Tire fitting and repair work. Proper tire fitting Tire fitting equipment

Safety precautions

1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have completed:

  • induction training;
  • initial and on-the-job training.

1.2. When carrying out tire fitting work, personnel must know:

  • the effect on a person of dangerous and harmful factors that arise during work;
  • rules for providing first aid;
  • safety requirements, industrial sanitation and fire safety.

1.3. Personnel must:

  • perform only the work included in his duties or assigned;
  • master safe work practices;
  • be extremely careful when carrying out tire fitting work;
  • comply with internal regulations.

1.4. While working, personnel performing tire fitting work may be exposed to the following hazardous production factors:

  • moving machines and mechanisms;
  • falling objects;
  • dangerous voltage level in the electrical circuit;
  • increased surface temperature of equipment and materials;
  • collapsing structures;
  • increased air pressure;
  • insufficient illumination of the workplace;
  • increased gas and dust levels in the air in the working area;

1.5. Personnel must use the following PPE in their work:

  • cotton overalls;
  • leather boots;
  • respirator;
  • safety glasses;
  • combined mittens.

1.6. Mounting and dismantling of car tires should be done on a stand or on a clean floor (platform), and inside - on a spread tarpaulin or other bedding.

1.7. When removing the tire from the wheel rim, the air from the inner tube must be completely released.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Wear the required protective clothing.

2.2. Check the serviceability of the tools and guards.

2.3. Before removing the wheel, you must make sure that the car is securely installed on the trestles, and that the removed wheels are supported by supports.

2.4. Before unscrewing the nuts securing paired discless wheels to remove them, you should make sure that the tire on their inner wheel has not come off the rim, otherwise you must first completely release the air from it.

2.5. Before removing the tire, the air from the inner tube must be completely released. Tire dismantling must be carried out on a special stand or using a special removable device.

2.6. Before mounting the tire, it is necessary to check the serviceability and cleanliness of the rim, bead and lock rings, as well as the tire.

2.7. When mounting the tire on the wheel rim, the locking ring must fit securely into the rim recess with its entire inner surface.

2.8. Removal, installation and movement of wheels and tires of heavy-duty vehicles must be mechanized.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. When removing a tire from a rim that is firmly attached to the side of the wheel, a puller is used. It is prohibited to knock out discs with a sledgehammer (hammer).

3.2. Before mounting the tire, you must check the condition of the rim.

3.3. Before repair, tires must be cleaned of dust and dirt.

3.4. Roughing machines must be equipped with local exhaust ventilation to remove dust and be reliably grounded.

3.5. Carry out roughening work only with safety glasses.

3.6. You can remove the chamber from the clamp after vulcanization only after the restoration area has cooled down.

3.7. When cutting out patches, the knife blade must be moved away from you. The handle must be in good working order.

3.8. Containers with gasoline and glue should be kept closed, opening as needed.

3.9. Tires should be inflated in two stages: first up to 0.5 kg per cm2. with checking the position of the locking ring, and then to the pressure prescribed by the instructions.

3.10. If you find that the locking ring is not in the correct position, release all the air from the tire being inflated, correct the position of the ring, and then repeat the above steps. Tires should be inflated without dismantling if the air pressure in them has decreased by no more than 40% of the norm.

3.11. A pressure gauge or air pressure dispenser must be installed in the tire inflation area.

3.12. When using an electric compressor unit to inflate tires:

  • inspect the condition of electrical devices, the pressure gauge (must be checked in the Gosstandart laboratory, the pressure gauge scale must have a red line corresponding to the permitted pressure);
  • check the presence and serviceability of the compressor grounding and the presence of personal protective equipment (dielectric gloves, mats, tools with insulated handles);
  • drain the condensate through the purge valves from the air collector.

3.13. Before turning on the compressor, turning it manually, check for jamming.

3.14. Test the operation of the compressor at idle speed with air venting to the outside according to the manufacturer's instructions.

3.15. After switching the compressor to the “Operation” mode, check the lubrication of the mechanisms, cooling and air pressure in the receiver.

3.16. A spreader (expander) must be used to inspect the inner surface of the tire.

3.17. New tires must be equipped with new tubes. The same is recommended for tires retreaded using the retread method.

3.18. Install tires with a directional tread pattern so that the direction of the arrows on the sidewalls of the tire coincides with the direction of rotation of the wheel when the self-propelled vehicle moves forward.

3.17. To remove foreign objects from the tire, you must use pliers.

3.18. Do not mount the tire on a rim that is covered with rust or has dents, cracks, or burrs.

3.19. When mounting the tire on a rim, the retaining ring must fit securely into the rim recess with its entire inner surface.

3.20. When inflating the tire with air, you can correct its position on the disk by tapping only after the supply has stopped.

Do not forget that this operation directly concerns the safety of your movement by car. A tire mechanic must have a set of specific knowledge in order to provide quality service to the client and give him useful recommendations.

We offer unique lessons proper tire fitting. We hope that they will be useful not only to those who want to master this profession, but also to those who are more experienced. And it wouldn’t hurt for an ordinary car enthusiast to know a few things in order to leave the tire service station absolutely confident that all the necessary work on servicing your car has been completed at the proper level and you can safely hit the road.


For proper parking, special markings are required. If we are talking about changing four wheels, then the car is placed on a platform. The master's task is to help the driver park the car correctly. The technician must also make sure that the car is stable and securely fastened. That is, is it placed on the handbrake, or is there a “shoe” placed under the wheel?

Possible errors
Most stations do not have a "shoe". They consider it a waste of time.

Jacking up a car

The jack must be installed in a certain place and ensured. It is advisable to use rubber gaskets in order to avoid damaging the car body.

Possible errors
The jack is not installed correctly. The master was not convinced of this.

Additional information
For high-quality wheel removal, the station must have several types of jacks. The best option is hydraulic and air. They differ in carrying capacity and ground clearance. To service “low” machines, a hydraulic jack is required. It is also used when visiting a client.

Unscrewing the nuts

The master must remove the nuts. If there is no wrench at the station, but a regular wrench is used, then the nuts are removed with the car lowered. The master must definitely check which holes are in the disk in order to take the necessary tool - either a cross-shaped wrench, or a thin-walled head, or a head in plastic. It is also necessary to check the presence of a “secret”. If available, take it from the client. A set of heads must be available at the station.

Possible errors
The main mistakes are a broken seat and stripped threads. The mounting hole is not checked. As an example: on tuned cars it is very small. Some people try to unscrew the nut with a standard socket rather than a thin-walled one. A worse option is to try to hit the head with a hammer.

Additional information
Often at a tire shop there is information that the station is not responsible for broken studs. It can also be torn off if the owner of the car performs this operation independently. Naturally, the case is taken into account when unscrewing occurs using a standard factory tool, and not using, say, a pipe. The reasons for damage to the stud are that the wheel has not been removed for a long time, and the metal is constantly exposed to an external environment harmful to it, that is, salt, dirt, water. Or - poor quality of the metal from which the pin is made. Yes, sometimes such a nuisance occurs due to the fact that the previous master incorrectly tightened the nut and tightened it. It has been noted that studs break especially often on Japanese cars - Mitsubishi, Toyota. Most likely due to the poor quality of the metal. Do not lubricate the stud. For example, solid oil, negrol, oil. The fact is that when the nut is tightened, all this lubricant is compressed, forming a kind of gasket. The lubricant material hardens over time and then simply crumbles. This way the nut remains loose. The hairpin can only be washed with diesel fuel, but then be sure to wipe it dry. It is better to clean with a wire brush.

Wheel cleaning

Mandatory element of the technological process. A clean wheel is the key to more accurate wheel balancing. They wash the wheel either in the bathroom by hand, which is not very aesthetically pleasing, or in a washing machine, which is more effective.

Possible errors
Cleaning the wheel with a brush may damage the disc.

Additional information
Washing in a car prevents damage to the disc, since the wheel is washed with plastic balls, and all the rubbing parts are rubber. Depending on the size of the wheel and the degree of contamination, different time modes for washing are set - from 30 to 120 seconds.

Tire spin

The valve is unscrewed with a special screwdriver, one end of which allows you to unscrew the spool, the other - the cap. First, the outer side is wrung out, then the inner side. During spinning, it is important to pay attention to the position of the valve. A pressure sensor can be placed on it. If you don't take care, it can be easily damaged. Do not press the tire all the way down - it can be damaged. I pressed it a little and turned the wheel 90-120 degrees.

Possible errors
To save tire fitting time, at some stations the spinning process begins with the tire inflated. In this case, it is likely that damage to the tire bead, as well as the pressing equipment itself, will occur.

Tire dismantling/mounting

The wheel is mounted on a tire changing machine and secured with clamps. During beading, it is necessary to ensure that the tire beads move away from the seat. If, for example, the opposite side does not leave the seat, then the frame can be damaged.
Tire installation begins from the inside.

Possible errors
If the master is inattentive and does not sufficiently monitor the beading process, damage to the metal frame is quite possible.

Additional information
The tire changing machine must be equipped with all the necessary equipment for high-quality beading of tires. For example, plastic linings for all rubbing parts. It is better, of course, to have an automatic machine with functions for fixing the mounting head. In this case, the possibility of damaging the disk is eliminated. Since when the master fixes the head, it automatically moves away by 3-5 mm. The pry bars used for trimming must be specially designed for this purpose, that is, their tips must be bent at a certain angle. You can also use special devices that greatly facilitate the work of the master. These are the so-called multirollers, which are especially relevant when beading low-profile tires.

Visual inspection, lubrication

The technician must assess the condition of the tire and see if there is any visible damage. Especially if the tire is not new. It is also necessary to assess the degree of tire wear. If the wear indicator is already visible, the technician should advise the client to definitely change the tires. Before beading, you should lubricate the tire only with mounting paste, and not with soap, and even more so with machine oil, which simply destroys the tire.

Possible errors
Inattentive visual inspection. Use of non-recommended materials for lubrication.

Tire inflation

According to the recommendations of tire manufacturers, it is inflated to 4 atmospheres, which allows it to “sit” in the seat. Next, the pressure is adjusted to the required value for a particular tire. Tires are inflated at the customer's request with air or gas. In the latter case, you can use an additional nozzle, which allows you to create a vacuum in the wheel before pumping it with gas.
For an accurate determination, you must have a professional pressure gauge. It should be remembered that this is a precision instrument that requires careful handling. He is afraid of blows and shaking. It must be kept clean.

Possible errors
Inattention while inflating tires. Using a low-quality pressure gauge.

Additional information
We must remember that the driver does not need to know what pressure his tires should have. The master must know, or know where to look. The recommended pressure is shown on the car's fuel tank cap, or on the driver's door arch.

Wheel installation

First you need to inspect the brake disc. If there are studs, clean them with a wire brush if necessary. Make sure that the wheel fits into the required holes. The bolts are installed manually. If the bolt is skewed, then no tool will “feel” it. It will “drive” the bolt out of thread. Tightening also occurs manually - crosswise. There is no need to use pipes. We lower the car and tighten it again until there is a characteristic metallic sound. You can tighten it with a torque wrench. It must be set to the required force. It tightens until it clicks.

Possible errors
The wheel does not fit into the correct holes. The bolts are tightened using a wrench, which can lead to incorrect (not threaded) tightening. Using a pipe as a tool...
Naturally, the tire fitting process is impossible without wheel balancing.

Recommendations that the master should give to the client:
at least visually monitor the tire pressure every morning;
after visiting a tire shop, after 500-1000 km, come back to the tire station and rebalance the wheels;
come for rebalancing every 3-5 thousand km, depending on driving style and vehicle operating conditions;
When changing tires seasonally, be sure to recommend that the client change the valves.
This is due to the fact that in summer it is subject to destruction with the help of ultraviolet rays, in winter - under the influence of snow, water, and changing ambient temperatures. In addition, it is recommended to replace all four tires;
if necessary, draw the client’s attention to discrepancies between tire and wheel sizes;
recommend to the client to change tires if the tire wear indicator is already visible.



1. General provisions

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have professional training and have passed:

Preliminary medical examination (if the employee evades medical examinations, the employee is not allowed to perform work duties);

Introductory briefing;

Training in safe work methods and techniques and testing knowledge of labor safety;

Initial training at the workplace;

1.2. Employees undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every 6 months. The briefing is carried out by the work supervisor. The results of the briefing are recorded in the briefing log.

1.3. When sending employees to perform work not related to their main activities, they must undergo targeted training.

1.4. Upon entry to work and at least once a year, employees must undergo training and knowledge testing on labor protection issues.

1.5. Workers must undergo periodic medical examinations at least once every 12 months.

1.6. Workers must comply with the requirements of internal labor regulations, instructions on labor protection, fire safety, and personal hygiene.

1.7. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages during working hours, or to begin work while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Smoking is allowed only in specially equipped areas.

1.8. The administration is obliged to provide workers with free clothing, free shoes and other personal protective equipment in accordance with DNAOP 0.00-3.06-98 “Standard standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment to road transport workers,” including:

Cotton suit (wear period 12 months);

Leather boots (wear period 12 months);

Combined mittens (wearing period 3 months);

Protective glasses, closed (until worn out).

1.9. The employee must correctly use collective and individual protective equipment, and take care of the protective clothing, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment issued for use.

The head of the enterprise is obliged to replace or repair workwear, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment that have become unusable before the expiration of the established wear period for reasons beyond the control of the employee.

1.10. When performing tire fitting work, the following dangerous and harmful production factors may occur:

The lock ring sticks out when inflating or deflating the tire;

Tire rupture when inflating the tire;

Falling of hanging car parts;

Spontaneous movement of the car;

Workers falling when unscrewing or tightening wheel nuts;

Falling wheel or tire;

Electric shock;

Reduced air temperature during the cold season.

1.11. If you become ill or injured either at work or outside of work, you must inform your manager and go to a medical facility.

1.12. Victims or eyewitnesses are obliged to immediately report every accident that occurs at work, signs of an occupational disease, as well as a situation that poses a threat to the life and health of people.

The manager must organize first-aid care for the victim, transport him to a medical facility, and inform the owner about this.

To investigate an accident, it is necessary to preserve the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the incident, unless this threatens the lives of other workers and does not lead to an accident.

1.13. Workers must be proficient in the techniques of providing first aid, transporting a victim, know the location and contents of the first aid kit, and be able to use the means contained in it.

1.14. When moving around the territory, the following requirements must be observed:

Walk only on pedestrian paths and sidewalks;

Cross railway tracks and highways only in designated places;

When leaving the building, make sure there is no moving traffic.

1.15. For drinking, you should drink water from saturators, equipped fountains or drinking tanks.

1.16. You should eat food in equipped rooms (dining room, buffet, meal room).

1.17. Employees who violate these labor protection instructions are liable in accordance with current legislation.

2. Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Tire fitting work must be carried out in a special designated area (post), equipped with equipment, devices and tools, in accordance with regulatory and technological documentation.

2.2. Before removing the wheel, you must check the position of the lock ring, loosen the nuts, and hang the car on a special lift or using another lifting mechanism.

2.3. Before hanging part of the car using lifting mechanisms (jacks, ditch mobile lifts, hoists, etc.), except for stationary ones, you must first place the vehicle on a flat surface, stop the engine, engage a lower gear, brake it with a parking brake, and place thrust wheels under the non-lifting wheels. pads, check the condition of the bus body support area.

2.4. When hanging a part of a vehicle, the plunger of the jack (ditch mobile lift) or its extension must be installed in the places specified in the technological documentation and the Vehicle Operation Manual.

The jack must be installed on a flat, non-slip surface. In case of unstable soil, a strong wooden stand with an area of ​​at least 0.1 m2 or a board must be placed under the base of the jack.

2.5. Stands (trusses) must be installed under suspended parts of the vehicle using a jack (mobile ditch lifts, hoists, etc.) for inspection, maintenance and repair.

Stands (traces) for suspended parts of the vehicle must be installed in the places specified in the technological documentation and the vehicle operation manual.

2.6. Before unscrewing the nuts securing discless wheels from the hub, to remove or rearrange them, it is necessary to completely release the air from the tire.

2.7. Operations for removing, moving and installing wheels of a truck, bus, trailer, semi-trailer weighing more than 20 kg must be mechanized (use special carts, impact wrenches, etc.).

2.8. Before removing the tire (from the wheel rim), the air from the tube must be completely released. Removal of a tire that fits tightly to the rim must be done on a special stand or using a removable device. Installation and dismantling of tires on the line must be done with an installation tool.

2.9. Before mounting the tire, it is necessary to check the serviceability and cleanliness of the rim, wheel disk, bead and lock rings, as well as the tire.

When mounting the tire on the wheel rim, the locking ring must fit securely into the rim recess with its entire inner surface.

2.10. Rims and their elements are not allowed for installation if they are found to have deformations, cracks, sharp edges and burrs, rust at points of contact with the tire, or if mounting holes are larger than the permissible size.

3. Safety requirements while performing work

3.1. Inflation and pumping of tires removed from vehicles in an enterprise must be carried out by a tire fitter only in safety cages (devices) or using other safety devices that prevent the rings from flying out and injuring workers when a tire breaks.

3.2. When inflating tires on the road, use portable safety devices, a safety fork of appropriate length and strength, or place the wheel with the locking ring facing down.

3.3. When performing tire fitting work, it is prohibited:

Knock out the disc with a sledgehammer (hammer) when removing the tire;

Remove one of the dual wheels from the car without using a jack, by driving the other dual wheel onto a protruding object;

When inflating the tire with air, adjust its position on the rim by tapping;

Mount tires on wheel rims that do not match the tire size, as well as if they have burrs and damage that prevent installation;

While inflating the tire or when the tire is under pressure, adjust the position of the bead and lock rings, hit the lock ring with a hammer, sledgehammer or other objects;

Inflate tires more than the standard set by the manufacturer;

Manually roll wheels, rims and tires weighing more than 20 kg;

When mounting a tire, use locking and bead rings that do not correspond to this model.

3.4. The length of the hose for inflating tires should not be greater than the distance from its connection point on the compressed air line or air dispenser to the middle of the safety cage (device).

Safety cages (devices) must be located in close proximity to the compressed air line (air dispenser).

3.5. Tires should be inflated in two stages: first at a pressure of 0.05 MPa, checking the position of the lock ring, and then, making sure that the edge of the ring is under the tire bead, to the maximum pressure specified in the instructions.

If an incorrect position of the lock ring is detected, it is necessary to deflate the air from the inflated tire, correct the position of the ring, and then repeat the previously indicated operations. If the locking ring is incorrectly positioned again, it must be replaced.

3.6. Tires should be inflated without dismantling if the air pressure in them has decreased by more than 40% of the norm and there is confidence that the correct installation has not been compromised.

3.7. An air pressure dispenser or pressure gauge should be installed in tire inflation areas to allow you to adjust the pressure for different tires.

3.8. The gearbox on the stand for dismantling and mounting tires must be covered with a casing.

3.9. To inspect the inner surface of the tire, it is necessary to use a spreader.

3.10. When inspecting tires, only wear gloves.

3.11. When working with a pneumatic stationary lift to move large tires, it is necessary to secure the lifted tire with a locking device.

4. Safety requirements after completion of work

4.1. Tidy up your workspace. Remove tools and equipment.

4.2. Report any problems encountered during work to your supervisor.

4.3. Clean workwear, safety shoes and other personal protective equipment; store them in specially designated places.

4.4. Wash your face and hands with soap or take a shower.

5. Safety requirements in emergency situations

5.1. When an emergency vehicle stops on the side of the road or at the edge of the road for tire work, the driver must turn on the hazard warning lights, wear a warning vest and install an emergency stop sign or a flashing red light at a distance of no closer than 20 m to the vehicle in populated areas and 40 m - beyond them.

5.2. In the event of a power failure, stop work and report to your supervisor. Do not try to find out and eliminate the cause yourself. Please note that electrical voltage may appear unexpectedly.

5.3. If a fire occurs, notify the fire department and the work manager and begin extinguishing the fire.

When clothes catch fire, it is necessary, first of all, to extinguish the flame with available material. In this case, the victim’s head should not be covered to avoid burns to the respiratory tract and poisoning by toxic combustion products.

5.4. In the event of a fire or fire, remember that you should extinguish electrical installations with carbon dioxide fire extinguishers and dry sand to avoid electric shock.

5.5. Spilled oil and fuel must be removed immediately using sand or sawdust, which after use should be poured into metal boxes with lids installed outdoors.

________________________ ________________ _________________

(manager position


/organization/ - developer)


Manager (specialist)

security services

labor of the enterprise ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Legal Advisor ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Chief technologist ______________ _______________

(personal signature) (surname, initials)

Unfortunately, sooner or later absolutely any car owner is faced with the problem of needing repairs, balancing or some other type of tire work. It has long been a popular tradition for motorists around the world to seasonally replace wheels with their subsequent balancing, inflate tires with nitrogen, and, if necessary, repair alloy wheels.

The modern market for such services is overflowing with car services that have significant experience in performing vehicle maintenance work in the area of ​​high-quality tire fitting. There, all this will be done by specially trained masters who know a lot about this matter. Of course, the work is carried out using expensive modern foreign-made equipment. Particular attention is paid to this, because absolutely every driver, either from his own experience or from the stories of other car owners, knows how dangerous wheel imbalance is and what it can mean.

And, as a rule, it leads to faster tire wear, which has an extremely negative effect on steering. The imbalance, as a result, accelerates the loosening of the suspension. In self-respecting workshops, static processing of the unit and the so-called “finish balancing” are carried out, as well as wheel balancing on a stand.

Carrying out tire fitting work.

The procedure for performing tire fitting work begins with the fact that even before the actual balancing begins, a suitable cone is installed on the wheel. Then the wheel is installed so as to eliminate the possibility of play during braking and rotation. Of course, before starting work, all dirt and all weights that were installed on previous balancing are removed from the wheel. Thorough washing of the wheel and its subsequent drying, despite its apparent simplicity, is a very important step. Its correct implementation will significantly simplify further work and, among other things, reduce energy costs. It is also worth clarifying that balancing the wheels of motorcycles, as well as cars weighing no more than sixty-five kilograms and with a rim diameter of up to twenty-three inches, is carried out on a special stand with computerized control.

In general, wheel balancing is initially carried out during installation itself. Repeated only after the car’s mileage approaches the five thousand kilometer mark. Proper balancing significantly increases the grip of wheels on asphalt surfaces. Of course, during operation and wear, the wheel balance is disrupted. But the undeniable fact is that the more competently and professionally the balancing is done for the first time, the longer the tires will last.

An experienced car enthusiast will at first glance determine the quality of service and professionalism of the specialists performing tire fitting work. It is important to pay attention to the workshop in which the work is carried out. Of course, it must be kept in perfect order, which is very important for such important work. Every year the number of auto repair shops is growing indomitably, but very few can boast of the quality of the services provided.

In a good car service center, before the actual balancing, the so-called double wheel alignment is performed, and this does not depend on the type of disk. This is done for both steel and cast or forged varieties. Preliminary alignment makes a cone along the central hole of the disk, and secondary alignment, in turn, is when the disk is attached to the balancing stand with a special flange adapter (it turns out approximately like a car hub stud). Of course, in such delicate processes, errors are possible, which themselves depend both on the quality of the wheels and tires, and on the professionalism of the master, plus the wear and tear of the equipment also affects this. Usually, if an imbalance is detected, the worker uses a special technique that allows rationally redistributing the loads throughout the entire wheel so that everything is harmonious and competent.

Final balancing.

The final balancing stage is not an alternative to wheel balancing on stands. These two concepts should not be confused, because they are completely different things. The final balancing is carried out in such a way that both the brake disc and the hub and wheel along with it take part in the balancing.

In general, a car is a very complex mechanism, as is balancing the wheels. Here, a lot depends on the interaction of the wheels, hub, suspension and, of course, the tires themselves. Proper balancing significantly reduces wheel vibration when driving, which affects the longevity of the tires. Work done incorrectly, the use of low-quality materials or outdated equipment can lead to very sad consequences, even an accident. Therefore, you need to be very careful when balancing and replacing tires. Without this, it is absolutely impossible to ensure comfort and safe traffic on the road. An unbalanced wheel, along with strong vibration, leads to wear on the steering and wheel suspension components.

The development of such a service sector is proceeding at a very fast pace, and, of course, tire fitting is no exception. After all, today it is a whole range of services for replacing and repairing car tires. The tire fitting process itself consists of a number of operations that are carried out in a strictly defined sequence.

The procedure for tire fitting can be briefly described as follows: the first thing the work begins with is washing the wheel. Roller brushes specially designed for this purpose clean the disk, and then with water under pressure, wash away dirt from the entire wheel. Drying occurs with compressed air. The special machine has many different operating modes, depending on the required time (one to three minutes). Next comes the dismantling and installation of the wheel on the car. Here, equipment plays an important role, which allows you to continue driving at speeds of up to 70 km/h, even if there is no tire pressure at all.
But all this, as they say, in a nutshell. To please yourself and your car, it is better to visit a car service center and observe with your own eyes how the work is performed in practice.

There are certain rules in accordance with which high-quality tire fitting must take place. Knowing these rules will be a huge advantage for every motorist. Having understood exactly how tire fitting should be carried out correctly, the driver can always be sure that all the maintenance work necessary for his car was performed efficiently and in compliance with all standards. And being confident in this, the motorist will be able to hit the road with peace of mind.

Procedure and basic rules for tire fitting

To begin with, the driver must properly park his vehicle. In particular, if your car needs to immediately replace all four wheels, then for parking you are required to use a special platform, which is available at every service station. In addition, the car must be placed on the handbrake. To be safe, you can support the car with something under the wheels.

Only after following the above simple recommendations can you start jacking up your car. In this case, it is necessary to use special rubber gaskets. Using rubber gaskets will prevent any damage to the car body. In order to remove wheels efficiently, the service center must have air and hydraulic jacks available. Make sure that they are actually available at the car service center to which you entrust your car.

If all the necessary jacks are available, then you can proceed to the next step, namely, removing the nuts using a special wrench or a regular wrench. Before removing the nuts, the technician must examine all the holes in the disk in order to accurately determine which specific tool needs to be used.

After removing the nuts, it is imperative to completely clean the wheel. This is an important element of the technological process and should not be abandoned. Remember that a clean wheel is key to achieving the most accurate balancing possible. In addition, this process is not at all complicated, because the wheel is washed either in a special washing machine or manually in the bathroom. By the way, washing using a washing machine gives the best effect.

After this, they proceed to spinning the wheel and, using a special screwdriver, carefully unscrew the valve: unscrew the cap with one end of the screwdriver, while unscrewing the spool with the other. Remember that you first need to wring out the outer side of the wheel, and only then can you start wringing out the inner side. When pressing the valve, always pay special attention to its position, because a pressure sensor is often placed next to the valve, which is very easily damaged. If the tire cannot be pressed to the very end, then the technician must be extremely careful, otherwise the car may be damaged. You can try to squeeze the tire out a little by turning the wheel 90-120 degrees.

Now the wheel can be installed on a tire changing machine and secured with special clamps. During the beading process, the technician must carefully ensure that the tire beads leave their seat without causing damage to the car frame. Tire mounting is always done only from the inside.

Before beading, a qualified specialist will necessarily examine the tire for visible damage, assess the general condition of the wheel and the degree of wear of the rubber. Before you begin beading, the tire must be lubricated with foam. Under no circumstances should you use soap and machine oil instead.

Afterwards, the lubricated mounting foam tire is inflated with gas or air to approximately 4 atmospheres. This is done so that the tire fits properly into its own seat. Using pressure, the tire is adjusted to the required level, and then the operation is checked using a professional pressure gauge.

Remember that before installing the tire, you must carefully check the brake rotor. If there are any studs there, they must be cleaned with a special metal brush. After this, you need to fit the wheel into the required holes and manually tighten the bolts. The bolts are tightened manually, because if the bolt becomes skewed, the tool will not be able to “notice” this and will simply “hammer” the bolt not along the threads. The tightening is also done manually in a crosswise manner, after which the car is lowered in order to be tightened again until a specific metallic sound appears. Tightening is carried out with a special torque wrench set to the required force, and is carried out until a characteristic click is heard.

Now the tire installation has been done, but it cannot be considered one hundred percent complete if the wheels have not been balanced.