Fortune telling by face. Basic techniques. Predictions based on moles

How much can you learn about a person's past and future by looking at his face? Disputes about this have been going on for a long time, and are still going on today. Some believe that fortune telling in general and by the face in particular is superstition, and physiognomy (from the Greek physis - nature and gnome - knowledge), which allows you to recognize a person’s character by facial features, facial expressions and eye expressions, is pseudoscience and deception of simpletons; others, on the contrary, believe in the possibility of such predictions.

Think for yourself. It’s not without reason that at every meeting, especially if it is important to us for one reason or another, we subconsciously, on a purely intuitive level, try to guess the reactions of the interlocutor by his face. It is not for nothing that in our everyday speech we constantly use expressions that are directly related to physiognomy, for example: “He has an honest face,” “He has an ominous expression on his face.” It’s not for nothing that we say about an upset, frightened person: “He has no face”; about someone who has committed an unseemly act - “He has lost his face”; about someone who has been disgraced - “He has thrown his face into the dirt.”

“Well, okay,” someone will say, “one can recognize one’s character by facial expression, facial expressions and eyes, but what does fortune telling have to do with it?” And despite the fact that, knowing the characteristics of a person’s character, it is easier to predict his reactions, behavior, and actions. With a certain skill, long-term forecasts are probably possible, that is, about what. we are talking: foretelling the future, fate.

So, is physiognomy a pseudoscience, a deception, or one of the types of prognostication, albeit not generally recognized? However, if you think about it, serious science also assigns facial predictions an important place in general process forecasting. For example, no one doubts that fate is directly related to general condition health. But doctors are sure that the patient’s face can “say” a lot about his predisposition to various diseases. We will not turn to Tibetan medicine or the century-and-a-half-old atlas of N. I. Pirogov “The Face of the Patient”; we will look at completely modern methods. They state with certainty, for example, that a deep wrinkle between the lip and nose is a sign of a heart valve defect.

A narrow bridge of the nose indicates cardiac neurosis. A red, bumpy nose with veins is a sign high level blood pressure. Low blood pressure determined by the blue-red color of the nose. Paleness of the ears with a characteristic waxy tint indicates poor circulation; bags under the eyes and general swelling of the face indicate problems with the kidneys or thyroid gland. Not long ago, American researchers developed a special program that can be used to recognize the pathology of the central nervous system and genetic syndromes from a photograph of a patient’s face.

Already the first attempts gave the correct result in 60% of cases. When adjustments were made and more attention was paid to the eyes, nose, mouth and chin, performance increased to 76%. It is especially important to note that this program allows you to make a preliminary diagnosis long before the appearance of other clinical manifestations of the disease, that is, predict the fate, predict.

However, we repeat: the idea that there is a very definite connection between facial features and fate is not new. The sages of the East, who devoted many extensive treatises to these problems, and the father of medicine, the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, and his contemporary philosopher Aristotle, thought about this issue. Cicero, in his treatise “On Fate,” talks about his contemporary, the Roman physiognomist Zopyrus, who could determine a person’s character based on the characteristics of his eyes, forehead and entire face. During the Renaissance, this art received widespread and has been used since great success. In 1580, Giovan Battista della Porta published his book On Human Physiognomy. Physiognomy flourished until the 18th century; it is no coincidence that many scientists were interested in it. The desire to extract information from obvious information hidden meaning- one of the basic properties of human nature. At all times, people have searched for the deep background of observed phenomena in order to determine the inner essence by external features. Observing the people around him, a person gradually learned to compare their external signs and internal properties. This is how skills developed that formed the basis for the art of “understanding people.”

Why not assume that a person wears the signs of fate directly on himself - he is born with them? Nothing about us is accidental. Every facial feature, every mole, every wrinkle - everything contains information about our future: both favorable and unfavorable. You just need to learn how to extract it.

Use these fortune-telling at least to try to find out whether ideas about the connection between person and fate are true or false. Whoever does not do this will remain ignorant.

There are many signs on the face and body of every person - moles, wrinkles, all kinds of lines and strokes. Usually we do not attach any meaning to them other than cosmetic. However, magicians, astrologers, palmists and other representatives of the occult sciences are confident that important information about our past, present and future is hidden in these marks. With this book you will also be able to master the basics secret knowledge and learn to decipher the signs imprinted on your face and body by fate itself.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Signs of fate on the face and body (N. V. Zimina, 2010) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

Fortune telling by face

The art of reading faces is called physiognomy. This science has been systematized and verified over the centuries. It originated in Ancient China and, having come to the West, received development and differences here due to the diversity of races and cultures. Physiognomy, as well as the morphoscopy we considered - the science of moles, is part of a unified information system about imprints on the human body - signatures.

The famous Hindu astrologer Brahmagupta, in his book about marks on the body, claims that any bruise, bruise, or blow is not accidental. According to him, this means that the person has done something unworthy. Fortune tellers who constantly read faces can say a lot about each person.

According to Japanese physiognomy, the face is conventionally divided into three zones. This is the upper zone - forehead, middle - eyebrows, nose and lower zone - lips and chin. According to physiognomy, each zone characterizes a certain period of a person’s life: youth, maturity and old age.

A clean and well-shaped forehead indicates the health of the body and the purity of the soul. A normally developed and symmetrical middle part of the face indicates a good, balanced psyche. An alarming sign is noticeable asymmetry and curvature. This is usually expressed by some kind of strange behavior or mental abnormalities.

The lower part of the face is used to judge a person's personality traits. The normal shape of the chin, neck, and cheeks carries information about positive human qualities - such as decency, kindness, and honesty. This statement is especially true for older people. Sagging skin on the cheeks is a sign of stinginess, self-interest, love of money, and duplicity. Such a person is a materialist, capable of betraying for money. Double or triple chins are a sign of greed, stinginess, and deceit.

Eyes as an expression of fate

Eyes are a reflection of the soul. This is where you need to start mastering the art of reading other people’s faces in order to unravel the fate of their owners, as well as to build relationships with the person whom life has brought you into contact with over a certain period of time.

By the eyes you can determine how receptive a person is, the degree of his spirituality, the ability to perceive and give energy. Catchphrase: “The eyes are the window to the soul” is very rarely true.

Eye color

Physiognomists distinguish seven shades of eyes. Before you start looking at other people's eyes, you need to practice identifying the color of your own in order to find clues and codes of your own destiny. Color is a universal indicator for all ethnic groups.

Cool shades. Blue, gray, blue eye colors belong to the group of cool colors. People with such eyes carry within themselves a certain core that will not allow them to bend under the blows of fate. They value their independence and respect inflexible people. Owners of cold-colored eyes do not like to obey others, they always have their own opinion, and try to subordinate a person to their will. Their softness can be very deceptive. They are creators, creators. They are listened to. To achieve success they have to make great efforts. Fate reluctantly gives them its favor. People with cold-colored eyes must always be ready to show their ingenuity in order to win and achieve success.

In choosing a life partner, the owner of cold eye color should show prudence, while trying to love the chosen one, otherwise he will have to live without happiness, without knowing the true depth of real feeling.

Marriages of gray-eyed (blue-eyed, blue-eyed) people often break up among themselves, although the love that arose on the basis of similarities in character can be passionate. But with age, excessive energy and mutual pressure become boring, feelings cool, and it is useless to re-educate each other. You can save your marriage if you set the goal of obtaining material wealth or your own career growth.

People with blue eyes are calm and balanced, while gray-eyed people are kind, sympathetic and honest.

Green eyes. Owners of green eyes are distinguished by endurance, physical strength, organizational skills, and mystical abilities. Green-eyed people are lucky in love. The main thing is to keep your chosen one next to you, for which you need to remain faithful, devoted, and the companion who is nearby will give everything that a loving person is capable of.

Yellow eyes. Yellow eye color is considered together with other signs. Eyes of this color do not characterize their owner very well if they small size and deep set. This is seen as a sign of unpredictability and deceit, a manifestation of base feelings.

Gray-green eyes portend well-being in life and quick achievement of goals. Just don't rest on your laurels. We need to move on and renew our lives. After all, the gray-green color of the eyes means the superiority of their owner over others in terms of willpower, perseverance and the ability to always take revenge.

Gray-brown eyes- evidence of unstable internal qualities and inconsistency. Their owner is always different. He can be sweet, kind and affectionate, generous, but suddenly, out of nowhere, cruelty, stinginess, aggressiveness, touchiness, and intransigence will appear. You need to keep your eyes open with him, be prepared for the changeability of his mood and decisions, use tact and a peaceful tone. But you shouldn’t give in when he attacks or express grievances. You need to be firm and prove him wrong.

Gray-green-brown eyes belong to a kind-hearted but vain personality who loves signs of attention and respect. This person needs to be praised, grist for the mill of his pride, and then he will be your faithful and devoted friend.

Dark eyes They talk about strong energy and love of life. Light brown eyes are a sign of shyness, chastity, integrity of nature. Brown eyes indicate willpower, hard work, and determination. Brown-eyed women and men are powerful personalities, do not tolerate criticism, and love when their desires are fulfilled. A life partner with brown eyes needs to be indulged, try not to object, be diplomatic, carefully pursuing your line.

Green-brown eyes beckon, enchant, tease and at the same time repel. The owners of such eyes are loving, love change, and have a zest for life. They are destined for success and career growth.

Headband golden color between the iris and the pupil is a sign of creative abilities in a person.

Dark-colored pupils, bordered by silver-colored whites, are an indicator of will, authority, reason, and noble character traits.

A dark rim around the iris, just like multi-colored eyes, is an unfavorable sign, promising difficulties in life and a constant struggle with problems.

Whites of the eyes. Bright pupils surrounded by bluish whites are evidence good health. Squirrels pure white, as well as yellowish or reddish shades do not very well characterize the personality of their owner. Fortune tellers see them as a threat to others, attributing to their owner malice, narrow-mindedness and aggressiveness.

The whites are cloudy or yellowish with red streaks, indicating the chaotic lifestyle that their owner leads. It is also a lover of fights that can get into places not so remote. An unexpected death cannot be ruled out. Dull pupils with red or yellow lines are a sign of a disease hidden deep in the body.

Whites that are moistened beyond normal limits, coupled with red inner corners of the eyes, are evidence of loss of interest in life, stress, and deep melancholy. Whites that are visible only on the sides of the iris are evidence of a soft, flexible character, tender love for life and others.

Planting eyes

eyes different people are at different distances from each other: for some it is narrower, for others it is wider. According to physiognomists, the greater the distance between the eyes, the greater the amount of energy a person has. Wide-set eyes distinguish people who are energetic, hard-working, cheerful, resilient, far-sighted, with an optimistic vision of the world, who do not dwell on failures, move on, and are not afraid to start all over again. They do not torment themselves with self-examination, they forgive people for their mistakes. Their only drawback is romance.

Close-set eyes (the distance between which does not exceed the width of a finger) is evidence of poor health and mental weakness. They belong to people who are not very intelligent, who have little interest in what lies outside their own interests. Such people are malicious and touchy.

End of introductory fragment.

Current page: 1 (book has 7 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Rimma Chevychalova, Elena Kostina

Fortune telling by face. Practical kinesiology


We are infinitely happy that invisible Teachers led us to right time V right place for enlightenment for our benefit and for the benefit of everyone.

We are very grateful to our teacher Carol Ann Honz for her educational mission in our country and for being a guide between us and the Institute of Infinite Human Potential (USA) and allowing us to undergo training and become ki specialists - not ziologists. We are very grateful to the founders of the “Three in One” concept, or “One Brain,” D. Whiteside, G. Stokes and K. Calloway. Many thanks to our talented translators D. Chudova (for providing seminar notes), as well as I. Choban (for simultaneous translation).

We thank each other, our partners, parents and children for their support, understanding and patience during our training and while writing this work.

We thank the editorial team for their cooperation.


“The body was made without us and our participation, we are gifted with it for a while and are not able to challenge or cancel our own incarnation. The body was bestowed by the gods; only for us does it exist in the finite time of things appearing and disappearing. A gift can be accepted or rejected, but it cannot be discussed, it is a gift!”

V. Podoroga

To be able to understand people is the desire of many people. We need to understand what this means. Let's look at an example: how to understand cars. Any car enthusiast knows that a truck is less agile than a passenger car, can carry more cargo, but is not intended for rallying; that the BMW instantly picks up speed, but the Moskvich-2141 is a bit heavy to climb; that in the ninth VAZ model, reverse gear is activated by moving the gear lever forward, and in the sixth model - backward. So are people - each has its own characteristics. Someone in a new company feels like a fish in water, while someone sits like a hermit even in their familiar surroundings. Why is this happening? Is it possible to change this somehow?

So, To understand objects is to know what they serve and how to manipulate them. This means that you need to be able to see the uniqueness of an object by some obvious or more hidden signs. In the world of cars, this may not be so difficult, but distinguishing a viper from a snake is more difficult. But it is necessary. It’s the same with people.

Communication is the most important human need. Sensory hunger with a lack of necessary communication leads to severe mental disorder; inability to communicate makes us and our loved ones unhappy.

Our happiness and unhappiness in most cases depends on specific people who can love or hate us, upset or delight us, help or hinder us, destroy or save us.

Why do we feel calm with some people, but with others we feel like we’re on a powder keg?

There is not a single person who is completely identical to another, we are all different. Understanding the difference is the key to solving many problems. Each person reacts in his own way, behaves in his own way, evaluates others in his own way. Let's say you give a person a compliment from the bottom of your heart. One person will simply break into a smile in response to this, another will be happy to do something for you, and a third, in response to sincere praise, will think and become wary.

Is it possible to change this somehow? How to find common language with your loved ones and colleagues at work? How to become happier and more joyful? How to find personal happiness? How to figure all this out? How to understand why people react differently to you and to your words and behavior? It's all about human uniqueness. And the basis of any psychological conflict is a lack of understanding of our own personal characteristics and the characteristics of another person, our needs and the needs of the people around us.

And first of all, you need to know the characteristics of your own personality, your strengths and weaknesses.

For success in life, it is not enough to know only about yourself: by respecting your personality and uniqueness, you begin to respect and accept the uniqueness of other people, their specificity. After all, it is impossible to change another, you can only change your attitude towards him. You don’t swear at the sun because it shines too brightly - you simply hide from its light, and you don’t even think about changing the sun.

It is very important to choose a lifestyle, work, friends, loved ones in accordance with your personality type, otherwise you will have to suffer all your life.

In principle, scientists have long noticed that different people in the same situation behave differently. There were times when talking about a person’s individuality was considered indecent and even harmful. And then many unscientific classifications arose, because people, not knowing how to explain the difference in behavior, tried to link it to natural or temporary factors (for example, astrological horoscopes, which are now very fashionable).

Even on a job application form, you must indicate your zodiac sign (date of birth), although two people born on the same day are still very different from each other.

This is what our work is about. In it you will learn how to communicate with others, respecting their structures and without experiencing stress, having only fun.

Let us warn you that our book is not “reading”. This is a vital study guide for those who want to succeed in life, love and always be loved.

List of abbreviations

VAL – vertical auricular line

LZP – fronto-occipital position

OZI – common integration zone

PVL - anterior temporal line

CAM – free associative thinking


By structures and functions we mean genetically conditioned behavior and reactions to current events. The unique genetic code of each person, recorded in DNA, determines the main points of behavior characteristic of him in life. These innate physical and emotional traits are very closely related to each other and have a strong influence on his life.

In our opinion, familiarity with the peculiarities of the structures and functions of each person is the most effective and quick way to realize your own uniqueness and the uniqueness of every other person in this world.

Understanding your behavior and people’s reactions to it means freeing your life from past pain, fears, and pressures that we still carry within ourselves. After all, we are greatly influenced by what we see, hear and experience, that is, our environment.

This book talks about the relationship between facial features, body proportions and psychological characteristics. We do not label different people, we only help to understand their characteristics and use them to achieve harmony in relationships with other people.

Take a good look at yourself. You will identify features in your face and body that you and others share that correspond to patterns of negative behavior. If you free yourself from stereotypes in behavior, this will allow you to find harmony in your life. personal life and in communication with others.

The basic principles, which contain some deviation from the principles of modern psychology, are as follows.

The characteristics of a person’s instinctive (involuntary) behavior are determined by his genetic code and are laid down at the moment of conception.

The difference in the ratios of the number of cells in a given structure in different people indicates differences in their behavior:

◊ a larger number of cells indicates a more pronounced manifestation of the function corresponding to a given structure;

◊ a smaller number of cells in a structure indicates a lesser degree of expression of the same function.

The genetic code determines the reaction to events explained by instinct, and the rest comes from the belief system - what we are taught to believe.

Conscious choice can always prevail over instinctive behavior determined by structure.

Psychology has made enormous efforts to determine general trends in human behavior. At the same time special attention always focused on the motivation of actions.

Psychology compares the behavior of each person with accepted norms of behavior.

This work shifts the focus to comparing a person's behavior solely with his own genetically determined structures and how two people can find common ground despite their different models genetically determined behaviors.

Each of us is unique due to our genetic code and life experiences, and life experiences begin from the moment of our conception. Just as no two people have the same fingerprints, no two people have the same reaction to life circumstances. After all, for some, divorce is the end of life, and for others, it is the beginning of a new life.

For example, two people meet, and each believes that his behavior is the only correct one and his way of perceiving the situation is the only correct one. And when they encounter behavior that is inconsistent with their expectations or very different from their own, they perceive it as a personal insult, an attempt to hurt their feelings. This is precisely why people cannot understand and agree with each other.

How to determine behavior that does not destroy the person himself and his relationships with other people?

It is a conscious choice to accept and respect oneself and the behavior of another person.

The structures and functions of each of us are a given. There is no guarantee that someone will change to fit another person's beliefs. Each individual has his own understanding of what is right and what is wrong. Therefore, the best thing we can do when a conflict arises is conscious choice to accept another behavior option.

Human behavior is a manifestation of the totality of his characteristic features. You either accept the structure underlying a certain behavior or you don't. If not, then join conflict with yourself. In the same way, you either accept other people's structures that determine their behavior or you don't. If not, then join conflict with others.

It would be foolish to believe that anyone else on Earth would have exactly the same life experiences that you have. Other people live with different concepts. They have their own models and patterns of behavior. You can react to events in one way, and they respond in completely different ways. This is determined by the genetic structures of a person! You are who you are, and they are who they were created to be. They are n e! It is for these reasons that it is almost impossible to convey your life experiences to someone else. Of course, you can do this in words. But what will this give? Only you lived the life you lived. No one but you has exactly this genetically determined behavior, and therefore no one can experience exactly the same sensations.

Why do we need this? We all want to be understood and accepted by others, but until we understand and examine our own structures and the behavior inherent in those structures, we will find it difficult to understand the behavior of other people and their reactions to us, which can lead to conflicts, misunderstandings and resentment.

This information will help you understand yourself and the people around you, and you will be able to:

Know and accept yourself as you really are, and not as you would like to present yourself;

Know and accept other people's instinctive behavior as natural and not as a personal challenge.

Through acceptance freedom comes. Acceptance comes only through making a conscious choice .

If it is true that a person reacts to all events based on genetically determined instinctive behavior (and this is precisely the case!), then we better recognize this fact! To know yourself - this is the first step to understanding responsibility for your behavior.

Types “A”, “B” and “C” – are these labels?

Why do we use the designations "A", "B" and "C"? Because this allows you not to make any judgments, simply express the difference in the proportional ratio of the number of cells for each structure.

Type "A" corresponds pronounced absence a large number of cells forming this structure.

Type "B" corresponds intermediate structure between types “A” and “C”, when neither of them is clearly expressed enough.

Type “C” corresponds to a pronounced big the number of cells forming this structure.

Each of us is type "A", "B" or "C" depending on who we are with. at the moment communicates and with whom he compares himself.

How so?

You may be physically one type or another. And of course, the information you learn generally applies to you. But structures and functions are never common, they are always specific .

Rice. 1. Type "A" and type "B"

Rice. 2. Type "C"

Let's say you are a "B" type for this structure. You notice the behavior characteristic of this type in yourself, you see this structure in the mirror and in photographs. But! What happens when you communicate with a person who belongs to type “A” according to the same structure? You suddenly become a Type C in this relationship. Type A blames you for Type C behavior, even though you don't usually feel or act like a true Type C, but are one in your relationships. data human.

In other relationships, this structure may manifest itself differently. If you interact with a Type C person, will he perceive your behavior as that of a Type B person? Of course not! Type C will judge your behavior as that of a Type A person.

Rice. 3. Type "C" and type "C plus"

You may be "more" like a Type C to 98% of all people in the sense that 98 out of 100 people will be a Type A to you. You will feel this way when communicating with them, and they will evaluate you as a type “C” person. However, when you meet the 99th and 100th people, everything will turn upside down: you will become Type A and, when communicating with them, you will behave in accordance with this type.

Each of us has had to be a type “A”, “B” or “C”, it follows that if someone strives to understand and tune into the position of another person, to his fears, needs, desires and behavior patterns, then he can achieve this.

Let's look at your photos

The best way to learn about your structures and their functions is to look at yourself, most simply at photographs of yourself from infancy to the present. It is advisable to have photographs from the front, as well as in profile, left and right. If you don't have these photos, take them now, before you read this book.

For profile photographs, the following head position is required: look straight ahead, Not raising your head up and Not lowering down, the chin is parallel to the ground (floor).

This is very important for all profile photos. You will be surprised at the differences between the left and right sides. Comparing them can bring very important information to understanding the whole picture. It is easier to evaluate one's own structures and functions if one considers their two-dimensional projections.

How to study information about structures and their functions?

1. Dedicate week for each structure. Study the physical manifestation of the structure as closely as possible, then pay attention to how the function corresponding to the structure manifests itself.

2. Watch for colleagues, relatives, passersby, any new person you meet in a store, transport, on the street, anywhere. Pay attention only to the structure you have studied.

3. Follow behind how this structure influences behavior, how types “A” and “C” behave differently in a particular situation.

Don’t forget about the peculiarities of your behavior, about your own manifestations.

4. Notice how your behavior changes depending on the structures of the people with whom you communicate!

5. Realize How does this structure affect your life?

6. Define your weak link or, in other words, obsessive behavior.

7. Check out with our advice regarding your structure and style of behavior with the opposite type.

Accept your behavior and the behavior of the opposite type to you, without feeling like a victim or offended person. Pay attention to emotional behavior: what is comfortable for this type and what causes stress. And don’t judge yourself for this, but just accept that you are who you are, with your structures. They are not good or bad, they are yours. Love them, enjoy them because you unique , no one else has such a set of structures and functions!

Pay special attention:

How does this structure manifest itself in your communication with children, parents and other people dear to you;

How knowledge of this structure and function helps you accept other people's behavior and how you can use it;

To what extent has your behavior become more appropriate and responsible?

It is a pleasant job to get to know yourself and the people around you. Good luck to you on this interesting journey. Love and joy in your discoveries!


Be clear about what trait you want to see. If you can't see a line well, you won't be able to interpret it. It is not enough to capture only the basic, rough “strokes”; it is important specifics . Therefore, you need to be oriented in anatomy: knowing the anatomical features, you will be able to accurately grasp this or that structure and understand what type of behavior it is conducive to.

We will now list them and provide corresponding illustrations so that everything becomes completely clear.

In the figures, the letters A, B, C, D, D, E, G show the anthropometric points of the face - maxillary frontal, glabella, maxillary nasal, pupillary, subnasal, chin, mandibular.

Rice. 4, a. 1 – forehead height; 2 – forehead width; 3 – eyebrow position line; 4 – eye position line; 5 – pupillary line; 6 – eye length; 7 – width of the back of the nose; 8 – height of the nose (nasal part of the face); 9 – nose width; 10 – height of the upper lip; 11 – mouth length; 12 – chin height; 13 – auricles; 14 – height of the auricle; 15 – axial (medial) line

Rice. 4, b. 1 – hairline; 2 – frontal tubercles; 3 – brow ridges; 4 – beginning of eyebrows; 5 – eyebrow contours; 6 – end (tail) of the eyebrow; 7 – internal corners eyebrows; 8 – outer corners of the eyes; 9 – upper eyelid; 10 – nasolabial filter; 11 – upper lip; 12 – lower lip; 13 – chin; 14 – curl contour; 15 – antihelix contour; 16 – tragus contour

Rice. 5, a. 1, 2, 3 – frontal, oral and nasal parts of the face and their heights; 4 – forehead tilt; 5, 6 – measurement of the height and depth of the bridge of the nose; 7 – protrusion of the back of the nose; 8 – protrusion of the nose; 9 – line of the base of the nose; 10 – width of the auricle; 11 – height of the auricle; 12 – vertical auricular line

Rice. 5, b. 1 – forehead contour; 2 – contour of the back of the nose; 3 – contour of the lower edge of the wing of the nose; 4 – contour of the chin; 5 – position of the upper lip; 6 – position of the lower lip; 7 – outer corner of the eye; 8 – line of the base of the auricle; 9 – curl; 10 – tragus; 11 – antihelix; 12 – antitragus; 13 – earlobe


This line starts at outside the eye sockets (you can feel this place), goes up, passes over the temples (repeating the shape of the skull) and ends on the bones of the crown.


This is an imaginary plane that runs vertically through the ear openings and divides the brain into front and back halves.

Frontozygomatic suture

A suture is where two bones join. The frontozygomatic suture is the junction of the frontal and zygomatic bones. It can be felt as a dimple on the outside of the eye sockets.

Rice. 6.

Frontal tuberosities

Located symmetrically on the left and right on the forehead above the eye sockets.


Beginning of the frontal suture. Located above the bridge of the nose between the eyebrows. The frontal suture separates the two parts of the frontal bone.

Rice. 8. 1 – frontal scales; 2 – frontal tubercle; 3 – glabella (glabella); 4 – zygomatic process; 5 – supraorbital margin; 6 – nasal part (frontal bone); 7 – nasal spine; 8 – frontal notch; 9 – brow ridge; 10 – supraorbital foramen; 11 - temporal line Below we present three non-anatomical terms that are necessary when considering structures and functions.

Pupillary line

This concept refers to an imaginary line that starts above the pupil and rises up, across the forehead to the left (or right) of the midline, and then down along the skull to the cerebellum.

Forehead curve line

Passes at a distance of one bodily inch above the frontal tuberosities. Usually (but not always) located at the hairline, although it can be either above or below it.

Body inch

A solid inch is equal to the width of the thumb near the base nail plate. For each person this measure is different depending on his structures. For example, a child's bodily inch is different from an adult's bodily inch.

Rice. 9.

Bridge of the nose (bridge of the nose)

The bridge of the nose is also located in the midline of the frontonasal structure, below the glabella and slightly above the beginning of the nasal bone.

Nasal bones

These two bones (left and right) connect to the frontal bone and form the bridge of the nose.

tip of the nose

This is the cartilage located below the nasal bone.

Wings of the nose

This is a cartilaginous structure that forms the nostrils.

Nasal septum

Cartilaginous septum between the nostrils.

Nasal cartilage

Cartilage located in the midline and extending upward from the upper jaw. Supports the cartilaginous tip of the nose.

Rice. 10. Lobes of the brain: 1 – frontal lobe; 2 – parietal lobe; 3 – occipital lobe; 4 – temporal lobe

We have grouped structures and functions into groups, each group of structures corresponding to similar functions.

Below is a brief overview of them.

They have the following in common:

They are all located in the frontal lobes of the brain;

All their corresponding functions are associated with the CAM zone.

Cells of the CAM zone are not involved in the formation of emotions (although they are involved in recognizing what is happening). This is the place in the brain where what is happening in the moment is quickly associated with past experiences to develop new ways of responding and behaving. This is where the vegetative nervous system. We make decisions and commit choice using this part of the brain. In this kingdom, the present rules, not the past.

Characteristics of actions

This group includes structures located in the motor area of ​​the frontal lobes (behind the VAL) and in the parietal lobes. The parietal lobes process signals coming from the senses (gustatory, tactile, olfactory, auditory, temperature, sound and other sensations) in response to a given stimulus. It is also important that the cells of this part of the brain also register all sensations fixed in the body by current or past emotions, which, in turn, includes physical movement - muscle work.

Sensations that arise when exposed to certain external stimuli, are not always registered at a conscious level, but sensations based on the emotions experienced are always. It should be noted that violent emotions involve motor centers . The stronger the emotions experienced, the more powerful the response movements .

Characteristics of the sensory-emotional sphere

Several lobes of the brain are involved in processing feelings and emotions. Speech centers are located in the frontal lobes. The parietal lobes process strong emotions. The left hemisphere contains the OZI and speech recognition centers. The occipital lobes process visual information and contain visual memory centers. The cerebellum controls all movements. To this group we add the structures of the eyes, which for most of humanity are the main sense organ.

Most of the structures in this group are located in the back of the brain behind the VAL.

The main function of the posterior parts of the brain is memory, it contains a record of all our past experiences. All the decisions we made in the past, suppressed emotions, preferences, hopes and dreams settled here. We are talking about the subconscious awareness: “Forgotten, but not disappeared.”

Characteristics of Automatic Expression

This group includes characteristics of verbal and nonverbal expression that are reflected in the structures of the muscles and bones of the lower part of the face (below the eye sockets). They accurately (or inaccurately?!) reflect internal work brain

People often make judgments about us based on these structures.

Physical characteristics

Here we are talking about the basic structures of the body associated with a deep unconscious level of perception.

The functions corresponding to them are so strongly woven into our activities, so deeply involved in all our manifestations, that we often do not notice or realize these functions.

View of the world

These structures and functions reflect our belief system better than all others. They can tell us about the most amazing things. They usually reflect a typical reaction under stress. When we try to hide them, we behave as if we wanted to hide something from others, but placed it on our face or in our eyes so that everyone could see it.

In the review of characteristics, we will consider only two opposite types “A” and “C”, since it is between them that mutual misunderstanding often occurs. Type “B” is like a chameleon, because it combines two types at once. When stressed, Type A will blame you for acting like Type C, and Type C will blame you for acting like Type A. Get used to it, remember that it is easier for you to adapt to them than for them to adapt to you. Don't forget that you are golden mean.

For convenience, when describing each structure, we focus on the following:

A physical indicator of structure is location: which part of the head or body should be specifically addressed;

Drawing for each type;

The phrase in quotation marks is a short description of habitual behavior for a given type;

Emotional behavior characteristic of this type: what is comfortable for him and what causes stress;

Characteristics of a type – a habitual pattern of behavior;

The weak link is a habitual mistake (the rake that we constantly step on when communicating with others);

A misconception that leads to stress - there is nothing to add here; it is better to realize and accept than to be offended by others;

And now, dear readers, we are finally starting the most exciting journey - getting to know ourselves and the people around us. It's time to look at your photos.

The main rule of face fortune telling, according to scientists and philosophers of past centuries, is based on the fact that everything that happens in a person’s soul is transmitted to the feelings and movements of the body and face. And, thus, every intention and desire arising in the soul revealed signs for the observer by which it was possible to determine the natural qualities and various inclinations of the soul, which left a permanent mark on the person’s face.

Let’s try to delve into the method of face divination and first pay attention to the human forehead and eyebrows.

A person with a short and compressed forehead has a strong character, his mind is occupied with important things, he is constant and reasonable in his intentions.

Arched and even outlines without particularly sharp corners mean compliance and meek character.

A sign of a lively mind and ardent imagination is a forehead sloping back. A narrow, short and wrinkled forehead of perpendicular structure, which protrudes without resting on the upper end of the nose, suggests quick intelligence.

A plump forehead (when looking at it in profile) - if its upper part is arched - serves as a sign of a penchant for reflection, armchair life and patient silence.

A small forehead is a sign of love for carnal sensations. A flat forehead reveals a person who is not devoid of pride and self-confidence.

Arrogance, pride and quarrelsomeness are revealed by the forehead, in which part of the head, that is, the upper part of the skull, seems to move over the upper part of the forehead.

A person with a compressed and narrowed forehead in the middle exhibits a quick temper over trifles and constant irritation.

Wrinkles, shifted to the upper part of the forehead, define a person who likes to indulge in reflection.

Drooping eyebrows mean a person prone to sadness. Eyebrows are straight horizontal position indicate a courageous character. Ill-shaped eyebrows predict a tough character.

The thickness of the eyebrows and the straightness of the hairs mean chastity, directness and prudence of character. Fused eyebrows define a person as secretive and a hypocrite.

Eyebrows located very close to the eyes suggest a strong character, a contemplative mind.

Eyebrows that are angular and sharply intersecting are a sign of ardent people with a developed imagination. White eyebrows mean weakness, sparse ones - frivolity, and sometimes slyness, dark brown - firmness and energy.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

There is nothing clearer in determining character and passions than the eyes.

A look is the word of the soul, although it often speaks against the will of who they belong to. Every passion and thought is expressed in the gaze, and they can always be recognized by the movement, brilliance and attention of the eyes.

The look is invariably in harmony with the soul. A keen eye expresses a strong character and a love of deep mathematical calculations.

An absent-minded gaze means poetic imagination, a predilection to get carried away by surrounding objects and look for the meaning of the unsolved, the secrets of nature in them.

A deep and unwavering gaze indicates a calm state of mind and thoughtfulness.

Attention focused on one subject, accompanied by tension and frequent movement of the eyebrows and wrinkles of the forehead, shows good memory combined with active brain activity.

A lively look determines an active character, a sound mind. A sharp look exposes a stubborn person who likes to argue. Wandering - willfulness, cunning - anger and determination to crime.

A sublime and calm look is the pride of dignity, and in the absence of modesty - arrogance. A sharp, repulsive look, with blue or gray eyes, means contempt. An anxiously searching gaze quickly directed at objects means a thirst for knowledge.

Constantly cheerful, but without a particularly playful smile - complacency. A bright look, full of frankness - a love for a cheerful life.

A sideways, mean look is insidiousness. An evasive and wandering gaze defines hypocrisy and insincerity.

You can determine a person's character by eye color. Blue eyes mean weakness. Brown - hardness, black - insight, gray - cunning and inconstancy. Greenish eyes indicate liveliness of character, courage and a predisposition to outbursts, light blue eyes indicate a phlegmatic character.

Black shiny eyes rolling out from under thick eyebrows and in deep sockets define a cunning and insidious person.

A noticeably protruding pupil means a timid person, large eyes mean stinginess, gluttony and sensuality.

Eyes cast down to the ground mean a melancholic mood and a penchant for work.

Mouth, lips and nose

His mouth, lips and nose can say a lot about a person. A mouth with a weak, thin outline of the lips means stinginess and deceit. A thin and small mouth, corresponding to a small forehead and nose, signifies weakness of character and timidity.

Lips compressed, with a regular outline, are a sign of prudence and firm caution.

The thickness of the lips speaks of sensual inclinations and love of gluttony. A dimple or notch on the lower lip is a sign of gaiety.

A nose bent at the root means a person with a powerful, tough character, and a nose in a straight line with the forehead means a patient and calm person.

A long nose descending to the lip means a cold, insensitive nature, prone to hypochondria.

A long nose with a perpendicular forehead determines in a person a tendency towards stubbornness, love pleasures and jealousy.

“An upturned nose, located under a high forehead, means coarseness of feelings and a tendency to anger

An even, straight nose without noticeable outlines does not reveal any special abilities in a person.

Small nostrils mean weakness and timidity. Properly developed nostrils mean a voluptuous, gentle and sensitive person.

Chin, cheeks and ears

After the lips and nostrils, let's move on to the chin, cheeks and ears.

A sharp chin is a sign of cunning and wit. Angular - resourcefulness and prudence, flat - cold mind, round with a hole - good character. A chin, as if cut in two in the middle, defines caution and prudence in a person.

Cheeks with indentations, more or less triangular in shape, belong to a person who is curious and jealous. Lean and narrowed cheeks - a predisposition to melancholy, fat and fleshy - a tearful character and rude inclinations. Natural and gracefully contoured cheeks, in which a slight tremble is noticeable towards the nose - sensitivity, tenderness and generosity.

When three lines in the form of wrinkles or folds appear on the face of a smiling person, this is a sign of a person who is prone to tomfoolery, flighty and does not like to do anything serious.

Large ears mean ignorance and stinginess, small ears mean cunning and intelligence, square ears mean prudence, thick ears mean simplicity, transparent and thin ears mean grace.


You can also learn a lot about a person by what covers the ears on the head—the hair.

Black thick hair that fits tightly to the head and does not curl into curls means poverty of mind and, at the same time, a love of work and order. Long and smooth hair indicates weakness of character.

Brown hair belongs to people who have a gentle, phlegmatic character. Black fine hair on a head with a high forehead almost always distinguishes a person of sound judgment, but lacking in imagination and insight.

Black thin and smoothly shiny hair is a sign of anger, especially if this hair is different from the color of the eyebrows. Black, coarse and thick hair means a sound mind and ardent imagination.

All of the above serves as nothing more than an alphabet used when reading character traits on a person’s face. At the same time, from the outline of the nose or lips alone, according to scientists and philosophers of the past, it is impossible to extract a complete concept of character. Everything is known only in unity and comparison.

From which follows, for example, the following conclusion: small eyes with a restless look, an upturned nose, a raised lower lip and black hair are characteristic of rogues, cunning, intriguers and misers.

People with big eyes, a small face and a small nose are sad, gloomy, slanderous and curious.

A smooth, spherical forehead, thick, clearly defined eyebrows, half-open eyes, a somewhat curved nose, correctly positioned teeth, and, finally, a correctly positioned chin determine an energetic character in people.

A very high forehead, or a very short and very sharp one, or a rounded nose with wide nostrils, lower teeth protruding from under the upper ones, mean cruel and insensitive characters. And so on…

Go to the mirror and look at your face! It is quite possible that now, armed with the knowledge of face divination, you will learn quite a lot about yourself that you never suspected before.

Moles on the body have their own meaning. We watch as some appear and others disappear for inexplicable reasons. This is not an accident, but a consequence of events that reflect past life, pointing to the future.

Moles are called “Divine Marks”, and their location on different parts human body speaks about future events and a person’s character. You just need to correctly guess such signs of fate.

General rules for fortune telling by moles

There may be many moles on the human body, and in order to have a correct idea of ​​their location, draw your silhouette on a piece of paper, put marks on it and record the main points about them. This will help you make an accurate analysis and not miss anything important for fortune telling. After studying each of them in detail, you can come to a conclusion.

Before fortune telling, determine the configuration of the mole (shape, size, color), its location. This is of particular importance. Pay attention appearance:

  • Size. The first thing to evaluate when predicting life path. The larger the mole on the body, the stronger the impact it has on a person’s fate.
  • Color. The darker the shade, the more pronounced the character traits and the more influential the events that it foretells will be.
  • Form. Round - symbolizes happy and joyful events in life. Oblong - speaks of a less successful fate. The triangular one speaks of changeability - white stripes will alternate with black ones.

  • Hair. A “divine mark” that has hair on it promises misfortune.

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True fortune telling based on moles

To understand how fate will change, let’s pay attention to the location.

Moles on the face

  • On the forehead closer to the top - great intellectual abilities that will help you climb career ladder. This promises a happy marriage and family life.

  • Between the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose - the owner is endowed with super abilities and can become a great predictor.

  • On the right means fame and happiness.

  • Left temple - sentimental and emotional nature.

NoseThe location speaks of sociability. If the mole is on the tip of the nose, its owner loves to travel and has an excellent sense of humor.

  • A woman’s left and right cheeks represent strong sexual energy. Such ladies are very popular among men.

  • Closer to the eye - the nature is gentle and kind.

  • A woman's left cheek is a talent in some form of art.

  • A man’s right cheek is an eccentricity of personality.

  • A woman’s right cheek is a purposeful nature.

  • A man's left cheek means a strong love relationship, but there will be many obstacles along the way.

EarsA mole on the ears is a harbinger of a carefree and prosperous life. If on the earlobe, protect your child from water.

  • Above the upper lip - a cunning and crafty nature that tries to dominate in relationships. If the owner of the mole is a woman, this person is feminine and charismatic. In relation to her child, she is strict and demanding.

  • Under the lower lip of a man - a man has great ambitions.

  • Under the lower lip a woman has a fair and reasonable nature.


  • For a man it symbolizes a domineering character.

  • The female gender is characterized by tact and modesty.

Moles on the body
ShouldersMoles on the shoulders speak of life's difficulties and difficult fate. Their owners are principled, and in relationships they are loyal and patient.

  • Women's neck - by nature, people are monogamous. Calm, caring mothers who do not tolerate scandals in the family.

  • Male neck - selfishness and a tendency to “go to the left”; people have a sharp mind and are very resourceful.

  • Regardless of gender, a mark located on the back of the neck promises an unhappy life, and on the front, on the contrary, a successful and carefree one.

BackMoles on the back mean a love of sports. But there is a tendency to diseases. He is a gifted, thoughtful and strong-willed person.

  • A woman’s left breast speaks of her cunning and bad character, in other words, she is an intriguer and an object of male attention. However, these ladies create a strong family.

  • A woman's right breast is a good mother and a faithful wife, devoted to her family.

  • The right breast of a man is considered an ideal family man, very faithful and loving. Providers by nature, ready to fully support their family.

  • A man's left chest means he is determined and purposeful in his affairs. In relationships with women, passionate and ardent lovers.

  • A mark located under the chest, regardless of gender, means an insidious person.


  • Waist - lack of self-control, suspiciousness, selfishness.

  • Belly - they want to be financially secure, but having valuables, they are afraid to lose.


  • Right shoulder - people have an indecisive character, are unable to make responsible decisions, and have a tendency to bad habits.

  • Left shoulder - they do not know how to admit their mistakes. For them there is only one opinion - their own. They are adamant and stubborn, which explains the lack of material stability and work. But very lucky in love relationships, are faithful, create strong families.

  • The wrist is a sign of a luxurious life.

  • Right elbow - a person has a poor understanding of people and is susceptible to influence; he is easy to deceive.

  • The left elbow is a sign of hard work, which will certainly bear fruit and a financially secure life. Women with a mark on the left elbow are often married to a wealthy person.

Intimate partsMoles in intimate places indicate sexual energy. They are relaxed and loving.

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Why predictions based on moles may not come true

There is a belief that a person who counts his moles can revoke the happiness that they portended for him. Believing in the sign of their marks on the body and their magical power, no need to count!

There is an opinion that moles cannot be removed surgically. By getting rid, you will deprive yourself happy event in life.

You can believe in whatever you want, but do not expect that thanks to the “Divine Marks” you will be able to explain or predict the events of life. These are the tips for you. Moles indicate certain abilities. Be able to develop them to achieve your goal. This is a small key that opens the door to success. Moles on the body are a landmark for people who are unsure of themselves, unable to understand events and find their place in the sun. Man is the master of his destiny and bears responsibility for it.