For wealth on the summer solstice. Health spell. The summer solstice saturates space with powerful, solar energy, and on this day you can feel like a magician

Our ancestors, the ancient Slavs, believed that the Sun has divine power over all living things, and the summer solstice is a day of power and magic.

June 21, 2017 is the summer solstice, the middle of natural summer and the longest daylight hours of the year, when the sun reaches its highest position. During the summer solstice, the Earth is inclined with its axis to the ecliptic plane by 23 degrees and faces the Sun with its north pole. And at the south pole it is polar night. At the moment of solstice, the sunrise and sunset points stop moving. Despite the fact that summer is just beginning to gain momentum from now on, the Sun returns to autumn. From this time on, the daylight hours will begin to wane, and by the autumnal equinox, the dark time of the day will prevail over the day.

For thousands of years, this day (like the winter solstice on December 21) was of great importance to our ancient ancestors, who lived in harmony with Mother Earth and obeyed natural cycles. On this day, the ancient pagan holidays of Midsummer, Kupala, and Lita were celebrated. For those who work on self-development, these days are very important.

On the day of the summer solstice 2017, solar energy intensifies and the potential for magic, rituals and meditation increases dramatically. This is one of the most powerful days years when it is possible to “dream” of your happiness, to “program” yourself for positivity and joy.

What kind of magic is Summer Solstice Day suitable for?

Solar magic rituals are greatly enhanced. For example, on this day you can make a Sun talisman for yourself. Opportunities for communication with astral entities: elves, fairies, gnomes, etc. are enhanced on this day.

Subtle communication with the astral world occurs much easier.

Fortune telling on the day and night of the summer solstice is much more accurate. Fortune telling using Tarot cards and Runes is especially suitable. Fortune telling for love gives truthful answers.

Love magic spells They work much better on the summer solstice 2017. For love magic collect seven different herbs and flowers and sew them into an amulet. Flowers of calendula, lavender, rosemary, sunflower, fern leaves, verbena, oak, rowan, etc. have properties that attract love on this day. The traditional magical colors of this day are yellow and red; red and red are also suitable for love magic. pink flowers. On this day you can perform a ritual to attract love.

This is a powerful magical time for rituals with crystals, stones using solar energy. ABOUT magical properties stones read here.

This day is very good for starting healing work, because the Sun is an esoteric healer.

Collecting herbs for magic, especially those used for solar magic, fire magic, and healing. Powerful healing power sunny herbs collected at this time have: wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet. And some, such as nettle, rowan, burdock, and dill, are used at home to protect against evil. On the day of the summer solstice, you can perform a ritual to protect your home.

The night before the summer solstice is a magical time. To celebrate the solstice, rituals are performed at night on the eve of this day. This is the time when the veil between ours and parallel worlds becomes subtle, allowing magic, spirits and fairies to permeate our world.

In ancient times, celebrations of the summer solstice almost always included ritual bonfires. The tradition of jumping over the fire of a fire has been preserved from ancient times to the present day. Nowadays, not everyone has the opportunity to make a fire, but you can light yellow or orange color. The element of fire symbolizes vitality and life itself. Death is cold. Fire is warmth and life. In many traditions, this day celebrates the unification of the elements of Water and Fire, and water also has powerful magical powers.

Make a wish on the summer solstice 2017

Heavenly ritual. if you have cherished wish, then you need to go to the open field, bow on all four sides and say what you dream about, turning to the sky. Then go home without talking to anyone, take a bath at home with the addition of summer herbs and go to bed. In the morning, go to the clearing again and tell the sky about your desire, return home silently and wash yourself in the shower. In the evening, repeat the ritual of the previous day. The wish will come true very soon.

Solar charge. You can place your desire in a jar of water on June 21 at night, whisper what you are dreaming about, put the container on the windowsill, so that in the morning, when the sun begins to shine and charges you with its energy, take a couple of sips. Continue to drink charged water throughout the day so that not a drop is left in the evening.

Lime conspiracy. On the day of the solstice, you need to pick linden leaves and flowers, saying the following words: “I collect the blooming linden tree and smell it with love, may it bring me happiness and find my loved one.” You need to bring them home and brew 2 tbsp. spoons of leaves and flowers with a liter of boiling water, let it brew for half an hour. Drink half a glass during the day, and add the rest to the bath, which you take before bed, dry yourself with a white terry towel, then put on beautiful underwear, comb your hair and lie down in a fresh bed.

Flower spell. You need to pick (you can’t buy, as the seller’s energy can go into the bouquet) seven flowers of red or pink color, which weaken the pleasant aroma; these can be peonies or roses. Place them in your bedroom and, when going to bed, say the following words: “A fragrant flower, let there be a love affair, an unexpected acquaintance and feeling without pretense.” Close your eyes and imagine how you will meet an attractive person, see the appearance of this person - eyes, height, hair color, figure, etc., as well as clothes. Then imagine yourself walking together and holding hands, and maybe even kissing and hugging. Fall asleep, inhaling the scent of flowers, standing nearby with you. In the morning, add a little water to the flowers.

Conspiracy for a birch tree. This ritual is performed by those who are unrequitedly in love. When leaving home, throw a scarf over your shoulders. Find a young birch tree, go up to it, hug it, feel its warmth and tell about your love, say the name of this person and about his beautiful appearance or qualities, why you fell in love with him. Then take off your scarf and tie it to a birch tree, saying the following words: “Birch-girlfriend, help him (name) fall in love with you. Let him suffer without me and constantly remember. Accept a gift from me so that it will be warm to me! Pick three leaves and go home without looking back, where you put them in a glass of water in the room in which you spend the most time. As soon as they wither, take them to the birch tree and see if there is a scarf or not. If it hangs, it means that the time has not yet come to fulfill the plan, but if the scarf is not there, then the ritual was successful. Try to attach the leaves to the branch.

Rituals for a bountiful harvest

Sealing the favorable energy of the field. From the evening of June 21, you need to water all the plants in your garden or dacha, saying the following words: “The day is long - the harvest is rich. The sun is bright, the earth is fertile. Everything is blooming and growing!” Repeat three times. Then stand in the western part of the garden and walk around it three times, stopping in the eastern part. And stretch out your hands to the sky, as if to take the energy, then shake it off onto the field. And do this in the north, west and south. When leaving, make a movement as if you were closing the field with a key, which you then put in your pocket. Walk without looking back. In the morning, be sure to “open” the field.

We sow solar warmth. On this day, you can sow the warmth of the sun if you collect various thick and fragrant herbs - wormwood, burdock, St. John's wort, mistletoe, dill, parsley, green onions, thyme, honeysuckle, hyssop, nettle, meadowsweet - on the evening of June 21, which are scattered throughout the field , saying the following words: “I’m throwing fatty herbs, good harvest I'm waiting." Repeat seven times. In the morning, take some fresh water and sprinkle it all over the field, saying the following words: “I irrigate with untouched water and attract plant growth!” When everything is ready, you can leave without looking back. Today it is better not to work until the sun begins to set. Plants must be saturated with the energy of grass, sun and water.

Many centuries ago, our ancestors believed that the sun is the patron of all natural processes and the head of the entire living world. The sun was assigned true divine power, even before the advent of religions. This is why most people are still convinced that the sun is an incredible force thanks to which all living things exist. But the solstice was completely considered a magical phenomenon. That is why today there are a variety of solstice conspiracies, which, according to professionals, are really effective. Let's consider which conspiracies for the winter solstice existed previously, and which ones are found quite often today. And most importantly, you need to figure out what can be achieved using these magical rituals.

The most common conspiracies for the winter and summer solstice

Both the summer and winter solstice were considered a real holiday for our ancestors. This day was usually accompanied by festivities and solemn celebrations, since in ancient times almost all people worshiped the sun. In the evening, at sunset on the day of the summer solstice, a huge fire was usually lit and serious rituals were performed. On the day of the summer solstice, the most famous ritual was considered to be jumping over the largest fire. The person who managed to overcome all the fires without problems will be able to increase his harvest in the future and improve business with livestock. Plus, it is believed that such a ritual prolongs the life of the participant.

If on such a day a child was born during sunrise or sunset, then it contains Magic force which should be developed in the future. Many signs say that such a child will become a psychic. The most important thing is to develop this gift of God in him and in no case interfere with his activities. But all this is possible only if, from the very beginning, early years the child will worship the sun. If bad weather is recorded on the day of the summer or winter solstice, this means that the Sun God is angry with people and the whole next year it will be a bad harvest for them.

There were also signs for young people. It was believed that if they could climb over 12 fences on this day, then all their wishes would come true and their life would only be happy. Usually the festivities continued until sunrise. During this time, various ceremonies and rituals were performed. It was believed that if there was a starry sky at night, then the harvest this season would be worthy. But if there is no dew on the grass in the morning, this means that there will be few mushrooms in the forest. Many people literate in magic at this time collected herbs, which, according to them, contained supernatural magical powers.

Some signs emphasized that if you spend at least a little time in a bathhouse (or sauna) on this day, then over the next year a person will be able to completely get rid of all illnesses and serious chronic diseases. It was the solstice in ancient times that brought long-awaited healing to people. Therefore, by worshiping the sun, the population of most countries of the world believed in its significance and incredible power.

What ceremonies and rituals are possible?

There are certain rituals that can be performed during the solstice. Before choosing the desired ritual for the solstice, you should carefully understand which solstice conspiracies and other magical actions can be considered effective and efficient from a magical point of view. Among them we can safely name:

  • rituals for making special solar amulets and amulets: any solar talisman made during the solstice will protect its owner from harm;
  • people in whom magical power has been discovered will not be prevented from establishing contact with the astral universe - it will help a person in solving many problems over the next year or at least until the next solstice;
  • On the day of the summer solstice, it won’t hurt to establish contact with such magical creatures that live in the forest and often help us, although we ourselves don’t notice it - we’re talking about gnomes and elves;
  • any love spells on the day of the summer solstice will be several times more effective;
  • at the solstice, fortune-telling rituals can be performed; such rituals usually demonstrate the whole truth about a person’s future;
  • on the day of the winter and summer solstice, any conspiracy and prayer acquires special power: if you read them sincerely, you can even heal a person;
  • and, of course, during this period you need to collect medicinal herbs and other plants.

Solstice is a real “gold mine” for sorcerers and magicians, which gives people faith in a bright future.

What summer solstice spell can bring what the sorcerer desires?

Summer Solstice Day is June 21st every year. This actual date is the same for every year. Previously, there was a tradition that all healers at this time carried out the bulk of their magical rituals and conspiracies. The key role in the magical properties of each plot was played by a simple pure water. The water charmed on such a day was used throughout the next year to heal and cure people.

Many magicians claim that during the summer solstice a person can ask nature to fulfill all his dreams. To do this, it is enough to go out in the evening after sunset into an open field and shout about all your desires. After this, you should bow in all four directions. It is important to direct your requests not to the sky, but to the sun. When going home, you can’t talk to anyone and when you get home you need to take a bath. It will be nice if the water contains medicinal herbs. After taking a bath you should go to bed. In the morning you should go to the same place and repeat your wishes again and do the same operations on the way home again. The very next morning your life will begin to improve. And as you can see, the most ordinary water takes part in this magical ritual.

You can carry out a conspiracy on a linden tree. This ritual can attract your soulmate. To do this, you need to pick several leaves from the linden tree and repeat the spell several times:

“Now I’m plucking a linden tree and blossoming from incredible love. Let the linden tree find my betrothed and bring it to me as quickly as possible.”

Plucked leaves should be poured with boiling water at home and drink this decoction for 3 days. 100 milliliters per dose is enough. The remaining water should go into the bathroom in which you will bathe on the last day of taking the decoction.

No less interesting are the rituals for improving the harvest. On the solstice, you should water your garden and at the same time repeat the spell:

“May our harvest be as rich as our land is fertile, and as the sun above us is bright. Let everything blossom and bear fruit. Amen".

It is very important to perform this ritual only on a sunny day. If it rains outside, then the harvest will be rich.

All of the above conspiracies for the summer solstice are very effective. If you want to improve situations in a particular matter, be sure to use these magical rituals. The result will not be long in coming.

The best spells for the winter solstice

December 21st is the solstice day in winter time of the year. It is on this day that the longest night of the year is recorded. Some rituals performed during this period gain special unearthly power. A conspiracy to eliminate all serious problems in life is rightfully considered particularly relevant. Such rituals should be performed alone and only when it is dark outside. In a dark room you should light a candle and look into it. After this, you should say the following text:

“I protect myself from difficult problems, just as I drive away darkness with this flame. As soon as the clear morning comes, my problems will disappear.”

After this, you should extinguish the fire on the candle, say the text and put the rest of the candle in a safe place:

“May everything I desire come into my life.”

The candle should not be thrown away or used until the next similar event.

You can perform rituals to attract good luck. Water is also involved in this ritual. Pour some water into a glass container. It is important to do this before sunset and place it on the windowsill. After sunset, you should speak to the water with the following phrase:

“Let the power of the sun, absorbed by this natural liquid, bring me success in business. The brighter the sun shines, the great success mine will turn out to be. Saint Spyridon, help me with this. Amen".

As soon as the water is charmed, you need to immediately drink it to the bottom. Very soon you will see positive results. Solstice is truly a special day in the life of every magician. If you want to improve your life, then perform some of the above rituals.

The summer solstice is considered a special magical day. On this day, our ancestors performed rituals and ceremonies aimed at gaining well-being, health and prosperity, told fortunes about the future and cast spells on love.

Summer solstice- a truly magical day. This is the longest day of the year, followed by the longest short night. The powerful energy of this day can be used for your own purposes - to perform ancient rituals, rituals and find out your destiny.

Ritual to fulfill a wish

On the summer solstice, June 21, you can make wishes. Weave a wreath from wildflowers. In the process, think about your desire, try to experience only positive emotions. Place the wreath on your head. This is a symbol of the Sun, a symbol of all existence and life. If you are outdoors, light a fire and donate something to the fire - it could be an item of clothing, an old wallet, shoes or other personal items. When throwing your item into the fire, say: “Paid!” Thus, you paid for the fulfillment of your desire. If you are in the city, you can light a candle and carefully set fire to some small personal belongings. Be careful with fire. Say the same words. The fire should go out on its own.

Ritual for money

If you want to attract a flow of abundance into your life, on the day of the summer solstice, take all the change from your wallet and put it under the threshold of the house or in some opening or crevice front door. It won't be long before you feel how money begins to appear in your life literally out of nowhere.

Ritual for life changes

To radically change your life, on the night of June 21-22, you need to turn over as many objects as possible in your home. Place cups and glasses upside down, turn over shoes, turn over chairs. Anything that can be placed backwards or upside down, turn it over and place it. During this ritual, it is important to think that your life is in your hands and it is from this moment that you begin to change it. Then tell me “The house is upside down, another life will begin with a new day!” Go to bed. In the morning, if necessary, you can return the inverted objects to their usual position.

Ritual for creating a talisman

On the day of the summer solstice, it was customary to create amulets and talismans. The most famous amulet that was made on this day is Witch's Staircase. In order to make it, you need to take a yellow or gold flight pattern and nine beads of any colors. Next you will need to weave the Witch's Ladder. The pattern of weaving the amulet is very simple - string beads onto a ribbon according to the pattern: knot-bead-knot-free piece of ribbon, knot-bead-knot, etc. When stringing each bead, you need to make one wish, or repeat the same thing. After weaving, the end and beginning of the ribbon must be secured with knots. This amulet can be hung at the front door or carried with you.

Use the magic of it unusual day for your own good! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

19.06.2015 09:33

IN modern world we are very often exposed negative impacts. It will help protect yourself from the evil eye or damage...

Tomorrow, June 21, the Summer Solstice Day will come - a time of great power, when the border between worlds is erased, and all your dreams and desires can easily come true, you just need to use this period correctly. The older name of this holiday sounds like Solstice. Our ancestors knew very well the power of this amazing day for a long time, but this time the energy of the Sun is doubled due to the fact that the solstice will occur on Sunday - the day of the Sun. The summer solstice is the beginning of the so-called “night of the gods,” when for six months the sunrise point on the horizon will shift toward the south, thereby shortening the light half of the day. The most sacred (magical) period of this day is noon.
It is noon on June 21 that is one of the most important points of magical time, since this is the peak of maximum activity of the Fire element in all time and space of the current year. This is the most favorable time of year to perform any fire-related practices. Also, three days before and three days after the solstice are magical times to attract your luck. At this time you can:
1. Meditate on the flame(candles or fire).
2. Get rid of everything unnecessary and harmful- relationships that have outlived their usefulness, bad habits, illnesses. To do this, you need to make a list of everything that bothers you, read it out loud, and burn it. The powerful cleansing energy of Fire, greatly enhanced by the day of the summer solstice, will help remove everything that is disturbing, harmful, and unnecessary from your life.
3. After this, you can place an order for next year. Fire not only burns the past, but also creates - the warmth and light of the Sun gives birth to life on earth. Imagine whatever you want and you will get it. If you are at home, light a yellow candle (as this is the color of the sun's energy) or fireplace, watching the fire, think again about what you want for the next year.
It's ideal to celebrate the summer solstice in nature. If you are lucky enough to be in a field or forest on this day, you can use pagan solstice rituals that have survived to this day:
1. Weave a wreath. The more different colors you weave into it, the better. On the summer solstice, it is important to wear a circle on your head. This is a symbol of the sun, the pagan god Yarila, which will give your ritual special power, filling you with energy. While weaving a wreath, think about your health, finances and relationships, and think positively!
2. When the wreath is woven, thoughts are formulated, everything needs to be secured fire ritual- make a bonfire. It is recommended to perform the fire ritual barefoot, so you will have more earthly energy. Anyone can participate in the ritual, except pregnant women. You need to hold hands and walk three circles clockwise. If everyone around the fire is not well known, then it is better not to hold hands. A fire is lit with a wood chip or twig, not with paper or a match.
4. The next step is the ritual of sacrifice. Give something of your own to the fire: it could be last year’s wreath, a rowan branch, honey, tea, berries. When you give, say thank you to everyone who helped you in the past year. Say thank you to nature for its help and love. You need to sacrifice clockwise, one by one. When the fire burns out, one of the participants in the ritual needs to take a coal with them and store it until next year. With this coal you can draw a cross or a rune on the door, which will protect everyone at home throughout the next year.
5. After the sacrifice, it is good to dance and sing. This cleanses the body. But don't overdo it on this day. The fact is that the peak activity of Fire energy can aggravate or provoke any diseases that are of the nature of heat: diseases of the heart, small intestines, diseases of the head and sensory organs are exacerbated. Therefore, everything is good in moderation.
And of course, on June 21 it is customary to guess. Both girls and boys told fortunes, often using various flowers and plants for this purpose (most often St. John's wort), and sometimes some objects. The Slavs wove wreaths, drank surya (honey drink), jumped over fires, made sacrifices to water and fire, and collected healing herbs. Immediately after the solstice, the Solstice began, which lasted three days and during which the whole cycle of life's vicissitudes of the god Perun was celebrated: from birth to death, then the magical resurrection. Perun is one of the most important gods among the ancient Slavs, the patron saint of warriors, who was in charge of the forces of nature and heavenly fire.
Solstice rituals are very similar to the “foreign” rituals of Midsummer and Lita, which is quite natural, given the common historical roots of European peoples. Litha is translated from Anglo-Saxon as “the longest day of the year.” Among the Celtic peoples of Britain, the very timing of the Summer Solstice festival speaks of its past connection with the cult of the sun. The custom, widespread among the Scots, of rolling wheels covered with straw and lit from mountains or steep river cliffs was also connected with the cult of the sun. Sometimes they wondered: if the wheel was on fire the entire time it was rolling, they believed that the harvest would be good.
For summer solstice celebrations in different countries Europe is characterized by lighting huge fires (the higher the fire, the more terrible it is for evil spirits), as well as rituals of water worship (lowering flowers on the water, burning old boats in Scandinavia). Some rituals of this day are still alive today; in Scandinavia, the Baltics and other European countries, folk festivities take place between June 19 and 25.
Many family and marriage motifs are woven into the customs of the summer solstice. For example, in Scotland on this night, lovers swore an oath of fidelity to each other, violation of which was considered a crime. Such an oath was pronounced either near a sacred stone or near a revered source and sealed with a handshake. Most of these customs on the summer solstice have now been lost, but even today in many places in the British Isles June is considered the most suitable month for marriage.
Happy Summer Solstice to you, love and good luck, and may the Sun be with you!

On the day of the summer solstice, signs promise us a lot of luck. Of course, it’s not for nothing that modern magicians consider it a day of power! This is the longest day of daylight (in 2017 it was 17 hours and 32 minutes), after which, much to the chagrin of the inhabitants of our continent, the day begins to gradually shorten.

Although today Kupala is celebrated on July 7, in the old days this holiday was celebrated on the day of the solstice, that is, June 21.

Why has everything changed? It’s simple: when introducing the Christian faith, the princes did not abolish the old holidays, but “covered” them with new ones. In this way, they managed to “cross” Kupala and the feast of John the Baptist (in fact, that’s why it is now called Ivan Kupala), slightly shifting the date of the celebration of one of them.

On this day traditionally:

  • weaved wreaths, jumped over the fire (both during the day and late in the evening and even the following night),
  • collected medicinal herbs and flowers (it was believed that they were the most powerful at Kupala),
  • sacrificed to fire and water (no bloody rituals- they put birch branches on the fire, and threw flowers into the river and swam there),
  • at midnight they looked for a fern flower, hoping that it would point to a treasure hidden in the ground.

Folk signs

  • Is the weather bad? Rain and cold (even just lingering clouds) can promise a poor harvest and a less than satisfying autumn.
  • Was the night very starry? The beginning of autumn will delight you with mushrooms.
  • Did a whole sea of ​​dew fall this morning? TO a bountiful harvest! By the way, it is customary to collect this dew in a bottle or jar; it is rejuvenating and healing.
  • A child who was born on June 21 or 22 does not get sick and is considered lucky in life. However, there is an opinion that these people have a “heavy eye”, that is, they should not be the first to look at newborn puppies, or be interested in the plans of their friends - they can jinx them.
  • If a girl or woman is doused with water by some guy or man, they can soon become a couple. Enterprising guys take advantage of this, because it doesn’t matter whether he splashes the girl he likes on purpose or not.

What should you do on the summer solstice?

  • On this day, find wild mint, thyme or angelica. At midnight, throw the withered bunches into the fire one by one. Smoke will follow the ground: beware of failure or illness. The pillar went up: you will not only be healthy, but also lucky.
  • Gather a bouquet of the plant known as ivan da marya. By hanging it above the entrance to your apartment (house), you will create a talisman against failures and simply sad days.
  • Cut the birches and tie them bath brooms, then take a steam bath - this procedure will wash away all the ailments from you. By the way, brooms can be prepared for future use, several months in advance (or even a year).
  • It is important to drink water from a well, or even better, a spring - it is considered healing. Girls should also wash their face so that it remains rosy and fresh until the end of the year.
  • Wait until dawn. Having met the sun, you will gain strength and good luck for the whole year.
  • Collect embers from holiday bonfires. They can be placed around the house and household (even scattered around the garden). The embers will become a powerful protector against evil people, as well as fire, that is, fires.
  • Make a wish (cherished, but feasible), find 12 fences and climb over them. Your dream should come true within 12 months.
  • Select an item from your entire wardrobe sunny color- yellow, gold. Shiny jewelry is also welcome.
  • What about marriage? Many esotericists say that the solstice day is ideal for this.
  • If you are a girl and just dream of meeting your destiny, find 9 festive bonfires during the night and dance in front of them. If you succeed, in 12 months you will already have the desired stamp in your passport.

What shouldn't you do? Spend this day alone, be sad, indulge in despondency. Summer Solstice Day is simply created for family (or close friends) to get together and have a lot of fun.

Rituals on…

  1. Attracting wealth. Shake out all the coins from your wallet (or small bills if your country doesn't have coins). Place the money under the threshold (if you live in a private house), or a gap near the front door of the apartment. All! You let the financial flow know exactly where it should go, now wait for your wallet to thicken.
  2. Fulfillment of a dream (desire). Collect wildflowers. When weaving a wreath from them, think that your wish has already come true - try to do it in detail, without missing a single sensation. After this, put the wreath on your head and, if possible, wear it until the evening.
  3. Attracting good luck and positive changes in life. On the night from the 21st to the 22nd, walk around the house, turning over all the things you come across: dishes, shoes, chairs - let literally everything turn upside down! Then say: “The house is upside down, changes are happening every day.” In the morning, return all things to their place.

What other rituals can be performed on this day? The answer is in this video:

Solstice and horoscopes

  • Fire signs (Sagittarius, Aries, Leo) are most powerful on this day, as well as the following night. All magical rituals in their hands will bring maximum results.
  • Earth (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) and air (Gemini, Aquarius, Libra) signs are slightly inferior to fire signs, but they cannot be called helpless either. So if they dream of bringing at least a little positivity into their lives and for this they begin to perform magical rituals, they will succeed, if not 100%, then 50% - that’s for sure.
  • Water signs (Pisces, Scorpio, Cancer) will live this day like all other days.