Happy name day to Dmitry. Congratulations in verse on the day of the angel Dmitry. Complete list of patron saints of Dmitriev

On the 1000th anniversary of the baptism of Rus', nine names of new saints were canonized, among whom was the blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy. Interested in the question of what date Dmitry is, let’s first get acquainted with the life history of the most revered saints with this name. So, the canonization of Demetrius Donskoy occurred only 600 years after the death of the saint. What preceded this event? Let's try to figure it out. First of all, the prince is glorified as a defender of the Fatherland, who won fierce battles with the Tatars in 1376 on the Vozhzhe River in Volga Bulgaria and in the historical battle of 1380 on These were the first victories of ancient Russian warriors after enemies tormented Rus' for a century and a half raids and robberies.

Dmitry: History of the holiday

From that time on, the people realized that they had a defender who could resist the Horde. The Battle of Kulikovo became a turning point, because if Prince Donskoy had not won then, Rus' could have completely disappeared from the world map. This is evidenced by Mamai’s words, which revealed his goals regarding Rus'. He wanted to do to Russia the same thing that Batu did, only even worse - to destroy the Russian princes, enslave the people, build mosques and force them to worship Allah. Holy Rus' could not withstand a second such tyrant. But the dominance of the Golden Horde was shaken and accelerated its collapse, and this was followed by the liberation of Rus'.

Now the Orthodox have the day of the angel Dmitry, it is celebrated. On this day, prayers of praise are read in honor of the holy Prince Dmitry Donskoy, so that he will protect from adversity and help in good deeds.

Angel Dmitry Day: date

Before canonization, at a meeting of the public council dedicated to the opening of a monument to the prince in Kolomna, people far from Orthodoxy began to argue that the statue should not indicate holiness, but only that he was an excellent commander, and the rest was a private matter of the Church. However, the Orthodox participants did not agree with this.

Arguing on the topic of “the day of the angel Dmitry,” it is necessary to note the fact that Prince Dimitry Donskoy, as a great strategist and a real hero who led the Russian army, was deeply religious person. Before entering the battle, he prayed furiously. And he was guided by faith, which led to a readiness to fight and, if necessary, suffer for the faith of Christ.

Speaking to his army, he called on the soldiers to fight for their faith, for God’s churches, for children, old people and wives. The glorious warriors answered that they were ready to “lay down their lives” for Christ and receive a second baptism with their shed blood.

This is far from the only reason for the canonization of the saint. Another merit was that he became a “collector” or, as the chronicle states, “holder” of Russian lands. Without uniting the fragmented principalities, he would not have gathered a huge army that would have been able to fight the numerous horde of Mamai.


Prince Dmitry by that time declared war on those who did not want this unity. In his consistent actions to strengthen the autocracy, he relied on the support St. Sergius Radonezh and St. Alexis of Moscow. As a result of his wise policy, the people of Novgorod, Ryazan, Tver and others recognized the seniority of Moscow.

It is necessary to note one more of his invaluable services: he approved the law on succession to the throne. This meant that the power of the prince after his death was transferred to the eldest son, and not to the eldest prince in the family. This played a positive role in the life of the state: the bloody wars of appanage principalities for the throne stopped.

Demetrius of Solunsky

Demetrius Donskoy spent his whole life striving to be like his heavenly patron, the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki, revered in Rus', who preached Christianity, for which he paid. One day he was captured by the pagans. The guards pierced an ascetic praying in prison with many spears. The body of the righteous man was thrown to be devoured by animals, which did not touch him. The remains of the saint were buried with honor by Thessalonica Christians.

During the time of Mamai, he was revered by Russian Orthodox Christians as an assistant in the fight against a foreigner.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the Angel of Demetrius of Thessalonica on October 26. In general, there were many saints with this name, almost all of them were martyrs for Christ.


Returning to the life of Dmitry Donskoy, it is worth noting that he also entered the history of the church as a temple creator. After all, many chapels, cathedrals and monasteries were founded by him as monuments to the feat of the Russian people with their high morality, purity of heart and wisdom. His marriage to Evdokia was a true example of a Christian family. He was faithful to his wife and chaste. His death was also worthy. Anticipating death, he invited his Sergius of Radonezh. Having confessed and received communion, he rested peacefully. He was 39 years old then.

Dmitry is a strong defender,
Dmitry means "grace".
So that everything works out in life -
Here's what we want to wish for.

So that troubles and adversity
They avoided it.
And so that all worries are a joy -
Those associated with family.

Let him protect his family,
Let the big one build a house.
Let the wealth not decrease
The heart is filled with fire.

Dmitry is a winner
Patron of lovely women.
He is very brave and courageous,
Yes, and outwardly coolly coordinated.

He always moves forward
He takes what he likes.
And not a coward, and not a scoundrel,
In general, Dima is a great guy.

Congratulations, Dimochka. I wish you always to be as energetic and cheerful, optimistic and beautiful, lively and dexterous, smart and quick-witted, charming and attentive, magnificent and irresistible. May you be lucky, may your loved ones surround you with love, may your happiness always be near. Good luck and health to you!

Our good, glorious Dima,
What do you need?
Laughter, smiles, entertainment,
Friendly respect.

Power, glory and prosperity,
There is order in my thoughts and soul,
Independence and will
So that grief does not happen.

Adventures and miracles,
To have an interest in life,
Learn a lot of new things
And the desire to understand everything.

Believing in yourself
To fight to the end,
May all your dreams come true.
And may you be happy!

I wish you, Dima:
Let troubles pass by
They fly by without looking back
Sadness, sadness and misunderstandings,
Let them drive without stopping
Laziness and deceitful tricks,
Let depression not get to you,
Envy won't knock on the door,
Grief does not come to visit
And there will be no anger in life!

So that luck is nearby,
Happiness did not go away,
Joy rained down like hail,
Have fun in life.

More bright colors in life,
Mutual feelings forever,
Fate is smooth and not capricious.
Let your dream come true.

Congratulations, Dima!
Don't be sick, don't be sad,
Live brightly, positively.
No sorrow, no misfortune at all.

Happy birthday

Nowadays a clattering fly
I went to the market in the morning...
It’s your birthday, Dimka!
Eh, it’s not time for us to drink tea!

I’ll hasten to “get rid of you”
And heartily wish you,
May all the stars be happy
They poured light into your bed.

So that the wife loves passionately,
Well, your pulse was racing
To her from explosive feelings,
And let there be agreement.

Money is like cockroaches
Let them swarm in your house.
Be happy forever
At night, Dimochka, and during the day!

We, Dmitry, congratulate you!
Today we wish you
Be strong spirit, don't grow old
Soul and body, do not get sick.

Live in contentment and prosperity,
Let victory await in every battle,
May there be happiness in your life,
And the troubles will be forgotten.

I always wish you success
I wish you joy and laughter.
I wish you to live, not to lose heart
And don't forget about me.

I, Dmitry, congratulate you!
I wish you love and happiness!
Good health, success,
More joy and laughter!

More bills in your wallet,
Stylish clothes - haute couture,
Large, stable salary
Next to me is a beautiful, stylish lady!

There are more happy days in the family,
Children - both smart and beautiful,
There is harmony and peace in the soul.
And if something happens, we are with you!

May your health be strong,
Strength and will are indestructible.
I wish you prosperity
And great happiness, Dima.

Let everything go well at work,
All ideas succeed
Let there be excitement, desire
Bring ideas to life.

I wish you passionate love,
What pushes you to heroic deeds,
Let passion be in a warm heart
Never fades.

You are open and sociable
Cute and simple
So have significant success,
Our dear Dimulya!

Reach heights quickly
Be on horseback all the time
Act, Dima, judiciously
And be completely happy!

The origin and history of a name are very important factors that parents must consider before choosing final version. Today there is a lot of literature and advice from experts who tell in detail and clearly why one name is better than another. Young parents have nine months to carefully study such recommendations and make the right choice.

The name Dima today does not lose its popularity and many prefer to choose it for a newborn baby. The history of the name goes back to ancient Greece. It originally sounded like Demetrios and was a symbol of the boy's relationship to the fertility goddess Demeter. Some sources indicate that people could shorten it and call the boy simply Mithraeus.

Dima in childhood.

From childhood, the boy grows up simply in an atmosphere of adoration from his mother. She puts him on a family pedestal and tries to fulfill all his wishes. little son. Most often, children with this name have many health problems during the first years of their lives. Parents must constantly fight the flu, sore throat or bronchitis. The slightest cold threatens to become another disaster. Constant illness and excessive care from the mother’s side make the child very capricious. He can start crying very quickly and is prone to hysterical states. Often a mother has to treat an unstable nervous system by visiting doctors, and then sanatoriums or recreation centers.

Gradually, health problems decrease, and the child forgets about his stupid whims and hysterics. Instead, you can begin to notice how a man's persistent and persistent character is formed. Very often Dima takes similar traits from his mother not only in character, but also in appearance.


Dmitry is able to adapt quite quickly to a new workplace. He is not embarrassed by a change of environment or other people in the team. Thanks to his sociability, he can quickly find mutual language with all my colleagues. Very often, it is at the workplace that he finds true friends, relationships with whom last for many years.

Most often, a career can quickly take place only in those areas of activity whose work is directly related to constant communication. Some colleagues may be jealous that a man quickly and without special effort does very great success at work. It should be noted that a man can work successfully only when there is an interest in the profession. Otherwise, he will simply do his own thing. job responsibilities, but nothing more. Most often, in a team, Dmitry does not try to position himself as a leader. He does not force his opinion on anyone or tries to show his work to management in a favorable light.

For Dmitry very important point V professional activity there will be well-deserved respect from the leader. It is truly very valuable for him that his successes are seen and can be properly celebrated. Most often, he chooses medicine for his professional field of activity, research work or computer programming. Very often, a child's love for constantly disassembling radios and receivers can turn into an adult and serious profession.


For a long time, a young man will avoid intimacy with girls. This happens not because he is afraid, but because he really wants to meet his one and only. Therefore, the disclosure of sexual potential occurs already in adulthood. Unfortunately, a young man is inclined to independently consider the problem from an initially incorrect perspective and draw conclusions that do not correspond to reality. Most often this concerns girls. He experiences disappointment only on the basis of superficial communication or just critical assessment appearance. All this may actually turn out to be completely different, but he no longer has the desire to continue communication and show some kind of sympathy. Often, Dmitry can simply stand on the sidelines and watch the one he likes, but not take any steps to win the girl’s heart. Such indecisiveness prevents him from building a full-fledged relationship, because, in fact, he refuses his own happiness due to uncertainty or some imaginary obstacles.

A man with that name simply will not have the desire to share the bed of someone he does not love. In this case, feelings always come to the fore, but even with his girlfriend he cannot fully open up and his caresses and attentions can look rather strange and sometimes rude. He cannot be called a seducer of women, because most often no one taught him such subtleties. In intimate relationships, he pays a lot of attention to the sensual aspect; it is important for him that his partner feels him well, but at the same time, he is simply not able to show temperament. Such relationships can be called equal. For some girls this is more than acceptable, while others lack emotions and thrills. Against the backdrop of sexual incompatibility, relationships can deteriorate.


Dmitry can simply be called an exemplary family man. He will truly love the girl he calls his wife and will constantly try to give her the best. In marriage, comfort and care for each other are very important to him. A man with this name can extremely rarely cheat on his chosen one and only if he clearly sees how the relationship is being destroyed and it will be impossible to save it. When children appear in a family, a man will do everything in his power to ensure that his family is fully provided for financially. For him, the very idea that his wife or child might need something is unacceptable.

In the event that a marriage breaks up, the experiences last for quite a long time, but a second union is still possible. As a rule, the thought of marriage and starting a family comes to a man already in adulthood. Then he can take full responsibility for his loved ones and not worry about them.

General characteristics of the name.

Dmitry can easily be called a very tough person who rarely accepts someone else’s point of view. He has truly enormous willpower inside him, which can lead him to his cherished goal. Friends and acquaintances, when communicating with him, gradually get used to such a character trait as straightforwardness. In some cases, listening to the truth can be quite unpleasant, but it is simply unacceptable for a man to be a hypocrite. It is this quality that can become a rather serious obstacle in your career or personal life.

A man can safely be called addicted, since his sympathies change very quickly. After some time, falling in love is replaced by complete indifference and even irritability. When making decisions, he is guided only by logic, so in life there is a constant series of loud ups and equally loud downs. He handles defeats and victories differently. Victory can inspire you, but defeat can plunge you into the abyss of depression. For a man, his principles and beliefs will come first all his life.

Nobody knows how much a name influences one’s fate, but what detailed descriptions there really are a lot of coincidences - these are rights, so you should think carefully before giving such an important gift to your child once in his life - giving him a name.

When is Dmitry’s name day according to the church calendar:

June 1 - Demetrius Donskoy, prince, November 8 - Demetrius of Thessalonica, myrrh-streaming, great martyr; May 28, June 5, June 16 – Dmitry of Uglich and Moscow, prince.

When choosing a name for their child, today many modern parents are guided not only by its euphony and compatibility with the patronymic and surname. They (parents) are increasingly trying to adhere to Christian traditions in choosing a name for their baby.

Dmitry's name day

Happy birthday, everything is clear - this is the specific date of the birth of a new person. Next, this person should be selected and given a name. And at this stage, many parents turn to the calendar - the church calendar, which indicates the days of honoring the saints, dates religious holidays and other information. The choice of name occurs as follows: based on the date of birth, the calendar determines the day closest to the day of veneration of a saint (or saint in the case of choosing a name for a girl) and the name of this saint is chosen as the name for the child. And the day of veneration of the saint itself will now be considered a name day. But there are a number of nuances that you should pay attention to. For example, you chose the name Dmitry for a boy. By Orthodox calendar Dmitry's name day is celebrated several times a year - January 31; February 7, 9, 11, 16 and 24; April 1 and 26; 28; June 1, 5, 10, 15 and 16; 21 July; September 24; October 4, 7 and 15; November 8, 10 and 28; December 14. Which one should Dmitry consider his name day? It's quite simple. There is a concept of “big” name days and “small” name days. “Big” name days named after Dmitry, or as they are also called, main ones, are celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint who is the closest (meaning day) after his birthday. All other dates for honoring the same saint refer to “small” name days and, as a rule, are not celebrated, although this, of course, is an individual decision for everyone.

The meaning of the name Dmitry

Having decided on a name, I also want to know what it means. After all, it’s no secret that a name influences both the formation of a person’s character and his entire destiny. The name Dmitry, or the church form Dimitri, has Greek roots and is interpreted in different sources differently. According to some sources, this name is translated as “fruit of the earth.” But other sources claim that the name Dmitry is associated with the name of Demeter, the ancient Greek goddess of agriculture and fertility, and means “dedicated to Demeter.” As a rule, men named Dmitry are not arrogant and very friendly. But injustice and resentment cause a strong emotional explosion in them. Also, the owners of this name are endowed with titanic patience, endurance and efficiency, but on the other hand they are characterized by some impulsiveness and even sometimes mental instability.

Day Angel

Having dealt with the name day and the characteristics of the name, it is worth understanding the last concept - the day of the angel, in this particular case for the name Dmitry. According to Orthodox dogma, Angel Day is considered the day when a Guardian Angel is sent from above to a person, called to protect him (the person) from all temptations and difficulties in life. life path. Therefore, when wondering what date to celebrate the day of the angel Dmitry (in this case), remember exactly the date of the Baptism ceremony. Often parents give their child a name they just like, and at baptism they are guided by Orthodox calendar. In this case, the child may have two names - the so-called worldly and spiritual, received at baptism and with which he will live his whole life and with which he will appear before the Almighty.

(1971 - 2005), Soviet and Russian cyclist, Olympic champion

Meaning:"Dedicated to the goddess Demeter"

Origin: The origin of this name is related to the name of Demeter from ancient mythology. She is the goddess of earth and fertility.

Character: Dmitry grows up as a sickly child. He will suffer from a variety of diseases, which will affect his nervous system. He will be capricious and demanding of others. She will constantly seek protection and help from her mother.

Growing up, Dmitry gets rid of childhood capriciousness, but communicating with him will not be easy. He is stubborn and can sometimes lose his temper. At the same time, Dmitry is smart, persistent, and does not give up in case of failure. In a team, he feels free and easily navigates a new environment. It is best to advance in a job that requires the ability to communicate with people.

Dmitry loves a comfortable environment, beautiful women and a variety of pleasures. As a rule, he does not limit himself in anything. Dmitry is easily attracted to women, without experiencing any remorse regarding his previous sympathies. He often remarries, but treats children from previous marriages with love and continues to care for them throughout his life.

He likes to drink, but does not have a strong addiction to alcohol. The biggest authority in Dmitry's life is his mother.

How to please the birthday boy?

Make a delicious holiday dish like drunken honey caramel chicken!
  • Phonosemantics: The word Dmitry gives the impression of something bright.
  • Talisman: Chrysanthemum
  • Color: Gray-blue
  • Stone: Lapis lazuli
  • Zodiac sign: Suitable for Aries, Leo and Sagittarius
  • Harmonious relationships with the owners of the name: Anna, Elena, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Natalya, Elvira
  • You will have to work hard building relationships with the owners of the name: Angelina, Victoria, Zinaida, Inna, Irina, Maria, Nina, Sofia, Yulia
  • Name days: January 4, January 8, January 21, January 31, February 7, February 9, February 11, February 17, February 19, February 24, March 4, March 22, March 23, March 25, March 31, April 1, April 23, April 26, May 2, May 5, May 22, May 28, June 1, June 5, June 10, June 15, June 16, June 18, June 26, July 3, July 17, July 21, August 1 , August 14 , August 17 , August 20 , August 22 , August 25 , August 30 , September 8 , September 9 , September 13 , September 19 , September 22 , September 24 , September 28 , September 30 , October 4 , October 9 , 10 October, October 17, October 21, October 28, November 1, November 3, November 8, November 10, November 14, November 22, November 25, November 27, November 28, November 29, December 2, December 10, December 14, December 15, December 17 (why so many dates?)

    Each person can have only one name day per year, which is determined by the day of his birth. Your name day is the date that falls on or follows your birthday itself.

In contact with


Famous bearers of the name:

  • ? — 1453

    ? — 1453
    Grand Duke of Moscow (1445-1447), Prince of Uglitsky and Galitsky

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  • 1350 — 1389

    1350 — 1389
    Grand Duke of Moscow and Vladimir (1368-1389)

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  • 1578 — 1642

    1578 — 1642
    Russian military and political figure, national hero of Russia

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  • 1792 — 1870

    1792 — 1870
    Russian military officer and statesman

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  • 1832 — 1920

    1832 — 1920
    Russian historian, publicist

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  • 1834 — 1907

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  • 1852 — 1912

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    Russian novelist and playwright

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  • 1866 — 1941

    1866 — 1941
    Russian writer, poet, critic

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  • 1873 — 1942

    1873 — 1942
    Russian philologist, Soviet linguist, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences

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  • 1880 — 1945

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  • 1891 — 1926

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  • 1906 — 1975

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  • 1906 — 1999

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  • 1908 — 1984

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  • 1912 — 2003

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    Russian journalist and culturologist, representative of Russian diaspora

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  • R. 1924

    R. 1924
    Soviet military leader, politician, Marshal of the Soviet Union

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  • R. 1938

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  • R. 1957

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    Soviet and Russian director, actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation

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  • R. 1960

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    Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, singer, People's Artist of Russia

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  • 1960 — 2009

    1960 — 2009
    Russian programmer, creator of the first Russian search engine"Rambler"

    Dmitry Vitalievich Kryukov, the creator of the first Russian search engine “Rambler”, was born in Ulyanovsk on October 8, 1960. Graduated from the Faculty of Instrument Engineering and Radioelectronics of the Moscow Academy of Instrument Engineering, receiving the specialty “designer-technologist” radio-electronic equipment" In 1990, Dmitry Kryukov studied in Berlin in a number of technical disciplines. In 1991, in the town of Pushcha near Moscow...

  • 1962 — 2017

    1962 — 2017
    Russian and British opera singer (baritone), People's Artist of Russia

    Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky was born on October 16, 1962 in Krasnoyarsk, in the family of a chemist. Since childhood, opera music from the collection of his father, who sometimes sang and played music, sounded in the house. Dmitry studied at the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School. A.M. Gorky, after graduation he entered the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. He was a soloist of the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater. Win...