Eucharis (Amazon lily): description and care during cultivation. Amazon lily or eucharis. Home care, photos of species

Elegant indoor flower, which appeared in subtropical forests on the banks of the Amazon River, has two common names:

  • eucharis (eucharis);
  • Amazon lily.

This flower is loved by gardeners for its unpretentiousness, beautiful flowering twice (thrice) a year and a pleasant delicate aroma.

The most common varieties are: Eucharis grandiflora or Grandiflora, Eucharis white, Eucharis toothless or Callifuria.

Eucharius has large, oval, pointed leaf blades. Their width is approximately 20 cm. Length is about 40 cm. Color is dark green. The leaf surface is slightly wrinkled, with prominent veins. The leaves of the plant live for several years. Young leaves are initially curled into a tube, but straighten as they grow.

The flowers are large (up to 10 cm), snow-white, slightly drooping downwards. They are found on long (up to 60 cm), straight, leafless stems.

How to care for eucharis at home

Where to put the pot with eucharis

Eucharis does not like bright lighting. He prefers partial shade. Therefore, it is not advisable to place a flower pot with a plant on the southern windows. Lily will feel comfortable on an east or west window or on a shelf inside the room. In summer, the flower can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony. Just first you need to prepare a special canopy for it, which will protect the plant from the rays of the sun and from rain.

Air humidity and temperature

In the room where the Amazonian plant is located, for its active growth and flowering, it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 24º to 28º Celsius. At lower temperatures, its flowers become smaller. After flowering (in the resting phase), the flower is provided with a temperature range from 17º to 19º Celsius. If the room temperature drops to +10ºC or lower, the lily will begin to shed its leaves, and the plant bulb may rot.

It is not necessary to create special humidity in the room where the flower is located. It needs to be sprayed periodically and the leaves wiped off dust with a damp cloth.

During flowering, these manipulations should be performed with extreme caution. Water that gets on flowers can cause brown spots to form on them.

How to water eucharis

Moderate watering is considered optimal for the plant. In the case of the Amazon lily, they adhere to the following condition: “It is better to underfill than overfill.” Watering is carried out with settled water room temperature. Excess water that remains in the pan flower pot, drained. The next watering during the growth period of the lily is carried out when the earthen ball dries out by a third of the volume, and during the dormant period, when the earth dries out, by half the volume.

What and how to feed Eucharis

To feed eucharis during the growing season, alternately use mineral and organic fertilizer complexes for plants in the flowering phase. They can be purchased at the store. The frequency of feeding is twice a month. During the dormant phase, the plant is not fed with fertilizers.

Common mistakes in caring for eucharis

Ignorance of the main requirements of cultivation plays a negative role in the development and growth of the Amazon lily. home flower Eucharis requires proper care, and if agricultural techniques are followed, it gives luxurious view green leaves and an abundance of delicate flowers.

If the leaves on Eucharis turn yellow and die taking turns is a natural process. Yellowing of all leaves at the same time indicates problems with the plant such as:

  • excessive or weak watering;
  • low (less than +10ºC) room temperature;
  • sunburn of leaves.

The plant can be “cured”. It is necessary to remove it from the pot and inspect the bulb for the presence of putrefactive zones. Cut off such areas, treat the cuts with ash, dry them and replant the plant.

  • If the plant is left for a long time without watering, its leaves will become limp. Watering should restore the elasticity of the foliage. But with hypothermia due to open in winter window or transportation, leaf turgor may not be restored.
  • If the leaves of an Amazon lily curl and wither, then it is either sick in a draft or its roots are damaged.

Reproduction of Eucharis by children

When growing a plant in room conditions easiest to use vegetative method. Moreover, the Amazon lily has a large number of “children”. In March or April, they can be planted in separate containers with previously prepared soil.

An important point: only well-formed “babies” can be separated from the mother plant. Otherwise, the bulbous seed material will die.

How to plant eucharis, look at the video:

When and how to replant eucharis

Amazonian lily does not like transplants. Therefore, if the plant is healthy, blooms well and does not “fall out” of the flower pot, it can not be disturbed for three to four years.

A healthy flower is transplanted when many “children” have been formed and they interfere with the normal growth of the flower.

The daughter material can be used to propagate the plant, or it may not be separated from the mother flower. In the latter case - transplantation into renewed soil without separation - you can achieve more lush flowering lilies.

March is the most favorable month for replanting a plant. A healthy plant is transplanted into prepared soil using the transshipment method, without disturbing the earthen coma.

If the flower bulbs are rotten, they are carefully removed from the soil and washed with water. Then the rot is removed (cut). The cut surface is thoroughly disinfected by immersing it in a fungicide solution. Then sprinkle the cut with wood ash.

Depending on the original planting material(bulb with and without leaves) there are two options for planting the plant.

Planting Amazon lily with leaves

Leaves are not trimmed before planting, only those that are yellowed and dying are removed.

  • Planting depth - 5-6 cm.
  • The container for planting is tall, not wide, with a hole in the bottom and drainage at the bottom made of expanded clay or small pebbles.
  • - the first 3 weeks are moderate, as the soil dries out.

Planting an Amazon lily without leaves

Before planting, the leaves are completely cut off at a height of 1 cm above the bulb.

  • Planting depth - the top of the bulb looks 0.5 cm above the soil surface.
  • The container for planting is 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the diameter of the bulb.
  • The soil is half sand.
  • Watering is moderate for the first three weeks, as the soil dries.
  • The location is bright and warm.

If you planted an Amazon lily bulb without leaves, the plant will grow new leaves approximately 40 days after planting. The fact that the top of the bulb is above the surface of the ground will make it easy to observe the growth and development of the plant.

Earth for eucharis

Eucharis loves fertile soil with good water and breathability.

The most convenient way is to purchase special soil in a store. You need to choose soil marked “For plants of the amaryllis family.” If this is not possible, you can prepare it yourself by mixing the following ingredients:

  • humus 1 share;
  • leaf soil 2 shares;
  • river sand 1 share;
  • peat 0.5 share.

The plant must be provided with drainage from coconut shells, expanded clay, and small stones. It will remove excess moisture.

Why eucharis does not bloom at home and how to make it bloom

Provide the plant and it will delight you with beautiful, fragrant flowers two or three times a year. The lily's flowers open one at a time and bloom for up to ten days each. Gardeners can create an artificial watering and fertilizing schedule for the lily, which will ensure that the plant blooms multiple times throughout the year.

  • January + 1st half of February = rest period
  • 2nd half of February + 1st half of March = active growing season
  • 2nd half of March + 1st half of April = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of April = active growing season
  • May + 1st half of June = rest period
  • 2nd half of June + 1st half of July = active growing season
  • 2nd half of July + 1st half of August = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of August = active growing season
  • September + 1st half of October = rest period
  • 2nd half of October + 1st half of November = active growing season
  • 2nd half of November + 1st half of December = flowering phase
  • 2nd half of December = active growing season

Why doesn't Eucharis bloom? Errors in care video

Sometimes a plant does not bloom even though it seems to be in optimal conditions.

This means the gardener made a mistake. Here are the most common:

  • Incorrect landing. The young plant is planted in a wide container, the diameter of which is many times greater than the diameter of the bulb. The tighter the plant is in the pot, the faster it will bloom.
  • Sudden change in room temperature. The plant will form weak flower arrows or its bulb will rot, and flowering will not occur if the eucharis is constantly in a draft and in a state of stress.
  • The resting phase has not been maintained. It should last about a month and a half. During this period, the plant is not fed and watered rarely. The lump of earth should be half dry. This is checked using moisture indicators, wooden sticks or the weight of the pot. During the dormant period, the plant needs to have good lighting.

Eucharis diseases

Gray rot

This disease is often found in plants of the amaryllis family, which includes the Amazon lily. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Botridis. Plants located indoors are susceptible to the disease. wet areas with low temperature. First, the leaf plates of the affected flower soften, lose turgor and darken at the edges. Then the infected areas are covered with gray mold and they die.

Prevention measures: removal of infected areas of the plant, treatment of the flower with products containing copper (copper sulfate solution, Fundazol, Topsin-M).

Stagonosporosis (red burn)

Plants located in rooms with sharp fluctuations temperatures or waterlogged. First, oblong red spots appear on the leaves, buds, and bulbs. Then the leaves wither, the flower stalks and buds bend and bend down, and the bulbs rot. Eucharis withers and dies.

Preventive measures: use of high-quality bulbous material for planting, treating the bulbs with a fungicide before planting for half an hour (Rovral, Oksifom, Maxim) and subsequent drying (48 hours).


Fungus gnat (sciarids)

Black midges. Its females place eggs directly on the root of the plant. The larvae that emerge from the eggs feed on the root tissues and inhibit it. The result is a weakened, non-flowering plant.

The reason for the appearance of midges is waterlogged soil in a flower pot.

Preventive measures: Treatment (watering) of the soil with Oktara solution at the rate of 0.8 g per liter of water, adjusting the frequency of watering.

Spider mite

Appear on something that is in a dry and warm room. The plant weakens, the leaves turn yellow and droop.

Prevention measures: in case of a small number of pests - treatment of the above-ground parts of the flower with a solution of laundry soap, in case of massive damage - treatment with acaricides (Kleschevit, Fitoverm, Sunmite, Akarin).

Amaryllis scale

The pest settles in the scales of the bulb. The flower dries out, the leaves and peduncles lose their original shape.

Prevention measures: spraying the plant and soil in the pot with insecticidal preparations (Aktara, Akarin, Vertimek).

Eucharis has one more exotic name- Amazonian lily. This beautiful plant and also very easy to care for.

In addition to apartments, the flower can often be seen in sanatoriums, holiday homes and even at large enterprises.

Today we will discuss plant transplantation and everything connected with it.

What is this for?

Most often, the need for replanting arises immediately after purchasing a plant in a store or as the bulb grows and multiplies, when the old garden becomes crowded. Transplantation is also necessary in emergency cases., for example, when a flower is flooded and there is a suspicion of rotting of the bulbs. See how to do this correctly here. In this article we will look at the features of transplanting a healthy plant.

When purchasing a plant in a specialty store, inspect the pot in which the eucharis is located. Often the flower needs to be replanted. The flower needs space to grow, so if the bulb is large and occupies the entire container, the eucharis must be replanted immediately.

If the bulb is small, then you should not replant the plant right away. Wait until the bulb completely occupies the space of the small pot. And when she becomes cramped, transplant her.
Attention! The new pot should not be too loose; it should be only a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one.

Large ceramic containers or wooden boxes are suitable for replanting, since the plant will continue to grow in size for a long time. Besides, the container must be massive, because it is large root system Eucharis can knock over a light pot.

When is it better to replant a flower and when not to do it?

Transplantation is carried out in March, since it is at this time that the flower is at rest. During the flowering period, it is better not to touch the plant, as it may not tolerate such stress and will die.

There are certain rules for transplantation:

  • Better do it early spring, more precisely in March.
  • Replanting should be done every three to four years.
  • Eucharis is replanted after flowering, when the plant goes into a dormant state.

During transplantation, you should not separate the “babies” unnecessarily. Unlike others indoor plants Eucharis alone has difficulty taking root in new conditions and does not bloom for a long time.

How to replant an Amazon lily at home?

First, a substrate with good moisture capacity is prepared. For self-study you will need some soil:

  • Earth humus - 2 parts.
  • Soddy soil - 1 part.
  • 1 part of soil with peat.
  • Some coarse sand.
Reference! You can add compost and loam to the soil. And to avoid the process of rotting, add to the soil charcoal. Place drainage at the bottom of the container; it can be small gravel, expanded clay, etc.
  1. Try not to disturb the integral structure of the earthen coma, since the flower is extremely sensitive to damage to the bulb and roots. If you need to plant a flower, carefully divide the earthen ball into two or the required number of parts, being careful not to shake the bulbs out of the ground.
  2. Half of the substrate is poured into the prepared pot. Afterwards, 3-5 bulbs are placed in each pot. The substrate is topped up and compacted thoroughly.
  3. Water the flower immediately. And subsequently, during 3 heifers, water as the soil dries. Spray the foliage regularly and within a month you will notice that the eucharis has sprouted new shoots.

Bulbs with leaves are planted 4-5 cm into the soil, but if there are no leaves, the plant is planted 2-3 cm below the ground level. This is done in order to then observe the beginning of the growth of eucharis.
We also invite you to watch a video that clearly shows the transplantation process.

The next move behind the plant

Do not change the location of the pot often with a flower. Otherwise, you will never see flowering. To avoid difficulties when caring for eucharis, constantly monitor the plant and try to help it if there are obvious growth problems.

Yellowing and dying of old leaves of the Amazon lily is a natural phenomenon. But if the yellowing has become widespread, then immediately fix the problem:

  1. Remove the bulb from the pot and inspect it.
  2. If you notice areas of rotting, cut them off and sprinkle the cut areas with activated carbon.
  3. Place the bulb back into the ground and reduce the amount of watering.

Remember one rule that applies to eucharis - better disadvantage moisture than its excess. Water for irrigation should be at room temperature.

Having large leaves, indoor dust often accumulates on the plant, which does not allow the flower to breathe through the pores of the leaf. Therefore, in addition to regularly wiping them with a damp cloth, it is also necessary to spray the Amazon lily with a spray bottle often.

Eucharis should not be replanted frequently. Optimally - once every three to four years.

Feed your Amazon lily with fertilizer from time to time. “Bud”, “Tsveten” and other products are suitable for flowering plants. Introduce them into the soil little by little after watering. But do not fertilize frequently, it is usually necessary only during the period of intensive growth and flowering of the Amazon lily.
Important! The air temperature in the room with eucharis should not fall below +15 ºС.

The flower must be well lit, but at the same time, direct sunlight on the flower is unacceptable. Place the pot with the plant on the east or west side, so the scorching rays of the sun will not reach the eucharis.

Proper replanting allows you to protect the plant from stress as much as possible. And if the flower is not exposed to stress and receives proper care and attention, then ultimately you will get a healthy and beautiful eucharis.

You may also be interested.

Also known as Amazon lily - a bulbous plant that attracts with its delicate white flowers when it blooms and dark green decorative leaves during the dormant period, and it is also distinguished by a subtle delicate aroma during flowering.

The bulb of this plant is quite large, its diameter can be 6-7 centimeters. The leaves are very decorative. Wide, lanceolate, they can reach, at good care and proper and regular feeding, half a meter in height. The width of the leaves can reach 20 centimeters.

Convex relief veins along the entire leaf also make the leaves decorative. Eucharis leaf sprouts look very touching. Delicate green tubes appear from the ground, growing, they gradually unfold, and a beautiful bright green leaf palm with longitudinal convex stripes opens.


In order for eucharis to constantly delight its owners with its flowers, you need to start with correct landing. After you bought eucharis in the store and brought it home, you need to replant it. The earthen mixture and the pot in which the flower was grown are not suitable for the long-term growth of eucharis.
The plant must be removed from the pot, the roots must be washed running water and disinfect in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A pot for constant growth must be selected depending on the size of the bulb.
Before planting, you can hold the roots of the plant in a root solution for several minutes, and then lightly water the ground with the same solution. This will shorten the growth time of eucharis and the flower will more easily tolerate transplantation.

Location and lighting

By its nature, eucharis is unpretentious. You can orient it in any part of the window or room, but it is worth remembering the basic rule: direct sunlight can damage the leaves and scorch them. Therefore, many people place it on the side of the window, where there is enough daylight and direct rays do not fall.

Pot size

You don't need a large pot for planting. Otherwise, eucharis will not bloom for a long time, taking over completely the free space. And one more nuance - there should be several bulbs in the pot. Please note that one bulb requires 5-10 centimeters of pot volume.
From this calculation you should choose a pot for this flower.


First of all, you need nutritious soil. You can buy a nutrient substrate at a specialty store. You can prepare the soil for the flower yourself. There's nothing complicated about it. You just need to follow a few rules.
You need to take 1 part of mullein humus, add 2 parts of coarse sand or sand and gravel mixture, 2 parts compost, 1 part clay component. Mix all this with 4 parts leaf soil.
It is necessary to add drainage to the bottom of the pot where the eucharis will grow. This could be pebbles or special drainage from the store. You can just take a handful of construction expanded clay. It is also good for drainage. Another condition is that the planting soil must be warm. This will speed up the rooting of eucharis, otherwise the bulb may rot, and since rotting begins from the bottom, you can take care of an already dead plant for a long time.


It is enough to replant large eucharis bulbs once every three years; if the flower is young and its bulbs are not so large, it is better to replant it annually.
The transfer time must also be observed. The best time is early spring, early to mid-March.
The bulb is buried 4-5 centimeters into the ground, and if the bulb does not have covering scales, then the upper part (lobe) is left above the ground. This will show that the bulb has taken root and is growing.

Fertilizers and fertilizing

But in no case should you wait until the eucharis begins to shed its leaves. . The plant suffers its leaf fall very painfully; the bulb may no longer resume its growth and die. Therefore, every effort must be made to ensure that the bulb begins to grow again.

If, after you have taken the bulb out of the ground and examined it, you have not found any signs of rotting at the bottom, then you can try to cure the eucharis and bring the bulb back to life. This method requires caution and precision. It is better to carry out this operation together, as the pot may turn over or the earthen lump may not be removed.

The following resuscitation method is possible. You can carefully release the onion with the children from the ground, while trying not to separate the children and the bulb, and place the root in the solution.

A bag of root can be bought at any gardening store. And it doesn’t hurt for a housewife involved in floriculture to keep a couple of bags in reserve.

Prepare a nutrient substrate, and then carefully plant the bulb. After this, lightly water with the remaining root, but under no circumstances overfill.
The beginning of the activation of the plant will be the appearance of new shoots. Then the flower pot needs to be watered and fed. Move to a more illuminated place, but under no circumstances in direct sunlight and avoid places with drafts.
At the beginning of the period of active growth, the flower must be periodically fed. Eucharis does not like fertilizing with a high nitrogen content. Therefore, when purchasing fertilizer, it is important to carefully read the instructions and composition of the fertilizer, and choose one that contains a minimum of nitrogen.
Eucharis, overfed nitrogen fertilizers begins to “grow fat” and blooms reluctantly or does not bloom at all.
Feeding is carried out once every two weeks. You can combine fertilizing with watering. But the best option: light watering, fertilizing and a little more watering to wash away the fertilizer and avoid burning the roots if the fertilizer was diluted stronger than necessary.


Eucharis should be watered as needed.
During the growth period, it is necessary that the soil in the pot is always moist. Therefore, overdrying of the earthen coma is not allowed. Water rarely, but very abundantly.
Eucharis requires special treatment during flowering. If the soil does not dry out and the substrate is sufficiently nutritious, the flower will surprise you with abundant large flowers.
Water for irrigation should be settled and warm. From cold water, just from the tap, a flower can get sick and die. It is necessary to water once every 3-5 days. Do not allow water to stagnate in the tray of the pot. The roots can more easily tolerate mild drought than overwatering the plant. The roots may rot. The “wet feet” effect will appear. The plant becomes depressed and dies.
Eucharis also loves and responds very well to spraying. Just keep in mind that during flowering it is better to avoid this procedure, as unsightly marks may remain on the flowers. rust spots and the flowers quickly wither.
It is better at this time to carefully wipe the eucharis leaves with soft damp cloth. They will shine pleasantly, and no harm will be done to the flowers.


Eucharis is a southern plant, therefore thermophilic. The usual constant temperature for this plant in summer can be from 25 to 30 degrees. But with strong sunlight it needs to be shaded.
This flower does not tolerate drafts. During the dormant period, the plant can tolerate a drop in ambient temperature of up to 18 degrees, but at lower temperatures it may not bloom on time or produce very small and ugly flowers.


Air is necessary for comfortable flower development. high humidity, similar to the climate of tropical forests. How to achieve this? The easiest way is to spray the leaves of the flower with water that has settled in advance. Wipe its leaves with a damp sponge as often as possible.


In order for the plant to regain its strength, it is necessary to trim off the faded flower stalks immediately after the end of the flowering period. Stop fertilizing completely and reduce watering density. It is possible to move the plant to a cooler place and let it rest for about a month and a half.

Pests and diseases

Incorrect, too frequent or, conversely, infrequent watering can lead to plant disease. The root system rots and the plant may die.
There may also be pests such as whiteflies, spider mites ki, thrips. Therefore, the plant must be periodically inspected and ensure that there are no yellowing leaves, spots or damage on the cuttings and the leaves and flowers of the plants.
If red spots appear on the leaves, the flower must be treated with a fungicide. You can buy it at any specialized store (be sure to ask for instructions for diluting the drug). If the damage is quite large, it is best to completely soak the flower in the preparation. This is the first sign of a fungal disease. It's called "red burn". All damaged leaves and peduncles must be removed and destroyed.
Mealyworm can be identified by the white lumps that appear on the plant. Remove all damaged leaves and spray the plant with insecticides.
From time to time you may notice that the leaves turn yellow and die. In case of mass manifestation, you need to analyze what has recently happened to the flower.
Perhaps during this period the watering regime changed dramatically or there was a change in temperature. And if black spots appear on the leaves, then the flower needs a thorough examination and quarantine measures. All watering and fertilizing should be stopped, shaded and observed.
Another unpleasant disease is rotting of the bulb when it is infected by the daffodil fly. The best remedy to combat this disease - soak the onion in hot water rub for four hours (water temperature 40-45 degrees).


Amazon lily , as this flower is most often called by people, resembles a daffodil. The plant blooms twice a year. Flowers appear in spring and then, after a dormant period, in autumn. With good care individual species Eucharis can bloom three times a year.

The flowers look very impressive on a long stem. Usually one powerful peduncle is formed and several snow-white flowers bloom on it, but sometimes, when excellent care and a well-developed adult bulb may produce several flower stalks. They grow quickly, as if competing with each other in speed, and finally buds appear. The entire flower, when the buds open, is enveloped in a delicate aroma.

According to legends, this plant helps to establish kind and gentle relationships between spouses. Bring peace and harmony to the family. Return prosperity and love. Therefore, it is very popular both in our country, where many women know about this belief, and beyond its borders. Eucharis is loved and can often be seen in many apartments and houses.
Our women love it when this plant is given to them; they especially appreciate it when a husband or groom presents the flower. And eucharis flowers woven into the bride’s hairstyle will certainly bring her a happy and long life with her beloved. Eucharis also attracts with its subtle aroma flowers during the flowering period. Delicate white inflorescences are surrounded by an exquisite aroma, which attracts even more attention to this flower.


The plant can be grown either by seeds or by planting bulbs. Three or four bulbs need to be pressed together as tightly as possible when planting. There should not be a strong deepening of the bulbs.
With a single planting, the flower will not bloom until it has acquired several children and the roots have taken over the entire space of the pot. Therefore, we must conclude that when planting a bulb, you need to take a small pot.

Rest period

Before the dormant period, it is necessary to cut off all the stems of the former flower stalks; it is advisable not to touch the leaves. Please note that the plant's dormant period lasts about a month.
Eucharis may not bloom for one more reason - it was not allowed to rest during the dormant period. The plant must rest, so it is better not to water it in winter. Often until the earthen ball in the pot dries completely. You can water only when the leaves begin to wither. Feeding is also not carried out during this period.

Plant toxicity/beneficial properties

Eucharis is a rather poisonous plant. You need to remember this if there are small children in the family. The alkaloid lycorine is a rather toxic substance for humans. It causes a gag reflex when it comes into contact with even large quantity into the body.

It is necessary to protect animals and children from touching the plant, and make sure that the child or animals do not touch, much less play with its leaves or start chewing. Cats especially love to do this.
Whenever you trim leaves or replant a plant, all unplanted bulbs and leaves must be removed from the apartment and your hands must be washed thoroughly.
Of course, eucharis is worthy decoration any gardener's collection.

It will decorate any composition with flowers. It can stand as a separate bright green spot on the windowsill, or it can decorate the lower tier on a stand with flowers, attracting attention with beautiful snow-white inflorescences during flowering or brightly decorative leaves during the dormant period.

Eucharis is also called the Amazon lily, since in nature this plant is found in tropical forests South America. Despite the fact that this crop is a resident of the tropics, it is also widely popular as a houseplant.

Not only are the large white flowers of Eucharis valuable, but also its large dark green leaves, which will be an excellent green decoration for the home. In order for eucharis to regularly delight you with flowering, you need to know how to properly care for this plant at home. It is these nuances that will be highlighted in today’s article.

What is Eucharis flower?

The Amazon lily belongs to the bulbous plants. The bulbs are spherical in shape and their diameter can reach 6 cm. Distinctive feature- large dark green leaves on long petioles. The length of the leaf blades in adult specimens can reach 55 cm. It is noteworthy that the surface of each leaf is covered with protruding longitudinal veins, which give it a special texture.

Figure 1. External features eucharis

Eucharis flowers resemble daffodils in appearance: they are white and quite large, but, unlike daffodils, they are not solitary, but are collected in small inflorescences (Figure 1). Each flower has a crown, the shade of which, depending on the variety, can be green or yellow.

Features of caring for tropical eucharis at home

Despite the fact that eucharis belongs to the tropical species, it is not difficult to care for it at home. The only prerequisite for its cultivation is the presence of a large amount of free space.

So that you do not have any questions regarding the care of the Amazon lily, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main nuances of caring for the plant in more detail (Figure 2).


The advantage of eucharis is that it does not require high light requirements. It will grow well and bloom successfully both in diffused light and in insufficient lighting (for example, on a northern windowsill). The only condition is not to expose the flower to direct sunlight, as this can cause the leaves to burn.

Figure 2. Basic stages of flower care

In summer, the plant can be taken out into the open air, but care must be taken that the eucharis is not exposed to direct sunlight or precipitation.

Air temperature

Eucharis refers to heat-loving plants. During the period of active crop growth, it is undesirable for the temperature to drop below +18 degrees, as this can cause leaves to fall and bulbs to rot.

If you want to stimulate the process of bud formation, you should provide the flower with more heat and light. However, it should be borne in mind that sudden and severe temperature changes can lead to flowers being too small.


Since eucharis is a resident of the tropics, one of the key conditions for its successful cultivation should be optimal air humidity. To do this, during the period of active growth, it is necessary to regularly spray the plant, but this procedure must be completely stopped during the flowering period.

Note: If your eucharis has bloomed and the air in the room is too dry, spraying can be done. But it should not be done frequently, and during the process it is necessary to ensure that water does not get on the delicate buds of the plant.

In addition, you need to periodically remove dust from the above-ground parts of the plant. This can be done with a damp sponge. This procedure will not only increase air humidity, but also prevent the spread of diseases and pests.


Eucharis should be watered regularly, but in moderation, since the plant does not tolerate both waterlogging and drying out of the soil.

To determine the optimal time for watering, you should check the moisture content of the substrate in the pot. When it dries by a third, it is necessary to add moisture to the pot. The soil should not be allowed to dry out completely, as this will lead to drying out of the roots and may cause the death of the crop. But also overwatering very harmful for eucharis, since excess moisture can cause rotting of not only the roots, but also the bulb.

It is better to place the pot with eucharis in a tray, into which excess moisture will subsequently drain. When the tray is full, it must be cleared of water and wiped dry.

Soil composition and choice of growing pot

The soil for growing eucharis should be loose and well-drained. You can buy such soil in a specialized store, but, if desired, you can make it yourself. To do this, mix 4 parts of leaf soil, 2 parts of compost and sand, and 1 part of turf soil and clay.

The pot for growing a flower can be anything. The only condition is the presence of drainage holes in the bottom, through which excess moisture will flow into the pan. In addition, when planting eucharis at the bottom of the container, it is necessary to lay out a layer of drainage.

Fertilizer application

Fertilizers are applied only during the period of active growth and flowering of the crop. For this you should use special mineral supplements for flowering crops, and they must be diluted in water in accordance with the instructions.

Fertilizers are applied regularly, every two weeks. After the flowering period ends, fertilizing is completely stopped.

Planting and transplanting

Eucharis reacts very painfully to transplantation, so it is performed no more often than once every 3-4 years. It is impossible to disturb the plant unless absolutely necessary, since eucharis reacts negatively not only to the violation of the integrity of the earthen coma, but also to any manipulations with the bulb and roots (Figure 3).

Note: Transplant eucharis into new pot it is best to use the transshipment method, and the procedure is recommended to be carried out in March, when the plant is at rest and will not react so negatively to transplantation.

Eucharis transplantation at home is carried out as follows:

  1. The soil in the pot must be carefully loosened with a wooden stick to straighten the large roots of the crop.
  2. Tangled parts of the roots cannot be separated manually. It is better to wash them with water to free them from any remaining substrate.
  3. The bulbs are planted in pre-prepared pots with nutritious soil and drainage, placing them 2-3 cm below the soil level. The earth around is well compacted.

Figure 3. Plant transplantation step by step

Unlike other bulbous plants, during transplantation of which young bulbs are separated from the mother bulbs, this procedure is not carried out in eucharis. If you separate the children from the mother bulb and plant them in separate pots, flowering will be completely absent for several years.

Features of reproduction

To propagate eucharis, seeds and plant children are used, but at home, preference should be given to the latter method.

Figure 4. Flower propagation by bulbs during transplantation

Unlike other bulbous plants, for propagation of which single children are used, growing a young eucharis will require dividing an adult bush (Figure 4). It is better to carry out this procedure during transplantation. The mother plant is carefully removed from the pot and divided into several parts. Moreover, each part must consist of at least 4 children. Only under such conditions will the young eucharis take root well in a new place and bloom this year.

Caring for eucharis after flowering

Eucharis, like other plants, needs rest after flowering. At the same time, the crop does not have a clearly defined period of vegetative dormancy, since it does not shed its leaves.

To give the plant the necessary rest, immediately after flowering has completed, remove all wilted buds and completely stop feeding (Figure 5). You should also reduce the frequency and intensity of watering. You can also move the eucharis to a cooler room.

Figure 5. Eucharis after flowering

The period of vegetative rest lasts approximately one and a half months. As soon as you notice that small shoots have begun to appear on the plant, you can gradually increase watering, as this indicates the awakening of the culture.

Diseases and pests

Even with proper care Eucharis can become a victim of diseases or pests. Of the insects, the most significant damage to the crop is caused by thrips, scale insects and spider mites. However, a pest invasion is only possible if the eucharis has not been properly cared for. Therefore, if your flower has become a victim of insects, you need not only to treat it with insecticides, but also to reconsider the care of the crop.

If we talk about diseases of eucharis, it most often affects gray rot, which manifests itself when excessive high humidity air and substrate. If you find signs of the disease, you should immediately reduce watering and treat the crop with Bordeaux mixture.

More useful information You will find information about caring for eucharis in the video.


It is recommended to transplant in March, during the dormant period. Gently loosen the earthen ball and straighten the roots; their most tangled parts can be washed with water. The bulbs are planted to a depth of 2-3 cm, after which the soil around them is well compacted. If the bulbs are missing leaves, you can plant them so that the top remains above the soil, which will allow you to observe the beginning of growth.

The substrate is prepared from leaf soil, compost, coarse sand or other baking powder. Sometimes the mixture is made up of heather, turf and deciduous soil with the addition of sand. If desired, heather soil can be replaced with peat soil. For eucharis, prepare the soil moist, but not waterlogged.

In order to grow a lush plant specimen with a large number of leaves, you should use a wide container with several holes in the bottom for planting. At the bottom you need to pour a thick layer of drainage from shards or expanded clay; if this is not done, the eucharis bulbs may rot from stagnant water.

3-5 bulbs are planted in one container; group planting is a prerequisite abundant flowering. If you plant the bulbs individually, they will not bloom until they have multiplied in sufficient numbers. Eucharis blooms better if the pot chosen for it is small.

After transplanting, eucharis should be watered very carefully for 2-3 weeks, when the surface of the soil dries out. If the plant has leaves, they need to be sprayed generously regularly. About a month after planting, the top of new leaves will appear from the bulb.

Watering should be moderate; the soil should not be over-moistened or over-dry. For irrigation use soft, settled water. During the growth period of the plant, the substrate should be kept moister than that of other bulbous plants; after flowering it should be stopped.

Eucharis grows best in well-lit places, but it tolerates a lack of light well. At the same time, midday sun is contraindicated for it, so it is best to leave the plant on a western or eastern window.

Eucharis can be taken out into the open air during warm periods, but care should be taken to protect it from direct sunlight and precipitation. You should not leave the plant outside during cool nights, especially during the first autumn frosts. It is recommended to stretch a small piece of plastic film, creating a small greenhouse around the eucharis.