How to kill a bloody mary. The Legend of Bloody Mary. Calling Bloody Mary outside the house on the street

The legend of Bloody Mary dates back about a thousand years ago, but became known to the bulk of people only in the late seventies of the twentieth century - at that time the story of Bloody Mary was received by the editors of several newspapers.

Bloody Mary is the evil spirit of a witch who, centuries ago, was sentenced to be burned at the stake for using dark magic. There is also a more ancient, reliable and fact-based story about the cruelest queen of England of all time - Mary Tudor, who ordered more than three hundred people to be burned at the stake during her reign. There is also a third version of the legend of the emergence of an evil spirit, about an unfortunate young girl who died under the wheels of a car, but I believe that this is just a fantasy of sophisticated minds.

So, let's talk about who she is, how, when and where she lived. In Pennsylvania, in the old wooden house There was a woman named Mary who made her living by collecting medicinal herbs and plants and putting them up for sale. In the area, everyone considered her a witch and gave her the nickname Bloody Mary. The notoriety came from the fact that young girls who passed in the vicinity of her house disappeared and after that no one ever saw them. Meanwhile, the old woman’s appearance did not deteriorate over the years, but on the contrary, she began to look younger and look more attractive. However, there was no evidence of her guilt.

One autumn evening, the daughter of one of the most conscientious peasants had a strong quarrel with her sisters and announced that she was leaving home immediately. She got dressed and went out into the darkness, despite her mother’s requests to stay at least overnight at home. The father returned from work and, having learned about what had happened, immediately went in search. Since he was known as a respected man in the village, many decided to help him. After searching the area for several hours, people finally noticed the girl and the bright light directed at her, coming from the hands of that same witch. Seeing a crowd of peasants, Bloody Mary began to run, but one of the men shot the muscles on her upper leg with a gun and she fell to the ground. There was a lot of fuss, especially temperamental hunters were going to stab the old woman with pitchforks right on the spot, but still it was decided to wait until dawn and burn the witch at the stake. The sorceress was tied up and her hands were nailed to a tree so that she would wait for dawn in agony.

When morning came, the entire village was gathered in a small field, not far from the house of the dark sorceress. Overnight her palms became very swollen from rusty nails, and his face was all blistered, bitten by hungry insects. With a terrible look, the witch angrily glanced at the gathered people. The peasants built a pallet on which they built a huge fire like a hut, and in its center they placed a cross to which they tied Bloody Mary. Burning in the fire, she angrily read the curse - from then on, anyone who stands in front of the mirror and clearly calls her three times, while thinking “I believe in Bloody Mary!” will be brutally killed by a vengeful spirit.

The legend of the scary witch has become especially popular among young people in the United States, with many teenagers invoking the spirit of Bloody Mary just for fun. However, such a source of adrenaline is very dangerous. just to kill boredom is not recommended.

Bloody Mary

I thought for a long time about which legend to open our community with and, in the end, decided that it would be best to start with the classics.

The legend of Bloody Mary is known not only in America; Mary is very popular in other countries.
In Russia, I remember, there was a prototype of Mary - the Queen of Spades, who could be summoned if, standing in front of a mirror, you said three times: “Queen of Spades, come!” Remember this horror story?
The legend of Bloody Mary is very old. In 1978, folklorist Janet Langlo published an article dedicated to Bloody Mary. At that time, this belief was unusually widespread in the United States; at friendly parties, both girls and boys called Mary. No one knows the true origin of the legend, so the title of Bloody Mary is claimed both by a witch who was burned in ancient times for witchcraft, and by an unremarkable young woman who died in a car accident these days - it all depends on where in the United States this story is told to you.
Legend collector psychologist Charlotte Benson notes that 90% of children aged 7 to 15 still believe in the truth of the legends of Bloody Mary and Sweet Man.
In 1999, after the release of the film Urban Legends, the story of Bloody Mary found a rebirth.
The state of Pennsylvania is considered the birthplace of the legend of Bloody Mary.
Deep in the forest, in a tiny hut, there lived an old woman who collected medicinal herbs for sale. People living in the nearby village called her Bloody Mary and considered her a witch. No one dared to contradict the old hag, fearing that she would send pestilence to the cattle, rot to the supplies, fever to the children, or create some other terrible evil that witches are capable of, angry at their neighbors. Somehow, little girls began to disappear one after another in the area. Grief-stricken parents searched the forest, surrounding buildings and farms, but could not find any traces of the missing children anywhere. Several brave men even went to the forest to see Mary, but she denied her involvement in the disappearance of the girls. She did not dispel suspicions, but there was no evidence against her. However, the neighbors noticed that the old hag had changed noticeably: she looked much younger and more attractive...
One night, the miller's daughter got out of bed and left the house, captivated by a sound that no one but her had heard. That night, the miller's wife had a toothache and was sitting in the kitchen preparing a decoction to relieve the pain. Seeing her daughter leaving the house, she called her husband and ran out after the girl. The miller rushed out of the house in his underwear, and together with his wife they tried to stop the girl, but in vain. The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke up the neighbors. Many rushed out into the street to help desperate parents.
Suddenly the miller screamed and pointed out to his neighbors a strange light at the edge of the forest. There, near the big old oak tree, Mary stood and pointed with a magic wand to the miller's house. She glowed with an unearthly light and cast an evil spell on the miller's daughter.
The villagers armed themselves with whatever - sticks, pitchforks - and rushed to the witch. Hearing their approach, the witch interrupted her witchcraft and tried to hide in the forest. One prudent farmer, taking a gun loaded with silver bullets, shot at her. He hit the witch in the leg and the woman fell. Enraged people grabbed the witch and dragged her to the square, where they built a huge bonfire and burned Mary. Soon after her death, the villagers went to her house in the forest and found the graves of the missing girls. The witch killed them and used their blood to rejuvenate herself. Burning at the stake, Bloody Mary shouted a curse. Anyone who mentions her name in front of the mirror will be visited by her vengeful spirit and the person will die a terrible death. Since then, anyone foolish enough to say “Bloody Mary” three times in front of a mirror summons the spirit of a witch. These unfortunates are destined for a painful death, and their souls, caught in the mirror trap, will burn forever in hellfire, since Bloody Mary herself was once burned.

History of the legend
The Pennsylvania legend very likely has earlier English roots. The English Queen Mary I Tudor (1516-1558), famous for her cruelty, received the popular nickname Bloody Mary. An ardent Catholic, during the 5 years of her reign she sent more than 300 people (mostly Protestants) to the stake, including Archbishop Cranmer. There were rumors that she used the blood of Protestant girls to prolong her youth.
According to another version, the prototype of Bloody Mary is Mary Worth, who was accused of killing her own children.
In 1986, Ian Harold Brunvand, known for popularizing the term "urban legends," even dedicated a chapter to her entitled "I Believe in Mary Worth."
And 8 years earlier, folklorist Janet Langlo published an article, also dedicated to Bloody Mary, but different: students at a Catholic seminary talked about a spirit named Mary Wales. The girl allegedly died from loss of blood - her face was torn off.
Another option, already cinematic: Bloody Mary is the brutally murdered Mary Worthington. The killer cut out her eyes. Her spirit inhabited the mirror in front of which she died. Before her death, the girl tried to write the name of the killer on the wall, but did not have time, and the secret of her death followed her to the grave. Wherever the mirror was transported, Mary followed it and killed everyone who was foolish enough to call Bloody Mary.

Want to try your luck and call Bloody Mary?
Okay, just keep in mind: legends are legends, fairy tales are fairy tales, but...
In general, decide for yourself.

Here's what to do
Wait until night.
Go into the bathroom.
Close the door, light the candle.
Look straight into the mirror and say three times: “Bloody Mary, come to me!” When you say these words for the third time, you will see Mary over your left shoulder.
Remember, when you notice it, it's too late to do anything.

Bloody Mary can:
a) kill the person who called it.
b) scratch out his eyes.
c) drive you crazy.
d) pull him along with you into the mirror.
If you did what you were supposed to do, but Bloody Mary didn’t come, don’t rush to make a complaint: perhaps she’ll come see you later.
In fact, think how many people are standing at the mirror at this very time and trying to call Mary!
There are many of you, but she is alone.
But keep in mind, Bloody Mary has you on her list.

And now - about more pleasant things.
We all know that there is also a cocktail - “Bloody Mary”.
Shall we talk about him?

BLOODY MARY: A brief introduction to the history of the famous cocktail.
First - the recipe. So:
vodka - 3/10
tomato juice - 6/10
lemon juice - 1/10
Worcestershire sauce to taste
Tabasco sauce to taste
celery salt
salt to taste
ground black pepper to taste
In a highball glass (or just a glass) with ice, mix all the ingredients.
Take a glass. Pour into a shallow wide saucer lemon juice(or lime juice), in another similar saucer prepare a dry mixture of salt, ground pepper (preferably cayenne, but black can also be used) and dill seeds. Now sequentially dip each glass with the top edge into lemon juice and immediately into a mixture of salt and spices. It turns out to be such a rim on the edge of the glass. Place ice cubes in the glass (the quantity is at your discretion) and carefully, so as not to damage the decorated edges, pour the cocktail into them.

Cocktail history:
The world famous Bloody Mary was born in 1920.
It was then that bartender Ferdinand Petit put on a real show at Harry’s bar in Paris. In front of a huge number of visitors, he began to mix vodka, tomato juice and a bunch of sauces. No one could guess what he was doing and the visitors began to argue about what the bartender was preparing: a new cocktail or ketchup.
Ferdinad poured vodka, tomato juice into a tall glass, added Tabasco (with red pepper, vinegar and salt) and Worcestershire (with soy, vinegar and spices), and seasoned the resulting mixture with a good amount of salt and pepper. Despite the unusualness of the recipe, customers liked the drink.
Now the new cocktail had to come up with a name.
There were many options: “Bucket of Blood”, “Glass of Blood”, “Red Grenade”. But most of all, fans of the new cocktail liked the name “Bloody Mary”.
They say that one of the visitors remembered the American silent film star Mary Pickford (in the world Gladys Mary Smith). But there is another legend according to which the cocktail was allegedly named after another woman - a little-known Broadway singer who loved to wear provocative red dresses. True, the names of the two actresses were soon eclipsed by the English Queen Mary Tudor.
Who was the first to connect the name of the cocktail with her name, history is silent. But today the whole world believes that the drink was created and named after her. Tudor went down in history as the most bloodthirsty ruler of the United Kingdom (there is a document in which the Roman Catholic Church apologizes for the religious crimes of the damned Mary). Be that as it may, the cocktail became known as “Bloody Mary”.
In 1933, he was even given a presentation, but in New York at the King Cole Bar. The cocktail was presented as best medicine for a hangover and was included in the pick me up’s category (literally “pick me up”).
Of course, there are many varieties of Bloody Mary.
We all know the simplest option: tomato juice and vodka. Who hasn't tried it? But, of course, this is just a variation; for a real “Mary” you still need Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco.
If you do everything as in the recipe, but remove the alcohol (why? Why?!), then such a cocktail will be called “Virgin Mary” or “Virgin Mary”.
Don't have vodka on hand, but do you have gin?
Also a way out! This Mary has been made in the northeastern United States since the 1950s, when vodka was hard to come by. After supply volumes were restored, the vodka cocktail was called “Red Hammer” for some time.
If you replace vodka with Mexican beer, you get something called Michelada.
Got a bottle of sake? Tomato juice, sake, spices - and “Bloody Geisha” is on the table! Knowledgeable people They say that this cocktail goes well with Japanese horror films, such as “The Ring.”
Tequila instead of vodka is also useful: Bloody Mary in Mexico is almost as popular as the famous Mexican Flag cocktail.
Whiskey instead of vodka – Whiskey Mary, modestly and tastefully.
Sherry, plus tomato juice and everything else - "Bloody Bishop", the only man in the company of Bloody Mary varieties.
But, of course, the main thing in preparing a cocktail is a sense of proportion.
For example, in 1960, Americans Herb and Taylor created their “Bloody Mary” - juice, vodka and 22 other natural ingredients!
This, of course, is intricate, and painfully troublesome.
Not surprisingly, the new cocktail was not a success, but the old Bloody Mary is still loved by everyone.
But don’t even think about calling for a real Bloody Mary after sipping a cocktail!
Legends are legends, but anything is possible!

One of the oldest and bloodiest games is rightfully called the game of summoning the spirit of Mary. To play it, you need to light candles and say the name of the spirit in front of the mirror, thus evoking the entity. Despite the thrill that this entertainment brings, you need to think carefully before learning how to call Bloody Mary at home. This game is especially dangerous for young children with unstable psyches.

Who was Mary

She was an innocent girl named Marie Tudor, who was killed, and now her soul is filled with a thirst for revenge. The offenders cannot escape the terrible punishment of Bloody Mary; the spirit will come to them for retribution. Children love to tell a story about a little girl who lived with her mother. Once she ran into the kitchen to her mother to show her drawing of a ladder. A terrible picture awaited her there - her mother was lying dead on the floor with Chinese knives sticking out of her back.

Suspecting her neighbors in what had happened, the girl took the knives out of the lifeless body and went to them. She managed to kill several before getting hit by a car. The girl's hands were cut off, and the corpse was disposed of in a well. Since then, the embittered soul has taken revenge on everyone involved in the death of the mother, the people who knocked down someone and threw the corpse into the well, and also those who painted the stairs.

Spirit Summoning Ritual

The ritual of summoning a bloody spirit will not require a person to special effort, however it can bring very unpleasant consequences. It is not for nothing that this magical action is considered very dangerous, because it is associated with the release of a terrible entity capable of horrific acts. This entity feeds on human emotions, and human fear gives it strength.

Of course, you need to be aware of the full degree of responsibility before you begin to perform a magical ritual. You must remember your safety. The best protection are lit candles and the use of prayers. The Bloody Mary Challenge consists of the following steps:

  1. You need to stand in front of a mirror and, looking intently into it, say the phrase “I believe in Bloody Mary!” three times;
  2. Close your eyes, imagining an angry woman in front of you;
  3. Open your eyes and peer into the mirror reflection, in which the spirit of Mary should appear behind the back of the one who called her. The main thing is not to turn to the summoned Bloody Mary under any circumstances.

Other calling methods

In order to summon Bloody Mary during the day, you will need a candle, a mirror and an assistant. The ceremony is carried out in the bathroom with the water turned on: as legends say, the sound of the water was the last thing the girl could hear before she died. You need to do the following:

  1. Turn on the water;
  2. Keep one hand on the mirror and the other on the assistant;
  3. Say the phrase “Bloody Mary, come!” at least three times.

After such actions, the silhouette of a bloodthirsty spirit appears in the mirror reflection. You can protect yourself from it using the icon. She will not allow the entity to come out of the mirror and harm the person who dared to call it.

Despite all the dangers of magical actions, kids love everything supernatural, it attracts them like a magnet. They like to perform a mysterious ritual, especially at school. To make the ritual safer, under no circumstances should you use real blood. It is better to resort to lipstick, a mirror and three candles.

To perform the ritual, you need to go to dark corridor and draw a ladder on the mirror, initially you need to light the candles in front of it. Then you need to say the phrase “Bloody Mary, appear.” After these words, a bloody entity will appear.

It is necessary to put out all the candles and turn the mirror over at the moment when the silhouette of the figure reaches the last step. By breaking the rules, the person calling Mary will give her the opportunity to free herself from mirror captivity and take revenge on her next victim.

Possible consequences

Often teenagers like to make videos about summoning an evil spirit. However, most of this material is just another way for a child to attract attention and does not pose any serious danger. Often, otherworldly entities do not like to be filmed, so it is impossible to preserve any evidence of their existence other world in publicly available sources. They seem to evaporate from there, and no one can give a rational explanation for this.

Regarding the photographs taken during the ritual to summon the spirit of Mary, they always show a picture similar to a female silhouette, dressed in a bloody dress. It is known from unverified sources that an angry spirit, having come to the person who called it, will want to inflict cruel reprisals on him. The consequences can be the most terrible - bruises and abrasions, scratched eyes, loss of reason.

Adrenaline lovers should think carefully about what such a dangerous ritual can lead to. Many people who once caused a bloody spirit to this day are unable to look at mirrors without anxiety. Mary really doesn't like being bothered by mere mortals; she craves revenge and gets indescribable pleasure from it.

Are you wondering if Bloody Mary is real or just an urban legend? Well, she is real. Or at least it existed. The myth is based on a true story.

According to legend, you must stand in front of the bathroom mirror with one lit candle and say “Bloody Mary” three times. Only the bravest children are able to do this because, as the legend says, by doing so you will summon her spirit.

If you see her ghostly face in the mirror, it can lead to the following terrible consequences:

  1. Your eyes will be torn out and your face will be horribly cut up.
  2. You will be found dead with claw marks all over your body and face.
  3. You will mysteriously disappear from the bathroom and be forever captured by the ghost in the mirror.

You can also go crazy and die on the spot.

The story of this game is based on a mixture of legends and historical facts that have formed the basis for an urban legend over the years.

The most famous story is about Mary Worth, who was a witch who lived hundreds of years ago and practiced black magic. They found out about this and executed her.

Another story is closer to the present day: a woman was in a terrible car accident and her face was horribly disfigured before she died. When she is called, she appears with the same terrible face.

The names “Mary Worth” and “Bloody Mary” are believed to come from historical figures. Mary I, Queen of England, or Mary Tudor, who reigned during the Tudor period, was also commonly known as “Bloody Mary.”

Her nickname, “Bloody Mary,” became attached to her as she brutally executed and burned people at the stake for heresy during her 5-year reign as Queen of England.

She also couldn't have children and had two phantom pregnancies, which is why there is a variation on when to say "I stole your baby."

There is another suggestion that the name “Mary Worth” comes from one of the victims who died during the Salem witch hunt.

Another possible origin for the legend could be Elizabeth Bathory, or Countess Dracula as she is called. She was a Hungarian royal who was rumored to kill young girls and bathe in their blood to preserve her youth and beauty. Of course, her name was not Mary, but somehow, the story of this cruel woman was inserted into legend.

The Japanese have their own version of this legend, called Kushisake-Onna, or Slit Mouth Woman.

How to play Bloody Mary? You need one candle, a brave heart, and a bathroom with a large mirror.

Turn off the lights, light a candle, look at yourself in the mirror, and begin to chant slowly

“Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary.”

And watch what happens...

If nothing happens, try turning around yourself three times and look in the mirror. You can just catch a glimpse of her scary face.

Give it a try, but if you do, don't blame me if you end up trapped in a ghostly underworld with the ghost of Bloody Mary forever!

She lived deep in the forest in a tiny house and sold medicinal herbs. People living in a nearby town called her Bloody Mary, and it was rumored that she was a witch. No one dared to contradict the old hag, fearing that his cows would become thin, his food supplies would rot before the start of winter, his children would get fever, or other numerous misfortunes would happen that the evil witch could send to the neighbors.

Then the little girls in the village began to disappear one by one. No one could understand where they had disappeared to. Heartbroken families searched the woods, local buildings, and every home and barn, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary's house to find out if she knew anything about the missing girls, but she denied knowing anything. However, it was noticed that her gaunt appearance had changed. She looked younger and more attractive. The neighbors had suspicions, but there was no evidence that the witch had taken their girls.

Then night came when the miller's daughter got out of bed and went outside, enchanted by a sound that no one else heard. The miller's wife had a toothache, and she was sitting in the kitchen, trying to cure the tooth. medicinal herbs when her daughter left the house. She called her husband and they followed the girl. The miller came out in his nightgown. Together they tried to hold the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and went out of the city.

The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke up the neighbors. They ran out to help the inconsolable couple. Suddenly the farmer, who had good eyesight, shouted and pointed to a strange light at the edge of the forest. Several townspeople followed him into the field and saw Bloody Mary, standing nearby with a large oak tree, in her hands she held magic wand, which pointed to the miller's house. She glowed with an unearthly light, casting evil spells over the miller's daughter.

The townspeople grabbed their weapons and pitchforks and ran to the witch. Hearing the noise, Bloody Mary stopped chanting and ran back into the forest. The eagle-eyed farmer loaded the gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came for his daughter. He took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the thigh and she fell to the ground. The angry townspeople picked her up and carried her to the field, where they lit a large fire and burned her.

As it burned, Bloody Mary shouted a curse to the residents. If someone says her name in front of the mirror, she will send her spirit to take revenge on them for her death. When she died, the villagers went to her house in the woods and found the unmarked graves of the girls she had killed. She used their blood to restore her youth.

From this day forward, anyone foolish enough to say Bloody Mary's name three times in the dark in front of a mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. They say that she will tear the body into pieces and tear out the soul from the mutilated body. The souls of these unfortunates will experience the same torment that Bloody Mary experienced when she burned at the stake, and they will forever reside in the mirror.

Bloody Mary rituals are quite popular and common among both children and adults. Before asking the question “How to make Bloody Mary at home?”, You need to understand what it is and why there are so many legends surrounding this story.

Who is Bloody Mary?

There are many versions of the origin of Bloody Mary. Some of them are based on children's horror stories, while others are based on completely reliable historical facts.

The most popular fairy tale that used to scare children is the following story. A little girl who lived with her mother drew a ladder. When she went to show her mother, the girl found her mother lying dead on the floor with knives sticking out of her back.

Little Mary immediately decided that the killers were her neighbors, who often mocked her. After she killed several people, she was hit by a car. The dead girl's hands were cut off and thrown into a well.

After this very incident, the ghost of the girl haunts the people who killed her mother. The spirit also comes to children who draw ladders. Only if she seeks to kill the first, then she simply scares the second.

Of course, this is just a made-up children's story. But there are more realistic explanations for the origin of Bloody Mary.

For example, according to English legends, the prototype of Mary could be Queen of England Mary I Tudor, also known as Mary the Catholic and Bloody Mary. She was the child of King Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, and also the sister of the notorious Elizabeth I, one of the most famous queens in English history.

She was nicknamed Bloody Mary not without good reason. Queen Mary was very cruel and bloodthirsty. During the entire time she was on the throne, the queen killed and burned countless people. Some even note that Mary used the blood of young girls for her rejuvenation.

The plots of many films are based on this story. Each director offered his own versions of the legend, which, of course, significantly distorted the facts.

Many people consider Bloody Mary just a children's entertainment, however, a considerable number of people are interested in how to summon it. There are several effective ways, which will be described below.

How to make Bloody Mary at home?

There are two main rituals for Bloody Mary to come. They are mainly used by teenagers for entertainment and to get adrenaline. But psychics do not approve of this attitude towards this kind of rituals. After all, the consequences can be the most unpredictable.

So you shouldn't do such things just for pampering purposes. For example, these rituals used to be used by young girls to look at their future groom. And they did them with extreme caution. No one knows how the connection with the other world may end.

The most popular method of calling at home requires only a candle and a mirror. The ritual must be performed at night. There should be no light sources in the room other than a lit candle. You need to stand in front of a mirror with a burning candle and whisper the following words:

"Bloody Mary, come!"

Moreover, they are pronounced at least 3 times. Then you should simply look at your reflection with such a look, as if through a mirror. After a while, the reflection will begin to seem shapeless, unnatural and even creepy. When this happens, you need to slowly move your eyes a little to the left, behind your shoulder.

After a while, a certain image will appear over your shoulder - it could be the face of the future groom. It is forbidden to turn back. If the reflection begins to move and attempts to touch, you should immediately end the ritual by saying the following words at least three times:

"Bloody Mary, go away!"

Under no circumstances should you turn on the lighting, because this may prevent the spirit from leaving the room and then it will forever remain within the walls of this house and will in every possible way interfere with living in it. The candle fire should also never go out. If this happens, the spirit will be able to leave the mirror and occupy the person's soul.

If all the rules are followed, the ritual should proceed calmly and without unwanted incidents.

Another way

To implement the second method you will also need a mirror, a candle, and red lipstick. Unlike the first, this ritual can be performed during the day. Avoid using blood instead of lipstick. It is strictly forbidden to play with the mirror in this way. The consequences can be the most frightening. The ceremony itself goes as follows.

IN dark room you need to draw a ladder using lipstick, then light a candle and say:

"Bloody Mary, come!"

After a short amount of time, the sounds of footsteps should appear. A fuzzy figure will appear in the mirror and will go down the stairs. She wants to go beyond the mirror. If all this happened, then you immediately need to make the ghost disappear. To do this, say three times:

"Bloody Mary, go away!"

Otherwise, the ghost is able to change places with the person performing the ritual, that is, move him to the mirror world, and himself occupy the freed body. Therefore, one should approach the calling of the spirit with extreme caution.

In addition, after the ritual, bruises and cuts may appear on the body, which occur on their own, without physical impact from anyone. That is, you need to be as confident and attentive as possible when performing such rituals.

There is a possibility that after all the rituals done, even if they were performed correctly, the ghost did not come. The ritual should not be considered unsuccessful in this case. After all, the road was open, which means that a creature from the other world could appear suddenly, taking you by surprise.

How to call Bloody Mary at school?

How to summon a spirit within the walls of a school? This question is asked by teenagers who want to play and get a dose of adrenaline. As a rule, they do not think much about possible negative consequences. But no one can save them from this activity.

However, there is a ritual for calling Bloody Mary at school. You need to find a dark office, sit on the floor, place 3 lit candles in a row in front of the mirror. Then you need to draw a staircase with red lipstick. Under no circumstances should you use own blood. After doing this, say:

"Bloody Mary, appear!"

Only a few moments will pass when the ghost begins to slowly descend the painted stairs. He will strive to leave the mirror and get out. Maximum caution must be exercised here. You must allow the spirit to reach the last step, then quickly blow out the candles and turn the mirror in the opposite direction. If this is not done, a ghost can easily inhabit a person’s body and drag him into the looking glass. Cuts and bruises may occur.

Calling Bloody Mary outside the house on the street

Many, wanting to protect their home, choose another place to call the spirit. Outside the house, a vacant lot would be ideal for such a place. There must be a lot of space so that if the spirit is released there is somewhere to escape.

To carry out the ritual you cannot do without candles; you will need as many as 6 of them, you will also need salt, red and white chalk.

You need to wait until midnight, go to a vacant lot or other pre-prepared place. You need to draw a circle with white chalk, in the center of which you place and light candles. Scatter enough salt around. This circle acts as protection. Use red chalk to draw a staircase outside the white circle.

After all the preparations, you should say:

“Bloody Mary, come to me, give me the answer!”

Repeat three times. In a few seconds a young girl can be seen walking up the steps. She will be covered in blood. She needs to ask a question and wait for an answer. At the same time, it is forbidden to look her directly in the eyes. If this happens, the woman will try to push the soul out of the man and take his place; expelling her in this case will be very difficult, even impossible. After receiving a response, you should immediately say:

"Bloody Mary, get out!"

Then you should quickly extinguish the fire on the candles and erase the red chalk, otherwise the road from the other world will remain open.

Warnings and possible hazards

Any rituals to call upon spirits, especially such bloodthirsty ones, are very dangerous and risky. As noted earlier, if the spirit does not appear immediately after the ritual (although this rarely happens), this does not mean that the ritual has failed. The ghost will want to study in detail the person who tried to contact him, and after some time the connection will certainly take place.

Before direct contact, the spirit will carefully observe, find out everything weak points and will definitely use this knowledge to his advantage. Such a ritual can cause mental illness, even result in death.

It is important to remember that when a ghost appears, you should never give in to fear and panic. This will only help the spirit take control of the person. You need to understand that it is impossible to please a bloodthirsty ghost, much less make friends with him.

It is important to strictly follow these rules, only then the ghost will not be able to harm a person in any way and penetrate into real world. You should also control your emotions and not let fear take over your feelings. It is recommended to think a few times before wondering how to summon a Bloody Mary.