task, since there are 2 ways to increase the energy efficiency of windows:
  1. Install thick double-glazed windows– such integration is only possible in structures assembled from profiles with an installation depth of 70 mm or more. The number of internal cameras in such windows is usually 5-6 pieces.
  2. Install single-chamber double-glazed windows with selective coating– such installation does not require a powerful profile. However, the use of 3-chamber systems with an installation depth of 58-60 mm will lead to heat leakage in the area of ​​the sashes and frame, so a 5-chamber profile would be the best option.

To make warm windows With any type of double-glazed windows, it is necessary to use profiles with increased installation depth for assembly. Otherwise, the energy efficiency of the structures will be insufficient to maintain a comfortable temperature in the interior.

Which profile is better if you need large windows?

Large structures experience high loads. They must withstand the weight of heavy double-glazed windows and gusts of wind. Since not all buyers know when ordering large plastic windows which profile is best to choose, they may subsequently encounter deformation of large-sized structures. To avoid this, you need to follow several recommendations:
  • give preference to a multi-chamber A-class profile with an external wall thickness of 3 mm and an installation depth of 80-86 mm;
  • order closed reinforcement with steel liners with a wall thickness of 1.5 mm;

Based on these two points, you can choose large windows that will last for many years and will not cause any trouble.

Which profile is suitable if you need colored windows?

Laminated, painted and lined with acrylic – these are the types of colored windows. All of the listed plastic window profiles are on sale today, but most buyers do not know how to choose the most suitable one. In order for designs to fully meet the client’s needs, it is necessary to comprehensively evaluate:
  • service life of decors;
  • operating conditions of coatings;
  • cost of color profiles.

In addition to systems lined with decorative coatings, manufacturers offer body-painted profiles. They retain their aesthetic characteristics throughout the entire service life of the structures.
If windows with dark lamination are planned to be used on sunny side building, you need to find out whether PVC can withstand overheating for a long time. Inexpensive profiles quickly soften under such conditions, which ultimately leads to deformation of the sashes and frames.

What to choose if you need secure windows

To make safe windows, you need a profile with a fitting groove offset that will allow installation. In addition, it is necessary to equip the structures with reliable steel reinforcement. The more cameras a profile with an increased installation width has, the more difficult it is to open such windows from the street side.
Attempts to break into windows high level safety may cause minor damage to profile structures. As a result, for the manufacture of such models it is recommended to choose systems made from environmentally friendly plastic.

How to choose the right profile at a good price

Systems that meet all the most stringent requirements belong to the premium class. But this does not mean that buying high-quality windows excludes savings. With the right approach, you can reduce your costs a little.

Firstly, you will need to first find out, when ordering inexpensive plastic windows, which profile to choose for your climate. Not all regions require maximum thermal insulation values.
Secondly, take into account the location of your window openings. If the windows face the courtyard, then there is no point in overpaying for increased sound insulation characteristics.

If you absolutely require structures that retain heat well, do not allow noise to pass through and make it difficult to break into, use our advice, without sacrificing quality.

Selecting a profile is the first priority from which you should begin the window purchasing procedure. This process requires prior knowledge of the basic information needed to successful search. You can find all the latest information about components for assembling window and door units on the OknaTrade website in the “Useful Articles” section.

Profile PVC profile Wood profile PVC windows Wooden windows

Currently, in the Russian market of window products, despite the ever-increasing number of sales of wooden and aluminum structures, the leadership remains with plastic windows. This is facilitated by a lot of advantages that PVC products have. The main ones, of course, are excellent heat and sound insulation, long service life, the ability to use additional accessories that increase the functionality of the window (mosquito net, thermometer, etc.), as well as excellent appearance coupled with an affordable price.

As you know, the basis of plastic windows is the profile. In the entire light-transmitting structure, its share accounts for approximately 10% of the total area of ​​the product. The remaining 90% is occupied by double glazing.

It is no secret that all PVC profiles included in the windows sold are the same. To select the best option that would fully meet your needs appearance, level of sound and heat insulation, as well as price, the buyer needs to have an idea about each element of the window and be able to freely operate with technical terms associated with each of its components.

In this article we will take a detailed look at the main points that you should pay attention to when choosing a window profile, describe its design, and explain the meaning of basic technical terms.

How many cameras should a plastic window have?

The image is clickable.

When considering the characteristics of the model of light-transmitting PVC construction you are interested in, special attention Three points should be taken into account:

  • profile;

The most significant characteristic of a profile is its chamberness, that is, how many chambers it consists of. Their number directly determines how well the plastic profile retains heat.

Profile with three cameras. For residents of regions where cool weather conditions reign most of the year, the most preferable option is a three-chamber window profile. Three chambers reliably protect the structure from blowing, which means they perfectly retain heat in the room. In addition to this, they have a built-in metal frame designed to strengthen the plastic sidewalls. The three-chamber profile of a plastic window, as a rule, has a width of 5.8 cm.

Profile with four or five cameras. Products that contain four are either intended primarily for use in areas of the country where the summer season is not long and the temperature conditions clearly leave much to be desired. The protection provided by a profile with such an increased number of chambers copes with even the lowest temperatures (30 C and below). Therefore, inside the room, glazed with windows with a multi-chamber profile, it will be warm and cozy in any weather. It is worth noting that the use of such windows in warm regions of the country is little justified due to: soft weather conditions; prices that significantly exceed the cost of their three-chamber “brothers”.

Single-chamber and double-chamber profiles. They are mainly used for glazing apartments and private houses located in the southern part of Russia. The design flaw, which does not allow them to efficiently retain heat at low temperatures, is more than compensated for by their price - it is significantly lower than the cost of plastic window models, the profile of which has a larger number of chambers.

Structural elements of plastic profiles. Clicking on the mouse enlarges the image.

As a result. If you need maximum protection from the cold, opt for plastic window models with a 4 or 5 chamber profile. If there is no need for maximum heat conservation in a glazed room, for example, in southern regions countries where hot weather prevails, one- or two-chamber PVC structures should be chosen.

For most buyers the best solution for the home there will be the purchase of three-chamber systems.

Criteria for selecting a profile, depending on its thickness.

Sectional profile. Click to enlarge.

An important characteristic PVC profile is its thickness. It depends, first of all, on the number of chambers and indirectly speaks about the ability of a window to retain heat: the wider the profile the warmer it is, as a rule.

When choosing optimal width profile of a plastic window, it is necessary to take into account that there are only a small number of options, of which the following should be highlighted:

58 mm. The profile, 5.8 cm wide, is the most popular in the Russian window market. Compared to other, thicker brothers, it stands out due to its low price and fairly tolerable characteristics. As they say - cheap and cheerful. However, if the buyer pursues the goal of glazing a window opening without pretensions to super-results, then plastic window models with a 58 mm profile will fully satisfy his desire.

70 mm. The profile width of 7.0 cm allows the product to accommodate from 3 to 5 cameras. This thickness is more than enough to provide the glazed room with the appropriate level of heat and sound insulation.

90 mm. The widest profile option for PVC windows, which best copes with the issue of heat retention in the apartment. Contains up to 6 cameras. The main disadvantage of this 9.0 cm solution is its price, which is significantly higher than other similar products that have a smaller thickness.

There are also designs whose profile width is quite impressive 110-130 mm! Such windows are also called “Danish” or “Dutch”. They are, so to speak, designed for the amateur.

Cross-section of a double-glazed window.

A double-glazed window, as mentioned above, occupies about 90% of the area of ​​the entire window. Today there are three types of double-glazed windows, differing in the number of glasses installed in them:

  • Single glass option. Not suitable for installation in residential buildings due to the presence of insufficient characteristics of such a double-glazed window. The main flaws in the design of single-glazed windows are poor heat retention, as well as the lack of protection from. With the onset of the cold season, such disadvantages can contribute to the cooling of the room, as well as the formation of an impressive layer of ice on the glass.
  • Double glass design. Represents the most optimal solution for installation in an apartment, or private house due to the good price-performance ratio. The so-called heat loss is practically eliminated, and heat in a glassed room is retained much better than when using a double-glazed window that contains only one glass.
  • Three-pane solution. With installed triple glazing, you can achieve not only the greatest heat savings, but also maximum protection of the apartment from all kinds of noise entering its territory from the street. Triple glazing has only two disadvantages - high cost and.

From the above information it follows that for most buyers the best option There will be a purchase of double-glazed windows, which will contain three glasses. If you lack funds, you can opt for double-glazed windows, which have the best price/quality ratio.

Selection of profile depending on manufacturer and class.

When choosing a suitable window profile, in addition to its characteristics, you should take into account its brand and class. Regarding the manufacturers of this type of product, it can be noted that today on the domestic window market you can find a fairly large number of brands producing various models plastic windows, differing in their constituent elements and, accordingly, characteristics.

Important! This issue was covered most fully in our previous materials entitled “” and “”.

Now a few words about choosing a profile class. There are two classes of such products:

Profile class A can be used both in residential buildings and geometrically complex facade structures. It has a long service life and has a wall thickness of at least 3 mm.

Class A profile. Click to enlarge.

Due to design features Class B profile is usually considered a budget solution. The main factor influencing the price is the presence of a thin wall of the product. It is precisely because of the savings on the thickness of the material used for the chamber wall that manufacturers of PVC profiles class B were able to keep prices for their products extremely low. Price comes at a price, however, the buyer should remember that such a marketing ploy cannot but affect the service life of a plastic window equipped with such a profile - the service life of the system will be significantly shorter.

To summarize all of the above, I would like to draw attention to a very obvious fact: all the elements of a plastic window are interconnected. When choosing a warm double-glazed window, you should also take care of purchasing a warm window profile. Otherwise, the design, due to significant differences in technical characteristics, may turn out to be unbalanced.

Currently, the market for windows made on a PVC basis offers a wide range of different products. In order to attract buyers, companies are developing new types of double-glazed windows, and also use various types of profiles from which plastic windows are made.

In this regard, the consumer has reasonable questions: which window profile to choose and what will serve as the criteria for its selection?

When choosing a profile used in the manufacture of plastic windows, you must be guided by the following criteria that determine the purpose of the window and its operating conditions:

  1. The ability to provide the required level of heat and sound insulation of the room where it is planned to install a window of this design.
  2. The quality of the material used.
  3. Profile class.
  4. Possibility of installing double-glazed windows of various designs.
  5. Geometric dimensions of the profile (width and height).
  6. Availability of reinforcement.
  7. Possibility of installing additional elements.
  8. Conditions of use and maintenance.
  9. Manufacturer's brand and its reliability.
  10. Price.

In practice, a PVC profile is used, which has a different number of chambers in its design, which ensure the ability of this structural element to retain heat indoors and maintain the required level of sound insulation.

Structurally, this is expressed in the division of the internal space into several air chambers through the installation of partitions. There can be from three to eight such chambers (air cavities), of which the most popular among household consumers are three and five chamber ones.

By class, PVC profiles are classified as:

  • Class “A” – wall thickness from 3.0 mm.
  • Class “B” – wall thickness from 2.5 to 3.0 mm.
  • Class “C” - wall thickness is not standardized.

Window profile materials

In the manufacture of windows, various types of profiles can be used, both in terms of its design and the material from which it is made.

It could be:

  • Tree.

This is a natural and environmentally friendly material that has always been widely used in the manufacture of windows.

Currently, due to the advent of new technologies and the high cost of natural raw materials, it is used less widely.

Wood species such as teak, larch, oak, Canadian Hemlock and teak wood are used for the manufacture of windows for individual orders and in the construction of premium class housing.

Coniferous trees are used in the manufacture of cheaper structures, but, nevertheless, they are still more expensive than products made from various types of plastic and some types of composites.

  • Aluminum.

Pure aluminum is not a very good material in terms of its use for the manufacture of window blocks. The reason for this is its high thermal conductivity and low elasticity.

In this regard, aluminum faucets are rarely used in their pure form for these structural elements, but in combination with polyvinyl chloride materials they are an excellent component of such products.

  • Fiber composites.

Fiber composites are fiberglass made from a reinforced profile and a fiberglass composite.

This material has good heat-insulating properties and strength indicators that exceed those of wood and metal, respectively.

The disadvantage that determines its rather narrow distribution is that under the influence external environment(precipitation, sun rays etc.), this material delaminates.

When using a composite made from carbon fiber, this disadvantage is absent, but in this case the product is very expensive.

  • Metal-plastic.

The use of aluminum, which serves as a frame in the manufacture of window profiles and plastic, made it possible to create a wonderful tandem of materials, which made it possible to combine their advantages and create a durable product with good thermal insulation properties.

Metal-plastic profiles are currently widely used in the manufacture of window blocks of various designs.

Selection of accessories

The choice of fittings is an important point when manufacturing and equipping a window, no matter how strange it may seem at first glance. In order to make the right choice, you must:

  • Familiarize yourself with the types and purposes of fittings.
  • Choose the most reliable manufacturer that produces high-quality products (based on user reviews).
  • Determine the needs of various types of fittings and their technical characteristics.
  • Determine the relationship between price and service life of the products.

The configuration and type of fittings for each specific window is individual, which is determined by its design and the method of opening the sashes (right or left, sliding or hinged type, blind or tilt-and-turn design, etc.).

The standard package of a window made from PVC profile includes the following elements:

  • Window hinges (bottom and top).
  • Compensator.
  • Protective mechanism (fuse) against slamming.
  • Devices for lifting window sash.
  • Retainers.
  • Brackets.
  • Tilt and turn mechanism.

In addition to the products listed above, the kit may include window sash rotation limiters, slot ventilators, mosquito nets and locks that ensure the window is closed from the inside.

In the manufacture of fittings, various metals and their alloys are used, which characterizes their strength and reliability. WITH outside The fittings are coated with anti-corrosion paints and varnishes.

The criteria for choosing accessories are:

  • Wear resistance.
  • Resistance to external influences.
  • Availability warranty period operation and certificate of conformity.
  • Appearance (aesthetics) and ease of use.

Choosing a plastic window manufacturer

When the user is faced with a question related to the choice of plastic windows, in addition to the technical components that determine the characteristics of the window (the type of profile and the material from which it is made, the type of double-glazed window, the availability and quality of seals and fittings), an organizational component also appears - which manufacturer’s windows to choose.

A large number of large and small companies operate in the domestic market for such products. various shapes property. However, the main manufacturers of metal-plastic profiles are only a few companies, whose products have their own inherent advantages and disadvantages; below are the most popular of them.

KBE (Kunststoffproduktion für Bau und Elektrotechnik), Germany

The KVE company operates in different countries and on different continents. In Russia, this company has representative offices in many regions; the production of metal-plastic profiles is located in the Moscow region. The representative of the company in Russia is ZAO Profine RUS (Moscow).

The advantages of KVE products are:

  • High rates of heat and sound insulation.
  • Wide operating temperature range.
  • Availability of a ventilation system that ensures that glass units do not fog up.

The disadvantages include:

  • High cost.
  • White plastic may turn yellow when exposed to sunlight.

Rehau, Germany

The Rehau company operates in different industries and in different countries around the world. One of the areas of activity is the production of translucent structures, including metal-plastic profiles.

The company's central office for Eastern Europe is located in Moscow, and representative offices are in the cities of St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk and Simferopol.

The advantages of Rehau products are:

  • Strength.
  • Large range of different profile types.
  • Good performance in terms of heat and sound insulation.
  • Frost resistance of products.
  • High cost.
  • Limited height of sashes on manufactured products.

"PROPLEX", Russia

"PROPLEX" is one of the first domestic enterprises that began to operate on the market metal-plastic windows for the full cycle of their production.

The advantages of products manufactured at this enterprise are:

  • Relatively low cost.
  • Long service life.
  • They are adapted to operating conditions in Russia.

The disadvantages are:

  • There is no international quality certificate.

VEKA AG, Germany

In Russia, the German company is represented by its branch, the subsidiary VEKA Rus, whose head office and production are located in Moscow. In addition, the company has representative offices in a number of regions of our country.

The advantages of VEKA products are:

  • Wide selection of models.
  • High technical performance (heat and sound insulation).
  • Durability.
  • The use of special rubber-based seals that are not afraid of low ambient temperatures.

The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Montblanc, Russia

The Mont Blanc company has been successfully operating in the PVC products market since 2000. The head office is located in Moscow, and factories are in Elektrostal, Moscow Region, and Krasnoyarsk.

The advantages of the products manufactured by this company are:

  • Low cost.
  • Adaptation of products to operating conditions in our country.
  • Well executed design.
  • Large selection of models.
  • Strength and durability of products.

The disadvantages are:

  • Lack of international quality certificate.
  • Low quality of fittings used.
  • Possibility of odor from the type of sealant used.

Which profiles are most often chosen?

The type of profile chosen depends on the purpose of the window and its operating conditions. In addition, another important factor influencing the choice is the service life and cost of the product.

When choosing, there are always personal preferences for a particular brand, as well as the presence of representative offices of the manufacturer in the region of residence of the potential buyer. In the regions of our country, the products of various companies are popular, which is characterized by the presence of a similar type of production and competition between manufacturers.

For installation in residential buildings, the greatest demand is for 3- and 5-chamber metal-plastic profiles with a width of 58.0 and 70.0 mm, respectively. For northern regions, 6 and 8 chamber profiles with a width of 90.0 mm are recommended.

It is not recommended to install in residential buildings plastic windows made from a profile intended for industrial buildings and facilities, for which there should be appropriate markings on its surface (OBJECT, object, engine, Tender, etc.).

In addition to the fact that when choosing a window you need to be careful and thoroughly familiarize yourself with the type and design of the profile, glass unit and fittings, you also need to take care of the high-quality installation of the purchased product. Incorrect installation can negate all the advantages of a window made from a metal-plastic profile.