Fire protection for wood: which one is better to choose. What wood impregnation against moisture and rotting is suitable for outdoor use?

One of the most important points, which should be given close attention is the processing wooden house special fire-bioprotective compounds. This will protect the tree from bark beetles, harmful bacteria, mold, putrefactive fungi, and the common scourge of all types of wood - fire. This treatment allows you to increase the service life of the house and minimize the risk of fires. The main thing is not to delay this procedure and ensure the protection of the house in a timely manner.
The average time to build a wooden house is from six months to a year. And all this time, the wood is exposed to the destructive effects of beetles, fungi and bacteria. Therefore, you should maximize early stages treat the wood with special antiseptics.

On construction site Special antiseptics that last for at least five years and are available in liquid form would be appropriate. Such compositions do not harm wood, do not destroy its structure, do not interfere with air exchange, and do not clog the pores of the wood. Such antiseptics penetrate deeply into the wood and provide reliable protection from mold spores, fungi, insects and bacteria. An important property of such compositions is the fact that they are able to stop damage to a tree at an early stage.

There are also antiseptics whose purpose is treatment of severely damaged wood.

An example is the composition “Wood Healer”. Combined action products are also common, which not only protect wood from bacteria and insects, but also prevent fire from damaging the wood.
Excellent performance is demonstrated by the use of primer antiseptics. (

Such compositions allow you to perform several jobs at once. In addition to reliable biosecurity, they prepare the wood for finishing. Primer antiseptics improve the adhesion of wood, reduce the consumption of paints and varnishes, and strengthen the surface of the wood. Applied to pre-primed wood decorative coating, will last much longer.
Experts advise applying antiseptics to wood during the period when the house is being assembled. This strategy will protect the tree from biological pests throughout construction.

Treatment with antiseptics should be carried out carefully, ensuring that the solution penetrates into all the cracks and folds of the wood. Otherwise, the protective composition will quickly be washed away by precipitation, or bacteria, spores of lichens and fungi can get into unprotected cracks.

If antiseptics do not contain a UV filter, then the wood after treatment must be coated with paints and varnishes. Otherwise, the tree may turn gray and lose its natural color.
There are also primer antiseptics with a UV filter added to them.

The purpose of the UV filter is to protect wood from fading in the sun. An excellent example of such a composition is the antiseptic primer with a UV filter “Valtti-Pohjuste”, which is produced on the basis linseed oil. This antiseptic stains the wood brown, and therefore can act as a decorative finish.
Manufacturers also produce special powders and concentrates designed to protect wood from biological threats during storage or transportation.

An example of powders is “Senezh Trans”, the role of concentrates is

  • "Senezh Eurotrans"
  • “Biotrans – New Home”,
  • “Biosept-Trans Rogneda”.

These compositions are pre-diluted with water in the proportion established by the manufacturer, after which they are applied to the wood with a construction sprayer, roller or regular brush. Such products are a temporary antiseptic impregnation that gradually penetrates the wood and destroys mold, bacteria and blue stains. The drugs can also repel beetles, but are not able to destroy them. Their advantage is also that they do not change the color of the wood and do not form a waterproof film.
It is important to remember that the application of antiseptics should be done under favorable conditions. weather conditions. Wood should not be processed in extreme heat or in frosty weather, and it is also not recommended to process wood during rain.

Treatment with a clear solution

The natural texture of wood can be preserved unchanged if you use a glazing antiseptic. Manufacturers offer two types of such compositions - transparent and translucent. In addition, these products can be tinted to work with different breeds wood. The pigment contained in such antiseptics provides partial protection against sun rays. Of course, it is worth understanding that a transparent glazing composition is not able to protect against ultraviolet radiation, and therefore wood treated with such a composition will fade and turn gray over time.

Glazing compositions can also be impregnating and film-forming. Impregnations are able to penetrate deeply into the layers of wood, while creating excellent protection against insects, fungi and bacteria. They do not disturb the air exchange of wood, do not lose their properties when wood swells or, conversely, when it shrinks. In general, impregnating glazing antiseptics are recommended for walls made of timber or logs.

All antiseptic formulations can be produced in two types of solvents. Plain water and organic white spirit. The advantage of water-based compositions is obvious - they are fireproof, dry quickly and have no chemical odors. Compositions on water based give the wood a beautiful matte color. The disadvantage of such antiseptics is their high price and the ability to be washed out of the wood during the operation of the building.

The difficulty when using colorless antiseptics lies in the problems that arise when applying them to wood. It can be difficult to identify areas of wood that have not yet been treated with a protective compound. To avoid such misunderstandings, it is recommended to purchase lightly colored compounds so that the difference between the treated surfaces and the “clean” areas is noticeable.

Treatment of the solution with a matting solution

White spirit antiseptics are better suited to the effects of moisture on wood. They quickly penetrate deep into the wood and are securely fixed there, giving the surface of the wood a glossy tint. The difference between aqueous compositions is also noticeable in the fact that when treated with them, the pile rises on the wood, and after painting it, unsightly dots and dents form. Compositions based on white spirit raise the pile to a lesser extent; however, builders advise sanding the wood between applying layers of antiseptic.

The disadvantage of impregnations based on an organic solvent is the presence of extremely unpleasant odor, fire hazard and the existing probability of explosion. As for the first drawback, it cannot be avoided, and the last two are practically eliminated if the instructions for use of the product are strictly followed.

Protecting the tree from fire

Surely everyone knows that fire is a dangerous enemy of wood. Therefore, when constructing a wooden house, builders must treat the surface of the materials with fire retardants in order to minimize the risk of fire and, if possible, reduce the rate of fire spread as much as possible.

To protect wood from fire, special impregnations with mineral components are used. Distinctive feature Such compositions are characterized by their deep penetration into the wood. Such impregnations contain fire retardants, the purpose of which is to increase the fire resistance of the structure. Do not think that a structure treated with such a composition is fully protected from fire. It will not be saved from targeted arson, but it will be fully protected from household sparks and fire due to negligence.
Each wood fire protection product has its own service life, and therefore the impregnation should be renewed every 3-5 years. To a greater extent, this recommendation is applicable for important buildings or buildings and structures located in difficult accessibility for firefighters. These can be buildings such as cottages, dachas located outside the city limits, as well as wooden structures– load-bearing racks or floor beams.

Wood is easily attacked by fungus and insects, and it ignites easily. Which fire protection is best for wood? Let's try to understand this issue.

Wood treatment products must contain substances that provide protection against damage by microorganisms and protect against fire. Wood is also exposed to changes in temperature, humidity, and mechanical stress, and therefore needs special protection.

Fire bioprotection can protect wood from biological pests and flames. If you treat wood with such means, you can reduce the risk of mold and fire.

Types of fire protection according to the method of their application:

  • covering;
  • impregnating (the most popular, since after processing you can clearly see the texture of the wood).

Choosing the right product

Senezh impregnations have proven themselves well. There are “Senezh Ognebio Prof” and “Senezh Ognebio” in the line. The product “Senezh Ognebio” is able to protect against fire, flame spread, blue staining, rot, mold, and insects that spoil wood.

The average duration of fire protection is three years, the product belongs to the second group of fire retardant effectiveness, average term biosecurity - twenty years. Product consumption - 600 g/sq. m. for the second group.

The product “Senezh Ognebio Prof” protects against ignition, burning, and flame spread. It will also effectively protect against insects that spoil the tree, middle period fire protection - five years, the average period of bioprotection - twenty years.

This product belongs to the first (second) group. Substance consumption for the second group is 300g/sq.m. m, for the first – 600 g/sq. m.

We list the most popular brands of fire protection:

  • "Senezh";
  • "Good Master";
  • "Neomid";
  • "FOREST";

Product Features

There are different packaging of goods. You should not take it with a reserve, since this product can always be purchased in the store, and if it is stored for a long time, it loses some of its properties.

Fire protection can also be called impregnation. It can be produced in the form of paste, varnish, enamel, impregnation. If you intend to use putty or paste, then it has a smell; it is better to use it in places that will then be subjected to additional finishing, since it slightly spoils appearance products. Impregnation has almost no ability to change the smell or texture of wood.

If you need to treat a wooden structure, then when choosing a product, give preference to water-soluble fire and bioprotection. It is often used because it is safer.

When choosing a product, it is worth considering whether there is permission from the SES for the use of this composition in residential premises, how much money is spent per 1 sq. m. m, fire protection efficiency group of the product, salt or non-salt type of product, the need for further surface treatment, application method.

Application methods:

  • combined - the tree is immediately impregnated with protection;
  • sequential - the wood is treated with fire retardants, then it is treated with antiseptic substances.

Otherwise, fire bioprotection can be called fire retardants. These are highly specialized products used for processing. The wood is treated before construction begins. Needs to be wiped down scaffolding, scaffolding, various wooden elements, as well as details of the house frame.

About operating principles

Operating principle of fire bioprotection:

  • refractory substances in combination with silicon, phosphorus, boric acid, there are salt-free options;
  • forming an impenetrable dense film;
  • To reduce the access of oxygen to the object, fireproofing impregnation is capable of releasing non-flammable gases.

Fire protection is necessary when constructing residential and commercial buildings. Also, with its help, it is necessary to properly treat buildings that belong to the category with a high degree of fire occurrence.

This product is used to treat railway cars, ships, vessels, and barges. When performing restoration work, it is also necessary to use comprehensive protection.

The benefits of using fire protection

The advantage of using fire protection is its complex effect. If you treat wood externally with fire-resistant impregnation, you can effectively fight insects. This is due to the compounds included in the product. Insects do not breed in wood if it is treated with antiseptic substances.

When choosing, you can give preference to products that belong to the first group of fire protection effectiveness. Consider the purpose of the material - will it be used for interior decoration whether they need to be processed load-bearing structure. To prevent the product from changing its color, choose colorless analogues.

The effectiveness and duration of drying are influenced by the method of application and the composition of the product. In some products it is permissible to use a larger amount of the product to provide improved fire protection.

Pay attention to how fire protection affects the material. It may swell on the surface, decompose into gaseous compounds, or the outer coating may melt.

Which products are better to choose?

The most common and affordable impregnations are those containing carbon, phosphorus, and boron salts. However, they are easily washed out with water; they need to be used more to process 1 square meter. m.

In addition, their service life is up to five years, and then it will be necessary to apply a new impregnation. At the same time, salt stains remain on the surface after treatment. If you use such impregnation, then in the future it will not be possible to coat the wood with paints and varnishes.

It is better to choose salt-free impregnations. They are able to inhibit combustion processes. The bioprotection of materials treated with such means will last for a maximum of twenty years, fire retardant properties last up to fifteen years. There are no impregnations in the composition toxic substances that could harm human health.

To ensure that the substance is well absorbed, the wood is dried. If there is an old paint coating, it should be cleaned before applying fire protection.

Impregnation is applied in several layers. The packaging indicates how much to use per 1 square meter. m. Apply one layer, then allow to dry, and the second layer is applied after twelve to twenty-four hours.

Wood is the most environmentally friendly building material. A wooden building is warm in winter, cool in summer and has a special, healthy microclimate with a self-regulating humidity level. But, this material, like any organic matter, is susceptible to fungi, bacteria, harmful insects and ignites very easily.

Therefore, experts recommend using it as protective agent wood antiseptic.

Types of antiseptics

Antiseptics are water-repellent compounds designed to protect lumber from microorganisms and insects that feed on wood.

Wood, of course, is best treated with them in advance. However, if it was nevertheless infected, a high-quality drug can stop its further destruction.

Wood antiseptics are divided into four groups according to their composition:

  • Water soluble;
  • Oil based;
  • Based on organic solvents;
  • Combined.

Water-soluble compounds are preventive for those structures and wood coverings that do not come into direct contact with moisture.

Solvent-based compositions capable of protecting wood both outside and inside buildings. This antiseptic forms a dense film with good characteristics adhesion and moisture resistance.

Combined formulations in addition to biological protection, they can reduce the flammability of wood, i.e. They also have fire retardant properties.

As a rule, modern wood antiseptics do not have a pronounced odor. In order for the treatment to be of high quality, the composition must be applied in 2-3 layers.

Remember! Do not impregnate frozen or damp wood, as this sharply reduces the absorbency of the antiseptic.

Treating wood with antiseptic

  1. A prerequisite before applying the antiseptic is that the wood is clean and dry. To clean the material, you can use a steel scraper and a suitable solvent.
  2. First of all, damaged areas should be treated - the ends of the boards, cuts, cuts, etc.
  3. Treatment of wood with an antiseptic should occur at a temperature of at least +5º if it is based on a solvent and at least +10º when it is water-soluble.
  4. The relative humidity in the room when working with the composition should be at least 80%.
  5. The antiseptic can be applied with a brush, roller or spray.

Wood antiseptic can be applied with a brush or roller

Most of these compounds repel but do not kill insect pests. To destroy them, special preparations are produced, usually alcohol-based. The technique for using such antiseptics is different.

The liquid is poured with a syringe or pipette into the external openings of the passages of beetles and larvae. Then the surface around them is carefully coated.

How to choose the best antiseptic

Among some builders there is an opinion that many antiseptics are an advertising canard: video “The Truth about Antiseptics”

A high-quality antiseptic impregnation for wood should have high toxicity to harmful microorganisms or insects. Based on the level of protective ability, such compositions can be divided into 4 categories:

  • ineffective,
  • moderately effective,
  • effective,
  • highly effective.

The preparation must correspond to the level of wood damage. According to this parameter, it can be divided into three groups:

  • clean,
  • not contaminated lumber,
  • having a slightly affected surface,
  • heavily infected.

For each of these types you need to purchase a special composition. Also keep in mind that antiseptics are often intended for either internal or external surfaces.

If you need the purchased composition for processing interior spaces, then its packaging must contain an official sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, preferably duplicated by the conclusion of an independent laboratory, on the harmlessness of the solution to humans and domestic animals.

Wood antiseptics intended for impregnation of facades must have good weather resistance.

It is important that the composition is convenient and easy to apply, and if you are going to use any paint material, then be compatible with it.

The best foreign manufacturers of antiseptics

A comparison of wood antiseptics should start with the products of the Danish company Pinotex, which appeared first on Russian market in this area. Many experts consider its products to be the best in Europe. They protect not only from mold, fungi, insects and moisture, but also from sudden temperature changes. This allows the use of Pinotex compositions outside buildings.

The famous Finnish company Tikkurila, in addition to paints and varnishes, also produces high-quality antiseptic compositions. They can be used for processing both external walls and fences, as well as wooden structures.

The Slovenian company Belinka Base produces the best antiseptics for deep penetration wood. These are colorless primers containing biocides, the purpose of which is to preventively protect wood from blue stains, fungi and harmful insects.

Russian antiseptics

Antiseptics from Senezh

Among Russian companies, Senezh was the first to reach the international level and receive the appropriate quality certificate (ISO 9001). Its Senezh Ecobio antiseptics provide increased biological protection wood. Can be used independently or as a primer for painting.

"The Tree Doctor"

The worst enemy of wood is white house fungi, which imitate ordinary mold. Until recently, it was not possible to effectively combat them. But such an antiseptic for wood has also appeared: customer reviews indicate that the domestic company “Wood Doctor” has developed drugs that can solve this problem.


Another Russian company, Neomid, differs from other manufacturers in that it sells antiseptics in concentrated form, and this significantly reduces their cost. Its compositions are produced in compact packages, like a dry mixture.
For initial treatment, the best wood preservative is Neomid 46-bio, as well as Neomid 440.

Video about antiseptic from the Neomid company:

Substances that impede the combustion of wood include fire retardants. They envelop the tree and significantly slow down the combustion process. In addition, antiseptics are added to the mixture to protect against mold and rot.

The nature of the action of the remedies differs greatly:

  • the composition melts. Under the influence of fire, wood forms protective film. It prevents oxygen from reaching the wood, thereby slowing down combustion;
  • the composition swells. When the combustion temperature rises, the mixture begins to swell, blocking the path of the flame;
  • the composition decomposes. When fire protection decomposes, gases are released that do not support combustion.

Attention! If, in the event of a fire, an untreated log house is destroyed in 15–20 minutes, then a used one can last a day.

Wood processing is carried out:

  • step by step, first antiseptic, then fire bioprotection;
  • two types of impregnation at the same time.

Based on consistency, protective substances are divided into:

  • impregnation. They are odorless, capable of revealing and improving the structure of wood;
  • coatings (enamels, pastes, varnishes). They deteriorate the structure of the tree and smell bad. Used for finishing elements.

The composition of the mixture is:

  • water-soluble, more natural and durable;
  • organically soluble, they must be diluted with toxic flammable compounds.

The right choice of protective compounds

Fire protection products are so important that you need to choose them not only on the advice of the seller, but also based on your own knowledge.

Points to consider when purchasing:

  1. Does the seller have a certificate of conformity and a conclusion from the sanitary and epidemiological station?
  2. Efficiency group.
  3. The basis of the composition (salt or non-salt).
  4. Consumption.
  5. Absorption depth.

Composition and documents

Each wood processing product must have documents, without which the sale is considered illegal. When purchasing, be sure to ask the seller to bring a certificate of conformity and a conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station. The certificate must contain all information regarding the features of application and the group to which the product belongs.

Another important characteristic is the composition of the impregnation. They may be:

  • saline. Easily washed out with water, the validity period is only 3 years. Suitable for indoor wood processing;
  • non-salt. Lasts 10-15 years, non-toxic, effective for external use.

Efficiency group

The most important difference various compositions considered to be the 1st or 2nd degree of protection.
GOST divides fire retardants into 2 groups:

  1. Effectively protects throughout the fire.
  2. They prevent fire, but do not last long.

Advice. The more layers, the better protection. 6 layers of the 2nd group have properties similar to the 1st layer of the 1st group.

If the 2nd group is indicated on the product, the wood acquires the properties of low flammability. If 1, then it becomes fireproof. IN residential buildings It is permissible to use only the 1st group.

Fire retardant consumption

The peculiarity of protective compounds is that when purchasing, you need to pay attention not only to the price tag, but also to the consumption. After all, a cheaper product can be wasted more, and in the end it will cost more.

Attention! Cheap salt formulations are consumed in 2-3 rubles. faster than expensive non-salt formulas.

For example, “Senezh”, a salt mixture of group 1, consumes approximately 600g/sq.m. if you process wood 6 times. Neomid is more expensive, but provides similar effectiveness at a consumption of 250g/km.m.

Absorption depth into wood

Based on the depth of penetration, two types of compositions are distinguished:

  • superficial, penetrating to a depth of 6 mm;
  • deep penetration. Penetrate to a depth of 12 mm.

Advice. Impregnation with color makes application easier, because you can see where you have already touched with a brush and where you have not yet. But the color remains for a long time, so it is better to use a colorless product on the facade and in any visible places.

The more common option is option 1, because it can be applied by roller or brush. In addition, such impregnation does not reduce the strength of the wood product.

In residential buildings it is necessary to use fire protection equipment of the 1st degree of protection

Means belonging to the second group are specialized. Special equipment is required to apply them.

Explanation of symbols

As a rule, on packages of impregnation from any manufacturer the following letter code is indicated:

  • "B". Contains boric acid;
  • "D". Under the influence of flame it forms a protective film;
  • "M". Contains copper sulfate, which protects against mold;
  • "WITH". Contains baking soda that protects against fire;
  • "F". Indicates the presence of sodium fluoride, a toxic substance that destroys pests and fungi;
  • "X". Toxic composition that destroys wood borers and bark beetles;
  • "HA" is a gas-releasing agent.

Professionals advise that before processing wood, thoroughly clean the surface of cobwebs, dust, old impregnation or paint.

The protective composition is applied to treated, sanded wood with a humidity level of no more than 30%.

It is advisable to carry out all work at positive air temperatures, otherwise water frozen in the capillaries will reduce the efficiency of processing.

Active participants in construction forums argue about the need for fire protection. Some are absolutely confident in its effectiveness, and some claim that if the room is well ventilated, the composition will disappear in 1-2 years and suggest covering the wood with a mixture of copper sulfate and lime. One forum member conducted an interesting experiment: he treated a newspaper with fire-bioprotection and tried to light a fire with it. The newspaper did not catch fire.

Popular brands of impregnation

The market is filled with worthy products from domestic and foreign manufacturers. They differ in group, purpose and cost.

The most common ones are:

  1. "Senezh". Used for outdoor and interior work. The period of protection against fire is 5 years, against bugs and mold – 20 years.
  2. "Olympus". Treatment with the composition of the 1st group is possible indoors and outdoors. The fire retardant is valid for up to 7 years, protection against insects and fungi – 10 years. For the 2nd group, the period is shorter - fire protection - 5 years, bioprotection - 10 years.
  3. "Pirilax." The formula of the composition is distinguished by the presence of preservatives that protect the wood from cracking and aging. Available with two protection groups. The validity period directly depends on the climate zone. If on external walls If it rarely rains, the flame protection will last for 5 years. The term for internal premises is 12 years.

Frame construction is breaking all records in popularity. Glued laminated timber and rounded logs are also actively used. Builders remind that wood can be used for construction only after appropriate protective treatment. Fire-retardant compounds selected according to the specified criteria will help ensure the safety of any building.

How to choose fire protection for wood - video

Treatment of any type of wooden building involves the use of antiseptics. However, before starting such manipulations, you should choose the best type so that the wood will last for as long as possible. It is worth taking advantage of the experience of professionals and paying attention to the fact that they try to use not too expensive products that are ready to demonstrate high efficiency. It is important to determine what functions a deep penetration antiseptic for wood should perform. This is due to the fact that universal remedies are not so effective, so you need to use targeted formulations.

Substances for protection against fungi

Fungal formations begin to appear in wood that is used in a humid environment. The material soon becomes covered in spores. Experts advise in this case to use one of two products, among which are the antiseptic brand PAF-LST, as well as Homeenpoisto-1. You can purchase them on the market for relevant goods for an average of 110 rubles per liter. You can also create an antiseptic for wood yourself. Such substances are highly effective and consist of a mixture of waste engine oil with copper sulfate. In some cases, fumigation of the room with sulfur is used, but this approach cannot be called safe.

Bioprotection of wood under special conditions

If there is a need to protect wood from exposure to precipitation or soil, then it is best to resort to an Ultra brand antiseptic, which has many positive reviews. The most famous is the one called "Valtti Aquacolor".

This deep penetration impregnation creates a special protective layer on the surface. It can be used in the construction of a house, which will be based on laminated veneer lumber. This substance is applied to a previously cleaned and dried surface. It is important to apply about three layers. The drying time of the previous one before applying the next one is about 7 hours. As for complete drying, it will be achieved 12 hours after application. Before purchasing this impregnation, you must take into account that its consumption will be 1 liter per 10 square meters. You can purchase this antiseptic in containers whose volume varies from 0.5 to 50 liters. The cost starts from 70 rubles.

Antiseptic for wood with natural moisture

If you choose best antiseptic for a tree that has natural humidity, then you can use substances characterized by a non-washable structure. After it penetrates inside the lumber, the latter will change its original color to light greenish. According to reviews, the best remedy with a similar effect is what is produced under the brand name "Finesta". In stores building materials such a product is presented in containers whose volume can vary from 10 to 200 liters. For 10 liters you will have to pay approximately 250 rubles.

Antiseptic for unbarked wood

Tempered wood is round wood from which the bark has not been previously removed. It can be purchased directly from sawmills, and the cost of such material will be significantly less compared to finished logs. It is recommended to store this material in a dry and well-ventilated area. However, not everyone can afford to have warehouses. For storage, you can use a special-purpose antiseptic. If we consider the rating of reviews, then the most affordable and economical product is the brand “Neomid 420”. You will have to pay 100 rubles or more for it.

Primer antiseptics

External wood antiseptic can also be made using a primer. In this case, the surface after treatment can be coated with paint or varnish. They are not particularly preferred by professionals for the reason that they do not have such a significant service life. Moreover, if the pre-primed surface is left without a finishing coat for a period exceeding 7 days, the substance will be washed off by precipitation.

Among the primers, the most positive reviews You can read about Pinotex Base and Valtti Pohjuste. Buyers point out the evenness of application, quick drying and excellent adhesion to the surface. Paintwork substances on such a primer do not peel off after 1-2 years, and you can choose a product from a wide range. The cost of primer antiseptics is 110 rubles and more.

Colored bioprotective antiseptic

If you decide to choose Senezh deep penetration wood antiseptics, then you may prefer a tinted type substance that allows you to achieve an even color. Choosing best composition, you need to pay attention to the skills and abilities of the master. After all, when applying varnish, it will be quite difficult to achieve an even layer, and in the end you can get a “camouflage” color. This effect can be avoided by using a tinting antiseptic, which is coated with a clear varnish on top.

Almost any antiseptic can be tinted, but the one produced under the Pinotex Classic brand has proven to be better. Using the tinting method it is possible to achieve one of 50 shades. You will have to pay approximately 150 rubles per liter for such coverage.

Bioprotective antiseptic with ultraviolet filter

Deep penetration can also perfectly protect against ultraviolet rays, which can harm the material. Among other things, paint on walls without such protection will soon fade and lose its characteristics. Among the most common are “Neomid Bio Color”. These compositions also differ in that they can be tinted in order to give the surface a tint. The walls will not be afraid of not only the sun, but also microorganisms. You can purchase such compositions for 170 rubles per liter, but you no longer need to apply an additional bioantiseptic.

Antiseptics for open areas

If you choose a deep penetration antiseptic for wood that is used outdoors, then you should choose a composition with the appropriate qualities. Thus, for open areas such as terraces, you can use compositions that are resistant to washout and can withstand temperature changes. Most good decisions: "Pinotex Terrace" and also "Pinotex Natural". You can buy them for more high price, which starts at 350 rubles. However, you can count on superior quality and durability, which come first in this case.

Antiseptic for old wood

A deep penetration antiseptic for wood can also be intended for material that has already been painted and/or used for a certain time. According to reviews, such substances are not so effective; only a protective film will be created on the surface. Experts advise initially ridding the base of old paint and only then begin processing.

Consumers who do not want to spend money and time purchase Valtti Techno. The composition will be able to extend the life of the building, but treatment will need to be carried out every year. The cost of the composition will be approximately equal to the above amounts, that is, 110 rubles per liter.

Wood bleaching

A deep penetration antiseptic for wood is often used to prevent changes in the natural color of the material. Such products should be applied with a brush to a specific location. After 2 hours, the surface brightens, regaining its original shade. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated about 3 times. If you decide to take advantage of the most effective means, then it is recommended to purchase “Neomid 500”, which costs approximately 170 rubles per liter on the building materials market.

If you decide to prepare deep penetration antiseptics for wood with your own hands, then instead of what was described above, you can use traditional whiteness. However, you need to be prepared for a strong smell.

Antiseptics for saunas

Baths and saunas also require treatment. But under such conditions, wood is unnecessarily exposed to moisture and temperature. That is why the above compositions cannot be used here. It is not recommended to use substances that have a pungent odor. You can buy the product "Senezh Sauna", which has a colorless structure and perfectly whitens walls. After penetration, the substance creates a protective layer. And you can purchase the composition for 270 rubles.

End protection

Neomid, which belongs to the group “Antiseptics for deep penetration wood,” is widely distributed on the market among consumers today. It is often used when it is necessary to protect the ends, which are the most accessible places for moisture. If you treat the ends, then the entire building does not need to be treated. The areas to be protected must be carefully sanded or tapped with a rubber hammer, then the technician can apply a special sealant. Consumers who value good value for money choose Senezh Tor, the price of which starts from 290 rubles. Despite the significant cost, the consumption of the composition is quite small, it is 1 liter per 15 square meters.

Fire retardant treatment

If, in addition to biosecurity, you need to protect wood from fire, then you need to choose a composition with the appropriate functions. Such substances can be divided into 2 groups, the first of which is distinguished by the most impressive resistance to fire. This product is suitable for homes with stove heating, as well as saunas for private and commercial purposes, which is relevant in both cases.