World of Hobbies, bestgarden.rf, online store - seeds, seedlings, roses, bulbous and perennial flowers of European quality. Hybrid tea rose Rouge Meilland Rose le Rouge

The name "hybrid tea" comes from the origin of old tea roses.. Tea roses had the scent of freshly picked tea and beautiful shape flowers. However, they were not tolerant to weather conditions or are sufficiently disease resistant. After many years of selection it was possible to breed hybrid tea varieties, which are much more cold-hardy and much better resistant to disease.

This group of roses is considered the most popular of all. garden roses . It has varieties with a huge number of variations in color, aroma and flower shape. The plants have large flowers and form a small to medium sized bush. If desired, it is quite easy to give them a standard shape. They are ideal for small gardens.
The first variety of this group (“La France”) was obtained in 1867 by the French breeder Guyot from crossing the remontant rose “Madame Victor Verdier” with the tea rose “Madame Bravy”. Roses of this group surpassed in their qualities all forms and varieties known before them. They combined best properties original forms. From tea plants they inherited a beautiful flower shape, a delicate aroma and the ability to bloom almost continuously and abundantly, and from remontant plants - the hardness of the wood and relative winter hardiness. Hybrid tea roses are distinguished by the graceful composition of their flowers and the exceptional richness of their color. They come in white, yellow, pink, purple, orange, red, with many transitional tones, as well as two-tone or changing color as they bloom.

Varieties differ in many ways: height of bushes - from 50 to 90 cm, shape - from spreading to narrow pyramidal. The leaves of some varieties are delicate, while others are thick, leathery, matte or shiny. The flowers are double and have from 20 to 128 petals with a diameter of 8-15 cm. There are often 5-7 flowers on a peduncle, and its length ranges from 20 to 80 cm. The flowers are fragrant. IN middle lane countries, hybrid tea roses bloom around June 20 and bloom until late autumn. They are less winter-hardy than remontant ones, and freeze over already at a temperature of -8 or -10°C, but if they are covered, they overwinter well. Nowadays they occupy a leading position among other varieties of roses and are widely used in ornamental plantings and greenhouse culture for producing cut flowers.

Features of cultivation

Hybrid tea roses bloom very profusely from the end of June until autumn. Mass flowering continues from late June to late July, and then, after a short dormancy, a second wave of flowering occurs, lasting until late autumn. Thus, hybrid tea roses are characterized by almost continuous flowering. Roses are planted in the spring so that the grafting site is 2-3 cm below the soil surface. Pruning is carried out in spring, summer and autumn. Spring pruning is the main one. First of all, the formation of the bush depends on it. Spring pruning of roses begins immediately after the final opening of the plants after wintering or when spring planting. The upper part of the shoots is cut off regardless of the variety; strong shoots are shortened to 10-15 cm, leaving 2-3 well-formed buds on them, and 1-2 on weak shoots. At autumn planting Pruning is done in the spring, immediately after removing the cover. Hybrid tea roses are not so resistant to cold, so they require careful shelter for the winter and, if provided, overwinter well.


“American Pride”. The flowers are dark red, velvety, with dark streaks, goblet-shaped, up to 15 cm in diameter, double (40-50 petals), slightly fragrant, solitary and 5-7 in inflorescences. The bushes are tall (80 cm), dense, erect, the leaves are large, dark green, leathery. Flowering is abundant. The variety is very good for group plantings and cutting.

“Uncle Walter.” The flowers are red, velvety, have a high center, large (10-12 cm in diameter), double up to 30 petals, with a weak aroma, solitary and 5-7 in inflorescences. The bushes are tall (110-140cm). The leaves are large, dark green, leathery with a bronze tint. Flowering is abundant. The variety is very resistant to fungal diseases. Suitable for group planting and cutting.

“Alexander.” With fiery cinnabar-red cup-shaped flowers, reaching a diameter of 10 cm, double (22-27 petals). They are slightly fragrant and can be solitary or in inflorescences. The bushes are vigorous (100 cm), slightly spreading, branched, the shoots are large. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. Winter hardiness is good, resistance against fungal diseases is also good. The variety is suitable for group plantings and cutting.

“Baron Edmond de Rothschild.” It has two-color petals: purple-crimson on the outside, light crimson-pink with white at the base on the inside. The flowers are goblet-shaped, 10-11 cm in diameter, double (45-52 petals), very fragrant, mostly solitary. The bushes are tall - up to 110 cm, very compact, the leaves are large, leathery, shiny; blooms profusely. The variety is winter-hardy and suitable for growing in groups.

"Wienerwald". The flowers are salmon-pink, bright, with an orange bloom, goblet-shaped, 9-10 cm in diameter, double (55-65 petals), slightly fragrant, solitary and collected in small inflorescences. Bushes 70-80 cm high, dense, compact. The leaves are large, dark green, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely and for a long time. The variety is good for planting in groups, for standard crops and cutting.

“Dame de Coeur.” The flowers are cherry-red, cup-shaped, 11-12 cm in diameter, double (60 petals), slightly fragrant, persistent. The bushes are vigorous, 80-100 cm high, dense, erect. The leaves are dark green and shiny. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness is quite high. The variety is suitable for growing in groups, for cutting and standard crops.

“Die Welt.” It has orange petals at the base and yellow petals on the outside. The flowers are distinguished by a high center, 11 cm in diameter, densely double (65 petals), slightly fragrant, both solitary and in inflorescences. The bushes are erect, 90-120 cm high, dense, compact. The leaves are large, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely and continuously. The variety is suitable for creating groups, for cutting and standard crops.

“Doris Tistermann.” The flowers are tangerine-orange, beautifully shaped, with a high center, 11-12 cm in diameter, double (28-35 petals), slightly fragrant, mostly solitary. The bushes are tall - 100-135 cm, erect. The leaves are large, bronze-green, leathery, slightly shiny. Blooms profusely. The variety is good for groups and cutting.

“Duftvolke.” The flowers are very bright, from coral-red to geranium-red, 10-11 cm in diameter, beautifully shaped, double (25-30 petals), very fragrant, collected in inflorescences - up to 10 pieces. in one. The bushes are very tall - up to 1 m, with straight shoots and very dense. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness is high.

"Evening Star". It produces white flowers with a pale yellow tint at the base, with a high center, up to 11 cm in diameter, double (40-45 petals), fragrant, single and in inflorescences. Bushes up to 80 cm high. The leaves are large, dark green, leathery. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness in the middle zone is quite sufficient. The variety is good for groups, cutting, standard crops.

Chrysler Imperial. The flowers are dark red with a black-velvet tint, with a high center, up to 11 cm in diameter, double (40-50 petals), very fragrant. The bushes are erect, 80 cm high, compact. The leaves are dark green, semi-shiny. Blooms profusely. The variety is winter-hardy. Suitable for groups and cutting.

“Cordes perfecta.” The flowers are cream with a hint of dark red color at the edges and yellow at the base, with a high center, 11-12 cm in diameter, densely double (60-70 petals), very fragrant. The bushes are straight, up to 80 cm high. The leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness is high.

“Crepe de Chine.” The flowers are carmine-red with an orange tint, cup-shaped, up to 10 cm in diameter, double (25-30 petals), slightly fragrant. The bushes are straight, 60 cm high. The leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness in the middle zone is quite high.

“Criteron.” Forms pinkish-red, persistent, gracefully shaped flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, double (30 petals), fragrant. The bushes are tall (up to 100 cm) and erect. The leaves are dark green and shiny. Blooms together. They tolerate winters well. Suitable for growing in groups and cutting.

“Lady X.” The pinkish-lilac, goblet-shaped flowers of this variety are very distinctive - they have a high center and a diameter of 12 cm. They are densely double (up to 50 petals), slightly fragrant, single and in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. in everyone. The bushes are vigorous (up to 120 cm), erect, sparse. The leaves are large, dark green, leathery. They bloom profusely. Winter hardiness is good. The variety is suitable for groups and cutting.

“Le Rouge et le noir.” The flowers are dark red, have a velvety coating, up to 13 cm in diameter, double (25-30 petals), slightly fragrant. The bushes are tall (up to 110 cm), dense. Blooms together. Winter hardiness is high.

"Mainzer Fastnacht". The flowers are lilac, elegant in shape, up to 10 cm in diameter, double (40 petals) and very fragrant. The bushes are straight and quite tall - up to 90 cm. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms profusely. The variety is winter-hardy and suitable for planting in groups, cutting and forcing.

"Mr. Lincoln." The flowers are dark red, velvety, fragrant, with a high center, 12 cm in diameter, double (up to 40 petals). The bushes are vigorous - up to 90 cm and erect. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms moderately, but long and continuously. The variety is quite winter-hardy in the middle zone.

“I found a trust.” The dark red, goblet-shaped flowers with a velvety coating of this variety usually have a diameter of 10-11 cm, double (40-50 petals), slightly fragrant and arranged singly. The bushes are straight, 80-90 cm high, dense. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms together. Winter hardiness is quite good. Suitable for planting in groups and for cutting.

Diseases and pests

Rose diseases

The more closely you monitor your roses, the sooner you will detect pests or recognize a disease - this will allow you to fight it more effectively.

Fungal diseases

  • The most common diseases of roses are black leaf spot, rust and powdery mildew.
  • Rust: The peculiarity of this disease is that the spores of the fungus that causes it, before getting on the rose, need an intermediate plant of another species, for example, juniper. Roses should not be planted near junipers.
  • Downy mildew: Occurs if the summer is rainy. Mold appears on the lower surface of the leaf, which turns into brownish or reddish spots. To prevent the spread of the disease, roses should be planted in a well-ventilated area and the affected leaves should be destroyed.
  • Sooty coating: The fungus that causes it settles on the sweet secretions left by aphids. Colonies of the fungus cover the leaf with a sticky black coating. To combat aphids, roses are sprayed with a soap-alcohol solution.
  • Gray rot: affects buds, flowers, leaves and shoots. After some time, a light gray coating forms on them, as well as brown rotting areas, which lead to the death of the affected parts of the plant. The diseased plant is sprayed with horsetail decoction, the affected parts are cut off and destroyed.
  • Viral diseases: Most viruses enter the plant through harmful insects or when pruning with insufficiently clean tools. In case of defeat viral diseases flowering becomes less abundant, the growth and development of the plant slows down, the leaves become lighter. To prevent these diseases, you should thoroughly disinfect instruments and fight against insects that serve as carriers of viruses; affected plants are destroyed.


Insects: In the form of larvae or caterpillars, they eat leaves, young shoots, roots or buds. Adult insects suck the juice from them and can serve as carriers of viral diseases. The most common pests are aphids, scale insects, leaf rollers, roseate sawflies, thrips and roseate cicadas.

Roses are unique and amazingly beautiful flowers. That is why a huge number of their varieties have been bred. At the end of the 18th century, the first species of this wonderful flower were obtained. Bred varieties hybrid tea rose They are special for the beauty and elasticity of the buds, a long flowering period and high resistance to possible negative conditions.

Not many people know that there are more than 10,000 varieties of hybrid tea roses. All of them are undoubtedly beautiful, but there are also species that are most beloved among gardeners. It is easy to distinguish hybrid tea roses from other garden groups of roses: in tea varieties, only one large bud grows on a flowering shoot, in rare cases, two.

The name “hybrid tea” appeared because they came from old tea roses. The tea roses had the scent of freshly picked tea and beautifully shaped flowers.

However, they were not weather-hardy or disease-resistant enough. In 1867, as a result of crossing remontant and tea roses, the variety ‘La France’ was obtained. This variety is considered the ancestor of the class of hybrid tea roses. Hybrid tea roses are one of the most popular groups among modern roses. The creator of this variety was the French rose breeder Jean-Baptiste Andre Guillot.

The distinctive features of hybrid tea roses are: highest quality flower and continuity of flowering.

The height of medium-sized varieties is 60-70 cm, tall ones - 80-100 cm. In the conditions of central Russia, flowers bloom in mid-late June and bloom profusely until autumn. Flowers with a diameter of 10-14 cm, are double (25-35 petals) and densely double (50-60 petals), single or in small inflorescences. The color and texture of the petals are varied.

The aroma of flowers includes a rich range of odors - from thick to subtle and light. Selection is aimed not only at working with flowers. Great value is given to the shape and proportional structure of the bush, its good foliage, leaf color, winter hardiness and resistance to diseases.

In some countries, including France and Holland, in catalogs for the mass consumer, Hybrid Tea roses are called Large-flowered.

Self-rooted plants of most varieties of hybrid tea roses grow and bloom poorly (especially in the first year of growing season); Some plants die after planting in the ground, others die during the winter. The massive decline of young self-rooted seedlings occurs due to the fact that root system Most representatives of this class lag behind other groups of roses in development and remain superficial, fibrous for 1-2 years, with a large number of primary, brittle, quickly dying roots. A root system with large, stable skeletal roots is formed, as a rule, by the end of the second year of vegetation.

Only a few varieties with a rapidly developing, deeply penetrating, highly branched root system can be successfully grown in open ground. These include: ‘Curly Pink’, ‘M-me Rene Collette’, ‘Morning of Moscow’ and some others. The best varieties of hybrid tea roses and closely related roses of the Grandiflora group can be successfully grown on their own roots in the southern regions of Russia and in greenhouses for cutting.

Features of planting and caring for hybrid tea roses

In order for your rose garden to delight you with abundant and constant flowering, your roses need to be provided with conditions suitable for a healthy existence.

Terms proper care behind the rosary:

1. The first condition for the habitat of roses can be called the presence of organic matter in the soil. Knowing this fact, gardeners mulch roses with manure or other organic matter. Throughout the summer, this root layer protects the plant, preventing pests, drying out and rot.

2. Roses should be treated regularly against pests with special mixtures or solutions. It is better to buy a ready-made protective solution for roses.

3. If roses overwinter in very cold conditions, you need to think about covering them. It is better to do this with geotextile fabric, which protects against temperatures down to -400C.

4. Roses need frequent and abundant watering if your climate and soil are dry. And if roses grow in humid conditions, it is enough to water them weekly.
And do not neglect the usual rules of care - trimming dry leaves, fertilizing, removing stepchildren and thinning out dense inflorescences.

Tips for caring for roses from a professional:

The best mulch for roses is manure mixed with sawdust and leaf humus.
Water the rose late in the evening, when the sun is no longer visible. This way the roots will take enough moisture and will not be scorched by daylight.
Do not cover roses in winter unless the frost is too severe. These flowers will only harden better at temperatures down to -150C.
Neighborhood with marigolds will help protect roses from harmful diseases and organisms. Plant them around your rose garden as these flowers secrete special enzymes to combat many threats to your flower garden.

Young, freshly planted roses should not be allowed to bloom right away. The first 5-6 buds need to be broken out until the roots become stronger. When the rose grows to half a meter, then you will observe the beauty of its buds. This will happen quite quickly, since the roots of roses strengthen in the first year by mid-summer.


From correct landing everything will depend future life your rose. Let's look at each individual stage of this process:

Stage 1: Preparing the landing site

The soil for hybrid tea roses should already be warm. The right time- the end of spring. We prepare the pit like this:
we prepare vermicompost at the rate of 3 liters per 1 rose seedling;
dig a 60 cm hole (2 shovels);
mix humus with soil and fill half of the hole with it.

Stage 2: Procurement of seedlings

You can choose roses from March. At the same time, they will wait for planting in damp sand in the basement or refrigerator. Another option is to “wait” on the windowsill in a pot with soil.
Before planting, cut off the roots until they are fresh - the inside should be white.
The rose can be soaked with its roots in water for half an hour.

Stage 3: Disembarkation Process

We lower the roots into the hole, deepening the grafting site by a couple of cm.
If we have dry soil, pour about 2 liters of water into the hole.
We fill it with earth, lightly compacting it.
We water at the root.
If you observe signs of disease in a flower, or infection is likely, treat the rose with a solution that protects against such problems immediately after planting.

Diseases and pests

Rose diseases

The more closely you monitor your roses, the sooner you will detect pests or recognize a disease - this will allow you to fight it more effectively.

Fungal diseases

The most common diseases of roses are black leaf spot, rust and powdery mildew.
Rust: The peculiarity of this disease is that the spores of the fungus that causes it, before getting on the rose, need an intermediate plant of another species, for example, juniper. Roses should not be planted near junipers.

Downy mildew: occurs if the summer is rainy. Mold appears on the lower surface of the leaf, which turns into brownish or reddish spots. To prevent the spread of the disease, roses should be planted in a well-ventilated area and the affected leaves should be destroyed.

Sooty coating: The fungus that causes it settles on the sweet secretions left behind by aphids. Colonies of the fungus cover the leaf with a sticky black coating. To combat aphids, roses are sprayed with a soap-alcohol solution.

Gray rot: affects buds, flowers, leaves and shoots. After some time, a light gray coating forms on them, as well as brown rotting areas, which lead to the death of the affected parts of the plant. The diseased plant is sprayed with horsetail decoction, the affected parts are cut off and destroyed.

Viral diseases

Most viruses enter the plant through harmful insects or when pruning with insufficiently clean tools. When affected by viral diseases, flowering becomes less abundant, the growth and development of the plant slows down, and the leaves become lighter. To prevent these diseases, you should thoroughly disinfect instruments and fight against insects that serve as carriers of viruses; affected plants are destroyed.

Insects: In the form of larvae or caterpillars, they eat leaves, young shoots, roots or buds. Adult insects suck the juice from them and can serve as carriers of viral diseases.

The most common pests are aphids, scale insects, leaf rollers, roseate sawflies, thrips and roseate cicadas.


The flowers are dark red, velvety, with dark streaks, goblet-shaped, up to 15 cm in diameter, double (40-50 petals), slightly fragrant, solitary and 5-7 in inflorescences. The bushes are tall (80 cm), dense, erect, the leaves are large, dark green, leathery. Flowering is abundant. The variety is very good for group plantings and cutting.

The flowers are red, velvety, have a high center, large (10-12 cm in diameter), double up to 30 petals, with a weak aroma, solitary and 5-7 in inflorescences. The bushes are tall (110-140cm). The leaves are large, dark green, leathery with a bronze tint. Flowering is abundant. The variety is very resistant to fungal diseases. Suitable for group planting and cutting.

With fiery cinnabar-red cup-shaped flowers, reaching a diameter of 10 cm, double (22-27 petals). They are slightly fragrant and can be solitary or in inflorescences. The bushes are vigorous (100 cm), slightly spreading, branched, the shoots are large. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. Winter hardiness is good, resistance against fungal diseases is also good. The variety is suitable for group plantings and cutting.

It has two-color petals: purple-crimson on the outside, light crimson-pink with white at the base on the inside. The flowers are goblet-shaped, 10-11 cm in diameter, double (45-52 petals), very fragrant, mostly solitary. The bushes are tall - up to 110 cm, very compact, the leaves are large, leathery, shiny; blooms profusely. The variety is winter-hardy and suitable for growing in groups.

The flowers are salmon-pink, bright, with an orange bloom, goblet-shaped, 9-10 cm in diameter, double (55-65 petals), slightly fragrant, solitary and collected in small inflorescences. Bushes 70-80 cm high, dense, compact. The leaves are large, dark green, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely and for a long time. The variety is good for planting in groups, for standard crops and cutting.

The flowers are cherry-red, cup-shaped, 11-12 cm in diameter, double (60 petals), slightly fragrant, persistent. The bushes are vigorous, 80-100 cm high, dense, erect. The leaves are dark green and shiny. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness is quite high. The variety is suitable for growing in groups, for cutting and standard crops.

It has orange petals at the base and yellow petals on the outside. The flowers are distinguished by a high center, 11 cm in diameter, densely double (65 petals), slightly fragrant, both solitary and in inflorescences. The bushes are erect, 90-120 cm high, dense, compact. The leaves are large, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely and continuously. The variety is suitable for creating groups, for cutting and standard crops.

The flowers are tangerine-orange, beautifully shaped, with a high center, 11-12 cm in diameter, double (28-35 petals), slightly fragrant, mostly solitary. The bushes are tall - 100-135 cm, erect. The leaves are large, bronze-green, leathery, slightly shiny. Blooms profusely. The variety is good for groups and cutting.

The flowers are very bright, from coral-red to geranium-red, 10-11 cm in diameter, beautifully shaped, double (25-30 petals), very fragrant, collected in inflorescences - up to 10 pieces. in one. The bushes are very tall - up to 1 m, with straight shoots and very dense. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness is high.

It produces white flowers with a pale yellow tint at the base, with a high center, up to 11 cm in diameter, double (40-45 petals), fragrant, single and in inflorescences. Bushes up to 80 cm high. The leaves are large, dark green, leathery. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness in the middle zone is quite sufficient. The variety is good for groups, cutting, standard crops.

The flowers are dark red with a black-velvet tint, with a high center, up to 11 cm in diameter, double (40-50 petals), very fragrant. The bushes are erect, 80 cm high, compact. The leaves are dark green, semi-shiny. Blooms profusely. The variety is winter-hardy. Suitable for groups and cutting.

The flowers are cream with a hint of dark red color at the edges and yellow at the base, with a high center, 11-12 cm in diameter, densely double (60-70 petals), very fragrant. The bushes are straight, up to 80 cm high. The leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness is high.

The flowers are carmine-red with an orange tint, cup-shaped, up to 10 cm in diameter, double (25-30 petals), slightly fragrant. The bushes are straight, 60 cm high. The leaves are dark green, leathery, shiny. Blooms profusely. Winter hardiness in the middle zone is quite high.

Forms pinkish-red, persistent, gracefully shaped flowers, up to 10 cm in diameter, double (30 petals), fragrant. The bushes are tall (up to 100 cm) and erect. The leaves are dark green and shiny. Blooms together. They tolerate winters well. Suitable for growing in groups and cutting.

The pinkish-lilac, goblet-shaped flowers of this variety are very distinctive - they have a high center and a diameter of 12 cm. They are densely double (up to 50 petals), slightly fragrant, single and in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. in everyone. The bushes are vigorous (up to 120 cm), erect, sparse. The leaves are large, dark green, leathery. They bloom profusely. Winter hardiness is good. The variety is suitable for groups and cutting.

The flowers are dark red, have a velvety coating, up to 13 cm in diameter, double (25-30 petals), slightly fragrant. The bushes are tall (up to 110 cm), dense. Blooms together. Winter hardiness is high.

The flowers are lilac, elegant in shape, up to 10 cm in diameter, double (40 petals) and very fragrant. The bushes are straight and quite tall - up to 90 cm. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms profusely. The variety is winter-hardy and suitable for planting in groups, cutting and forcing.

The flowers are dark red, velvety, fragrant, with a high center, 12 cm in diameter, double (up to 40 petals). The bushes are vigorous - up to 90 cm and erect. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms moderately, but long and continuously. The variety is quite winter-hardy in the middle zone.

The dark red, goblet-shaped flowers with a velvety coating of this variety usually have a diameter of 10-11 cm, double (40-50 petals), slightly fragrant and arranged singly. The bushes are straight, 80-90 cm high, dense. The leaves are dark green, leathery. Blooms together. Winter hardiness is quite good. Suitable for planting in groups and for cutting.

One of the best varieties hybrid tea rose with flowers that change color as they bloom. At first the bud is silvery-lavender with a reddish border. As the flower opens, it becomes red-crimson; only the middle remains lavender. An excellent variety for cutting and standard shaping.

The color of the flower has a unique light orange color, which in a special way combines with the dark green shiny foliage. The cup-shaped bud opens almost completely and reaches approximately 12 cm when opened. The height of the bush is about 100 cm.

The flowers are large, up to 14 cm, double, apricot-colored petals, dense, resistant to rain. Bush height 130 cm.


Rose hybrid tea Rouge Meilland - bright flowers the classical form is very elegant; only single flowers bloom on elongated shoots. Special charm Roses are given their appearance by their petals, the edges of which bend downwards. Even blossoming flowers do not expose their center, and there is a special charm in this. This one is healthy and beautiful variety has long been very popular, roses Rouge Meilland often used for cutting. Average resistance to powdery mildew and black spotting. Repeat flowering.

Planting and caring for roses

Roses should be planted in warm sunny places where there are no cold winds. Roses prefer moist and well-drained soils, with an acid-base reaction of 5.6-7.3 pH (see What is soil acidity: determining and adjusting pH). The planting hole should correspond to the soil, so that the roots are located freely. The depth must be at least 50 cm, since it is necessary to make drainage from sand or gravel. Stagnation of water should not be allowed. The following soil mixture is suitable for roses: manure (3 parts), fertile soil layer (2 parts), sand (2 parts) and peat (1 part). Best time for planting the beginning of May, by this time the soil has already warmed up.

Before planting, it is better to keep the seedlings in water, especially if the root system is open. 4-6 hours is enough. If the roots have damaged shoots, it is advisable to remove them. It is better to shorten the shoots, cut off the weak ones, leaving the strong and medium ones. This will promote faster growth.

Roses need to be regularly fed, weeded and watered; the choice of complex fertilizers is quite large. Typically, fertilizing is carried out in spring and mid-summer. Water abundantly, usually once a week. In the spring, roses are pruned, even before the buds awaken (see Standard roses - Care, grafting, cultivation).

It is advisable to cover roses for the winter (see How to cover climbing roses for the winter). To do this, it is usually enough to fill the bush with peat, 20 cm high, and level the ground in the spring.

Rose Salsa Tantau shrub ZKS 4-7 l" width="200" height="200" style="float:left; margin:6px;">

Rose Tantau bush salsa ZKS 4-7 l Rose Salsa - flowers 4-6 cm in diameter, semi-double, bright red. Flowering in inflorescences of 5-10 pieces is abundant and repeated. The foliage is very resistant to powdery mildew and black spot. The bush is heavily branched le long, dense, 50-80 cm high. Rose Salsa Tantau 2014 has the ADR-2015 mark, which is assigned to the most decorative, healthy and resistant varieties. 30142 Rose Salsa Tantau 2014


Rose Rouge Mailave Belle Epoque patio standard 60 cm

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Rose Rouge Mailave Belle Epoque patio standard 60 cm Rose Rouge Meilove standard 60 cm Rose Rouge Meilove (MEIrokad, Red Meilove) Meilland 1994 - scarlet flowers with a light aroma are collected in large brushes. Dark green foliage le Nice, glossy, disease resistant. Flowering is abundant, almost without interruption. The bush is neat and in good shape. Winter hardiness is good. Due to its low but dense bush, the variety can be used as a ground cover plant. 47491...


Rose Carris Harkness b/g ZKS 4-7 l

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Scarlet flowers with a cherry tint, densely double - up to 70 petals, slightly wavy when fully bloomed, with a noticeable aroma of spices. The bush is upright, well branched, with dark green, glossy foliage, resistant to disease. Very hardy rose, le Easy to grow. The flowering is very abundant, the flowers stay on the bush for a very long time. 62561 Rose Carris (Docteur Watson, Harmanna) Harkness 2007


Rose Coral Babylon Eyes Interplant Persian rose hybrid ZKS 4-7 l

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Rose Coral Babylon Eyes Interplant Persian rose hybrid ZKS 4-7 l Rose Coral Babylon Eyes Rose Coral Babylon Eyes (Babylon Sas 422,INTereybabroc) Interplant, 2012 – how gorgeous this one is compact bush roses, only 50 cm high, when it is covered with flowers that bloom all season, not noticing the rain, delighting le ease of cultivation. The flowers are 5-6 cm in diameter, simple (4-8 petals), yellow with a coral-pink border and a red spot at the base of the petals. Disease resistant foliage. The colors of the flowers change as they bloom. Recommended as a border,...


Downy mildew. Cucumbers are grown by sowing seeds in the ground or through seedlings. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in late March - early April, to a depth of 1-2 cm, at a temperature of 250C. Seedlings are planted in the ground when the temperature has passed rose frosts. Cucumber seeds are sown at the end of May. Planting depth is 1-1.5 cm. Crops are covered with le nkoy. Planting pattern 60x15 cm. For excellent harvests watering required warm water, fertilizing once every 2 weeks, weeding, loosening. The hybrid must be formed into strictly one stem. In this case, the leaves of the main stem are well illuminated, and the ovaries receive...


Rose Lord Scarman Gallic ZKS 4-6 l

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Rose Lord Scarman Gallic ZKS 4-6 l Rose Lord Scarman Rose gallica Lord Scarman, John Scarman 1995 John Scarman dedicated to his father Lord Scarman. A spectacular combination of purple-raspberry petals with a pale purple underside. Rose terry 17-25 petals, diameter 7-9 cm, very hardy, suitable for the north side and partial shade. Bush 100-200 cm high, healthy foliage. Single flowering, with le mild aroma. After flowering, fruits are formed. In warmer regions it can reach 3.5 m. 25080 Rose gallica Lord Scarman, John Scarman 1995


Rose Yabba Dabba Du Jones floribunda ZKS 4-6 l

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Rose Yabba Dabba Du Jones floribunda ZKS 4-6 l Rose Yabba Dabba Doo Rose Yabba Dabba Doo (Wekruneflo) Christian Bedard 2011 – harmonious bush, well branched le long, fluffy, up to 90 cm in height. The flowers are simple, 5-6 petals, 7-8 cm in diameter, coral-pink with a yellow center, in huge inflorescences reminiscent of hydrangea. Aroma le gky. Flowering is abundant and repeated. Foliage bright green le Naya, very stable...


Rose Tricolor de Flandre Gallic ZKS 4-6 l

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Tricolore de Flandre, Louis-Joseph-Ghislain Parmentier 1846 is a rare striped variety. Wavy light pink petals in number up to 26, with crimson stripes. Flowering is abundant. Bushes are dense, erect. Height 90-150 cm. Single flowering. Aroma le soft, sweet, like most complex hybrids, the smell is difficult to classify as damask or centifolia or musky rose m. The name “tricolor” is given because of the unusual color of the flower. Strokes on a white background in three shades of pink, crimson and lilac are the highlight of this variety with a “button” in the green center. Depending on the temperature, saturation...


Rose Uptown Girl Jones b/g ZKS 4-6 l

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Rose Uptown Girl Jones b/g ZKS 4-6 l Rose Uptown Girl Rose Uptown Girl (Wekabacima) Tom Carruth 2011 – flowers are very beautiful shades coral pink with a more intense... ...long lasting. The bush is harmonious, easily formed, and grows vigorously. The aroma is light. The foliage is large, semi-glossy, dark green le naya, resistant to disease. Bush height 80-120 cm. 24867 Rose Uptown Girl (Wekabacima) Tom Carruth 2011