Repetition and complication of outdoor games and exercises. Types of outdoor games. Plotless outdoor games

Irina Rusakova
Consultation for educators “Types of outdoor games”

Types of outdoor games

Movable Games are extremely diverse in their content and organization. In practice kindergarten games with a plot, without a plot, folk children's games, fun games, games in different natural conditions.

Among all the diversity mobile games for children, plot-based ones should be especially emphasized outdoor games, during which all players are necessarily involved in active motor actions. Story games are widely used in different conditions and for different purposes. Their main feature is the ability to influence children through the images and rules that they follow. Transforming into game characters and getting carried away by roles in story games, children behave very spontaneously.

The basis for developing the plot and establishing the rules of the game are the children’s ideas and knowledge about the environment. life: about professions, means of transport, natural phenomena, about the lifestyle and habits of animals and birds.

The plot of the game and the rules determine the nature of the movements and relationships between the players. in one case, children imitate horses and run, raising their knees high, in another - they jump like bunnies, in the third - they need to be able to climb onto a ladder, like a fireman. In some story games (“Bear the Bear in the Forest”, “Geese and Swans”, “Hares and the Wolf”, etc.) actions are defined with text. In story games, therefore, the movements performed are mainly imitative in nature.

Plot movable games are mostly collective, the number of players may vary (from 5 to 25). The actions of children in them are closely interconnected. Usually the main group portrays, for example, birds, bunnies, and one child becomes the performer of a responsible role - a wolf, a fox, a cat. The activity of the child playing the role of a wolf encourages all participants in the game to move faster and more energetically.

When conducting plot mobile games with children, you can use hats, elements of costumes, the costumes themselves, emphasizing the features characters: cat, bear, wolf, rooster, etc. For other children taking part in the game as mice, birds, chickens, hats are not required. But if the game is held at a festive matinee or leisure evening, then hats can be put on all children to create a certain festive mood in them.

Plotless games

Plotless games like "traps", the dashes are very close to the plot ones - they just do not contain images that children imitate; all other components The same: the presence of rules, responsible roles, interconnected game actions of all participants. These games, like the story games, are based on simple movements, most often running combined with catching and hiding.

It should be taken into account that plotless games require more independence from children than plot-based games, speed and dexterity of movements, and better orientation in space.

In the plotless games "Skittles", "Ring Toss", "Ball School" children perform complex movement: throwing, throwing-catching. Children preschool age They are good at such movements. Such movements are used in game exercises “Hit the goal”, “Throw it high”, etc. By practicing these actions, children gradually master the skills and abilities to act with various items (balls, spheres, rings) etc. They develop an eye, coordination of movements, and dexterity.

Despite the fact that plotless games are not used as widely with children as plot-based games, children participate in them with great pleasure. This is explained by the fact that in such games teacher is an active participant. He shows the children how to perform certain tasks, he himself plays a responsible role, directs the entire course of the game, emotionally prepares the children, helping them perform various movements.

Game exercises and outdoor games are interconnected, however, in terms of purpose, pedagogical objectives, content and methodology, they are not identical. Movable the game has a specific design at its core (figurative or conditional). Exercises are methodically organized motor actions, specially selected for the purpose of physical education; their essence is to perform specific actions ( "Get in the cart", “Hurry up to your places” and etc.).

Game exercises can be used in classes on physical culture and above all in individual work on the development of movements. Most often they are carried out with small groups or specific children.

When working with preschool children, so-called fun games and attractions are also used. They are often held during leisure time, at sports festivals.

Motor tasks in these games are performed in unusual conditions and often include a surprise element: run while holding a spoon with a ball in it, and not drop anything; run in a bag; perform the movement blindfolded. Such tasks are performed by two or three children of senior preschool age or adults (parents, educators, the majority of children are spectators. Fun games are a fun spectacle, entertainment for children, giving them joy, but at the same time they require motor skills, dexterity, and dexterity from the participants.

Folk children's games are rooted in the centuries-old history of society, national traditions of the ethnic group, ancient customs and rituals of peoples. By content folk games concise, expressive and accessible to the child. They stimulate active thinking, help expand ideas about the world around us, and develop memory and imagination. The rules of folk games require players to have dexterity, strength, dexterity, the ability to restrain themselves, to be resourceful, courageous, and honest.

In folk games, children are especially interested in the beginnings, funny counting rhymes, drawing lots, speech "teasing" (dialogues). They have a lot of jokes, humor, and competitive fervor. Therefore, they give a boost of energy, improve your mood, and bring joy. During the games, fun is used, which often turns into theatrical action that attracts all children.

In games using sports equipment, motor tasks are based on children's existing skills. As you master skills, for example, sledding, from early preschool age you can organize games such as "Reindeer Sleds", "Sled racing". Older children are interested in skiing games ( "Who's the fastest", "The further the better").

Games with sports equipment, as a rule, are organized in natural conditions in different seasons of the year.

Outdoor games are a type of physical activity, a means of physical education, and a general developmental means of sports training. Outdoor games involve walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing and others. physical exercise are held both indoors and outdoors according to certain rules and are competitive in nature.

The lesson is the main form of organizing gymnastics classes at school. The advantage of the lesson form of conducting classes is that the leading role here belongs to the teacher, who ensures the effectiveness of the educational process through planned work in accordance with a stable schedule, the correct definition of goals and objectives for each lesson. To solve the tasks great importance It has correct selection outdoor games and game tasks, which will help the teacher give the lesson an attractive form, facilitate the process of memorization and learning, and increase the emotional background of the lesson.

Games that are related in motor structure are of educational importance certain species sports (sports games, athletics, gymnastics, wrestling, swimming, etc.). Such games are aimed at consolidating and improving previously learned technical and tactical techniques and skills of one or another sport. The importance of outdoor games in developing physical qualities: speed, agility, strength, endurance, flexibility is also great.

Outdoor games are an excellent means of developing and improving children’s movements; in addition, when appropriately selected, taking into account age, health status, the nature of functional changes in the body and the degree of physical fitness of children, outdoor games undoubtedly contribute to the health, strengthening of the child’s body, hardening and thereby prevention diseases.

At proper organization classes, taking into account the age characteristics and physical fitness of those involved, outdoor games have a beneficial effect on the growth, development and strengthening of the osseous-ligamentous apparatus, muscular system, on the formation of correct posture in children, and also increase the functional activity of the body.

Play is a natural companion of a child’s life and therefore meets the laws laid down by nature itself in the child’s developing body - his insatiable need for cheerful movements. Creativity and imagination, which are an indispensable condition for most outdoor games, strengthen brain impulses, which, in turn, stimulate the pituitary gland, the activity of the thyroid gland and the entire endocrine system. Positive emotions and creativity are the most important factors for healing.

Motor activity of a playful nature and the positive emotions it evokes enhance physiological processes in the body and improve the functioning of all organs and systems. Emotional uplift (joy, pleasure, elation, inspiration) creates in children an increased tone of the whole organism. The desire of children to achieve a common goal for all is expressed in a clear understanding of the task, better coordination of movements, more accurate orientation in space and playing conditions, and an accelerated pace of completing tasks. With such enthusiasm in children and the joyful aspiration that captures them to achieve a goal, the role of will increases, helping to overcome various obstacles. Active motor activity trains nervous system child, improving and balancing the processes of excitation and inhibition.

The physical and mental components in games of any kind are closely related. Children, realizing the need for active movements, expend accumulated energy, improve basic motor skills, and they also learn initiative, independence, perseverance - on the one hand, and on the other - the ability to control themselves and take into account the team, coordinate their actions with the actions of other players . These components are good training in quickly - depending on changing circumstances, but in accordance with a specific plan - switching attention and developing its flexibility.

The game has a great impact on the formation of personality: it is such a conscious activity in which the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and draw conclusions is manifested and developed. Outdoor games contribute to the development in children of abilities to act, which are important in everyday practical activities, in the games themselves, as well as in gymnastics and sports.

The development of moral qualities, determination, and zeal for victory through overcoming problems is closely related to the choice of games. It is necessary to select games that develop the necessary properties and a correct understanding of life. Games instill in children a sense of solidarity, camaraderie and responsibility for each other's actions. The rules of the game contribute to the development of conscious discipline, honesty, endurance, the ability to “pull yourself together” after powerful excitement, and to restrain one’s selfish impulses. Humiliation of human dignity, rudeness, and selfishness are unacceptable in games.

So, outdoor games have educational, educational, and health-improving significance and occupy a huge place in the lives of children of primary school age.

Outdoor games are divided into elementary and complex. Elementary ones, in turn, are divided into plot and non-plot games, fun games, and attractions.
Story-based games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of surrounding life ( labor actions people, traffic, movements and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are related to the development of the plot and the role played by the child. The rules determine the beginning and end of movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obedience to the rules is mandatory for everyone.
Thematic outdoor games are mainly collective (in small groups and the whole group). Games of this type are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular in preschool age.
Plotless outdoor games such as traps, dashes (“Traps”, “Dashes”) do not have a plot or images, but are similar to plot games in the presence of rules, roles, and the interdependence of the game actions of all participants. These games are associated with the performance of a specific motor task and require children to have great independence, speed, dexterity, and spatial orientation.
In preschool age, outdoor games with elements of competition (individual and group) are used, for example: “Whose link is most likely to assemble”, “Who is the first through the hoop to the flag”, etc. Elements of competition encourage greater activity in performing motor tasks. In some games (“Change the object”, “Who is the fastest to the flag”), each child plays for himself and tries to complete the task as best as possible. If these games are divided into teams (relay games), then the child strives to complete the task in order to improve the team’s result.
Plotless games also include games using objects (skittles, serso, ring throw, grandmothers, “Ball School”, etc.). Motor tasks in these games require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). The rules in such games are aimed at the order of arrangement of objects, their use, and the order of actions of the players. These games feature elements of competition to achieve better results.
In fun games and attractions, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, with several children performing motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games and attractions bring a lot of joy to the audience.
Complex games include sports games (small towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). In preschool age, elements of these games are used and children play according to simplified rules.
Outdoor games also differ in their motor content: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. According to the degree physical activity, which each player receives, there are games of high, medium and low mobility. Games of great mobility include those in which the entire group of children simultaneously participates and are based mainly on movements such as running and jumping. Games of medium mobility are those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups. In games of low mobility, movements are performed at a slow pace, and their intensity is insignificant.

D.V. Khukhlaeva, "Methods of physical education in preschool institutions", M., 1984

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    Story games They have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules, game actions are related to the development of the plot and the role played by the child. These games are mainly collective. The plot ones include: folk round dance games (with singing and recitative): “Boyars”, “Pebble”, “Terera”, “Golden Gate”, “Goat”, “And we sowed millet”, “Stream” and folk games without singing: “Cat and Mice”, “Ring”, etc. .

    Plotless games contain motor game tasks that are interesting for children, leading to achieving the game goal. These include:

- games such as dashes and traps (do not have a plot, images, but have rules, a role, game actions): "Colors", "Tag"

- games with competitive elements (individual and group): “ Zhmurki", "The Third Wheel", "Empty Space"

- relay games (conducted with division into teams, each player strives to complete the task in order to improve the team’s result)

- games using objects (skittles, serso, ring throw, balls) require certain conditions, the rules in them are aimed at the order of arrangement of objects, their use, the order of actions and the element of competition)

- amusement games - in them motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions, often including an element of competition, relay races: “Running with tied legs together”, “Swamp”, “Fishes”, “Coiling the rope”

COMPLEX ones include sports games (small towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, etc.), which require composure, organization, observation, development of movement techniques, and speed of reaction. Depending on the age of the children, they can play according to simplified rules (including in groups of different ages).

According to the degree of load, outdoor games are divided into

Stages of an outdoor game :

Preparation of the game by the teacher himself (thinking through the rules and their explanations, learning texts, preparing equipment and materials)

Emotional mood of children to play

Precise, concise, child-friendly explanation of the rules

Playing a game with the obligatory participation of a teacher (as a leader, driver or “captain” of the group - depending on whose task in this game is more difficult)

2-3 repetitions of the game in one lesson

Inviting children to choose their favorite games from a well-known repertoire and reinforcing the game in subsequent lessons by reminding them of the basic rules

Introducing new game options based on what is already well known (including coming up with game options together with children - for example, let it be not “Cat and Mice”, but “Tom and Jerry” or “Wolf and Hares” - then both the text of the speech accompaniment and the nature of the movements will definitely change!)

PREPARATION FOR THE GAME. Preparation for the game is especially important in cases where the game is offered for the first time and the teacher is not able to foresee all situations that may arise during its course. Preparation consists of choosing a game, preparing the site for the game, preparing equipment for the game, and preliminary analysis of the game. The choice of game primarily depends on the general objectives of the lesson, when setting which the main criteria are the age characteristics of the children, their development, physical fitness, and the number of students. When choosing a game, you must take into account the form of the activity (lesson, recess, holiday, walk). Lesson and recess are limited in time; the tasks and content of games during recess are different from those in the lesson; The festival mainly uses mass games and attractions in which children can take part of different ages and different physical fitness. The choice of game directly depends on the location where it is played. In a small narrow hall or corridor, games are played with a linear formation, games in which participants take turns. In a large gym or on a playground, it is good to play games with running in all directions, throwing large and small balls, and with elements of sports games. During walks and excursions outside the city, local games are used. In winter, games on skis, skates, sleighs, and games with snow buildings are held on the site. When organizing outdoor games, you need to take into account the weather conditions (especially in winter). If the air temperature is low, a game with active actions of the participants is selected. You cannot use games where you have to stand for a long time, waiting for your turn. Sedentary games, in which participants take turns performing a game task, are good in hot weather. The availability of manuals and equipment also influences the choice of game. Due to the lack of appropriate equipment or failure to replace it, the game may not take place. Preparing the play area. If outdoor play is carried out outdoors, then you need to remove the turf or select a flat green area (especially for children of primary school age) that does not require this. The shape of the site is preferably rectangular, at least 8 m wide and 12 m long. Several benches can be placed at a distance of 2 m from the field. The area is limited by the front (short) and side lines; a transverse line is drawn dividing it in half. You can place flags at the corners of the site by making excavations in the ground. It is permissible to place flags along the side border at the intersection of the center line. It is customary to mark the lines with chalk paint; on a grass area along the lines, you can lightly cut the turf to create a 2-3 cm groove. Boundary lines are drawn no closer than 3 m from a fence, wall or other objects to avoid injury. A platform for winter games it is necessary to clear the snow, compact it, and build a snow rampart along the edges. For some games it is sprinkled with sand. You can make a separate area for games that are most preferred by children, which they like to play on their own. Before starting a game indoors, the leader must ensure that there are no foreign objects in the hall that interfere with the movements of the players. Sports equipment (parallel bars, crossbar, pommel horse, goat) must be put in the utility room. If this is not possible, then they should be placed against a short wall and protected with benches, netting or other objects. Window glass and lamps should be covered with nets. The room should always be ventilated and the floor should be wiped with a damp cloth. If the leader plans to play a game on the ground, he gets to know it well in advance and marks the boundaries for the game. Places for games are prepared by students together with the leader. Preparation of equipment for outdoor games. Outdoor play must be provided with appropriate equipment. These are flags, colored headbands or vests, balls of various sizes, sticks, clubs or skittles, hoops, jump ropes, etc. The equipment should be bright and noticeable in the game, which is especially important for younger schoolchildren, and its size and weight should be feasible for the players. The amount of inventory is provided in advance. The manager maintains the inventory in proper condition and systematically puts it in order. You can involve children in storing and repairing equipment. For games on lawns and winter playgrounds, you can use cones, snow, etc. Participants receive equipment or place it on the site only after the leader explains to them the rules of the game. Preliminary analysis of the game. Before playing the game, the leader must think through the game process and foresee all possible situations that arise during the game. It is especially necessary to anticipate and prevent possible adverse events. The leader, who knows the given group of players well, preliminarily outlines the roles of the players and thinks through how to involve weak and passive players in the game. For some games, he selects his assistants in advance, determines their functions and, if necessary, gives them the opportunity to prepare (for example, in local games). The assistants are the first to become acquainted with the rules of the game and the place where it will be held. When conducting the game, the leader is recommended to think through and take into account the following aspects: 1. Familiarize yourself with the requirements and rules of the game that the children will play. Prepare all necessary equipment and materials before starting. 2. Take into account the level of development of children, their talents, skills and inabilities. 3. Offer only those games that are accessible to this age group, corresponding to the height of children, their strength, and life experience. Skillfully remove participants from a game that is difficult for them. 4. Avoid overenthusiasm (overexcitement) among those playing. 5. Be ready to participate in the game as an ordinary player, obey all the rules, including those that seem to belittle the dignity of an adult. 6. Help children who are not quite as competent or as coordinated as their peers by assigning them tasks or opportunities to perform exercises based on the dexterity they have. A child with a handicap may enjoy being a timekeeper, scorekeeper, or referee in a game in which he is unable to participate. Ignore the mistakes of some children or carefully correct them without interrupting the game. Do not reprimand children in front of others if they have broken the rules or made a mistake in the game. 7. Explain the rules of each game in time and allow the children to practice one or more times before the active game begins. Have a number of alternative games and necessary equipment prepared in advance if the children do not approve of the first game proposed by the leader. 8. Give children rest between games in accordance with their age and capabilities. 9. Choose games taking into account the possibility of complicating them: start with the simplest ones, practice, gradually complicate them as the children’s dexterity improves.


    Name of the game.

    Program tasks (consolidate, improve, manage).

    The purpose of the game is to develop general endurance, willpower, dexterity, friendliness, spatial orientation, etc.).

    Equipment (eg benches, ropes, hoops, etc.)

    The plot of the game (younger and middle age), the content of the game (senior preschool age).

    Rules of the game (knowledge of the rules of the game, we start the game after the signal).

    Progress of the game (choice of driver, counting rhyme, chant, signal)

    Guiding the game (we monitor the development of the plot, calm hyperactive children, stimulate slow children to take action).

    Game options (complications).

    Analysis of the game played (summarizing the results of the game is necessary only at positive emotions, praise the best, reassure the losers, reassure that next time everything will work out)

Running, jumping, jumping and crawling is so typical for a preschool child. The baby can realize the desire to be in motion in the process special type games called mobile games. This is exactly the case when the uncontrollable energy of children can not only be directed into a peaceful direction, but also benefited from it.

The essence and significance of outdoor games

An outdoor game is based on two equally important components: the plot and the motor task. As a rule, such games are group games and have clear rules. In their process, the child learns to interact with other participants, make decisions depending on changes in the game situation, and demonstrate leadership qualities.

  1. Learn the rules. The presence of rules disciplines a preschooler and is a kind of preparation for adult life according to the laws of society. If outdoor play is organized for children 4-6 years old, it is important to remember the amount of freedom. On the one hand, when playing, preschoolers should feel independent and at ease. On the other hand, mandatory adult supervision must be present. Being free, independently making decisions during the game process, one participant, at the same time, should not violate the rights of others.
  2. Become a team player. Since play activity is often a team activity, it teaches the child to understand his comrades, act in harmony with them, give in or come to the rescue if necessary.
  3. Learn to speak. Games in which actions are accompanied by rhymes, counting rhymes, and sayings help train memory and develop speech in preschoolers.
  4. Become agile and strong. Outdoor games are especially important for developing and improving a child’s motor skills. In an exciting game, he never tires of practicing and improving the motor skills he mastered in early childhood: running, jumping, crawling, manipulating a ball and other objects, thanks to which he becomes: physically developed, dexterous, and resilient.
    If the game takes place outside, the preschooler’s body actively receives oxygen, as a result of which blood circulation increases and metabolic processes in cells and tissues are accelerated. The child’s body is healed and its immunity is strengthened.
  5. Be sincerely happy. In addition to the opportunity to achieve certain pedagogical goals, outdoor play gives a preschool child great pleasure: he enjoys the process itself, the opportunity to be in motion, communication with adults and other children, and, ultimately, his small achievements and victories.

Types of outdoor games

  1. Plot. The rules of such a game and the actions of children depend on the plot. Each participant is assigned a specific role.
  2. No plot. Such games can be entertaining or sports. These include racing, various games with a ball, elastic band or skipping rope, catch-up, hide-and-seek, etc.
  3. Competitive. The presence of an element of competition in this game makes it very interesting for children of older preschool age. It is known that closer to the age of 6, a child begins to realize his place in society; he wants to be popular and enjoy authority in the team. Competitions and relay races help him prove to himself and others how dexterous, enterprising, resilient, etc. he is, how well and coordinated he can act in a team. The opportunity to receive some kind of reward for winning makes kids interested in the results of their activities.
  4. Sports. This involves the use of sports equipment and is a simplified version of adult sports: football, volleyball, badminton, tennis, etc.
    In addition to the opportunity to achieve certain pedagogical goals, outdoor play gives a preschool child great pleasure: he enjoys the process itself, the opportunity to be in motion, communication with adults and other children, and, ultimately, his small achievements and victories.
    If outdoor play is organized for children 4-6 years old, it is important to remember the amount of freedom. On the one hand, when playing, preschoolers should feel independent and at ease. On the other hand, mandatory control on the part of teachers and parents must be present. Being free, independently making decisions during the game process, one participant, at the same time, should not violate the rights of others.

Examples of outdoor games

1. "Geese-swans"

A striking example of an active game with a plot is one that is often organized during a walk in kindergarten.
Roles: presenter, wolf, geese.

Progress of the game:
The leader (as a rule, his role goes to the teacher) enters into a dialogue with the “geese” (they are all the children from the group, with the exception of the “wolf”):
B: Geese, geese!
G: Ha-ga-ga!
Q: Do you want to eat?
G: Yes, yes, yes!
Q: So fly!
G: We can't! The gray wolf under the mountain does not let us go home.
Q: Well, fly as you want, just take care of your wings!
Children-"geese" must run from one point, the "thicket", to another, the "field", so that they are not caught by the "wolf", which is waiting for them in the "lair". The one who is finally eaten becomes a wolf himself. Game continues.

2. "Mousetrap"

Another fun and active one story game, which becomes even more interesting if more and more participants take part in it.

Progress of the game:
Children are divided into two groups: three or four players are mice, the rest stand in a circle and join hands, forming a mousetrap.
The teacher or adult says: “The mousetrap is open!” Children in a circle raise their hands. The “mice” run into it and run out back.
The game continues until all the mice fall into the trap.

3. “Edible-inedible”

This versatile ball game can be played indoors or outdoors. The number of participants in it is from two to ten. You shouldn’t involve more children: they may get bored waiting for their turn.

Progress of the game:
Children stand in a line, sit on a bench or sofa.
The presenter throws the ball to the first participant, while naming a specific object.
If the object is edible, the participant must catch the ball; if the object is inedible, he must hit it. He catches or hits the ball before the first mistake.
Next, the turn passes to another participant.

4. "Knockout"

5. "Four Elements"

This active game requires children to react quickly and be smart. With its help, you can improve children's knowledge about animals and their habitats. It can be played with 4-10 children.

Progress of the game:
A leader is chosen from among the children. The rest of the participants stand in a circle.
The leader with the ball stands in the middle of the circle. He throws the ball to each participant in turn, naming one of the four elements.
The participant who caught the “land” must name an animal. If the leader threw “water” - a fish or waterfowl, if “air” - a bird.
You can't catch fire. Having heard the name of this element, the child must hit the ball.
If a participant catches “fire” or cannot name the inhabitant of the element, he leaves the circle or takes the place of the leader.

6. “The sea is agitated once”

There are simply a huge number of variants of this game, their essence is approximately the same.
Since the number of participants is not limited, the entire kindergarten group can be involved in the process.

Progress of the game:
A leader must be selected. He says the following words:
“The sea is agitated once,
the sea is worried two,
the sea is worried three,
sea ​​(air, earth, crab, turtle, etc.) figure, freeze in place!”

Participants who could previously dance, run and jump must freeze, depicting any figure on a given topic (leading in the rhyme above). You can't move or laugh.

The presenter must understand who exactly the participants are showing. He approaches each player in turn and touches him (turns him on/off) - this player must show what kind of figure he is depicting. In this case, you just need to show with movements, but talking is prohibited. If he does not find the solution, the participant drops out of the game or becomes the leader himself. It is possible that whose “figure” the host likes the most, that player becomes the new host.

7. “Wand - squealer”

A simple and fun relay race for kindergarteners.

Progress of the game:
The kids are divided into two equal groups. They stand in two columns, in front of which they draw lines.
At a distance of 6-10 m, a chair is placed opposite each of them, and a stick is placed under it.
Starting from the line at the command of the teacher, children from each column run to the chairs, take sticks and, knocking them on the chairs, say: “One, two, three, stick - knock, knock!”
The team whose player did this first gets a flag.
All team members run in turn.
The team whose members have won the most flags wins.

8. "Football"

This sport game children of preschool age are presented as elements.
In a playful way, kids practice hitting the ball with their left and right feet from a place or from a run, throwing the ball from behind the head with two hands, hitting the goal. Children learn to dribble and catch the ball, and stand on the goal. The game is played in mini-groups of 5-10 people.