Who is a marketer in simple words? What are the requirements for the candidate, how much will they pay and what does he do. Marketer, profession. What does a marketer do?

We released new book"Content marketing in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


An SMM marketer is a specialist who attracts traffic from social networks for companies.

Such an employee can be compared to a magician. One who skillfully juggles several objects in the air at once. All the attention of the public at this moment is concentrated on the circus performer. The same is true in social media marketing. A true professional in this field is a one-man orchestra. He uses a large number of tools to gather his target audience around the brand, expand its reach, and increase profits. There is only one difference - people look at the brand, and not at the SMMer himself.

Ideal SMM marketer for the project

It's not easy to be such a specialist. To give you an idea of ​​the scale, a few years ago an article was published about one hundred skills that he should master. We will talk about key skills. In general, such an employee is responsible for all work with content, communications and traffic.

What are the responsibilities of an SMM marketer?

  • Analysis of competitors' activities.
  • Research of preferences and reactions of potential buyers.
  • Drawing up a content plan for the month.
  • Preparation of a brand or product promotion strategy.
  • Creation, content and maintenance of a group, public, account.
  • Communication with users, etc.
  • Attracting people to the community.
  • Studying new trends and implementing them when necessary.
  • Conducting competitions and quizzes.
  • Setting up targeted and contextual advertising, searching for a platform for its placement.
  • Tracking indicators using special services (number of subscribers, growth in coverage, number of transitions to the site, company recognition, involvement, user activity, return on money invested in promotion).

Qualities and skills of a good SMM manager

Do you like to use social networks? Can you communicate with different people? Do you have analytical thinking? If you answered “yes” to all these questions, you have a good chance of becoming a... Of course, you will need many more skills to grow into a professional.

  • Literacy. Communities run by a specialist are the face of the brand. Mistakes are unacceptable, as they can cause negative reactions from subscribers.
  • Introduction to graphic editors. Most of the content you will have to deal with is visual. Resizing an image, adding a logo to it, enhancing a photo - all this should not be a problem for you.
  • Knowledge. It is very important to learn at least the basics, because this position involves working with the company’s reputation, attracting clients, managing advertising and its budget.
  • Ability to write texts. You need to know the nuances and formulas of writing informational and regular posts. You also need to have a flair and understand what your target audience will like.
  • Understanding psychology. The specialist’s responsibilities include communicating with subscribers, increasing visitor activity, and responding to negative reviews and messages.
  • Creative thinking. You will need it in order to easily generate new promotion ideas, create competitions, promotions, and features to increase audience involvement.
  • Knowledge of web analytics tools and services that help evaluate work results.

How to become an SMM specialist

There are no educational institutions where you can obtain the necessary skills, but there are numerous courses. It will be a good help higher education marketer. But the only guarantee of success for an SMM manager is constant self-education.

  • Read books on PR, SEO, copywriting, advertising. All this will be useful in your activities.
  • Watch video tutorials. There is plenty of free material on YouTube and other sites.
  • Take online and regular master classes. Don't miss the chance to chat live with an expert. This is how you get valuable advice and be inspired by his example.
  • Public pages, groups, blogs, Instagrams on relevant topics. There are a lot of them: Cossa, SMMPlanner, Popartmarketing, Instashkola, vk.com/bizness_online, vk.com/cerebro_vk and more.

There are a lot of sources; you need to be able to structure the information received and immediately apply it in practice. Remember that theoretical training is important, but it will not make you a professional. How to gain invaluable experience?

To get started, create personal accounts on those sites where you want to work first. You can immediately apply all the knowledge gained in your account. In addition, it will be strange if an SMM marketer does not have his own page. This way you will kill two birds with one stone: you will begin to create a personal brand and develop skills.

There are several more ways to learn how to promote on social networks from scratch:

  • Come up with a company and promote it.
  • Create communities for the businesses of your acquaintances.
  • Find companies that clearly need help and offer your services.
  • Get a job as an intern at an agency or with a well-known specialist.

How to learn to write

You need practice. The more you write, the better you get at it. Read books about sales and informational texts, think about what interests your audience (real or fictional) and get started. You can come up with tasks for yourself or register on a content exchange. The second option is less suitable, since an interesting task is not always found. But for completing it you will receive payment (albeit small), and you will overcome fear clean slate and get an idea of ​​what commercial articles are.

An SMM specialist is a complex and in-demand profession. If you decide to become an SMM specialist, get ready for constant self-education, experiments and irregular days. Very often, such specialists are in touch most of the day, since you also need to be a community manager, which means answering subscribers’ questions in a timely manner. This can be called the main disadvantage of working on social networks. Otherwise, this is an exciting activity, during which you will gain a lot of knowledge and skills in related fields and become a sought-after employee.

Marketing is a relatively young, but quite in-demand profession. She was born in the West and got her name from English word market, which means market. This specialty has recently become widespread in Russia and is now, slowly but surely, gaining momentum.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer and what does he do, you can already guess by definition. Marketing is the market. And the basis of the marketing profession is supply and demand. Thus, it is the responsibility of the marketer to study the most consumed products and create supply to meet the demand.

Trade is always an investment of large financial resources. And this requires certain calculations, often several steps ahead. No sane leader will rely on intuition alone and risk money. A presentiment is, of course, good. But it’s even better if it is supported by facts. This is what marketers turn to.

Numbers, numbers and numbers are at the core of the routine work of market analysts. At first these are just observations, then surveys and questionnaires of citizens in order to determine the demand for a particular product. Research is carried out taking into account all groups of the population, as everyone's needs are different.

Marketers- these are people with a certain set personal qualities. Firstly, here we need analytical skills. The ability to collect facts and synthesize them is perhaps the most important thing in this matter. And to do this, you need to sift through a huge amount of information, study the experience of past years and take from it everything that is most useful for yourself.

The second important quality of a marketer is the ability to think creatively and outside the box.

A true professional can study the needs of the population and, based on the knowledge gained, offer it to them in a new way. Such specialists are always valuable. A creative approach to work helps to be in demand even in the face of great competition.

Enthusiasm, the ability to infect with your idea and lead is the third required quality marketer. There is nothing to do in this profession without fire in your eyes. It's not enough to get into the minds of consumers. It is also necessary to find out why the product is in demand, and, if necessary, to offer a possible alternative to the product.

Currently, marketing is becoming a promising and in-demand specialty. The understanding that knowledge of the right product significantly increases profits forces managers to recruit those who understand this into their staff. Now there are entire marketing corporations where you can turn for help. However, it is much more profitable and convenient to maintain such a department in your own company. Leaders have long noted this and many have adopted it. The presence of a marketing specialist at an enterprise guarantees its successful operation.

The demand for marketers is growing day by day, but a knowledgeable specialist is quite difficult to find. The fact is that marketing is poorly represented in universities. As a rule, these are additional courses at the faculties of economics and management. Narrowly focused education can only be obtained at business schools or abroad. Last option, of course, it’s better, but, alas, not everyone has the opportunity to study abroad.

Working in marketing involves career growth, and quite rapid one at that. Appropriate character traits, solid knowledge and experience lead the right way to the top in this field. This makes the profession tempting for young people and the ranks of marketers are gradually growing.

Hello, friends and guests of my blog! Today I tried very hard to write for you a cool and comprehensive article on the topic, who is a marketer, what kind of profession is this, what are his responsibilities and how to become one. I am sure that you will like the result of my labors and thoughts!

Now let’s all imagine the picture together. A girl, let's call her Larisa, wakes up at 7 am and sleepily goes to the kitchen. There, she brews a cup of her favorite coffee. Her favorite morning ritual is to open the latest magazine that she always buys and read at least a couple of articles from it while drinking coffee.

Getting ready to go out, she puts on her makeup with her usual cosmetics, into which, however, some new product was able to break through. Before going out, the girl remembers that she forgot to spray on perfume, which makes her happy, from the bottle to the aroma.

While she gets to work, many billboards and advertising posters come into her field of vision. It seems that our heroine no longer notices their screaming calls to “buy me,” but they still get a place in her memory, and in right moment"will float up."

At lunch, Larisa and the other girls go to lunch. There are about 10 cafes nearby that offer business lunch at this time. Of these, they regularly visit one or two, they didn’t like others, but their colleagues like them.

Over lunch, the girls discuss the fitness centers they go to. One of them chose the small center closest to home, the second preferred the one with a swimming pool and interesting additional services, the third took advantage of a good discount and chose a network complex...

We can continue this story further, but already in these half a day we see that marketing and advertising (and this is part of it) surrounds us everywhere. If we take Larisa, then here are the points of contact with marketing - she chose a certain brand of coffee among all the others, then a magazine.

By the way, maybe the picture of starting the morning with coffee and a magazine also came to her from the outside. Then there was the perfume, which makes her happy entirely along with its packaging.

At lunch, she and other girls also, for some reason, choose some cafes and ignore others (and the cost of their dishes may be the same). And as we see, the choice of fitness centers among her colleagues is very different and dictated by individual needs.

And behind the scenes of these ordinary elections is the work of marketers. What entrepreneur does not dream that the consumer, among others, gives preference to him?

This is where the success of his business lies, the possibility of its growth and development, and, ultimately, financial profit. And all this is very closely related to marketing, how successfully it is carried out in his company. Read on, the most interesting things are ahead for you!

So, we come close to the question, who is a marketer, and what role does he play in the company? Sometimes the work of marketers is mistakenly equated with advertising activities. This is a misconception, because advertising is only the tip of this diverse and complex area.

Marketing from English market has several meanings - market, sales, demand, trade. F. Kottler (marketing guru) uses this definition to describe the type of human activity aimed at satisfying needs and wants through exchange.

A marketer is one who researches the market, studies and predicts demand for goods/services, and forms it himself, creates new products, and promotes them on the market. This is a generalized understanding to give you a sense of the essence.

There are quite a few definitions and characteristics, and they are all correct, since marketing includes quite a few related disciplines and tasks, which ultimately affect its final result.

By the way, marketing begins long before you buy any product or service, and does not stop even after the purchase.

This professional activity dictates his requirements for specialist qualities:

  • a lively sharp mind is required,
  • ability to process large amounts of information,
  • analytical skills and along with them creative/creative,
  • ability to communicate with people, understand psychology,
  • have stress resistance,
  • and the desire to constantly learn and develop, keep your finger on the pulse and be flexible.

I agree, the list turned out to be quite large, and that’s not all! But the good news is that many of these skills can be developed, and it is very possible! If you dream of becoming a marketer, everything will work out, the main thing is your desire and movement towards the goal!

What kind of profession is a marketer?

Marketing as a profession in the modern sense arose not so long ago. Marketing began to be taught in America as an academic discipline in 1901. That is why this country is traditionally considered the birthplace of marketing.

And yet, Japan is considered the birthplace of practical marketing. In 1690, Mr. Mitsui opened the first department store, in which he focused on the interests of the buyer, and also provided guarantees for the goods and regularly expanded his assortment.

And the first beginnings of this direction go back centuries and even millennia. The inscriptions representing advertising of services date back to the era Ancient Egypt. They were drawn on a piece of papyrus and offered to buy... a slave.

IN Ancient Greece enterprising Minos offered his services and carved the appropriate inscription on the stone. It sounded something like this: “Here I live, Minos from the island of Cyprus, endowed by the grace of the gods with the ability to interpret dreams for a very reasonable fee.” I can’t even believe that even before our era people already knew how to present their services in an interesting way.

In our country, since the 16th century, successful merchants used marketing techniques to attract and retain their customers - they gave free “samples” of their goods, or some trinkets for purchase, appreciated regular customers and wondered what was missing so that we could definitely bring it next time.

Our time is called the age of consumption. That’s right, every day we are offered many products, something new is constantly being invented, products appear that we could not even think of before, and plus the old ones are being modernized.

According to some estimates, more than $500 billion is spent annually on advertising worldwide. Not a bad budget, right? And someone even calculated how many commercials a person watches by the age of 65. Their number, for a moment, is about 2 million! It’s good that I practically don’t watch TV)) But even for people like me, there are dozens of other alternatives to get into my field of vision.

Advertising is now recognized as the most influential and significant art form. Of course, there is still a lot of mediocrity, but there are also real masterpieces that can be seen at the grandiose advertising festivals and events dedicated to this (for example, the night of advertising eaters).

I don’t have a professional education in marketing, but it’s very interesting to me, and plus, I worked in this field for some time. Therefore, I will give you my personal associative understanding of marketing. I am sure that for some, my images of why marketers are needed will also be useful!

So, who is the marketer through my eyes:

They are the eyes, ears, mouth, legs and hands of any entrepreneur who wants to be successful.

Eyes– he must see everything that is happening around him, how the world as a whole and in particular its potential clients (target audience) live. What are their needs, complaints, what lifestyle do they prefer, what are their habits, and so on.

Ears– to hear what the client really needs. It’s one thing when innovative products are created, the need for which is sometimes artificially inflated. But more often it happens differently.

In modern conditions of market saturation, when there is a heap of everything, it is necessary to first find that “painful” point for the client, which is not yet covered by anything, and offer an appropriate solution in the form of a product or service.

And even 25-30 years ago in our country, for example, it was enough to put something imported in bright packaging on store shelves - chocolates, chewing gum, yoghurts, etc., and people bought it with pleasure. Now such a moment is long in the past.

We choose among many other brands of units. And this is what our choice is based on, how much we are willing to pay, and what composition of the product is acceptable to us for that amount - all this is important for those who are introducing another similar product to the market.

It is clear that there are different segments of buyers - some are willing to pay more in the hope of getting a quality product, others cannot afford it and are looking for the optimal middle ground.

But the essence remains the same: a successful marketer needs to hear what is going on in the buyer’s head. The paradox is that people, even when participating in special surveys about a product, can think one thing, but say something completely different out loud. And here it is also very important for a specialist to competently carry out such work.

Here I also include work on the quality of the promoted product or service, the results of which can be learned through feedback from clients.

Mouth– sales of products. The product should not linger. This means conveying to buyers its value and the need for purchase. This includes what, how and where you need to say and do so that people understand what a great product or service you have and will certainly want to get it. Accordingly, all measures of promotion, advertising, creating promotions and flash mobs, unusual moves, bright solutions - everything is here.

Legs- this means going out into people, conducting research, surveys. I also include analytical work here, as well as collecting and working with information on competitors.

Fyodor Ovchinnikov, by the way, my fellow countryman, is a shining example of a talented marketer and successful businessman rolled into one. Before opening the first Dodo pizzeria in 2011 (now it is already a network, which you can join as a franchisee, has 180 pizzerias, and has reached the international level, including China, America and other countries) - he went to the metropolis and a little worked as an ordinary employee at McDonald's, Papa John's, Sbarro and Teremok.

Hands– “keep your finger on the pulse”, take specific actions, quickly respond to changing market conditions and requirements. It happens that a marketer will conduct research with interesting results or come up with cool ideas for promoting a company, but that’s where his fervor ends. This is not acceptable, it is better to bring to mind a few simpler ideas, but get results, than to come up with 100 brilliant ideas, and not a single one can be realized.

Marketer responsibilities

The job responsibilities of a marketer can vary greatly depending on the specifics of the company and management’s understanding of what kind of profession it is. You already know who a marketer is, and you understand that this work hides several areas of work under its wing. So much for the differences in tasks and functions that are performed in this position in different companies.

  • So, in one it is more analytical work with numbers and data (marketing analyst), tracking and forecasting sales levels, seasonal surges and declines.
  • In others, this is more marketing and advertising activities for the creation and development of advertising offers, participation in exhibitions, and holding promotions.
  • Thirdly, this is work on the brand - its creation and implementation on the market.
  • Fourth, it's a little bit of everything.
  • Fifthly, this is work on promoting the company on the Internet or preparing letters to clients via email distribution.
  • In the sixth, the work will be focused on analyzing competitors and customer satisfaction, and so on.

It is clear that a large company usually has a marketing department, and responsibilities among employees are divided into narrow areas. Where this is not possible, a generalist marketer is often required, or one more tailored to the current needs of the company (for example, only in analytics).

However, I will give a rough list of what this specialist does:

  1. Market analysis (specifics, downturns and upswings, capacity, development prospects, etc.)
  2. Analysis of the company’s success (reasons for fluctuations, turnover volume, profit, speed of product sales, etc.)
  3. Forecasting demand for a product/service and its relevance.
  4. Competitor analysis.
  5. Identifying the target audience and working with it.
  6. Development and implementation of an enterprise marketing strategy.
  7. Development of pricing policy (together with other specialists).
  8. Formation of assortment (together with other specialists).
  9. Development of a policy for stimulating clients, retaining old ones and attracting new ones. Creating a sales strategy and interaction with clients.
  10. Analysis feedback from clients (including potential ones).
  11. Research of consumer preferences.
  12. Development and implementation of new products/services.
  13. Working on the company brand.
  14. Development of measures to promote the company on the market (including advertising activities and the search for new sales channels).
  15. Participation in exhibitions and inter-industry events.
  16. Development of recommendations for improving the current characteristics of goods/services, adding new/related areas if necessary.
  17. Formation of demand.
  18. Calculation of the necessary budget for promoting the company and ongoing marketing activities.
  19. Reporting.

Internet marketer

What does an Internet marketer (sometimes also called a content marketer) do:

  1. Promoting the company on the Internet
  2. Carrying out promotions and events on the Internet.
  3. Analysis of the effectiveness of advertising channels.
  4. Web analytics of website traffic, and other indicators.
  5. Increase in traffic.
  6. Development technical assignments programmers, web designers, according to marketing tasks and SEO optimization.
  7. Website optimization (in terms of improving behavioral factors).
  8. SEO website analysis (but without getting into the programming jungle).
  9. Work on representing the company in social networks, communities, forums, video platforms.
  10. Setting up advertising campaigns (Yandex Direct, etc.) and analyzing their effectiveness.
  11. Preparation of email newsletters based on customer database.
  12. Expansion of the customer base and its segmentation.
  13. Working with the target audience.

This specialist can work remotely.

Marketing Analyst

What a marketing analyst should usually do:

  • Conduct market analysis.
  • Process the necessary data and summarize it into reports and presentations.
  • Participates in pricing, calculates break-even and profit levels.
  • Analyzes product turnover.

In general, such a specialist works with large volumes of information; it is important for him to process both internal and external statistical data in a timely and correct manner. The main skill here is to be able to read “between the numbers” and interpret them professionally.

There are more marketing manager, usually this is an advanced account manager. That is, in addition to its functions of selling and interacting with clients, it can study competitors and develop measures to attract new clients.

Economist marketer, even such specialization occurs. In general, there is also the collection and analysis of data, as well as more rational management of costs and profits, and the formation of enterprise reserves.

Advertising Marketer or a marketing and advertising manager - promotes the company using advertising tools, deals with media planning, and calculates its effectiveness, and develops information materials.

Brand manager – development and promotion of a brand so that it is recognizable and popular. This may include developing the name of the new brand, its packaging if it is a new product.

Marketing Research Manager– everything is already clear from the name. Must be able to competently draw up a sample, select the necessary forms for research (focus groups, questionnaires, etc.), conduct them and interpret the results obtained.

Product Manager, he is also a product manager - in his activities he is responsible for the entire cycle from development to marketing of a specific brand/product among all the company’s products.

Trade (trade) marketer– carries out comprehensive measures to promote the brand to consumers, and also builds mutually beneficial relationships with dealers, partners and intermediaries.

Marketing assistant or assistant– performs routine current work, not requiring high level professionalism.

As you can see, there is different types this profession, from which you can choose the most suitable and interesting direction for yourself. And besides, you can choose an interesting area for yourself - it could be an enterprise, or a restaurant, or a consulting agency, or a startup - there are many possibilities for the device, and there is always a demand for a good marketer.

How to become a marketer

Now you know everything and a little more about who a marketer is. If I wake you up tonight with this question, you will be able to answer it without hesitation. And now it’s time to talk about how to become one! Are you ready? There is very little left.

Fortunately, now almost every university has faculties where you can receive an appropriate education and master the theoretical part of this fascinating profession. In addition, there are retraining courses, so, for example, people from related professions can improve their knowledge and move into this field.

And yet, the opportunity recent years– receive education remotely, through online learning. I don’t know how high the quality is, but if you have a high degree of self-organization, then why not. As a result, this specialty requires knowledge, and not just a certificate stating that you studied.

And having reached this point in my article, you have seen for yourself that a marketer must know a lot. How to become a marketer from scratch? While you do not have practical experience, you can start your path and career as an intern in a large company or as a marketing assistant. For a beginner, this is not a bad option.

By doing routine work, and not yet bearing special responsibility for the entire cycle, you will be able to clearly see how everything is built and what it is based on. By soaking in this juice, you will learn practical techniques and gain skills that are not taught in courses, but which are important.

The salary will be less than that of the pros, but by combining such practice with study, by the end of it you can safely apply for a good position, possessing such theoretical and real knowledge.

How much does a marketer earn? His income varies greatly depending on the region, but in megacities it averages from 30-40,000 rubles per initial stage, and subsequently the amount can reach several thousand dollars. There is room for improvement!

Remember only in this case about constant professional and personal development, learn new things, implement it (just don’t thoughtlessly, please), develop communication skills, memory, and speed of thinking.

Now you know who a marketer is, why he is needed, what role he plays, what types there are job responsibilities and how to become one from scratch. I hope you found the article extremely useful. Share it with your friends via social networks and come visit me more often for the next portion of useful things!

Anastasia Smolinets was with you

Good afternoon Rimma Belyakina is in touch. Today we'll talk about this important profession as a marketer. Let's find out who he is, what his responsibilities are, how you can become a marketing pro from scratch, how much a remote marketer earns and much more. Don't go anywhere, it will be interesting.

How many words borrowed from other languages ​​have appeared in the Russian language! And how to understand them all and not get confused in all these “tradings”, “leasing”, “outsourcing”? How to figure out who a merchandiser, supervisor, promoter is?

Every time a foreign word comes up in everyday life, I remember our well-known politician (let’s do without naming), who in every election campaign promises to cleanse the Russian language of foreign garbage.

In the meantime, he is in search of the proper tool for large-scale cleaning (oh, I got carried away) - spring cleaning, let's figure out who a marketer is, because this is also a borrowed word. And I hope you will like the description of the profession and my story about it, because I tried very hard, as always. And at the end, again, as always, I am waiting for your ratings, suggestions, comments. So let's begin.

Who is a marketer and what does he do?

Have you ever wondered why, for example, you drive a certain brand of car, have a new model of phone, buy one type of tea, prefer to drink coffee of a certain brand, wear sneakers from a well-known company? Most likely, you have often seen them or heard about them in advertising, which means that we are talking about products promoted by advertising.

Today we can no longer imagine our lives without advertising. It’s everywhere: on television, radio, in magazines and newspapers, on billboards, in stores... It’s just some kind of dominance! And why all? Because it is part of marketing, if not the main one, then one of the fundamental ones.

The word marketing comes from the English “market”, which means “market” and involves the organization of activities in the process of creating and promoting a product or service.

The main tasks of marketing are demand research, identification and satisfaction of human needs.

Information about the needs of the client, the expected quality and the price that the consumer is willing to pay for a product or service is needed by every manufacturer and company that provides services to the public.

To “stay afloat”, manufacturers also need to monitor the state of affairs of competing firms: monitor the quality of their products and pricing policy. It is the marketer’s job to collect all this data, as well as think through the strategy and tactics for promoting goods and services in the consumer market.

Marketer is a specialist who studies supply and demand in the consumer market for goods and services, an expert in the sales of company products.

Different companies define their own functions of a marketer. Some focus on advertising their product, promoting the brand, others are more focused on market analysis, studying market prices, while others devote all their efforts to distinguishing themselves from competitors. But everyone is united in one thing:

The main functions of a marketer are to ensure the most effective work of the company, increasing the efficiency of its activities in promoting the product in the consumer market.

Here the specialist, as they say, “has a free hand” and all means and methods are used. History knows many impressive, sometimes amazingly simple, but so effective, sometimes contradictory, and sometimes curious cases of marketing moves that brought dizzying profits to companies. Here are some examples. Assess the scope of the “flight of thought”.

Story 1. The American company that gave birth to the fast food industry, in order to attract the population to eat the hamburgers they made, applied the principle of transparency - the food was prepared right in front of consumers - everything is clean, no deception.

To enhance the effect, an unconventional marketing ploy was put into action: hired people in white coats, who could be seen every now and then in line, strengthened the idea in the minds of the population about the cleanliness of the company, because even “doctors” bought hamburgers.

The company began to develop at a rapid pace, and for many years has been a leader in the consumer consumption industry.

Story 2. Alka-Seltzer, known for its effervescent hangover pills, doubled its revenue thanks to simple trick: in the advertisement they started throwing not one, but two tablets into a glass of water.

That's all. Truly everything ingenious is simple. Or here’s another – my favorite story.

Story 3. At the dawn of the formation of the profession, the owner of a certain Milanese window glazing company, to commemorate the anniversary of his company, gave all the local boys... a slingshot, and even with a note: “In gratitude for their cooperation.”

How do you like this marketing ploy? I remember the proverb: “In war, all means are fair!” How creative the job of a marketer can be, right?

Marketing – is this a modern profession?

In our country, the need for marketers in the broad sense of the profession arose in the 90s. With the transition to a market economy, a huge number of goods appeared and manufacturers began to fight for consumers.

Specialists were needed to study the goods market, determine the needs of the population and the properties that a product must have in order for people to want to buy it, as well as propose ways to sell it.

The profession turned out to be in great demand and began to develop rapidly. In 1998, only 20% of domestic companies had their own marketing department, and already in 2001 - 60%.

However, in Europe, trading companies began to use the services of a marketer already in the 17th century. Merchants sent their clerks to cities and villages so that they could find out what the population needed and what goods they liked best. But there was no such name in those days.

What are the responsibilities of a marketer?

Marketing today is not only about creating a product and promoting it on the market, it is about identifying consumer values ​​and creating a system in which the process of purchasing a product or service would fully satisfy the basic values ​​of the consumer.

“Marketing is the art of creating true value for the consumer, the ability to help consumers live better.”

Philip Kotler (creator) modern school marketing)

The world is changing rapidly. The consumer has become more discerning, more demanding, and more sophisticated in their needs. He no longer needs coffee just as a drink to quickly recover from sleep in the morning, he needs pleasure; a dress is not just a piece of clothing, it is an image, a style, an image; A car is not only a means of transportation, it is speed, comfort, prestige.

Today, the so-called Marketing 3.0 system works in three directions:

  1. Attracting a client.
  2. Customer service.
  3. Customer retention and return.

What should a specialist be able to do so that work in all these three areas is carried out at the proper level? A good marketer is a marketing analyst; his main responsibility, as noted earlier, is research and analysis of the market: what goods and services are presented, which ones are missing, at what price and who buys, why they buy, why they don’t buy.

Other responsibilities, depending on company priorities, may include:

  • forecast and modeling of possible fluctuations in supply and demand;
  • development of product promotion plans;
  • organizing and conducting events, advertising campaigns, promotions;
  • compiling a list of consumer goods;
  • determining budget and pricing;
  • managing the workflow of other marketing department specialists: advertising agents, designers, copywriters, etc.

What are the responsibilities of an Internet marketer, you ask. After all, we are here discussing the possibilities of working remotely. Yes, almost everything is the same, but only online.

An Internet marketer must:

  1. Expand your customer base.
  2. Monitor project work and prepare monthly reports.
  3. Analyze resource traffic and work to promote the project.
  4. Provide responses to incoming customer requests.
  5. Develop plans and strategies for project development and ensure their implementation.
  6. Ensure compliance with contracts.

Simply put, an Internet marketer, also known as a web marketer, is involved in managing online sales, attracting as many visitors as possible to the website of a manufacturer or trading company, and developing strategies and methods for selling goods via the Internet.

Here, whatever tools can be invented will help him, because Internet technologies do not stand still! Here are just a few of them:

  • selling site,
  • one-page site Landing Page,
  • SEO promotion,
  • SMM promotion,
  • advertising (targeting, teaser, banner, viral, native),
  • email newsletter,
  • messengers, etc.

Want to know more about it and how it all works? Here is a video about modern marketing tools.

What qualities will help you become a marketing professional?

Becoming a professional is not easy. You need to be an extraordinary person and combine a sufficient number of professional and personal qualities.

  1. A marketer needs to have the makings of a psychologist, since the outcome of sales of the enterprise’s products depends on his ability to influence the buyer’s consciousness. He knows how color, packaging size, smells, font size, product position on the shelf, etc. affect the consumer, and he knows how to manipulate this.
  2. He must have the desire, interest and desire to work with a large amount of new, primarily significant information: analytical data, sales data, results of consumer surveys, reports.
  3. Creativity: the ability to come up with new ideas, non-standard moves.
  4. Communication and good verbal skills: networking, negotiations/presentations, communication with clients, ability to persuade.
  5. Good analytical and mathematical skills (ability to work with numbers, graphs, diagrams).
  6. Humanitarian abilities (ability to work with texts).
  7. Attention and concentration to engage in analytical activities.
  8. Organization (the ability to plan work and clearly follow the intended goals).
  9. Stress resistance, because you need to be prepared for large volumes of work and a rapidly changing market situation.

And the main quality, the presence of which is mandatory (and not only in the marketing profession, as I see it) and without which neither success nor advancement in terms of career growth is possible, is, no matter how trite, love for the work you do. Do you agree?

Pros and cons of the profession

  1. Demand. The prevalence of the marketing profession is increasingly scaling in the field of consumer demand. Business is growing. A person will always need something.
  2. High salary. Internet marketers with high performance indicators can boast of large fees.
  3. Opportunity for career growth. There is a chance to get a position immediately after graduation, since there is a high demand for competent specialists. At the start, however, you need to be prepared for the position of assistant marketer or assistant.
  4. An interesting creative profession. There is an opportunity to show your talents and realize your ideas.
  1. Low starting position without work experience and portfolio.
  2. Along with the fact that this is creative work, it is also painstaking work (this is described above).
  3. Great responsibility to company leaders. You always need to be “on guard”, “competitors do not sleep.”
  4. Nervous work, although interesting. Great psychological stress - the amount of work is not bad.
  5. Often irregular work schedules, again due to heavy workload.
  6. Possible risks in remote work conditions: you can “run into” an unscrupulous employer; informal employment and, as a consequence, unpaid sick leave and vacation.

Here, as they say, “think for yourself, decide for yourself, to have or not to have,” that is, “to be or not to be.”

Where do they teach professions?

Training can be completed at higher educational institutions at the faculties of sociology or management in the areas of “Advertising and Public Relations”, “Marketing”, “Applied Methods of Sociological Research”. But, unfortunately, there are not many universities teaching in these areas.

However, this specialty can also be obtained in other educational institutions (colleges, technical schools), where courses and trainings are conducted. There are online universities that teach modern Internet professions.

If you wish, you can try to learn on your own; fortunately, there is plenty of material on the Internet on this topic. We will have an article reviewing marketing courses coming soon.

How to find a job

As they say, “if there is a desire,” there are many options for finding a job:

  • on job search sites, primarily: job.ru, rabota.ru, hh.ru, superjob.ru;
  • on numerous;
  • on social networks, having previously correctly and competently registered your account;
  • through commercial offers with your resume sent directly to recruiters of companies where you would like to work;
  • It has now become fashionable to use multifunctional instant messengers (Telegram, WhatsApp), and don’t forget to set up your profile correctly, starting with the status;
  • on professional forums, where employers, like job seekers, also look.

As we know, there are no easy paths, and “the one who walks can master the road.”

How much does a marketer's work cost?

Depending on the regions and functions assigned by the company to the specialist, according to the research center of the Superjob.ru portal, wages varies from the lowest of 23,000 to the highest of 58,000 rubles.

The website Trud.com provides approximately similar statistics, where the average salary of a marketer is clearly visible - 30,000 rubles.

Your professional abilities, accompanied by a trump card in the form of a solid portfolio, your wealth of experience and an irresistible desire to work in the field of PR for the benefit of meeting human needs will be faithful companions in your search for employment.


What's the result? The realization that the marketing profession is the field of activity of creative, extraordinary individuals, but with a commercial streak, who are not afraid of difficulties, ready for development and professional growth. In this video you can learn even more about the profession of a marketer.

Do you recognize yourself in the description? Do you have a desire to occupy this niche? Then go ahead! And may good luck accompany you!

For now - bye. And yes, do not hesitate to rate the article “5 stars” if it was useful and interesting to you. I look forward to your comments.

A marketer is a specialist in studying the market, consumer needs and preferences.

Marketer(From the English marketing - sales, trade on the market.) - a specialist in market research, consumer needs and preferences. In more in a broad sense A marketer is any specialist working in the field of marketing. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in economics, psychology and social studies (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Marketing- management of the creation of goods and services, and the mechanisms for their implementation, as a single complex process.

Features of the profession

A marketer assesses whether a particular product will be in demand and why, suggests ways to promote the product, evaluates the actions of competitors (features of their products, pricing policies), organizes the work of the research team, monitors the industry and analyzes the results, finds out customer preferences, makes recommendations to the manufacturer /to the seller.

This profession appeared in Russia relatively recently, after perestroika, when the saturation of the domestic market with goods was combined with a decline in prosperity. Successful trading required a thoughtful, professional approach.

But even now the profession of a marketer does not lose its relevance, because... Competition in the market among manufacturers of goods and services is becoming tougher every year. A marketer's work begins long before a product goes on sale. Even before the start of production (in trading companies - long before the purchasing decision), the marketer must determine who the product will be intended for, what the potential market capacity is, analyze the activities of competitors, etc.

A marketer, as already mentioned, is involved in organizing and managing the company’s advertising and PR activities, both externally and internally. However, in large companies this work is too much for one specialist - it can be performed by an entire department, which includes: analyst, marketing economist, product manager, event manager, BTL manager, brand manager, marketing director.

Analyst- deals with data collection and analysis.

Marketing economist- deals with pricing issues. At the same time, it takes into account data on costs, demand, competitors’ policies, etc.

Product manager usually conducts market analysis, engages in activities to promote the company’s product, and analyzes competitors’ products. He must understand the intricacies of the product, and even better, have the appropriate education. For example, when developing and selling clothing, a product manager is required to know the basics of clothing design, clothing production, etc.

Event manager is engaged in planning, preparing and conducting events to promote the company's products, exhibitions and promotions, press conferences and other corporate events.

BTL manager- organizes company promotions, such as tastings.

Brand manager- senior position in the marketing department. He manages the marketing department, coordinates the work of all its specialists, plans the organization of advertising campaigns, analyzes the market and competitive environment, determines sales plans and monitors their implementation, develops strategies aimed at making a profit, conquering and retaining markets.

The merchandiser and promoter also have a relationship with marketing.

Merchandiser- Responsible for product promotion activities directly in retail outlets(lays goods on shelves in a certain way, places advertising materials, etc.). At the same time, he takes into account typical behavior the person who came for shopping, features of the distribution of consumer attention, etc.

Promoters- attract the attention of potential customers to a product or service by handing out advertising leaflets, tasting samples, etc.

Training to become a Marketer

We invite you to familiarize yourself with our list.

In addition to basic education, courses, trainings and programs on standards for completing reports, presentations, etc. are useful. You can take them at one of the universities offering additional education programs.

If a marketer is applying for management positions, then an MBA degree (Master of Business Administration) is preferable to certificates from numerous courses, seminars and trainings.

In this course you can get a marketing profession in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
- One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— The largest educational institution additional prof. education in Russia.


Marketers work in the marketing departments of manufacturing and trading enterprises - both in medium-sized businesses and in transnational corporations.

A marketer can also work with a marketing agency that provides services to businesses that do not have their own marketing department.


Salary as of March 26, 2019

Russia 30000—65000 ₽

Moscow 40000—150000 ₽

Important qualities

An analytical mind, the ability to work with a large amount of information, good intelligence, tenacious memory, and activity are required.

Leading a department requires leadership skills.

Knowledge and skills

For analytical work, a marketer requires knowledge and skills in the field of building models, forecasts, working in specialized programs, in-depth knowledge and experience in using Excel, various methods such as WACC, ROIC, EVA, DCF, CVA.

Knowledge is almost always required English language. This is also justified by the fact that most of the necessary literature has not been translated into Russian.

Career Options

You can enter marketing from several starting positions:

  • through any of the main components of marketing (research, analytics, product, brand, trade);
  • through sales, finance, advertising, PR, logistics.

“Subcontractors”—specialists with experience in two or more fields—are in high demand.

Medium-sized Russian companies require generalist specialists. They are more consistent with the concept of “marketer” in the minds of the leaders of such companies. In this case, you need to be able to independently conduct research, participate in the development of new products, engage in branding, sales analysis, develop strategy, marketing programs and promotions, order and control advertising.