Types and instructions for applying façade putty for exterior work. Knauf multi-finish cement facade putty

Cement putty Knauf Multi-finish Description

Cement putty Knauf Multi-finish is, as it were, created for leveling concrete surfaces and, as many put it, cement plasters, for example, KNAUF-Grünband, KNAUF-Unterputz and KNAUF-Soeckelputz on the facades of buildings and in rooms with high humidity, for repairs, sealing cracks, filling holes.

Drying time:
about 3 days at + 10°C and 1 day at + 20°C, depending on the thickness of the layer and ventilation.

Layer thickness:
with continuous leveling: 1-3 mm
with partial leveling: 5 mm

Conditions of work:
The temperature of the base and air should not be less than + 5°C.

Preparation of the base surface:
The base must be dry, free of dust, oil stains and peelings that prevent the putty from adhering. It is also possible to apply KNAUF-Tiefengrund primer on highly absorbent substrates. It goes without saying that the following work should only be carried out after the primer has completely dried.

Work order:

Preparation of the solution

Finally, pour the dry consistency of Knauf Multi-Finish into a container with, as everyone says, clear water (~ 0.3 liters of water per 1 kg of consistency) and mix with a mixer until a homogeneous, lump-free mass. If necessary, adjust the consistency of the solution by adding a dry mixture or water. It’s no secret that the introduction of any additives is not allowed.

Apply a putty solution onto the prepared surface of the base with a wide iron spatula, as usual, with a layer width of 1-3 mm and smooth it over.


  • The surfaces of freshly applied putty should be protected from frost and heat.
  • In places where there is a danger of cracks appearing, place what we call an alkali-resistant reinforcing mesh measuring 2 x 2 mm in the putty, placing it close to the surface.
  • Do not use putty in areas in contact with the ground; In the area of ​​the plinth and in areas where water may splash, protect against water penetration.
  • Apply paint or other coatings, also install dowels or other load-bearing elements It is recommended only after the Knauf Multi-Finish putty has dried, from our building materials store.


  • for leveling the surfaces of concrete and cement plasters both on the facades of buildings and in rooms with high humidity;
  • for repair;
  • sealing cracks, filling holes

Technical properties

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Manufacturers: Knauf Type: Putty
View: Finishing Types of work: Interior work, External works, Repair work
Application area: Premises with high humidity, Walls, Facade, Repair of concrete and brick structures Consumption: 1.2 kg/m2
Country of origin: Our homeland Recommended layer thickness: 1-5 mm
Compressive strength: 4 MPa Variety: Cement, Lime
Base: Cement, limestone Consistency consumption for a layer of 1 mm: 1.2 kg/m2
Viability of solution: 3 hours Packing: 25 kg
Shade: Grayish Color: Grayish
Strength of adhesion to the base: 0.5 MPa

Manufacturer: Knauf

The walls of my friend’s house were erected, and Vadik called me to once again become his teacher. Facade putty was purchased different varieties. My house builder wanted to know how it was different and how to apply it correctly.
We began finishing the façade with a debate about how to spell the word “putty” correctly, with the letter K or T. I argued that the test word was “putty.” My learned friend found its meaning in German- shoulder blade. Many decades ago, having come to Russia, an unknown word was repeated, as it was perceived by ear in a foreign sound - putty. Even the spelling dictionary accepted both words.
A sales consultant at a hardware store judged us. He had both options on his labels. He said with a straight face that the action of leveling surfaces is putty. And the mixture itself, especially from German manufacturers Knauf, Pufas, Rudel and others, is putty. In general, this is plaster for exterior use. Putty is produced as a finishing treatment for the facade.

Putty is a plaster for exterior use.

Why putty the facade of a building and the procedure for working

The materials from which the walls are laid are mostly hygroscopic. Brick and aerated concrete, wood absorb moisture. The solution also gets wet. At the same time, they lose their property of low thermal conductivity and the houses become damp and cold. In winter, the water freezes and the crystals destroy the wall from the inside.
To protect walls from rain and sun rays, façade putty is used. The outer layer of finishing has low thermal conductivity and acts as insulation. At the same time this decorative decoration buildings.

The façade is finished in several stages:

  1. Installation of thermal insulation if additional insulation is being done.
  2. Cleaning the surface from dust and coating with a primer.
  3. Carrying out work on rough leveling the surface with starting putty, mainly cement.
  4. Final wall finishing using waterproof finishing mixture, in the northern regions - frost-resistant.
  5. Decorative finishing and painting.

Facade putty is also a decorative decoration of the building

Need to know: In large cities, historical areas, on the territory of architectural monuments, before finishing the facade, it is necessary to issue a Color Passport. Colors and decor must correspond to those specified in the document.

Facade putty is produced in several stages. Large defects are smoothed out first. Then the finishing putty is applied. The list of works for finishing the facade of a house may include painting. Material consumption is calculated per 1 m2 and depends on the size of the irregularities, the characteristics of the mixture itself, and its components.
Preparing walls for exterior work for all types of façade putties involves cleaning the surface. All areas where the solution does not adhere well and may crumble are removed. The protrusions are knocked down. It is necessary to remove all dirt and sweep away dust. To increase adhesion, it is advisable to prime. The exception is cement putty, under which the wall can simply be slightly moistened.

Facade putty

Required qualities of façade putties

The putty should:

  • Have high adhesion and adhere to any material from which the walls are made;
  • be plastic;
  • easy to level with a spatula;
  • harden without cracking;
  • turn into a solid mass;
  • easy to clean;
  • good paint coverage.

Puttying the facade

Facade putties have additional characteristics:

  • waterproof;
  • frost-resistant;
  • UV protection;
  • repels dust.

The main qualities that facade putty has are aimed at protecting the walls of the house from moisture and temperature changes. The building maintains a microclimate due to the low thermal conductivity of the protective layer. The walls breathe and remain dry because dew does not form inside the wall. UV protection preserves the bright color of the paint for a long time. The walls do not require constant cleaning of dirt, since it does not stick.

Putty on cement based

Specifications include:

  • time of ripening and complete drying;
  • thickness of the applied layer at a time;
  • material consumption per 1m2;
  • simple and combined;
  • for use inside and outside;
  • dry mixtures and ready-to-use formulations.

Cement-based putties

At the initial stage of finishing the walls from the outside, the facade putty is done with a cement-based composition with sand. Lime, gypsum, synthetic fibers and other materials can be added as plasticizers. To give decorative look, the putty is painted. Color selection is limited. More often they use whitewashing of walls and finishing with synthetic materials.
The main manufacturers of cement putty are Knauf and Staratel. They release large selection finishing materials, single-component and mixed. Consumption per 1m2 depends on the thickness of the layer and the unevenness of the surface. It is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging with optimal characteristics for the work of this finishing material. The dry mixture is usually packaged in 20 kg paper bags.
The disadvantage of cement putty is its hygroscopicity. Without a protective layer of synthetic, acrylic, silicone mixture of Staratel, Rudel, Pufas and Knauf, it is quickly destroyed by rain and frost.

Grain size of cement plaster

Acrylic putties for exterior use

For façade protection work, acrylic plaster is produced:

  • for leveling walls;
  • finishing color and for painting;
  • decorative.

It is applied in a layer of up to 8 mm and its consumption per 1 m2 is significantly less than cement. The main component is acrylic, which is approximately 2 times lighter than cement and sand. Available in ready-to-use form. One package is enough to finish 15 - 17 m2.

Acrylic putty

Knauf products

German Knauf company is known as a supplier of building materials for all types of finishing works. It produces multi-component putties. The most popular acrylic universal. The addition of gypsum and mineral fibers makes it plastic and water-resistant. The walls beneath her are breathing. Consumption per 1m2 is small. Due to this, it is more profitable than cheaper ones cement mixtures.
Acrylic decorative Knauf mixture used for finishing facades and indoors. A large palette of colors allows you to create original finishes with unique combinations of tones and pressed patterns.

Putty Knauf

Putties from Prospectors

The Russian company Prospector produces its products using German technologies. The composition includes domestic components and imported additives. Consumption per 1 m2 is higher than that of foreign analogues. When recalculating the costs of finishing the entire facade, domestic products Staratel are more profitable than similar ones from Knauf. The cost of materials is significantly lower, since the cost of transportation and purchase of components is minimal.
Acrylic putty for exterior work by the company Staratel is produced with the addition of abrasive and fine granite crushed stone. It has a high consumption due to heavy fillers. This Staratel mixture is used to finish the base and protruding foundation. It has high strength, moisture and frost resistance.

Putty Prospectors

Given the presence of a large number of products from different companies, mainly two manufacturers compete in the market: Knauf and Starateli. The building materials of both companies have high quality. Everyone makes their own choice. My friend made calculations based on cost, expense and economic benefit. I tried using different putties. I couldn't make a choice. Each putty has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Putty Knauf Multi-finish– material used for leveling walls made of concrete and covered with cement plaster.

Knauf Multifinish is presented in the assortment of our online store. This product is in an affordable price category, it should be noted that the quality of this putty is confirmed by compliance with the norms and quality standards of domestic and international standards. Moreover, it should be noted that our client can buy goods in bulk, in which case the price will be slightly reduced. There is an order delivery service.

Knauf Multi-Finish cement is designed for interior construction work. In particular, this building material actively used for leveling plinths, vertical and horizontal surfaces inside the building, facades. The putty belongs to the category of universal ones and, accordingly, can be used in rooms with normal level humidity.

Main features of Knauf Multi-finish façade

  • Increased level of strength.
  • Optimized frost resistance.
  • The structure of the putty includes reinforced elements.
  • Suitable for both manual and automated type application.

This finishing product is often used when repairing joints between masonry; it is also suitable for window slopes and other finishing work. The material proved to be best side in the context of sealing seams and joints. The putty can also be used to prepare the base for finishing– application of decorative materials.

If the putty is used outside the room, then subsequent painting of the surface is completely unnecessary. However, if we are talking about use on a facade, then in this case it is imperative to resort to the use of water-repellent impregnation. Operation is possible on absolutely all bases.

Knauf Multi-finish façade cement putty meets all quality standards and norms. However, it is characterized by an affordable cost, which actually makes it a rather attractive option. Order this product by optimal price you can in our online store.


For leveling the surfaces of concrete and cement plasters both on building facades and in rooms with high humidity

For repair

Sealing cracks, filling holes


Meets strict global standards.


Humidity: no more than 0.1%

Ultimate compressive strength at the age of 28 days: not less than 4.0 MPa

Adhesion strength of the solution to the base: not less than 0.5 MPa

Solution viability: at least 3 hours

Frost resistance: not less than 25 cycles

Consumption of dry mixture per m2 with a layer thickness of 1 mm: 1.2 kg

Cement putty façade Knauf multi finish 25 kg. Price per bag, buy with delivery from an online building materials store.

Cement facade putty Knauf Multi Finish is suitable for work in those rooms where not only normal, but also high humidity. This could be a bathroom, shower, swimming pools, garages and summer cottages. In addition, the presented product is actively used for surfaces made of brick, stone and concrete.

A lot depends on what types of work the putty is used for. Therefore, it is divided into the following types:

Starter type cement putty - used most often in the first stages of work. It is necessary in order to seal the largest holes and cracks. As for the thickness, it is no more than one and a half centimeters. The surface that is covered with such putty looks very aesthetically pleasing and smooth.

Finish type cement putty - used as a finishing touch in finishing works. The sand grain size does not exceed 0.3 millimeters, due to which the surface remains smooth. This putty will not hide large cracks or crevices.

It is also worth noting that the shade of any putty depends on the cement from which it is made. Thus, the products white obtained through the use of white cement. Gray shade can be obtained using ordinary cement. Today, Knauf Multi Finish cement facade putty is incredibly popular and in demand due to the many advantages that were described earlier. Thanks to its excellent quality, Knauf is a leader in its field.