Spell for wheat grains. Attracting wealth with grains

Since on the Equinox Festival it is customary to plant seeds for future prosperity, I propose to also carry out such a well-known ritual with wheat to attract a one-time amount of money. It is good to do it on Thursday or Sunday. In our case, it’s good to use Thursday while the energies of the equinox are still in force. By this time you will have time to buy wheat grains; they are usually sold in health food stores. The bags are called “Wheat for Germination”.

Take a pot of soil. Some people use larger containers. Some people manage to use the floor part of the apartment as a field.

So, let's take the pot. Mix the soil with wheat grains and small coins. It is better to take coins from the family piggy bank (if there is one in the house), from your wallet and the wallets of family members (or clients). Coins are like a sacrifice, a percentage of future income. After the ritual, they should not be used, but rather thrown away.

Mix. We water and whisper: “ Mother wheat, you feed young and old, the poor and the bar. From the grain you give 10, and 15, and 20. Give me, named (NAME), money to be born, like this wheat. Just as it grows day and night and doesn’t let me die of hunger, so let my money grow and feed me. So be it.

It is better to do the ritual on someone from whom it is easier to obtain this amount. This is either you yourself, if you work or have the opportunity to earn extra money. Or your husband, wife, parents, etc.
We mix the earth with wheat and coins in a clay (best) bowl, used exclusively for magical purposes (a kind of bowl), while trying to imbue the earth, wheat, and coins with intention as much as possible, while colorfully visualizing the result.
If we do it not only for ourselves, but, for example, for one of the family members, then we indicated both him and ourselves as the NAME, that is, we say " us names...." (in the case of a client, of course, only the client’s name).

After the ritual, water your creation every Thursday and Sunday and whisper " Wheat will grow, money will come"When we water, we “feed” the wheat with energy with our hands, plus visualization, of course. When the contents of the pot wither, throw it away. Leave the pot.

If you are in a great hurry and it is impossible to tinker with the soil, you can simply pour the wheat onto a white saucer without a pattern, add a few coins there, add water, the plot is the same, cover the saucer with a piece of natural fabric (a piece of towel or a handkerchief will do in a pinch). Well, water as described above.

The result should be within lunar cycle. Although, in theory, this is a ritual to attract a one-time sum of money, it can also be a fortunately turned up additional income, an increase in salary, or the same notorious suitcase lying on the ground. It all depends on your personal strength and desire invested in the ritual.

Ritual with grain

A symbol of strength, fertility, life, immortality, renewal, health, wealth. Dishes made from grain were traditional and ritual at festive and ritual meals. At Christmas they sprinkled grain on all the people in the house and the house itself. At the wedding, grain was sprinkled on the newlyweds, which gave them fertile strength and promised good harvest, happy family life. A handful of grains was also placed in the baby’s cradle. They brought grains as gifts, sacrifices, and asked for a good harvest. Among the Slavic peoples, grains were sprouted in a pot at Christmas, to help winter grain in the field. Grain was sprinkled in the yard to protect pets and birds. Grain was sewn into clothes. It was a talisman. In fairy tales, great power is hidden in one small grain. And one grain can sow an entire field. And one grain contains a whole house and estate. You just need to be able to get this grain, which only the worthy can do.

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Ritual for money This ritual is done on the fifth lunar day on the waxing moon. Take a coin with a face value of one ruble and recite the “Our Father” prayer on it three times. Then recite the following plot three times: “I go to trade as a merchant, I return on a sable a fine fellow, I bring home a treasure.

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Ritual for wealth Prepare ten identical coins, a bowl, holy water and two green candles. Place a bowl between the candles and light them. Then pour water into the bowl and say: “Let the bowl be filled, let the wallets be full, let the wealth come into the house.”

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Everyone knows that the Moon has a significant influence with its phases on the Earth and everything on it. That's why there are money rituals performed specifically for the new moon when the new month gains its strength and spreads its magical energy.

Money Growing Ritual

Let's carry out
analogy: we grow fruits and vegetables in order to have a supply of them and eat them. So why not divorce the so-called money garden and not harvest there?

Shows us that anything is possible (don't worry, this magic is white:). A prerequisite is the new moon or a couple of hours immediately after it. We take a certain amount of banknotes and we plant them, that is, we lay them out somewhere on the cabinet or on top of the hanging shelves.

The main thing is that the money was not visible your household, because they cannot be touched or disturbed during the germination period. It is advisable for them to be in a place that receives moonlight, although just an open space will also work. When we lay out money, we think positively, we think about wealth which will now always accompany. We cast a magic spell:

“So that it exists and grows. My word is strong, molding and true. So be it!”

We leave it to germinate charmed banknotes for 3 days. After the expiration date, germinated and soaked magical power month, the money needs to be collected (the main thing is not to forget about it, they really don’t like it) and channel it into the monetary channel, i.e. spend completely Having bought something at your discretion, for greater importance you can add a little to them. This the ritual works it can be repeated monthly, which will guarantee the germination of the money garden all year round.

New Moon Money Growing Ritual

Another ritual of germination of money, also held on the new moon. You'll need a saucer white without a picture, copper coins (7 pieces), a handful of wheat and a handkerchief, preferably green (cash) color.

We put coins on a saucer, sprinkle wheat on top, and cover everything with a handkerchief. Now we water it through a handkerchief once every 3 days. money-wheat mixture, and the water should be a little warmer room temperature. While watering, we say:

“Mother wheat, you feed the young and the old, the beggars and the bar. Let me, God’s servant (name), give birth to money like this wheat. It grows night and day, it doesn’t let you die of hunger. Let my money grow like that, they feed me. God bless. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen!”

We transplant the sprouted grains into a clay pot so that they grow and increase your monetary energy. Coins, now they are specially charged unique ones, you can put them in your wallet, in your pockets, in your purse, so that they work on attracting other money.

Money plot on water

CONSPIRACY - spell for the new moon and water. We perform the ritual on the night after the birth of a new month. Pour water into a glass and say protective words:

“Jesus Christ, help, ever-Virgin Mary, bury.”
We leave a glass of water on the windowsill behind the curtain and leave it until the full moon. In, pronouncing the words:
“As the month was bad, but became full, so would I, the servant of God (name), be full of all good things. Said - cut off. Forever and ever. Amen."
Let's wash ourselves with this one, charged with lunar energy, water, moisten the comb, comb your hair, and imagine how the lunar energy fills and envelops. During the process of combing and washing, we pronounce the spell words 7 times. This ritual not only increases well-being, but also .

Check writing ritual

Very interesting and effective ritual. Having done it at least once, and seeing the result, you will do it every new moon.

This ritual - writing checks. Having done it, you will be pleasantly surprised by cash receipts, as if from nowhere, be it a bonus at work or a sudden gift. By the way, this also includes good news.

For example, you were at an interview, and they wouldn’t give you an answer as to whether they would hire you for a new prestigious job or not. So, the information about your enrollment is exactly that good news which was mentioned. And now about the ritual.

On the new moon or the next few hours immediately after it, we write ourselves a check. The Universe, which hears and heeds all our good requests, will find the opportunity to give what you ask for. First you need to find the one you like best. At all, in all rituals listen to your inner voice, he will tell you what and how to do. We fill out a check from the Bank of Abundance of the Universe.

  • Date - date - set the real current date
  • Pay - to pay, in this column we write our last name and initials. In the white field is a monetary amount, and no matter what currency you use, the Universe knows what money you need. Now the most important thing decide on the requested amount. Here again it’s worth listening to your inner voice. Say the sums to yourself and pay attention to your feelings. The amount from which you feel uncomfortable, you begin to doubt, is the monetary limit in this ritual.
  • To the order of - here you can write why are you asking this amount? and what you are going to spend it on. Maybe you really want new boots or a smartphone. In this field you enter what you are going to buy for the requested amount of money. In the process of writing a check, it is very good to imagine what you want, to dream, to mentally consider, to feel as if it is already in your hands, in a word, to believe with all your heart in your dream.
  • drawer - infinitely abundant Universe
  • signed - sign, put the signature of the person writing the check, but remember that you are acting on behalf of the Universe.

Everything is ready, put the check in a place inaccessible to prying eyes, and live your normal life. The Universe can fulfill your order immediately, or maybe during the time the moon is growing. Can give you the entire amount at once, or maybe in parts, or maybe, as already mentioned, good news. In any case, don't forget to thank the Universe.


All rituals must be performed with a pure heart, good intentions, respect and gratitude as monetary energy, money, and the Abundant and Generous Universe.

Money is very important for any person; it allows you to feel confident and successful in the modern world. There is hardly a person on the planet who will say that he does not need money. It’s just that some of us need them in large quantities to implement large-scale projects, while others simply need to satisfy basic life needs.

Money grain love spells

Magic, both black and white, offers ways to attract money through magical means. A love spell for money allows you to improve your financial condition, which means you become more successful and confident. Rituals aimed at attracting financial resources are recommended to be carried out during the waxing moon. As a rule, these love spells last for a year, so they are recommended to be performed regularly. Grains are widely used in magic. In many cultures around the world, grain is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Grain dishes were traditional at festive feasts and various ritual meals. In all countries of the Christian world, there is a tradition of showering people and their homes with grains at Christmas, thus wishing them well-being in life. One of the most popular is love spells on money using grains. Such rituals are considered one of the most powerful and effective in the magical world. When performing any ritual, it is important to imagine the purpose of attracting money. Simple example:
    Urgently needs to be returned a large sum money, in cases where the debtor is in no hurry to repay the debt; Attract money to the house, in cases where money does not linger in the house, when all family members are working hard; Receive a large amount of money to realize a specific goal or to solve a specific problem.
Any love spell for money that uses grains must be carried out with full confidence that with its help it will be possible to attract wealth to your own home.

Raising money

To perform a magical ritual, prepare:
    New bright patterned fabric that will be used as a tablecloth; A sheet of green paper; Seven grains from different cereal crops. It is very important that they are alive. To make sure of this, you should first germinate them; A crystal vase; Several yellow candles; Coarse canvas fabric.
After preparing all the necessary attributes, you need to focus on the thought of how you will behave and how you will feel when you have money. At the same time, try to program yourself to be positive. Then, on a green piece of paper, write about your attitude towards your family and friends, describe your state of health and well-being emotionally. Having finished the description, you should perform the following steps:
    Spread a tablecloth on the table; Place a folded green leaf on it in the center of the table; Place a crystal vase on the leaf; Place the prepared seeds in the vase; Light the candles; Holding the vase with one hand, walk around the table three times.
After this, one part of the magic grains should be placed in your own wallet, and the other, along with a note, should be wrapped in canvas. It needs to be hidden in the house in the right corner, and in such a way that this place will never be discovered by anyone. If all the conditions for a love spell for money are met, then the result should come in a month. The main condition for the effectiveness of this love spell for money is holy faith in its power.

Love spell ritual “Money porridge”

This love spell for money came to modern world since the days pagan Rus'. To carry it out, prepare a handful of wheat grains, from which the magic porridge will be cooked. In addition you will need:
    A green scarf that is imbued with human energy. If there is none, then you can replace it with a piece cut from some old clothing. Four thin wax candles purchased at the temple.
This money love spell is performed at midnight on the new moon. First cooked wheat grains are heated in a frying pan, and the well-known prayer “Our Father” is read over them nine times. After this, you need to give the calcined wheat time to cool slightly. At this time, spread the prepared green piece of paper on the table and place candles in its corners and light them. After this, the cooled wheat grains should be poured into the center of the flap. Next, a money spell is performed - cross the poured grains three times. And above them, clearly and distinctly pronounce the following magic words:

“On a distant and deep sea-ocean stands the island of Buyan. There is land on it that is unknown to anyone. There is a golden throne on it, on which the Son sits God's Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother of God Ever-Virgin Mary. I am God's Slave ( given name) I will find the island, go around it and find that land. I'll come close and bow low. Holy Mother of God Ever Virgin Mary! You lived on earth, took holy white bread into your hands, paid for it, carried it in your bag. So I ask you, Omnipotent and Almighty, give me as much money as there are grains on this scarf. Amen".

After this, the candles should immediately be extinguished with your fingertips, and the grains should be carefully poured into a saucepan. You need to wrap the candle stubs in a cloth. Such a bundle should be stored in a secret place, inaccessible to others. It will serve as a talisman and attract money into your home. If anyone ever discovers it, the ritual will cease. Pour the wheat with water and cook in the usual way. You cannot add salt or any other seasonings. Ready porridge Eat it yourself, you can’t treat anyone to this dish. It is recommended to repeat this ritual every six months, using the same piece of green cloth and candle stubs.

Ritual “Growing Money”

A very effective love spell for money is one in which grains are used to “grow” money. To do this, you will need to use seven copper coins of different denominations and a handful of fresh wheat grains that can sprout. On one of the days of the waxing moon, the coins should be placed on a saucer and sprinkled with grains. Then such a money-wheat mixture should be covered with several layers of gauze or a piece of dense natural fabric and poured over warm, but not hot water. After this, the saucer should be placed on a well-lit windowsill. Every day, watering the grains warm water at the same time, you need to pronounce the following words:

“Mother wheat, you are the nurse of the earth, you feed everyone on earth: the young and the old, the rich and the poor. From one grain you give up to twenty grains to the people of earth. So help me, mother wheat. Let money be found and born in my pocket and wallet. And I will spend them wisely on all sorts of good deeds. You grow day and night, so let there be no break in my money, so that I don’t be in poverty and don’t grieve. Amen".

After the first sprouts of wheat appear, you need to carefully remove the coins and put them in your wallet separately from other money. You cannot spend charmed coins. Transplant the sprouted wheat into a pot of soil and leave it to grow on the windowsill. While it grows, the effect of the magical ritual remains. After a while, the ritual of “growing” money should be repeated. As soon as the wheat sprouts, carefully remove the coins and transplant the grains into clay pot and place it on the windowsill. Always carry the charmed coins with you: you can put them in a special compartment in your wallet, sew a bag and put them in your bag or pocket. Any ritual using grains to attract money into life requires a sincere belief in magic. Out of curiosity, such an action should not be carried out. It won't do any harm, but it will be absolutely useless.

Spell on wheat grains

This ritual requires preliminary preparation. On the new moon, you need to buy a bag of whole wheat cereal (or wheat grains for planting) and a green headscarf (wheat and green signify abundance). Wheat must definitely be bought, and you cannot buy it from men and you cannot take change.

Spread a scarf on the table. Apart from a scarf, there should be nothing on the table. Draw a circle on the scarf with soap and pour wheat grains into the circle. Ring finger right hand draw a cross on the wheat and say:

There is one island on the sea, on the ocean.

There is land on that island.

There is the Lord God, the Mother of God and me.

I'll come closer to them

I will bow to them lower.

Mother of God, you lived on earth,

took the bread into my own hands,

paid for bread with money,

I carried money in my wallet.

Without money they won't give you food,

clothes will not be woven,

They won't sell candles in the church.

Give me, Lord,

how many grains are on this scarf,

so much money in my wallet.

I close my words, I close my business.

Key, lock, tongue.

Then wrap the wheat in a scarf and hide it in a secluded place. After a week, you can pour the wheat into a cereal jar, cook magical porridge from it and eat it. Wash the scarf: if you decide to perform this ritual again, it can be reused. But you have to buy cereal again every time.

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