Relaxation at home. How to perform deep relaxation

Daily rush, thousands of things on the agenda, tense relations with superiors, health problems - the picture is not happy. And yet - this description very closely reflects the features of the life of the most ordinary modern man. To exist in such extreme conditions, our body simply needs daily help, which would adapt it to the harsh environment (and internal) reality.

Why relaxation?

Let's start with the fact that during the impact of a stress factor on the body, muscle tension arises in it. This peculiar defensive reaction is aimed at preparing the body for action: stress means danger, which means active protection is needed. However, modern stresses are not a crouching tiger or an incipient mountain collapse, which require their potential prey to run fast, fight skillfully and dodge skillfully. Our stresses in most cases require perseverance (rather write a report!) Or serious reflections (how to behave with a leader?). Thus, there is no discharge of muscle tension; on the contrary, it is driven inward and fixed.

Chronic repetition of stresses - even small and insignificant ones - creates an obstacle to the spontaneous removal of the resulting muscle tension, which forms the so-called muscle clamps. Muscle clamps can absorb a huge amount of energy, interfere with normal blood flow, do not allow you to get the fullness of pleasure and joy, and scatter attention. That is why relaxation techniques have recently gained well-deserved popularity: without requiring any serious investments of money and time, such techniques allow you to restore the body and keep it in excellent condition, despite the inevitable influence of everyday stress.

Conditions for relaxation

For full-fledged relaxation, you need to take care of the external conditions. Of course, real aces of relaxation can relax in the most inappropriate conditions for this - among the turmoil and noise, but first we still need to create a small cozy "nest" where we can distract ourselves from everything and give our body a chance to recover.

1. For relaxation, try to allocate a quiet, secluded room. Let the atmosphere of the room not cause you negative memories.

2. Take care of the chair or bed - they should be moderately soft, and most importantly - you should be comfortable in them.

3. The light should not be harsh or too bright.

4. Choose the time for classes according to your rhythm and routine, but remember that on a full stomach you will not be able to relax, and the feeling of acute hunger will be distracting.

5. Well, if in the first month you can practice for half an hour daily (or better, 30 minutes twice a day) - this will help get rid of old muscle clamps. A little later, 20 minutes a day (or even twice a week) will be enough to maintain the condition. However, even if you can carve out only 10 minutes a day for exercises, this will also work: it is quite possible that such help is enough for your body, and it will do the rest on its own.

6. Turn off your phone, ask your family not to disturb you for a while. If you can't get rid of some annoying noise, muffle it with neutral noises like fan noise.

7. To enhance the effect of relaxation, you can additionally use visualization - for this, imagine pleasant pictures: the sea, soft sand, or just a cozy room from your childhood.

8. It’s good if there is air conditioning in the room - so you can practice in comfortable conditions despite the heat and cold outside.

9. Relax only in comfortable clothes, the presence of which on the body you may not even think about.

Relaxation techniques

There are a great many relaxation techniques, and each, with the right approach to training and a serious attitude, will make it possible to get rid of old muscle clamps and prevent the occurrence of new ones.

Relaxing gymnastics

Relaxing gymnastics can be considered as preparatory exercises before mastering any other relaxation technique, but it is also quite suitable for self-study.

1. Raise one hand up, the other, and now let them fall freely down. We stretch both hands together up - and let them fall down.

2. Relax your neck - let your head fall on your chest.

3. High-high raise your shoulders and lower them freely: do the exercise first in turn, then with both shoulders at once.

4. Imagine that your hands are pendulums. Let them swing freely, changing the amplitude.

5. Lie on your back, press your hand on the surface of the bed - now completely relax your hand. Feel the difference in your feelings.

6. Stand with one foot on a low stand and let the other leg swing back and forth like a pendulum.

7. In the prone position: we raise the body with an arc, while resting on the heels and the back of the head - now we relax.

8. Lying on the back: hands lie freely along the body with palms up. Keeping your head on the bed (floor), gently turn it to the right, then to the left. Repeat 10-15 times - you will feel the relaxation of the neck muscles.

Deep relaxation

There are many ways and techniques of deep relaxation, but almost all of them are associated with auto-training - the practice of special self-hypnosis, which allows you to control your body and manage its muscle tone.

Deep muscle relaxation is most easily achieved by causing a feeling of heaviness and warmth in the body. How does this "calling" take place? One way or another, every person is suggestible - someone to a greater extent, someone to a lesser extent. So let's try (and we will definitely succeed - it's not difficult!) to engage in self-hypnosis.

So, let's imagine that we are on the beach: the sun is pleasantly hot, we don't feel like moving, the whole body is enveloped in bliss and laziness. What needs to be done to complete this feeling?

We evoke a feeling of warmth

Repeat in your mind: Right hand hot", " Left hand hot" and so on with the legs, chest, back, abdomen, pelvis. Take your time - wait for the desired sensation in each part of the body.

Cause a feeling of heaviness

Say to yourself (mentally): “The right hand is heavy”, “The left hand is heavy”, and then all parts of the body in turn.

Feeling the pulsation

“Right hand pulsing”, “Left hand pulsing”, and so on.

Focus on the solar plexus

Now the focus of our attention will be the solar plexus - the uppermost part of the abdomen, located between the two costal arches under the sternum. It is there that a special center is located, the relaxation of which leads to the relaxation of the whole body: “The solar plexus is pulsating. The solar plexus radiates heat."

When a feeling of complete relaxation appears in the body, mentally repeat: “The vessels of my body are relaxed and free. Blood easily runs through the vessels, delivers nutrition to each cell and removes everything unnecessary. My body is healthy. My body is young. My body knows what it needs to be healthy. I'm getting clean and healthy."

When practicing relaxation according to this technique, repeat each mental phrase (formula) three times at a slow pace. Try not to think about anything else. Breathe evenly, measuredly.

Please note that there is no formula in the technique aimed at relaxing the head: the head must remain in good shape.

progressive muscle relaxation

Edmund Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation technique is perhaps one of the most popular. This brilliant American doctor and scientist developed his technique based on a simple physiological mechanism: after a strong tension, the muscle itself tends to deep relaxation. From here, the scientist made a stunning conclusion: in order to achieve complete relaxation of the muscles, you must first strain them as much as possible.

The essence of the Jacobson technique can be expressed in just a few words: you should alternately strain each muscle for 5-10 seconds, then relax it and concentrate for 20 seconds on the feeling of relaxation that has arisen, which has a particularly bright color in contrast with the previous tension.

Jacobson developed about 200 exercises, however, to popularize the technique, a simplified rule was developed, which proved to be an effective and uncomplicated means of relaxation.

This rule contains only 16 points - 16 muscle groups

1. Right hand and forearm (for left-handers - left): strongly squeeze the hand into a fist, bend the hand towards the forearm.

2. Right shoulder (for left-handers - left): to tense the muscles of the shoulder, you should bend your arm at the elbow joint and press your elbow firmly on the surface of the bed (floor) on which you are lying. You can also press on the body (belly, pelvis).

3. Left hand and forearm (for left-handers - right).

4. Left shoulder (for lefties - right).

5. Upper third of the face: open your mouth wide and raise your eyebrows high.

6. Middle third of the face: close your eyes as much as possible, frown your eyebrows and wrinkle your nose.

7. Lower third of the face: clench the jaws and stretch the mouth, pulling its corners towards the ears.

8. Neck: lift the shoulder joints high to the ears, tilting the chin to the chest.

9. Diaphragm and chest muscles: inhale deeply, now hold your breath, bring your elbows in front and squeeze them.

10. Back and abdomen: tighten the abdominal muscles, bring the shoulder blades together as much as possible and squeeze them.

11. Right thigh (for left-handers - left): knee in a half-bent position, tighten the front and back muscles of the thigh.

12. Right shin (for left-handers - left): pull the foot towards you, while unbending your fingers.

13. Right foot (for left-handers - left): stretch the foot away from you while squeezing your fingers.

14. Left thigh (for lefties - right).

15. Left shin (for left-handers - right).

16. Left foot (for left-handers - right).

Abdominal breathing

This is one of the simplest relaxation methods, which also has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, improving the condition in some lung diseases. Abdominal or diaphragmatic breathing involves performing exercises in 1-3 approaches, each of which consists of 10 respiratory cycles (combinations of inhalation and exhalation) of this type:

1. slowly inhale through the nose, trying to minimize the use of the chest, but inflating the stomach;

2. hold your breath for a few seconds;

3. Exhale slowly through your mouth. Please note that the exhalation should be prolonged - its duration should exceed the duration of the inhalation. Try to exhale as completely as possible and empty the lungs of air as completely as possible. To do this, at the very end of the exhalation, you will need to make some effort.

To achieve more complete relaxation, try combining breathing exercises with self-hypnosis. Close your eyes and mentally repeat with each exhalation: "Relaxation", "Relaxation", "Calmness".

Relaxation massage

This relaxation technique will require the participation of someone else - better than a professional massage therapist, although with a little preparation someone close to you can help you.

What is the difference between relaxation massage and toning massage?

1. Massaging is dominated by stroking and shallow kneading and rubbing. All sensations are maintained at a painless level.

2. The duration of a relaxation massage is usually much longer than usual, and often the person being massaged falls asleep.

3. Relaxation massage, as a rule, is a general massage with an emphasis on the most important areas in terms of relaxation: facial muscles that are actively involved in the emotional sphere of a person and have a pronounced effect on excitation processes in the cerebral cortex; back muscles; cervical-collar zone (back surface of the neck, the place of its transition to the back and upper back); feet, on which there are many reflexogenic zones.

4. Relaxation massage goes well with soothing music and aromatherapy.

warm bath

A warm bath is not only a means of cleansing the skin, but also a great method of relaxation. How to make bathing a complete restorative procedure?

1. Water should be just warm - its temperature should approach body temperature and be equal to 36-37 degrees.

2. Create a pleasant atmosphere: subdued lights, candles, calm music.

3. Add essential oils to the water: they will have an additional relaxing effect and soften the skin after bathing. To make the oil better dispersed in water, add it at the very beginning, substituting it under running water.

4. You can try taking a bath with milk and honey: to do this, mix 3 liters of warm milk with a glass of natural honey and add the mixture to the bath. Just do not wash off all this splendor with a shower - after the bath, just gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel.

5. If you use bath salts, the rules are the same, but for those with dry and sensitive skin, it is recommended to rinse in the shower after such a bath.

6. The duration of the relaxation bath is 20-30 minutes.

Relaxation does not require much from us, but it presents an invaluable gift - the harmony of the body, productive activity and peace of mind.

Put in a little effort and you will feel your body young, and yourself renewed and fresh!

A person does not live in a dream world where the sun always shines and birds sing. From birth, a person is faced with various situations that cause him tension, anxiety and. The psyche is connected with the body, so the result of constant emotional stress is muscle tone. Relaxation helps with various methods to relieve excessive muscle tone so that a person relaxes.

Why does a person need rest? After all, any desire to relax is aimed at rest. Human body just needs to change the mode of operation to sleep or rest. So, a person sleeps every day. If a person misses sleep time, then he feels some inhibition, loss of strength, loss of the opportunity to rejoice. It looks like . However, a person is not sick, it's just that his body has not rested, has not rebooted, has not gained energy, so it works on what is left.

It turns out that rest is vital for a person. It can be noted that most often and more people get sick when they are physically exhausted. Immunity becomes weak if a person has little rest, is constantly overstrained, is not filled with new energy and positive emotions. Thus, various relaxation techniques become important just because one becomes physically strong.

Another important pattern is that a person in a state of relaxation is spiritually strong and self-confident. All those qualities that a person is constantly trying to develop in himself can be felt in a state of rest. If anxiety, fear and stress reign inside, then it is unlikely that a person feels normal.

What is relaxation?

The concept of relaxation implies conscious muscle relaxation in order to achieve inner calm, relieve emotional stress and receive additional energy. A person may resort to techniques, drugs, or exercises that help them relax. Any method that helps to calm the body and soul will do.

To some extent, relaxation is similar to meditation. However, this is only a first impression. Meditation has several levels of immersion in one's own unconscious or dissolution of one's own "I" in the boundless world. Relaxation involves only the first stage, which is used in meditation, when a person simply relaxes his muscles.

Relaxation is used in hypnosis, yoga, health practices. It helps in solving many physical and psychological problems.

  1. First, it should be understood that a person is constantly exposed to stress on himself. In a state of stress, his muscles automatically tighten, which are a reflex reaction of the body to leave the place if necessary, fearsome. If a person is constantly in emotional stress, it exhausts him. Often such a person becomes lethargic, passive, drowsy.
  2. The second is if internal stress leads a person to increase muscle tone, then he begins to get tired physically. All this takes away energy, which could be directed to perform some actions or maintain the functioning of the whole organism. Muscles tighten for natural reasons - in response to emotional fear, anxiety, a sense of helplessness. If the muscles are constantly in good shape, they get tired. This is akin to the fact that a person will go in for sports all the time - how long will it last?

Muscle clamps often lead to the development of various diseases. It should be understood that the natural state of the muscles is their relaxation. If they are constantly tense, then the human body and the work of all its systems change.

If earlier a person was put under pressure by an aggressive environment in which he had to hunt and survive, then stress modern world are various conflicts, troubles, lack of desired goals, disapproval or criticism of others. Stress may seem insignificant, but it is there. It brings the muscles into a tense state, which consumes a lot of energy.

Relaxation methods are aimed at relieving muscle tension by consciously influencing them. The effect of exercise will be felt by a person whose muscle tone is increased. If the muscles remain relaxed, then the relaxation methods do not give a tangible effect.

In order to achieve certain results in the direction of constantly maintaining calmness, both psychological and muscular, you need to systematically engage in exercises, bring them to automatism. In addition to sleep, a person needs rest during the day. That is why it is very important to quickly restore your balance so that the muscles of the body relax at the same time.

Relaxation methods

There are many relaxation methods. Although some people did not specifically study this topic, they could also resort to various relaxing techniques on a subconscious level. Relaxation is the relaxation of muscles in order to restore mental comfort and tranquility. A relaxed person is strong and active, a worried person is passive and weak. Do not forget about the energy that a person spends if he does not relax.

During the day, a person periodically gives himself relaxation, because he needs it. Some do it consciously, and some unconsciously. But it works anyway:

  1. The realization that you are returning home after a working day, where you will relax, eat and watch your favorite programs, already gives some relaxation. You feel it, although you may not notice it.
  2. Deep breathing, which allows you to slow down the process that is the result of stress. In a state of nervousness, a person begins to breathe rapidly. Here you need to consciously reduce the pace of breathing. Breathe in for 10 seconds and breathe in for the same amount of time.
  3. Embrace. Many people ignore this method of relaxation, but it is very effective. Hugs are good for kids. However, do not forget that people in a state of fear or despair also quickly calm down when they are hugged (as if they are being protected and protected, they feel protected).
  4. A massage that can be used not only to eliminate cellulite, but also to relax. Very useful massage at the end of the working day, in the evening. Soothing, smooth and deep movements on the back help to relax, calm down and feel peaceful. Some people even fall asleep during the massage, which is a good result.
  5. Aromatherapy. Smells are good in the relaxation process if they are pleasant to the person. We will not describe which essential oils should be used for relaxation, because the main thing is different - you should personally like the smells and give a feeling of calm.
  6. Music. Each person has his favorite tracks, which he constantly scrolls. At the moment of a violent outburst of emotions, music will help. The main thing is positive lyrics in songs. No need to listen to what causes sadness and additional sadness.
  7. Reception warm herbal tea. Even just warm milk will do. The main thing is that a person enjoys the process and calms down, thinking about the good.
  8. . You can close your eyes and imagine yourself in another place where you would like to be. You bask in the warm sun, you are surrounded by friendly people, you get only positive emotions. You can visualize anything that gives you a feeling of peace and relaxation.

The main technique in relaxation is the conscious release of tension in the muscles. To do this, you can use the imagination or autogenic practices. The person closes his eyes and begins to mentally pronounce the phrase that his body is relaxing. He turns to each part of the body, focusing his attention on it, while watching how it relaxes, and then moves on to another area.

  1. Sport. To relax the muscles, you can first give them a good load. It should be understood that muscle tension as a result of negative emotions is a slow waste of energy. Muscles will not get tired soon. However, if you go in for sports, that is, throw out all the energy, then the muscles will get tired, which will help in their relaxation.
  2. Laugh. Laughter, a positive look at situations, a vision of the funny in what is happening will help in getting rid of nervous tension and muscle stiffness. Laughter helps in relaxation.

Relax away from home

On the eve of vacations and summer holidays, everyone has a question: how to relax? We worked for almost a whole year, now we need to give our body the opportunity to calm down, relax, enjoy life, do what you want. Everyone chooses the rest that is more interesting to him. Here, everyone is often guided by their positive memories: in what activity did you manage to achieve maximum relaxation and enjoyment of life?

Someone goes to the mountains, and someone prefers sandy beaches. Here, everyone is right about one thing - you need to relax, spend your vacation away from home. Why?

If you decide not to go anywhere, then, most likely, the rest will not work.

  • First, being at home, you periodically remember that you need to do something. He completed one job, completed another, and completed a third. So the vacation will take place in homework. How is this different from normal weekdays?
  • Secondly, native walls remind of daily problems. In psychology, there is such a thing as an anchor. Every time you return home, you look at your native walls, which "anchor" your usual emotions. How can you rest if something reminds you of your problems?

Psychologists recommend not to rest at home, but to leave as far as possible. Here the choice is yours, where you want to go. It doesn't have of great importance. The main thing is that the area is unfamiliar to you. And if it turns out to be beautiful, pleasant and relaxing, then you can definitely relax.

Where exactly to go and how exactly to relax is the choice of everyone. If you like to relax actively, then choose places where you can realize your desires. If you prefer a beach holiday, then go to the seas or oceans. The main thing is not to be in your native walls, in which you constantly spend your time.

New impressions, unexplored places, complete enthusiasm for the type of recreation that you decide to do are important. At the same time, it is important not to be in the place where you will again have to work, work, solve everyday problems. That's the whole secret of a good holiday!

How do you end up relaxing?

Most effective method muscle relaxation is the conduct of manual manipulations on your body so that it feels that nothing threatens it, it is safe. And also in the best possible way eliminating muscle clamps will eliminate negative emotions and stress. How do you end up relaxing?

It is human nature to live in constant stress. However, he should always have an arsenal of actions that he can use at any time to relax.

The key to an active full life, finding peace of mind is the ability to relax. Strong prolonged emotions invariably give rise to physical tension and subject the nervous system and the whole organism to a destructive load.

We notice bodily fatigue immediately, but we do not pay attention to mental and mental fatigue, because we are already accustomed to living in constant nervous tension. It is absolutely necessary to listen to your body in order to help it in a timely manner: if it is difficult for you to concentrate on the action you are performing, if you experience drowsiness, then the brain and psyche require rest.

To restore energy, relieve and fatigue, allocate some of your time and engage in relaxation (from the Latin relaxatio - relaxation, relaxation). A big plus of such a rest: it is applicable in any circumstances and does not require much time.

is an effective means of combating and psychosomatic diseases, gives a general healing effect. It is actively used in psychotherapy, hypnosis, in many health systems, in Buddhism, in yoga, wushu, and is an important step in entering a mediative trance.

The action of relaxation is aimed at partial or complete relaxation of muscle tone, which provides psycho-emotional inhibition.

Muscle tone is an active multi-level process controlled by the central nervous system and providing our motor ability.

Relaxation of muscle tone reduces the flow of electrical impulses from the muscles to the reticular formation (activating system) of the brain, which ensures its waking state. This reduces the flow of information to the brain from the muscles, and hence the level of wakefulness, which makes it possible for the brain to rest, to “reboot” for further vigorous activity.

The Benefits of Relaxation

  • Removal of muscle spasms, accompanied by pain, stiffness of movements. The causes of painful clamps in the muscles of the limbs and neck can be both psychological (chronic stress, for example) and bodily (osteochondrosis). More often than not, both occur at the same time.
  • Restoration of energy balance in the body. Qualitative relaxation gives a good rest to the whole body, promotes better circulation of lymph and blood, which enriches all organs with oxygen, from limbs to the brain. This normalizes all functions: digestive, respiratory, metabolism, etc.
  • Restoration of psycho-emotional balance.
  • General recovery. The combination of all the above relaxation actions relieves the body of chronic stress, launches hidden reserves for self-healing. Deep mental and muscular relaxation is beneficial for the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of all internal organs.

Thus, the effect can be very different: from passive relaxation to a cure for a serious illness. The possibilities for relaxation are endless. It all depends on the level of knowledge, training and the purpose for which it is carried out.

Types of relaxation

long-term- sleep, hypnosis, pharmacological effects; short-term- is replaced by tension.

Mental (figurative) and muscular.

involuntary(results from physical activity, before and during sleep) and arbitrary caused artificially by certain conditions.

superficial(short rest) and deep(lasts 20 minutes or more, called by special tricks). Deep relaxation has the most powerful healing effect.

Total(general) and local(differentiated).

emergency(in cases where instant relaxation is needed) and prolonged(assumes systematic use and long-term training).

A striking example emergency relaxation can be observed in birds, when they are exhausted by a long flight, fall down like a stone. During a rapid fall, the mechanism of reflex muscle relaxation is triggered, thanks to which, in a short moment, the bird is restored for further flight.

This technique of muscle relaxation is also available to a person in order to create conditions for inner peace, relieve psychophysiological stress and recuperate.

Relaxation that combines several types at once is considered the most effective.

Relaxation Rules

  • Place for sessions it is advisable to choose a secluded one, it can be a home corner, comfortable armchair or bed. Once you learn the techniques of relaxation, you will be able to transfer them easily into your daily routine.
  • Time for practice always have to correlate with the rhythm of life and with the goals of relaxation. You can practice in the morning after waking up, before eating, in the evening before a night's sleep. Everything is individual.
  • Duration: 10-20 minutes, but if time is limited, then a shorter relaxation will also be useful.
  • Don't exercise on a full stomach, the digestion process will not allow you to relax completely.
  • Silence. Choose a calm, quiet place. If extraneous sounds (freeway noise outside the window) are present, muffle them with "white noise" - turn on the fan, for example. You should turn off your phone and ask others not to disturb you.
  • Lighting and temperature should be comfortable.
  • Pose comfortable and relaxed. In the supine position, the cervical spine should be relaxed: use a low pillow or turn your head to the side. If lying down is not possible, sit in a chair or chair and relax.
  • clothing- free, not restricting breathing and movement.

Before a relaxation session, you need to tune in to a calm state of an outside observer, easily and passively relating to reality.

Muscle Relaxation Exercises

Any relaxation involves muscle relaxation, which can be learned through the following exercises:

  • In a sitting (standing) position, raise one by one and then at the same time raise your hands up and release them freely. Get them to dangle like whips.
  • Drop your head to your chest, like a person standing or sitting asleep.
  • Raise your shoulders high and lower them freely. Do this standing or sitting, at the same time and in turn: left, right.
  • Standing (sitting), swing your arms like pendulums, increasing and decreasing the amplitude.
  • In the supine position, with tension, press with your whole hand on the surface of the bed, release. Feel the contrast. Do this with both hands and alternately.
  • Stand on a low stand, swing your legs alternately, like a pendulum.
  • In the prone position, lift the torso, focusing on the heels and the back of the head, relax.
  • Lie on your back, arms along the body, palms turned up. Turn, without raising, your head from left to right and vice versa, ten times. Feel the relaxation of the neck muscles.

All exercises are easy to perform and aimed at relaxing muscle tone.

Relaxation technique

There are many relaxation techniques that can be applied outside of the home. Here is one of them.

We take a comfortable relaxed position lying or sitting. We relax the muscles with the exercises described above. Or we imagine that they are "blown away" or spread, like a drop on the surface. We slowly close our eyes.

We tune in to silence, stop the internal dialogue. We follow the breath. Each new breath brings us deeper into a state of relaxation. We do this until we feel a deep relaxation in the whole body. We let peace and quiet into the soul, enjoy this feeling.

Useful to complement a relaxation session visualization:

imagine in mind cozy place where nothing disturbs you, where you are completely safe. It can be a pleasant childhood memory (your children's room, a far corner of your grandmother's garden) or a picturesque place created by your imagination.

Stay in this calm place, feel the smells, tactile sensations, sounds associated with it. If it is a seashore, you can hear the sound of waves, the cries of seagulls, feel the coolness of the water and the warmth of the sun.

Listen to your body, it will tell you that you are sufficiently rested and cheered up. If the relaxation is successful, you will feel warmth in your limbs.

End relaxation when it ceases to bring pleasure, when you want to return to active activity.

There is no need to rush and jump. Stretch as if awakened from a dream, slowly open your eyes, smile at yourself and the world.

Aromas have always been considered the best helpers of relaxation. Applying relaxation before sleep can significantly improve its quality.

Hello, Dear friends!

It is important for every person to learn how to rest properly, so that physical fatigue and nervous strain find a more healthy way out of the body than with the help of diseases.

When was the last time you allowed your mind and body to enjoy the benefits of healthy rest? Have you ever completely abstracted from what is happening, turn off the phone, forget about business, plunging into the abyss of pleasant sensations?

I think not many people manage to do this systematically without self-flagellation and belief that the body will last decades in supersonic mode. But the pursuit of productivity, the desire to have time to do more, schedule, responsibilities and experiences, we are gradually turning into robots, which, surprisingly, fail.

Relaxation techniques are designed specifically to allow people to switch from the "outside" to the inside of their states.

Zones of Influence

Properly selected methods relieve muscle tightness, accumulated clamps and infringement. As a reward for such a process, the body is cleansed of toxins, acquired toxins and excessive nervous activity.

A person in a matter of hours after the procedure will feel better than before. Headaches, a feeling of heaviness and tightness in the chest will go away. A full and healthy sleep will return to your life, your appetite will normalize and you can truly feel like a person, and not a cornered artiodactyl animal.

The emotional background will also demonstrate a jump up, thereby allowing you to more productively solve flow problems. You will be able to cope with difficult life situations and stress, you can control mood swings, and enjoy what is happening.

It has been scientifically proven that people who have learned to relax use and, most importantly, save the energy they receive, which is concentrated in the solar plexus, more productively. And she, in turn, contributes to the fact that there would be enough strength not only for work, but also for other, no less interesting things.

But what is the right way to relax? And what relaxation methods are there that might be right for you? In order to find out the answer to the question, I have prepared today's article, in which you will learn about the ten most effective practices for bringing yourself "to feelings"!

1. Music and relaxation

Relaxation does not always mean the need to collapse on the sofa, like a seal, and “lie down”. I suggest you familiarize yourself with this method, which is perfect for both children and adults.

To do this, you need to settle in a room with subdued light. Make sure that you are surrounded by soft pillows on all sides and cover yourself with a blanket.
Turn on pleasant, calm music that evokes a sense of harmony and ease. Classical compositions or indie music are ideal for this.

After that, say out loud to your body the phrase: “I am relaxed” and feel your body in comfort and warmth. Individuals that have not previously practiced this approach may note that relaxation can be completely different, and not a banal rookery on the couch.

This is an important and necessary procedure in everyone's life, but it is worth noting that the method is not designed for a person experiencing stress "here and now".

2. Nice pictures

Visualization is considered a great helper to eliminate feelings of anxiety and growing panic. It is used both in difficult life situations and in ordinary everyday life.

Take a seat in a comfortable position. It is best to avoid bright light and running around the apartment. Light incense sticks with sandalwood or tea tree and start imagining pictures in your subconscious mind that are most pleasant to you.

It can be a lake, a house in the village, sunrise or sunset, and sometimes even kittens! If you are doing the exercise with a spouse or partner, ask them to describe the scene in a calm and relaxed voice, imagining themselves in it. Then repeat the exercise in reverse.

3. Fingers

Massage you can combine with the previous tips! Try to touch lightly, stroking the partner's back, shoulders, arms, fingers, palms and feet. Sometimes just 30 minutes is enough and the individual already feels like reborn!

I advise you not to forget about face and neck massage. A special place is occupied by the forehead, therefore, self-massage of this zone will save you from such discomfort like insomnia, nervousness and fatigue. A head to toe massage with a thorough foot massage is also great.

4. Mother Nature

Walking in nature has a superpower on a person, positive influence. Fresh air complete with the movement of the body, tones its systems, nourishing with oxygen.

It is for this reason that, when coming home from a sortie, many individuals feel a slight weakness and a desire to sleep like a baby. Make your trips systematic, each time choosing a new place.

You can also embrace the strong and healthy tree. After standing with him in his arms for 5 minutes, you will definitely feel a surge of new strength!

5. Water

Not many people know that water can take away not only bad dreams, but also wash away negative energy from a person. In connection with this reason, I recommend that you join the water procedures.

It can be swimming in the pool, a contrast shower, which is very useful for the nervous system and maintaining the tone of the whole body, as well as a relaxing, hot bath.

Just add a couple of drops to it. essential oil and you will be able to feel how all the problems have left your head. Dive for at least 40 minutes, but if you have problems with the cardiovascular system, then limit yourself to 15 minutes and the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees.

6. Relax through creativity

For many, a hobby means not only a passion for a topic, but also a universal remedy for reducing anxiety levels. The process of creating something pacifies, replenishing the reserves of mental strength.

Take up gardening, go to the theatre, cinema or organ hall. You can also do needlework, play on musical instrument or crafts with your child.

Plus, I would like to mention the rosary. Turning them over helps to reduce tension and develop a calm, optimistic outlook on things.

7. Breathe

When a person is in a state of stress or a systematic "overload" of the nervous system, then his breathing takes on a superficial form. This can be seen when the individual's shoulders rise when inhaling.

This symptom tells that the person has a tendency to breathe only in the upper part of the chest, and this leads to a lack of the proper level of oxygen that nourishes the organs.

Proper air intake can not only relax, but also save during a panic attack while driving a car, speaking or responsible business.
Abdominal breathing occupies a special place in practice. What is its essence?

And the meaning is hidden in the development of a practice that allows you to relax the muscles that squeeze the diaphragm, from which the breaths are accelerated to cosmic limits.

Try to slow down your breathing at the moment of relaxation with the help of the ribs and diaphragm. It is especially useful to do this before bed. You need to perform a minimum of 10 consciously slowing down inhalations and exhalations, wrapping your arms around your waist and controlling the correctness of the process.

You may feel a slight pulsation coming from your body. This is absolutely normal and nothing to worry about.

8. Meditation

This is a chic source of calm, which manifests itself in various forms of influence on people. Practice asanas found in yoga classes. Body position sometimes plays decisive role on the way to the harmony of the soul with the body.

There are also special tactics for breathing procedures: over-slowing down or vice versa, speeding up. There is a broadcast of special sounds, syllables and, of course, prayers that are present in transcendental meditative practice.

G. Benson in his book described in detail the phenomenon called “relaxed reaction”, which I definitely advise you to read. People who have been doing meditation for a long time have already felt its healing effect on the whole body, and especially on the spiritual principle.

If you decide to dedicate it to the list of daily, but good habits, then the result will definitely please you!

9. Take turns!

Back in 1930 in the USA, a man named E. Jacobson developed a method called "relaxation and tension." The essence of this practice is the training of the ability to cause opposite states at your own discretion.

And moreover, be able to determine the current state of affairs! But deep immersion in such a skill requires many hours of study. Think about it, it takes from 10 to 30 hours just to teach the muscles of the hands to perform such a trick!

But having mastered and nurtured the "Pavlov's dog reflex", you can stop being afraid to suffer from an overabundance of clamps and heaviness.

10. Dark chocolate

Yes friends! Real chocolate, made from real cocoa beans, can be a complete way to unwind and trigger a massive rush of endorphins.

Just one teaspoon of ground cocoa beans mixed with banana fruit puree or smoothie can loosen the grip of stress, lift your spirits and rightly be considered one of the most amazing methods for quality relaxation.

If you eat chocolate in the form of bars, then prefer it black (without milk) with at least 80 percent cocoa. I used to think that I was allergic to chocolate, but it turned out to be only milk chocolate, which contains a huge amount of dubious additives.

That's all!

Subscribe, share and add in the comments to the article your unique ways to relieve stress!

See you on the blog, bye bye!

The ability to relax or perform relaxation is not only the basis of a vibrant and productive life, but also an art that you have to learn.

In order to always be at the peak of your abilities, you need to be able to restore strength, stabilize your emotional state, which, in turn, will help you minimize the level of stress in your life and successfully cope with any situations.

Relaxation methods. Relaxation Techniques

There are many ways and techniques of relaxation, which are based on:

  • Music,
  • Breath,
  • Visualization,
  • Different kinds meditations
  • Deep meditation.

Anyone can master these techniques, and you can do it even at home, even during breaks at work.

Relaxation through music

Music is very available remedy, and the effect of listening to correctly selected songs will please you. You can stay at home, turn on the records, and it will do its job - put you in a relaxing mood.

Music that immerses in a state of relaxation usually uses special harmonies that have a relaxing effect on the listener. The choice of tools is also important. Often among them there can be authentic ones, for example, Turkish ney or Indian sitar. Their sounds are so soothing that you will feel yourself being lulled by exotic melodies. And now I don’t even want to reach for the remote control to turn off the track and go to sleep.

Music first, then everything else.

Breathing practices

Another way is connected with breathing, concentration on it, full awareness of the process of inhalation and exhalation, feeling its warmth. This method is very effective, but it takes a little practice to really become part of your relaxation arsenal.

By doing conscious breathing or pranayama, you can achieve such amazing results that after a while it will be enough for you to take a couple of cycles of inhalations and exhalations to get into that state that is called deep relaxation.

Relaxation through visualization

Relaxation, built on visualization, includes the presentation of some kind of image, situation. It is important that they are positively colored. You can remember pleasant episodes from your life, perhaps it will be relaxation, landscapes of nature, images of mountains, reservoirs or heavenly places like the tropical beaches of the Maldives.

Any soothing, positively acting images will do, from one presentation of which you are transported to another reality. Imagine them in as much detail as possible, see if you are there in your visualization. If not, then add yourself there. This alone will allow you to merge with the visualized image and feel yourself in the presented picture.

This technique will not only help you relax well, but also improve your mood, uplift your spirit and help develop creativity. For creative people, images from future creations first of all arise in the head; great works begin to be created there, film scripts, plots of books and theatrical plays are written. Everything starts with ideas, and then gradually the thought-form materializes. But this will be discussed in the next article.

Meditation as a way to relax

Different types of meditation such as object meditation, dynamic meditation, zen, mindfulness meditation, vipassana course; they can all be great ways to get into a relaxed state. The principle of any meditation is based on the fact that the practitioner passes into another state of consciousness, and this is possible only when the proper degree of relaxation of the body and mind is achieved.

Although relaxation is one of the conditions for successful meditation, it is also its goal. By practicing meditation, you are even more immersed in it, disconnected from external stimuli and become extremely aware and receptive on a new level, plunging into a state of deep meditation.

Deep Meditation Leads to Complete Relaxation

This state is characterized by the fact that the rhythms of your brain activity gradually slow down, which allows the whole body to completely relax, unblock muscle clamps, relax to such an extent that your body becomes as if weightless. Other characteristics that describe this state are also possible: the body “dissolves” or, on the contrary, you feel how it becomes heavier; sensation of a light breeze around the head or in the region of the limbs. It can be cool or, conversely, warm.

When you begin to feel something like this, it means that you are on the right track, the body is sinking deeper and deeper into relaxation. The influence of beta brain waves is reduced, and the more you become aware of your body and sensations, the more beta rhythms will begin to give way to the alpha brain waves that we need.

Alpha rhythms of the brain

In ordinary life, everyone experienced in practice the impact of alpha rhythms on themselves. This is the state when you fall asleep. You are not yet asleep, but you are no longer awake. In this state, it is impossible to do things that require the maximum return of energy and concentration on one thing. Consciousness is not fixed, it seems to be around you, it is able to register signals from the outside world, but internal judgments are turned off, access to the inner voice of criticism is not available, and this is good.

When you are in the alpha state, you can really recharge your energy for the whole day. Many practitioners of deep meditation have noticed that the more they relax, the more they feel the restorative, refreshing effect upon coming out of relaxation.

Relaxation exercises

One of the most effective and well-known exercises based on the technique of progressive relaxation is considered to be immersion in complete relaxation by focusing on your body, its individual parts. The implementation of this exercise is based on the fact that you consistently direct your consciousness to different parts of the body, primarily to the muscles. Starting with the muscles of the face and ending with the feet.

In order to achieve the effect of relaxation, you must first feel the muscles, that is, tense them, and then relax. And in this way you mentally pass through the whole body from top to bottom, and by the time you finish such an inspection, relaxation will be achieved. This is a very easy exercise, accessible to everyone.

The main thing is to allocate 15-20 minutes of free time, it is advisable to sit comfortably or even lie down. The place should be quiet and the lights dimmed. Nothing should distract you. The atmosphere is pleasant, music for relaxation sounds softly, you inhale and exhale deeply and slowly several times and you can start doing the exercise.

People like it so much that many then perform relaxation according to this technique every day before going to bed. After all, it relieves stress and prepares all body systems for sleep.

Practicing Yoga Nidra as a Method of Relaxation

Speaking of sleep, how not to recall the wonderful technique "", otherwise known as yoga for sleep. By the way, the first part of this practice just includes the exercise described above. It can be performed in different variations, for example, the process of relaxation and removal of muscle tension does not begin from the head and face, but from the fingers, but this does not change the essence of the matter. You are aware, you feel your body, coolness or warmth, tingling in the palms - this activates energy channels. Now that you are becoming more aware, your consciousness is open to the great flow of information coming through your body. Therefore, you feel much more signals passing through you.

This is the first stage that prepares you for the "nidra" itself, a state bordering between sleep and wakefulness. Properly performed relaxation will also lead to emotional relaxation, which, in turn, will open a channel for access to the world of the subconscious, where you can work with your emotional blocks and even effectively resolve many life situations. The mind is open, you have reached a deeper level of the subconscious, which leads you to deep relaxation.

Deep relaxation in the practice of "Yoga Nidra"

Immersion in deep relaxation is achieved by disconnecting external senses from external stimuli. It would be better to call it disidentification with the reality around you and immersion in the inner world.

You are still at home, you are still aware of your "I", but your feelings are free from those images and objects that usually stimulate the work of consciousness. This is one of the goals of the practice - to bring you to yourself, to help you penetrate into the inner world, to connect with the deep layer of the psyche - the subconscious. This can only be done when the mind has been silenced. Real inner silence, where the mind ceases to conduct an internal dialogue, and the consciousness finally becomes accessible to the deposits of information that were not available in the past - any meditation begins with this.

Meditation as a method of deep relaxation

The purpose of most meditation is to stop the mind and still it. Such a goal is feasible if you have gone through the initial stages of relaxation. Maybe you have learned to relax by practicing visualization or progressive relaxation. You could chant mantras or concentrate and control your breath with breathing exercises. Whichever way you use, they all lead to the same thing - stop internal dialogue With myself.

When silence reigns, real meditation begins. Having come to a state of inner silence, you also disconnect from your desires, which were once so significant for you; worries no longer excite - you can not remember this at all, since you parted with them even before the very entrance to deep meditation. Your consciousness is open to the universal mind. It is in this state that you practice Dhyana, the seventh step of Ashtanga yoga, when you merge with the image of your meditation.

This stage is preceded by Dharana - the practice of concentration on an object or image.

By moving your attention from one part of the body to another, being aware of it, as you did, using one of the relaxation techniques, you are simultaneously practicing Dharana.

Trataka, or the practice of gazing

Speaking of trataka, which, along with meditation, is also shatkarma, i.e., a purification technique, it must be emphasized that this is a fairly simple method of relaxation, based on the fact that the practitioner gazes at the chosen object (this may be a mandala, some kind of symbol or image) without looking away or blinking. At the same time, thoughts stop instantly, because the mechanism responsible for the work of thinking is closely related to the movement of the eyes.

The practice of trataka on a lit candle is especially popular because it can improve eyesight. But you need to start practicing carefully - so that the eyes gradually get used to this exercise.

Yoga for relaxation

The practice of yoga complexes is the best suited to bring the emotional state back to normal, balance feelings and relax the body. Yoga practitioners know that holding a pose and being relaxed at the same time is one of the main conditions in the practice of yoga, it also indicates the correct performance of asanas.

In order for the practice to bring the desired effect of relaxation, follow the main rules:

  • Prepare the room
  • Choose a set of asanas for practice,
  • During execution, focus on internal sensations,
  • Try to concentrate on your breath while holding the asana.

Benefits of performing asanas and relaxation of the soul

The complex of yoga asanas in terms of its effect on the body is interesting in that, depending on the time of the day when you practice, its effect on the body may vary. So, if you perform the complex in the morning, you warm up and energize for the whole day. If you perform asanas in the evening, they have a calming effect on the entire body as a whole, not only on the psyche.

Also, the achievement of the relaxation effect depends on the choice of asanas. For example, the Surya Namaskar complex is recommended to be done in the morning, and Chandra Namaskar in the evening. The sun - during the day, the moon - after sunset.

Analyzing the principle of the calming effect of asanas on the body, we come to a conclusion that is initially emphasized in the principles of hatha yoga: the importance of awareness and self-absorption. Concentration on internal sensations, breathing, in themselves create the effect of relaxation. So, performing a set of yoga exercises, you harmonize the work of the organs of not only the physical body, but also stabilize your psycho-emotional state.

The energies in the body are balanced, and the soul rests. Your body does the exercises, but the effect of the exercise is reflected in the soul, because the energy channels open, and in certain postures, the energies passing through the body are redirected. All this cannot but affect your state of mind. You stop worrying, peace of mind is restored. A balance between the physical and the emotional has been achieved.

Instead of an afterword

All of the above methods and ways to achieve a state of relaxation can be used both separately and together, creating your own set of exercises based on the techniques known to you. You can vary their use and choose those that are most effective for you.

Good luck in practicing the art of relaxation and creating a new image of yourself!