Which wallpaper is the most environmentally friendly? Choosing environmental wallpaper. Wallpaper in eco style

Creating environmentally friendly products is the fashion of the twenty-first century. It has spread to many areas. This is how the wallpaper from natural materials. There are many of them on the market, and there is a high risk of making a bad purchase.

Eco-friendly wallpaper for walls

To avoid mistakes, it is better to read in advance about the properties of the product, study the manufacturers’ markings indicating quality, and remember the elements that are unacceptable in the composition. You can learn about the intricacies of operation by reading the article.

Eco wallpaper for wall decoration: characteristics, differences

Made from natural raw materials: wood, silk, papyrus, etc. Hence their properties: safety, strength, vapor permeability, thermal insulation. More details about each characteristic:

  • 1) Natural materials practically do not emit hazardous substances. Some of them kill harmful microbes, that is, they are antiseptics.
  • 2) Cork, bamboo and fiberglass wallpapers are durable and moisture resistant due to the high density of the raw materials. This explains their durability, practicality, and versatility.
  • 3) Paper, wood and other natural raw materials allow steam particles to pass through pore channels, which ensures air exchange. This reduces the risk of mold growing on the walls.
  • 4) Natural materials - heat insulators. Eco wallpaper keeps the room warm.

Eco wallpapers differ among themselves in material (paper, wood, bamboo, papyrus, silk, non-woven fabric), complexity of the pattern, and additional applications (fireproof and other impregnations).

You need to take your choice seriously. Purchasing a low-quality product will be a waste of money. Here are four points to guide you:

  • 1) The first is the presence of markings.
  • 2) The second is a quality certificate, which also indicates the composition of the product.
  • 3) Third - physical properties. Acrid odor, weak strength, which can be tested in a simple way(run your fingernail across the surface) indicate poor quality of the product.
  • 4) Finally, the fourth guideline will be the price: you should not save. Otherwise, there will be even more costs in the future.

For domestic manufacturers this is “Leaf of Life” or “Eco Material”, products from Scandinavia are labeled with the “White Swan”, from Germany with the “Blue Angel”, and other countries of the European Union with the “EU Flower”, and from the USA with the “Green Sign” , from Canada - “Ecological choice”, from Japan - “Eco sign”.

Product range overview

The market for eco-friendly wallpaper made from various materials is discussed below:

  • 1) Wide choice paper wallpaper from the companies As Creation (Germany), Eco Wallpaper (Sweden), MOF (Russia), etc. Breathable, but not very practical and short-lived. Water ingress causes irreversible damage. unpleasant odors absorbed. The price varies depending on the complexity of the design: 100 - 7,000 rubles or more for a ten-meter roll.
  • 2) Hypoallergenic textile wallpaper. The raw materials for them are silk, viscose, cotton and other natural fabrics, as well as synthetic interlining. In Russia they are represented by manufacturers from Sweden (White & Light, Tweed), Italy (Cristiana Pasi / Parata) and other countries. The price varies from 700-1000 rubles to 25,000.
  • 3) They retain heat, provide sound insulation, and wallpaper made from plant fibers is distinguished by its durability and beauty. Can be done manually. These are expensive. But on average, the cost of floral wallpaper varies from 1,000 rubles per roll to 10,000 – 15,000. The stores feature manufacturers from China (Design Tropic, Rodeka), Italy (COSCA D’ECOLINGI) and other countries.
  • 4) Hypoallergenic wallpaper with antiseptic properties made from cork, leather and fiberglass are less common in Russia.

What should not be in eco wallpaper

The composition should not include polyvinyl chloride, PVC, heavy metals, formaldehydes, synthetic dyes water based and chlorine bleaches.

The listed materials kill the eco-component and make the product hazardous to health.

Caring for environmentally friendly wallpaper and operating features

Many natural materials absorb odors and deteriorate when exposed to water. Finish varnish coatings and wax impregnations help extend the service life.

Paper wallpapers are the most difficult to maintain. Soft feather brooms, whisks, and brushes are used for cleaning. You can use an eraser. Paper wallpaper is delicate. Dirt is removed with smooth and light movements of the eraser. Oily stains remove with a cloth heated with an iron.

Dust-repellent impregnations are also used.

Eco-friendly wallpaper is expensive, but its price is justified beneficial properties, durability, practicality. They are varied in materials, their variety appearance. Universal: used in kitchens, bedrooms, living rooms. They give the room natural harmony and pristine beauty of nature, fit into the eco-interior of a house or apartment.

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Currently, we live in an environmentally unfavorable environment, so it is not surprising that the number of people with allergic diseases is increasing. Manufacturers around the world are developing environmentally friendly materials, the use of which guarantees our safety. This also applies to wallpaper.

The peculiarity of this material is that they can be used in any room, even in those where there are people prone to allergies. At the same time, wallpapers feature interesting design solutions that will help decorate any office or living space.

What kind of materials are these? Which wallpapers are environmentally friendly? Our labor safety training center will tell you about this.

Paper wallpaper firmly occupy a leading position in the building materials market. Made from natural ingredients, wallpaper allows the walls to “breathe,” which is especially important when it comes to houses built of wood.

Cork wallpaper- These are expensive materials that are porous, which guarantees the release of excess moisture, preventing the formation of condensation and mold on the walls. It should be noted that cork options are made from natural materials, and the type of finish has a unique appearance.

During production textile wallpaper Also, only environmentally friendly materials are used. They contain cotton, silk, linen or viscose. During production, all these materials are treated with antistatic compounds so that they do not attract dust and do not become a source of allergic reactions in people.

Are in great demand combined wallpaper, in which the base is made of paper and the top layer is made of linen. These materials are distinguished by their availability and beautiful artistic design, which allows you to completely change the interior of any room.

Modern manufacturers offer large selection non-woven wallpaper. These nonwovens, characterized by great strength, good air permeability, have incredible design solutions. Of course, the texture of the wallpaper can cause dust to collect, but it can be wiped with a damp cloth and vacuumed.

When choosing these products, you should know that not all types can be classified as environmentally friendly materials.

So, modern noveltyphosphorescent wallpaper, which make it possible to create an incredible effect of luminous surfaces at night, can emit radon, therefore all types of this series entering our market must undergo specialized testing.

Also vinyl wallpaper should not be used for pasting walls in apartments and offices where people with disabilities are constantly present. allergic reactions. The fact is that these wallpapers can release toxins that are harmful to human health.

Of course, not only wallpaper can influence the environmental situation at home, but also the glue that is used to paste the walls. You should beware of low-quality cheap materials.

If in doubt, ask the seller for a certificate. It is better to choose products from well-known manufacturers that guarantee the safety of materials. And if you have to use non-environmentally friendly materials, follow all labor safety instructions. Don't forget! Health comes first!

In the line of wallpapers with special characteristics - fire-resistant, anti-vandal and so on, eco wallpaper occupy a special place. They are associated with the most myths, misunderstandings and even outright deception. How soon will the demand for sustainability in recent years is only increasing, any manufacturer is trying to add the prefix “eco” to the name of its products.

However, in practice it turns out that the environmental indicator is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Most often, this characteristic refers to the safety of wallpaper for people, and only in some cases is it extended to further issues of disposal and safety for nature in general.

Questions are also added by the fact that the environmental friendliness of wallpaper in a roll and wallpaper pasted on a wall can vary greatly. What characteristics should a natural and safe fabric have? Which wall coverings are not capable of harming you? Is it worth pursuing environmental friendliness, or does it have its drawbacks? Let's figure it out further.

What is eco-friendly wallpaper?

Issues of environmental friendliness of a particular finishing or building material– very thin. Are changing construction technologies, safety requirements are increasing, people’s knowledge about their health and substances hazardous to it is increasing - and now previously considered safe materials are labeled "harmful".

Therefore, most people give preference to long-known finishing materials and materials with a large proportion of natural ingredients. But is it worth relying on this? So, let's take it in order.

First of all, environmental friendliness means the safety of wall decoration for humans. Formally, all wallpapers officially approved for sale meet these requirements. But this does not mean that the issue can be closed. A number of important conditions must be taken into account:

  • Wallpaper in a roll and wallpaper on the wall are two different units. Glue is added to the wallpaper on the hay, which is specialized for each type of roll finishing, and finishing(coating with paint or wax, water-repellent impregnation or other means).
  • The environmental friendliness of the coating should not be to the detriment of their decorative qualities. Plain paper rolls, unbleached and undyed, are the most environmentally friendly option. But within a year, or even earlier, they will turn yellow from exposure sun rays, become covered with stains from indelible dirt, and tear in those places where the paws of animals or the inquisitive hands of children can reach them.

    Therefore, instead of the not entirely clear “safety for people,” when choosing environmentally friendly wallpaper, you should focus on the following series of characteristics:

    1. No release of harmful substances into the atmosphere of a living space;
    2. Ease of cleaning dirt and returning the original appearance;
    3. Maintaining characteristics when conditions change external environment: temperature, light, humidity;
    4. There is no need for additional processing, which reduces the environmental properties of the wallpaper;
    5. Long service life without changing the original qualities of the material;
    6. Compliance with the design goals of the room, high decorative characteristics.

    It is easy to notice that now the level of requirements for the environmental characteristics of wallpaper has increased significantly. Luckily, there are wallpapers that match them.

    Types of eco-friendly wallpaper, their advantages and disadvantages

    There is a common misconception that the simplest and cheapest wallpaper is the most environmentally friendly. This is wrong. Currently, many cheap finishing materials are produced, but they are not environmentally friendly and are often even harmful to humans. As a rule, the more expensive the material, the more environmentally friendly it is.

    However, it would be wrong to focus only on price. Below we provide a list of wallpapers with high performance environmental friendliness, without remaining silent about their shortcomings:

    • Natural plant wallpaper: reed, algae, bamboo, cork

    Wallpaper made from natural materials is very expensive, but of high quality. This is a whole segment roll coverings for walls that are intended for people who primarily value the naturalness and high functional characteristics of plant materials. To the advantages natural wallpaper It is necessary to include high heat and noise insulation, excellent decorative effect, and environmental safety of the base material.

    But they also have disadvantages. As a rule, this is an elite segment of finishing materials with a very high price. Such wallpaper still requires the use of adhesives, pigments and impregnation, although very high quality and with minimal harmful effects. Plant wallpaper, except for cork, can also fade quickly, so they are not suitable for rooms with a high degree of illumination.

    • Paper wallpaper

    At the other price pole are paper wallpapers. Typically, they occupy the lowest price segment of all types of roll wall coverings. The exception is eco-wallpaper with natural pigments and minimal processing of the paper base. Such wallpapers cannot be called cheap, but, unfortunately, they are the only ones capable of meeting a number of requirements for product safety.

    The environmental friendliness of cheap paper wallpaper is, in many cases, a myth. The paper base of such wallpaper is fragile, so it has to be processed various compositions to increase wear resistance. This includes treatment to improve UV resistance and lamination to improve anti-vandal properties. The pigment on the top layer of paper wallpaper is sometimes so unstable that it can be wiped off even with a dry cloth. They have the ability to absorb odors and harmful substances, for example, cigarette smoke.

    From all of the above, we can conclude that paper wallpaper is certainly environmentally friendly, but only in the highest price segment. In addition, you should not count on the long service life of such wallpaper, no matter what quality it is.

    • Liquid and textile wallpaper

    Liquid and textile wallpapers are based on plant fibers: linen, cotton, silk. They are durable, decorative and durable, however, their environmental qualities depend on other components: glue (for liquid) and synthetic fibers (for textiles). In general, it can be noted that such materials with natural fibers are a good choice for dry rooms with controlled humidity levels. But in rooms with high humidity they will be the basis for the spread of mold, so for damp apartments It's better to choose another option.

    • Non-woven wallpaper

    Non-woven wallpaper is made from pure cellulose, but its environmental friendliness must be judged by its outer coating. Often, interlining is not used in its pure form, but as a basis for a decorative vinyl layer, and this is a synthetic material, the safety of which is doubtful. Therefore, we can talk about environmentally friendly non-woven wallpaper only if it is intended for painting. Then they have all the advantages of the original material: strength, excellent gas exchange (the walls “breathe”), and the absence of substances harmful to humans. It is worth noting that the cost of such wallpaper is quite high.

    • Glass wallpaper

    Glass wallpaper is a finishing material that not only meets the highest safety requirements, but also retains its characteristics for its entire service life. In addition to being fire-resistant and resistant to damage, the glass threads that form the basis of glass wallpaper can be cleaned with almost any type of cleaning. detergents. Therefore, it will be very easy to restore the original appearance if they become dirty or smoked. This is especially true for rooms such as a children's room or kitchen.

    Fiberglass wallpaper does not contain organic inclusions, which so often fail textile and vegetable coatings under conditions high humidity. They are many times superior to paper wallpaper in terms of durability and wear resistance, and non-woven wallpaper - in terms of reinforcing properties. In short, if you had to choose among roll materials champion in environmental friendliness, then it would be glass wallpaper.

    How to maintain environmental friendliness of wallpaper when pasting?

    It was already said earlier that one should separate the pure environmental friendliness of a roll of wallpaper and its environmental friendliness after gluing it to the wall. In the latter case, glue, primer and paint, and sometimes wax and various impregnations, add their characteristics to the wallpaper. Additional components can significantly reduce the initial safety of wallpaper, so if the choice of wall decoration is based on safety indicators, it is worth paying attention to them.

    Water-based paints are considered the best from an environmental point of view, which are recommended for residential premises, including bedrooms, as well as children's institutions - playrooms, assembly halls. But you need to choose the glue that is offered by the wall covering manufacturer.

    Quite often you can come across advice to add reinforcing components to wallpaper glue. Based on this recommendation, buyers choose inexpensive glue, strengthening it with additives at home. Or just “to be sure” they are added even to the recommended adhesive compositions. This is definitely not worth doing.

    Vitrulan glass wallpaper - the best choice of environmentally friendly wallpaper

    Vitrulan is a leading European manufacturer of glass wallpaper, one of the world leaders in the production of fiberglass finishing materials. High requirements for the quality of raw materials and manufactured products, which undergo European certification, allow us to declare the absolute safety of glass wallpaper for humans.

    Vitrulan glass wallpaper, due to its excellent quality characteristics, can improve gas exchange in rooms, reinforce walls, reduce the spread of small and large cracks, and prevent the appearance of fungus on wall structures. They can be glued to almost any wall - brick, concrete, foam blocks, drywall, etc., naturally, having first leveled and primed it.

    In addition to environmental safety, Vitrulan offers a wide selection of textures, patterns, the ability to create exclusive photo wallpapers, and painting in any colors - from white and gold to red, purple and black. Divided into “economy” and “luxury” series, you can choose wall finishes of unsurpassed quality for different budgets.

    Vitrulan is a glass wallpaper that allows you not to compromise, but to choose best coverage for walls from the standpoint of beauty and functionality. Choose Vitrulan glass wallpaper to be confident in the safety of your health!

    The online store "Wall" offers to buy high-quality glass wallpaper from the official dealer of the German company Vitrulan - wholesale and retail, with pleasant discounts, favorable conditions for delivery and pickup in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Ecological wallpaper is a new word in interior decoration

The desire of every person to make the surrounding space beautiful and comfortable is absolutely understandable. At the same time great value has the safety of finishing materials, including wallpaper, because you will have to be in contact with them for many months and even years. Created especially for people who want to create a healthy space environmental wallpaper for walls.

What is unique about environmentally friendly wallpaper?

First of all, such wallpaper allows you to harmonize the space, create an atmosphere of comfort and tranquility, which is very important for people prone to stress. Eco-friendly wallpaper is also indispensable for people suffering from allergies. The fact is that they do not contain harmful impurities, and some varieties do not attract dust and are easy to clean. Experts recommend buying environmentally friendly wallpaper for those who are furnishing a nursery, because the child’s body is very vulnerable to the effects of harmful substances.

Types of environmentally friendly wallpaper and their characteristics

The modern industry of finishing materials provides a large selection of ecological wallpaper for walls, which differ from each other not only in the materials used, but also technical characteristics, the method of pasting and compatibility with other decorative elements.

The main classification of eco-wallpaper is based on the type of material used for its production. So, they can be:

  • paper,
  • textile,
  • vegetable,
  • cork,
  • fiberglass,
  • leather.

Traditionally, environmentally friendly paper wallpaper is used for wall decoration. Modern paper wallpaper consists of several layers and is covered protective composition, preventing moisture absorption, dust settling and fading. Wood processing products are used to make them, sometimes cotton fibers or other natural materials are added. The main advantages of environmentally friendly paper wallpaper: the ability to maintain air exchange in the room. And the most unpleasant disadvantage is the absorption of odors. Buying environmentally friendly wallpaper made from paper will not be difficult, and the prices, variety of patterns and colors will allow you to realize any idea.

Textile environmental wallpapers for walls, which consist of paper and woven layers, have similar characteristics. The top layer is made of cotton, linen threads or artificial fibers. Textile wallpaper does not require selection of a pattern, protects the room from noise and improves the health of the space, but it is very inconvenient to apply and maintain, and is quite expensive.

But cork wallpaper is very convenient to use. The cork coating is easy to clean, practically does not electrify, and is resistant to fading. The finishing materials market offers consumers two types of cork wallpaper: with or without a base. Baseless wallpaper consists of compressed cork oak bark with various decorative additives. In another case, a thin layer of cork is applied to paper base. When pasting this environmentally friendly wallpaper, you should use a special glue.

Particularly discerning designers will be impressed by the wide selection of eco-friendly wallpapers for luxury and original interiors. Floral, glass or leather wallpapers are often used to create themed areas or as decorative elements.

On the Internet, and in most hardware stores, you can buy environmentally friendly wallpaper made from bamboo, jute, corn, sedge and even agave, which are easy to apply and care for, durable, and also retain heat. Leather and glass wallpapers have been used in interiors relatively recently and are positioned as ergonomic, strong and durable, which should be taken into account when choosing them, because changing such a finish “to suit your mood” will be problematic.

In conclusion, we note that no matter what eco-friendly wallpaper you choose, paper, vegetable or leather, it must correspond to the purpose and mood of the room.

Gone are the days when wallpaper was in short supply and people grabbed everything that was laid out on the counter. Gone are the days when we grabbed bright imported wallpaper that seemed stylish to us.

Today, when buying wallpaper, we not only choose the one that suits us in terms of design or price, but also in terms of environmental friendliness. And that's true. If you buy poisonous wallpaper today, even at a decent price, you can spend more than a decent amount on medicine in the future. And you are unlikely to think that the cause of your troubles is those beautiful wallpaper, which you pasted about 5 years ago. When wallpapering a nursery or bedroom, kitchen or living room, think: are you doing everything right, have you chosen the right wallpaper?

Eco-friendly wallpapers are now available in a wide range, we will help you figure out which ones you need.

Let's divide eco-friendly wallpaper into 2 main types:

  • paper,


Paper is the most environmentally friendly material; it can be used to decorate any residential premises. These wallpapers are usually made using recycled paper. If the wallpaper has an FSC certificate, it is made from trees grown in special, controlled forests, such a certificate is issued by an international organization.


price (they usually cost less than others), easy to paste, allow walls to breathe.


wear resistance, ability to absorb odors, lack of moisture resistance and fading.

Paper wallpaper slightly reduces the thermal conductivity of walls and to some extent increases sound absorption.

for dry, frequently ventilated rooms with increased hygiene requirements: bedrooms, children's rooms, playrooms, offices and libraries.

How to choose:

When assessing the quality of paper wallpaper, pay attention to the price. It's simple - the worse the quality of the paper, the cheaper the wallpaper. Often such wallpaper can be hand-painted; please note, this also increases the price of such a coating.

Wallpaper made from natural fibers

Made from rapidly renewable materials such as seaweed, bamboo and reed, straw, linen, silk


aesthetics (they add warmth and naturalness to the room), assortment (in addition to color, there is also structure), These wallpapers allow the walls to “breathe”, they are quite durable, and have high sound and heat insulation. In addition, this wallpaper belongs to the group of fire-resistant materials, and materials containing flax fibers also have antibacterial properties.


tend to fade, some collect dust, have a high price, not recommended for use in a home with cats.

they look great in bedrooms, offices, living rooms and formal rooms.

How to choose:

Let's highlight wallpaper made from cork separately. This is an environmentally friendly wallpaper that is not afraid of the sun, moisture and fungus, has good sound and heat insulation, it is wear-resistant, elastic and hypoallergenic and has a natural color.

Which wallpapers to avoid

Vinyl wallpaper is the most popular wallpaper that has dominated the market for many years. They have a number of advantages: durability, the ability to hide wall imperfections, and a range of textures.

Undoubtedly, these wallpapers are not environmentally friendly. Vinyl wallpaper applied to a wall releases volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other substances into the air. toxic substances. Today, doctors associate diseases such as cancer and asthma with the use of such coating. The greatest danger of such wallpaper is when burned, since organochlorine compounds and heavy metals are released, which can lead to human poisoning. Such wallpaper does not breathe, which contributes to the appearance and accumulation of mold.

Please note that any wallpaper that contains unhealthy components will eventually end up in your body, whether this happens immediately when you apply it or later. If you choose fire-resistant wallpaper or any other special-purpose wallpaper, keep in mind that VOCs, chlorine or other heavy metals may end up in your body.

Opt for simple paper ones or expensive ones, but stylish wallpaper from natural fibers. It is fashionable to be healthy, and this fashion lasts your whole life, and the wallpaper can be re-pasted.