Homemade mower from a washing machine motor. Utopia or reality: do-it-yourself lawnmower from a washing machine. Using a chainsaw and grinder

The lawn mower has firmly entered our everyday life, replacing the scythe. It allows you to keep the lawn in perfect condition, which means it is simply necessary in a household where there is at least a small lawn in front of the house. Stores offer a wide selection, but the prices suggest the possibility of making a lawn mower with your own hands, using the engine from an old washing machine.

Lawn mowers come in different capacities with gasoline and electric motors. Gasoline units are usually used over large areas, they produce a lot of noise, are capable of processing large volumes of grass, and are not tied to power, that is, they are mobile. In gardens and summer cottages, electric lawn mowers are usually used; they are very convenient for plots up to 12 acres in size. The only drawback of such a lawn mower is the need to limit movements to the length of the cable.

The design of a lawn mower cannot be called complicated. It consists of a body, knives, a motor and a control lever. An engine is installed on a platform with wheels (there can be 2, 3 or 4), knives are located under the platform, handles and a control lever are attached to the platform. Some models of factory-made lawn mowers are equipped with a container for mowed grass, they can be adjusted to cut height, and they are self-propelled. Our lawnmower, made with our own hands from what was lying around in the barn from the “too bad to throw away” cycle, does not have such qualities. After this, you will have to remove the grass with a rake, you will have to carry it around the lawn yourself, using some force, the mowing height will be the one that we set during assembly. But it may well keep our lawn in perfect condition, not inferior to expensive models.

What does it consist of?

To make a lawn mower with your own hands you will not need many things:

  • motor from an old washing machine,
  • wheels from an old baby stroller or cart,
  • metal sheet 2–4 mm thick,
  • tool steel knives,
  • thin water pipe for the handle,
  • electrical cable,
  • fork,
  • switch

A 180 W motor, taken with a starting relay and a capacitor from a simple washing machine, or perhaps a Soviet model, is quite suitable - its heaviness will come in handy here. It is better if the motor is asynchronous - it makes less noise. The wheels need to be selected (or made with your own hands from plywood and bearings) so that the blades are at a height of 5–6 cm from the ground - this will be the height of grass mowing. The number of wheels depends on the wishes of the owner: 4 - guarantees stability and the same height of the grass, 3 (with 1 wheel installed in the rear of the frame) - the same, but more economical, 2 - ensures mobility and maneuverability, the ability to work at different angles. A two-wheeled machine will be easier to navigate among bushes, trees, or some decorative elements installed on the lawn.

The metal sheet for the frame should be approximately 30 by 50 cm; usually the width of the frame is made at least 30–50 cm, and the depth is such that the engine and the casing that covers it do not protrude beyond its boundaries. Knives are usually made by hand from mild steel 2–3 mm thick and 20–50 mm wide; the steel should not be brittle; a hacksaw blade for wood will work well. The cutting edge should be slightly curved downwards, this will protect the motor shaft from winding up the grass. The handle can be made by bending the water pipe so that it is comfortable to hold it without bending over. The handle is welded to the frame of the lawn mower; it must provide a place for winding the cable.

Video “How to make a lawn mower with your own hands using a motor from a washing machine”

Video instructions on how to make a mower yourself using a motor from an old one washing machine.

Manufacturing plan

Having selected all the components, you can start making a lawn mower with your own hands; this can be done in one weekend day. If you have a ready-made chassis from a stroller or trolley, then you need to install and weld a platform on it from metal sheet. If there is no such thing, then first you need to weld a frame from a metal corner (preferably 25 by 25 mm in size), weld wheel stands (2, 3 or 4) from the same corner at the corners, and weld a platform to it. From the pipes you need to make a U-shaped handle of a convenient height in accordance with your height and weld it to the platform.

After this, a hole is cut in the platform for the motor shaft. A safety bar or grille made of mild steel must be welded to the front of the frame. The grid is even preferable; it will absorb the energy of the knife if it suddenly breaks, protect the knife from slipping off the shaft, and fix the plant stems for more even mowing. The upper and lower strips of the grille can be bolted, and pre-formed wire can be welded to them. This grill must provide a gap for the knife of at least 1 cm in front and 2 cm below and above.

The electric motor is installed on the platform, the shaft must pass into the prepared hole. A prepared knife with sharpened cutters is installed on the motor shaft; a hole must be drilled in the middle in advance. The knife must be balanced and centered. You can check this by twisting the knife manually - it should spin easily and without distortion. The engine must be covered with a special casing to protect it from grass, but we must not forget that it must be cooled during operation, which means it is advisable to make holes in the casing.

After this, you can connect the cable to the engine; its section with a switch and plug must be secured to the handle. During operation, you must ensure that the electrical wire is not damaged, otherwise you may receive an electric shock. To reduce the risk, it is advisable to cover the metal handle with a rubber casing.

Advantages of the device

A lawn mower made by yourself has a number of advantages over a factory one. Its creation freed the barn from the old washing machine, wheels, wire and other things lying around that were waiting in the wings. The final cost of the lawn mower will seem ridiculous compared to those offered in stores, even taking into account the purchased parts. Among other things, a device made with your own hands can be repaired by the same hands if necessary. A person who has managed to assemble such a device can always improve it, refine the design, and replace spare parts.

Video “Ready lawn mower from a washing machine”

In this video you can see how a finished lawn mower works from old typewriter.

Regular lawn care stimulates the growth and development of green cover, making the grass thicker and more uniform. Mowing the lawn without additional equipment is difficult, especially if we are not talking about a small area around the house, but about a spacious lawn. In order not to buy ready-made equipment, you can assemble a lawn mower with your own hands. In this article we will tell you in detail how to make one from a broken washing machine.

How does a mower work?

Electric mowers are quite simple in design. All mechanisms are connected in a certain order, which ensures stable operation.

Rotor mechanism drawing

Design of a homemade lawn mower: 1 - knife; 2 — support frame; 3 — protective visor; 4 — wheels; 5 — motor mounting rack; 6 — electric motor; 7 - switch; 8 — handle; 9 — flange for mounting the lawn mower blade; 10—grid

The package includes the following items:

  • electric motor;
  • frame;
  • knife elements;
  • chassis;
  • control handle.

The motor is fixed on the wheel frame, the deck is attached to its lower area, and a handle is installed on one side.

Unlike a self-assembled lawn mower from an angle grinder, factory modifications comply with safety and convenience rules; in addition, they may have the following components in their design:

  • grass catcher;
  • mulching mechanism;
  • protective device against wear of knife elements;
  • handle with height adjustment function.

Before you make a lawn mower with your own hands, you need to understand the principle of operation, which in this case is the same for all devices. The motor drives the output shaft, which also produces revolutions and transmits them to the cutting parts. This is exactly how lawn mowers from a Druzhba chainsaw, washing machine or factory devices function.

VIDEO: Tips for assembling a car with your own hands

Which engine to choose

The type of power unit directly depends on the area planned for processing and its relief. As a rule, home craftsmen do not go through the options and use any motor that is available in electrical engineering or household equipment. The following options are suitable for a DIY lawn mower:

  • washing machine motor;
  • trimmer motor;
  • vacuum cleaner;
  • electric drills;
  • Bulgarians.

A gasoline power unit from a chainsaw will also serve as an excellent basis. The most optimal motor is an asynchronous type, capable of producing more than 3000 revolutions per minute. The higher it will be given value, the better a homemade lawnmower using a chainsaw, trimmer or other equipment will cut the lawn.

For an electric drill, a drill with a speed of 1500-3000 rpm is quite suitable

The larger the width of the bevel, the worse it will affect the uniformity of the resulting surface. For example, for a working width of 50 cm you will need a power unit of 1.5 kW and 1500 rpm.

Knife device - material and shapes

The easiest to manufacture and effective option A two-bladed horizontal type knife will serve.

Knife fastening unit: a) - bushing; b) - single knife; c - double when installing the engine at least 2850 rpm.

For correct operation, it is necessary to observe the dimensions and proportions of the knives, as well as center them so as not to create play when beating.

To make it you need:

  • prepare a steel bar with dimensions corresponding to the grip of a homemade mower - 300-500 mm and width - 2-5 cm;
  • on the front part you need to sharpen it yourself at an angle of 60°;
  • the back part is bent a few millimeters.

This design of the lawn mower will allow you to create uniform cutting and laying of the cut grass.

Body part and mowing shield

The frame of the device will simultaneously serve as a frame for the knife element and a housing for all equipment. Most in a simple way To equip a home-made lawn mower with a housing, a ready-made option will serve:

  • large frying pan;
  • basin with small depth;
  • bottom of the pan.

In the prepared lawn mower blade, you need to create a hole for mounting the motor shaft.

Wheel and handle sizes

The diameter of the wheel setup directly depends on the topography of the plantation and required height haircuts. Masters landscape design claim that the most optimal value for a lawn it is 50-60 mm. It should also be taken into account that when setting a large parameter, the grass is cut unevenly, and otherwise, the passage of a lawn mower with small wheels will be difficult.

As for the number of wheels, they are chosen solely at the request of the master. But here are some important factors to keep in mind:

  • 3-4-wheel modifications are the most stable on different terrain, while they provide the same cutting height, which makes the lawn equally trimmed;
  • a homemade lawn mower made from a chassis with two wheels is a maneuverable option that allows you to mow grass in difficult areas, but here you need to create a special drawing of a frame that will protect the blade from contact with the ground;
  • The 3-wheel variation, where two wheels are closer to the operator and one in front, is less stable, but more agile.

The handle is also made by hand. It is enough to weld pipes with a diameter of 2-3 cm. You can also borrow a handle from an old cart.

There is an option on how you can make your own lawnmower from a washing machine. The converted model can easily cope with a plot of up to 5 acres. But here it should be taken into account that such a device cannot withstand increased loads, so during operation it must be periodically disconnected from the network.

What details are needed:

  • asynchronous electric motor - a motor from a Soviet washing machine with a power of more than 200 W is perfect;
  • semi-automatic washing machine switch;
  • wheels with a diameter of 100 mm;
  • steel strip with a width of 5 cm and a length of 300-500 mm, depending on the width of the coverage;
  • steel sheet with parameters 30x50 cm;
  • profile pipe for handle;
  • steel corner for frame;
  • 3-wire electrical cable with plug;
  • fasteners - nuts, bolts and studs.

As a washing machine, it is assumed that only an electric motor is used together with a start relay

In addition to the parts, to create an electric lawn mower with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • keys of all types and sizes;
  • electric drill;
  • welder;
  • multimeter;
  • pliers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • soldering machine;
  • hammer;
  • level, etc.

Stages of work

  1. Making a frame for a trimmer with your own hands

From metal corners you need to weld the frame taking into account the width of the blade element. Make a hole in the platform through which the engine shaft will come out.

You need to fix the running posts on two parts of the frame and attach the platform to the base. Next, an arc is mounted on the front side of the case, which will act as protection for decorative garden plants from an accidental cut.

  1. We make a knife for homemade design

The boundaries of the cutter should be marked on a piece of metal, after which the blade cutter needs to be sharpened according to the drawing. Next, a hole is drilled in the center for fixing to the motor shaft.

  1. Making a handle

Select the most suitable height, approximately 90 cm, and based on this data, cut the metal pipes and weld them into a U-shaped handle. It is recommended to wrap the working part with insulating tape or put on a rubberized casing.

  1. We connect all the components

The wheels need to be secured to the sides of the chassis. The power unit is mounted on a platform, and the shaft must exit through a hole to the base of a homemade lawn mower. The blade element is fixed to the shaft; it must be carefully centered and balanced so that as a result of work it cannot become distorted.

The motor is covered protective casing, in which several holes must be made to prevent overheating. Connect the electrical wire to the engine, check all connections for integrity and try the first start.

VIDEO: How to assemble a unit from a washing machine

A lawnmower with a washing machine engine sounds more than strange at first glance. But if you think carefully, there is nothing strange about this. A lawn mower is inherently quite simple device, which, however, is incredibly expensive in the store. Yes, it’s not even a matter of money, but of principle. If you are an experienced DIYer or want to become one, then why pay someone for a ready-made lawn mower when you can make it yourself, especially since you have a garage full of the necessary parts.

About the functionality of the homemade product

Some will say: “ugh, a homemade lawn mower, it’s not safe, and it will be less useful than a branded product!” In fact, these statements are nothing more than the prejudices of slackers who are afraid to once again pick up a screwdriver and pliers, let alone a more or less serious tool. If you do everything correctly, a homemade lawn mower will be no worse, and in some ways even better than factory models - for the price, that’s for sure.

The power of the lawn mower will be enough to mow the grass without any problems, and the body can be made very compact, so that in the future it will be easier to store such a self-made unit. Issues of operational safety can also be called into question, because even when using a factory lawn mower you can get hurt. Much here depends not on the device, but on the person who uses such a device.

A homemade lawn mower, the design of which we will propose in this publication, is no more dangerous than equipment from the world's leading companies.

Required parts and tools

So, if you are determined to make your first lawn mower yourself, you need to remember that you first need to collect the necessary parts and tools, and only then craft your plan. First let's talk about materials.

  • A commutator motor from an old washing machine. This is the main part of the lawn mower. Experts advise taking the engine as powerful as possible. Better not even from a washing machine, but from a Soviet-style centrifuge.

If you don't have powerful engine– it doesn’t matter, the lawn mower will still be quite functional.

In addition to the main parts, you will need a certain number of fasteners: studs, bolts, nuts, washers, well, everything as usual. Now let's say a few words about the necessary set of tools.

  1. Various open-end and socket wrenches.
  2. Electric welding.
  3. Drill.
  4. Measuring tools.
  5. Multimeter.
  6. Bulgarian.
  7. Marker.
  8. Hammer.
  9. Pliers.
  10. Screwdrivers.
  11. Soldering iron.

Work progress

Well, let's get started. If, during the process of making a lawn mower with your own hands, you realize that some parts are missing or it is better to take others instead of some parts, it doesn’t matter, this is normal. After all, when you make something with your own hands, you get involved in the creative process and don’t even notice how you’re improving the original project. The exact same thing will happen in your case. But let’s not “go deep into philosophy,” but let’s get down to business.

The first thing we will do with our own hands is to make a cart chassis to which we need to attach wheels. The chassis should be located low from the ground, we are making a lawn mower, not a cart for removing garden waste.

Cut out in the center of the platform round hole, such that the motor shaft passes through it and some gap remains. We place the engine with the shaft down so that the shaft fits into the prepared hole. We mark a place on the platform for the engine frame.

When the engine is installed on the platform, it is easier to mark the place for its frame.

We fold the corners into a frame and weld them to each other. To ensure that the engine sits securely in this frame, you can additionally fasten it with a special clamp - there is no need to weld the engine housing to the frame. Next, install the lawn mower handle. It can be welded, but it is better to bolt it to the corners so that the lawn mower can be disassembled later if the need arises.

Now we need to connect the motor. In this case, it is better to install the starting capacitor and other electrical components in a special plastic box. If you don’t have a box at hand, you can take a regular one plastic bottle. Such a bottle can be attached to the engine itself, but it is better to place the switch on the handle of the mower for greater convenience.

Now we attach a suitable bushing to the motor shaft, put a knife or cutting disk on it and secure it. In this case, it is important that the knife is located at the desired height and is securely fastened. In order for the knife to fit onto the sleeve, you may have to drill a hole in it - see for yourself. That's it, the electric lawn mower is ready, now all that remains is to connect it to the network and arrange the first mowing of your lawn.

Security measures

When using a homemade lawnmower, be careful. Do not turn on the device in the rain or when the grass has not yet dried. Factory lawn mowers have everything electrical wires reliably insulated, and the engine is enclosed in a waterproof casing. In our case, if we decide to mow the grass in the rain or after it - defeat electric shock can't be avoided.

Do not share the lawn mower with children or use it near children or pets playing. Before mowing the lawn, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the grass: children's toys, stones, garden hoses, etc. If the blade jams during operation, do not touch it until you have turned off the power to the mower. Be reasonable and everything will be fine!

Summer is the time for gardening work, and just getting things in order. own plot. That in order for it to have a well-groomed appearance, it is periodically necessary to take measures against the growth of grass, which not only spoils appearance, but also interferes with work on the site.

Alternatively, you can manually weed the grass, or you can trim it using a lawn mower. This method is good because we get a neat, well-groomed area just tens of minutes after we start cutting the grass. Making a lawn mower with your own hands from a vacuum cleaner is no more difficult than from other household devices that have a fairly strong motor.

How to make a lawnmower from a vacuum cleaner

In order to assemble a homemade lawn mower from a vacuum cleaner, you will need a welding machine, some sheet steel, an old baby stroller, and an unnecessary saw or hacksaw.

All you need from a baby stroller is a chassis that is a good size for making a lawn mower with your own hands from a vacuum cleaner. Large wheels move well over uneven soil and grass without getting stuck. Therefore, you can trim off all excess, or leave the handles (depending on the stroller itself) that we will hold on to when cutting the grass. The lawn mower is made for the convenience of working on the site, therefore the handles for it can be made separately by adjusting your height.

With a self-made structure, without straining, the area can be turned into a neat, pleasing to the eye.

Many, looking far away low prices on these devices, they are thinking about how to make mechanical lawn mower with your own hands or electric. Among industrial lawn mowers, gasoline ones are very popular.

Its main advantage is autonomy, i.e. no need to connect to the mains. Having made it, you can work on difficult terrain and fairly large areas.

The most complex device is a lawn mower with an internal combustion engine. But the domestic Kulibin manages to assemble it, for which the latter take a motor from a chainsaw.

You can simply make the much-needed unit with your own hands, choosing one of the methods: from an angle grinder, a Druzhba chainsaw, a trimmer and, of course, from a washing machine.

Do-it-yourself lawn mower using a chainsaw

Any domestic saw model is suitable for making a tool with your own hands, since they, unlike imported analogues, have greater power, which will help the lawn mower cope with weeds. A self-made lawn mower will consist of several components:

  • engine;
  • frame - the support on which all the parts will be located;
  • protective casing;
  • knives;
  • wheels;
  • pens.

The motor taken from the chainsaw must be in working condition. It is installed on a base made from a 25x25 mm corner welded in the shape of a frame with dimensions of 600 x 500 millimeters.

The frame is equipped with wheels, the size of which can be selected individually. A height-adjustable handle is attached to the chassis, for the manufacture of which water pipes are suitable.

Of course, you can make it unregulated, but in this case, it is less convenient to work with, especially if more than one person will use the lawn mower. Having screwed the “steering wheel” to the finished handle, extend the fuel hose and gas cable so that the gearbox can be positioned at a right angle to the engine.

This will allow the shaft of the DIY structure to be placed at the bottom, screwing it to the frame. For this purpose, they use a special hole located on the gearbox and in the chainsaw (used for fastening tires), and two special studs of the flywheel casing located in the lower part.

Video: DIY lawn mower

At this point, making the base for a lawn mower with your own hands can be considered complete. All that remains is to fasten the cutting tool, for the manufacture of which you will need a chainsaw “star” - you need to fasten a pipe on it, the length of which is 80 millimeters and the diameter is 50 millimeters, in a coaxial position.

This section will need to be processed on a lathe. Another pipe of the same length, but with a larger diameter - 58 mm, is put on the first one to form a kind of telescopic shaft, connecting its pipes with M6 bolts. The latter must be parallel in the diametrical direction.

To be able to adjust the cutting height of the weeds, several holes will be required to allow the pipes to move relative to each other to compensate for the imbalance. It is also necessary to provide a knife base, for which a special steel disk is welded to another pipe, the size of which is 180 millimeters in diameter and its thickness is 4 mm.

How to make a lawn mower from an angle grinder?

Modern “craftsmen” most often use the following method of making a lawn mower from an angle grinder.

To do this, they install it on a hoe, securing it regular tape. The disk is taken from a circular saw because it fits perfectly in size. They also attach an electrical cord to the handle of the simplest garden tool - a hoe, so that it does not interfere with work and does not get under the mower.

At this point the manufacturing is completed, but you can increase the diameter of the disk and, if necessary, process a large area.

From a vacuum cleaner

Its production is not difficult, so any gardener can do it.

The main thing is to have patience and the necessary details:

  • wheels (suitable for a stroller);
  • cooker;
  • 2 steel sheets;
  • a hacksaw or an old saw.

To ensure that a self-assembled lawn mower moves easily, it is recommended to use large-diameter wheels, which will not be affected by uneven areas in the area.

Steel is suitable for its manufacture. The motor is placed on the support so that the shaft is in the lower area.

All that remains is to protect it with a casing, the thickness of which is 1.2 mm. The diameter of the “protection” holes is required to be 4 mm larger than the diameter of the shaft. If the size of your site is large, you need to think about an extension cord that is wound on a reel. You also need to remember that the propulsion system should be located at a distance of 3-4 cm from the ground so that the device is not damaged during operation.

A metal disk is installed on the motor shaft, which can be made from sheet metal, then welded to the end of the motor shaft. The dimensional coefficient of the disk is 38-40 mm.

What you need to know to make a lawn mower from a washing machine

At first glance, a DIY lawn mower from a washing machine looks somewhat absurd, but in reality this is a very real way to get a tireless assistant in caring for your area.

It turns out that making such useful design You can by taking a washing machine motor, which is reliable, designed for long-term operation and significant loads.

In addition, the washing machine has drive belts and two pulleys. The 1700 rpm motor from an old washing machine just needs to be mounted on the frame. Then the knives are connected to the shaft. With installation asynchronous motors There are no problems with washing machines.

You can simply connect the washing machine motor using a winding starting capacitor or use the existing control unit to start the motor as a single-phase one.

Below is the diagram.

But a motor with a power lower than in a washing machine, for example, 500 W, is perfect for making a homemade design. It all depends on what kind of capture area you want to have. The larger this value, the more power the engine will need.

The wheels needed to move the lawnmower out of the washing machine can be “borrowed” from an old baby stroller, as well as the handle that helps push the device and serves as the basis for attaching the wire. Below, i.e. On the side opposite to the one where the engine is mounted, a knife is attached.

It is put on the motor shaft using a flange, which is easy to machine lathe. The flange is attached to the shaft using three bolts. You will also need water pipes and steel corners.

The design of a washing machine has practically no drawbacks: there is no smell of gasoline, there is no noise or exhaust gases, the start-up is quite smooth, as is maintaining the speed. But the main thing is the minimum number of parts and compact design from a machine that has served its service life.

The disadvantages of a device made from a washing machine include that the movement is not large enough, which is limited by the length of the cable.

Lawn mower blade

This is the most important detail on which the result of work and the durability of the device depend. Quality knife easy to do. It comes in two types: solid and composite.

Solid knife

The first one looks like a plate, the working surface of which is sharpened along its entire length, with a hole in the middle. The plate is made of solid steel. If the knife is two-bladed, it is important to carefully balance it so that vibration cannot quickly destroy the shaft of the power unit. To make the knife dull more slowly, the sharpening angle should not be less than 60 degrees.

For uniform placement of weeds during mowing, back side bend (like a propeller). The steel is “tempered” before processing using a gas torch, after which it is hardened again and sharpened.

Since the mechanical part of the lawn mower operates under extreme conditions, the rotating parts of the shaft must be protected from winding up the weeds being cut. To do this, you need to install a casing in the center (a tin can will do).

The described knife works flawlessly until the first “collision” with a stump or stone hidden under the grass. A knife with a folding blade is more durable.

Composite knife

For its manufacture, you can use less hard steel, and work surface sharpen the knife not over the entire frontal surface, but only on sections 5 cm long. When struck, the high-quality steel blade will simply bend at a right angle, and the knife will not deteriorate, nor will the drive shaft.

The fastening of the propeller on boat engines works on this principle: it is not the entire mechanism that breaks, but the boat key, when it collides with an obstacle.

The shape of the knife can be curved, figured, in the shape of a trapezoid, which protects the part from winding up weeds during work. Its length should not exceed 50 cm. It should be sharpened on both sides. The sharpened solid disc is considered unusual.

In practice, chassis from old baby strollers are often used to attach parts, which solves several problems at the same time - you get a frame, wheels and a handle all at once. If there is no stroller, the handle is made from shovel cuttings or welded from pipes. The power cord will fit from any household appliance. An extension cord is needed to help you reach anywhere.

Video: Homemade lawn mower with a washing machine engine

Advantages and disadvantages of a self-assembled structure

The main advantage of a device assembled by yourself is environmental friendliness and low cost. The disadvantages include the lack of knife regulation.

To make knives dull less often, they are made of high-quality steel. It is recommended to sharpen it unevenly, i.e. do not touch where it is attached to the shaft, but make it sharp towards the edge.

Handle and mowing shield

Without a mowing shield, which is both a cover for the knife and a frame, a device assembled with your own hands is not safe for the operator working with it. Its shape follows the trajectory of the knife.

Most a good option is to use a ready-made form: the bottom of a saucepan, metal bowl, etc.

The handle is not just an element that holds the lawn mower on the desired path, but also a control element. It must be equipped with a button that turns off the engine in emergency situations.

From the trimmer

With such a homemade lawn mower, it will be much easier to carry out work and maintain the area in good condition, since the working width will be greater, and the weeds will be collected in a special compartment - a grass collector, which you can also make yourself or buy in a retail chain. No special skills or expensive materials are required. It is enough to have a piece of thick fabric.

Video: Review of a handmade lawn mower

On the farm, a lawn mower is not an essential device. Its need especially affects summer cottage, during the harvest period and during the rest season.

Every normal owner wants to have a beautiful, well-groomed one on his site. Here you will have to work hard with a scythe, purchase a high-quality lawn mower, or assemble this device yourself. In the latter case, its composition will be as follows:

  • engine,
  • knives,
  • comfortable handle.

The engine will need power, so you will need a very long cord with a plug, and also a switch. You can make the work easier if you attach wheels to the bottom of this technique. This whole thing has to be held together somehow. This function will be performed by the frame.

Creation process

Initial stage self-creation lawnmowers consists in the selection of parts. The most important thing is the presence of an engine. It can be taken from an already unused household appliances, can be removed from any power tool:

  • drills,
  • vacuum cleaner,
  • chainsaws,
  • Bulgarians.

The minimum required motor parameter is 500 V. Better than 1000 V. This way you can work at low speeds. And sharpening knives will become a less common task. The selection of the engine is influenced by the diameter of the knife and the overall dimensions of the equipment. The larger the working area for it, the higher the engine power should be.

Cutting part

The key component of the mechanism is the knife. Its quality determines the service life and efficiency of the device. For its manufacture, solid steel of the highest quality is required.

The knife can be made solid up to 50 cm in length. Make a hole in the center where the screw will go. The knife will be sharpened on both sides. Its shape can be made slightly curved.

Another version of the knife is a compound one. The steel strip is attached with bolts or by welding a pair of metal pieces, sharpened to the maximum. The steel strip can be made in a trapezoid format. This will protect the knife from layering the grass.

You can also create a knife in the shape of a solid round disk. It also needs to be sharpened well. This form, unlike other forms, when colliding with a stone or stick, will withstand such attacks and not be damaged.


The handle for the device being prepared can be taken from an old stroller. From there you can borrow the wheels and frame.

If you can’t get a stroller, you can use a metal pipe to weld the handle.


The power cord can be removed from any unnecessary household appliance. If its length is short, you can use extensions.

Wheels can be borrowed not only from a stroller, but also from an old vacuum cleaner.

Build process

For the frame you need a piece of metal or plywood with a thickness of 8 mm. Here you will need to create a protective metal casing. This will reduce the likelihood of your lawn mower breaking down.

The necessary tools are here:

  • welding equipment;
  • hacksaw (metal type).
  1. First, the frame for the motor is prepared. Although plywood is suitable, it is better to take a sheet of metal at least 3 mm thick. It is more resistant to deformation. The size of the frame is determined by the length of the knife and the width of the lawn mower (this parameter is usually no more than 60 cm). A square is cut from this sheet with a side similar to the width of this unit. Holes for the motor are created in the center of the square. The flange motor must be attached to the frame with the shaft facing down. If the engine has ears, another mount is welded to the frame.
  2. To make the simplest casing, a metal tin can is used. It is better to make the casing high, so it will also protect the electrics of the lawn mower. It needs to be put on the motor shaft. Then put on a knife (carefully sharpened). The entire mechanism is connected with a bolt. Wheels are attached to the frame. For them, it is necessary to weld corners with holes to it. The diameter of the wheels should allow the knife to pass freely 5-7 cm above the ground. If it goes lower, it will remain in the ground. If it is higher, it will crush the grass rather than cut it.

Frame example (photo):

  1. The handle needs to be adjusted to suit the height of the main user of the future lawn mower. Its optimal length is about 90 cm.

After this assembly, all that remains is to connect the power cord.

Advice! You can protect yourself from cut grass by attaching a mesh over the lawn mower.

The most primitive homemade lawn mower

Made practically from scrap metal.

Lawnmower based on an old washing machine

As you know, Soviet “washing machines” were stamped from strong metal. Their engines are optimally matched in terms of performance and power for the intended lawn mower.

The superior steel body will act as a defensive skirt and guide when flipping the grass to the side.

It also uses two pulleys and a belt that transmits impulse from the engine to the knife mechanism. The motor is mounted on the platform and connected to only one phase.

Such a unit will work in an area near the house, since it is connected to the network with an electrical cord. To make the device more mobile, a special coil wire is used - an extension cord with a cross-section corresponding to the power of the motor. Its minimum length is 40 m.

Drill based

Here, instead of a drill, a wide knife is attached to the drill used. The drill itself is attached to the created frame along with its handle. And the drill cord will be directed into the network.

Such units are suitable for working in areas near curbs and under trees.

It is important to use a low-speed drill with good power and dynamics of 1500 - 3000 rpm. You also need a competent selection of power to the swath width. Overloading the motor is not allowed. Such a drill generates the required torque, and the grass is easily mowed. It is necessary to pause while working so that the engine can “rest.”

The platform for the engine should be narrow so that it is convenient to work with the wall platform. The stability of the unit is affected by the position of the center of gravity. The lower it is, the less the platform tips over.

If you intend to create a more powerful modification with parameters of 1500 - 6000 W, then installing the engine will go to a special sole. A suitable motor is asynchronous: it makes less noise.

The chassis consists of metal wheels covered with rubber. They have a wide projector. This way the grass will wrinkle less. And here the bearing assemblies in the axial bushings are stronger than plastic bushings.

The deck and knife are created from old frying pan and a steel plate (steel - tool). This knife mounting design is highly efficient. It is important not to disturb the relationship and profile of the sharpened edges. When working, it is better to adhere to the following drawings:

The high-speed unit will work better if properly aligned. Even a slight runout can cause strong vibration, connections will be damaged, and backlash will occur due to the development of seating positions.

Lawn mower or trimmer from a drill on video

Chainsaw based

Here a frame is welded from pieces of pipe. The engine from the chainsaw is focused on it. Due to its power, the lawn mower will overcome even small bushes. The use of such an engine does not imply the presence of additional defense. He already has powerful protection from moisture and dust. And his air filters become clogged less often.

Suitable wheel assemblies have a 180 degree rotation on the hinge. A separate functional unit is connected by belts to an independent chainsaw drive. The torque goes to the discs. There cutting tool These are metal chains. Their length is 25 cm.

More details:

  1. The tire and “steering wheel” are unscrewed from an unnecessary chainsaw.
  2. The handle is made from water pipes with the possibility of height adjustment.
  3. The “star” is taken from the chainsaw.
  4. A piece of pipe 8 cm long and with a diameter of 5 cm is placed on it in the desired position. This piece is processed on a lathe.
  5. You will also need another piece of such pipe. The length is the same. Diameter = 5.8 cm. It fits over the previous piece. This creates a pipe telescopic shaft.
  6. To fasten the pipes, special M6 bolts equipped with locknuts are required. The correct positions of the bolts are diametrically parallel to each other.
  7. Make several holes. This makes it easier to adjust the cutting height of the grass. The pipes will move relative to each other. And this movement slightly compensates for the imbalance.

After these operations, the knife base is prepared. A steel disk (steel - sheet) is welded to another pipe. Its diameter is 18 cm.

Interestingly, such a modification can last for years.

Lawn mower or walk-behind mower from Yuri Leskov

Based on a vacuum cleaner

The required details here are:

  • wheels of large diameters (create smooth free movement);
  • welding equipment;
  • two steel sheets;
  • saw/hacksaw.

Instructions for implementation:

  1. A platform is cut out from these sheets. It will house the motor from an old vacuum cleaner. The engine will concentrate its shaft in the lower area. The engine also needs a protective casing. The thickness of the casing is 1.2 mm. Holes are made in it 4 mm larger than the shaft. The engine is positioned 3-4 cm from the ground, otherwise the unit will break during operation.
  2. A metal disk is placed on the motor shaft.
  3. The knife is prepared in several copies. A disk with a diameter of 3.8 - 4 cm is cut out of a metal sheet. The disk is put on the shaft disk end and welded to it.

Working width – 25 cm maximum.

Advantages of a homemade model:

  1. Saving money.
  2. Environmental friendliness.
  1. You cannot control the height of the knife.
  2. Weak level of security.
  3. High probability of breakdown.

These disadvantages are not difficult to eliminate. It is important to have the necessary skills here.

  1. A knife will be less likely to become dull if it is made of high quality steel.
  2. To keep the motor shaft intact, the knife needs to be sharpened unevenly. It should be sharp towards the edge. The place where it touches the shaft cannot be touched, since the grass near the area where the knife and shaft are attached is cut rather poorly, but only gets stuck on the knife.
  3. You can adjust the length of the handle.
  4. The knife can be protected from contact with the ground. To do this you need to make safety bumpers.
  5. A special collection box can be provided for mown grass.
  6. Before turning on the unit, you need to carefully check its condition: the sharpness of the knives, the reliability of the fasteners, the free movement of the wheels.
  7. Before work, clean the work site: remove debris, stones, and pieces of wood. They can damage the machine or injure the mower.
  8. Remove children and animals from the work site.
  9. When operating, push the unit away from you.
  10. When there is a pause in operation, disconnect the unit from the power supply by unplugging the plug from the socket.
  11. Do not work in rain or on wet surfaces.
  12. Clean or repair the unit only after its mechanism has completely cooled down.
  13. Experts recommend making a locking button in the device. It will operate if the knife is damaged or jammed. Here is the diagram:

Types of lawn mower repairs

Gasoline modifications. They are extremely difficult to repair. But the main thing is to know typical faults, be able to identify them and replace elements. Many household models are equipped with gasoline two-pin internal combustion engines. In homemade products you can find motors from drills, chainsaws, etc.

The most common problem is related to:

  • starting the engine,
  • lack of movement,
  • huge vibrations at work.

The motor starts, holds speed, but the blades do not rotate.. This is a mechanical problem. Check the fasteners to the output motor shaft. If it is broken, replace it.

The engine starts hard, but runs stably. This is a problem with the carburetor idle technology. It may also be the wrong proportions of the combustible composition. Mix fuel and oil in the correct ratio. If this does not help, remove the carburetor and adjust the idle speed technology.

The engine starts poorly and runs poorly. Here you need to check the carburetor. There may be a blockage in the fuel nozzles. Filters can also become clogged: fuel and air. They should be changed and the jets should be blown out.

The engine starts well, but cannot cope with the load. This is an air filter problem. It needs to be cleaned or replaced.

The gasoline engine does not start even with a high-quality fuel supply. This is a problem with the ignition technology. Need to check the coil. If there are visible violations, it must be replaced. There may be a dilemma here in candles. We need diagnostics for each spark plug. They can be replaced.


It is also very important to monitor the condition of the carburetor. It needs to be cleaned periodically. Its casing is dismantled. The screws are unscrewed. It comes out of the plastic. Garbage (if any) is removed from it. There is a cover under the casing. The carburetor is located underneath it. He's filming. First, the fuel hose is disconnected (the fuel tank and carburetor communicate through it). Fuel may leak from it. You need to be more careful. The carburetor is removed and held in place by a pair of bolts. Next comes its analysis.

The bolt holding the fuel compartment cover is unscrewed. Special cleaning agents are required for cleaning. WD-40 will do just fine. Needs a good cleaning fuel channels this mechanism. A thin copper wire is required. Cleaning begins with the fuel compartment. The mechanism is soaked abundantly. The carburetor is left alone for a short time. This process is repeated several times. Copper wire channels are cleaned. Let's blow them under pressure. After these operations, the mechanism is assembled using the reverse algorithm.

Clogged compartments and channels are the most common reason engine problems. Constant monitoring of their cleanliness will significantly extend the life of the engine and make it work more efficiently.

Repair on video

Valery Rudenko reports.