Do-it-yourself pond in the country. Decorative pond in the country - options. External view of the shores of the reservoir.

A good decoration for a summer house or garden is a pond. Many are trying to bring the landscape of their land closer to the natural. Water has magical properties and always attracts the eyes and thoughts of people to itself. Almost always the concept of rest is combined with the concept of rest by the water.

But on many summer cottages there are no streams or lakes. Very often they are not even nearby, and so you want a good outdoor recreation. But there is a way out.

For many centuries it was an illegal business, today whiskey is promoted by the authorities, because the traditions of drinking traditions contribute to national identity, tourism development and economic well-being. There are many whiskey distilleries in Scotland: tourists have the opportunity to watch the process of making this drink and hear the secrets of how to properly enjoy whiskey and get to know its true taste.

Clothing. Today in Scotland, the traditional element has been preserved. men's suit- The clothing of the Scottish mountain man comes from a material woven with trim. Skirts are typical of mountain riders, while trousers are inhabited by the plains. Sketchy men's skirts are a woolen fabric with many cufflinks on the back, crushed. Previously, underwear did not wear worn underwear. Come on, the Scots matter to make their proverb: nothing has to be worn under the boot, because you have to be always ready to act.

Own pond in the country - it's real

A small, do-it-yourself pond will become a favorite vacation spot. This man-made miracle can make your dreams come true ornamental pond in the garden or in the country and even become a platform for aquatic floriculture.

With the help of a film hydroprotective coating, it is possible to make a reservoir of any shape and a different area: from the smallest to reservoirs of a fairly large area. It all depends on the size of the site and the design of the landscape.

The length of a kilometer is chosen so that a particular person can reach the path. A braided letter, tartan, for sticks, according to which, according to what pattern, it is possible to determine to which family each skate belongs, and not just the noble ones. Various designs of wreaths symbolize the whole family of Scottish nobles.

It is a popular national sporting event. Ancient jewelry sometimes adorn museums, whistleblowers. Even these skirts are worn during the wedding. 90 percent Scottish grooms, in accordance with their customs, mix the traditional clan grove of knitted woolen fabric. According to tradition, in a fur coat, special shoes and sometimes with a sock hook. Scottish kilts are very diverse, typical of a particular clan or tribe. Various types of lightweight materials for every day, from solid, high quality materials to formal occasions.

Applying various decorative materials and decorations, you can give the pond the appearance of a natural mountain reservoir or, conversely, a well-maintained pool. With the help of a pump, you can make a waterfall or a fountain, create an imitation of a mountain stream. You can run fish into the pond, plant water plants. In combination with decorative elements, all this looks spectacular and creates a favorable atmosphere.

Now it often happens that Scots wear more often abroad than for themselves at home, to emphasize their nationality. They are often seen during the race when Scottish sports teams play overseas. It's no surprise to scrape off Scottish fans in a race. Although men's dress has traditionally been, women also wear similar skirts, the length of which is not defined as it was in reality: they can be longer or shorter. The bridge is available in almost all souvenir shops.

In fact, Scottish creations are quicksand and a huge sum for it. A fur coat in itself is not a fur coat, but it must be a fur coat. As it turned out, this law applied to the bark and otters, from which the fur is often sewn on baskets - sporades, worn on Scottish skirts. Before obtaining a license, the owners of such animals must prove that the animal was killed legally.

You can make a small mini pond in the country with your own hands in almost any area, with any soil, and this does not require any equipment or complex devices.

For this you will need the following materials:

  • special film for creating reservoirs;
  • geotextile;
  • sand;
  • decorative stones;
  • hose for supplying water to the pool;
  • scissors;
  • shovel;
  • level.

As a waterproofing film for ponds, PVC film or butyl rubber is used.

Food. Worth a try in Scotland National dishes, first of all - khaggs, somewhat reminiscent of sweets. Not everyone would dare to taste this stomach full of sheep. Haggis is made from lamb stomachs, offal, herbs and spices Sometimes haggis is a porridge - a mixture of meat and grains, served with boiled potatoes and pumpkin. This puree is in the stomach for at least three hours in water. It is stuck with meat, onion, flour, salt and pepper. It's a little tasty, maybe it's too cool.

The sketches themselves say that the prototype of the haggis has already been found in Homer's Odyssey and reached their lands with Roman legionnaires. The national haggis was the poor food of the Scots, but in these hard times, even for them, it was a casual, holy dish. Is it New Year's Eve or the first New Year and Burns Night, which mentions the birthday of one of the most famous Scottish poets, Robert Burns. During the ceremony, the waiter, after the whiskey waiter, listening to the music played by the bagpipes, put the dish on dinner table in a silver, small, oblong plate.

It is better to purchase a special film in the appropriate store. For small pools, you can safely use pvc film. But if you are seriously interested in landscape design and want to make an original pond using decorative forms and plants, it is better to use butyl rubber. This material is very flexible, elastic, durable (service life is more than 30 years). In addition, if any changes have suddenly occurred and you decide to change the shape of the pond, you can reuse this film.

The owner of the celebration first makes a dish with a long knife and recounts Robert Burns's poem "O Hag", which is the climax of the evening. The Scots believe that the witch - mythical creature living in the forest. During the celebration, not only are the queues read, but the action is eaten up.

The assembled guests bring health to the toast of longing, nothing more, and Drama Scotch whiskey is a glass of this noisy drink filled with two fingers. Scotland is also popular in scotch lamb steaks, tender lamb with mint sauce. Egg and ham or ham for breakfast is a common Sunday meal. Breakfast is served with porridge. Scottish salmon is served with a light sauce and vegetable side dish. Traditional soup - a lush broth with a variety of vegetables and pearl peas. The main meal is a pillow, then tea is consumed for about 16 hours, as well as sandwiches, eggs and sweets, and after that, in the evening, a light dinner is eaten.

The device of the pond in the photo

You need to start by deciding on the location and shape of the pond. You also need to decide what this reservoir will be used for. If fish will be bred in it in the future, then the depth of the deepest part of the pond should be at least 1.5-2.0, and for the northern regions and more, meters. This is necessary so that the reservoir does not freeze in winter and the fish would have a place to spend the winter. The deepest place itself should not be very large, and even in small reservoirs fish can be found.

Cafes and sun loungers are often referred to as salons. In the area you can eat and understand snacks. As Burns wrote in the Selkirk Grace Prayer, which always begins on Burns night: But we have meat and we can eat, so we must thank God for it. By the way, “Burn Night” is also celebrated in Lithuania. This year, on January 23, the sixteenth night of the poet's night was arranged in the Vilnius Town Hall, in which Scottish queues, bagpipes and country dances were danced.

Pond in a concrete pit - capital approach

Music. The most popular bagpipes and songs of Scotland, connected with the historical tradition of ballads and Celtic heroic roots. Edinburgh hosts major music and art festivals each year, culminating in the "War Tattoo" with Musical Saber Ensemble ensembles. Fring is also an alternative festival where performers from all over the world, singers and musicians perform in the streets and parks of the city.

The minimum depth of the reservoir is usually made at least 50-80 cm. At a shallower depth, the water will overheat in summer and this will lead to the development of unfavorable flora in the reservoir. And in winter, accordingly, such a pond will freeze and the plants and microorganisms that inhabited it will not survive in it.

What is their difference?

The Scots are directly connected with the bars. Later, this word was translated into English and other European languages ​​​​through the language of the Scots. These are distinctive and unusual Scots. Scotia is a warm and friendly nation. Although the Scots often laugh at scammers, they are not like that: they are one of the most generous people in the world. Watta and his partner founded the first steam engine factory.

Tolerance, equal opportunity and social justice are important principles in Scottish communities. Their houses are everywhere, the interior is filled with cute details. The language is Scotch with a strong Scottish accent. They proudly emphasize: "We are not English, we are Scots." As for the Scots, the traditional image is that of a shaven man with shady shadows in the sunlight blowing up a baggy sack. Scotia is a happy, multi-user and friendly person. We always encourage and willingly.

The bottom of the pond is most often made with ledges. The relief of the bottom of the reservoir has several zones:

  • coastal;
  • shallow water;
  • deep zone.

The coastal zone is usually a small strip along the coast. Its depth is about 15-20 cm. The shallow zone can be decorated with small stones or tiles. Shallow water is considered to be a depth of up to 50 cm. Plants are bred here. This is a place for decorative compositions, which can be made from groups of large stones using decorative ornaments.

Scots can talk for hours about their feelings. It does not matter, love for a woman, homeland or football club. In the north of Scotland, their behavior is different. The houses here are rarely locked, the car is often left at night with the keys in the lock. People here trust each other.

Scots in some settlements are celebrated more on New Year's Eve than St. She celebrates Edinburgh at home, cafes and public buildings in the countryside. This is an ancient Scottish folk song, but its modern version was written by Robert Burns. In Scotland, according to legend, the night years are burned with barrels filled with tar and the streets. This is a farewell to the past. Scotia is convinced that a guest who visits their home for the first time expects success or failure. In their opinion, luck is first given to dark-haired men who bring gifts.

The deep zone in ordinary ornamental ponds is most often 80-120 cm. Here, too, you can plant plants that grow at a depth. Most often, water lilies (nymphs) are planted there.

In addition, with the help of the old and hospitable New Year, all home doors are open here. The guest should bring a piece of coal and throw it into the fireplace with the wish that the fire in the house would burn for a long time. There are a bunch of egg charms in Scotland, some scholars say it's a druid. Since ancient times, in Scotland, as in Lithuania, the tradition of Easter Monday has been to take eggs. Fried eggs bounce on a sloping surface. The winner, depending on the location, is the one whose egg fell the farthest, or the one whose egg stays the same for the longest time, or who is closest to the chosen point.

There are many varieties that tolerate winter well and are adapted for cold winters. They bloom for almost six months, starting from the end of April and right up to mid-October. It turns out a very beautiful flowering pond.

If the pond is made only for plant breeding, then it does not have to be deep. A depth of 60-90 cm is quite enough. It is at this depth that it is recommended to plant nymphs in the regions of middle and northern lane. It is better to make the mirror of the reservoir itself as large as possible, so that they have room to grow, because. one plant can occupy a fairly large area on the surface of the water.

How to care for an artificial pond

In Scotland, every year there is an annual traditional racing race that takes away a huge stone. Particularly famous are the Breimer games, in which power drivers participate in hammer throwing and rock racing, and the main event in the games is the throwing competition, attempts to throw a wooden bass 6 meters long, weighing up to 60 kg. There are also interesting stunt marches: athletes compete with each other to see who can lift the biggest stump and then throw it further.

Animals are not like stones on their necks and barns on the walls. It's believed that gem, found on the seashore, with a hole in the middle, brings happiness. This is considered a sign that a person's dreams will become reality. Scotland has stone drilled holes, often with notes of rumors. In the middle of a hole in the old stones, the lovers clasped each other with their hands, believing that they had returned the holy believers forever to the promise of faith.

For good flowering Nymphaeums (they are also lilies and water lilies) need a lot of light. This must be taken into account when choosing a place for a pond. There are more shade-loving lilies, but they also need lighting for 4-5 hours a day. Available a large number of varieties of nymphs and a variety of colors: from white and white-pink to red and dark purple.

In Scotland, weddings are special: according to tradition, in order to take the bride into his family, a young man throws her shoulders over the shoulders of a fabric of woven color, stuffed and covered with national silver pins. Thus, a person symbolically accepts a new member in his clan. After the ceremony, the friends wash the young feet, thereby preparing them for a new way of life.

In some of the Scottish villages, to this day, the tradition of clinging the bride to the mud has remained. Not at the wedding ceremony, of course, but a few days before. For this ritual, a special mixture of eggs, sauces, butter, pasta, carrots, ground milk and other unpleasant ingredients is prepared. Mixed with this mixture, the bride is sent to the city and must go to all the familiar cafes so that everyone can make sure that the ritual is performed. The Scots believe that after such a humiliation, all the criminals of married life will appear in the criminals.

Pontederia and nymphs in the pond

For framing the pond and the shallow water zone, it is also better to choose plants that grow well in this climatic region. The pond then looks natural and does not require big care. It is best to use traditional plants: sedge, reed, reed, cattail. Of the flowering ones, you can plant an arrowhead, pontederia, loosestrife (plakun-grass), lungwort.


loosestrife-willow has not only decorative qualities, this is also medicinal plant. Marsh iris looks very nice. But in the coastal zone of the reservoir, both on the shore and in shallow water, decorative irises also grow well, because. they are very fond of water and blend perfectly with herbaceous coastal plants.

Step-by-step instruction

How to do decorative pond in the country or in the garden with your own hands? Consider step by step instructions with photo.

Step 1. Marking and layout of the site. The contour of the pond is drawn on the selected area. The projections of all depth contours are also applied.

Marking can be done by laying a rope or hose on the surface. You can draw contour lines with sand.

Before you start digging a pit, you need to make a vertical layout of the site on which the pond will be located. In order to prevent water from flowing out of one of the low edges of the reservoir, it is necessary to check the horizontal level along the entire planned edge of the reservoir. The plane of the entire edge must be horizontal, at the same level.

This can be checked with a long stick and a level. Or, having hammered pegs on opposite edges of the pool, pull a rope over them and then attach a level to it. If in some places the surface of the earth is below the required mark, then it is necessary to add soil there.

Step 2. Pit. After leveling the site, we proceed to tearing off the pit. It should be done 5-10 cm deeper than the design depth of the pond.

The bottom is thoroughly cleaned from the remnants of vegetation, roots and stones. It is important to do this carefully, because. stones and other objects can subsequently damage the waterproofing film. Sand is poured at the bottom with a layer of 5 cm and tamped into the ground.

Around the contour of the pond, at a small distance from it - about 20 cm, a small trench is being dug. The approximate width and depth of the trench are 15-20 cm. The edge of the film will be fixed in it.

Step 3. Determining the dimensions of the waterproofing film. To determine the overall dimensions of the film, it is necessary to measure the length and width of the bottom of the pit at the widest points. This is conveniently done with the help of cords that are laid out along the bottom. To the resulting length, you need to add 50 cm on each side, which are needed to equip the coastline.

Step 4. We cover the bottom with geotextiles and a waterproofing film. First, the bottom is lined with a layer of geotextile. This protects the waterproofing film from possible damage.

The film itself is applied on top, carefully filling all the curves of the relief. If the project provides for the future supply of water through a hose that is laid on the bottom, then it can be hidden in the folds of the film.

We press the film well to the ground and temporarily fix it with stones so that it does not move. The film should also be brought into the groove that was dug around the pool. The film is pressed with something heavy for temporary fixation. But they don’t fall asleep yet, because. while filling the pool with water, the film may still move.

Step 5. Arrangement of the deep zone. If the project provides for planting plants in the deep zone, then now is the time to install them there.

Plants are planted in special containers. The container is filled with substrate. Containers are installed in Right place to the bottom of the pool. Stones are also laid out at the bottom, if they are provided for by the project. Large stones look beautiful at the bottom.

Step 6. Filling the pond with water. After laying the film, you can fill the deep zone of the pond with water. Water must be poured with a small pressure so that the pool is filled gradually. Thus, water, squeezing air out from under the film, will smoothly occupy the required space and form the bottom. At the same time, the film may move slightly until it takes correct position under water pressure.

If you pour water quickly, then there may be unnecessary tension in the film or air voids under it, which in the future may lead to tearing of the film.

Step 7. Planting plants in shallow water and coastal zone. In the shallow and coastal zone of the pond, containers with appropriate plants are installed. Crushed stone is poured around the containers. They also lay out larger stones that can protrude from the water, creating islands. In the coastal zone, the bottom is usually covered with small pebbles. After installing the flowerpots, the reservoir is filled with water to the brim.

Step6. Fixing the edges of the film. Building an earthen castle. After the pond is completely filled with water and the film has completely fallen into place, you can proceed to the device of an earthen lock, which will finally fix the film in the desired position. And it will also serve as a barrier between the aquatic environment and the soil, so that these media do not mix, and the reservoir has a clear line.

The edges of the film lead into this trench, which was dug around the pond. Crushed stone is poured on top of the film. It will serve as a fixing weight to hold the film. Next, the trench is covered with earth and a small earthen roller is made along the contour of the pond.

Unnecessary edges of the film are cut off.

Step 7. Arrangement of the coastline. The next stage is the arrangement of the framing of the pond. Depending on the design, stone or tile paving can be made on the shore.

If the pond was created in the form of an imitation of a natural reservoir, then it is enough to lay out several large stones. Paths are made along the line of the pond; a bridge can be made across the pond itself. Here you can give free rein to your imagination and create a pond completely with your own hands as your heart desires.

How to make a pond with your own hands video

Small beautiful pond- a great addition to landscape decor for suburban area. Any pond enlivens the landscape, makes it more natural and harmonious, and the pond is also very easy to make using simple materials. This job is within the power of any homeowner, and very soon your site will receive a beautiful decoration. How to create a beautiful pond on the site?

The tradition of creating small decorative ponds on the site came to us from the east. In hot Muslim countries, water has always been highly valued, and a small man-made pool was a sign of a wealthy luxury home.

The bowls were decorated with marble, decorated with gilding or silver.

Later, such a tradition came to the European continent, and in each country you can find your own traditions for arranging ponds and pools.

Pond in different countries:

  • Artificial reservoirs also existed in Japan: in the traditions of this country, the arrangement of a garden in which all the elements are present, including water. The most commonly used tsukubai is an artificial container with water, and most often it flowed down man-made streams.
  • English gardens and parks had their own tradition: they are characterized by strict geometric shapes and straight lines without excessive decor, and this trend was reflected in the design of reservoirs. In a spacious English garden, you must definitely find a place for a large square or rectangular pond with a minimum amount of vegetation along the banks.
  • France is characterized various options landscape design, but a common feature can be distinguished: any body of water must have clearly defined shores. Its edges most often rise slightly above the ground, this will keep the water within the prescribed limits and avoid dirt. The shape and design of ponds can be very different.

What is the best pond to make on the site? This can only be decided by the owner himself: you can use the oriental tradition by creating a small rock garden with a peaceful harmonious pond. Or you can show your imagination and make a large-scale reservoir with lush vegetation along the banks and rich decoration.

The first question that will have to be addressed is where to place the pond? Dimensions and placement depend on the size of the site itself and the personal wishes of the owner of the house, but there are several important mandatory requirements:

  • The pond should not be constantly in the sun. Firstly, in the hot summer season, a shallow pond can simply dry out, and secondly, an excess sunlight causes the water to bloom. If you do not take care of the reservoir, over time it can turn into a swamp.
  • The reverse situation is also undesirable: the water surface should not be constantly in the shade. The recommended normal light period is 7-8 hours per day. Of course, it is not always possible to find the ideal place, but general recommendations better to follow.
  • Do not place a pond near trees. Falling leaves pollute the water, and during autumn leaf fall, its surface can be completely covered with leaves.
  • The water surface should be in sight: you can place a pond near the house or build it next to it beautiful gazebo. There is another option: a pond is dug in the far corner of the yard, benches can be placed near it and a recreation area can be equipped.
  • In terms of shape, two main options are possible: a regular geometric figure or natural smooth outlines. The choice depends on the general style of the design of the site: if you prefer the European English tradition, you can use the first option, and if you are closer to the magic of the east, the second. Wherein design options there can be many: the walls of the pond and its banks are shaped differently, you can experiment with a variety of vegetation.

Next important question- material for the construction of a pond. The choice will depend on financial capabilities and on how capital and durable the structure you want to get.

There are several main options:

  • Reinforced concrete bowl of the pond. This is the strongest and most durable structure that can last for many years. In fact, this is an analogue of a small pool: it will be possible to walk freely along the bottom, the walls will withstand any load. However, such a pond is very expensive: you will need to purchase a large amount of materials and hire specialists to fill the bowl. In addition, in the future, such a structure will be extremely difficult to dismantle: it will take a lot of time and require a lot of labor.
  • A small pond made of PVC film. This is the cheapest and affordable solution you can build such a pond in a few days on any site. A pit is dug, on the bottom of which a film is placed, its edges are pressed with tiles, stone or other materials. It should be borne in mind that the film is a fragile material: it can be damaged by any sharp object, for example, a tree root or sharp pebbles. Most often, such a pond is small and does not last long.
  • A pond whose banks are made of butyl rubber. This is a very elastic material with which the banks of the pond can be given any shape and make its shape as natural as possible. Rubber has a fairly high strength, it is much more durable than the film. It is not too expensive, so the pond will not require large expenses.
  • Plastic containers and bathtubs. This option will allow you to create a small pond near the entrance to the house. It is very easy to install, and the banks can be decorated with any materials to your liking. This is a nice and very inexpensive decoration for the garden.

How to make a pond with your own hands from a film: step by step instructions

A film pond is the most affordable and quite aesthetic solution. The material does not allow water to pass through, and with proper arrangement, the pond will keep its shape perfectly. Opportunities design allows you to implement any design ideas and turn an artificial reservoir into one of the main and most visible decorations of the garden.

The first stage of work is the preparation of the site for the future pond.

It should be level and free of all greenery and turf. If the platform is uneven, the curvature must be eliminated. The outlines of the future reservoir are outlined with ropes and pegs or with a rubber hose. It is advisable to start by simply laying the film on the ground in order to evaluate from all sides how the finished pond will look.

The further sequence of work is as follows:

  • Excavation. It is necessary to prepare a pit in accordance with the planned depth and outline of the pond. If it is multi-level, the pit must have walls of a planned slope. The bottom must be leveled, pebbles, plant roots and other objects that can damage the film are removed from it without fail. It is advisable to carry out earthworks from the edges to the center of the pit, and immediately remove the collected soil from the site.
  • The walls of the pit and its bottom are compacted, after which a buffer layer of sand is poured into it. Its thickness depends on the thickness of the film itself: the smaller it is, the more sand will be required to protect it.
  • Film laying. It is placed in a pit with a margin: the edges should protrude beyond the edges of the reservoir by at least 30 cm and it should not be stretched. The edges of the film are pressed with large stones, concrete blocks or other material that will be used to decorate the banks. it can also be covered with soil. The film must be fixed as reliably as possible: the durability of the pond depends on this.
  • Bottom decoration. Most often, a smooth cobblestone is used for this: it is laid out along the bottom and along the banks of the pond. The stone must not have sharp corners and protrusions so that it does not damage the film.
  • When preparatory work finished, you can pour water and plant plants. Water is poured from a hose in a thin stream so as not to damage the film with too much pressure. At first, it can be cloudy, then its own biological system will line up in the pond, and the water will become clear and clean. A pond with a polyethylene film bottom will become simple and profitable solution, which can be used by everyone on their site.

The ordinary body of water itself is interesting decoration garden, but its design can be varied. First of all, the shores of the reservoir open up space for creativity. It is necessary to choose a material that will reliably keep water within the established boundaries and at the same time will have an aesthetic appearance.

The most common solution for coast decoration is stones - from small pebbles to large boulders.

Boulders will be appropriate near a large body of water: large stones can be placed in water so that they rise above the surface. Pebbles and gravel are piled along the banks, which will protect them from erosion. For ponds with strict geometric outlines, you can choose polished stone or granite tiles: it will allow you to create even and neat banks that match the general style of the reservoir and the site itself.

If financial opportunities allow, the pond can be decorated with additional decorative elements. These include:

  • Underwater lighting. It will look great at night: soft lighting looks mysterious, the atmosphere will fascinate and set you in a romantic mood. For underwater lighting, mini-spotlights based on LEDs are used. It is important to carry out the installation correctly so that the electrical system is reliably protected from water.
  • Overhead lights. LED spotlights consume a minimum of energy and they can create interesting lighting effects when decorating shores. In general, lighting in this part of the site is necessary: ​​it will allow you to admire the beauty of the artificial reservoir and the vegetation around it, not only during the day, but also at night.
  • Bridges. it decorative element for big artificial reservoirs, which helps to go to the other side and admire the beauty of the water surface. Can be used as bridge cover terrace board, which will not collapse even at high humidity.
  • mini fountains. Creating a fountain requires the installation of a pump: the height of the water jet depends on its power and location. The design of the fountain can be very different: you can order an individual sculptural composition, or you can get by with simpler and more inexpensive options.

Even the smallest pond is a full-fledged mini-ecosystem, and without vegetation and fish it will look ugly. There are many types of aquatic plants that will help revive the pond, make it more natural and aesthetic.

The most common plant in ponds is duckweed: it is ubiquitous in both natural and artificial reservoirs.

However, it will have to be fought: greenery can gradually tighten the entire surface of the pond, turning it into a swamp. Any pond will need constant care. Leaves, twigs and other debris are regularly removed from the surface of the water, in addition, the bottom will have to be cleaned of excess accumulated silt. If periodically processed, the water will remain clean and clear for a long time.

There are many plants that do not even need to be planted: lotus and water lilies, for example, just float on the surface, getting everything they need. Floating plants can only live in very clean water, so if the pond overgrows, they can quickly die. You can purchase special baskets with earth and aquatic plants in specialized stores, they will greatly simplify the planting process.

Fish can be kept in a pond of any size: you can choose aquarium species that feel good in closed ecosystems.

However, it is necessary to find out how certain types are combined with each other. If predators appear in the pond, they can quickly kill all other inhabitants. However, if you carefully consider the choice, you can create a real living water area in which both plants and animals will feel comfortable.

There are a lot of style decisions when creating artificial reservoirs, and the choice will depend on the material of the house, the size of the plot, the personal wishes of the owner and many other parameters.

There are several of the most common varieties:

  • Landscape pond. This garden decoration should have a natural shape, often the shape is asymmetrical. A landscape pond today is often created in the style of "Nature garden" - a natural garden in which there are no exotic plants or trees trimmed to the correct shape. Eco-style implies the maximum desire for naturalness and natural harmony.
  • formal pond. This option is characterized by the correct geometric shape, and there will not be too lush vegetation near it. Such a pond will great solution to decorate a European-style home. Usually it has a rectangular or square shape, but there are also completely round or oval options.
  • Cascade Pond. it custom solution, which are several containers through which water flows sequentially. It looks just great, cascading small containers can be located along the tracks. During walks, you can admire the flowing water and listen to its cheerful murmur.

A lot of financial investments will be required for any options. natural pond will require considerable labor for the delivery and planting of plants, however, a lot of money will also be needed for a formal pond.

You can save money if you carry out most of the work yourself, using the services of professionals only at the most difficult stages of installation.

Own a pond on the site - the dream of many homeowners. Even a small pond will give a feeling of coolness in the summer, it will become the most calm and peaceful area of ​​\u200b\u200bany site. Building it with your own hands is not at all as difficult as it might seem: enough simple materials and relatively small labor costs to diversify with a new decorative element.

More information can be found in the video.