Installation of gkl technology Knauf. Products of the Knauf company. Technology of wall cladding and installation of partitions from Knauf plasterboard

Drywall is used to create arches, various room decor, partitions, wall recesses, etc. The creation of beautiful decorative elements cannot be done without a strong support, which is represented by Knauf partitions. What is a Knauf partition? In fact, it looks like a plasterboard structure, the frame of which consists entirely of metal profile. The design is created using a special technology that eliminates various unforeseen circumstances.

Knauf partitions can be different. They are installed in different rooms, with different sound insulation, for different purposes. Partitions can be different types and are divided according to certain parameters.

According to their design, partitions are divided into:

  • Partitions with one layer of cladding;
  • Partitions with two layers of cladding;
  • Partitions with three layers of cladding;
  • Partitions with one layer of cladding consisting of super Knauf sheets moisture-resistant on a single-type frame.

Besides specified types, there are partitions with built-in special channels for ventilation and communication. The next parameter by which partitions are divided is the frame, or rather its type. Frames can be double or single.

The use of partitions based on a double frame is recommended if you need to create a strong a reliable wall, which will withstand heavy .

Creating partitions with single frames is recommended in places where sound insulation is not so important and the walls will not be burdened with heavy pieces of furniture or appliances. We can conclude that the double frame is more durable.

Knauf plasterboard partitions: main advantages

Why is drywall so popular? Knauf partitions? Since the 90s, drywall has been almost synonymous with the word European-quality renovation. On Russian market this material appeared thanks to Knauf company. The material was accompanied by instructions that described in detail how to create various designs from plasterboard sheets. The technology has gained great popularity due to the excellent quality of the product.

The main advantages of partitions made of plasterboard Knauf are:

  • Installation of partitions can be carried out independently without the involvement of specialists; detailed instructions are included in the product;
  • It is very easy to calculate the required amount of material and its cost;
  • Each kit has the required number of parts, it is impossible to forget anything;
  • The kit will provide a quick and easy process of creating a partition;
  • The Knauf material is very durable, so the partition can withstand even an earthquake.

The use of Knauf partitions is still popular today. The correct selection of a set of partitions can provide excellent sound insulation, high strength and reliability of the walls. As mentioned above, there are different strengths and sound insulation, depending on the type of room you should choose a suitable kit.

Technology for installing partitions from plasterboard Knauf

The installation technology using the Knauf system is not much different from the standard installation procedure. However, there are still some differences, which will be discussed below. Together with the drywall material, the Knauf company brought special technology And general recommendations for the installation of partitions.

They look like this:

  1. Each set of partitions has top and bottom rails and posts. These racks can have different widths, which depend on the height of the room where installation is intended, as well as on the weight of the overall structure.
  2. To attach the guides, it is recommended to use dowels; it is necessary to fix at least 3 points.
  3. To install rack profiles, a distance of 600 mm should be maintained; in some cases, the distance can be reduced.
  4. To secure the racks, you should use the “notch-and-bend” method; it is allowed to use special screws Knauf company.
  5. To attach the device to a suspended ceiling, it is necessary to comply with the fire resistance class.
  6. Mineral wool can be used for sound insulation.
  7. To install sheets, you should use the “end-to-end” method, i.e. lay them without a gap.

In addition to the above recommendations, it is necessary to take into account the installation features of the frame. In order for the entire system to serve for a long time, you need to ensure that the joints from the gypsum plasterboard partition above the door opening are not located on the racks attached to the frame. Instructions for assembling the frame for fastening gypsum boards in our material:.

In addition, the seam must be made so that it is in that part of the intermediate guide that is located above the horizontal beam. The horizontal beam serves as the upper boundary. Following these recommendations will help you make a long-lasting, high-quality design.

High-quality gypsum board partitions using the Knauf system: what will influence the choice of set

There are different types of partitions that suit different room parameters. On at the moment There are about 25 kits for sale for installing partitions using the Knauf system. All sets are marked with the letter "C", which is combined with a specific set number.

To select the right installation kit, consider the following factors:

  • Height of the room or space;
  • Desired noise level;
  • Possible load on the wall in the form of furniture or equipment;
  • Availability of communication systems;
  • Door type or lack thereof;
  • Desired height of the partition;
  • Room temperature and humidity level;
  • Type of room and its purpose (bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, living room).

Having decided on the parameters of the room, it will be much easier for you to choose a partition. For example, a bedroom adjacent to the kitchen or living room requires a high degree of sound insulation, so the installation kit should be selected accordingly. If the bedroom is adjacent to the wall neighboring apartment, then all the more so the partition must have a high degree of protection from unwanted noise.

Modern Knauf technology and drywall: walls and partitions (video)

Plasterboard partitions Knauf - worthy and reliable way to build a wall in the desired location. Simplicity and ease of use and installation will help make the installation process easy and enjoyable. With this technology, the issue of unnecessary noise will be closed for you forever.

KNAUF plasterboard is one of the highest quality and most sought-after materials on the construction and finishing materials. More on the basic principles of working with KNAUF drywall, components and other useful details.

IMPORTANT! Drywall and components from KNAUF are often compared with similar products from VOLMA, citing the low cost and quality of domestic plasterboard. If you have a choice, KNAUF or VOLMA, you should proceed from the expected budget and the type of structure being performed (not all structures can be built using VOLMA products; KNAUF has a wider range of materials to use).

Knauf plasterboard: sheet processing and the tools necessary for this

When working with drywall, one of the main conditions quality work− selection of materials and components from one manufacturer.

Drywall KNAUF: tools and materials for work

  • To cut drywall, use a utility knife, a hacksaw or a toothed saw, a graver or a round cutter, and an inch ruler.
  • To putty the joints of plasterboard sheets use KNAUF putty Fugenfueller.
  • To putty drywall, it is recommended to use a universal spatula, a spatula-screwdriver, a trowel, a wide spatula and a sanding machine.
  • For puttying drywall - with a trowel, mixing container, mixing attachment or mixer.
  • The grooves for installation can be marked and cut by hand. The second option is to make them with a gravel or a special cutter for round holes.
  • To correctly mark drywall, use a water level, a marking cord and a tape measure.
  • For fastening drywall - with a self-tapping screw or screwdriver.

How to cut a sheet

To cut a plasterboard slab, turn the sheet over with its front side facing you and cut it according to the markings using a utility knife and a strip or metal bar. Then the sheet is broken along the edge. All you have to do is cut through the cardboard from the back.

IMPORTANT! After cutting any sheet of drywall, if it is intended that the sheet will be cut into a joint with another sheet, it is necessary to chamfer it at an angle of 45° using a plane.

Correct installation of KNAUF drywall

Knauf plasterboard, depending on the type of structure and its purpose, can be attached either to an existing monolithic wall with glue (ceiling plasterboard is attached only to frames) or installed on a metal frame. If it is necessary to divide the room, you can use KNAUF partitions with racks: install KNAUF, and then cover it on both sides with sheets of plasterboard.

Photo 2 - Wall covering with KNAUF plasterboard boards

The method involves fixing plasterboard slabs to the walls using glue. This method can only be used with slight curvature of the walls (up to 4 mm).

In this case, material is laid between the wall and the plasterboard slabs along the frame for additional sound or heat insulation of the room.

IMPORTANT! For wall coverings, plasterboard thinner than 12.5 mm is not used. If the wall covered with plasterboard is subsequently planned to be covered ceramic tiles, you will need to cover not one, but two plasterboard slabs.

Correct installation technology

  • Drywall boards should be secured to a metal frame or a frame made of wood using Knauf self-tapping screws. Fastening the sheets should begin from the center of the gypsum board or from the upper corner to avoid deformation of the slabs. It is important that the screw attachment NK 11 is used, ensuring that the screw head is properly immersed in the sheet of drywall (necessary for finishing puttying of the sheet).
  • In order for you to end up with an optimal seam, Knauf plasterboard boards should be installed end-to-end, without a gap.
  • There should be no cross-shaped seams during the installation process. That is end edge sheets of drywall should have a slight offset - by the distance between the racks, the so-called axial distance.

Plasterboard sheathing: correct fastening with screws

  • The distance between the screws when covering walls should be 25 cm, when working on ceilings with KNAUF plasterboard - 17 cm.
  • Sheathing screw length metal structure We calculate based on: thickness of the gypsum plaster board +1 cm.
  • Sheathing screw length wooden structure: gypsum board thickness + 2 cm.

Technical characteristics of KNAUF sheets using the example of moisture-resistant plasterboard

  • Cardboard color is green.
  • Edge type - PLUK (semicircular thinned edge).
  • Main dimensions, mm − 2,500/1,200/12.5 ( standard sheet for floors and interior partitions).
  • Weight of GKLV KNAUF (2,500/1,200/12.5 mm, 3 m²) - 29 kg.

Geometric parameters of GKLV KNAUF

  • length - from 2,000 to 4,000 mm (and in increments of 50);
  • width - from 600 to 1,200 mm;
  • thickness (depending on the length of the sheet) - 6.5; 8; 9.5 mm (for sheet lengths up to 2,000 mm), 12.5; 14; 16 mm (for sheet lengths up to 4,000 mm), as well as sheets on special order with a thickness of 18; 20 and 24 mm.

Technology of covering a brick wall with KNAUF slabs

  • When working in a medium-sized room, it is necessary to prepare about 30 kg of Knauf Perlfix. The dry mixture is poured into a container with clean water(volume about 17 l) and stir until smooth.
  • Drywall slabs are cut, after which Knauf Perlfix solution is distributed over back side sheets with stamps in increments of 35 cm. The distance to the edges should be at least 5 cm. And also apply a number of bunches along the longitudinal axis of the sheet.
  • The slabs are placed in a vertical position and pressed against the base of the wall, leveling.

IMPORTANT! Perlfix sets in about 10 minutes. During this time, the slabs are adjusted to the level using a rubber hammer and a block.

Alignment of walls on a frame basis to improve sound and heat insulation

  • Knauf UD profiles are cut to size using metal scissors.

IMPORTANT! To ensure better sound insulation, before attaching the UD profile to the floor and ceiling, a special KNAUF self-adhesive soundproofing tape is applied to the profiles.

  • Knauf UD profiles are attached to the floor and ceiling at the above distance from the main wall using Knauf K6/35 dowels. In this case, the maximum distance between dowels should be no more than 1 m).

IMPORTANT! Sound insulation can be improved by leaving a distance of 50 mm or more between the front edge of the frame and the existing wall.

  • To support the CD profile in the middle of the height of the walls (taking into account that the maximum permissible distance is 1.5 m), direct KNAUF hangers are attached to the wall using pin dowels, with soundproofing tape laid in them in advance.
  • CD profiles 60/27 must be installed with a pitch of 60 cm vertically in relation to the UD profiles, after which the fasteners must be connected with screws. Direct hangers are also attached.
  • Install Knauf plasterboard sheet insulation. Now you can start fixing the sheets themselves to the frame using self-tapping screws (maximum distance between screws is 25 cm).

The axial distance between CD profiles for vertical sheathing with plasterboard sheets is: if the width of the plasterboard board is 1,200 mm, the axial distance is 60 cm.

You can buy Knauf plasterboard in almost all major construction supermarkets in the country.. On sale you can find both standard and moisture-resistant gypsum plasterboards; you can also order perforated acoustic plasterboard from the warehouse to increase the sound insulation of a room, or fire-resistant plasterboard to organize passive fire protection in rooms with a high probability of an open flame.

$ Cost of plasterboard KNAUF

The price of a plasterboard sheet is influenced by: the type of plasterboard (GKL, GKLV, GKLO or GKLVO, arched, ceiling or wall), sheet parameters (width/length/thickness, mm), and whether the product is purchased retail or wholesale.


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/6 mm) − $18.6/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/3,000/6 mm) - $15/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,000/9.5 mm) - $5.6/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/9.5 mm) - $7/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,000/12.5 mm) − $5.8/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/12.5 mm) - $7.3/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/3,000/12.5 mm) - $8.9/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,000/12.5 mm) - $7.8/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/12.5 mm) - $9.6/sheet;
  • KNAUF (1,200/3,000/12.5 mm) − $11.05/sheet;


  • KNAUF (1,200/2,500/12.5 mm) - $8.3/sheet.

$ Cost of profile for KNAUF plasterboard

  • KNAUF CD profile (60/27/0.6 ​​mm), length 3 m - $8.25;
  • KNAUF UD profile (28/27/0.6 ​​mm), length 3 m - $6.


$ Cost of work with KNAUF drywall

in Moscow: ceiling work - from 280 rub./m², wall work - from 190 rub./m², installation of partitions - from 300 rub./m².

in Kyiv: ceiling work - from 65 UAH/m², wall work - from 45 UAH/m², installation of partitions - from 80 UAH/m².

If you decide to renovate your apartment, correcting uneven walls and ceilings, insulating the room, create sleek design with various multi-level structures and lighting, then you definitely need to pay attention to such material as drywall. It makes it possible to create a new look for your apartment, and, very importantly, with your own hands. Working with him is a pleasure; even a beginner with no experience in construction can handle it. Another important advantage is that all this will cost quite cheap compared to other types of finishing. But when you go to the store, you see many types of drywall sheets from different manufacturers. Namely, the quality, durability and reliability of repairs largely depend on the choice of gypsum boards. Knauf drywall is a good option, affordable, and will pay off over a long service life. In this article you will find information about the products of this manufacturer and, most importantly, how to build, following Knauf technology, plasterboard walls and partitions, as well as suspended ceilings from gypsum board from this manufacturer.

Knauf requirements for wall and ceiling frames

Knauf provides a huge part construction market. It produces many types of plasterboard, profiles, various building mixtures, and thermal insulation materials. Therefore, it would be good to buy all this as a set. This will simplify and speed up the work, and increase the reliability of the design. If it is not possible to purchase a kit, then you need to take care of the proper quality of materials purchased separately so that their characteristics are as close as possible to Knauf products.

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The basic requirements that are necessary for the long service life of Knauf drywall are:

  • It is necessary to carry out installation using Knauf GKVL. This prevents damage to the material when the frame profile freezes
  • To prevent deformation or sagging of the frame under the weight of gypsum boards, long profiles should be installed in a checkerboard pattern
  • For fastening, special Knauf screws or LN9 screws are used, you can also use a drywall cutter
  • Joining sheets above a doorway is prohibited; this is done so that vibration and the weight of the door itself do not damage the connection of sheets
  • After assembling the frame, it is imperative to protect its surface with thermal insulation tape to protect it from freezing

Under the guidance of these rules, following all Knauf instructions and recommendations for installing drywall, you will achieve the best result, and the repair will not have to be updated for many years.

Installation of drywall using Knauf technology

Installation of Knauf plasterboard sheets is not much different from working with plasterboard from other manufacturers. The difference is that Knauf produces almost everything that is needed for covering walls and ceilings with plasterboard, and all this is a complete system, which will simplify and improve the work, because all the parts fit together perfectly, there is no need to worry about non-standard fasteners and so on troubles.

Technology of wall cladding and installation of partitions from Knauf plasterboard

For Knauf gypsum plasterboard the walls are prepared in the same way as for other brands. First, they clean off the remnants of past repairs (old wallpaper, frame elements). The surface is primed and treated with special compounds to protect against corrosion. If there are cracks in the wall, they must be sealed with plaster.

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Instructions for installing Knauf drywall on walls and when creating partitions:

  1. A frame plan is thought out, and a sheathing is created based on it - first vertical guides, followed by horizontal ones. The more horizontal, the greater the strength and rigidity of the structure. The frame is mounted from a galvanized steel profile, preferably it should also be of the Knauf brand. But you can also use wooden blocks to create a frame;
  2. The frame comes in two types: static and suspended. The first is mounted directly on the wall, which is why it is considered more reliable, while the second is mounted on specially designed hangers. This takes up space in your apartment, but it can be very convenient for hiding communications;
  3. The voids between the profile are filled with mineral wool or other similar material for better thermal insulation and protection from external noise;
  4. If you need to cut a sheet, use a hacksaw to mark the entire surface of the sheet, and then carefully break it off. The ends are treated with a primer;
  5. Drywall is attached to the profile either with Knauf screws or self-tapping screws. The step should not be more than 25 centimeters; according to the calculation, there are 8 screws for each sheet;
  6. A special tape is glued to the joints of the sheets, which is then covered with plaster;
  7. From the final finish, drywall only requires a primer, then it can be laid on it decorative tiles or wallpaper.

Technology for installing Knauf plasterboard on the ceiling

The assembly of the frame for Knauf plasterboard is carried out in several ways, depending on the design features the ceiling and the room itself. Used for this and wooden beams, and a metal profile. Five types of structures are most often used:

  • "System 111". Used for wooden blocks. The frame is biaxial. The material is coniferous wood, humidity no more than 12%, otherwise after drying the frame will be greatly deformed
  • P 112. Made from Knauf metal profile, also biaxial
  • P 113. The same frame as the previous one, but executed in one axis. For these two types, a regular galvanized ceiling profile is used
  • P 131. A significant difference from the others is that the profile is fastened not to the ceiling, but to the walls. It should provide even greater rigidity, so a reinforced Knauf profile is used, designed for creating plasterboard partition systems
  • P 19. Complex multi-level design is a prominent representative of architectural and decorative ceilings

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Installation wooden frame happens in several ways:

  • Using direct suspension or quick suspension. When using the second one, you need to change the mounting side one by one
  • Directly to the ceiling with self-tapping screws

The frame is made of a metal profile and is mounted with multi-level suspensions. P 113 is used where there will be heavy ceilings, so the material for it is a wall profile, and the distance between the dowels should be no more than 30 cm.

You will significantly reduce the time spent on repairs and save energy if you follow some tips and recommendations:

  • Fastening sheets should start from a corner or from the center in order to protect the sheet from deformation and cracks
  • You need to chamfer the edge of the sheet using a drywall plane. But for different types at different angles (45 or 22.5)

Knauf technology for installing drywall involves sealing seams using a special tape:

  1. First, the seam is filled with putty;
  2. Then laying down the tape for the seams;
  3. Cover the tape with a thin layer of putty.

Also, a special Knauf dividing tape is installed between the gypsum board sheet and the outer corner.

Many craftsmen who install suspended ceilings have mastered the technique in practice, adopting the necessary experience and knowledge from more experienced installers. But when the work requires drawing up a work project, and at the end it is necessary to provide reasonable guarantees of the technical compliance of the design with SNiP standards, many experience difficulties. Craftsmen from any reputable organization design and install plasterboard on the ceiling in accordance with the recommendations contained in the standard technological map Knauf.

Purpose and content of the technical map

If for an amateur GOST and SNiP are a “dark forest”, then for a professional the technological map is a universal guide on how to technically and quickly assemble a frame and screw drywall.

  • This instruction will save the master from studying these very norms and requirements and will speed up the delivery of the work to the customer. If you follow all the recommendations, the work will comply with fire safety standards, environmental safety, requirements of GOST, SNiP.
  • The Knauf technological map contains tables with ready-made initial data of the main components of the frame structure for the ceiling.
Ceiling Knauf

Important! If the work is performed under a contract, then when placing and submitting an order you cannot do without the recommendations of the Knauf technical map for drawing up project documentation.

  • The manual states required material and an algorithm for assembling a frame of one type or another, methods for performing individual design tasks are described.

The latest current Knauf technological map (series 1.045.9-2.08.1) is comprehensive on how to design and install a suspended ceiling structure under plasterboard and gypsum fiber boards. All work is divided into separate sequential stages, so understanding the technology will not be difficult.

Types of ceiling structures

The frame for the ceiling is made from both Knauf metal profiles and wooden blocks.

There are 5 types of suspended ceiling designs:

  1. Ceiling P 111 (the technology is known among craftsmen as “system 111”). The biaxial frame is assembled from wooden blocks.
  2. Ceiling P 112. Biaxial frame made of metal profiles.
  3. Ceiling P 113. Uniaxial frame made of Knauf metal profile.
  4. Ceiling P 131. A frame in which a wall profile is used with fastening not to the base of the ceiling, but to the walls.
  5. Architectural and decorative ceiling P 19. Complex multi-level frame.

Frame guides

For the wooden structure P 111, coniferous bars with a moisture content of no more than 12% are used. Before installation on the ceiling, they are treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. The recommended cross-section of the bars is 50×30 mm.

Metal frame the ceiling is made of long rolled elements made of thin sheet steel.

Frame with fastening to the base (P 112, 113). To assemble it, take a regular ceiling profile. It consists of the following elements:

  • Guide profile PN. The cross-section has a size of 27×28 mm. There are factory holes in the wall through which installation to the base of the wall is carried out.
  • Complete with the PN, a load-bearing PP profile is installed. In cross section it has a size of 60×27 mm.

The ceiling of the P131 system with fastening to the wall is made of a more powerful profile for the installation of partition structures (PS).

To strengthen the structure at the junctions of rooms, use a reinforced UA profile on the ceiling.


Profile connection work is performed using the following elements:

  1. Multi-level transverse connector for PP profile (60×27). It is sold flat, so it must be bent before installation.
  2. Single-level cross connector "Crab".
  3. One-way cross connector. The upper side clings to the supporting profile.
  4. A rotating multi-level connector that allows you to connect the supporting profile at any angle.
  5. Longitudinal single level connector. It is used when it is necessary to increase the supporting profile.
  6. Universal connector. Necessary in order to connect the supporting profile in one plane at any angle.

Frame installation work Knauf ceiling performed using the following elements:

  • Straight U-shaped suspension.

Important! Not everyone knows that U-shaped hangers are produced under the profile and under the beam. Although they are similar in appearance, they have different nominal sizes after folding the side strips. For wood it is 50 mm, and for profiles it is 60 mm.

  • Anchor suspension with adjustable clamp, quick suspension. They are similar due to the presence of a fastening rod. Its length can reach 1500 mm, which allows you to adjust the required ceiling gap in a wide range. The disadvantage is that the load is limited to 25 kg. This is considered a low figure, since all average calculations in the Knauf technical map are based on a load of 40 kg.

  • Adjustable vernier suspension. It is a telescopic structure made of two parts. Designed for a load of 40 kg.
  • A combined suspension, in which there is both a rod and a retractable element of the vernier suspension.
  • For connection metal elements required LN screw (sharp tip) and LM screw (self-tapping tip).
  • Installation of a heavy profile in the P131 system is carried out using FN self-tapping screws.
  • Installation of guides to the wall is carried out with metal or nylon dowels.
  • Installation to hollow structures in a sheet of Knauf plasterboard is performed with multifunctional dowels or butterfly dowels.
  • Installation attachments The sheets are connected using a dowel with a screw thread.
  • Drywall is screwed with TN screws (in a standard profile) or TB (in a thick sheet profile). The MN screw is used for screwing into a gypsum fiber sheet.

Types of drywall

Depending on the operating conditions, the required Knauf drywall is selected from the following varieties:

Type A. Regular construction plasterboard. This sheet is used for heated rooms with normal level humidity (up to 60%).

Type H2. Drywall with increased moisture resistance. The leaf has a low level of water absorption (up to 10%). Room humidity can be up to 75%.

Type DF. Flame resistant drywall.

Type DFH2. Drywall with the properties of the two previous types.

Important! Initially, it is customary to design the frame specifically for ceiling plasterboard measuring 1.2 × 2.5 m and 9.5 mm thick. But drywall comes in other sizes.

Drywall has factory longitudinal edge. The most technologically advanced and therefore widespread is the semicircular thinned one, but there is plasterboard with other types of edges:

  1. Sheet with straight edge.
  2. Sheet with a cut corner.
  3. Sheet with a thinned edge.
  4. Sheet with a rounded one-sided chamfer.
  5. Sheet with a semicircular edge.

Each type of edge is needed to solve specific structural problems. In particular, the installation of figured corner projections.

The work is carried out in a dry and heated room at an air temperature of at least +10 degrees.

Work on the implementation of any frame begins with marking the design position of the ceiling surface. Using a level and a tapping thread, mark the corresponding line on the walls around the perimeter.

Further, depending on which Knauf drywall is selected for suspended ceiling, work is being done to mark the location of the guides and mounting points for the suspensions. The lines of the supporting guides are marked in accordance with the length of the sheet so that the end joint falls on the profile.

At the marked points, hangers are attached to the ceiling with dowels or anchors.

The wooden frame is mounted in two ways:

  • Installation of the guide beam to the base using a direct or quick-mount suspension. When using a quick suspension, alternately change the side of attachment to the beam.
  • Installation of the guide bar with anchor dowels directly on the ceiling. In this case, in places where there are differences in the base, pads are used.

Installation of a profile frame:

  • The P112 ceiling is mounted in the same way, only in order to connect the guide and supporting profile, two-level suspensions are used. When cutting the guides, an expansion gap of 10 mm is made. It will prevent surface deformation due to temperature changes.
  • Single-axle installation Knauf systems P 113 differs in that the technology involves laying a sealing tape under the guide profile.
  • The work of assembling the P 131 system differs from that described above in that a wall profile is used, and the installation of guides is carried out according to long wall premises. These structures are usually mounted under a heavy ceiling, so the required spacing for fastening the dowels is no more than 30 cm. Only solid guides are used. The supporting profile must fit into the guide by at least 3 cm.

Fastening drywall sheets

Important! The edge of the sheet, not covered with cardboard, is processed with a plane to remove the chamfer.

The manufacturer has prepared a video in which craftsmen demonstrate the principle of assembling a suspended structure

The work of screwing Knauf sheets is performed in pairs or using a lifting mechanism. Plasterboard is mounted on the ceiling without T-shaped joints, staggered. In this case, the sheet is shifted by the step of the supporting profile. Installation is carried out so that in the longitudinal direction the sheet lies without a gap, and in the transverse direction there is a small gap. This way the putty will completely fill the joint, and the seam will be strong.

When temperature changes, the plasterboard sheet expands, so in large rooms it is necessary to provide expansion joints with a pitch of 15 m.

To make it easier to putty the self-tapping screws, screw them in with the head slightly recessed into the sheet – 1 mm. The work of sealing joints is carried out using reinforcing tape.

Drywall is a universal material, and the Knauf technological map will help even a novice craftsman perform high-quality installation of any structure.