Mechanical thermometer operating principle. Types of medical thermometers. Medical thermometers

Thermometers measure the temperature of gases, including air, liquids, soils, body temperature, and objects. With their help, technological processes in industry are controlled, agriculture, in scientific research, medicine and pharmacology.

The industry produces thermometers of its own different types, purpose, complexity, accuracy and cost. For household purposes, you can purchase a reliable, fairly accurate, uncomplicated device for very little money. For research purposes, laboratory thermometers are used, which can also be purchased inexpensively.

For production or science, highly specialized thermometers are manufactured, designed for certain conditions, operating in a certain range, with a given accuracy. Depending on the scope of application, thermometers can be divided into several groups:
— technical and industrial;
— laboratory;
— meteorological;
- agricultural;
— for petroleum products;
— vibration-resistant;
- household.

Technical and industrial thermometers are used in pipelines, industrial installations and containers, in refrigerators, in aircraft for continuous monitoring of the environment.

The laboratory thermometer is characterized by high measurement accuracy. Such devices are used to measure temperature in various environments (for example, a liquid thermometer), and also as reference measuring devices. They are in demand in biology, analytical chemistry, and for measuring very high temperatures. Most models are glass thermometers; they are considered the most practical and can measure fractions of a degree. Models are available with a ground cone on the body for installation in laboratory glassware.

Meteorological thermometers are used to measure air temperature, the rate of temperature change, the minimum and maximum temperature over a period of time, to determine the temperature of the surface layer of water, deep or surface layers of soil. Meteorological thermometers are often included in a set of psychrometers, which simultaneously determine air humidity.

Thermometers are also absolutely necessary in agriculture. In particular, you can buy a thermometer for an incubator to measure the body of animals and the temperature in a vegetable pile. For example, overheating eggs in an incubator for just a few minutes can cause chicks to die or be born sick, so temperature control is essential. Many agricultural processes require strict adherence temperature regime, for example, when storing grain, vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products, when sprouting and treating seeds.

Thermometers for petroleum products and for testing petroleum products are used in the oil refining, oil production and chemical industries.

Vibration-resistant thermometers are installed in devices subject to constant vibration.

Household thermometers are intended for mass use. These include thermometers for liquids (for measuring the temperature of milk, water in a baby’s bath), and for measuring the air temperature in the room or outside the window, and body temperature.

For precise temperature control working environment You can buy a bimetallic thermometer, the price of which is affordable and the quality is high - the model “Bimetallic Thermometer TB 63” is offered. Of course, in the Prime Chemicals Group store you can buy a liquid thermometer, in particular a sp 2p thermometer, a technical thermometer and other models and types of these measuring instruments.

What do you think of when you hear the word “thermometer”? What about the phrase “street thermometer”? Everyone has come across these devices in their life, but they don’t really know what the difference is between them. Maybe there is no difference? In this article you will get answers to all your questions.

What is the difference between a thermometer and a thermometer?

Have you ever been corrected at least once in your life, saying that a thermometer is not a thermometer, and vice versa? Probably yes. In every home you can see a mercury or electronic thermometer for measuring body temperature, and outside the window there will be a thermometer hanging to measure the air temperature. But why are these devices called by different names? Which is correct, “thermometer” or “thermometer”? Let's figure it out.

Thermometer or thermometer? Which is correct?

A thermometer is a device with which you can measure the body, air, soil, water, etc. A thermometer is nothing more than an absolute synonym for the word “thermometer”. People began to call it a thermometer, let’s say, and this name came from the word “degree” (for example, “street thermometer”).

Experts often use the term “thermometer,” and the name of the device was given by scientists back in the 17th century. You can measure it at home using a thermometer or thermometer - how to do this correctly? Let's look at it below.

We measure body temperature at home

There are two types of thermometers for measuring human body temperature: mercury and electronic. Mercury is familiar to us from childhood and is more familiar, but it is less practical to use, since it needs at least 7 minutes to determine the temperature. In addition, it is glass and can easily break, and it is almost impossible to collect mercury completely. Mercury vapor is very poisonous and dangerous to the health of people, especially children.

An electronic thermometer is more expensive than a mercury thermometer, its temperature readings are not entirely accurate, but using such a device is much safer. In addition, it only takes about a minute to determine the temperature with an electronic thermometer, and at the end of the measurement the device gives a signal, which is very convenient.

The history of the thermometer

Galileo Galilei is a wonderful scientist and inventor; it was he who discovered the thermometer. There is no description of this invention in his own writings, but his students testified that Galileo created something like a thermoscope.

This happened in 1597; the device looked like a glass ball with a tube. During the experiment, the end of the tube was lowered into water, the ball was heated, the air inside the ball changed its pressure, and accordingly, the volume - the water rose up the tube. The thermoscope showed only changes in the degree of cooling and heating of the body without specific numbers, because it did not have a scale.

60 years later, in 1657, Florentine scientists were able to improve Galileo's thermoscope. They installed a scale on the device and pumped out the air from the tube and ball - the quality of temperature measurement immediately increased. Next, we changed the thermoscope again, turning it upside down and filling it with brandy.

There are several other names credited with creating the thermometer: Robert Fludd, Scarpi, Solomon de Caus, Lord Bacon, Sanctorius, Cornelius Drebbel. All sources indicate only air thermometers consisting of a reservoir and a tube.

In 1667, a liquid thermometer was first described. At first they used water as the liquid, but freezing caused the vessel to burst, so they began to use wine alcohol. In Paris in 1703, the air thermometer was again improved by the scientist Amonton, who for the first time measured the degree of elasticity of air.

Modern thermometer

Fahrenheit brought key changes, giving the thermometer modern look. Initially, he also filled tanks and tubes with alcohol, but still settled on mercury. In 1723, Fahrenheit first described his version of assembling a thermometer, and the specimens that have survived to this day are considered brilliantly assembled.

In 1742, the well-known scale on the thermometer was installed. - Swedish astronomer, meteorologist and geologist - finally determined two constant points on the thermometer scale (the boiling and freezing points of water). But in the beginning, 0° indicated the boiling point, and 100° indicated the freezing point.

Later, after the death of Anders Celsius, his compatriots Carl Linnaeus and Morten Stremer turned the scale over (0 was considered the freezing point, and 100 the boiling point of water). This scale seemed convenient and is still used today (for example, in a thermometer for measuring body temperature).

Reaumur's research led to a new type of scale, but this was a step back compared to Fahrenheit's research. The thermometer made by Reaumur was huge, and the method of division on the scale was imprecise. After Reaumur and Fahrenheit, artisans began making thermometers for sale.

Types of thermometers

It is not so important to know how to properly use a thermometer or a thermometer; it is much more important to know how to use it, given its varieties:

  • gas;
  • electric;
  • fiber optic;
  • liquid;
  • mechanical;
  • thermoelectric;
  • infrared.

Gas thermometer

The principle of operation is the same as in liquid ones, but the reservoir is filled with gas. The advantage of such a flask filler is that the temperature measurement range increases. Gas thermometers are used to determine extremely high temperatures, reaching +1000 °C.

Electronic thermometer

It works by changing the degree of resistance of the conductor under different temperature conditions: when the metal is heated, the resistance to current transmission increases. The temperature range depends on what metal is used as a conductor.

The most common metal is copper, in its range minimum temperature-50 °C, maximum +180 °C. Platinum thermometers indicate a range from -200 °C to +750 °C, but such thermometers are more expensive. In everyday life, it is now very popular for baths and is used most often - the temperature can be controlled from the outside.

Manufactured using fiber optics. The very accurate sensors of this device allow you to measure temperature with minimal error. The optical fiber stretches or contracts with temperature changes, and the beam of light that passes through the fiber is detected by a sensor.

This is the most ancient type of thermometer, which works by expanding or contracting liquid in a flask. The level of liquid in the vessel increases with increasing temperature, and thanks to the scale it can be measured. These devices are very accurate, but not entirely practical. They are used not only as thermometers for measuring body temperature, but also air, water, etc. various fields activities.

Mechanical thermometer

The principle of operation of such a thermometer: the needle on the scale moves due to changes in the physical parameters of the metal wire (spiral). The device resembles a clock with a hand and is used in various special equipment. An important advantage of mechanical thermometers is their practicality and durability; they are not afraid of shakes and impacts, like glass models.

Thermoelectric thermometer

The design of the thermometer contains 2 conductors, with their help the temperature is measured by ( physical principle). Such devices have a huge range of temperature determination (from -100 °C to +2500 °C). The measurement error is no more than 0.01 °C.

Infrared thermometer

Often used as a thermometer for The most modern thermometer is considered to be infrared. The temperature range can reach up to +3000 °C. In medicine, electronic thermometers are used less and less, and infrared (non-contact) ones are gaining popularity. The advantages of this device are that the readings are read without direct contact with the body. This makes it possible to use such a thermometer in dozens of areas of activity: for example, to determine the temperature of a flame or metal in an engine housing.

A thermometer (or more correctly called a thermometer) is a device that can be found in any apartment. It can be used to measure the temperature of body, soil, water or air. It is used in various areas of life: medicine, cooking, agriculture, in various industries, for scientific purposes, etc. Measuring the air temperature at home and outside allows people to navigate weather conditions, and fever associated with an increase in body temperature is a symptom of a large number of diseases (for example, infectious). The thermometer is an indispensable assistant in various situations, and it is simply impossible to imagine modern life without it.

There are several types of thermometers:

  • Liquid (alcohol thermometer, mercury thermometer),
  • Mechanical thermometer,
  • Optical thermometer,
  • Gas thermometer.

The history of the modern thermometer goes back to the Middle Ages. Galileo is considered to be the inventor of thermometers, whose students described that in 1597 he invented a device that recorded changes in water temperature. It was a tube filled with liquid and a ball that floated on its surface. When the water was heated, its level rose and the ball along with it; when it cooled, everything happened in reverse order. However, this device could not be called a true thermometer, because with its help it was impossible to determine how many degrees there were in the room or how hot the water was, that is, it did not have any scales or graduations. And yet, this primitive device became the prototype of a real thermometer.

The history of the first liquid thermometers began in the mid-17th century. However, their first tests were not crowned with success - when the temperature dropped below zero degrees, they burst. The reason was that the tube was filled with water. The situation changed radically when they began to use wine alcohol as a liquid, which freezes at a much lower temperature.

The thermometer acquired its modern appearance as a result of the long-term work of the scientist Fahrenheit (1723). At the beginning of his activity, he used alcohol as a liquid, and only many years later - mercury. He identified the main control points: melting ice, boiling water and body temperature of a healthy person. His work was continued by another scientist - Celsius (1742). He took 0 as the level of ice melting, and 100 as the boiling point of water and calibrated the thermometer. He also found out that these parameters depend on what level relative to the sea the device is located.

Types of thermometers

There are several types of thermometers, each of them works according to its own special principle. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and accordingly, the area where they best help with thermometry.

A liquid thermometer is special device for measuring temperature, the basic principle of which is based on the expansion of a certain liquid. It is very widely used in various fields of science, technology and medicine. It is a capillary containing liquid inside. Depending on the increase in its temperature, it increases in volume and its level rises. A special division is applied to the capillary, taking into account the fact that one degree corresponds to a certain level of increase in the column of this liquid. Various types of liquid thermometers allow you to measure temperatures from -200°C to +750°C. The most commonly used are an alcohol thermometer and a mercury thermometer, and much less often other types (kerosene, pentane, etc.).

Mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer is a device that not everyone has, although a few decades ago it was mandatory in any home medicine cabinet. It was replaced by the modern electronic thermometer and became more popular than its predecessor due to safety reasons. However, a number of specialists still prefer a mercury medical thermometer, since, in their opinion, its readings are more accurate.

A mercury thermometer is a device whose main element is a thin tube from which air is pumped out. At the end of it there is a special reservoir with mercury (brilliantly gray). Along the tube there is a special strip on which a scale is applied. Each division of this scale indicates a certain temperature interval (1 or 0.1 ° C).

The mechanism of action of a mercury thermometer for the body is as follows: at room temperature, all the mercury is in the reservoir, but when it enters an environment with a higher temperature, it expands and the column rises. As a result, the level stops at a level corresponding to the actual temperature, if we talk about use in humans, then it helps to detect the presence of fever or normothermia. If the thermometer is intended to determine weather conditions or how hot it is in the apartment, then it is attached to the appropriate surface (wall, window frame, platband, etc.). As a result, a home thermometer will help determine whether it’s time to ventilate the room and how to dress for going outside.

A medical mercury thermometer differs from one that is designed to determine the temperature on the street or in an apartment in that after removing it from an area of ​​the human body, the column does not fall down on its own. This occurs due to the special structure of the entrance to the mercury reservoir (it is slightly narrowed). Therefore, many people know that in order to delete previous readings on such a thermometer, it is necessary to shake it several times.

A mercury thermometer for the body has its advantages:

  • Measurement accuracy (the most reliable after a gas thermometer),
  • Low cost (20-30 rubles),
  • Availability in all pharmacies in our country,
  • Possibility of treatment with disinfectants (therefore, a mercury body thermometer is used in all hospitals),
  • Long service life - no batteries required.

A mercury thermometer has its disadvantages:

  • Measurement duration (5-10 minutes),
  • The presence of mercury in the composition of the hazardous substance,
  • When it falls, it breaks,
  • Cannot be used for oral temperature measurement in children.

An alcohol thermometer is also widely used by people, like a mercury thermometer. It has a similar principle of operation as the last one. Only, unlike it, the tube contains not mercury, but alcohol. It is very easy to distinguish these two types of thermometer: by the color of the liquid in the reservoir. In a mercury thermometer it is shiny gray, but in an alcohol thermometer it is red, because this is the shade that special dyes give this solution. The red bar is clearly visible from a long distance. However, an alcohol thermometer has not found its application for measuring body temperature; its niche is determining the number of degrees indoors and outdoors, the temperature of various liquids (in laboratories, in production, in cooking). It has a gradation from -40°C to +50°C.

Other types of liquid thermometers

In addition to mercury and alcohol thermometers, liquid thermometers also include kerosene and pentane. The first allows you to determine the temperature level in the range from -20°С to +300°С, the second - from -200°С to +20°С. Kerosene thermometers are used to obtain information about the current technological processes, pentane - in the manufacture of various alloys from several metals.

Mechanical thermometer

A mechanical thermometer has the same principle of operation as a liquid one. That is, the ability to expand is taken as a basis various materials under the influence of elevated temperature. A distinctive feature of a mechanical thermometer is the presence of two tapes with different physical properties. As the temperature rises, they begin to move relative to each other, which is reflected on the dial.

Mechanical thermometers have not found their application in medicine. Their niche is determining the temperature in various electrical appliances or mechanical devices(for example, in a toaster), mechanical thermometers are also produced to determine the temperature in the room.

The electronic thermometer went on sale several decades ago, but its popularity is growing every day. Many families, especially those with children, prefer this device for determining temperature and believe that this is the best thermometer for children.

The operating principle of an electronic thermometer is based on determining the temperature level with a special sensor built into its body. The measurement result is displayed on the display, the measurement accuracy is 0.1°C. It has found its application exclusively in medicine, as it quickly determines body temperature anywhere (in the mouth, armpit, vagina or rectum).

An electronic body thermometer has its advantages:

  • It is durable: it does not break when dropped.
  • Does not contain a dangerous substance - mercury.
  • Thanks to the presence of a case, this is the best thermometer for trips and trips.
  • Quick results (less than 1 minute).
  • An ideal thermometer for children - it allows you to determine the temperature even in the mouth without fear that the baby will bite off the tip or accidentally drop it on the floor.
  • Modern.

The production of mercury thermometers is decreasing every year. This means that the electronic medical thermometer will gradually completely replace it from household use. After all, it is much more convenient, safer, and faster to use. However, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • The cost ranges from 200-1000 rubles, which is not affordable for every family.
  • Available for sale mainly in cities, rural and village pharmacies cannot always provide customers with an electronic thermometer.
  • Inaccurate readings. Changing the temperature level of the same person in the same place several times in a row can give results that differ by several tenths of a degree.
  • It can break down (like any electronic device), require repair or even replacement.
  • The battery needs to be changed regularly.
  • After the beep sounds, indicating that the temperature has been measured, the temperature level may rise further as you continue to measure. This should be taken into account.
  • It is not subject to treatment with disinfectants and sterilization, that is, it is not suitable for use in a large number of people (clinic or hospital). Therefore, it is a home thermometer that is suitable for use by members of the same family.
  • Powered by small batteries that can be removed and swallowed by particularly savvy children. Therefore, the question of whether a thermometer is dangerous can be answered in the affirmative.

Optical thermometer

An optical thermometer is a rather complex device in which the temperature is measured using various photocells and photomultipliers. They estimate the brightness of the incident light, which bodies with different temperatures emit with unequal intensity. For comparison, the heat from a light bulb heated to 600-800°C is taken. Naturally, such a device is not suitable for use in everyday life or for measuring body temperature. Its role is to be used in production, laboratories, etc.

Gas thermometer

The gas thermometer is based on Charles's principle. It lies in the fact that while maintaining the same volume, the same increase in body temperature leads to the same increase in pressure. Temperature changes lead to pressure fluctuations. The vessel with the gas is connected to a pressure gauge (a device for measuring pressure levels); accordingly, the temperature can be determined from this indicator using a special calibration.

Hydrogen or helium is used as a gas, although it has been proven that the specific type does not affect the final result. A gas thermometer is the most accurate of all existing ones, but it cannot exactly be called a home thermometer: it is used when conducting experiments, tests, and in production.

An infrared thermometer is a new product in the world of thermometers, which is gaining popularity among buyers. The operating principle of this device is related to the registration of radiation coming from a certain surface. infrared radiation, the level of which directly depends on temperature. A sensitive sensor detects this radiation and transforms this indicator into a temperature level, the result can be seen on the display.

The infrared thermometer has found wide application in pediatrics. It allows you to quickly and accurately measure the temperature of a sleeping child without having to wake him up. There are forehead and ear versions of this thermometer; for thermometry, you need to apply it to the corresponding area for a few seconds.

An infrared medical thermometer has a number of advantages:

  • Safety. A child cannot break it, injure his hand on the glass, or inhale mercury vapor.
  • The best thermometer for traveling or traveling.
  • Fast measurement results within a few seconds.
  • Infrared thermometer for children – great choice, it allows you to take thermometry of a sleeping baby.
  • In addition to body thermometry, it allows you to measure the temperature of any liquids or solids, for this you need to configure a certain mode.

However, in addition to its advantages, an infrared thermometer also has certain disadvantages:

  • High cost (2000-3000 rubles).
  • It runs on batteries, so you need to have them in stock.
  • An ear and forehead thermometer measures the temperature in these areas only.
  • In order for the thermometer to show the correct result, a person must sit still for several seconds. This is very difficult to achieve with kids.
  • Not a completely reliable result (the error is 0.5-1.0°C).
  • In order to take a second measurement, you must wait a few seconds.
  • The ear thermometer does not show the correct result when the tip does not fit into the ear canal of the smallest patients. During active movements of newborns, it can injure the ear, so such a thermometer can be dangerous for them. You also need to buy special attachments for it.

A non-contact thermometer is one of the varieties of infrared, the distinctive feature of which is that there is no need to touch the device to the skin. This is the most ideal thermometer for children, because it can carry out thermometry without disturbing the child (who can sleep, play or feed on mother's milk).

A non-contact thermometer is more correctly called a pyrometer. The principle of its operation is power measurement thermal radiation from an object (which can be a person, liquid or solid). However, the device takes into account exclusively infrared radiation and transforms the result into a certain temperature indicator.

The advantages of a non-contact thermometer are similar to those that have already been described for all infrared thermometers. However, the peculiarity of this particular type is that it allows you to measure temperature on any part of the body without touching it. This is especially true for children who cannot take thermometry with a mercury or electronic thermometer.

The disadvantages of a non-contact thermometer are also similar to all infrared ones. However, its cost is even higher than ear or forehead ones (3-4 thousand rubles), but considering that this is a one-time purchase, you can allocate this amount from the family budget of almost any family. In addition, the readings of a non-contact thermometer depend somewhat on the environment, so the temperature in the room should not be too low or high.

Dummy thermometer

A dummy thermometer is another trendy invention for pediatric thermometry. It is the best thermometer for young children who have not yet weaned themselves off the pacifier. This device has a special sensor built into its body, which determines the temperature in a similar way to an electronic thermometer. The result becomes visible on the display 60 seconds after the start of measurement.

The dummy thermometer is a truly unique invention. It cannot be broken, which can happen with . The thermometry process does not cause discomfort to the baby. However, it also has disadvantages:

  • Batteries need to be changed.
  • The cost is about 400 rubles.
  • Like any device, it can break.
  • Unlike a regular pacifier, it cannot be fully sterilized or boiled.
  • Not suitable for children who do not like to suck on a pacifier (and there are many of them).

Thus, we see that a home thermometer can be selected to suit your needs. Each of them has its own advantages, disadvantages and scope.

A thermometer is a multifunctional device that a person uses in various areas of life. Its main role in medicine is determining body temperature, because this is the most important parameter of the body’s condition. The normal value ranges from 36.6-37.1°C (in the armpit). In the mouth and rectum it may differ slightly, depending on various parameters (eating hot food, phase of the menstrual cycle, etc.). Temperatures in the range of 37.1-37.9°C are subfebrile, 38.0-38.9°C are febrile, 39.0-41.0°C are pyretic, and above 41.0°C are hyperpyretic and potentially dangerous. for life.

The task of a medical thermometer is to determine body temperature as quickly and accurately as possible. This indicator affects correct positioning diagnosis and prescription of timely treatment. An elevated temperature without a thermometer can also be detected quite simply, but sometimes minutes count and it is simply pointless to neglect such a basic device (this is especially true for small children).

The following types of thermometers are used in medicine:

  • mercury,
  • electronic,
  • infrared, including contactless.

In hospitals and clinics, preference is still given to mercury thermometers due to the fact that the durable glass case is easily disinfected in various antiseptic solutions. After all, quite often a lot of people will use it during the day, so the issue of cleanliness in this aspect is very important.

For home use Electronic or infrared thermometers are more suitable, since in the vast majority of cases they are used by members of the same family and no special treatment with disinfectants is required. However, they sometimes give errors, so in order to determine whether the thermometer is correct or not, its readings should be periodically checked with a standard mercury thermometer, the operation of which is not affected by anything.

Measuring temperature with a body thermometer

Measuring body temperature or thermometry is an important procedure that allows you to identify the presence of fever, as a symptom of a large number of serious diseases. The most important rules that determine in which place it is better to take measurements and how long to hold the thermometer help to do this as efficiently as possible. Therefore, every person should know how to conduct thermometry in order to recognize a fever in time and seek help from a doctor.

Measuring body temperature is a procedure that directly depends on what type of thermometer is used.

Rules for thermometry with a mercury thermometer

When measuring temperature with a mercury thermometer, the first thing you should find out is what the readings from the previous thermometry on the device are (after all, as mentioned above, the level of the mercury column does not return to the minimum level on its own). If the reading is above 35°C, then the thermometer should be gently shaken several times. After this, re-evaluate the level. Next, the device must be placed in the armpit. The question of how long to hold the thermometer is very important, because if you remove it ahead of time, you can get an underestimated, unreliable result. The duration of the mercury thermometer in the armpit should be at least 5-6 minutes, ideally 10. After this, it should be removed and the readings assessed.

Rules for thermometry with an electronic thermometer

The rules for using an electronic thermometer are described in the instructions for this device. Before using it for the first time, as well as any other use, you should read it carefully. Each electronic thermometer has its own characteristics that relate to thermometry technology. Before starting the procedure, you need to look at the display and reset the previous readings (although for some devices this happens automatically). Next, place it in the armpit area, in the oral cavity or rectum. The waiting period for the result is determined by the appearance of a special sound signal. However, for greater accuracy, you should continue measuring the temperature for another 1-2 minutes; sometimes these results differ.

Rules for thermometry with an infrared thermometer

An infrared thermometer is a device that also requires reading the instructions. Each manufacturing company introduces its own nuances into the thermometry process, so this should always be kept in mind. The question of how long to hold such a thermometer should also be clarified in the text of the instructions, but usually the result is displayed on the display within 1 minute.

It must be remembered that periodically any thermometer needs to be processed. A mercury thermometer can be rinsed with an antiseptic solution (or weak alcohol), but electronic and infrared thermometers may fail after such a procedure. They should simply be wiped with a clean damp cloth after each use.

The question of how long you need to hold the thermometer is very important. After all, its premature extraction leads to an underestimated result. The result is an underestimation of the severity of your condition. Therefore, for different types of thermometers this parameter is individual:

  • Mercury thermometer.

Preferably – 5-6 minutes, ideal – 10 minutes.

Preferably - before the sound signal appears (1-2 minutes), ideally - 1-2 minutes after the sound signal.

Preferably before the sound signal appears (60 seconds). After this, further measurement is pointless. The non-contact thermometer shows the result on the display within 30 seconds.

How to determine elevated temperature without a thermometer

Fever is a symptom that, as a rule, has a very specific effect on the patient’s well-being. Therefore, elevated temperature without a thermometer can also be diagnosed fairly quickly. Here are a few signs to suspect a fever:

  • A feeling of trembling (as the temperature rises), or heat - when it has already risen to high levels.
  • Redness of the skin of the face and chest.
  • Headache, dizziness, weakness, drowsiness.
  • Pain in muscles, joints, bones, feeling of body aches.
  • Thirst, dry mouth, decreased appetite.

Children behave in a very specific way when they have a fever. They become lethargic, whiny, refuse food and games, and ask to be held by their parents. It is possible to determine the presence of a high temperature without a thermometer, but only a device can determine its specific level, so you should not neglect it.

Young children often get sick, and colds occur much more often in them than in adults due to the immaturity of the immune system. Fever often develops in a child, and it can quickly reach pyretic levels. Babies in the first 2 years of life are very vulnerable to high temperature, because one of its potential complications is febrile seizures. They occur against the background of an increase in body temperature to a level of 39°C and above and are the result of underdevelopment of the nervous system. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to determine as quickly as possible whether the baby has a fever and urgently take measures to reduce body temperature. Therefore, the presence of a thermometer in a house where there are children is mandatory, and its absence is a negligent crime of parents.

The best thermometer for babies

An increase in body temperature in infants under one year of age is an extremely serious and dangerous symptom. Any mother should be able to measure this indicator, despite the fact that the child himself may not be delighted with this procedure. Fortunately, today various types of thermometers have been invented that help carry out thermometry in the youngest patients. These include thermometers - pacifiers, electronic and infrared thermometers. The best option: a non-contact thermometer, it helps to take measurements of a sleeping baby.

A mercury thermometer is the most extreme option, because a baby can react to a cold glass device in a specific way - breaking the thermometer with a blow from the handle or foot.

The right thermometer for preschool children

Children between the ages of 1 and 6 years vary greatly in their developmental levels. Six-year-old children are conscientious people who can sit completely calmly for several minutes while measuring their temperature with any type of thermometer, which cannot be said about two-year-olds: for them this procedure can cause a storm of negative emotions. Therefore, when choosing the type of thermometer, you must first take into account the baby’s temperament. A pacifier is an option that will suit only a one-year-old child, so after 2 years, preference should be given to infrared, non-contact or electronic thermometers.

Cases where preschool children accidentally break a thermometer are not uncommon. Therefore, this option should be left primarily in order to find out whether the correct thermometer is infrared or electronic, or whether the batteries or the device itself should be replaced.

The question of whether a thermometer that contains mercury is dangerous and whether mercury poisoning from a thermometer is possible is of concern to all owners of this device. There have always been many myths and legends around him that are not entirely true. Therefore, this issue, as well as what to do if a thermometer is broken and how thermometers are disposed of, should be given special attention.

Is it possible to get mercury poisoning from a thermometer?

Is it possible to be poisoned by mercury from a thermometer? This is the main question that revolves in the head of a person who sees small shiny balls of this liquid metal on the floor that got there as a result of careless handling of the thermometer. However, experts say that the dose of this substance in one device is so small that real mercury poisoning from a thermometer is very unlikely. However, the chances increase if the balls hit a hot stove or frying pan, then the metal evaporates and this increases the likelihood of them getting into the respiratory tract.

Also, the likelihood of getting chronic mercury poisoning from a thermometer increases if the balls rolled somewhere in a secluded place and remained there for a long time. To prevent this from happening, after breaking the thermometer, it is necessary to carry out all necessary measures prevention of this serious condition.

What to do if the thermometer is broken

If such a situation occurs in the house, the first thing to do is to isolate all animals and children in a separate room. After this, you need to close the doors tightly, open the window wide and begin collecting mercury balls. This must be done wearing rubber gloves, by gluing them to tape or paper in a large glass jar. After a thorough inspection of the scene of the incident, it is necessary to tightly close the jar and call the rescue service so that they carry out a control measurement of the residual level of mercury and dispose of the thermometer.

How to dispose of mercury thermometers

Old or broken is a potential threat to environment. Therefore, disposal of mercury-based thermometers is a task for specialists. Ideally, they should be handed over in a tightly closed bag or jar to the city rescue service. Do not throw them in the trash or take them to a landfill yourself.

Disposing of thermometers containing mercury is a serious job that should be carried out by specially trained professionals.

Currently, there are three main types of thermometers for measuring body temperature - electronic, mercury and infrared. The most accurate and easiest to use is an infrared thermometer, which is used to measure the temperature in the external auditory canal. However, this thermometer is quite expensive, so you often have to choose a different type of thermometer.

Electronic and mercury thermometers are available to most people, so the choice, in the vast majority of cases, must be made between these types. That is, to choose the best one, you need to know the advantages and disadvantages of each type of thermometer. A mercury thermometer is more accurate than an electronic one, but it is not as convenient to use and is dangerous. potential opportunity mercury spills. So, to measure temperature, a mercury thermometer must be held for 5 - 10 minutes, and an electronic one - no more than 60 seconds. In addition, a mercury thermometer is relatively heavy and dangerous due to the possibility of glass breaking and mercury leaking. However, if you need to measure temperature with high accuracy, a mercury thermometer is the best one.

Regarding the electronic thermometer, we can say the following - it is easy to use, measures temperature quickly and even theoretically cannot break and release various potentially dangerous substances. However, an electronic thermometer is less accurate than a mercury thermometer. But the error in measuring temperature with an electronic thermometer is no more than 0.1 - 0.3 o C, which is insignificant. After all, no fundamental difference, the child’s body temperature is 37.1 o C or 37.4 o C. Thus, greater safety and insignificant error in measurement accuracy make the electronic thermometer most preferable for use in children.

Many people complain that the electronic thermometer measures the temperature “wrongly”, showing values ​​that are too low. However, this is not true. To check the accuracy of an electronic thermometer, place it in a glass of water and measure its temperature. Then measure the temperature of the same water with a mercury thermometer and compare the values. If they are the same, then the electronic thermometer is working correctly, and too low a body temperature indicates an incorrect measurement.

The tip of the electronic thermometer is thin, so it must be pressed very tightly against the body, which is often not done. As a result, ambient air penetrates into the armpit, reducing the measurement results. Therefore, to obtain correct results, it is recommended to hold the thermometer in the armpit until a characteristic sound is heard, then remove it and look at the readings. If the readings seem low, then without resetting them, you should put the thermometer in to measure the temperature again. After the beep, take out the thermometer and look at its readings.

Electronic devices cover different segments of consumer goods. Medical equipment, along with the military-defense complex, is more actively adopting new technologies than other industries. Digital versions of familiar equipment, of course, are not something special, but their appearance has noticeably changed the nature of operation towards increasing convenience, as evidenced by user reviews. Electronic thermometers are shaped like traditional mercury models, but the way they present results is based on liquid crystal displays. However, there are many versions of this device on the market, which differ in different characteristics.

Features of electronic thermometers

Many experts recommend switching from traditional glass thermometers to electronic analogues. The rationale for this advice is the known risk of damage to the housing resulting from mercury vaporization. However, apart from this danger, an ordinary thermometer has almost no disadvantages. These are waterproof and anti-allergenic devices that are also convenient to use. But reviews about which note many operational advantages will be useful in a home first aid kit. Such models are good for their speed and absolute safety from an environmental point of view.

But the main separation between the two concepts lies in the fact that a glass thermometer works well when working with dynamic readings, allowing you to reliably assess the patient’s condition. Oddly enough, high-tech digital instruments cannot boast of the same measurement quality, which, again, is confirmed by conflicting reviews. Electronic thermometers are less dependent on external influences, but the very principle of determining the temperature regime using a special conductor implies a high degree of error.

Types of models

There are conventional wired electronic models, infrared and contactless. Each case has its own operating characteristics and measurement nuances. The classification of devices according to the location of measurement should also be taken into account - for example, there are oral models, frontal modifications, axillary, etc. An adjustment for age should also be made. For example, electronic has its own characteristics, which are expressed in a compact body and more durable materials housings. By the way, there are original models for babies that resemble a regular pacifier. This option is attractive not only for its stylistic design, but also for its ease of use, since the child will willingly agree to be measured with a device that is familiar in shape. It should be noted that infrared modifications are widely popular in all categories, which, although they do not allow achieving high accuracy, in some cases they are simply impossible to replace. Such models with a non-contact measurement method, in particular, can be a salvation in operating conditions

Reviews of Omron models

This is one of the most famous manufacturers of modern thermometers, which produces devices in several series. It should immediately be noted that the rather modest accuracy indicators that this electronic thermometer demonstrates. Omron reviews are criticized for their high error rate, but in most cases, incorrect readings are due to improper use of the device.

The fact is that models of this brand provide for the supply of an appropriate signal after measurements are taken. But just at this moment a general measurement of the state occurs. To obtain the necessary data, you should hold the working element for at least another 5 minutes. The rest is quite noted high quality devices. For example, many praise the ergonomics and reliability of the case in which the Omron electronic thermometer is located. Reviews also highlight the convenient system for providing measurement results.

Thermometers without mercury are widely used today, both in living conditions, and in medical institutions. They are gradually replacing mercury thermometers, which have a high degree of toxicity and, as a result, if the protective shell is damaged, they can harm human health. A similar medical device is available in every home. Its use helps to determine the deviation of body temperature from the norm, which is a symptom of the onset of the disease.

Temperature measurement

The history of the appearance of thermometers goes back to the distant past. The invention is attributed to the famous scientist Galileo. He himself did not leave any mention of such a device in his notes, but his students and contemporaries confirm the creation of a thermobaroscope. The development of the thermometer can be seen in the following chronology of events:

  1. 1597 - the appearance of an invention called “thermobaroscope”. It was a glass tube of small diameter with a ball that was soldered into its middle.
  2. 1657 - adding an improvised scale to the thermobaroscope and creating a vacuum inside it. This was done by Florentine scientists.
  3. 1667 is the first mention of such devices.
  4. 1703 - the air thermometer was improved by the French scientist Amonton.
  5. 1723 - thermometers appeared, the shape of which resembled the modern one. Fahrenheit succeeded in this; he opened the world to the possibility of filling the device with mercury. There were three main temperature points on the invention scale.
  6. 1742 - defined two temperature boundaries that are still used today. This is the melting temperature of ice (0 degrees Celsius) and the boiling point of water (100 degrees Celsius).

There have been many attempts to create the perfect thermometer. For example, Lord Bacon, Robert Fludd and several other scientists, in collaboration with them, spoke about the primacy of the invention of the air thermometer. Also known is Santorio, a scientist from Italy who was able to make a device designed to measure human body temperature. Its only drawback was its too large parameters. It is impossible not to mention the Kelvin thermometer, which is widely used in the scientific field.

Today there are many types of thermometers. They are used not only for medical purposes, but also in industry and everyday life. Using such devices you can also measure the temperature of water or air.

Advantages and disadvantages of mercury thermometers

Such a device is a small diameter tube at the end of which there is a reservoir of mercury. All this is sealed in an impenetrable shell that protects against penetration toxic substance into the environment.

  • ease of use;
  • duration of operation;
  • ubiquity of use (determining temperature by oral, rectal, axillary or groin methods);
  • high accuracy;
  • reasonable price;
  • easy disinfection.

When using similar devices it is necessary to remember that mechanical impact cannot be applied to them, including disinfection by boiling, since they are very fragile. A mercury device cannot be classified as a “safe thermometer” due to the toxicity of its contents, which makes this device the most demanding in terms of operating conditions. Such thermometers should be disposed of as “special waste”, making sure to provide hand protection and ventilate the room.

Measuring temperature with mercury thermometers takes quite a bit, it takes about 10 minutes. Therefore, such a thermometer is not very suitable for children whose age does not allow them to explain the need to sit quietly.

What kind of thermometers are there without mercury?

Thermometers may be different. The most common option is alcohol. Outwardly, they are similar to mercury, the only difference is the color of the contents of the tank. Mercury is silvery, and alcohol is given a red color using dyes.

There are electronic and it is also necessary to note such a variety as a thermometer for children younger age, made in the form of a pacifier.

Electronic thermometers

Such thermometers without mercury appeared on pharmacy counters relatively recently. Working similar devices due to the presence of a special sensor in them. Models of this type may vary depending on the set of functions (impermeable housing, sound signals, memory recording the data of the last several measurements, and the presence of sterile caps).

A mercury-free thermometer has the following advantages:

  • security;
  • fast measurement;
  • different variations of external design;
  • presence of a display;
  • reasonable price;
  • wide model range.

Other characteristics and functions depend on the configuration of the individual device and its cost.

Among the disadvantages, one can note a certain percentage of error, which varies depending on the place of application, and the need to hold the mercury-free thermometer under the arm for some time after the sound signal. For example, children do not have such patience. We must not forget about regularly changing batteries. If they are not at hand, the device may “sit down” at the most inopportune moment.

Modern alcohol thermometers

Thermometers without mercury included in this category are considered the most popular. Alcohol ones have all the advantages of mercury ones, but unlike them they are safe. They do not require batteries or other additional power. They represent a kind of compromise between outdated and modern temperature measuring devices.

The latest medical innovation can be considered infrared thermometers. They are classified according to the location of impact. Thermometers can be non-contact, ear or forehead. Use strictly as directed. When creating these devices, the advantages of previous variations of the thermometer were taken into account and their disadvantages were eliminated. The result is a product characterized by:

  • security;
  • almost instantaneous measurement (no more than 5 seconds);
  • small error;
  • ease of use;
  • functionality.

Disadvantages include: high price and inability to use rectally.

The best thermometers for children

Baby thermometers without mercury for measuring body temperature are shaped like a pacifier. Your baby will not be worried, and you can easily measure his temperature within 3-4 minutes, the values ​​of which will be displayed on a special display. The color effect will allow you to immediately understand the child’s condition, since if there are deviations from the norm, the nipple becomes red, and if it persists, it will turn green.

There are also thermal strips that are easy to carry. Most often they are used in special situations, for example, outdoors or while traveling. They are not common in everyday life, because they only record the fact of an increase in temperature, but do not give exact values.

In general, you can find a way to determine body temperature for every person in any conditions. You just need to make the right choice.

How to measure body temperature? All types of thermometers.

Rules for measuring body temperature.

Everyone knows that there is nothing simpler than measure body temperature. I stuck the thermometer under my armpit and that was it. But is it so easy to measure a child's temperature? Sometimes this ordinary procedure turns into a nightmare; with each child’s illness, an increasing number of broken thermometers appear. The parents are nervous, the child is yelling. Modern technology always comes to our aid. And pharmacies now offer a huge number of different thermometers - mercury, electronic, infrared, and disposable.

Another important factor in measuring temperature is the correct use of thermometers. The exact number on the thermometer will depend on this.

Types of thermometers. Their advantages and disadvantages

To begin with, we will look at the ones we all know mercury thermometers.

Advantages of a mercury thermometer:

  • Very high accuracy of body temperature measurement;
  • Long service life (provided that it is handled carefully and stored correctly);
  • The ability to measure temperature in the armpit, orally and rectally with a mercury thermometer;
  • Easily disinfected (just do not boil);
  • Low cost.

Disadvantages of a mercury thermometer:

  • Wait a long time for the measurement result – about 10 minutes;
  • Dangerous for children: children should not use it orally, as there is a risk of injury from the glass of a broken thermometer;
  • Mercury vapor is very dangerous if the thermometer is broken;
  • It should be used carefully when measuring rectally. There is a risk that intestinal peristalsis may “tighten” it.

If the mercury thermometer breaks:

· the first thing to do is to lower the temperature in the room in order to avoid dangerous fumes (turn on the air conditioner or open the window - this depends on the circumstances);

· under no circumstances should mercury balls be collected with a vacuum cleaner;

· you can collect mercury using a plaster or tape and place it in a jar with a neutralizing solution - on1 liter of boiled water ( room temperature) 40 grams of laundry soap and 50 grams of soda, and cover the jar with a lid. If mercury gets into the cracks in the floors, you can fill the cracks with this solution.

· If you are afraid to do it yourself, call the Ministry of Emergency Situations or the SES.

Rules for measuring with a mercury thermometer.

Let's first figure out why you need to measure 10 minutes with a mercury thermometer. Skin temperature is different from core body temperature. And in order for the skin to acquire that internal temperature, you need to press your hand tightly to your body and hold it for 5 minutes. Then the temperature in the armpit will be equal to body temperature. And hold it for another 5 minutes so that the temperature is measured. A wet armpit may give an inaccurate result, so make sure your armpit is dry before taking your temperature. The correct way to shake off a thermometer is to hold it not by the mercury tip, but by the back of the thermometer, and the movement of the hand should occur at the elbow joint.

Electronic (digital) thermometers.

IN electronic (digital) thermometers body temperature is measured using a built-in sensor. The measurement result is displayed on a digital display. Electronic thermometers have built-in functions such as: a sound signal at the end of the measurement; memory for the last few measurements; replaceable caps for hygiene purposes; waterproof housing (this is worth paying attention to, because due to high humidity electronic thermometers may fail); backlight for use in the dark and other functions. Naturally, the price will depend on the number of all the above-mentioned functions; the more functions, the higher the price.

Advantages of an electronic thermometer:

  • Safety (there is no mercury or glass, it cannot be broken, it has a soft flexible tip);
  • Gives temperature measurement results very quickly – 30 – 60 seconds. If measured in the armpit - 1.5 - 3 minutes;
  • The measurement result is shown on a digital display;
  • Automatic shutdown after use;
  • Availability of an interchangeable Fahrenheit – Celsius scale;
  • Variety of colors and shapes;
  • Relatively low price.

Disadvantages of an electronic thermometer:

  • After measuring body temperature in the armpit, according to the instructions, you need to hold the thermometer under your armpit for a few more minutes after the sound signal. It turns out that the promised 1.5 - 3 minutes are increasing. This causes some inconvenience. For children to hold the thermometer for at least 5 minutes is already a heroic feat;
  • May give a small error - 0.1 - 0.2 degrees;
  • Cheap models of electronic thermometers (with an unprotected waterproof case) cannot be disinfected or washed;
  • Batteries need to be changed periodically. What's the inconvenience? Because they can sit down at the most inopportune moment, you should definitely have a spare one;
  • There are a lot of complaints from consumers that they give inaccurate results (compared to mercury). To clarify the result, you need to measure it again or use a mercury thermometer that is familiar to everyone.

Rules for measuring with an electronic thermometer.

In this case, it is necessary to read the instructions just before starting operation, and not act on the principle “Oh! Yes, there are also instructions here. What should I read? Then there will be no inaccurate results. The very first rule is not to take out the thermometer immediately after the sound signal; you must wait a certain time specified in the instructions for this model. Some thermometers recommend holding them strictly vertically when measuring orally, otherwise they may also give inaccurate results. When measuring temperature orally, the mouth must be tightly closed, otherwise the result will again be incorrect. This also applies to pacifier thermometer. When measuring in the armpit, a sweaty armpit may give an inaccurate result.

Infrared thermometers.

It's relative new look thermometer. But in its short existence infrared thermometers are already in great demand. Temperature measurement occurs in just 2-5 seconds. Infrared thermometers There are several types: ear, forehead and non-contact. Measuring body temperature with such a thermometer occurs due to the fact that the sensitive element reads data from the infrared radiation of the human body. In order to ensure the accuracy of the result, you can measure the temperature 2-3 times. The measurement result is displayed on the LCD display.

Advantages of an infrared thermometer:

· Safety – no mercury or glass;

· High measurement speed – 2-5 seconds;

· Hygiene (does not require very frequent disinfection);

· It is very easy to measure the temperature of children, there is no need to undress them, the ability to measure the temperature of sleeping people;

· Availability of all functions of an electronic thermometer (sound signal, auto-shutdown, measurement memory, etc.);

· Replacement tips for ear infrared thermometers;

· A non-contact infrared thermometer can measure not only the temperature of the body, but also of surrounding objects (air, water, temperature in the refrigerator and what else you can think of);

· If you or your child often have otitis media, then it is very convenient to use an ear thermometer and constantly measure the temperature in the ear.

Disadvantages of an infrared thermometer:

  • Measuring body temperature is possible only in certain places - forehead, temples, ears;
  • May give a small error - 0.1 - 0.2 degrees. For body measurements, this error is not terrible, but if you measure rectally, then this is a significant difference, hence the following disadvantage
  • Rectal temperature cannot be measured. This especially applies to those women who keep an ovulation schedule during the cycle - the result will be incorrect;
  • For otitis media, ear thermometers will give an incorrect body temperature;
  • Very high price - from 30 to 100 dollars.

Pacifier-shaped thermometers.

For babies who like to suck a pacifier, it will not be difficult to measure the temperature using nipples with thermometer. In appearance, this is an ordinary pacifier; the child will not notice the substitution. There is a digital display on the nipple, which also glows green at normal temperatures, if the temperature rises above 37 °C, then the display lights up red. Temperature measurement time is 3-5 minutes.

Thermal strips.

Thermal strips represent a kind of sensitive film. It works due to the crystals contained in it, which react to body temperature and change color. The thermal strip has a clear scale of 36 °С, 37°C, 38°C and so on. Therefore, they do not give the exact temperature, you can only find out within what limits the temperature is. The thermal strip also plays an important role in determining the temperature the following factors: presence of sweat, tightness to the body, lighting. Therefore, using such things is not very convenient. They can come in handy somewhere on a hike, in nature, on the road.

Rules for using thermometers. Because of which they may give incorrect results.

In order to thermometer gave an accurate result, it is necessary to follow the rules for measuring temperature. If you measure incorrectly, even a mercury thermometer may show an inaccurate result.

Rules for measuring with an infrared thermometer.

The main thing here is to use the thermometer for its intended purpose - forehead, temples, ears. And don't confuse them! If this is a forehead thermometer, then it should be carried out in a clearly defined place - where the artery goes - from the middle of the forehead to the temple. This is also described in the instructions, so you need to read it.

What to do if the thermometer breaks and mercury spills on the floor?

You by chance broke the thermometer, And mercury spilled on the floor What to do?!
To collect mercury, prepare plastic bottle with screw cap. Fill it halfway with water. Take a leaf thick paper, place it next to the droplets of spilled mercury and, using an improvised spatula made of wood, plastic or glass (an ordinary school ruler will do), carefully roll the balls of mercury onto the sheet. The smallest drops can be collected with adhesive tape or adhesive paper tape. Carefully bend the sheet and pour (“roll”) the mercury into a bottle. We also send the neatly rolled up patch there.
The surface on which mercury spilled, rinse with a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate (2 grams of potassium permanganate per liter of water). We thoroughly ventilate the room!

Art. nurse of the children's department L.V. Fedorov

The article describes the various types of thermometers used to determine temperature, focusing on the operating principle and features.

It also describes the types of medical devices according to the method of their use; there are characteristics of rectal, ear, and forehead devices.

Popular manufacturers and approximate cost of devices are also indicated.

Thermometers for determining body temperature - what are they?

To make diagnoses of various diseases, you cannot do without thermometers.

There are various types thermometers. Let's list them:

  • mercury;
  • electronic;
  • rectal;
  • ear;
  • on the forehead;
  • infrared.

These types of medical thermometers are used to detect abnormalities in human body temperature.

High indicators can be evidence of various pathologies - this may concern inflammatory diseases, brain diseases, cancer, etc.

About the principles of operation of various types of thermometers

An electronic thermometer consists of a thermistor, which is the main component of this device.

When the reading fluctuates, it changes the resistance level. To protect the electronic thermometer from damage, its body is made of materials that do not allow moisture to pass through.

After the measurement, you can hear a beep. You can find out the result by looking at the display of the medical device.

Electronic medical thermometer: body temperature is indicated on the display. For convenient storage comes with a transparent case

A special feature of this model is the presence of replaceable caps; they are needed for hygienic purposes and are included in the kit.

To use an electronic thermometer, you only need to press one button. The result can be seen on the liquid crystal display.

To receive exact result It is better to use it in the rectum or mouth.

Advantages of electronic thermometers:

  • affordable price;
  • You can find out the result in a maximum of 3 minutes;
  • they are safe to operate - even if the device breaks down, it will not cause harm to human health;
  • versatility;
  • there will be no problems if the device falls into water or on the floor;
  • availability additional functions in some devices - they can measure the temperature in the room, remind you of the need for what needs to be measured again;
  • You can find completely waterproof models.

Electronic thermometer

There are also disadvantages to such devices. Let's list them:

  • if you try to measure with a device under your arm, then most likely it will give inaccurate readings;
  • It takes from 5 to 10 minutes to measure under the arm, and this is despite the fact that the signal about the end of the process will sound earlier.

Different types of thermometers allow you to choose any one you like, but the most common is mercury.

Mercury thermometer

Its peculiarity is that it can remember the last reading. Now this product is a top seller.

However, mercury is a sending substance. Fragility – main drawback device. , then the mercury will pour out.

To minimize damage, mercury varieties are sold in capsule shells. Even if the thermometer breaks, the mercury will remain inside the capsule.

Let us list the advantages of mercury thermometers:

  • easy to use;
  • affordable;
  • measure temperature in different parts of the body.

This type of thermometer has its disadvantages:

  • fragile glass;
  • mercury is dangerous to human well-being;
  • the device may fall and break;
  • If it breaks, you can get hurt by the glass.

The operating principle of a glass thermometer is based on the fact that mercury expands when elevated temperature body: the metal begins to rise up the glass tank.

It is believed that a mercury thermometer is capable of giving the most reliable readings.

The case is used to store a mercury device. The medical device should be stored dry, column down.

The above classification of thermometers also includes infrared thermometers. They are also used to determine the temperature of the human body.

Infrared models are most often ear thermometers: you need to insert the sensor into the ear, the results will be displayed on the screen. A signal will indicate the end of the procedure, just like in electronic models.

A special feature of these thermometers is the presence of backlighting.

Infrared thermometer

An infrared thermometer has its advantages:

  • suitable for measuring temperature in a patient who is unconscious or sleeping;
  • You can measure the temperature of newborns;
  • it is not necessary to apply the device to the body;
  • Illuminated options are possible;
  • to measure you only need to wait 2 s;
  • very convenient to use;
  • The device is also suitable for measuring ambient and water temperatures;
  • Additional features include the presence of removable sterile tips and a shockproof housing.

This type of thermometer also has disadvantages:

  • high price;
  • not suitable for measuring basal temperature.

The operation of such devices is based on the presence of a hypersensitive component that reacts to infrared rays emanating from the human body.

All information is displayed on the liquid crystal display. You can know that the device has completed its work by a sound signal.

If the device is backlit, you can see the readings even at night.

Let's talk about. Before using them, you must read the instructions.

Rectal thermometer

With the help of such devices it is possible to monitor the state of human health. This device is able to show the temperature measured in the anus.

They are usually used by women. With the help of such thermometers, you can monitor the state of reproductive function, which will help you find out your hormonal levels on different days.

They are also used to measure body temperature in children - this should be done only when the child is calm.

The thermometer should be inserted into the anus a maximum of 5 centimeters. It is recommended to use lubricant during the procedure. Baby cream or lubricant is suitable for this.

They wait a few minutes, then take out the thermometer and look at the readings. After use, the tip of the device is treated with an antibacterial wipe.

Using a rectal thermometer

Such thermometers can also be called digital.

Rectal thermometer

Let us list the advantages of such thermometers:

  • after the measurement is completed, a sound signal is heard;
  • good for children under 3 years of age;
  • ease of use;
  • Since the sensor is located on the tip, it does not need to be inserted too deeply to measure.

Rectal thermometer

Also, such thermometers have their disadvantages:

  • fragility;
  • high cost.

Thermometer on the forehead

To quickly measure temperature, use thermometers on the forehead. They can be either electronic or in the form of stickers.

Thermometer sticker

For measurement, the forehead must be clean and dry. The thermometer is applied to the middle of the forehead, and the device should be held on both sides. Do not touch the numbers with your fingers.

If you use a sticker, then 20 seconds is enough to find out the temperature. Use the sticker thermometer under bright lamps or direct sun rays forbidden.

The advantages of such sticker thermometers:

  • they can be used many times;
  • they measure temperature as quickly as possible;
  • small size;
  • no batteries needed to operate;
  • the composition does not contain mercury or components harmful to humans;
  • especially convenient to use when traveling;
  • can be used to measure temperature in sleeping children;
  • with their help you can monitor whether the temperature drops.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The sticky layer loses its properties over time, so you have to press the sticker thermometer with your hands to your forehead.

Can also be used. They are also called technical.

Liquid thermometer

It consists of a scale, a capillary tube, a liquid, a bypass chamber, and a thermometer ball.

The principle of its operation is based on the properties of liquids to expand and contract.

When a liquid is heated, it expands and the liquid begins to rise up the capillary tube, which signals an increase in temperature.

Advantages of liquid thermometers:

  • wide application;
  • high measurement accuracy;
  • ease of use.

They also have their disadvantages:

  • it is impossible to automatically record readings;
  • poor visibility of the scale.

A pressure gauge is used to measure the temperature of gaseous and liquid neutral media.

The principle of the device is based on measuring the pressure of a substance contained in limited space. The indicators are influenced by the temperature of the sensing element.