Pumpkin seed flour recipes. Pumpkin flour cooking at home photo. Which is better - wheat or pumpkin flour?

What is this cookie with, and why is it greenish in color?.. - the family members ask suspiciously, and after trying a piece, they reach for more. Really, with what? šŸ™‚

Ahh! Pumpkin again!!! šŸ˜€ Donā€™t worry, dear readers, this is not exactly the pumpkin that Iā€™ve probably already fed you with - and muffins, and pies, and charlotte, and even cakes!.. These are pumpkin seeds, or rather, flour made from them. Interesting, isn't it? This was my first time baking with such an unusual flour, and I really liked the result! I read that baked goods made from pumpkin flour turn out to be very fluffy - and I just learned from these crumbly, tender cookies that this is true!

Pumpkin seeds ground into flour give the dough that same protective color and amazing crumbiness and airiness. Cookies prepared like oatmeal cookies simply crumble in your hands and melt in your mouth!

And cookies made from pumpkin flour are also very healthy, as are the seeds themselves. Love them? So you will like this recipe too! Even better - you donā€™t have to click or chew the seeds :)


For 20 pcs (1 baking sheet):

  • 1 cup pumpkin flour;
  • 1 glass of wheat flour (130 g of each type of flour);
  • 125 g sugar (3/4 cup);
  • 75 ml + 1-2 tablespoons of warm water;
  • 85 g butter;
  • Ā¼ teaspoon cinnamon;
  • A pinch of vanillin;
  • 1/3 teaspoon of soda;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • handful pumpkin seeds.

How to bake:

Although you can do without them if you donā€™t want any hard pieces. And if you like to chew, then feel free to pour it in! But itā€™s still better to chop them up a little.

Let the oil sit for 20 minutes room temperature, and when it softens, rub it with sugar with a spoon.

Pour pumpkin flour into the ground mixture, mix lightly and pour in warm water, first 75 ml.

Mix a little more and add wheat flour with cinnamon, vanilla and soda. Perhaps you can do without soda in this recipe, I havenā€™t tried it, but prepared it using ā€œOatmealā€ - but seed flour gives a much more fluffy effect than oatmeal.

Stir, add pumpkin seeds and knead soft dough.

If it stubbornly crumbles and does not want to form a lump, add water 0.5 - 1 tablespoon at a time.

Turn on the oven to warm up to 210C.

Roll out the finished dough on a floured table into a 0.7 cm thick cake and cut out circles using a glass.

Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment that has been greased vegetable oil. If you don't have parchment, you can flour the baking sheet.

Place the baking sheet with cookies in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes. The cookies should remain soft. It also rises noticeably during the baking process.

Let the hot cookies cool on a flat surface so that they retain their shape. 5-7 minutes - and you can treat yourself to the most delicious, healthy cookies from pumpkin flour!

That's what it's like in the middle!

Now I will bake with pumpkin seed flour too! What if you add it to a cupcake or sponge cake? Let's experiment!

Pumpkin, a vegetable beloved by many, originated in Mexico, where it has been grown since ancient times for its valuable and useful seeds. Over time, its benefits were understood not only at home, but throughout the world. They extracted it, and the remains after pressing were dried and ground into powder, from which fragrant bread was baked. Today about useful medicinal properties ah product they say no less. The benefits and harms of pumpkin flour are widely discussed by nutritionists, cosmetologists, and doctors and deserve special attention.

Chemical composition and calorie content of pumpkin flour

The grind obtained from pumpkin seeds is greenish-yellow in color and has a pleasant aroma. The popularity and benefits are due to the content of valuable substances with unique properties:

  • a set of vitamins: C, A, K, B3 and B9 (folic acid);
  • important minerals: K (potassium), Mn (manganese), Mg (magnesium), P (phosphorus), Fe (iron), Ca (calcium), Cu (copper), Se (selenium) and Zn (zinc);
  • valuable Omega-3 fatty acids (alpha-linolenic acid/ALA);
  • bioflavonoids, amino acids (about fifty).

The calorie content is relatively low: 100 g contains about 305 kcal.

Useful and healing properties of pumpkin flour

This effective remedy has a beneficial effect on many ailments:

Important! Useful properties for absolutely healthy people- in strengthening nervous system, maintaining vitality and returning the joy of life.

The benefits of pumpkin flour for weight loss

The secret to the benefits of pumpkin seed flour for weight loss is its valuable property: it accelerates metabolism, which promotes rapid metabolism, reducing fat deposition and fluid accumulation in subcutaneous fat tissue. To get rid of extra pounds, it is enough to consume sauces, soups or cocktails.

Three-week intake of flour shake as breakfast for weight loss:

  • First week: dilute 1.5 teaspoons of flour in 100 g of kefir, yogurt or milk.
  • Second week: stir 3 teaspoons of flour into 100 g of kefir, yogurt, milk.
  • Third week: dilute 4 teaspoons of flour in 150 g of kefir/yogurt/milk.

It is enough to take once in the morning.

Such breakfasts are ideal for people who are struggling with excess weight; in addition, they will rid the body of toxins and waste.

How to take pumpkin seed flour for medicinal purposes

The undeniable benefit of pumpkin seed flour is that it can be combined with all dishes and any drug treatment. A natural protein-vitamin-mineral complex is useful in the treatment of any disease, as it reduces the load on the liver.

For the prevention and treatment of the above diseases, 1ā€“2 tsp is enough. stir in 100 g of milk/kefir/yogurt/juice and drink 2 r. per day for 30 days. For such therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to take 3-4 times a year.

The use of pumpkin flour in cosmetology

The benefits of pumpkin flour for women are doubled with the use of its valuable properties in cosmetology. Thanks to its influence (high amino acid content), collagen is naturally synthesized in the skin, which allows it to be included in anti-aging products. The high zinc content regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, preventing inflammation and acne.

To prepare a toning and rejuvenating mask, you need to mix flour and water until you obtain a thick, homogeneous mixture. Apply the mask to the face, leave until completely dry, rinse warm water, then apply any nourishing cream.

What can you make from pumpkin flour?

A healthy product (daily dosage ā€“ 1 tbsp) is good to add to prepared dishes as thickeners:

  • all sauces for seasoning vegetable, meat and fish dishes;
  • any soups;
  • all kinds of cereals;
  • various drinks.

When making baked goods, flour is mixed with wheat flour (1ā€“2 tablespoons per 1 kg of wheat flour).

Pancakes, pancakes, donuts, and muffins will be fluffy and fragrant. Baked goods stay fresh longer.

When frying meat, vegetable and fish dishes, the healthy product is used for breading.

How to make pumpkin flour at home

Flour prepared at home will be natural, without unwanted additives. The first thing you need to do is buy a pumpkin at the market or supermarket.

From pumpkin seeds

Preparation from seeds:

  • Remove seeds from the fruit, wash, dry in air (if not possible, in the oven or in a frying pan).
  • Grind in a blender.
  • If necessary, repeat grinding after checking by touch.
  • Sift the grinding, separate the flour from the bran, and pour into a dry jar.
  • grind again.

Important! The seeds need to be dried, but not fried. Unpeeled seeds have many beneficial properties. It is not recommended to peel them before grinding, since the green film under the peel contains cucurbitacin, a fighter against atypical cells that provoke malignant tumors.

From pumpkin pulp

You can also make flour from the pulp, but it will not have such a high content of essential and healthy fatty acids. The advantage of such a product is a large number of carotenoids, which have powerful antioxidant properties.

Preparation from pulp:

  • Peel the ripe vegetable and remove the seeds.
  • Grind the pulp and dry in a household dryer or oven until completely dry.
  • Grind the drying material in a blender or food processor.

Using this beneficial grind in cooking is similar to using seed flour.

Which is healthier: pumpkin or wheat flour?

Both types differ in composition and, accordingly, properties. The calorie content of wheat is higher: 342 kcal. Its benefits include more fat, protein and carbohydrates. For an ideal ratio of nutrients, a mixture of two types is used. However, wheat contains the protein gluten. Pumpkin is gluten-free and ideal for people who cannot tolerate wheat protein.

Harm of pumpkin flour and contraindications

Harm is possible from excessive consumption, which can cause digestive problems:

  • increased gas formation;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation.

Harm may also be due to individual intolerance to the product.

How to store pumpkin flour

In order to preserve the benefits of the properties of flour, store it in a dark place. Protect from high humidity at room temperature (not higher than 25 Ā°C). Convenient to buy in sealed, zip-lock packaging. If the product is purchased in a paper or cellophane bag, it is better to pour it into a jar with a tight lid.


The benefits and harms of pumpkin flour, regular intake of which stabilizes metabolic processes, improves the functioning of internal organs, well known to all supporters healthy nutrition. You should not eat too much of it: it will not be beneficial. To avoid harm, you need to listen to yourself and observe your reaction. If your health worsens, use of the product should be limited or discontinued. Proper addition to the diet will eliminate harm from use, ensure the preservation of health and good mood.

Video about the benefits and harms of pumpkin flour:

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The protein composition of pumpkin flour is characterized by a high content of non-essential and essential amino acids necessary for strong immunity, normal and full functioning of the human body. In particular:

arginine, which is used as a component of sports nutrition, helps to increase muscle mass, and in addition, by improving blood microcirculation in the pelvic organs, it stimulates potency and enhances the feeling of orgasm during sexual intercourse. A deficiency of this essential amino acid in the human body causes hypertension, nervous and mental disorders, weakened immunity, memory impairment, obesity and diabetes mellitus, serious functional disorders of the reproductive system, and fatty liver.

Amino acid contained in pumpkin flour valine, which plays an important role in energy metabolism, helps improve the functioning of the muscular system.

Amino acid complex glutamine, phenylalanine and glycine, which is part of pumpkin seed flour, in the best possible way helps improve the functional state of the nervous system, improve memory, mood, increase performance, eliminate fatigue and depression

Amino acid lysine, which pumpkin flour is rich in, promotes the effective absorption of calcium, and just like the amino acids methionine and threonine, which are part of this useful product, takes part in the natural synthesis of collagen, necessary for the firmness and elasticity of the skin, blood vessel walls, and cartilage tissue.

Amino acid contained in pumpkin flour isoleucine necessary for the formation of the blood protein hemoglobin, and like methionine, it plays an important role in the natural production of insulin by the pancreas.

High biological and nutritional value pumpkin flour is largely due to its unique mineral composition(pumpkin flour contains more than 50 macro- and microelements, among which the leading positions are occupied by zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium).

Oil contained in pumpkin flour zinc plays a key role in many processes occurring in the human body (synthesis of insulin and digestive enzymes, carbohydrate, protein, fat metabolism, the formation of immunity, the process of hematopoiesis). One of the most important functions of zinc, a truly irreplaceable substance for the male body, is its active participation in the functioning of the reproductive and reproductive systems (this important mineral component of pumpkin flour helps stimulate potency, activates testosterone production, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the prostate gland, and also significantly improves the process of spermatogenesis). Zinc deficiency in the body often leads to disturbances in the functioning of the brain, liver, thyroid gland, nervous system, decreased mental abilities, deterioration of memory and vision, the development of apathy, depression and alcoholism, delayed sexual development in children, as well as male and female infertility.

Pumpkin seeds, from which pumpkin flour is produced, are also very rich in phosphorus and calcium. Phosphorus, which is a direct participant in energy metabolism, is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and muscular system, good condition of teeth and bones. Calcium, which plays a critical role in the formation of bone tissue, necessary for proper operation nervous and muscular systems, is actively involved in the absorption nutrients, regulation of blood clotting, formation of the body's immune defense.

Pumpkin flour also contains other biologically active substances that cause a lot of different healing properties this most useful plant product (among these substances are phytosterols, flavonoids, polyunsaturated acids, which has bactericidal and wound-healing properties chlorophyll and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and biliary tract phospholipids). You can learn in detail about the beneficial diverse properties of flavonoids and phytosterols contained in pumpkin flour in the article ā€œGolden Mustacheā€). Detailed information about the beneficial effects of polyunsaturated Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids contained in pumpkin seed flour on the human body is given in the article ā€œPumpkin oilā€.

Regular consumption of pumpkin flour is also beneficial for:

  • Prevention and complex treatment cardiovascular diseases. Pumpkin flour contains a number of substances that help strengthen and increase the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of inflammatory processes in cardiovascular system(vitamins A, E and C, magnesium, Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids, flavonoids). In addition, this herbal product is rich in substances that help: reduce the level of ā€œbadā€ cholesterol in the blood (zinc, phytosterols, magnesium, choline, vitamin E, polyunsaturated acids), maintain normal blood pressure(amino acid arginine, vitamin E, magnesium), regulating blood clotting (calcium and vitamin K). Thus, the introduction of pumpkin flour into the diet can be very useful for the prevention and as part of complex therapy of atherosclerosis, hypertension, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, heart attack, stroke.
  • Obesity prevention and prevention diabetes mellitus Type II. Characterized by a high content of dietary fiber, phytosterols and choline, and at the same time a reduced content of vegetable fats, pumpkin flour, when consumed regularly, helps improve fat metabolism, prevents the accumulation of excess body weight, thereby reducing the risk of developing insulin resistance. The fiber contained in pumpkin flour slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels. Pumpkin flour also contains a number of other substances that regulate blood sugar (including zinc, magnesium, selenium, the amino acids cysteine, isoleucine and methionine, vitamin E, which are involved in the natural synthesis of insulin by the pancreas). Thus, the introduction of pumpkin flour into the diet may allow people suffering from type II diabetes to significantly reduce the dose of daily glucose-lowering medications.
  • Prevention and comprehensive treatment of anemia(pumpkin flour contains substances that play an important role in the process of synthesis of the red blood cell protein hemoglobin (among such substances are iron, vitamins C and E, B vitamins, chlorophyll, zinc).
  • Cleansing the body of toxins, toxins, heavy metal salts and others harmful substances (pumpkin flour has this effect due to the unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, flavonoids, and amino acid methionine it contains)
  • Improving the psycho-emotional state and improving the functioning of the nervous system(due to the presence of glutamine, glycine, phenylalanine, B vitamins, flavonoids and magnesium in the amino acids, pumpkin flour, when consumed as food, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the nervous system, helps improve mood, eliminate apathy and depression, improve sleep, and relieve headaches. The introduction of this product into the diet is very useful for alcoholism, neurotic disorders and various diseases of the nervous system.
  • Prevention and comprehensive treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, oral cavity and throat, visual organs, proctological diseases.
  • Reducing the risk of developing various allergic and chronic inflammatory diseases
  • Strengthening the immune system and preventing various cancers

Pumpkin flour is a healthy food product for those who engage in intense mental and physical labor, fitness or sports. When consumed regularly, pumpkin flour, rich in essential amino acids, zinc and choline, helps improve memory and mental abilities, increase physical and mental performance, relieving stress, nervous tension and overwork. Due to the presence of phosphorus and calcium in the composition, which affect the speed and strength of muscle contractions, the amino acid arginine, which helps increase muscle mass, and the amino acid valine, which acts as an energy source for muscle cells, pumpkin flour can be successfully used as a component of sports nutrition.

Ways to use pumpkin flour

Pumpkin flour containing large number easily digestible vegetable protein and a small amount of fats and carbohydrates, can be successfully used as a component dietary nutrition(tables No. 3, 5,8, 9, 10, 11), and can also occupy a worthy place in the diet of vegetarians, athletes, pregnant and breastfeeding women, as well as people who regularly observe religious fasts.

This nutritious herbal product is very useful for the prevention of winter-spring vitamin deficiency. Regular consumption of pumpkin flour will also bring tangible benefits to a person who has undergone a serious operation or a long-term illness.

Rich in essential amino acids, zinc, calcium and phosphorus, necessary for the full growth and formation of the childā€™s body, pumpkin flour is also a very useful food product for children and adolescents (it is worth noting that a lack of zinc in the body, which pumpkin flour is so rich in, leads to a decrease in mental abilities of children, delay in their puberty, as well as formation on the face characteristic of adolescence acne).

For the prevention and complex treatment of diseases listed in the section, pumpkin seed flour should be consumed as follows: 1-2 teaspoons of pumpkin flour, diluted in a drink or any liquid fermented milk product (ryazhenka, kefir or yogurt) take 1- 2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. It is advisable to carry out such a treatment and prophylactic course of taking this product at least 3-4 times a year.

Use of pumpkin flour in cooking

Pumpkin seed flour has a wide variety of uses in home cooking. Pumpkin flour is often used as a thickening flavor and vitamin-protein additive for soups, cereals, salads, jelly and cocktails, sauces and gravies.

Pumpkin flour also adds a refined taste, aroma and a pleasant yellowish tint to various fermented milk products, bars made from dried fruits, seeds and nuts, dough for pancakes and pancakes. In combination with various spices and seasonings, pumpkin flour is excellent for breading meat and fish cutlets and cue balls.

Pumpkin seed flour combined with wheat flour(per 1 kg of wheat flour 1-2 tablespoons of pumpkin flour) is also recommended for use in making homemade baked goods (to enrich bakery and confectionery products with complete, easily digestible protein, increasing their organoleptic properties and shelf life). Homemade baked goods made with the addition of pumpkin flour turn out fluffy, do not go stale or mold for a long time (the shelf life of baked goods made from dough with the addition of pumpkin flour increases to 72 hours).

The use of pumpkin flour in home cosmetology

Pumpkin flour can be successfully used in various creams and masks used to heal and rejuvenate facial skin. The zinc, amino acids lysine, threonine and methionine contained in this product, as well as vitamins C and group B, take an active part in the natural synthesis of collagen - the protein ā€œresponsibleā€ for the elasticity and firmness of the skin. Zinc, which pumpkin flour is very rich in, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents the appearance of acne. To achieve the best cosmetic effect, it is most advisable to combine the external use of pumpkin flour (in the form of masks and as part of creams) with its regular use in food (pumpkin flour has a beneficial effect not only on the skin of the face, but also significantly improves the condition of nails, hair and scalp (prevents hair loss, prevents dandruff).

Contraindications for use

Individual intolerance to the product. People suffering from cholecystitis or cholelithiasis should consult a doctor before eating pumpkin flour.

Storage conditions

Store in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 o C degrees and relative humidity not exceeding 70%.

Popular products.

In addition to specialized medicines, there are a large number of products that can fight various diseases no less effectively, as well as saturate the body with essential microelements. Among these medicinal and mineral complexes is pumpkin flour.


More and more people are reconsidering their diet, with the goal of eating only healthy products. Therefore, new dishes appear on the table, based on previously untried ingredients. Recently, pumpkin flour has become quite popular, which is notable not only for its original taste, but also for its unique healing effect for humans.

The product borrows its unique characteristics from pumpkin seeds, which act as ingredients for its preparation. Flour has found its use in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Herself vegetable crop It is quite popular in Mexico, so flour from it is widely used there, as well as in Asia, Thailand, Brazil and Japan. It is known that it was also used as a medicinal supplement in Ancient Egypt. In our country, the use of pumpkin flour is gaining momentum every year, and the demand for the product is due to its composition.

Essentially, flour is a protein-mineral complex that is highly valued as a dietary supplement. It is included in the menu of vegetarians and raw foodists due to its medicinal properties. Pumpkin meal, which is made by cold pressing, retains all the proteins, amino acids and minerals that the culture is rich in.

The product contains the following beneficial substances and microelements:

  • vitamin complex consisting of vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, H and F;
  • dietary fiber;
  • proteins of plant origin;
  • about 50 amino acids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • mineral compounds of phosphorus, potassium, iron, zinc and so on.

It also contains other active substances, which is why it is so beneficial for the human body. The product contains polyunsaturated acids, chlorophyll, and also a rather rare amino acid - cucurbitin. Due to its 40% protein content, flour is an indispensable source of nutrition for the body.

The powder obtained from the seeds is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, whose benefits are worthy of special attention.

It is important that pumpkin flour is a gluten-free product without soy. This unique composition makes the product useful for humans. As for calorie content, 100 grams of powder contains 305 kcal.


When considering a product, it is necessary to highlight the main positive properties of its use. Flour acts as an antiallergic, immunomodulatory and strengthening agent. In addition, the powder has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and cardiotonic effect.

  • Elderly people who suffer from osteoporosis are advised to take crushed seeds as an additive to the main course of treatment. The positive effect is explained by the zinc content in the powder, which helps maintain bone density at the proper level.
  • Flour is used to prevent kidney stones because it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The product normalizes hormonal levels in both men and women. As a result, the result of consuming flour is an improvement in mood and libido.
  • According to reviews, crushed vegetable seeds promote weight loss because they speed up metabolism. A balanced combination of protein and a minimum amount of fat allows you to prepare dietary dishes.

In addition to the impressive range of uses of this natural product for medical purposes, flour is quite actively used in cosmetology. The powder is included in many skin care products that have a positive effect on the epidermis, providing a rejuvenating and healing effect.

The effectiveness of the product is explained by the presence of a complex of vitamins and amino acids, which play an important role in the process of skin production of collagen, which provides it with elasticity, and zinc, in turn, controls the functioning of the sebaceous glands, which reduces the risk of inflammatory processes and acne.

In order for the cosmetic effect to have a prolonged effect, it is supported by the use of pumpkin flour internally. In addition to the healing and strengthening effect on internal organs, the product also has a beneficial effect on the health of hair and nails. According to reviews, pumpkin flour helps get rid of dandruff.


There are no strict contraindications regarding the use of the product. The product is recommended to be included in moderate quantities even in children's diets; in addition, the product will be useful for expectant mothers and women during lactation.

In general, the negative result from consuming flour will be the same as from pumpkin seeds, but the effect may be more significant, since the crushed substances have a much stronger effect on the body. As a rule, to side effects include diarrhea, flatulence or constipation.

This is due to the content of dietary fiber in the product, which activates intestinal motility and the functioning of microflora. Most often, adverse reactions occur in people who have not previously eaten foods high in fiber.

Flour can have a negative impact on a personā€™s well-being in cases of severe migraines. Recent studies have shown that this particular product increases headaches in some patients.

The benefits of unsaturated fatty acids for humans are undeniable, but only if the products used are fresh. Expired flour releases toxic compounds that increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

How to use?

The flour tastes a little like a nut and has an airy consistency, which is why it is often used to prepare baked goods, confectionery products and various cocktails. Ground pumpkin seeds are used as a seasoning vegetable salads, they are used to season porridges. In cooking, flour also acts as a flavoring agent for various side dishes. It is combined with pasta, rice or corn.

In order to maintain immunity and replenish energy in the off-season, flour can be included as an additive in fortified drinks. Usually the powder is dissolved in fermented milk products and drunk several times a day for at least 30 days.

To eliminate intestinal problems and liver diseases, the powder is dissolved in water and drunk morning and evening for a month.

To cleanse toxins, there is a scheme for removing them using this product. The duration of the course of taking pumpkin powder is 3 weeks. In the first week, every day, instead of breakfast, you need to prepare a cocktail of 100 grams of any fermented milk product with the addition of one tablespoon of flour. The second and third weeks involve cleaning according to the same scheme, but the amount of powder must be increased by one spoon, and the fermented milk drink by 50 grams after every seven days.


To prepare food from pumpkin flour, it is not at all necessary to purchase products in supermarkets, because it is quite possible to make it at home. Store-bought gluten-free flour is produced in accordance with GOST, but a homemade product will not be inferior to it in terms of the content of useful substances, in addition, the powder prepared by yourself is guaranteed not to contain any additional inclusions.

Flour is prepared according to the recipe described below.

  • Raw pumpkin seeds must be washed and then dried in the oven until they are reduced in size by half.
  • Next, they need to be crushed to a powder consistency. For these purposes it is worth using kitchen blender or a coffee grinder. The device must be set to fine grinding mode.
  • The resulting powder is sifted through a sieve and stored in a dry container. The main thing is that it is stored in a cool place and in an airtight container.

Flour can be made not only from the seeds of the vegetable, but also from the pulp. As for the chemical content of the pulp, it is slightly inferior to the seeds in terms of the content of fatty acids, but as its advantages it is worth noting the high content of carotenoids, which are powerful antioxidants.

To make a useful powder from the pulp, it must be dried, before doing this, remove the peel and remove the seeds. Next, the vegetable is cut into pieces small size and goes into the oven to dry minimum temperature. After heat treatment grind the pumpkin in a blender or meat grinder.

The resulting powder is used to prepare homemade baked goods, porridges, cutlets, you can make pumpkin casserole, and also use it for cosmetic procedures that can be easily performed at home.

Pumpkin flour based cake is prepared according to the recipe presented below.

  • Four egg whites must be beaten with 100-150 grams of sugar. Egg yolks are ground with half the specified portion of sugar.
  • After that, two glasses of pumpkin flour are sifted with one tablespoon of baking powder, cinnamon and vanilla. Then these ingredients are mixed with the yolks. Proteins are added to the dough last.
  • The resulting mass should be transferred to a baking dish and placed in the oven for 30 minutes.

To make homemade cutlets, you need to follow the recipe presented below.

  • Two juicy carrots are ground in a meat grinder, then mixed with two glasses of flour, various herbs, spices and garlic.
  • Next, the cutlets are prepared according to the usual method - formed in the usual size, after which they are fried until golden brown. To emphasize taste qualities product, cutlets are recommended to be served with some sauce.

For skin care, you can make whitening, toning and cleansing masks from pumpkin flour. Cosmetologists recommend preparing a facial composition according to the following recipe:

  • the powder is poured into a container and poured with boiling water, you need to achieve a thick consistency of the mixture;
  • then dissolved flour is applied to the face, previously treated with vegetable oil;
  • After twenty minutes, the mask is washed off with cool water.

To improve the condition of your hair, as well as to prevent dandruff, you can also make a useful mask from the powder. It is prepared according to this scheme:

  • water is added to the powder in a ratio of 10: 1;
  • the resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and hair roots, cover for half an hour;
  • After the time has passed, rinse off.

Complex use of the product for health improvement will provide a more pronounced effect, so external use should be alternated with adding to food.

Storage conditions

Flour purchased in a store is stored in its original packaging according to the instructions specified by the manufacturer. As a rule, the shelf life of the product is no more than one year.

Powder prepared at home must be stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container for no more than two months. This applies to flour made from seeds, as well as products obtained from vegetable pulp.

Expired flour can be distinguished from fresh flour by its characteristic rancid taste. It is prohibited to eat it. A similar taste in the product appears during the oxidation of fatty acids, which pose a health hazard due to the release of toxic compounds. Therefore, pumpkin flour should only be used in fresh, expired product must be disposed of.

Watch the video below about the benefits of pumpkin flour.

Their beneficial properties pumpkin flour inherits from the pumpkin seeds from which it is made.

Mexico is considered the birthplace of the product, where many dishes are traditionally prepared using pumpkin. This gluten-free flour has found great response in Asian countries, especially Japan and Thailand, as well as Brazil and Nigeria. It is curious that in ancient times pumpkin pulp and seeds were used not only by the peoples inhabiting South America, but also the Egyptians, ā€œsavvyā€ in the art of healing.

The product is rich in vitamins C, A, K, B3 and folic acid(vitamin B9). The mineral profile of pumpkin flour includes potassium and manganese, magnesium and phosphorus, iron and calcium, copper, selenium and zinc.

Pumpkin seed powder is a valuable source of omega-3 fatty acids (particularly alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA), the beneficial properties of which are now being actively discussed in the media.

To maintain a healthy ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 in the diet, in addition to pumpkin flour, you can recommend it, which is also rich in ALA.

The natural product does not contain gluten, soy or other potentially hazardous ingredients. As a source of high-quality protein (more than 40% of the total weight) and an alternative to soy products, pumpkin seed flour can be used by vegetarians, vegans and raw foodists.

Average calorie content: 305 kcal per 100 g.

Healing power

How to take it correctly

For the purpose of treatment and prevention, pumpkin flour is used for increased emotional stress, lack of energy in the autumn-winter period, and also in the spring to replenish vitamin deficiency.

1ā€“2 tsp. powder should be dissolved in dairy products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.) and taken 1-2 times a day for 2-4 weeks. The course can be repeated 3-4 times a year.

Pumpkin flour has a light, nutty flavor and fluffy consistency, so it is often used in baked goods and to make protein-rich smoothies. Pumpkin seed powder can be sprinkled on salads and cereals, or added to traditional side dishes to expand the flavor palette. The product feels great next to corn, pasta and rice.

Harm and side effects

The harm from excessive consumption of flour is similar to what pumpkin seeds can cause. Although side effects are usually less pronounced due to good grinding of the product.

However, disturbances in digestive processes may occur:

  • intestinal gases;
  • diarrhea;
  • constipation

The reason is the high content of dietary fiber, which, when released into the intestines, accelerates the activity of local microflora. Digestive problems especially often occur in people who are not accustomed to fiber-rich foods.

Pumpkin seed flour may be harmful to your well-being if you often suffer from migraines. According to recent studies, the product may worsen headaches in some people.

The unsaturated fatty acids in pumpkin flour certainly provide health benefits. But only if it's fresh. In rancid products, they form toxic compounds that increase the risk of cancer, cardiovascular and other ailments.

For cholecystitis and cholelithiasis prior medical consultation is required.

An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to pumpkin and its derivatives. But since this food crop is not a strong allergen, cases of negative reactions are rare.

How to cook at home

Instead of running around the store looking for this gluten-free flour, you can make it yourself. A homemade product will not contain industrial impurities, which means it will bring maximum benefits.

From seeds

  1. Rinse raw pumpkin seeds.
  2. Dry in a household dryer or oven so that the weight of the seeds decreases by 2-3 times.
  3. Grind in a coffee grinder or blender. If your household appliance has several operating options, select the finest grinding mode.
  4. Continue grinding with short breaks, periodically checking the flour by touch.
  5. Using a mechanical rotary sieve (shaped like a metal mug), sift the flour into a clean, dry container. Repeat sifting if necessary.

Seal the airtight container of flour and place it in the refrigerator for up to 2 months.

From pulp

The pulp cannot boast a high content of healthy fatty acids, but it has its own argument, namely a high concentration of carotenoids endowed with antioxidant properties.

You can make pumpkin flour from pre-dried pulp.

  1. Choose a ripe pumpkin. Remove seeds and skin. For large and tough specimens, use sharp knife, for softer small ones - a manual potato peeler.
  2. Cut the pulp into small pieces and place in a household dryer or oven set to low heat. Let the pumpkin wedges dry completely.
  3. Place the dried product in a blender or food processor and grind.
  4. Store the finished flour in a cool, dry place under an airtight lid.

The powder prepared in this way can be used to bake pumpkin pies.

An important point: the proportion of pumpkin pulp flour should not exceed Ā¼ of the total volume of the flour mixture.

Pumpkin or wheat?

Experts decided to compare the nutritional value of wheat and pumpkin flour. Pumpkin seed baking powder had more beta-carotene and crude fiber, but less fat, protein (14% vs. 9%) and carbohydrates. But the main thing is that this product does not contain gluten, which means that it can be used, along with other types of gluten-free flour, by patients with celiac disease (wheat protein intolerance).