Edged, unedged and semi-edged boards – which is better? Unedged board: types, varieties, wood species, sizes and scope of application “Fence” unedged board

How to choose the right ones wood materials for construction work? First of all, you need to consider the nature of the building. The quality, and therefore the cost of materials, depends on various factors. An important role is played by the cutting option from which the wood materials come out. different types. These are edged and unedged boards, slabs, etc. Let's focus on an unedged board.

What is an unedged board?

This is lumber with an unsawn edge. This cutting method significantly reduces the price of the product. When choosing, you need to pay attention to quality. The main principle of choosing this lumber is the absence of warping and winging, which causes changes in shape along the length. If the lumber has an arched appearance or seems to be twisted with a screw, it means that it was dried in violation of the rules. Also, due to improper drying, cracks may appear in the wood.

What is the difference between edged and unedged boards?

As a result of sawing logs, different lumber is obtained. By preliminary sawing the log on both sides, an unedged board is obtained; with further sawing, the output is edged boards of the same width.

When sawing a whole log, lumber with bark residues comes out from under the machine. The main difference between an unedged board is that it is not entirely aesthetic appearance and unequal width along the entire length. For these reasons, there are differences in prices - edged lumber costs much more. You should not choose any products with a large number of knots, such material is fragile. All defective lumber is classified as low-grade and has an appropriate price.

What is unedged board used for?

Lumber can be used for various purposes:

  • roof sheathing or sheathing;
  • construction of sheds for household needs or baths;
  • manufacturing flooring and other purposes where appearance is not important;
  • during the construction of fences. This lumber is often used to enclose construction sites.

Unedged high-quality lumber is also used to create doors, stairs, and furniture. They are used to make lining, skirting boards and other building materials. Even low-quality boards with unequal widths can be useful; knotty products are used to create formwork for the foundation and insulate the façade of a house.

How to calculate the cube of a board?

Certain standards have been developed for unedged boards. Their volumes are summarized in special tables called board cubes. Knowing the length of the product, its volume is determined by the width and thickness. It is important to remember that all parameters are measured in the same quantities. Wood dimensions are calculated in meters.

Many online building materials stores offer the use of a cubic capacity calculator. With it, you can see the weight of the estimated order and find out information about the price.

How to measure a board?

If it is not possible to use a cubic meter or an online calculator, you can measure the thickness, width and length yourself. Unedged wood materials do not have a uniform width. Therefore, their average width is measured in the middle without taking into account the bark. To obtain arithmetic averages, rounding to the nearest 0.01 m is carried out. Shares over 0.005 m or more are considered 0.01 m; smaller ones are not taken into account. For a small batch, this measurement method is quite acceptable.

If you need Not edged board, go to TAM.BY, where you can buy lumber from companies at an attractive price.

- a board that has strictly along its entire length rectangular section. The presence of wane is allowed only in small quantities.

Dry lumber may have small, non-through cracks, 1-2 wormholes per 1 m. This is the most popular type of board.

Proper drying gives lumber the advantages necessary for its further use:

  • resistance to deformation - dry planed lumber retains its linear dimensions during installation and operation;
  • resistance to temperature changes, humidity, bacterial damage, insects;
  • decrease internal tension— guarantee of the quality of subsequent processing, for example in the production of furniture;
  • strength - buying a dry edged board means getting a surface that can withstand serious loads.

Natural is a long process that requires large areas. Chamber drying technologies are more often used, which not only ensures the stability of the physical and mechanical properties of wood, but also destroys pests - insects, harmful bacteria.

Even a child can distinguish an unedged board from an edged one. However, in practice there have been cases when it was explained to the buyer that an edged board means cut off at the ends. So it's worth starting with the basics. Not an edged board - it has the same width as a tree trunk, that is, it is made from a tree sawn along the trunk. It does not undergo any further processing, so its side edges are covered with bark and have an uneven edge, as befits a tree. Edged boards are boards with a processed edge from which the bark has been removed. As a rule, they have a width of up to one meter and a length - at the request of the customer, but most often, it ranges from 2 to 8 meters. Planed board - used for making furniture and has not only processed edges, but also a planed - polished surface. The most popular and in demand is planed board 25 mm thick. It is used for making furniture, as well as for roofing work. But let's get back to buying edged boards. To buy a high-quality edged board, you need to pay attention that a high-quality edged board does not have knots, cracks, holes or other defects. As a rule, when selling edged boards, the seller does the sorting and evaluation. Sorting of boards and timber is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 6564-84 "Lumber and blanks. Acceptance rules, control methods, marking and transportation." The grade is indicated in a stamp on the end of the board. 10% of the total volume of material, as a rule, is spent on re-grading - errors by quality control inspectors and hidden defects in the wood itself. The grade of a board depends on its thickness and width. It is these parameters that determine its properties and “name”, for example, “25x150 board” or “25x100 board”. When purchasing large quantities, the customer cannot select each board personally. As a rule, to check such a batch, a random selection of boards is carried out when packing the batch into stacks. The volume of purchased material is calculated in dense cubic meters, also in accordance with GOSTs. The sides of the boards on one side in the stack must be aligned in order to. So that you can take correct measurements. Separate conversation deserves the so-called Eurofloor - the board for its manufacture is assembled from individual strips of wide cross-section and glued with waterproof glue. This allows you to prevent deformation, which makes it possible to make the joints of the boards almost invisible. Europol can be laid directly on heated floors. Coniferous edged boards - choose the best! The strength and beauty of wood, as well as its resistance to external influences depend on the type of tree. The cheapest wood is considered to be common hardwoods: aspen and birch. The disadvantage of birch is its hardness, which makes it difficult to process on one side, and its susceptibility to all kinds of rot and deterioration. Aspen rarely has a straight trunk and is also not as durable as other types of wood. Conifers are considered more valuable, and therefore more expensive, types of wood. Coniferous trees, most of them grow straight, have one pronounced trunk, a high-starting crown and reach great height and thickness. Therefore, a board made of coniferous wood always turns out to be best quality than that of deciduous trees. Often, buyers who have little experience in purchasing wood, wanting to save money, purchase grade 2 edged boards, and then complain when they see spots of rot on it. Wood defects include rot, knots, cracks, structural defects of wood, damage by fungi and insects, processing defects, and deformations. Defects are standardized in each grade for 1 m or for the entire length of the assortment. In accordance with the requirements of the state standard, for grade 2 lumber from coniferous trees, mushroom heart stains (strips), sapwood mushroom stains and mold with a total area of ​​no more than 20% of the total area are allowed. total area parties. Hardwood lumber has a lower “tolerance” for defects due to its instability to rot. Heart and sapwood rots are allowed separately; they occur during drying or non-compliance with storage rules. Drying the boards should take place in special industrial premises while maintaining constant temperature regime And forced ventilation or outdoors. Drying of wood in stacks, depending on the species and area from which the batch was delivered. Wood storage, both outdoors and in warehouses, should be carried out in stacks, lined with special gaskets for air access to prevent rotting. In the open air, a lean-to canopy is made above the stack, protruding above the cream of the stack by at least 0.5 m, which helps protect the tree from rain and snow.

this board obtained by longitudinal sawing logs Unlike edged boards, this type of lumber has two clean faces (flat surfaces), and bark remains on the edges of an unedged board, which is where its name comes from. Unedged boards are divided into carpentry boards and the so-called “fence” boards.

This type lumber is most widely used in the installation of roof sheathing, construction of various temporary structures (formwork for concreting, temporary sheds and sheds, fences, stops, etc.).

This is due to the fact that unedged boards are inexpensive and easy to install. This material is also convenient to process - to cut a piece of the required length, an ordinary hacksaw is enough, and if you have a power tool for sawing, then in general you can make the necessary part very quickly.

Unedged boards are also widely used as raw materials for the production of wood products, although in this case it is necessary to use unedged wood boards, which are of higher quality, have a certain humidity and some other parameters.

Joiner's unedged board

For the production of unedged joinery boards, high-quality wood (export grade 1) of large diameters is used. This board is used for the production of furniture or interior decoration elements (lining, batten etc.). Of course, furniture as such is not made from unedged boards. The board is subjected to further processing, for example, it is cut, sanded, glued from sawn parts of boards, etc. Only after this the material is used in furniture production.

There are high quality requirements for this type of board. The joiner's board should have a minimum number of knots and defects, and there can be no question of the board being winged or warped. The width of the face of unedged joinery boards is usually 150 mm and above. The ideal raw materials for the production of unedged wood boards are Angara pine and Siberian larch. Accordingly, the cost of this lumber is quite high.

Currently very large number Various intermediary companies sell carpentry boards. As a rule, they have their own sawmill and they buy round timber and cut it themselves into timber and boards. The resulting boards, with the exception of obapol, are dried in special drying chambers so that the moisture content of the wood is reduced to 8 - 12 percent. In this case, drying is carried out in racks to prevent the boards from bending in the process of reducing moisture in the wood. With this in mind, we recommend that you very carefully check all unedged wood boards purchased for work.

The joiner's board is cut to the thickness that the client wants, the same goes for the length of the boards. If he wants a thickness of 10 mm and a length of 180 cm, please, he wants a longer one and needs a thickness of 50 mm, no problem either. If we’re talking about what you can buy directly when you arrive at the base that sells carpentry boards, then these are boards standard thickness 20.25, 30, 40 or 50 mm and 2 - 4 meters long.

“Fence” unedged board.

Unedged “fence” board is used in construction work, which do not require special requirements for the appearance of lumber. This mainly involves cladding and sheathing of roofs, production of decking, fences, load-bearing structures and other works. Lathing made from unedged boards is the most common, as it is perhaps the cheapest lumber.

There are also no special requirements for the raw materials from which such a board is made - it is suitable for round wood small diameters 2, 3 grades. This type of board is relatively inexpensive, but when choosing it you should pay attention to such characteristics as knottiness, warping and winging.

Usually such a board is sold fresh - that is, with natural humidity. If you leave a board like this to dry under open air in bulk not in a rack, then there is a very high probability that most of the boards will move with a screw during the drying process and using them in construction will become a difficult task.

In general, the entire forest is usually cut into boards, after which culling is carried out. What is better is used for carpentry boards and drying, and what is worse is the so-called unedged fence board. Since a large volume is usually not needed for a joiner's board, the excess good unedged board is simply trimmed further and an edged board is obtained, which is sold together with the unedged board as is, that is, with natural moisture.

Defects of unedged boards.

Like others building materials, an unedged board has disadvantages or, more precisely, defects that reduce its strength, narrow its scope, reduce strength characteristics, etc. Below we want to talk about such defects that you may encounter in your practice.

- A large number of knots. Knots not only spoil the appearance of the lumber, but also significantly disrupt the structure of the board, which reduces its strength. Knotty unedged boards do not withstand the loads associated with stretching the board along the grain, and are especially fragile when bending. In addition, knots bend the fibers, which is why the board itself becomes warped over time. If a knot occupies more than a third of the board's width, then such a board will not support any load on the fracture.

- Board warping, that is, a change in shape cross section– also an important characteristic of the board. It can occur not only due to knots, but also for other reasons. It often occurs when the board dries out or is over-moistened. Typically, warping is longitudinal, as a result of which the board acquires an arched shape along its length. The sides of the board take on the shape of a trough and it is good to place it on a flat base or the part will no longer work.

Accordingly, and for example, on a crate made of such a curved board, a flat roofing material, the same slate is not worth laying down.

- wingedness. Another factor in changing the shape of the board is winging. In this case, the unedged board twists, which makes processing extremely difficult, and also creates difficulties in the process of laying boards on flat surfaces of logs, rafters, etc. The shape of the board begins to resemble a helicopter rotor blade. Warping and winging – obvious signs low-quality wood or poor processing.

- Cracks. In addition to the mentioned characteristics, cracks also affect the quality of unedged boards. The depth and size of cracks should not exceed the established standards according to GOST 8486-86. Usually, upon purchase and then during construction, cracks in boards are assessed by eye, cutting off the end parts until the cracks end. If there are many such defects, then during construction it may turn out that a very large number of boards will be used as firewood - waste.

In order to reduce costs, many companies purchase unedged boards for further processing and production required lumber. Processing of unedged boards is carried out using equipment that allows you to obtain the final product in the form of bars, plinths, lining, etc. In fact, this is the most common material for production finishing material made of wood.

Wooden structures are very popular, as they not only have a unique appearance, but also a significant margin of safety. There are many types of lumber, among which boards occupy a special place.

Such products are used for finishing internal and external surfaces, as well as for organizing floors and other similar coverings. Find out more about the price and technical features wooden board Can .

Basic Concepts

The production of boards is carried out using special machines (sawmills, etc.), which allow cutting logs along the growth of the fibers. This material differs from each other in technical and quality characteristics.

Unedged board is a type of lumber that is characterized by its large width and low thickness. A feature of such products is the presence of uncut ends, which can have different shapes and sizes.

For the manufacture of boards of this type, logs of both deciduous and coniferous species are used. This allows you to obtain material of different quality and strength, which will then be used to solve specific problems.

Often such products differ in the following characteristics:

  • The length of the board depends mainly on the corresponding parameter of the log. In most cases, this figure does not exceed 6.5 m, but if desired, it can be more.
  • The thickness of the board varies from 16 to 90 mm depending on the type of wood used and its purpose.
  • Width. This indicator is not standard for unedged boards, since their ends are not adjusted to certain sizes.

Purpose of unedged boards

Such lumber is used to solve many problems, among which the main ones are:

  1. Arrangement of formwork for the construction of foundations, etc.
  2. Cladding walls, forming fences or partitions.
  3. Raw materials from which edged boards of the required quality and size are then obtained.

When purchasing an unedged board, you must take into account its condition. So a sign of bad material is the presence of a significant number of large cracks and poor cutting with potholes. This may be the reason for its rapid destruction or loss of decorative properties. But still, unedged board is a universal and environmentally friendly material that is used very often.

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Today, one of the most popular lumber on the market is unedged board, which is due to its low cost, strength, and the possibility of use in a wide variety of construction areas. Next, we will get acquainted with this material in detail, and also consider how edged and unedged boards differ, and for what purposes they are used.

Features of the material

Differences from edged boards

The differences between edged and unedged boards lie in the edges - on edged boards they are smooth, while on unedged boards they have an irregular, natural shape. The rough edges are called wane and are often covered with bark.

This difference between edged boards and unedged boards is associated with production technology. The fact is that the first one is obtained by cutting, while the unedged one is made by sawing logs. As a result, the edges remain untreated, hence its name.

Accordingly, a board with a wane along its entire length may have unequal width. That, in fact, is all the difference between an edged board and an unedged one.

However, it should be noted that there is one more minor difference between edged and unedged boards - the first can be planed, i.e. have a smooth surface. Moreover, planed lumber is pre-dried. Unedged lumber is not subjected to any mechanical processing before sale.


The popularity of the material under consideration is associated with its following advantages:

  • much more low price , since there is less waste in its production, and the manufacturing process is simpler and faster;
  • strength is not inferior to the edged analogue, therefore can be used in cases where the impeccable appearance of lumber is not required. True, some designers skillfully use natural feature wane, resulting in a beautiful and unusual furniture or even finishing material;
  • when sawing logs of the same diameter, unedged lumber is always wider than edged lumber.

Pay attention!
If necessary, the wane can always be trimmed.
The yield of edged boards from unedged boards is on average 80%.

Types of material


According to GOST for unedged boards No. 8486-86 and 6564-84, this material exists in several grades:

Variety Peculiarities
Selective (carpentry) A special feature is the absence of knots and other defects, therefore this lumber is used for the manufacture of furniture and other joinery products.
First grade It is a high-quality wood that does not contain rot, wormholes and blue spots. The only thing is that it may contain a small number of knots.
Second grade In addition to knots, it may contain minor cracks that do not affect the strength of the material. Most often used as a structural material.
Third grade In addition to knots and cracks, it contains blue spots, wormholes and some other defects. Therefore, it is used in construction to a limited extent.

Pay attention!
For carpentry and construction, only dry wood is suitable, the moisture level of which does not exceed 18%; the optimal option is 8-12% humidity.

Wood type

The performance qualities of this lumber depend not only on the grade, but also on the type of wood from which it is made.

As a rule, it is made from the following breeds:

  • pine and spruce are the most common materials due to their good performance and availability;
  • larch - this wood costs twice as much as pine, however, it is resistant to moisture and rot. Therefore, it is excellent for outdoor use;
  • oak is the strongest and most durable wood, but at the same time, oak boards are the most expensive. They can be used as a material for critical structural elements that will bear the greatest load;

  • cedar - this wood is soft, but at the same time quite durable, as a result it is easy to process with your own hands. Another feature of this tree is its bactericidal properties, so it is recommended for use in residential areas.
  • alder is also a soft wood species and is not subject to rotting. It should be noted that alder boards have the lowest thermal conductivity.

Pay attention!
Regardless of the type of wood, before using the material in construction, it must be treated with wood impregnation, which protects it from moisture, rotting and other negative influences.
The only thing to keep in mind is that impregnations exist for external and internal use.
This information about the composition usually contains instructions for use on the packaging.

Thus, when choosing lumber, you should focus not only on its cost and quality, but also on the scope of application.


One more important point, which you should focus on when choosing – these are the dimensions of the unedged board. Most often it is made in the following sizes:

If lumber is needed for any purpose non-standard sizes, manufacturers can make it to order.
However, this will affect the cost of the tree.

Scope of application

When choosing lumber, it is impossible to say which one is better - edged or unedged boards, since they are used for different purposes.

The latter is most often used in the following cases:

  • when installing lathing and wall cladding;
  • unedged wide board is often used when arranging formwork;
  • as a flooring for scaffolding;
  • for cladding walls of frame structures;
  • as elements of load-bearing structures;
  • during the construction of rough floors, etc.

In general, this type of board can be used anywhere where its appearance does not matter. However, as mentioned above, in skillful hands this seemingly completely unpresentable material becomes quite appropriate and presentable.

In particular, furniture made from unedged boards looks interesting. Of course, its use will be appropriate only in certain interior styles. It fits best into rustic design trends, as well as hunting and eco-style.

This material looks no less interesting as a finish. For example, it can be used as siding for country house. True, in this case, the boards are not mounted on the wall all in a row, but are carefully selected.

The photo shows an example of façade cladding with siding

Therefore, as we see, this lumber can be used even where, it would seem, its use is unacceptable. Here, perhaps, is all the basic information regarding unedged boards, which will help you choose the right lumber.


The use of boards with uncut edges allows you to save on construction in cases where the appearance of the lumber does not matter. However, in some cases its use is interesting design technique, which expands the scope of application of this material. The only thing is that when choosing it, you should take into account the information presented above.

Read more useful information on the topic discussed can be found in the video in this article.