Design and construction of engineering systems of single-family residential buildings. Design and construction of engineering systems of single-family residential buildings for an autonomous water supply system

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SP 31-106-2002. Design and construction of engineering systems for single-family residential buildings

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SP 31-106-2002. Design and construction of engineering systems for single-family residential buildings

UDC69.056.33(083.74) Zh24




System regulatory documents in construction








Date of introduction 2002-09-01

OKS 91.140.20


1 DEVELOPED BY TANFGUP TsNS Gosstroy of Russia, OJSC "TsNIIPromzdanii" with the participation of ABOK and specialists from the Technical Standardization Department of Gosstroy of Russia

AGREED BY THE Department of State Energy Supervision and Energy Saving of the Ministry of Energy Russian Federation(letter No. 32-01-07/33 dated 03/20/2002)

ENTERED BY the Department of Standardization, Technical Standardization and Certification of the State Construction Committee of Russia

2 APPROVED for use by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 7 dated February 14, 2002.



This Code of Practice contains recommendations for the design and calculation of engineering systems of single-apartment buildings. The implementation of these recommendations will ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements for engineering systems of residential buildings established by SNiP 31-02-2001 “Single-apartment residential houses” and other building codes and regulations.

The code of rules contains provisions on the design and equipment of internal engineering systems: heating, ventilation and air conditioning, cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electrical equipment and lighting, gas supply. Recommendations are given on the selection of types of autonomous engineering systems and the equipment used.

This Code of Rules was developed taking into account the National Housing Code of Canada (National Housing Code of Canada, 1998 and Illustrated Guide) in terms of engineering systems. When developing the Code of Rules, manuals and were used.

This Code of Rules was developed by: L.S. Vasilyeva, S.N. Nersesov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, L.S. Exler (FSUE CNS); V.P. Bovbel, N.A. Shishov (Gosstroy of Russia); E.O. Schilkrot, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, A.L. Naumov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii"); Yu.A. Tabunshchikov, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences (ABOK).


This Code of Rules establishes recommendations for the design and installation of internal water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, gas and electricity systems, as well as external networks and structures for energy supply, water supply and sewerage of single-family residential buildings under construction and reconstruction.

GOST 8426-75 Clay brick for chimneys

SNiP 2.04.01-85*Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 2.04.02-84*Water supply. External networks and structures

SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures

SNiP 2.04.05-91*Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 2.04.07-86*Heat networks

SNiP 2.04.08-87*Gas supply

SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems

SNiP 3.05.02-88*Gas supply

SNiP 3.05.04-85*External networks and water supply and sewerage structures

SNiP 23-01-99 Construction climatology

SNiP 02/31/2001 Single-apartment residential houses

SP 31-105-2002Design and construction of energy-efficient single-family residential buildings with wooden frames

SP 40-102-2000 Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems from polymer materials. General requirements

SP 41-101-95Design of heating points

SP 41-102-98 Design and installation of pipelines for heating systems using metal-polymer pipes

SP 41-103-2000 Design of thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

SP 41-104-2000Design of autonomous heat supply sources

SanPiN Hygienic requirements to protection surface waters

Rules for electrical installations (PUE)

Safety rules in the gas industry


3.1 The selection of the house’s engineering support system is carried out by the developer at the stage of filling out the application and receiving the architectural and planning assignment for the development of the construction or reconstruction project of the house.

3.2 Engineering systems of a single-apartment building must be installed in accordance with the design documentation approved in accordance with the established procedure, developed in accordance with the architectural and planning assignment in compliance with the requirements building codes and rules, as well as regulatory documents of state supervisory authorities.

3.3 The designed and installed engineering systems of the house must ensure that the parameters of the microclimate and thermal comfort in the house, its sanitary and epidemiological characteristics, as well as the level of safety of engineering equipment meet the requirements of SNiP 31-02.

3.4 Equipment and elements of engineering systems must be designed and installed so that no defects arise in them during possible movements of building structures (including due to settlement of the base).

3.5 Devices and equipment used in engineering systems, instruments and fittings must be in full factory readiness and have factory instructions for installation and operation.

Products and materials used for installation of systems must meet the requirements of the standards or technical specifications that apply to them.

3.6 Design and installation of systems must be carried out by organizations that have the appropriate licenses.

3.7 Installed systems must be tested in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations, taking into account existing factory instructions for the installed equipment.

3.8 Recording or summing devices must be installed in the house, which determine:

a) the amount of heat consumption with a centralized heat supply system;

b) the amount of gas or liquid fuel consumed;

c) the amount of water consumed from cold and hot water supply systems;

d) the amount of electricity consumed by all electrical receivers.

3.9 At the request of the developer, signaling devices for light and sound alarms may be provided in the house for:

Stops the heat generator when the protection is triggered;

Lowering the air temperature in the premises of the house below the permissible level (5 ° C);

Exceeding the permissible CO content in the indoor air of the house;

Gas contamination in the premises of heat generators.

If there is a control center, the corresponding signals must be sent to its console.

3.10 Equipment and elements of engineering systems, with the exception of sealed pipes or channels, must be installed so that access for inspection is provided, maintenance, repair and cleaning.

3.11 The provisions and rules established by this Code apply to all single-apartment residential buildings regardless of their design solution.

Special additional requirements related to houses with load-bearing walls frame structure, set out in SP 31-105.


SNiP 31-02 imposes the following requirements for single-apartment houses:

to provide household and drinking water from the centralized water supply network of the settlement, from an individual or collective source of water supply from underground aquifers or from a reservoir at a daily consumption rate of at least 60 liters per person;

to ensure that the quality of drinking water meets the hygienic standards established by the Russian Ministry of Health;

to the availability of equipment, fittings, instruments and devices of the water supply system for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

4.1 General provisions

4.1.1 Water supply to a single-apartment building is carried out from a centralized or group external water supply network, and in its absence or in cases where this is provided for in the design assignment, an autonomous water supply system is installed.

4.1.2 The water supply system of a single-family house includes:

Connected to a centralized or group external network - a branch from an external water supply network, an input into a house, an internal water supply system or a water stand;

Autonomous - water intake structure, water lifting installation, water treatment plant, supply pipeline, entry into the house, spare or control tank, internal water supply.

An autonomous hot water supply system additionally includes a hot water boiler or heat exchanger (if closed system heat supply), equipment to maintain a given temperature at water collection points, and, if necessary, circulation networks and pumps.

4.1.3 All central (group) water supply systems for a group of single-family houses should be equipped with devices for measuring the amount of water. In this case, cold and cold water meters must be installed in each house. hot water, and at water intake or water treatment facilities - water meters or flow meters.

Water meters should be placed in a place convenient for reading and servicing, in a room in which the air temperature is maintained at least 5 °C.

4.1.4 When installing the entrance to the house, laying pipelines and hanging devices, additional requirements must be observed aimed at ensuring the integrity of building structures, preventing irrational heat losses, and the formation of an unacceptable amount of condensate in the thickness of building structures during the heating period; such requirements should be established in the design assignment, taking into account the features of the specific structural system of the house.

4.1.5 The water supply system of the house must ensure the supply of water required by SNiP 2.04.01 to the house. It is allowed to calculate the water supply system of a single-apartment house for a family of three to five people based on the approximate water flow of 0.5-1.0 m 3 /h.

4.1.6 When designing and installing a water supply system at home, the general requirements of SNiP 2.04.01, SNiP 2.04.02 and additional requirements of this Code of Practice must be observed.

4.1.7 Installation of pipelines should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01 and SNiP 3.05.04, as well as additional requirements of this Code of Rules.

4.1.8 Hydraulic calculation of water supply networks, design and installation of pipelines made of polymeric materials are recommended to be carried out in accordance with SP 40-102.

4.2 Water intake structure

for autonomous water supply system

4.2.1 As a rule, groundwater should be used as an autonomous source of water supply. Preference should be given to aquifers protected from contamination by impermeable rocks.

4.2.3 Mine well A shaft well is preferable for use when the depth of the aquifer is no more than 30 m. It is a vertical mine opening of a round or square cross-section with a diameter (side length) of at least 1.0 m. The walls of the well can be made of wood, stone, concrete or reinforced concrete ,polymer materials.

The well is intended to house a water intake device. With different options for the adopted water supply network scheme, a stationary pump and a hydraulic pneumatic tank can also be placed on a special platform inside the well or in an underground chamber adjacent to the well shaft. The ends of the shaft of the mine well must be protected from contamination by surface ground water. The top of the head must be at least 0.8 m above ground level and covered with a lid. A blind area 1-2 m wide should be arranged around the well with a slope away from the well and waterproof clay castle 0.5 m wide and 1.5-2 m deep. The bottom of the well, when receiving water through it, must be equipped with a gravel filter or a slab of porous concrete must be laid on it.

When receiving water through the walls, windows should be installed in them, filled with a gravel filter or porous concrete. If the thickness of the aquifer is up to 3 m, shaft wells of the perfect type should be provided - with the opening of the entire thickness of the layer; with a greater thickness of the layer, imperfect wells are allowed - with the opening of the layer to a depth of at least 2 m.

4.2.4 Water well Water intake wells, used primarily in cases where the depth of the aquifer exceeds 20 m, are arranged in such a way that a water intake filter and a submersible pump can be placed in them.

The design of the well head should exclude the possibility of penetration of surface water contaminants into the well. The upper part of the head should protrude above the well chamber floor by at least 0.5 m. If there is a danger of surface water entering the well, provision should be made for their drainage. For self-flowing wells, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of organizing water drainage outside the site to prevent erosion of the ground surface.

4.3Water treatment plants

4.3.1 The quality of domestic drinking water supplied to the house must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02. In cases where source water does not meet these requirements, its purification and (or) disinfection is necessary.

4.3.2 Water disinfection, as a rule, should be carried out in water treatment plants, including using a reagent-free method (using bactericidal irradiation).

To disinfect water, it is allowed to use sodium hypochlorite, bleach and other reagents approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation for use in domestic and drinking water supply practice.

When using bleach or other dry chlorine-containing reagents, chlorine cartridges (capsules made of porous ceramics) filled with the reagent and lowered into a water receiving container (well, tank) can be used.

4.3.3 Water treatment in individual water supply systems is most often used to remove iron, salts, hardness, and in some cases to remove fluorine, manganese and other elements, as well as to reduce overall mineralization.

4.3.4 For disinfection and (or) water purification, factory-made installations should be used, located at the water inlet into the house in a separate room on the ground floor or in the basement. In this case, the requirements established by the equipment manufacturer for the installation location and room height must be met. The minimum distance from the installation to the enclosing structures must be no less than 0.7 m.

4.3.5 Centralized and individual water supply systems, treatment facilities or installations of which do not provide the required quality of treatment, must be provided in the house individual installations water purification units, installed, as a rule, directly in front of the water dispensing device (for example, at a sink).

4.4 Internal water supply networks

4.4.1 For internal cold and hot water supply systems, pipes and fittings made of polymer materials should be preferably used.

It is allowed to use copper pipes, as well as steel pipes with a protective coating against corrosion.

4.4.2 Pipelines (except for connections to sanitary fixtures) made of polymer materials are recommended to be laid in baseboards, grooves, shafts or channels to prevent the possibility of mechanical damage during operation.

4.4.4 Installation of shut-off valves on internal water supply networks should provide for:

At each drinking water inlet;

For hot water supply circulation pumps;

In front of appliances, water fittings, water heating devices and other units;

Front-external watering taps.

4.4.5 In cases where the external network pressure exceeds the specified pressure limit in the internal network, a pressure regulator should be installed at the entrance to the house.

4.4.6 If the pressure of the central water supply network is insufficient or there is an individual source with a dynamic level of standing water at a depth at which the resistance of the suction path (taking into account the lift height) does not exceed the suction height of the pump, it is recommended to install the pump with a membrane expansion tank (for example, a hydropneumatic tank) located in a mine well , in an underground chamber near a water well or in a house.

4.4.7 To prevent cooling of water in pipes in the absence of water consumption, hot water supply systems should provide thermal insulation of pipes and circulation pumps.

4.4.8 Pumping units should, as a rule, be located in rooms where heat generators are installed. In this case, measures must be taken to ensure that the level of sound pressure at the design points of the residential premises of the house with the pump running does not exceed 34 dBA.


SNiP 31-02 imposes requirements for single-family houses in terms of:

the sewerage systems used (centralized, local or individual, including cesspool, absorption or with individual biological treatment);

removal of wastewater without polluting the territory and aquifers;

availability of equipment, fittings, instruments and devices of the sewerage system for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The sewage system of a single-apartment building is connected to a centralized or group external network, and in their absence or in cases where this is provided for in the design assignment, it is arranged as an autonomous one. The decision on the choice of an individual sewerage system must be agreed upon with the local authority of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, and when discharging waste water into a surface reservoir - also with the local environmental authority.

5.1.2 The sewage system includes:

connected to a centralized or group network - internal sewerage network, outlet and outlet pipeline;

autonomous - internal sewerage network, outlet from the house, discharge pipeline, septic tank and treatment facilities; Depending on the adopted sewerage scheme, the external network may include a filter well, filtration fields, pumping units, and a factory-made treatment plant.

An autonomous sewage system can be installed using backlash closets or dry closets and a cesspool.

5.1.3 Units, products and materials used in the construction of the sewerage system must meet the requirements of 4.1.4.

5.1.4 When arranging outlets from the house, laying pipelines and installing devices, the requirements of 4.1.5 must be met.

5.1.5 When designing and installing a sewerage system, the general requirements of SNiP 2.04.01, SNiP 2.04.03, SNiP 3.05.01 and SNiP 3.05.04 must be observed, as well as additional requirements of this Code of Rules.

5.2 Laying outlets and pipelines

5.2.1 For laying gravity pipelines, plastic pipes with socket or socket joints, cast iron or asbestos-cement pipes with socket joints with a diameter of at least 100 mm should be used.

5.2.2 Pipelines should be laid on a leveled and compacted base of local soil. In rocky soils, pipes should be laid in a layer of compacted sandy soil with a height of at least 150 mm; in muddy, peaty and other weak soils - on an artificial foundation. The pipeline must be laid with a slope of at least 0.01 from the house.

5.2.3 In places where the pipeline turns, there should be inspection wells, round or square in plan, with a tray and walls made of solid clay bricks, monolithic concrete, precast concrete rings or thermoplastics. For wells up to 0.8 m deep, their diameter or each dimension in plan must be at least 0.7 m, for greater depths - 1.0 m. Wells must be covered with a hatch with covers.

5.2.4 When laying outlets and pipelines above the freezing depth, they should be insulated. In this case, the insulation should be protected from the accumulation of water in it. The depth of the pipelines from the surface of the earth to the top of the pipe in places where vehicles can pass must be at least 0.7 m, in other places - 0.5 m.

5.2.5 When designing a sewerage system, it is necessary to completely eliminate the possibility of contamination by wastewater (from underground filtration structures or due to pipeline leaks) of aquifers used for drinking water supply.

5.3 External network of an autonomous sewage system

5.3.1 An autonomous sewerage system must ensure the collection of wastewater from the outlet of the house, and its conduction to facilities for treatment and discharge into the ground or into a surface body of water (system with wastewater treatment) or to a facility for collection, storage and removal (system without wastewater treatment ).

5.3.2 Selection of the autonomous system is carried out by the customer. When choosing a scheme, it is recommended to take into account the restrictions given in the subsequent paragraphs of this section of this Code of Practice.

5.3.3 Wastewater treatment systems Preliminary treatment of wastewater should be carried out in a septic tank. The septic tank is also designed to accumulate solid sediments, which must be removed periodically. At low level groundwater Single-chamber septic tanks are used, and for high septic tanks - two-chamber septic tanks. Treatment facilities used in autonomous sewerage systems are divided according to the method of wastewater treatment (biological, physico-chemical and biological-chemical treatment) and according to the principle of wastewater removal (systems for discharging treated wastewater into the ground, systems for discharging treated wastewater into a surface reservoir ).

When choosing a treatment scheme, soil conditions, groundwater levels, climatic conditions of the construction area, as well as the size of the adjacent area and the presence of a reservoir for wastewater should be taken into account.

5.3.4 Systems for discharging treated wastewater into the ground In cases where the construction site is of sufficient size and is located on soils with filtering properties, it is recommended to use systems for discharging wastewater into the ground. Soils with filtering properties should include sandy, sandy loam and light loamy soils with a filtration coefficient of at least 0.1 m/day. In rural areas, disposal of wastewater into absorbent soil can be used for seasonal subsurface irrigation of crops grown on the site.

in sandy and sandy loam soils - through a filter well or through an underground filtration field after preliminary cleaning in septic tanks; in this case, the level of groundwater when constructing filter wells should be no higher than 3 m from the ground surface, and when constructing underground filtration fields - no higher than 1.5 m from the ground surface;

in loamy soils - using filter cassettes after preliminary cleaning of septic tanks; in this case, the groundwater level should not be higher than 1.5 m from the ground surface.

5.3.5 Systems for discharging treated wastewater into surface water bodies Discharge of treated wastewater into a surface reservoir is recommended for waterproof or low-filtration soils on the site and if there is a reservoir that can be used for this purpose. In such systems, wastewater treated in septic tanks, after mechanical treatment in sand and gravel filters, in filter trenches or in factory-made treatment plants, is discharged into the reservoir by gravity pipeline or collected in a reservoir and pumped into the reservoir by a pump. In areas with an estimated winter outside air temperature of up to minus 20 ° C, it is possible to use a purification system in natural conditions. It should be possible to disinfect treated wastewater using chlorine cartridges placed in the flow. Discharge of treated wastewater into surface water bodies must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SanPiN At the point where treated wastewater is discharged into the reservoir, measures should be taken to prevent erosion of the banks and bottom by dampening the flow velocity, for example, by strengthening the soil with stone fill or concrete slabs.

5.3.6 Wastewater storage tanks It is recommended to design wastewater storage tanks in the form of wells with the highest possible wastewater supply to increase the usable volume of the storage tank. In order to be able to collect wastewater with a sewage disposal machine, the depth of the bottom of the storage tank from the ground surface should not exceed 3 m. The working volume of the storage tank must be no less than the capacity of the sewage disposal tank. If it is necessary to increase the volume of the storage tank, several connected containers are provided. The storage tank is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete rings, monolithic concrete or solid clay bricks. The storage tank must be equipped with internal and external (in the presence of groundwater) waterproofing, providing a filtration flow rate of no more than 3 l/(m 2 × day). The drive is equipped with an insulated cover. It is advisable to equip the storage tank with a float level indicator.

A ventilation riser with a diameter of at least 100 mm should be installed on the ceiling of the storage tank, extending it at least 700 mm above the level of the ground. The internal surfaces of the storage tank should be periodically washed with a stream of water.

5.3.7 Wastewater pumping Pumping of wastewater is provided for:

the need to place treatment facilities in the embankment due to high groundwater;

impossibility of draining wastewater for treatment by gravity due to the difficult terrain;

the need to pump treated wastewater to a remote reservoir or in difficult terrain. Pumping wastewater for filtration into the ground should be done after the septic tank. In this case, use submersible pumps, installed at the bottom of the receiving tank. The operation of the pumps must be automated.

5.4 Cesspools

5.4.1 In sewerage systems using backlash closets or dry closets, cesspools must be installed for the accumulation and subsequent removal of feces. The cesspool is made in the form of an underground container made of concrete, reinforced concrete or brick. The cesspool ceiling, located outside the outer fence of the house, is insulated. On the ceiling there is a hatch with an insulated lid.

5.4.2 A ventilation duct with a cross-section of at least 130x130 mm should be provided from the cesspool, the lower end of which is located 200 mm above the end of the drain pipe, and the upper end 0.5 m above the roof.

5.4.3 The inner surface of a cesspool made of brick must be protected with cement plaster.

5.4.4 The cesspool must be accessible to a sewage disposal vehicle.


SNiP 31-02 imposes the following requirements for the home heating system:

by application (in the absence district heating) as sources of thermal energy operating on gas or liquid fuel, automated heat generators of full factory readiness;

to the placement and installation of individual heat generators in the house;

to ensure fire safety and explosion safety in the premises of the house during the operation of heat generators.

6.1 General provisions

6.1.1 Heat supply should provide heating and hot water supply to the house by connecting its devices to a centralized system, and in its absence or in cases where this is provided for in the design assignment, by installing an autonomous system from an individual heat supply source (heat generator). Heating systems for outbuildings located on local area.

6.1.2 When connecting a house to a centralized heat supply source, houses should be equipped with individual heating points in accordance with SNiP 2.04.07 and SP41-101 with a connection to the heating network according to an independent circuit. If the temperature and pressure of the coolant in the heating system and in the heating and ventilation system of the house correspond, it is allowed to connect them to the heating network according to a dependent circuit. The heating network in the local area must be accessible for repairs.

6.1.3 The required performance of the heat generator must be determined in such a way that the amount of generated heat entering the heating system (and, if necessary, also into the ventilation system) is sufficient to maintain optimal (comfortable) air parameters in the house at the calculated parameters of the outside air, and the amount of heat, entering the hot water supply system - sufficient to maintain the specified hot water temperature at the maximum design load on this system. In this case, the total power of heat generators located in a house or an extension should not exceed 360 kW. The power of heat generators located in a separate building is unlimited.

Note - The thermal power of the fireplace is not included in the calculated power of heat generators.

6.1.4 When designing heat supply sources, it is recommended to be guided by SP41-104.

6.2 Heat generators

6.2.1 Heat generators using gas, liquid or solid fuel, electric heating units, and stoves can be used as an individual source of heat supply in the house. In addition to stationary heat generators, it is recommended to provide heat pump units, heat exchangers, solar collectors and other equipment using renewable energy sources. When choosing the type of heat generator, it is recommended to take into account the cost of various types of fuel in the construction area.

6.2.2 As heat generators, fully factory-ready automated equipment with a maximum coolant temperature of water up to 95 °C and pressure up to 1.0 MPa, having a certificate of conformity, must be used.

6.2.3 For use in a single-family house, heat generators should be used, the operation of which is possible without permanent maintenance personnel.

6.2.4 The technical condition of the installed heat generator should be monitored annually with the involvement of a specialized organization that has the right to issue permits (certificates of conformity) for its further use.

6.3 Placement of heat generator and fuel storage

6.3.1 The heat generator, as a rule, should be located in a separate room. It is allowed to place a heating heat generator with a power of up to 60 kW in the kitchen.

6.3.2 The room for placing the heat generator must be located on the ground floor, in the basement or basement of the house. Placing a heat generator on any energy source above the 1st floor is not recommended, except for heat generators located on the roof of the house.

6.3.3 The height of the heat generator room (from floor to ceiling) must be at least 2.2 m. The width of free passage in the room must be taken into account the requirements for operation and repair of equipment, but not less than 0.7 m.

6.3.4 The structures of walls and ceilings enclosing the heat generator room must have such sound insulation capacity that the sound pressure level in neighboring rooms with operating equipment did not exceed 34 dBA.

6.3.5 Half of the heat generator room must have waterproofing designed for a flood height of up to 10 cm.

6.3.6 Walls made of flammable materials at the installation site of a heat generator with a maximum surface heating temperature of more than 120 °C should be insulated with non-combustible materials, for example, a layer of plaster with a thickness of at least 15 mm or roofing steel over an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The specified insulation must protrude beyond the dimensions of the heat generator by at least 10 cm on each side of it and at least 50 cm above it.

For a heat generator with a maximum surface temperature of up to 120 °C inclusive, walls made of flammable materials may not be protected.

6.3.7 The heat generator must be installed at a distance of at least 20 mm from a wall made of non-combustible materials, at least 30 mm from a wall made of combustible materials plastered or lined with non-combustible materials and at least 100 mm from a wall made of combustible materials.

6.3.8 In the room of a heat generator operating on liquid or gaseous fuel, as well as in the rooms where such fuel is stored, there must be glazed window openings at the rate of at least 0.03 m 2 per 1 m 3 of room volume.

The dimensions of the doorways in the heat generator room must ensure unimpeded replacement of equipment.

6.3.9 A solid fuel warehouse located in a separate building must be located at a distance of at least 6 m from residential buildings.

When constructing such a warehouse in an attached or built-in room of a residential building, these rooms must have access directly to the outside.

6.3.10 The liquid fuel supply container located in the heat generator room must have a volume of no more than 50 liters.

6.3.11 Storage of liquid fuel and compressed gas in the local area should be provided in a separate building made of non-combustible materials or in buried tanks. The distance to other buildings should be at least 10 m. The storage capacity should be no more than 5 m 3.

6.3.12 Gas and liquid fuel pipelines in the heat generator room should be laid openly, without crossing ventilation grilles, window and door openings. Access for inspection and repair must be provided along their entire length.

6.4Water treatment

6.4.1 The quality of water used in the home heating system must meet the requirements contained in the technical documentation of the heat generator manufacturer. If such requirements are not specified, then water with the following quality indicators should be used:

Total hardness - no more than 3.0 mEq/kg;

Dissolved oxygen - no more than 0.1 mg/kg;

pH - within 7.0-9.5.

It is allowed not to provide for a water treatment installation when delivering treated water from other installations.

6.4.2 To prevent freezing of the heating system during a forced break in its operation, it is recommended to add antifreeze components (antifreeze) to the coolant. The substances used must have hygienic certificates issued by sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

6.5 Security

6.5.1 Factory-produced heat generators must be installed in compliance with the safety requirements and precautions specified in the manufacturer’s factory instructions.


SNiP 31-02 makes the following requirements:

to the temperature of the internal air in the premises of the house during the heating period based on the calculated parameters of the external air provided by the heating system;

to the maximum surface temperature of accessible parts heating devices and pipelines, to the temperature of hot air in the outlets of air heating devices, as well as to the temperature of water in the hot water supply system;

to provide heating and hot water supply systems with automatic or manual control, as well as heat and water metering devices;

to the arrangement and placement of fireplaces;

to the availability of equipment, fittings and devices of the heating system for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement;

to the installation of chimney insulation.

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 Heating systems must distribute heat so that the necessary microclimate parameters are provided in all living rooms and other premises where people may be constantly present.

7.1.2 During the cold period of the year, the temperature of heated premises, when they are temporarily unused, may be taken to be no lower than 12 °C, ensuring the restoration of the normalized temperature by the time the premises are used.

7.1.3 The design of a home heating system should be carried out taking into account the need to ensure uniform heating of the air in the premises, as well as the hydraulic and thermal stability of the heat supply system. At the same time, measures must be taken to ensure fire safety and operational reliability of the system.

7.1.4 Water (water heating) or air (air heating) can be used as a coolant in the heating system. The use of air heating systems is effective when forced (mechanical) ventilation is used.

7.1.6 Manual or automatic control of heating and hot water supply systems at home should be provided.

7.1.7 Systems must be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05, installed and tested in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01.

7.2 Water heating systems

7.2.1 For water heating of a single-family house, a system of natural or artificial stimulation of coolant (water) circulation can be used. The water heating system includes a heat generator (boiler), pipelines, expansion tank, heating devices, shut-off and control valves and air vents. In a system with artificial stimulation, pumping units are provided.

When choosing a water heating system, it should be taken into account that in systems with natural impulse, heat generators (boilers) are recommended to be located below heating devices and that when using such systems, the distance of heating devices from the heat generator should not exceed 30 m.

- “radial” circuit with centrally located supply and return collectors;

A parallel two-pipe scheme with wiring around the perimeter of the house.

7.2.3 The temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline, including in systems with pipes made of polymer materials, should not exceed 90 °C.

The difference in hydraulic resistance in the branches of the water heating pipeline should not differ by more than 25% from the average value.

7.2.4 The temperature of the open surface of a water heating radiator, unless measures are taken to prevent accidental human touching it, should not exceed 70°C.

7.2.5 Pipelines Pipelines must be assembled from pipes and fittings made from materials that can withstand operating temperatures and pressures in the heat supply system for a service life of at least 25 years.

When using pipes made of polymeric materials, it is recommended to follow the provisions of SP41-102. It is recommended to lay pipelines for heating systems hidden (in grooves, baseboards, shafts and channels). Open laying is permissible only for metal pipelines, since pipes made of polymeric materials should not be laid openly in places where they can be subject to mechanical damage and direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

When laying pipelines hidden, hatches should be provided at the locations of dismountable connections and fittings. Heating pipelines should be equipped with devices for emptying them. In underfloor heating systems and when pipelines are hidden in the floor structure, it is allowed to provide for the emptying of individual sections of the system by blowing them with compressed air.

Pipelines must be laid with a slope of at least 0.002. Separate sections of pipelines with a water movement speed of at least 0.25 m/s, if necessary, can be laid without a slope. Pipelines at the intersection of ceilings, internal walls and partitions should be laid in sleeves. The edges of the sleeves should be at the same level as the surfaces of walls, partitions and ceilings, but 30 mm above the surface of the finished floor.

Gaps and holes where pipelines pass through the structure of the house should be sealed with sealant. Air removal from heating systems should be provided at the upper points of pipelines, including heating devices, through flow-through air collectors or air vents. The use of non-flowing air collectors is permissible when the speed of water movement in the pipeline is less than 0.1 m/s. On pipelines laid in unheated and heated rooms, as well as on pipelines laid hidden in the external building envelope, thermal insulation should be provided to reduce heat losses in the upper zone (above 1.2 m). Thermal insulating coatings on pipes must be resistant to the operating temperatures of the system, as well as moisture and mold.

Materials can be used for thermal insulation of pipelines without limiting fire safety indicators, except for places where fire barriers intersect.

7.2.6 Expansion tanks To compensate for thermal expansion of the coolant in independent heating systems, expansion tanks should be provided. In a water heating system with artificial stimulation of coolant circulation, open or closed expansion tanks located in the heat generator room can be used. It is recommended to use diaphragm type expansion tanks with thermal insulation. The required tank capacity is set depending on the volume of coolant in the heating system.

7.2.7 Heating devices Heating devices should be placed, as a rule, under light openings in places accessible for inspection, repair and cleaning. Heating appliances should not be placed in vestibules with external doors. Radiators or convectors made of steel, copper, cast iron, aluminum, as well as combined ones (made of different metals) can be used as heating devices. For water underfloor heating, plastic pipes should be used, including metal-plastic pipes laid in the floor structure. The calculated average temperature of the floor surface and the calculated maximum temperature of the floor surface along the axes of the pipes must be taken according to SNiP 2.04.05. Compliance of the actual temperature of the floor surface with the specified requirements at a given temperature of the coolant in the pipes must be achieved by laying half-layers of thermal insulation into the structure, the required thickness of which is determined by calculation. In bathtubs and shower rooms, heated towel rails that are not connected to the hot water supply system should be connected to the heating system.

7.2.8 Shut-off and control valves Shut-off valves should be provided:

To disconnect and drain water and air from individual rings and branches of the heating system;

To turn off part or all heating devices in rooms in which heating is used periodically or partially. Control fittings for heating devices of single-pipe heating systems should be installed with minimal hydraulic resistance; for devices of two-pipe systems - with increased resistance.

7.2.9 Pumping units In an autonomous heating system with a separate water heater for hot water supply, it is recommended to install:

Primary circuit pump for supplying water from the heat generator to the heating system and to the hot water supply heater;

Hot water circulation pump. It is recommended to provide a backup circulation pump in the heating and hot water supply system, which should be used if the main pump fails.

In case of a power outage during the heating season, it is recommended to provide a bypass line at the heat generator, ensuring minimal coolant circulation to reduce the likelihood of system freezing. For heating and hot water supply systems of single-family houses, it is recommended to use pumping units with a capacity of 0.5 to 3.0 m 3 /h with a pressure of 5 to 30 kPa.

7.3 Air heating

7.3.1 The air heating system includes an air intake device, a supply fan, a device for cleaning the supply air, an air heater, an air duct system with supply holes in the ventilated areas of the house, and an exhaust fan. The air heating system must be combined with a mechanical ventilation system for the premises of the house, connected (Figure 7.1) or not connected (Figure 7.2) to the heat supply system.

7.3.2 When installing air heating systems, it is allowed to provide for air recirculation in the living rooms of the house.

Recirculated air intake devices should not be placed in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

Provision should be made to clean the recirculated air from dust.

7.3.3 In an air heating system combined with ventilation, if economically feasible, provision should be made for the recovery of exhaust air heat (Figure 7.3).

7.3.4 Feed holes warm air residential premises must be equipped with adjustable grilles. All branches of supply air ducts not equipped with adjustable grilles must be equipped with adjustable dampers with a device to indicate the position of the damper.

Heat recovery fans and all condensate pipes must be installed in a room with a positive air temperature.

7.3.5 The flow rate of supply air and its temperature during air heating are calculated based on the conditions for compensation of heat loss by rooms and heat consumption for ventilation of all rooms and for air exfiltration through the enclosing structures.

7.3.6 The temperature of the supply air entering the living spaces should not exceed 70 °C at the air distribution openings.

7.3.7 Air ducts of the heating system must be arranged in accordance with the provisions of Section 8 of this Code of Rules.

7.3.8 For the design, selection of equipment, installation and maintenance of an air heating system, it is recommended to involve organizations with relevant experience.

7.4 Electric heating

7.4.1 Electric heating is provided at the customer’s request as primary or backup.

7.4.2 For electric heating you should use:

Electric radiant heating devices with a radiating surface temperature not higher than 150 ° C, located in the upper zone of the room at a height of not lower than 2.2 m;

Electric heating devices for convective air heating with a heating element temperature not exceeding 100 °C;

Electric floor heating devices with automatic temperature control.

Figure 7.1 - Air heating system with forced air circulation,

combined with a mechanical ventilation system connected

to the heating system


7.5.1 The calculated value of the maximum heating temperature of the external surfaces of the fireplace should be taken: on the top horizontal surface 45 °C, on vertical and inclined walls 75 °C. A temperature of 90 °C is allowed in certain areas of vertical walls with an area of ​​no more than 15% of their total area.

7.5.2 The chimney serving the fireplace must not serve other heating devices.

7.5.3 The distance from the back and side walls of the fireplace to structures made of combustible materials of walls and partitions should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in Figure 7.4.

7.5.4 The thickness of the refractory brick lining of the walls must be at least 50 mm, and the thickness of the hearth lining must be at least 25 mm.

7.5.5 The thickness of the brick walls of the fireplace, including the thickness of the internal lining, must be no less than 190 mm, the thickness of the upper brick fireplace ceiling must be no less than 250 mm.

7.5.6 The dimensions of the fireplace (width and depth) must be at least 300 x 300 mm.

7.5.7 The fireplace opening of the fireplace should be closed with a door made of heat-resistant glass.

7.5.8 Fireplaces from the inside must be lined (lined) with refractories: brick according to GOST 8426, ceramic materials, concrete or metal (Figure 7.5).

7.5.9 Half in front of the fireplace there should be a pre-furnace platform made of non-combustible materials, with a size of at least 400 mm from the front wall of the fireplace, and on the sides the border of the platform should be at least 150 mm from the combustion opening on each side.

Figure 7.2 - Air heating system with forced air circulation, combined with a mechanical ventilation system not connected to the heat supply system

7.5.10 The side walls of the smoke collector connecting the fireplace firebox to the chimney must be made with an inclination of at least 45° to the horizontal.

7.6 Chimneys and chimneys

7.6.1 The removal of flue gases from heat generators operating on fuel oil, gas and solid fuel should be provided through flue ducts into a chimney or chimney. On the surface of chimneys the temperature should not exceed 120 °C, on the surface of chimneys - 70 °C. Chimneys and chimneys must be designed for temperatures up to 600 °C for solid fuels and up to 300 °C for liquid and gas fuels and undergo special tests for suitability for use.

7.6.2 The walls of chimneys of any design must be airtight (not lower than class II according to SNiP 2.04.05) and prevent smoke and flame from passing beyond the pipe. To prevent water and condensate from penetrating outside the pipe, all seams and joints on the pipe must be carefully sealed.

7.6.3 The internal lining of chimneys (Figure 7.6) must be resistant to softening and cracking.

7.6.4 The walls of smoke pipes and chimneys of a fireplace, stove and heat generator must be made of red solid ceramic bricks or heat-resistant concrete blocks and have a thickness of at least 120 mm. It is allowed to use chimneys and chimneys made of asbestos-cement pipes (up to 500 °C), as well as stainless steel pipes with mineral wool insulation.

Figure 7.3 - Connecting the heat recovery unit to the air heating chamber

7.6.6 The clear distance from the outer surface of brick pipes or concrete chimneys to rafters, sheathing and other frame and roof parts made of combustible materials must be at least 50 mm (Figure 7.8).

7.6.7 The height of the mouth of chimneys from heat generator rooms must be at least 0.5 m above the roof (Figure 7.9).

7.6.8 For the installation of heat-insulating and noise-proof coatings on pipes in which the temperature of the coolant exceeds 120 °C, non-combustible materials must be used. It is allowed to use low-flammability materials that do not decompose, do not ignite or smolder under conditions of the maximum coolant temperature possible under operating conditions.

Figure 7.4 - Gaps between the fireplace and the frame made of combustible materials

Figure 7.5 - Fireplace lining

Note - There must be a distance of at least 150 mm between the cleaning hatch opening and the combustible material of the house structures.

Figure 7.6 - Chimney lining

Figure 7.7 - Chimney head

Figure 7.8 - Distance from the chimney to building structures

Figure 7.9 - Minimum chimney height


SNiP 31-02 sets requirements for the cleanliness of air in the premises of the house and the uniformity of air flow into the premises provided by the ventilation system, as well as the microclimate parameters of the premises provided during the warm season by the air conditioning system.

A single-family house must also meet the following requirements:

ventilation systems used;

the performance of home ventilation systems, the volume of air removed and the frequency of air exchange in the premises;

placement of devices for removing polluted air from the premises of the house;

providing ventilation and air conditioning systems with means of automatic or manual regulation and heat and electrical energy;

availability of equipment, fittings and devices of ventilation and air conditioning systems for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

8.1 General requirements

8.1.1 The premises of the house must be provided with ventilation. A ventilation system is provided either with natural impulse, or with mechanical impulse, or combined (with natural inflow and mechanical impulse for air removal).

8.1.2 The ventilation system must ensure the standard amount of air exchange, but at the same time, vacuum inside the house, which negatively affects the operation of smoke removal from heat generators, is not allowed.

8.1.3 Design parameters of outdoor air for the design of ventilation and air conditioning systems should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.05 and SNiP 23-01.

If there are increased requirements for the reliability of providing indoor microclimate parameters, the calculated parameters of the outdoor climate can be clarified at local hydrometeorological centers.

8.1.4 It is recommended to take the calculated amount of air exchange in the premises of the house according to table 8.1.

8.1.5 Air exchange in the house must be organized in such a way as to prevent the spread (overflow) harmful substances And unpleasant odors from one room to another.

8.1.6 To protect against the entry of animals or insects, air intake openings, including ventilation holes in the external walls of underground spaces and attics, must be equipped with metal mesh or gratings.



Air exchange rate, m 3 /h, not less


In maintenance mode

Bedroom, common room, children's room

Library, office

Pantry, linen, dressing room

Gym, billiard room

Washing, ironing, drying

Kitchen with electric stove

Kitchen with gas stove

80 for 1 burner

Heat generator

By calculation, but not less than 60

Bathroom, shower, toilet

5 for 1 person

Garbage collection chamber

In areas of sandstorms and heavy transport of dust and sand, dust and sand settling chambers should be provided behind the air intake openings.

8.2 Natural impulse ventilation

8.2.1 In a house equipped with a natural ventilation system, supply air is provided through adjustable opening window elements (transoms, vents or slits) or valves built into the external walls, which must be located at a height of at least 1.5 m from the floor, and air removal from premises - through ventilation ducts in the internal walls of the house. The exhaust openings of these ducts should be located under the ceiling of the premises.

8.2.2 In the living rooms of the house, exhaust openings for ventilation ducts may not be provided. In this case, ventilation of these rooms should be provided through exhaust openings in kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

8.2.3 Ventilation of built-in public premises must be separate from residential premises.

8.3 Mechanical ventilation

8.3.1 In a house equipped with mechanical ventilation, supply ventilation ducts must ensure the flow of outside air through the supply openings of the air ducts. The air supply is provided by a supply fan, which receives outside air through an air intake device. Air removal from the premises must be ensured by an exhaust fan installed in the attic. Outside air in such systems, before entering the air ducts, passes through a system of filters and is heated to a temperature that the inhabitants of the house consider comfortable.

8.3.2 External supply air must come from:

a) in every living room;

b) to any room on a floor that does not have living rooms;

c) to common rooms, gym, billiard room, swimming pool.

To distribute the supply air to other rooms, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of air flowing from the room with the influx through leaks (slots) in the doors or flow valves into other rooms that have exhaust ventilation grilles.

8.3.3 A mechanically driven ventilation system is usually designed to operate during the heating season. During the rest of the year, the premises can be ventilated through the windows.

In rooms without windows, it is recommended to install additional mechanical ventilation devices (exhaust fans), which should work both during the heating season and during the rest of the year. An additional fan, if necessary, can also be installed in a room with a window.

8.3.4 In cases where the mechanical ventilation system is combined with an air heating system with forced air circulation (Figure 7.1), outside air must enter the recirculation duct of the air heating system.

8.3.5 The mechanical ventilation system must provide for manual or automatic regulation.

8.3.6 For mechanical ventilation, adjustable air distributors should be used, for example, adjustable guide grilles or lampshades.

8.3.7 The distance from the air intake openings of the supply ventilation to the windows, doors and hatches of the house must be at least 900 mm.

8.3.8 Low openings for air intake devices should be placed at a height of more than 0.5 m of the level of stable snow cover, but not lower than 1.5 m from the ground level.

8.3.9 Ventilation equipment must be accessible for inspection, repair and cleaning.

8.3.10 Installation of heating and air conditioning equipment, including refrigeration equipment and air purification and supply equipment, should be carried out according to factory instructions.

8.4 Ventilation of the heat generator room

8.4.1 In cases where a heat generator is installed in a house with air intake for fuel combustion from the premises of the house, the ventilation system must provide the heat generator room with additional supply air.

8.4.2 In the room of a heat generator with a power of more than 30 kW, combustion air must be supplied only from the outside.

8.4.3 The rooms in which heat generators are installed must have exhaust ventilation grilles. For additional air flow, a grille or a gap between the door and the floor with a clear cross-section of at least 0.02 m2 should be provided at the bottom of the door.

8.5 Air ducts

8.5.1 All ventilation ducts, their connecting elements, control valves and other devices must be made of non-combustible materials. The use of flammable materials is only permissible:

In air duct systems in which the air temperature does not exceed 120 °C;

In horizontal floor branches of air ducts.

8.5.2 The estimated service life of air ducts should be at least 25 years.

Duct materials used in areas where they may be exposed to excessive moisture should:

a) do not lose strength when wet;

b) be resistant to corrosion.

8.5.3 It is prohibited to use asbestos-containing materials and products in supply or recirculation ventilation and air conditioning systems.

8.5.4 Internal and external coatings and insulation, as well as adhesives used in air ducts and other elements of ventilation systems must be made of non-combustible materials if during operation their surface temperature may exceed 120 °C.

8.5.5 Ducts must be securely supported by metal hangers, brackets, lugs or brackets. All outlets and branches of air ducts must have supports that prevent deflection of air duct elements, violation of their integrity and tightness. Ducts should not have any openings other than those required for normal operation and maintenance of the system.

8.5.6 When laying air ducts with a transported air temperature below 120 °C, it is permissible to lay air ducts close to a wooden building structure, and it is permissible to use wooden brackets.

8.5.7 To ensure the tightness of air ducts along their entire length, all connections and joints of air ducts must be sealed to ensure a density of air ducts not lower than class N according to SNiP 2.04.05.


SNiP 31-02 sets requirements for the placement of gas pipeline entries into the house and the placement of gas cylinders in the premises of the house, as well as for the maximum pressure in the internal gas pipeline of the house. The gas supply system must meet fire safety and explosion safety requirements during operation.

9.1 General requirements

9.1.1 Gas-consuming equipment for the heating system, hot water supply and ventilation of the house, as well as gas stoves For cooking, they are connected to the centralized gas supply network. In the absence of a centralized gas supply, an autonomous gas supply system is created based on individual cylinder units or liquefied gas reservoirs, providing gas fuel to all the above-mentioned house systems or part of them.

9.1.2 When using gas only for cooking, it is recommended to arrange gas supply from individual cylinder units, consisting of one or two cylinders. In other cases, it is recommended to use individual liquefied gas tank units.

9.1.3 For approximate calculations of the required volume of gas consumption, it is recommended to use the following average daily gas consumption indicators for a single-family house:

Cooking on a gas stove - 0.5 m 3 / day;

Hot water supply using gas instantaneous water heater-0.5 m 3 /day;

Heating using a household gas heating apparatus with a water circuit (for the conditions of the Moscow region) - from 7 to 12 m 3 / day.

9.1.4 The calculated gas pressure in the internal gas pipeline of the house should be no more than 0.003 MPa.

Figure 9.1 - Gas inlet

9.1.5 When designing and installing a gas supply system at home, one should be guided by SNiP 2.04.08, SNiP 3.05.02 and “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”.

9.2 Input into the house when connected to a centralized gas supply network

9.2.1 The height of the installation of above-ground gas pipelines in the area adjacent to the house outside the passage of vehicles and the passage of people must be at least 0.35 m from the ground to the bottom of the pipe.

9.2.2 The low-pressure gas supply pipeline directly at the entrance to the house must be equipped with a disconnecting device at a height of no more than 1.8 m from the ground surface (Figure 9.1).

9.2.3 The distance between the gas pipeline and pipelines of other communications should be taken into account the possibility of installation, inspection and repair of each pipeline.

9.3 Entry into the house when installing an autonomous gas supply system

9.3.1 Outside the home, gas cylinders must be placed in a metal cabinet near outer wall at home. The cabinet must be installed on a base made of non-combustible material, the top of which must be at least 100 mm above the planning level of the ground. The distance from the cabinet to the doors and windows of the first floor must be at least 0.5 m, from the windows and doors of basement and basement rooms, cellars, wells, cesspools - at least 3.0 m. The gas pipeline entry from the cylinders into the house must be installed directly into the room, where gas equipment is located.

9.3.2 It is recommended to install an individual liquefied gas tank installation directly into the ground at such a depth that the distance from the ground surface to the top of the tank is at least 0.6 m in areas with seasonal soil freezing and at least 0.2 m in areas without soil freezing. At high groundwater levels, tanks should be waterproofed and installed on a reliable foundation. It is recommended to lay the low-pressure gas pipeline from the tank to the house underground.

9.4 Internal gas pipeline

9.4.1 The laying of an internal gas pipeline, as a rule, should be open. Concealed installation of gas pipelines (except for liquefied gas pipelines) in grooves in walls covered with easily removable shields with holes for ventilation is allowed.

9.4.2 Gas pipelines at intersections of building structures should be laid in cases. The end of the case must protrude above the floor by at least 3 cm. The annular gap between the case and the gas pipeline must be at least 5 mm. The space between the gas pipeline and the casing must be sealed with elastic materials.

9.4.3 The internal gas pipeline must be painted with waterproof paints and varnishes.

9.4.4 Gas consumption meters should be placed in the room where the heat generator or gas stoves are located.

9.4.5 Installation of shut-off devices on gas pipelines should be provided in front of the meter and gas-consuming devices.

9.4.6 Compressed or liquefied gas cylinders placed inside the house should be installed only in rooms where gas-consuming appliances are located.

Installation of cylinders is not allowed in basements and basements, rooms with unnatural lighting and ventilation.

9.4.7 Installation of household gas stoves The distance between the edge of the top of the slab and the wall made of non-combustible materials must be at least 50 mm. In a kitchen with walls made of flammable materials, the wall against which the stove is installed must have a fire-retardant coating, for example, in the form of a layer of plaster or roofing steel sheet over an asbestos sheet (unless another technical solution is provided for in the factory instructions for installing the stove). The specified coating must be located from the floor to a height of at least 800 mm above the surface of the slab and protrude beyond the slab on both sides by at least 100 mm. The distance between the edge of the top of the slab and the wall in this case should be at least 100 mm.


SNiP 31-02 imposes requirements for the home power supply system in terms of its compliance with the “Rules for Electrical Installations” (PUE) and state standards for electrical installations, as well as for the equipment of electrical installations with residual current devices (RCDs), for the design and placement of electrical wiring and the presence of devices for metering electricity consumption.

10.1 Electrical wiring, including network wiring, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and this Code of Rules.

10.2 Electricity supply to a residential building must be carried out from 380/220V networks with a TN-C-S grounding system.

Internal circuits must be made with separate zero protective and zero working (neutral) conductors.

10.3 The design load is determined by the customer and has no restrictions unless they are established by local administrative authorities.

10.4 If the power supply capabilities are limited, the design load of electrical receivers should be taken at least:

5.5 kW - for a home without electric stoves;

8.8 kW - for a house with electric stoves.

At the same time, if total area house exceeds 60 m2, the design load must be increased by 1% for each additional m2.

With permission from the energy supply organization, it is allowed to use electricity with a voltage of more than 0.4 kV.

10.5 Can be used indoors the following types electrical wiring:

Open electrical wiring laid in electrical skirting boards, boxes, trays and along building structures;

Hidden electrical wiring carried out in walls and ceilings at any height, including in the voids of building structures made of non-combustible or combustible materials of groups G1, G2 and G3.

Electrical wiring in residential buildings is carried out using wires and cables with copper conductors.

Cables and wires in protective sheaths may be passed through building structures made of non-combustible or combustible materials of groups G1, G2 and G3, without the use of bushings and tubes.

10.6 Places of connections and branches of wires and cables should not experience mechanical stress.

At junctions and branches, the cores of wires and cables must have insulation equivalent to the insulation of the cores of entire sections of these wires and cables.

10.7 Wires laid hidden must have a length reserve of at least 50 mm at the connection points in branch boxes and at the points of connection to lamps, switches and plug sockets. Devices installed hidden must be enclosed in boxes. Branch boxes when laying wires hidden must be recessed into building elements buildings flush with the final finished external surface. Connections of wires when passing from a dry room to a damp room or outside the building must be made in a dry room.

10.8 Passage through unprotected external walls insulated wires is carried out in pipes made of polymer materials, which must be terminated in dry rooms with insulating sleeves, and in damp rooms and when exiting outside - with funnels.




Autonomous systems of engineering equipment of residential buildings and public buildings. Technical solutions. - M.: Trading House " Engineering equipment", State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 1998

A manual for the design of autonomous engineering systems of single-family and semi-detached residential buildings (water supply, sewerage, heat supply and ventilation, gas supply, electricity supply). - M.: Trading house "Engineering equipment", State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 1997

Key words: engineering systems, residential buildings, single-family houses, heating systems, cold and hot water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, sewage system, special systems


1 Application area

3 General provisions

4 Water supply

5 Sewerage

6 Heat supply

7 Heating

8 Ventilation and air conditioning

9 Gas supply

10Electricity supply

Appendix A. Bibliography

Directory of GOSTs, TUs, standards, norms and rules. SNiP, SanPiN, certification, technical specifications

System of regulatory documents in construction



SP 31-106-2002


Moscow 2002


1 DEVELOPED BY FSUE TsNS Gosstroy of Russia, OJSC TsNIIPromzdanii with the participation of ABOK and specialists from the Technical Standardization Department of Gosstroy of Russia

AGREED BY the Department of State Energy Supervision and Energy Saving of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation (letter No. 32-01-07/33 dated March 20, 2002)

INTRODUCED by the Department of Standardization, Technical Standardization and Certification of the Gosstroy of Russia

2 APPROVED for use by Decree of the State Construction Committee of Russia No. 7 dated February 14, 2002.



This Code of Practice contains recommendations for the design and calculation of engineering systems of single-family houses. The implementation of these recommendations will ensure compliance with the mandatory requirements for engineering systems of residential buildings established by SNiP 31-02-2001 “Single-apartment residential buildings” and other building codes and regulations.

The set of rules contains provisions on the design and equipment of internal engineering systems: heating, ventilation and air conditioning, cold and hot water supply, sewerage, electrical equipment and lighting, gas supply. Recommendations are given on the selection of types of autonomous engineering systems and equipment used.

This Code of Practice has been developed in accordance with the National Housing Code of Canada ( National Housing Code of Canada, 1998 and Illustrated Guide ) in terms of engineering systems. When developing the Code of Rules, manuals and were used.

This Code of Rules was developed by: L.S. Vasilyeva, S.N. Nersesov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, L.S. Exler (FSUE CNS); V.P. Bovbel, N.A. Shishov (Gosstroy of Russia); E.O. Schilkrot, Ph.D. tech. Sciences, A.L. Naumov, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (JSC "TsNIIPromzdanii"); Yu.A. Tabunshchikov, Doctor of Engineering. Sciences (ABOK).




Date of introduction 2002-09-01


This Code of Rules establishes recommendations for the design and installation of internal systems of water supply, sewerage, heating, ventilation, gas supply and electricity supply, as well as external networks and structures for energy supply, water supply and sewerage of single-family residential buildings under construction and reconstruction.


This Code of Rules uses references to the following regulatory documents:

GOST 8426-75 Clay bricks for chimneys

SNiP 2.04.01-85 * Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings

SNiP 2.04.02-84 * Water supply. External networks and structures

SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures

SNiP 2.04.05-91 * Heating, ventilation and air conditioning

SNiP 2.04.07-86 * Heating networks

SNiP 2.04.08-87 * Gas ​​supply

SNiP 3.05.01-85 Internal sanitary systems

SNiP 3.05.02-88 * Gas ​​supply

SNiP 3.05.04-85 * External networks and water supply and sewerage structures

SNiP 23-01-99 Construction climatology

SNiP 02/31/2001 Single-apartment residential houses

SP 31-105-2002 Design and construction of energy-efficient single-family residential buildings with wooden frames

SP 40-102-2000 Design and installation of pipelines for water supply and sewerage systems made of polymer materials. General requirements

SP 41-101-95 Design of heating points

SP 41-102-98 Design and installation of pipelines for heating systems using metal-polymer pipes

SP 41-103-2000 Design of thermal insulation of equipment and pipelines

Design of autonomous heat supply sources

SanPiN Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters

Rules for the construction of electrical installations (PUE)

Safety rules in the gas industry


3.1 The selection of the house’s utility systems is carried out by the developer at the stage of filling out an application and receiving an architectural and planning assignment for the development of a project for the construction or reconstruction of a house.

3.2 Engineering systems of a single-apartment building must be installed in accordance with duly approved design documentation, developed in accordance with the architectural and planning assignment in compliance with the requirements of building codes and regulations, as well as regulatory documents of state supervisory authorities.

3.3 The designed and installed engineering systems of the house must ensure that the parameters of the microclimate and thermal comfort in the house, its sanitary and epidemiological characteristics, as well as the level of safety of engineering equipment meet the requirements of SNiP 31-02.

3.4 Equipment and elements of engineering systems must be designed and installed so that no defects arise in them during possible movements of building structures (including due to settlement of the base).

3.5 Devices and equipment used in engineering systems, instruments and fittings must be fully factory-ready and have factory instructions for installation and operation.

Products and materials used during installation of systems must meet the requirements of the standards or technical specifications that apply to them.

3.6 Design and installation of systems must be carried out by organizations that have the appropriate licenses.

3.7 Installed systems must be tested in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations, taking into account existing factory instructions for the installed equipment.

3.8 Recording or summing devices must be installed in the house, which determine:

a) the amount of heat consumption with a centralized heat supply system;

b) the amount of gas or liquid fuel consumed;

c) the amount of water consumed from cold and hot water supply systems;

d) the amount of electricity consumed by all electrical receivers.

3.9 At the request of the developer, signaling devices for light and sound alarms may be provided in the house when:

Stopping the heat generator when the protection is triggered;

Reducing the air temperature in the premises of the house below the permissible level (5 ° C);

Exceeding the permissible CO content in indoor air at home;

Gas contamination in the premises of heat generators.

If there is a control center, the corresponding signals must be sent to its console.

3.10 Equipment and elements of engineering systems, with the exception of sealed pipes or channels, must be installed so that access is provided for inspection, maintenance, repair and cleaning.

3.11 The provisions and rules established by this Code of Practice apply to all single-apartment residential buildings, regardless of their design.

Special additional requirements relating to houses with load-bearing walls of a frame structure are set out in SP 31-105.


SNiP 31-02 imposes the following requirements for single-family houses:

to provide household and drinking water from the centralized water supply network of a populated area, from an individual or collective water supply source from underground aquifers or from a reservoir at a daily consumption rate of at least 60 liters per person;

to the compliance of the quality of drinking water with hygienic standards established by the Russian Ministry of Health;

to the availability of equipment, fittings, instruments and devices of the water supply system for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

4.1 General provisions

4.1.1 Water supply to a single-apartment building is carried out from a centralized or group external water supply network, and in its absence or in cases where this is provided for in the design assignment, an autonomous water supply system is installed.

4.1.2 The water supply system of a single-family house includes:

Connected to a centralized or group external network - a branch from the external water supply network, an entry into the house, an internal water supply or a water stand;

Autonomous - water intake structure, water lifting installation, water treatment plant, supply pipeline, entry into the house, spare or control tank, internal water supply.

An autonomous hot water supply system additionally includes a hot water boiler or heat exchanger (with a closed heat supply system), equipment for maintaining a given temperature at water collection points, and, if necessary, circulation networks and pumps.

4.1.3 All central (group) water supply systems for a group of single-family houses should be equipped with devices for measuring the amount of water. At the same time, cold and hot water meters must be installed in each house, and water meters or flow meters at water intake or water treatment facilities.

Water meters should be placed in a place convenient for reading and servicing, in a room where the air temperature is maintained at least 5 °C.

4.1.4 When installing an inlet into the house, laying pipelines and hanging devices, additional requirements must be observed aimed at ensuring the integrity of building structures, preventing irrational heat loss, and the formation of an unacceptable amount of condensate in the thickness of building structures during the heating season; such requirements should be established in the design brief, taking into account the characteristics of the specific structural system of the house.

4.1.5 The water supply system of the house must provide the required SNiP 2.04.01 amount of water into the house. It is allowed to calculate the water supply system of a single-apartment house for a family of three to five people based on an estimated water consumption of 0.5 - 1.0 m 3 /h.

4.1.6 When designing and installing a water supply system at home, the general requirements of SNiP 2.04.01, SNiP 2.04.02 and additional requirements of this Code of Rules must be observed.

4.1.7 Installation of pipelines should be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01 and SNiP 3.05.04, as well as additional requirements of this Code of Rules.

4.1.8 Hydraulic calculation of water supply networks, design and installation of pipelines made of polymeric materials are recommended to be carried out in accordance with SP 40-102.

4.1.9 For the installation of pipelines, it is recommended to preferably use products made of polymeric materials.

4.2 Water intake structure for autonomous water supply system

4.2.1 As a rule, groundwater should be used as an autonomous source of water supply. Preference should be given to aquifers protected from contamination by impermeable rocks.

4.2.2 It is recommended to use mine wells or water intake wells as water intake structures.

4.2.3 Mine well A shaft well is preferable for use when the depth of the aquifer is no more than 30 m. It is a vertical mine working with a round or square cross-section with a diameter (side length) of at least 1.0 m. The walls of the well can be made of wood, stone, concrete or reinforced concrete, polymer materials.

The well is intended to accommodate a water intake device. With different options for the adopted water supply network scheme, a stationary pump and a hydraulic pneumatic tank can also be placed on a special platform inside the well or in an underground chamber adjacent to the well shaft. The head and shaft of the shaft well must be protected from contamination by surface and groundwater. The top of the head must be at least 0.8 m above ground level and covered with a lid. Around the well there should be a blind area 1 - 2 m wide with a slope from the well and a waterproof clay castle 0.5 m wide to a depth of 1.5 - 2 m. The bottom of the well, when receiving water through it, must be equipped with a gravel filter or a porous concrete slab must be laid on it.

When receiving water through the walls, windows should be installed in them, filled with a gravel filter or porous concrete. When the thickness of the aquifer is up to 3 m, shaft wells of the perfect type should be provided - with the opening of the entire thickness of the formation; with a greater thickness of the formation, imperfect wells are allowed - with the opening of the formation to a depth of at least 2 m.

4.2.4 Water well Water intake wells, used primarily in cases where the depth of the aquifer exceeds 20 m, are arranged in such a way that a water intake filter and a submersible pump can be placed in them. It is recommended to place the head of the water intake well in a well, the bottom of which should be below the freezing level of the soil.

The design of the well head should exclude the possibility of penetration of surface water and contaminants into the well. The upper part of the head must protrude above the floor of the well chamber by at least 0.5 m. If there is a danger of surface water entering the well, drainage should be provided. For self-flowing wells, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of organizing water drainage outside the site to prevent erosion of the ground surface.

4.3 Water treatment plants

4.3.1 The quality of domestic drinking water supplied to the house must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.02. In cases where source water does not meet these requirements, its purification and (or) disinfection is necessary.

4.3.2 Water disinfection, as a rule, should be carried out in water treatment plants, including using a reagent-free method (using bactericidal irradiation).

To disinfect water, it is allowed to use sodium hypochlorite, bleach and other reagents approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision of the Russian Federation for use in domestic and drinking water supply practice.

When using bleach or other dry chlorine-containing reagents, chlorine cartridges (capsules made of porous ceramics) filled with the reagent and lowered into a water receiving container (well, tank) can be used.

4.3.3 Water purification in individual water supply systems is most often used to remove iron, salts, hardness, and in some cases to remove fluorine, manganese and other elements, as well as to reduce overall mineralization.

4.3.4 For disinfection and (or) water purification, factory-made installations should be used, located at the water inlet into the house in a separate room on the ground floor or in the basement. In this case, the requirements established by the equipment manufacturer for the installation location and room height must be met. The minimum distance from the installation to the enclosing structures must be at least 0.7 m.

4.3.5 With centralized and individual water supply systems, treatment facilitiesinstallations or installations of which do not provide the required quality of purification, it is necessary to provide individual water purification plants in the house, installed, as a rule, directly in front of the water dispensing device (for example, at the sink).

4.4 Internal water supply networks

4.4.1 For internal cold and hot water supply systems, pipes and fittings made of polymer materials should preferably be used.

It is allowed to use copper pipes, as well as steel pipes with a protective coating against corrosion.

4.4.2 Pipelines (except for connections to sanitary fixtures) made of polymeric materials are recommended to be laid in baseboards, grooves, shafts or channels to prevent the possibility of mechanical damage during operation.

4.4.3 When placing pipelines, it is recommended to provide for the possibility of replacing them without dismantling the supporting structures of the house.

4.4.4 Installation of shut-off valves on internal water supply networks should provide for:

At each domestic drinking water inlet;

For hot water supply and circulation pumps;

In front of appliances, water fittings, water heating devices and other units;

In front of outdoor watering taps.

4.4.5 In cases where the external network pressure exceeds the specified pressure limit in the internal network, a pressure regulator should be installed at the entrance to the house.

4.4.6 If there is insufficient pressure in the central water supply network or there is an individual source with a dynamic water level at a depth at which the resistance of the suction path (taking into account the lift height) does not exceed the suction height of the pump, it is recommended to install a pump with a membrane expansion tank (for example, a hydropneumatic tank ), placed in a mine well, in an underground chamber near a water well or in a house.

4.4.7 To prevent cooling of water in pipes in the absence of water consumption, thermal insulation of pipes and circulation pumps should be provided in hot water supply systems.

4.4.8 Pumping units should, as a rule, be located in rooms where heat generators are installed. In this case, measures must be taken to ensure that the sound pressure level at the design points of the residential premises of the house with the pump running does not exceed 34 dBA.


SNiP 31-02 imposes requirements for single-family houses in terms of:

sewerage systems used (centralized, local or individual, including cesspool, absorption or with individual biological treatment);

removal of wastewater without polluting the territory and aquifers;

availability of equipment, fittings, instruments and devices of the sewerage system for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

5.1 General requirements

5.1.1 The sewerage system of a single-apartment building is connected to a centralized or group external network, and in their absence or in cases where this is provided for in the design assignment, it is arranged as an autonomous one. The decision on the choice of an individual sewerage system must be agreed upon with the local body of the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, and when discharging wastewater into a surface reservoir, also with the local environmental authority.

5.1.2 The sewerage system includes:

attached to a centralized orgroup network - internal sewerage network, outlet from the house and outlet pipeline;

autonomous - internal sewerage network, outlet from the house, discharge pipeline, septic tank and treatment facilities; Depending on the adopted sewerage scheme, the external network may include a filter well, filtration fields, pumping units, and a factory-made treatment plant.

An autonomous sewage system can be installed using backlash closets or dry closets and a cesspool.

5.1.3 Units, products and materials used in the construction of the sewerage system must meet the requirements.

5.1.4 When installing an outlet from the house, laying pipelines and installing devices, the requirements must be observed.

5.1.5 When designing and installing a sewerage system, the general requirements of SNiP 2.04.01, SNiP 2.04.03, SNiP 3.05.01 and SNiP 3.05.04 must be observed, as well as additional requirements of this Code of Rules.

5.2 Laying outlets and pipelines

5.2.1 For laying gravity pipelines, plastic pipes with coupling or socket joints, cast iron or asbestos-cement pipes with coupling joints with a diameter of at least 100 mm should be used.

5.2.2 Pipelines should be laid on a leveled and compacted base made of local soil. In rocky soils, pipes should be laid on a layer of compacted sandy soil with a height of at least 150 mm,in muddy, peaty and other weak soils - on an artificial base. The pipeline must be laid with a slope of at least 0.01 from the house.

5.2.3 In places where the pipeline turns, inspection wells must be installed, round or square in plan, with a tray and walls made of solid clay bricks, monolithic concrete, precast reinforced concrete rings or thermoplastics. With a depth of wells up to 0.8 m, their diameter or each dimension in plan must be at least 0.7 m, with greater depths - 1.0 m. The wells must be covered with a hatch with covers.

5.2.4 When laying outlets and pipelines above the freezing depth, they should be insulated. In this case, the insulation should be protected from the accumulation of water in it. The depth of pipelines from the ground surface to the top of the pipe in places where vehicles can pass must be at least 0.7 m, in other places - 0.5 m.

5.2.5 When designing a sewerage system, it is necessary to completely eliminate the possibility of pollution by wastewater (from underground filtration structures or due to pipeline leaks) of aquifers used for drinking water supply.

5.3 External networkautonomous sewage system

5.3.1 An autonomous sewerage system must ensure the collection of wastewater from the outlet of the house, its diversion to facilities for treatment and discharge into the ground or into a surface body of water (system with wastewater treatment) or to a facility for collection, storage and removal (system without treatment wastewater).

5.3.2 The choice of the autonomous system scheme is made by the customer. When choosing a scheme, it is recommended to take into account the restrictions given in the subsequent paragraphs of this section of this Code of Practice.

5.3.3 Systems with wastewater treatment Pre-treatment of wastewater should be carried out in a septic tank. The septic tank is also designed to accumulate solid sediments, which must be removed periodically. When the groundwater level is low, single-chamber septic tanks are used, and when the groundwater level is high, two-chamber septic tanks are used. Treatment facilities used in autonomous sewage systems are divided according to the method of wastewater treatment (biological, physico-chemical and biological-chemical treatment) and according to the principle of wastewater removal (systems with disposal of treated wastewater into the ground, systems with disposal of treated wastewater). wastewater into surface water).

When choosing a treatment scheme, soil conditions, groundwater levels, climatic conditions of the construction area, as well as the size of the adjacent area and the presence of a reservoir for wastewater should be taken into account.

5.3.4 Systems for discharging treated wastewater into the ground In cases where the construction site is of sufficient size and is located on soils with filtering properties, it is recommended to use systems with wastewater discharge into the ground. Soils with filtering properties should include sandy, sandy loam and light loamy soils with a filtration coefficient of at least 0.1 m/day. In rural areas, disposal of wastewater into absorbent soil can be used for seasonal subsurface irrigation of crops grown on the site. It is recommended to discharge wastewater into the ground:

in sandy and sandy loam soils - through a filter well or through an underground filtration field after preliminary cleaning in septic tanks; in this case, the groundwater level when constructing filter wells should be no higher than 3 m from the surface of the earth, and when constructing underground filtration fields - no higher than 1.5 m from the surface of the earth;

in loamy soils - using filter cassettes after preliminary cleaning in septic tanks; in this case, the groundwater level should not be higher than 1.5 m from the ground surface.

5.3.5 Systems for discharging treated wastewater into surface water bodies Discharge of treated wastewater into a surface reservoir is recommended for waterproof or low-filtration soils on the site and if there is a reservoir that can be used for this purpose. In such systems, wastewater purified in septic tanks, after mechanical treatment in sand and gravel filters, in filter trenches or in factory-made treatment plants, is discharged into the reservoir by gravity pipeline or collected in a storage tank and pumped into the reservoir by a pump. In areas with an estimated winter outdoor temperature of minus 20 °C, it is possible to use a purification system in natural conditions. It should be possible to disinfect treated wastewater using chlorine cartridges placed in the flow. Discharge of treated wastewater into surface water bodies must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of SanPiN At the point where treated wastewater is discharged into the reservoir, measures should be taken topreventing erosion of the banks and bottom by dampening the flow velocity, for example, by strengthening the soil with stone bedding or concrete slabs.

5.3.6 Wastewater storage tanks It is recommended to design wastewater storage tanks in the form of wells with the highest possible wastewater supply to increase the usable volume of the storage tank. In order to be able to collect wastewater with a sewage disposal machine, the depth of the bottom of the storage tank from the ground surface should not exceed 3 m. The working volume of the storage tank must be no less than the capacity of the sewage disposal tank. If it is necessary to increase the storage capacity, several connected containers are provided. The storage tank is made of prefabricated reinforced concrete rings, monolithic concrete or solid clay bricks. The storage tank must be equipped with internal and external (in the presence of groundwater) waterproofing, providing a filtration flow rate of no more than 3 l/(m 2× days). The drive is equipped with an insulated cover. It is advisable to equip the storage tank with a float level indicator.

A ventilation riser with a diameter of at least 100 mm should be installed on the storage tank floor, extending it at least 700 mm above the level of the ground. The internal surfaces of the storage tank should be periodically washed with a stream of water.

5.3.7 Wastewater pumping Pumping of wastewater is provided for:

the need to place treatment facilities in the embankment due to high groundwater;

the impossibility of draining wastewater for treatment by gravity due to the difficult terrain;

the need to pump treated wastewater to a remote reservoir or in difficult terrain. Pumping of wastewater for filtration into the ground should be done after the septic tank. In this case, submersible pumps are used, installed at the bottom of the receiving tank. The operation of the pumps must be automated.

5.4 Cesspools

5.4.1 In sewerage systems using backlash closets or dry closets, cesspools must be installed for the accumulation and subsequent removal of feces. The cesspool is made in the form of an underground container made of concrete, reinforced concrete or brick. The cesspool ceiling, located outside the outer fence of the house, is insulated. There is a hatch with an insulated cover on the ceiling.

5.4.2 A ventilation duct with a cross-section of at least 130 should be provided from the cesspool´ 130 mm, the lower end of which is located 200 mm above the end of the fan pipe, and the upper end is 0.5 m above the roof.

5.4.3 The inner surface of a cesspool made of brick must be protected with cement plaster.

5.4.4 The cesspool must be accessible to a sewage disposal vehicle.


SNiP 31-02 imposes the following requirements for the home heating system:

on the use (in the absence of centralized heat supply) as sources of thermal energy operating on gas or liquid fuel, automated heat generators of full factory readiness;

to the placement and installation of individual heat generators in the house;

to ensure fire safety and explosion safety in the premises of the house during the operation of heat generators.

6.1 General provisions

6.1.1 Heat supply should provide heating and hot water supply to the house by connecting its devices to a centralized system, and in its absence or in cases where this is provided for in the design assignment, by installing an autonomous system from an individual heat supply source (heat generator). The heating systems of outbuildings located on the local area can be connected to the heating system of the house.

6.1.2 When connecting a house to a centralized heat supply source, houses should be equipped with individual heating points in accordance with SNiP 2.04.07 and SP 41-101 with connection to the heating network according to an independent circuit. If the temperature and pressure of the coolant in the heating system and in the heating and ventilation system of the house correspond, they can be connected to the heating network according to a dependent circuit. The heating network in the local area must be accessible for repairs.

6.1.3 The required performance of the heat generator must be determined in such a way that the amount of generated heat supplied to the heating system (and, if necessary, also to the ventilation system) is sufficient to maintain optimal (comfortable) air parameters in the house at the calculated parameters of the outside air , and the amount of heat entering the hot water supply system is sufficient to maintain the specified hot water temperature at the maximum design load on this system. In this case, the total power of heat generators located in a house or an extension should not exceed 360 kW. Heat generator powerditch located in a separate building is not limited.

Note - The thermal power of the fireplace is not included in the calculated power of heat generators.

6.1.4 When designing heat supply sources, it is recommended to be guided by.

6.2 Heat generators

6.2.1 Gas, liquid or solid fuel heat generators, electric heating units, and stoves can be used as an individual source of heat supply in the house. In addition to stationary heat generators, it is recommended to provide heat pump units, heat exchangers, solar collectors and other equipment using renewable energy sources. When choosing the type of heat generator, it is recommended to take into account the cost of different types of fuel in the construction area.

6.2.2 As heat generators, fully factory-ready automated equipment with a maximum coolant temperature of water up to 95 °C and pressure up to 1.0 MPa, having a certificate of conformity, must be used.

6.2.3 For use in a single-family house, heat generators should be used, the operation of which is possible without permanent maintenance personnel.

6.2.4 The technical condition of the installed heat generator should be monitored annually with the involvement of a specialized organization that has the right to issue permits (certificates of conformity) for its further use.

6.3 Placement of heat generator and fuel storage

6.3.1 The heat generator, as a rule, should be located in a separate room. It is allowed to place a heating heat generator with a power of up to 60 kW in the kitchen.

6.3.2 The room for placing the heat generator must be located on the ground floor, in the basement or basement of the house. Placing a heat generator on any energy source above the 1st floor is not recommended, except for heat generators located on the roof of the house.

6.3.3 The height of the heat generator room (from floor to ceiling) must be at least 2.2 m. The width of free passage in the room must be taken into account the requirements for operation and repair of equipment, but not less than 0.7 m.

6.3.4 The structures of walls and ceilings enclosing the heat generator room must have such sound insulation capacity asso that the sound pressure level in adjacent rooms when the equipment is operating does not exceed 34 dBA.

6.3.5 The floor of the heat generator room must have waterproofing designed for a flood height of up to 10 cm.

6.3.6 Walls made of combustible materials at the installation site of a heat generator with a maximum surface heating temperature of more than 120 °C should be insulated with non-combustible materials, for example, a layer of plaster with a thickness of at least 15 mm or roofing steel over an asbestos sheet with a thickness of at least 3 mm. The specified insulation must protrude beyond the dimensions of the heat generator by at least 10 cm on each side of it and at least 50 cm above it.

For a heat generator with a maximum surface temperature of up to 120 °C inclusive, walls made of flammable materials may not be protected.

6.3.7 The heat generator must be installed at a distance of at least 20 mm from a wall made of non-combustible materials, at least 30 mm from a wall made of combustible materials plastered or lined with non-combustible materials and at least 100 mm from a wall made of combustible materials.

6.3.8 In the room of a heat generator operating on liquid or gaseous fuel, as well as in the rooms where such fuel is stored, there must be glazed window openings at the rate of at least 0.03 m 2 per 1 m 3 of room volume.

The dimensions of the doorways in the heat generator room must ensure unimpeded replacement of equipment.

6.3.9 A solid fuel warehouse located in a separate building must be located at a distance of at least 6 m from residential buildings.

When constructing such a warehouse in an attached or built-in room of a residential building, these rooms must have access directly to the outside.

6.3.10 The liquid fuel supply container located in the heat generator room must have a volume of no more than 50 liters.

6.3.11 Storage of liquid fuel and compressed gas in the local area should be provided in a separate building made of non-combustible materials or in buried tanks. The distance to other buildings should be at least 10 m. The storage capacity should be no more than 5 m 3.

6.3.12 Gas and liquid fuel pipelines in the heat generator room should be laid openly, without crossing ventilation grilles, window and door openings. Access for inspection and repair must be provided along their entire length.

6.4 Water treatment

6.4.1 The quality of water used in the home heating system must meet the requirementsrequirements contained in the technical documentation of the heat generator manufacturer. If such requirements are not specified, then water with the following quality indicators should be used:

Total hardness - no more than 3.0 mEq/kg;

Dissolved oxygen - no more than 0.1 mg/kg;

pH - within 7.0 - 9.5.

It is allowed not to provide installationwater treatment when delivering treated water from other installations.

6.4.2 To prevent freezing of the heating system during a forced interruption in its operation, it is recommended to add antifreeze components (antifreeze) to the coolant. The substances used must have hygienic certificates issued by sanitary and epidemiological supervision authorities.

6.5 Security

6.5.1 Factory-produced heat generators must be installed in compliance with the safety requirements and precautions specified in the manufacturer’s factory instructions.


SNiP 31-02 imposes the following requirements:

to the temperature of the internal air in the premises of the house during the heating period at the calculated parameters of the external air provided by the heating system;

to the maximum temperature of the surfaces of accessible parts of heating devices and pipelines, to the temperature of hot air in the outlets of air heating devices, as well as to the temperature of water in the hot water supply system;

to provide heating and hot water supply systems with automatic or manual control devices, as well as heat and water metering devices;

to the construction and placement of fireplaces;

to the availability of equipment, fittings and devices of the heating system for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement;

to the installation and insulation of chimneys.

7.1 General requirements

7.1.1 Heating systems must distribute heat so that the necessary microclimate parameters are provided in all living rooms and other rooms where people may be constantly present.

7.1.2 During the cold season of the year, the temperature of heated premises, when they are temporarily not in use, may be taken to be no lower than 12°C, ensuring the restoration of the normal temperature by the time the premises are used.

7.1.3 The design of a home heating system should be carried out taking into account the need to ensure uniform heating of the air in the premises, as well as the hydraulic and thermal stability of the heat supply system. In this case, measures must be taken to ensure fire safety and operational reliability of the system.

7.1.4 Water (water heating) or air (air heating) can be used as a coolant in the heating system. The use of air heating systems is effective when forced (mechanical) ventilation is used.

7.1.6 Manual or automatic control of heating and hot water supply systems at home should be provided.

7.1.7 Systems must be designed in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05, installed and tested in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 3.05.01.

7.2 Water heating systems

7.2.1 For water heating of a single-family house, a system with natural or artificial stimulation of coolant (water) circulation can be used. The water heating system includes a heat generator (boiler), pipelines, an expansion tank, heating devices, shut-off and control valves and air vents. In a system with artificial stimulation, pumping units are provided.

When choosing a water heating system, it should be taken into account that in systems with natural impulse, heat generators (boilers) are recommended to be located below heating devices and that when using such systems, the distance of heating devices from the heat generator should not exceed 30 m.

- “radial” circuit with centrally located supply and return collectors;

An associated two-pipe scheme with wiring around the perimeter of the house.

7.2.3 The temperature of the coolant in the supply pipeline, including in systems with pipes made of polymer materials, should not exceed 90 °C.

The difference in hydraulic resistance in the branches of the water heating pipeline should not differ by more than 25% from the average value.

7.2.4 The temperature of the open surface of a water heating radiator, unless measures are taken to prevent accidental human touching it, should not exceed 70 °C.

7.2.5 Piping Pipelines must be assembled from pipes and fittings made from materials that can withstand operating temperatures and pressures in the heating system for a service life of at least 25 years.

When using pipes made of polymeric materials, it is recommended to follow the provisions of SP 41-102. It is recommended to lay pipelines for heating systems hidden (in grooves, baseboards, shafts and channels). It is permissible to provide open laying only for metal pipelines, since pipes made of polymeric materials should not be laid openly in places where they are subject to mechanical damage and direct exposure to ultraviolet rays.

When laying pipelines hidden, hatches should be provided at the locations of dismountable connections and fittings. Heating pipelines should be equipped with devices for emptying them. In underfloor heating systems and when pipelines are hidden in the floor structure, it is allowed to provide for the emptying of individual sections of the systems by blowing them with compressed air.

Pipelines must be laid with a slope of at least 0.002. Separate sections of pipelines with a water movement speed of at least 0.25 m/s, if necessary, can be laid without a slope. Pipelines at intersections of ceilings, internal walls and partitions should be laid in sleeves. The edges of the sleeves should be flush with the surfaces of walls, partitions and ceilings, but 30 mm above the surface of the finished floor.

Gaps and holes where pipelines pass through the structure of the house should be sealed with sealant. Removal of air from heating systems should be provided at the upper points of pipelines, including at heating devices, through flow-through air collectors or air vents. The use of non-flowing air collectors is permissible when the speed of water movement in the pipeline is less than 0.1 m/s. On pipelines laid in unheated and heated rooms, as well as on pipelines laid hidden in the external building envelope,To reduce heat loss in the upper zone (above 1.2 m), thermal insulation should be provided. Thermal insulating coatings on pipes must be resistant to the operating temperatures of the system, as well as moisture and mold.

Materials can be used for thermal insulation of pipelines without limiting fire safety indicators, except for places where fire barriers intersect.

7.2.6 Expansion tanks To compensate for thermal expansion of the coolant in independent heating systems, expansion tanks should be provided. In a water heating system with artificial stimulation of coolant circulation, open or closed expansion tanks located in the heat generator room can be used. It is recommended to use diaphragm type expansion tanks with thermal insulation.

In a system with natural impulse, it is recommended to provide an open expansion tank installed above the main riser of the heating system. The required tank capacity is set depending on the volume of coolant in the heating system.

7.2.7 Heating devices Heating devices should be placed, as a rule, under light openings in places accessible for inspection, repair and cleaning. Heating appliances should not be placed in vestibules with external doors. Radiators or convectors made of steel, copper, cast iron, aluminum, as well as combined ones (made of different metals) can be used as heating devices. For water underfloor heating, plastic, including metal-plastic, pipes should be used, laid in the floor structure. The calculated average temperature of the floor surface and the calculated maximum temperature of the floor surface along the axes of the pipes must be taken according to SNiP 2.04.05. Compliance of the actual temperature of the floor surface with the specified requirements at a given temperature of the coolant in the pipes must be achieved by laying a layer ofev thermal insulation, the required thickness of which is determined by calculation. In bathtubs and shower rooms, heated towel rails that are not connected to the hot water supply system should be connected to the heating system.

7.2.8 Shut-off and control valves Shut-off valves should be provided:

To disconnect and drain water and air from individual rings and branches of the heating system;

To turn off part or all heating devices in rooms in which heating is used periodically or partially. Control valves for heating devices of single-pipe heating systems should be used with minimal hydraulic resistance; for devices of two-pipe systems - with increased resistance. It is recommended to use ball valves as shut-off valves.

7.2.9 Pumping units In an autonomous heating system with a separate water heater for hot water supply, it is recommended to install:

Primary circuit pump for supplying water from the heat generator to the heating system and to the hot water heater;

Hot water circulation pump. It is recommended to provide a backup circulation pump in the heating and hot water supply system, which should be used if the main pump fails.

In case of a power outage during the heating season, it is recommended to provide a bypass line at the heat generator, ensuring minimal coolant circulation to reduce the likelihood of system freezing. For heating and hot water supply systems of single-family houses, it is recommended to use pumping units with a capacity of 0.5 to 3.0 m 3 /h with a pressure of 5 to 30 kPa.

7.3 Air heating

7.3.1 The air heating system includes an air intake device, a supply fan, a device for cleaning the supply air, an air heater, an air duct system with supply holes in the ventilated rooms of the house, and an exhaust fan. The air heating system must be combinedwith a mechanical ventilation system for the premises of the house, connected (Figure) or not connected (Figure) to the heat supply system.

Figure 7.1 - Air heating system with forced air circulation, combined with a mechanical ventilation system connected to the heating system

Figure 7.2 - Air heating system with forced air circulation, combined with a mechanical ventilation system not connected to the heating system

7.3.2 When installing air heating systems, it is allowed to provide for air recirculation in the living rooms of the house.

Recirculated air intake devices should not be placed in the kitchen, bathroom or toilet.

Provision should be made to clean the recirculated air from dust.

7.3.3 In an air heating system combined with ventilation, if economically feasible, provision should be made for the recovery of exhaust air heat (Figure ).

Figure 7.3 - Connecting the heat recovery unit to the air heating chamber

7.3.4 Openings for supplying warm air to living spaces must be equipped with adjustable grilles. All supply air duct branches not equipped with adjustable grilles must be equipped with adjustable dampers with a device for indicating the damper position.

Heat recovery fans and all condensate lines must be installed in a room with a positive air temperature.

7.3.5 The flow rate of supply air and its temperature during air heating are calculated from the conditions for compensation of heat loss by rooms and heat consumption for ventilation of all rooms and for air exfiltration through building envelopes.

7.3.6 The temperature of supply air entering living spaces should not exceed 70 °C at the air distribution openings.

7.3.7 Air ducts of the heating system must be arranged in accordance with the provisions of the section of this Code of Practice.

7.3.8 For the design, selection of equipment, installation and maintenance of the air heating system, it is recommended to involve organizations with relevant experience.

7.4 Electric heating

7.4.1 Electric heating is provided at the customer’s request as main or backup.

7.4.2 For electric heating you should use:

Electric radiant heating devices with a radiating surface temperature not exceeding 150 °C, located in the upper zone of the room at a height of not less than 2.2 m;

Electric heating devices for convective air heating with a heating element temperature not exceeding 100 °C;

Underfloor electric heating devices with automatic temperature control.

7.5 Fireplace

7.5.1 The calculated value of the maximum heating temperature of the external surfaces of the fireplace should be taken: on the upper horizontal surface 45°C, on vertical and inclined walls 75°C. A temperature of 90°C is allowed in certain sections of vertical walls with an area of ​​no more than 15% of their total area.

7.5.2 The chimney serving the fireplace must not serve other heating devices.

7.5.3 The distance from the back and side walls of the fireplace to structures made of combustible materials of walls and partitions should not exceed the values ​​​​indicated in the figure.

7.5.4 The thickness of the refractory brick lining of the walls must be at least 50 mm, and the thickness of the hearth lining must be at least 25 mm.

7.5.5 The thickness of the brick walls of the fireplace, including the thickness of the internal lining, must be at least 190 mm, the thickness of the upper brick fireplace ceiling must be at least 250 mm.

7.5.6 The dimensions of the fireplace insert (width and depth) must be at least 300´ 300 mm.

7.5.7 The fireplace opening should be closed with a door made of heat-resistant glass.

7.5.8 Fireplaces from the inside must be lined (lined) with refractories: brick according to GOST 8426, ceramic materials, concrete or metal (Figure).

7.5.9 On the floor in front of the fireplace, there must be a pre-furnace platform made of non-combustible materials, the size of the front wall of the fireplace is at least 400 mm, and on the sides the border of the platform must be at least 150 mm from the combustion opening on each side.

7.5.10 The side walls of the smoke collector connecting the fireplace firebox to the chimney must be made with an inclination of at least 45° to the horizontal.

7.6 Chimneys and chimneys

7.6.1 Discharge of flue gases from heat generators operating on fuel oil, gas and solid fuel should be provided through flue ducts into a chimney or chimney. The temperature on the surface of chimneys should not exceed 120°C, on the surface of chimneys - 70°C. Chimneys and chimneys must be designed for temperatures up to 600°C for solid fuels and up to 300°C for liquid and gas fuels and undergo special tests for suitability for use.

7.6.2 The walls of chimneys of any design must be sealed (not lower than class II according to SNiP 2.04.05) and do not allow smoke and flame to escape beyond the pipe. To prevent water and condensation from penetrating outside the pipe, all seams and joints on the pipe must be carefully sealed.

7.6.3 The internal lining of chimneys (Figure ) must be resistant to softening and cracking.

7.6.4 The walls of chimneys and chimneys of a fireplace, stove and heat generator must be made of red solid ceramic bricks or heat-resistant concrete blocks and have a thickness of at least 120 mm. It is allowed to use chimneys and chimneys made of asbestos-cement pipes (up to 500°C), as well as stainless steel pipes with mineral wool insulation.

7.6.5 It is recommended to equip the top of the chimney (head) with a cornice (visor) made of steelreinforced concrete, masonry or metal according to design. The installation of umbrellas, deflectors and other attachments on chimneys is not recommended.

7.6.6 The clear distance from the outer surface of brick pipes or concrete chimneys to rafter beams, sheathing and other parts of the frame and roof made of combustible materials must be at least 50 mm (Figure ).

7.6.7 Height of the mouth of chimneys from the premisesThe height of the heat generators must be at least 0.5 m above the roof (Figure ).

7.6.8 For the installation of heat-insulating and noise-proof coatings on pipes in which the temperature of the coolant exceeds 120°C, non-combustible materials must be used. It is allowed to use low-flammability materials that do not decompose, do not ignite or smolder under conditions of the maximum coolant temperature possible under operating conditions.

Figure 7.4 - Gaps between the fireplace and the frame made of combustible materials

Figure 7.5 - Fireplace lining

Note - There must be a distance of at least 150 mm between the cleaning hatch opening and the combustible material of the house structures.

Figure 7.6 - Chimney lining

Drawing 7.7 - Chimney head

Figure 7.8 - Distance from the chimney to building structures

Figure 7.9 - Minimum chimney height


SNiP 31-02 imposes requirements for the cleanliness of air in the premises of the house and the uniformity of air flow into the premises, provided by the ventilation system, as well as the microclimate parameters of the premises, provided during the warm period of the year by the air conditioning system.

A single-family house must also meet the requirements in terms of:

ventilation systems used;

the performance of home ventilation systems, the volume of air removed and the air exchange rate in the premises;

placement of devices for removing polluted air from the premises of the house;

provision of ventilation and air conditioning systems with means of automatic or manual control and heat and electrical energy metering devices;

availability of equipment, fittings and devices of ventilation and air conditioning systems for inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement.

8.1 General requirements

8.1.1 The premises of the house must be provided with ventilation. A system is providedventilation either with natural impulse, or with mechanical impulse, or combined (with natural inflow and mechanical impulse for air removal).

8.1.2 The ventilation system must ensure the standard amount of air exchange, but at the same time, vacuum inside the house, which negatively affects the operation of smoke removal from heat generators, is not allowed.

8.1.3 Design parameters of outside air for the design of ventilation and air conditioning systems should be taken according to SNiP 2.04.05 and SNiP 23-01.

If there are increased requirements for the reliability of providing indoor microclimate parameters, the calculated parameters of the outdoor climate can be clarified in local hydrometeorological centers.

8.1.4 It is recommended to take the calculated amount of air exchange in the premises of the house according to the table.

8.1.5 Air exchange in the house must be organized in such a way as to prevent the spread (flow) of harmful substances and unpleasant odors from one room to another.

8.1.6 To protect against the entry of animals or insects, air intake openingsincluding ventilation openings in the external walls of basements and attics, must be equipped with metal mesh or gratings.

Table 8.1


Air exchange rate, m 3 /h, not less


In maintenance mode

Bedroom, common room, children's room

Library, office

Pantry, linen, dressing room

Gym, billiard room

Washing, ironing, drying

Kitchen with electric stove

Kitchen with gas stove

80 for 1 burner

Heat generator

By calculation, but not less than 60

Bathroom, shower, toilet


5 for 1 person



Garbage collection chamber

In areas of sandstorms and heavy transport of dust and sand, dust and sand settling chambers should be provided behind the air intake openings.

8.2 Ventilationwith natural urge

8.2.1 In a house equipped with a natural ventilation system, supply air is provided through adjustable opening window elements (transoms, vents or slits) or valves built into the external walls, which must be located at a height of at least 1.5 m from the floor, and removing air from the premises through ventilation ducts in the internal walls of the house. The exhaust openings of these ducts should be located under the ceiling of the premises.

8.2.2 In the living rooms of the house, exhaust openings for ventilation ducts may not be provided. In this case, ventilation of these rooms should be provided through exhaust openings in kitchens, bathrooms and toilets.

8.2.3 Ventilation of built-in public premises must be separate from residential premises.

8.3 Ventilationmechanically driven

8.3.1 In a house equipped with mechanical ventilation, supply ventilation ducts must ensure the flow of outside air through the supply openings of the air ducts. The air supply is provided by a supply fan, to which outside air enters through an air intake device. Air removal from the premises must be ensured by an exhaust fan installed in the attic. Outside air in such systems, before entering the air ducts, passes through a system of filters and is heated to a temperature that the inhabitants of the house consider comfortable.

8.3.2 External supply air must come from:

a) in each living room;

b) to any room on a floor that does not have living rooms;

c) to common rooms, gym, billiard room, swimming pool.

To distribute the supply air to other rooms, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of air flowing from the room with the supply through leaks (slots) in the doors or flow valves into other rooms that have exhaust ventilation grilles.

8.3.3 A mechanical ventilation system is generally designed to operate during the heating season. During the rest of the year, rooms can be ventilated through windows.

In rooms without windows, it is recommended to install additional mechanical ventilation devices (exhaust fans), which should operate both during the heating season and the rest of the year. An additional fan, if necessary, can also be installed in a room with a window.

8.3.4 In cases where the mechanical ventilation system is combined with an air heating system with forced air circulation (Figure ), outside air must enter the recirculation duct of the air heating system.

8.3.5 The mechanical ventilation system must provide for manual or automatic regulation.

8.3.6 For mechanical ventilation, adjustable air distributors, such as adjustable grilles or shades, should be used.

8.3.7 The distance from the air intake openings of the supply ventilation to the windows, doors and hatches of the house must be at least 900 mm.

8.3.8 The bottom of the opening for air intake devices should be placed at a height of more than 0.5 m from the level of stable snow cover, but not lower than 1.5 m from the ground level.

8.3.9 Ventilation equipment must be accessible for inspection, repair and cleaning.

8.3.10 Installation of heating and air conditioning equipment, including refrigeration equipment and air purification and supply equipment, should be carried out according to factory instructions.

8.4 Ventilation of the heat generator room

8.4.1 In cases where a heat generator is installed in the house with air intake for fuel combustion from the premises of the house, the ventilation system must provide the heat generator room with additional supply air.

8.4.2 Combustion air must be supplied to the room of a heat generator with a power of more than 30 kW only from the outside.

8.4.3 The rooms in which heat generators are installed must have exhaust ventilation grilles. For additional air flow, a grille or a gap between the door and the floor with a clear cross-section of at least 0.02 m2 should be provided at the bottom of the door.

8.5 Air ducts

8.5.1 All ventilation ducts, their connecting elements, control valves and other devices must be made of non-combustible materials. The use of flammable materials is only permissible:

In air duct systems in which the air temperature does not exceed 120°C;

In horizontal floor-to-floor branches of air ducts.

8.5.2 The estimated service life of air ducts should be at least 25 years.

Duct materials used in areas where they may be exposed to excessive moisture should:

a) do not lose strength when wet;

b) be resistant to corrosion.

8.5.3 It is not allowed to use asbestos-containing materials and products in supply or recirculation ventilation and air conditioning systems.

8.5.4 Internal and external coatings and insulation, as well as adhesives used in air ducts and other elements of ventilation systems must be made of non-combustible materials if during operation their surface temperature may exceed 120 °C.

8.5.5 Ducts shall be securely supported by metal hangers, brackets, lugs or brackets. All outlets and branches of air ducts must have supports,excluding deflections of air duct elements, violation of their integrity and tightness. Ducts should not have any openings other than those required for proper operation and maintenance of the system.

8.5.6 When laying air ducts with a transported air temperature below 120°C, it is allowed to lay the air ducts close to a wooden building structure, and it is allowed to use wooden brackets.

8.5.7 To ensure the tightness of air ducts along their entire length, all connections and joints of air ducts must be sealed to ensure a density of air ducts not lower than class N according to SNiP 2.04.05.


SNiP 31-02 sets requirements for the placement of gas pipeline entries into the house and the placement of gas cylinders in the premises of the house, as well as for the maximum pressure in the internal gas pipeline of the house. The gas supply system must meet fire safety and explosion safety requirements during operation.

9.1 General requirements

9.1.1 Gas-consuming equipment for the heating system, hot water supply and ventilation of the house, as well as gas stoves for cooking are connected to the centralized gas supply network. In the absence of a centralized gas supply, an autonomous gas supply system is created based on individual cylinder units or liquefied gas reservoirs, providing gas fuel to all the above-mentioned house systems or part of them.

9.1.2 When using gas only for cooking, it is recommended to arrange gas supply from individual cylinder units consisting of one or two cylinders. In other cases, it is recommended to use individual liquefied gas tank units.

9.1.3 When making approximate calculations of the required volume of gas consumption, it is recommended to use the following average daily gas consumption indicators for a single-family house:

Cooking on a gas stove - 0.5 m 3 /day;

Hot water supply using a gas instantaneous water heater - 0.5 m 3 /day;

Heating using a household gas heating apparatus with a water circuit (for the conditions of the Moscow region) - from 7 to 12 m 3 /day.

9.1.4 The design gas pressure in the internal gas pipeline of the house should be taken no more than 0.003 MPa.

9.1.5 When designing and installing a gas supply system at home, you should be guided by SNiP 2.04.08, SNiP 3.05.02 and “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry”.

9.2 Entering the house when connected to a centralized gas supply network

9.2.1 The height of laying overhead gas pipelines in the area adjacent to the house outside the passage of vehicles and the passage of people must be at least 0.35 m from the ground to the bottom of the pipe.

9.2.2 The low-pressure gas supply pipeline directly at the entrance to the house must be equipped with a disconnecting device at a height of no more than 1.8 m from the ground surface (Figure ).

Figure 9.1 - Gas inlet

9.2.3 The distance between the gas pipeline and pipelines of other communications should be taken taking into account the possibility of installation, inspection and repair of each pipeline.

9.3 Entry into the house when installing an autonomous gas supply system

9.3.1 Outside the house, gas cylinders should be placed in a metal cabinet near the outer wall of the house. The cabinet must be installed on a base made of non-combustible material, the top of which should beshould be at least 100 mm above the planning ground level. The distance from the cabinet to the doors and windows of the first floor must be at least 0.5 m, from the windows and doors of basement and basement rooms, cellars, wells, cesspools - at least 3.0 m. The gas pipeline from the cylinders into the house must be installed directly into the room where the gas equipment is located.

9.3.2 It is recommended to install an individual liquefied gas tank installation directly into the ground at such a depth that the distance from the ground surface to the top of the tank is at least 0.6 m in areas with seasonal soil freezing and at least 0.2 m in areas without ground freezing . If the groundwater level is high, tanks should be waterproofed and installed on a reliable foundation. It is recommended to lay a low-pressure gas pipeline from the tank to the house underground.

9.4 Internal gas pipeline

9.4.1 The laying of an intra-house gas pipeline, as a rule, should be open. Concealed installation of gas pipelines (except for liquefied gas pipelines) in wall grooves covered with easily removable shields with holes for ventilation is allowed.

9.4.2 The gas pipeline at the intersection of building structures should be laid in cases. The end of the case must protrude above the floor by at least 3 cm. The annular gap between the case and the gas pipeline must be at least 5 mm. The space between the gas pipeline and the casing must be sealed with elastic materials.

9.4.3 The internal gas pipeline must be painted with waterproof paints and varnishes.

9.4.4 Gas consumption meters should be placed in the room where the heat generator or gas stoves are located.

9.4.5 Installation of shut-off devices on gas pipelines should be provided in front of the meter and gas-consuming devices.

9.4.6 Compressed or liquefied gas cylinders placed inside the house should be installed only in rooms where gas-consuming appliances are located.

Installation of cylinders is not allowed in basements and basements, rooms without natural light and ventilation.

9.4.7 Installation of household gas stoves The distance between the edge of the top of the slab and the wall made of non-combustible materials must be at least 50 mm. In a kitchen with walls made of flammable materials, the wall against which the stove is installed must have a fire-retardant coating, for example, in the form of a layer of plaster or a sheet of roofing steel over an asbestos sheet (unless another technical solution is provided in the factory instructions for installing the stove). The specified covering must be located from the floor to a height of at least 800 mm above the surface of the slab and protrude beyond the slab on both sides by at least 100 mm. The distance between the edge of the top of the slab and the wall in this case must be at least 100 mm.


SNiP 31-02 imposes requirements for the home power supply system in terms of compliance with its “Rules for the construction of electrical installations” (PUE) and state standards for electrical installations, as well as for the equipment of electrical installations with residual current devices (RCDs), for the design and placement of electrical wiring and for the presence of devices for accounting for electricity consumption.

10.1 Electrical wiring, including network wiring, must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the PUE and this Code of Rules.

10.2 Electrical supply to a residential building must be carried out from 380/220 V networks with a grounding systemTN- C- S.

Internal circuits must be made with separate zero protective and zero working (neutral) conductors.

10.3 The design load is determined by the customer and has no restrictions unless they are established by local administrative authorities.

10.4 When power supply capabilities are limited, the design load of electrical receivers should be taken as no less than:

- 5.5 kW - for a home without electric stoves;

- 8.8 kW - for a house with electric stoves.

Moreover, if the total area of ​​the house exceeds 60 m2, the design load should be increased by 1% for each additional m2.

With the permission of the energy supply organization, it is allowed to use electricity with a voltage of more than 0.4 kV.

10.5 The following types of electrical wiring can be used in premises:

- open electrical wiring laid in electrical baseboards, boxes, on trays and on building structures;

- hidden electrical wiring carried out in walls and ceilings at any height, including in the voids of building structures made of non-combustible or combustible materials of groups G1, G2 and G3.

Electrical wiring in residential buildings is carried out using wires and cables with copper conductors.

Cables and wires in protective sheaths may be passed through building structures made of non-combustible or combustible materials of groups G1, G2 and G3, without the use of bushings and tubes.

10.6 Places of connections and branches of wires and cables should not experience mechanical stress.

At junctions and branches, the cores of wires and cables must have insulation equivalent to the insulation of the cores of entire sections of these wires and cables.

10.7 Wires laid hidden must have a length reserve of at least 50 mm at the connection points in branch boxes and at the points of connection to lamps, switches and plug sockets. Devices installed hidden must be enclosed in boxes. Branch boxes for hidden wiring must be recessed into the building elements flush with the finished external surface. Connections of wires when passing from a dry room to a damp one or outside the building must be made in a dry room.

10.8 Passage through external walls of unprotected insulated wires is carried out in pipes made of polymer materials, which must be terminated in dry rooms with insulating sleeves, and in damp rooms and when exiting outside - with funnels.




1 Autonomous systems of engineering equipment of residential buildings and public buildings. Technical solutions. - M.: Trading house "Engineering Equipment", State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 1998

2 A manual for the design of autonomous engineering systems of single-family and semi-detached residential buildings (water supply, sewerage, heat supply and ventilation, gas supply, electricity supply). - M.: Trading house "Engineering equipment", State Unitary Enterprise TsPP, 1997

Key words: engineering systems, residential buildings, single-family houses, heating systems, cold and hot water supply, electricity supply, gas supply, sewerage, special systems