Snow made of threads. DIY Christmas tree decorations made from cotton wool. Making snow with children from foam polyethylene

It's starting very soon new year holidays. And it’s time to get ready to decorate the house, take out tinsel, Christmas tree decorations, garlands and other familiar decorative elements. But the same type of compositions created year after year can get boring, so you can try to make original and simple crafts with your own hands from scrap materials.

Cotton balls that resemble real snowballs will look very neat and stylish. These delicate and soft products can be used for play, made into a composition, or, by adding a mount, hung on a Christmas tree.

How to choose a base for blanks

There is cotton wool in every home, so making snowballs from this material will be easy. You can also involve children in making New Year's decorations, turning this activity into an exciting game. There are several ways to make a snowball out of cotton wool. One option: take newspaper or crumpled paper as a base, apply PVA glue to the surface, and wrap the material in several layers. These snowballs will turn out heavy and hard. They are best used for arrangements or as decorations at the bottom of a Christmas tree. Making soft cotton balls requires a little patience and a few readily available materials.

Creating decor from scrap materials

The process of making snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands, step by step instructions which is given below, does not take much time and does not require special preparation. In the central part you can place a padding polyester or a piece of polystyrene foam, an old sock or nylon stocking, or a ball of thread. It doesn’t matter what the base looks like, it still won’t be visible under the cotton wool shell. Therefore, you can use almost any material that is at hand. Of course, it is desirable that the blanks are light or white - then you will not have to worry that the variegated base will begin to show through the top layer. But, if there are no other options, to avoid this, you just need to use more material.

Do-it-yourself cotton wool snowballs: step-by-step instructions

How to make a snowball from cotton wool:

  1. Cooking necessary tools- scissors, white thread with a needle, an unnecessary stocking and cotton wool.
  2. Cut the stocking into pieces.
  3. You can place unnecessary scraps of fabric inside each piece, and then stitch the material so that you get a spherical blank.
  4. After this, it is enough to decorate the surface with cotton wool or a bandage and stitch it with white threads so that the craft does not fall apart.

If parents are engaged in making jewelry with their child, it is best to entrust the choice of material and surface treatment to the children, and leave the work with the needle to adults, since it is a dangerous tool, children can get hurt. The finished snowball will look more decorative if you add sparkles or regular Christmas tree tinsel to the cotton wool.

A quick way to make cotton balls

When doing needlework with your child, you can use one quick way how to make a snowball from cotton wool. For it you will need PVA glue and hairspray with glitter. The technique for creating such a craft is very simple: just drop glue on a piece of cotton wool, roll it into a ball and cover it with hairspray. Of these decorative elements you can create a composition, make a snowman, or make a snow garland by stringing balls on a thread.

If you unroll a skein of cotton wool in the form of a sheet, pour glue on it and roll it into a ball, you get a big snowball. The process of making it is very similar to how real lumps of snow are molded. It is also best to decorate the surface of such a ball with hairspray with glitter. It is advisable to use a strong hold varnish.

How to make a snowball using cotton pads

Cotton pads are an affordable and versatile material from which you can create amazing New Year decorations, including snowmen, Christmas tree decorations, garlands, and the Christmas tree itself too. Using a thread, a needle and a little imagination, needlewomen create angels, flowers and decorative panels from these common household items. For snowballs, special blanks in the form of corners are made from cotton pads.

Each circle is folded twice and secured with glue. Then glue is applied to the tips of the resulting corners and assembled in 4 pieces. The resulting parts are connected to each other to form a hemisphere. By collecting two hemispheres, you can get a finished openwork snowball.

Cold method of making snowballs

There is another one interesting option how to make a snowball from cotton wool. But for it you will need to cook a starch paste. Take 2 teaspoons of starch per glass of cold water and bring to a boil. low heat stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming. If this does happen, they can be removed with a fork.

The resulting mass should be cooled so as not to get burned while working. Using a brush, glue is applied to previously prepared cotton balls. It is advisable to spread the glue over their surface in a thin layer, after which the snowball can be dipped in glitter and dried with a hairdryer or on a radiator.

Turning a snowball into a Christmas tree toy

It’s easy enough to turn cotton wool snowballs into Christmas tree decorations if you glue a ribbon or other fastener to them. The surface can also be decorated with bright threads or painted in different colors using ordinary watercolors or gouache. It is enough to dilute the paints desired color in water and dip the workpiece in it, then dry it on a sheet of paper.

Cotton pads can also be easily painted with gouache. They can be used to create figures made up of various colored parts. The elements are fastened together using paste, but before painting, it is important to dry all the workpieces thoroughly. This is done so that the paint does not flow.

With the arrival of winter, every child dreams of snow falling as soon as possible so that they can make a snowman or play snowballs. But don’t be upset if the weather outside is unsuitable - you can make snowballs with your own hands. For example, from ordinary cotton wool, as in the master classes from our article.

Simple cotton wool snowballs - step by step instructions

This is one of the easiest ways to make snowballs. To do this, you will need only two main materials - cotton wool and glue. You can make these snowballs together with your children, who wouldn’t mind participating in the creation of funny cotton balls. They can also be used as winter interior decor or to decorate the space under a large Christmas tree.

Required materials:

  • synthetic wool
  • PVA glue

Main stages:

Do-it-yourself cotton wool snowballs - step-by-step instructions

For the next option, you will need a solution of potato starch, which will act as a bonding liquid instead of glue. Making these snowballs is quite simple, so you can safely involve your children in this fun activity. You can also sprinkle them with sparkles, which are sold at any craft store.

Required materials:

Main stages:

Snowfall from cotton wool - step-by-step instructions

If you want to make not just snowballs from cotton wool, but a whole snowfall, then stock up on a large amount of materials. This winter miracle decoration is made quickly, but requires a little skill and patience. But the finished snowfall will be an excellent holiday decor for your home or New Year's party in kindergarten.

We offer another fun way to spend time with your child - make artificial snow. This snow will be useful for home decoration, postcards, and winter crafts with children. All these 7 methods are very simple and inexpensive. You can find all the ingredients at home.

Shining Snow

It will turn out cold, soft and fluffy. Simply mix two boxes of cornstarch or cornmeal, shaving cream and glitter.

"Silk" snow


  • frozen white bars of soap;
  • cheese grater;
  • sparkles.

Leave the soap in the freezer overnight. In the morning, take it out and grate it. You will get fluffy snow, to which you can add glitter and mint extract. It molds perfectly, and you can make a snowman or any other figure.

Shaving foam snow


  • 1 can of shaving foam;
  • 1.5 packs of soda;
  • glitter (optional).

Squeeze the contents of the foam can into the container and gradually add soda. You will have a very nice mass of snow from which you can sculpt figures.

Foamed polyethylene snow


  • foamed polyethylene (used as packaging material for equipment, glass, shoe inserts) or polystyrene foam;
  • fine grater.

We wear gloves. We grind polyethylene or polystyrene foam and... voila! Fluffy cereal all over your house!!! If you add sparkles, the snow will also sparkle. You can powder anything with this snow if you first lubricate the surface with liquid (diluted with water) PVA glue.

Snow from a baby diaper

Cut open the diaper and remove the sodium polyacrylate from it, then tear it into small pieces. Place the resulting mass in a container and fill with water. Pour gradually, in small portions, until the pieces of polyacrylate begin to resemble snow. Just don't overdo it or it will end up too wet. To make the snow look more realistic, place the container in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

Frost from salt


  • salt (preferably coarsely ground);
  • water.

Prepare a concentrated salt solution. To do this, fill the pan with a small amount of water and place it on low heat. Add salt until it stops dissolving. Dip the branches of spruce, pine or any other plant into the hot solution and leave for a while. The process of crystal formation is much faster in warm water! Let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. Sparkling frost is guaranteed! If you add brilliant green, food coloring or ink to a salty solution, the frost will turn out colored!

Snow made from PVA and starch


  • 2 tablespoons starch;
  • 2 tablespoons PVA;
  • 2 tablespoons silver paint.

Mix (grind) the ingredients thoroughly. This kind of snow is suitable when you need to decorate the surface of a product with a voluminous white mass.

Based on materials from the site

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Instructions for making a snowball from cotton wool.

As the new year approaches, everyone is in a bit of excitement. Adults buy food and New Year's outfits to organize a holiday party. Children can be entrusted with decorating the room and interesting ideas for decor.

Making snow from cotton wool is quite simple. For this you can use both cotton wool and cotton pads. Even kids can handle this kind of work. Cotton wool is a very comfortable and pliable material that can be easily shaped, crumpled and rolled.


  • Roll cotton wool into balls different sizes. To do this, simply tear off the pieces and squeeze and roll them in your hands.
  • After that, take a needle and thread and string the balls onto the thread. To prevent the snowflakes from moving, secure them with glue.
  • After this, tie small pieces of snowflakes to a thread secured horizontally.

This is a simple option. At the same time, the cost of making the garland is small. The garland looks like a store-bought one, it shimmers perfectly.


  • It is necessary to tear the cotton into pieces of different sizes and roll between your palms.
  • Dip the balls in glue and sprinkle with dry glitter. You can buy it at a nail decor store. This is ordinary shimmering sand.
  • After the balls are dry, string them on a thread and secure with glue. If there are bald spots left and there are areas that do not shine, then grease them with glue and sprinkle with sand.

How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue?

It is enough to roll the cotton wool into balls and string it on a thread. The lumps are fixed with glue. But in addition to regular cotton wool, you can use cotton pads. You can make masterpiece garlands from them.


  • Take cotton pads and apply a design. Layouts and patterns are presented below
  • Trace around the patterns and cut out the designs. It could be snowflakes, angels or Christmas trees
  • Using a needle, string various figures onto a thread. Secure with glue
  • You can apply a little glue and sprinkle with glitter
How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue? How to make snowballs from cotton wool and PVA glue?

You can make cute snowballs from fabric and cotton wool. To do this, you need cotton wool or padding polyester, as well as white fabric.


  • Cut out 4 petals from white fabric. Below are the patterns
  • One snowball will require 4 leaves
  • Next, sew all 4 leaves, but one is not needed. Turn it inside out. You can sew using a sewing machine
  • After you turn the mold inside out, fill it with snow or padding polyester.
  • Sew the seam carefully with thread. To avoid seeing the places where you stitched, grease the balls with glue and sprinkle with semolina or roll them in torn cotton wool

This is a fairly simple option. In this case, there is no need for patterns and sewing machine. The work is completed very quickly.


  • You need to take a piece of gauze and put a piece of cotton wool in the center
  • After this, use thread to tie a ball. Cut off excess threads
  • Now make it cute appearance ball. You can roll them in torn cotton wool

This is the simplest option. No need to make papier-mâché. You need to roll paper balls and roll them in torn cotton wool. Of course, the coating may not be uniform, but the snowballs are usually not perfectly even and smooth.

It’s also quite easy to make snowballs from New Year’s tinsel. To do this, in addition to cotton wool and tinsel, you will need some tools.


  • Take old nylon tights and cut them into small squares.
  • Stuff the pieces of tights with cotton wool. As a result, you will get cute little buns.
  • Now you need to secure them with thread so that the cotton wool does not come out.
  • Now spray the finished balls with hairspray, and while it is sticky, sprinkle with chopped shiny tinsel.
  • You will get cute fluffy snowballs. They can be used to make garlands or decorate New Year's costumes.

Making snowballs from tinsel and cotton wool is quite simple. Using artificial snow, you can make cute garlands and decorate your Christmas tree.

VIDEO: Snowball made from cotton wool

How to make snow from starch

Idea No. 9 "Artificial snow recipes and options for games for children"

I invite you to watch interesting selection, about snow for decorating the New Year's interior, games and winter activities with children:

- artificial snow recipes,

- home experiments - growing crystals from sugar and salt,

- how to make a snow globe,

- and ideas for sensory snow and Christmas boxes!

Enjoy watching and inspiration!

Several recipes for use in decorating, crafts, winter games with children, for the development of motor skills and sensory skills and for home experiments!


How to do it. You need to grate the foam on a grater.

Where to use. You can decorate branches with it, which must first be smeared with glue (add a little glitter to the foam, the snow on the branches will sparkle beautifully).

IDEA No. 2 SNOW FROM SALT (large, small and growing crystals from salt)

You can use coarse and fine salt for games and sensory boxes. You can also make frost from salt.

How to grow a snowflake from salt watch the master class.

How to make frost. You need to pour regular salt into boiling water over a fire and let it completely dissolve (1 kg of salt is taken per 1 liter clean water). After this, put only dry and clean branches there and leave to cool. Carefully remove the branches from the cooled saline solution and dry thoroughly.

Preference should be given to coarse grinding so that the resulting crystals look as natural as possible. And to get the effect of colored frost, salt can be colored with ordinary food coloring, ink or brilliant green.

This method is convenient for covering with frost. small size twigs, umbrellas of dill and other dried herbs.

IDEA #3 SNOW FROM DIAPERS sodium polycarbonate


Sodium polycarbonate (found in diapers, similar to cotton);

Regular tap water;

Container for making artificial snow.

After cutting the diaper, we take out the sodium polycarbonate. Then pour it into a container and add a little water. Mix thoroughly. Water must be added until our diaper filling, that is, sodium polycarbonate, looks like real snow. The most important thing is not to overdo it with water. In order for our artificial snow to be cold, you just need to place it in the refrigerator. Here you should pay attention to the temperature, which should not be below zero, otherwise it will not be snow, but ice. If these conditions are met, everything should work out! Using this method, you can also make multi-colored snow with your own hands by adding food coloring to the container.


You can grate white soap or a candle. The resulting shavings must be mixed with baby powder or starch so that the “snow” does not cake or stick together.


It can be made from rice (it is better to take round and white), oatmeal, semolina




You can also make white crumbs from corn or potato starch with the addition of vegetable oil or hair balm. Interesting ideas, is in my favorite book “Iceberg on the carpet or what to play with a child” by Asya Vanyakina (pm me, I’ll share).

IDEA No. 9 SNOW FROM SUGAR (sand and pieces)

How to grow a crystal from sugar watch the master class.


The simplest and easiest way is to decorate with artificial frost or snow from a spray can. Matte, shiny, crumbly, coarse or finer - you can choose what you like best. Just spray this miracle from a can onto the prepared bouquet, and it will sparkle, bringing that frosty mood into your home!



You can use just white foam, or you can make crumbly snow from which you can make snowballs.

You need to mix about a pack of baking soda with about a can of shaving foam. By kneading a mass of these ingredients, you will get a cool, snow-like substance, from which snowballs and snowballs are indeed molded.


You will need:
- foamed polyethylene; (material that is used as packaging material for breakable items, and is also inserted into the toe box of new shoes to maintain shape.)
- fine grater
- scissors.

It is advisable to work with gloves. With a little effort, we get the following result. But if you are not satisfied with this result, you can experiment further. Let's take scissors and finely cut our snow flakes.


You can make a beautiful snow bouquet using cut paper. You will need white or pale blue paper (for example, paper napkins), thin foil (Christmas tree tinsel). This entire paper “collection” needs to be crumbled into pieces of the chosen shape. You can cut out circles using a hole punch, or make small cuts, thin strips or any arbitrary shapes. Mix the paper in a dry and sufficiently large container. Carefully dip the collected branches into glue (clerical or PVA) and sprinkle with prepared frost. Leave the frost to dry and your snow bouquet is ready!


Frost can be made not only on branches, but also on fruits. Why not a New Year's bouquet with a frosty apple or a tangerine in the snow? Freshly applied to well-washed and dried fruits. egg white and, without wasting time, sprinkle the fruit with sugar or powdered sugar. Add a couple of spruce branches, dry maple or holly leaves to the fruit and your bouquet is ready!


Option #1. From soap and toilet paper.

Prepare 2-3 rolls of white toilet paper and a bar of white soap. Tear into small pieces. Microwave the dish with the paper mixture and the whole bar of soap for 1 minute. Check the contents every 15 seconds. In the oven, the mass should fluff up. Now the soap has become soft and crumbles right in your hands. Fill the mixture with water. First add 1 cup, then add another half cup. Now you can form a snowball.

Option number 2. From grated soap and powder.

Grate white soap and mix with baby powder.

You can see how to make a night light house