What is a protein shake made from? How to make a protein shake at home. How to make your own protein shake from dry concentrates

Before you understand what protein is and how it affects the human body, you must immediately understand the following: it is not a chemical component and not a magical anabolic steroid for building up huge muscle mass. It is a common protein that can be found in two forms: in food, and also as a powdered mixture (like carbohydrates in the form of sugar crystals) of high-quality protein compounds. In this article we will look at aspects of the impact of protein on the human body, as well as a simple recipe for preparing a cocktail from commonly available products containing protein.

The effect of protein on the body

Protein, or protein, is the most important nutrient in the human body, performing a considerable number of functions. Almost everything internal organs and fatty, organic, as well as connective tissues, membranes, fluids, mucous membranes, muscles, ligaments, hormones and enzymes of the body include proteins of varying structure and level of complexity.

In addition, it can be found in bones, hair and skin. With the help of protein, structural and biochemical reactions occur in the body that are necessary for muscle contractions, the functioning of the cardiovascular, immune and other systems.

Did you know? A complete protein complex is one that contains all the amino acids essential for an adult body. In most cases, products containing animal protein act as such: beef or chicken, fish, dairy products, eggs. At the same time, the title of the highest quality protein found among food products rightfully belongs to egg white.

We start consuming protein from birth, because breast milk- this is the same protein, but not so concentrated. The following foods contain high levels of protein:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • bird;
  • eggs;
  • milk;
  • asparagus;
  • peas;
  • legumes

Powdered protein is concentrated proteins that are optimally balanced according to their amino acid structure and have high biological and nutritional value.
The main sources of raw materials for this form of protein are milk and whey, as well as soy extracts obtained in the production of lactic acid and processing of legume products.
Without undergoing any chemical treatment, these concentrates are simply filtered through membranes and dried. Protein found in sports supplements has natural origin, and is physiologically compatible with the biological mechanisms of the human body.

Whey protein is famous for its greatest effectiveness, especially for athletes, because it has high level assimilation. Casein protein is absorbed more slowly and for a long time, but shows a very pronounced result. Soy protein is used to a greater extent to restore hormonal levels in women. If you don't have the ability, desire, or need to consume protein in powdered form, you can get this element from regular household foods, which we'll talk about a little later.
Protein entering human body directly with food or dietary supplements, does not participate in building muscle mass immediately and not in its original form. Once in the body, the protein mixture is broken down into simple protein components during primary processing. Moving through the digestive tract, protein molecules react with other elements, thus releasing amino acids different directions and impact. And amino acid compounds, distributed throughout the body, ensure the direct formation and growth of muscles.


The main advantage of protein in the process of its influence on the human body is expressed in the fact that it is a building and plastic substance for muscle growth, as well as the basis for muscle contraction. Since any physical activity is accompanied by the process of destruction of muscle structures due to the borrowing of protein from the muscles themselves, this product is of particular importance in the menu of athletes.

By subjecting their body to regular and serious training, people involved in sports literally destroy their muscles; For this reason, after intensive training, it is imperative to carry out adequate muscle renewal. Protein promotes the optimal flow of these processes to avoid muscle burning and deformation.
In addition, protein:

  • enriches the human body with minerals and vitamins;
  • renews hair growth, increases its thickness;
  • improves visual function;
  • eliminates malfunctions in the cardiovascular system;
  • increases the overall resistance of the human body to potential diseases.

Important! If you take any vitamins and at the same time you have a protein deficiency in your body, then the absorption of useful elements simply does not occur.


If there is an excess of protein in the body, negative consequences can occur, but for the development of severe chronic processes, critical dysfunctions and diseases, it is necessary to exceed the daily protein intake for a long time. Besides this, increased consumption protein can cause obesity. Also, deviations in the normal functioning of the human body can occur due to the type of protein:

  • Egg protein counts universal look high-quality protein due to the fastest and easiest digestion, as well as a high degree of saturation with amino acid compounds. However, if it is consumed excessively (daily consumption of 250-300 g of protein for a long time), disruptions in the functioning of the thyroid gland, and, consequently, in the hormonal background of the body may occur.
  • Consumption of casein, milk(a mixture of whey and casein), or whey protein can be fraught with negative consequences only for those people whose bodies do not digest lactose. Allergic manifestations, as well as disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, as well as painful sensations in the abdomen, are the main manifestations side effects from taking milk protein by those who complain of intolerance to disaccharide carbohydrates.
  • Soy protein absolutely safe for women, however, if there is an excess of the product in the body of a man, a decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction may be observed due to the protein content in this type large quantity phytoestrogens (female sex hormones).

Individual protein intolerance is a direct and undeniable contraindication to the use of protein in any form.

Video: Why sports nutrition is dangerous Indications for limiting protein in a person’s daily diet are the following:

  • impaired protein metabolism in the body;
  • decompensated dysfunction of the heart muscle;
  • lactose intolerance, or lactase deficiency;
  • excess fat deposits;
  • renal failure;
  • increased production of enzymes in the liver.

Important! Long-term psychological depression, apathetic and depressive states, lack of sleep, lethargy and fatigue, as well as decreased performance are direct consequences of protein deficiency in the body.

Making a protein shake at home

Today you can prepare a protein shake at home. As a liquid base, you can take milk, kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, juice or water. Eggs (chicken/quail) or cottage cheese are the next required component of the cocktail.

It is also possible to add fruits and berries to increase vitamin levels. Flaxseed or olive oil, honey or jam are added by those people who want to increase the level of fats and carbohydrates in the body, however, these products are contraindicated for those who want to lose weight.
Let's look at one of the easiest recipes, which contains a list of publicly available food products, and thus learn how such a drink is made.

For a homemade protein shake you will need the following products:

  • 100 g cottage cheese;
  • 200 ml milk 1% fat;
  • 1 tablespoon cocoa powder.

Step by step preparation

The algorithm for preparing homemade drinking protein is as follows:

Energy value of the cocktail

The energy value of a drink directly depends on what it is made from. If during the cooking process you used all the components in the volume according to the specified recipe, then you will receive a product with the following characteristics:

  • calorie content - 210 kcal;
  • protein content - 28 g;
  • carbohydrate content - 9 g;
  • fat content - 4 g.

Video: How to prepare protein at home How to use it correctly

The norm of protein consumption for an adult body is 1-3 g per 1 kg of weight, however, with increased physical activity, be it sports or physically hard work, the standard amount of this element required for full development increases to 2-2.5 g.

To be more precise, average daily norm protein per 1 kg of male weight:

  • for the purpose of losing weight - 2 g;
  • to maintain weight - 1.2-1.5 g;
  • for weight gain - 2 g.

Did you know? World-famous swimmer Michael Phelps, while preparing for competitions at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, was on a “diet” for a certain period, which included a daily diet of 12,000 calories.

Daily protein intake per 1 kg of woman’s body weight:

  • for weight loss - 1.5-2 g;
  • for the purpose of maintaining weight - 1-1.3 g;
  • for muscle growth - 1.5-2 g.

When it comes to the desired time of day to take protein, there are pre-workout, competition, and post-workout or recovery purposes for protein. The time of intake and the type of highly concentrated protein are determined depending on the type of sport and the gender of the person.
However, there are certain rules: whey protein should be consumed in the first half of the day and before the start of physical activity, and casein protein should be consumed at night before going to bed. Knowing which foods contain which type of protein, as well as the caloric content of these elements, you will know how to make your own protein shake at home for muscle growth or weight loss.

Did you know?From 18 to 20% of the human body is protein. The only substance that is more abundant than protein in the human body is water.

Whey protein also belongs to the group of fast proteins, however, in this case, the rate of its absorption varies within an hour and a half. The order of techniques also depends on whether the person engages in physical exercise:

  • on training days- in the morning on an empty stomach, an hour and a half before and immediately after physical activity;
  • on rest days- in the morning, at midday, and in the evening closer to lights out.

Casein protein is a slow protein, the complete absorption of which occurs within 4-6 hours after direct consumption, for this reason it would be advisable to take it before going to bed. In addition to quickly satisfying hunger, during the night it completely saturates the body with the amino acids necessary for the full development of muscles. Most often, this protein mixture is used for the purpose of losing weight: it can also confidently replace 2-3 snacks.

Important! Due to the fact that the human body spends the most liquid on protein processing, people who intensively consume protein must also adhere to the daily intake clean water- no less than 2 liters.

Thus, we can conclude that protein is not a hormonal or steroid supplement, without which it is impossible to build muscle and make your body sculpted. In fact, everyone needs protein, because with the help of this element we actively move, lead an active lifestyle, maintain our well-being and emotional background, engage in intellectual or physical actions, growing and developing. And the great thing is that you can easily prepare it at home.

Protein shakes at home– an important component of the nutrition of athletes and those who are engaged in improving their shape and body. You don't have to use store-bought protein packets to make these. These delicious drinks can be made quickly and inexpensively at home.

The benefits of protein shakes

Before using it, it is better to consider all the benefits of drinking protein shakes.

  • It is especially beneficial for the body of athletes. They help you quickly acquire the necessary forms, strength and energy. The important thing is to drink drinks regularly, eat only healthy foods and not skip classes.
  • Has a pleasant taste and aroma, saturated with egg, milk, vegetable protein. The composition also includes vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Contains little protein and carbohydrates. It is beneficial only if consumed in moderation.
  • Saturates the body with protein, which serves as an important cellular building material. For athletes or those who care about their health, it can serve as an additional source of vitamins. When using cocktails in this way, consultation with professionals is required.
  • Protein is an essential component of metabolic processes in the body, helps strengthen muscle and bone mass, normalizes weight.
  • Positively affects blood quality and strengthening the immune system.
  • Normalizes hormonal balance, has a positive effect on brain activity.

Cooking rules

For those who prefer homemade protein shakes, it is important to know and adhere to the rules for their preparation and consumption:

When should I take it?

Eating protein wisely at home– the key to achieving the goal.

  • A protein shake is simply an indispensable drink in the morning, when the muscles are weakened and relaxed. You can add fructose to your morning drink.
  • Consumed one hour before training, will serve as a source of restoration of energy and vigor. Helps restore muscles after training. It is important to adhere to this particular period of time.
  • After training will help satisfy the feeling of hunger.

It is not advisable to drink protein shakes late in the day. But, if there is no way out, then it is better to give preference to casein protein, which is not so quickly absorbed.

Who should take it?

Protein can be taken by everyone: both men and women. Except in cases of contraindications. It is especially indispensable for sports people who pay attention to losing weight, drying their bodies, and adhere to special training regimens.

Depending on the purpose of consumption, cocktails are selected according to their composition. Making cocktails yourself, a girl or a guy, won’t be too difficult.

Protein shake

For the night

Despite many prejudices, experts say that taking protein shakes late (at night) is not harmful to health. Moreover, it serves as nutrition for muscles, which continue to grow and recover at night.

Slow supplements in the form of soy, complex and casein cocktails are ideal for night nutrition. They give a feeling of fullness and help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

After training

There is no arguing about the benefits of a cocktail after effective training or physical activity. In this case, the cocktail should have ingredients that quickly replenish glycogen reserves, heal muscle microtraumas and restore strength.

Thus, the required components for such drinks are carbohydrates, amino acids, and electrolytes.

When preparing at home, you can use honey, lemon, peanut butter, cottage cheese, banana, oatmeal, nuts, and cinnamon as additives. The most commonly used are vanilla or chocolate protein, glucose tablets.

Before training

Before training (1-2 hours before), it is recommended to eat protein or carbohydrate foods, which will provide the body with the necessary energy and will nourish the muscles during training.

Drink a whey-based protein drink within 30 minutes. The absorption of microelements will accelerate and improve if you follow a normal drinking regime.

After waking up

During sleep, the body does not receive food and uses additional energy sources. To prevent this process from negatively affecting the body and to avoid the destruction of muscle tissue, it is important to replenish energy reserves in a timely manner.

For athletes or anyone trying to normalize their weight or muscle mass, a quick protein option is ideal: whey protein or hydrolyzed protein.

Recipes at home

Protein shake for muscles

Cooking recipe:

  • Place all ingredients in a blender bowl.
  • It is allowed to change some ingredients from time to time.

Ingredients for the second recipe:

  • 220 ml kefir;
  • 55 g milk powder;
  • add sugar or jam to taste.

Cooking recipe:

  • Everything is thoroughly mixed in a blender.
  • Sugar and jam in this recipe will act as a source of energy.

Protein shake for growth

The cocktail is especially beneficial for the female body.


Cooking recipe:

  • The contents are whipped in a blender.
  • The recipe will not only serve as a drink for growth, but will also help produce the necessary hormones.

Protein shake for mass gain

The main components for gaining muscle mass are: water, milk or low-fat kefir, juices.

You can also add egg whites, cottage cheese, egg powder, various fruits and berries, and honey. Cocoa, coffee, and vanillin are used as additives.

Ingredients for the first recipe:

Cooking recipe:

  • Beat everything in a blender.

Ingredients for the second recipe:

  • 200 ml milk;
  • 4-5 walnut halves;
  • 5 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • add a little spinach and dill if desired.

Cooking recipe:

  • Place all ingredients in a blender.
  • Turn into a uniform mass.
  • It is allowed to change some ingredients.

Protein shake for weight loss

Ingredients for 1 recipe:

Cooking recipe:

  • Place all products in a blender.
  • Turn into a uniform mass.

Ingredients for 2 recipes:

  • 220 ml milk;
  • 120 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 banana;
  • 3.5 liters of cereal;
  • it is allowed to add 1.5 liters of honey;
  • Milk and cottage cheese should be low in fat.

Cooking recipe:


Cooking recipe:

  • Beat all ingredients using a blender.

Natural protein shake

There are dozens of recipes for natural protein shakes. From them you can choose a drink according to your taste or the content of ingredients.


Cooking recipe:

  • Mix yogurt with quail eggs in a blender.
  • Then add orange juice.
  • Mix the mixture thoroughly.

Protein shake with banana


  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 1.5 small bananas;
  • 150 ml fresh cream or ice cream;
  • cinnamon and vanilla optional

Cooking recipe:

  • Beat all ingredients.

Protein shake when cutting


Cooking recipe:

  • Beat milk with cottage cheese.
  • Then add honey and strawberries.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.

Protein shake for swimmers

Swimmers must adhere to a certain diet, since this sport is considered the most energy-intensive.


Cooking recipe:

  • Beat cottage cheese with milk in a blender.
  • Add egg whites and syrup.
  • Mix everything.
  • You can also add any fruits, nuts and protein powder.

Protein shake with chocolate


Cooking recipe:

  • Beat cocoa and cottage cheese with a blender.
  • Add honey and milk.
  • Mix everything.

Protein shake with peach


Cooking recipe:

  • Beat the protein and milk in a blender.
  • Add oats and peaches.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.

Protein shake with orange

The cocktail should have a uniform consistency. It is advisable to drink the drink at room temperature.


Cooking recipe:

  • Mix yogurt with orange.
  • Next add pasta and oatmeal.
  • Beat everything with a blender.

Protein shake with berries


  • a glass of milk;
  • 200 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • packet of oatmeal instant cooking(you can add buckwheat);
  • any seedless berries.

Cooking recipe:

  • Beat milk, cottage cheese and oatmeal with a blender.
  • Add berries.
  • Mix.


Protein shakes, prepared at home from natural products, have virtually no contraindications and do not cause harm to the body.

But drinks prepared using protein preparations should be consumed with caution, taking into account some special factors:

  • Moderation is important; too much protein intake can overload the work of internal organs.
  • manifestation allergic reaction due to intolerance to one of the components.
  • With constant consumption of proteins for 4 or more years, serious liver and kidney diseases are possible.
  • It is forbidden to take such cocktails if you have stomach problems.

In order to effectively pump up muscles, you need to exercise, eat foods enriched with proteins and drink a protein shake for muscles.


Not a single athlete who is seriously involved in physical activity can do without drinking a protein shake. The name of the drink itself comes from the word “protein”.

In England it is listed as squirrel. A protein shake for muscle growth is considered a natural product.

It is made by processing milk, which is further processed into a powdery mass.

Protein is considered a biological supplement in sports nutrition. The best nutrient for muscle growth is protein. Professional athletes recommend eating split meals six times a day, consuming enough protein.

Muscle-building protein shakes contain approximately 30 grams of protein.

Its composition is as follows:

  • Dairy products (300-400 ml),
  • Protein powder (30-35 g).

The products are thoroughly mixed in a shaker.

At home

You can also make a protein shake for muscles at home. To achieve good results, you need to know how to make a protein shake for muscles correctly.

This drink is a good helper in building muscles and burning subcutaneous fat. It is an assistant, and not the main product for athletes.

In other words, it is impossible to achieve the desired shape only thanks to a protein drink; first of all, you must exercise regularly and follow a protein diet.

The daily norm for cocktails is three servings. The way the sports drink works is to produce growth hormones and insulin, which promotes muscle growth and fat burning.

Drink the drink immediately after training. However, in order to lose extra pounds, you can drink it instead of breakfast or dinner. To effectively build muscle mass, special hormones are needed, which are taken from a protein-carbohydrate drink.


Homemade protein shake for muscle growth in your own way beneficial properties In no way inferior to store bought. The main thing is to prepare it correctly.

The main components of the drink should be:

  • Squirrels,
  • Carbohydrates,
  • A little fibre.

If the main goal of drinking a cocktail is to lose weight, then it is better to avoid carbohydrates.

The substances that make up the miracle drink can be found in ordinary foods.


  • Chicken eggs,
  • Any nuts,
  • cow's milk,
  • Low fat cottage cheese,
  • Natural yogurt,
  • Protein powder.


  • Sweet fruits,
  • Ice cream,
  • Berries,
  • Juices,
  • Baby food(mashed potatoes).


  • Cereals,
  • Flour, cereals (oatmeal, barley, soybean, buckwheat)
  • Oatmeal,
  • Bran,
  • Vegetables.

  • Use dairy products with an average percentage of fat content, since a very low percentage affects the taste properties of the future cocktail, and a high percentage affects the harmfulness.
  • You can add lecithin. It can help the body absorb nutrients more easily.
  • Morning drinks can be sweetened with glucose and honey, but in the evening it is better to avoid additives.
  • The optimal temperature of the drink is 37 degrees. A cold product is not able to speed up the metabolic process quickly enough.
  • It is necessary to monitor the calorie content of the cocktail and daily dose consumption.

The simplest protein shake recipe for muscles is made from eggs. To prepare egg cocktails, you can use both raw and boiled eggs. To make a healthy sports drink, use a blender. A stationary type device is best suited.


To make an egg protein shake for muscle growth at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Kefir (1 glass),
  • Egg (1 pc.),
  • Sweeteners and additives (honey, nuts, fruits, etc.).

The egg is taken whole along with the yolk. All components are mixed together and sprinkled with nuts (optional).

There are several basic protein shake recipes for muscle growth.

Banana smoothie

Perfect for lovers of intense workouts. Banana is a treasure trove of energy.

You will need:

  • Banana (1 pc.),
  • Milk (0.5 l.),
  • Honey (3 tbsp.),
  • Nuts (30-50 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (200 gr.).

Everything is mixed in a blender and drunk in two doses.

Curd cocktail

It is a very nutritious and simple drink.

You will need:

  • Milk (250 gr.),
  • Cottage cheese (300 gr.),
  • Berries (100 gr.).

You can also use a little cocoa as an additive. The ingredients are mixed in a blender for about two minutes. The drink must have homogeneous mass.


Milky souls will especially enjoy this healthy and nutritious drink.

You will need:

  • Yolk of one egg,
  • Freshly squeezed orange juice (150 gr.),
  • Juice from half a lemon
  • Fermented milk product (200 gr.),
  • Olive oil (2 tbsp.),
  • Additives (fruits, berries, etc.).

All components except lemon juice, mix with each other. Lemon juice is added at the end of cooking. This drink is suitable for a snack between workouts.

Cocktail with ice cream

A sweet and healthy protein shake with ice cream can achieve effective results.

You will need:

  • Ice cream (0.5 cups),
  • Powdered milk (3 tsp),
  • Milk (300 ml),
  • Egg (1 pc.)

The drink is prepared in a blender and consumed an hour before physical activity.

Homemade protein drinks have a number of benefits:

  • Contains nutrients and beneficial substances
  • Serves as an excellent breakfast
  • They have the property of reducing appetite,
  • Contains components that can restore strength after active exercise,
  • Includes natural supplements that are easily absorbed by the body.
  • They contain hormones necessary for building muscles and components for burning subcutaneous fat.

Thus, a protein shake is intended not only for sports, but also for the health of the body. Indeed, thanks to a sufficient amount of protein entering the body, metabolism improves. In addition, the body is saturated with hemoglobin, oxygen and other vital elements.

A protein shake is not a “magic pill” for weight loss. It will not melt the fat around your waist or give your body a sexy shape on its own. But by including protein shakes balanced in macro- and micronutrient composition in your diet, you will increase your chances of losing weight, not only quickly, but also beautifully.

Is it possible to lose weight on protein shakes?

Protein shakes alone do not help you lose weight. They are consumed to enrich your diet with easily digestible protein, especially during intense training. But at the same time, changing the structure of the diet towards increasing the protein component by reducing the proportion of carbohydrates (especially simple ones) definitely helps to lose weight - even for those who do not exercise at all.

To achieve significant results, along with drinking protein shakes, it is worth at least slightly reducing the total calorie content of the daily menu and increasing physical activity.

  • 20% proteins;
  • 30% fat;
  • 50% carbohydrates.

Just changing this ratio to 30:30:40 creates the prerequisites for weight loss for the following reasons:

  1. The likelihood of consuming excess amounts of carbohydrates, which are easily transformed into fat, is reduced.
  2. The prerequisites are created for the formation of a carbohydrate deficiency, which the body will be forced to replenish with proteins, and this is energy-consuming.
  3. As a consequence of the previous point, a general calorie deficit arises, to cover which previously deposited fat will begin to be used.

Those who tried to count nutritional value and the structure of the diet, they know how difficult it can be to achieve the daily protein requirement corresponding to 30% of the calorie intake. Depending on gender, age and size, this norm can range from 95 g to 150 g. Considering that approximately 30% of protein is not digestible, the numbers should be increased to 120-200 g, which corresponds, for example, to 400-650 g of boiled chicken fillet. It is clear that it is almost impossible to eat that much, just as it is impossible to get the required amount of protein with other products.

This is where protein shakes come to the rescue - they are easy to consume, do not burden the gastrointestinal tract with additional load, and satiate you quickly and for a long time. They help to consume the required amount of protein, transport a lot of important microelements into the body, and create a feeling of satiety even with a calorie deficit.

There are different ways to include protein shakes in your diet:

  • instead of one or two meals;
  • small portions before each meal;
  • before and/or after training;
  • as an intermediate meal (light lunch or afternoon snack).

Overdose on proteins by drinking protein shakes homemade, is almost unrealistic, but you need to be careful when taking industrial protein concentrates. If the daily amount of protein exceeds the permissible maximum, the body will have to urgently remove the excess from the body, which creates excessive stress on the liver and kidneys.

The maximum dose of protein for women is 2 g per kilogram of body weight, for men - 3 g.

Store-bought protein shakes

Powdered protein concentrate - ideal option for athletes, as well as always busy people who have no time to have a snack during the day: a glass of drink will deliver to the body a balanced set of amino acids and microelements with a calorie content of approximately 250 kcal. In this case, preparation will take at most half a minute: pour water or milk into a shaker and add the amount of powder indicated on the product packaging, shake and drink.

A ready-made protein shake will help if:

  • You didn't have time to eat two hours before your workout.
  • You need urgent replenishment of strength after physical activity.
  • You don’t have the opportunity to eat or have a snack at work or on the road.
  • Are you experiencing acute pain, etc.

It is especially good to drink such cocktails after weight training and before bed. In the first case, the body will receive the necessary building material to restore muscle tissue damaged during training. Protein taken at night will promote the production of growth hormone, which is responsible for the release of triglycerides from fat depots and works at night.

Powdered protein mixtures can be diluted with water or milk, added to any fermented milk drinks or dishes, enriched with superfoods, nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries, oatmeal etc. Here you can experiment and find new tastes and forms of use. It is important to remember that any additive increases the nutritional value of the cocktail, so flights of fancy should be limited to at least approximate calorie calculations.

Protein shakes are usually based on egg or milk whites. Vegetarian versions of the product are made from soy proteins.

Modern industry produces a wide range of protein concentrates. They differ in microelement and amino acid composition, allowing professional athletes to achieve various sports goals. The most common ones used for weight loss are:

  1. So-called gainers, which contain not only proteins, but also carbohydrates. Suitable for use before a hard workout or as a meal replacement.
  2. Isolate - protein in its pure form - usually with chromium picolinate and L-carnitine. It does not give a feeling of fullness, therefore it is not suitable for replacing meals, but it promotes the secretion of growth hormone, restores muscle fibers after exercise, and replenishes protein deficiency in the diet.

If you are not planning on participating in the Arnold Classic in the near future, protein powder concentrates can be easily replaced with homemade protein shakes. You will receive valuable natural protein and diversify your menu, because cocktails made from cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, eggs are not only healthy, but also very tasty.

Protein shake recipes

The basis of a protein shake for weight loss can be not only kefir, but also milk - cow, goat, etc., as well as soy or nut milk, any fermented milk product, egg whites.

WITH original recipes Please read further.


This cocktail is sometimes called flaxseed porridge and is recommended to anyone who wants to lose weight to optimize intestinal function and cleanse it of waste and toxins:

  1. Soak a tablespoon of flaxseeds in water in the evening.
  2. In the morning, beat the resulting jelly-like mass with a glass of natural yogurt, a teaspoon of honey and a handful of berries.
  3. You can add sesame seeds, chia seeds, amaranth, wheat or buckwheat sprouts, oatmeal - in this case you will get a complete and very satisfying breakfast.

The table below shows the basic version of this cocktail with calculated nutritional value:

Product Weight, g kcal B AND U
flax seed 10 49,2 3,3 3,8 0,5
Natural yoghurt 3.2% 300 198,0 15,0 9,6 10,5
Natural honey 15 47,1 0,1 0,0 12,0
Raspberry 100 42,0 0,8 0,3 8,3
Total per admission: 425 336,3 19,2 13,7 31,3


This option is also in the best possible way suitable for a cheerful start to the day. Mix a glass of base (milk or yogurt) in a blender with a teaspoon of instant coffee, two slices of dark chocolate and a teaspoon of honey (can be replaced with stevia to reduce calories).

Product Weight, g kcal B AND U
Natural honey 15 47,1 0,1 0,0 12,0
Chocolate 72% 10 54,5 0,9 4,1 3,6
Instant coffee 3 2,8 0,5 0,1 0,0
Milk 1.5% 250 110,0 7,0 3,8 11,8
Total per admission: 278 214,4 8,5 8,0 27,4


Beat a glass of base (milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.) with one banana. This is a great post-workout shake to restore your strength. You should not overuse this recipe, since banana is a high-calorie fruit with a high glycemic index, which is not very suitable for those who want to lose weight.

Product Weight, g kcal B AND U
Kefir 1% 250 103,5 8,5 2,5 11,8
Banana 100 89,0 1,5 0,1 21,0
Total per admission: 350 192,5 10,0 2,6 32,8

Apple cinnamon

A light protein-fruit cocktail will help satisfy your evening hunger, which sometimes prevents you from falling asleep, without compromising your figure. By adding this drink to a light dinner, you are sure to lose weight. Beat a glass of kefir or natural yogurt with a teaspoon of natural honey, cinnamon on the tip of a knife and a small green apple. The calorie content will be as follows:

Hearty breakfast

For breakfast, you can use a cocktail made from 100 g of soft, medium-fat cottage cheese, a glass of natural yogurt, a banana and two tablespoons of cereal flakes. Use honey or pitted dates as a sweetener. After a glass of this cocktail, you definitely won’t want to snack on something harmful before lunch:

Product Weight, g kcal B AND U
Natural honey 15 47,1 0,1 0,0 12,0
Cottage cheese 5% soft 100 120,0 17,0 5,0 1,8
Yogurt 3.2% natural 250 165,0 12,5 8,0 8,8
Banana 80 71,2 1,2 0,1 16,8
5 Grain Cereals 20 62,2 2,3 0,6 13,8
Total per admission: 465 465,5 33,1 13,7 53,2


The most dietary options for protein shakes are made from fermented milk products and green vegetables - you can safely drink them at any time of the day. Whisk a glass of low-fat kefir or Greek yogurt with cucumber and herbs for a refreshing drink, especially enjoyable in the hot summer.

Product Weight, g kcal B AND U
Greek yogurt 0.5% 250 195,0 21,8 1,3 24,0
Cucumber 80 11,2 0,6 0,1 2,1
Parsley 10 4,9 0,4 0,0 0,8
Dill 10 3,2 0,3 0,1 0,4
Total per admission: 350 214,3 23,1 1,5 27,3

Protein-curd dessert

This option is quite worthy festive table. Separately, beat soft cottage cheese with a blender with a banana and/or other fruits (berries), and the whites of two eggs with a teaspoon of sugar and vanilla until thick foam. Post protein cream on top of the curd mass. You can sprinkle cocoa.

Product Weight, g kcal B AND U
Cottage cheese 5% soft 100 120,0 17,0 5,0 1,8
Banana 50 44,5 0,8 0,1 10,5
Strawberry 30 10,2 0,2 0,1 1,9
Egg white 80 40,0 8,4 0,0 0,8
Sugar 7 26,5 0,0 0,0 7,0
Total per admission: 267 241,2 26,4 5,2 22,0

Chocolate dessert

Separately from each other, beat a glass of chilled milk with a teaspoon of honey and two - cocoa, and egg whites with sugar and vanilla. Gently fold the egg white foam over the milk mixture. You can decorate with grated dark chocolate.

Product Weight, g kcal B AND U
Milk 0.5% 250 90,0 0,0 1,3 0,0
Natural honey 15 47,1 0,1 0,0 12,0
Cocoa powder 11% 6 14,8 1,3 0,7 0,9
Egg white 80 40,0 8,4 0,0 0,8
Sugar 7 26,5 0,0 0,0 7,0
Total per admission: 358 218,4 9,8 2,0 20,7

In the following video, you are invited to adopt 3 recipes for protein shakes that can be prepared from products that end up in the refrigerator:

Rules for making homemade cocktails

The above recipes can be easily transformed to suit your tastes. The main thing is to follow the following rules:

  1. The main ingredient of the cocktail is a high-protein product. This is milk of animal origin or for vegetarian options - soy (nut), any fermented milk products, any egg whites. The calorie content of a cocktail largely depends on the fat content of the chosen base.
  2. You can sweeten the cocktail with honey, maple syrup, dried fruits, natural or artificial sweeteners. Those with a sweet tooth should approach these ingredients with caution - they are very high in calories, with the exception of stevia and synthetic sugar substitutes, but the latter should not be abused.
  3. Chocolate, cocoa, carob, fresh and dried fruits add flavor and aroma to the cocktail, but also increase its calorie content. To create light protein shakes for weight loss, it is better to use unsweetened berries and green apples. However, occasionally, as well as in the first half of the day or before training, you can treat yourself to more nutritious mixtures with banana, dried fruits, and chocolate.
  4. A valuable ingredient in a protein shake is the so-called superfoods: amaranth, poppy seeds, chia and flax seeds, sesame, as well as bee products: beebread, pollen (pollen), brood, etc. They are added to protein shakes in a volume of about a teaspoon per serving.
  5. or sprouted grains make a protein shake an almost complete breakfast or lunch, but in no case a dinner - it’s too high in calories and carbohydrates. But bran (oat, wheat and any other) will not only increase the benefits of a protein shake, but also reduce its glycemic index. However, in order to avoid excessive stress on the gastrointestinal tract, you should not exceed the norm of one dessert spoon per serving of drink.

Protein-carbohydrate breakfast shake from Tatyana Rybakova

Protein shakes made from natural products are used in their diet by almost all athletes, fitness specialists, and generally leading people. healthy image life. For example, the famous blogger Tatyana Rybakova likes to have a protein-oat shake for breakfast, the recipe of which she shares with her subscribers in the following video:

Protein shakes will undoubtedly bring considerable benefits in getting rid of excess weight. This perfect replacement dinner or an additive to a balanced diet, which supplies the body with important amino acids and micronutrients, promotes the production of growth hormone, responsible for the breakdown of fats, and satisfies hunger without the risk of overeating.

Contents of the article:

Every bodybuilder should understand the importance of using a proper nutrition program to get the most out of their workouts. Of course, everything nutritional elements are important, but protein compounds are of fundamental importance for gaining weight. It is these substances that make up all the tissues of the body, including muscle tissue.

Now you can find it in sports nutrition stores large selection various protein supplements. Although the bulk of the daily requirement of protein compounds should be supplied to the body from food, it is very difficult to do without sports nutrition. If we talk about food products, then in terms of protein content the best are milk (including dairy products) and meat.

To achieve good results during training, you need to eat foods containing protein compounds several times throughout the day. However, only pro-athletes can afford to devote all their time to training and nutrition. Agree, it is extremely difficult for bodybuilding enthusiasts to eat at least five times a day.

You should also remember that the body spends a lot of time and energy to process meat, and you need to eat lighter foods before training. This is where the protein supplements we already mentioned come in handy. However, you can make them yourself and in this article we will tell you how to make protein at home.

To do this, you should use dry protein concentrate or certain food products. Below we will give examples of popular cocktail recipes that are very effective. If you intend to prepare protein at home, then you should adhere to several rules related not only to the process of their preparation, but also to their intake.

If you take a cocktail in the morning, you can add carbohydrates to it, but in the evening it is best to do without this nutrient. To speed up the absorption of the protein shake, its temperature should not be low and the optimal temperature is 37 degrees. The fact is that all food in the body is processed at a certain temperature. If this indicator differs significantly from the required one, then the body will have to lower or increase it, and this requires not only time, but also the expenditure of excess energy.

Before starting the training, you need to drink no more than 0.3 liters of protein mixture. If your body does not accept lactose, then you should use juice or fermented milk products to prepare the cocktail. The energy value of the finished cocktail will differ depending on the products used. We will also talk about how to make protein at home and give several recipes, but now it’s worth paying attention to the features of their intake.

How to properly consume protein shakes?

As you understand, the purpose of using protein supplements is to maintain a high concentration of protein compounds in the body. Only in this situation can you count on muscle growth. Scientists have discovered so-called “protein windows” that are active forty minutes before the start of a lesson and for half an hour after its completion. It is during this period of time that you should definitely use a cocktail. However, let's look at everything possible situations when the use of protein supplements will be most effective.

  • Morning. Since no food entered the body all night, the glycogen reserves of the liver were significantly reduced. This leads to an increase in the catabolic background at any physical activity. Even if you don’t exercise in the morning, the catabolic background is still quite high. As a result, muscle tissue is destroyed, and you absolutely do not want this. If you drink a protein shake at this point, you can slow down and even suppress catabolic reactions. In this case, it is worth adding foods rich in fructose to the cocktail, for example, honey or sweet fruits.
  • Training session. Before starting training, your main task is to replenish it with nutrients that can become energy for the muscles. In this case, not only protein compounds are needed, but also carbohydrates. Of course, you should not eat a lot of food before exercise, as it will be difficult for you to train. Use a protein shake that contains fructose. This type of carbohydrate cannot lead to a sharp release of insulin. If you ignore this advice, then due to the high concentration of insulin, fat burning processes will be significantly slowed down. After completing the workout, it is necessary to accelerate the restoration of the glycogen depot, as well as provide the body with protein compounds to activate the growth processes of muscle tissue. Some people cannot immediately consume the entire portion of the cocktail after finishing the class, and in this case, you can do it in two sittings.
  • Day. Try to eat every two to three hours, which can be quite difficult to implement. If you are sure that you will not have a full meal, then you can drink a protein shake and soon we will tell you how to make protein at home.
  • Evening. Muscles require a lot of energy even at rest. At the same time, in the evening, solid food cannot be processed and in this situation protein shakes will again come to your aid. At the same time, you should use casein to prepare them, since this type of protein has a long absorption period and is able to supply nutrients to the body for several hours.

Examples of protein shake recipes

Now it's time to tell you how to make protein at home. It should be immediately noted that for this you will have to spend significantly more time compared to preparing ready-made protein supplements. However, you will get more pleasure from taking homemade protein.

Protein shake with chocolate flavor

  • Cocktail “Chocolate with nuts No. 1”. You will need one scoop of whey protein, 0.3 liters of low-fat milk, 100 grams of grated almonds and grated chocolate to taste. Mix the protein with milk first and then add the rest of the ingredients.
  • Cocktail “Chocolate with nuts No. 2”. You will need one scoop each of whey protein and casein protein, as well as a cup of lemonade.

Protein shakes from natural products

  • 1st recipe. To prepare, you need to take 180 grams of cottage cheese, 0.6 liters of milk, a couple of bananas, 50 grams of nuts, and two or three tablespoons of honey. All products must be brought to a homogeneous mass using a blender.
  • 2nd recipe. To prepare, you should take 0.25 liters of kefir (milk), half a banana, two or three tablespoons of oatmeal and cinnamon to taste. You can add any berries and fruits to this cocktail.
  • 3rd recipe. To prepare, you must take 0.5 liters of kefir, 250 grams of cottage cheese, 0.1 liters of water, five teaspoons of cocoa and a sugar substitute. First, dissolve cocoa and sugar substitute in water, after which this mixture should be brought to a boil. Stirring constantly, boil these ingredients for 60 seconds, then cool. After mixing kefir with cottage cheese, add homemade chocolate and mix well.
  • 4th recipe. To prepare, you must take one egg, 0.25 liters of milk, and a teaspoon of sugar.
  • 5th recipe. To prepare, you must take 200 grams of cottage cheese, 0.1 liters of juice, 0.1 liters of kefir, as well as persimmon or banana to taste.
  • 6th recipe. To prepare, you must take 0.1 liter of juice (cherry), 100 grams of cottage cheese, one egg white, as well as a sugar substitute to taste. Try to use natural juices, as they are much healthier.
  • 7th recipe. To prepare, you must take a glass of baked milk, 250 grams of cottage cheese, one tablespoon each of oat bran and flax seed oil.
There are a huge number of recipes for preparing protein compounds at home. You can give free rein to your imagination and enjoy delicious and healthy cocktails. Now we have told you how to make protein at home and you should understand the basic principles of this process. After that you just need to experiment.

For a recipe for making a protein shake at home, watch this video: