A food plot so that the husband does not. Food love spell - simple ways to attract love. How to get what you want from a man by casting a love spell on food and drinks

Love relationships bring a lot of positive emotions. Harmonious and mutual love relationships are the main goal of many people in life. But the modern world has such a fast pace of life that there is not always time to express your feelings. And if there are feelings, the opposite sex does not always reciprocate. This is where the main problem of modern people comes into play.

Not many people have time to wait and seek mutual love. Sometimes, you can ask for help and enlist the support of a Higher Power. This will speed up the process of creating harmonious relationships and bring the desired result and pleasure in life. In order to realize such intentions, love rituals can be performed. Some of them are for clothing, others are for simple everyday items, and the simplest are for food. A food plot for a man's love, despite its ease, is quite effective. By the way, we have dedicated an entire article that will also be useful to you.

  • Rituals for love must be performed during the waxing Moon. As the Moon grows, the feelings of your loved one will also grow;
  • The spell for drinking and eating should be read on odd days of the month. And it is advisable to look closely so that this number falls on the Men's day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday);
  • All food must be prepared in a light mood and good spirits. Under no circumstances should you start anything if you have a negative attitude towards something at that moment. The consequences of a food love spell performed in this state can be very varied: from the fact that it simply will not work to the appearance of a disease in the person on whom the spell is directed;
  • You should read the “Our Father” prayer before performing any ritual for food. This is to cleanse the energy and spiritual level of the performer;
  • It is worth understanding that love spells do not work on other people’s men - they will only cause a lot of problems for people who love each other, but a man’s heart will never turn away from true love.

What is the power of love rituals for food?

Food rituals are quite simple to perform. At the same time, they are very effective and have no consequences. Such rituals can be performed by both men and women.

The power of food ritual lies in the fact that food is a strong conductor of energy. She absorbs a person’s plans and thoughts, transmitting them and filling the other from the inside. Such thoughts can be aimed at successfully passing an exam, at quickly recovering from an illness, or at showing sympathy. In other words, food can be used for any purpose. To do this, you need to have great faith in your plans.

A food conspiracy is carried out only if the performer has real love feelings and emotions towards the subject of the ritual. There is no point in performing a ritual without feelings - it simply will not work due to the lack of power. There simply won’t be enough energy to implement it. After all, the main secret is sincere love.

Speak food to make a man or boy fall in love

You can talk about any food. The main thing is that the chosen one or chosen one likes the food taken for the ritual. Or you can even cook your lover’s favorite dish, buy wine or champagne, candles and have a romantic dinner. This will enhance the power of the ritual and bring a little romance into life.
During the first ritual, it is necessary to speak the foods from which the dish will be prepared. To do this, say the following whisper words 3 times:

“Servant of God (man’s name),
Satisfy your hunger with food
And always be by my side (name).
In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen"

Afterwards, food is prepared with pure and bright thoughts. Enchanted dishes cannot be given to others. If the words are spoken by a man, and they are considered the best cooks in the world, which increases the power of magic on food, then the words of the whisper must be declined in the feminine gender.

The second ritual is done for bread. Salt and bread are the most powerful foods in the Christian world and the world of Higher Powers. Only for such purposes you need to bake the bread yourself and scorch the eggs that are placed in the dough. Whisper:

“Just as a yolk cannot exist without whites, so you cannot exist without me! Amen!"

Charmed bread is given only to a loved one. You can eat it yourself, but giving it to strangers is strictly prohibited. The words are simple, but the result will not be long in coming - your loved one will very quickly become fascinated by you and show his feelings.

Love spell on candy

For the ritual, you should buy sweets and put all the power of love into them. It is necessary to treat the desired man or woman with sweets, but first the sweets are spoken in a whisper. Words:

“As sweet candy is, so you are desired for me, as tasty as it is, so you need me! So be it!”

Say some sweets - so that you can treat your lover at any time and be sure that no one else will eat them. In just a couple of days, the desired man or woman will look at you with different eyes.

Ritual for food using blood

This version of the ritual is more related to drying. By whispering food using a drop of your own blood, you can be sure that it is 100% effective. After all, everything is invested here: energy, thoughts, desire, and substance in the form of blood and flesh (food).

Prepare a meat dish. At the beginning of cooking, place 1 drop of blood on raw meat from the ring finger of your left hand, the vein directly connected to the heart. Say the following words:

“Droplet sisters, red maidens, talk to each other, help me (name) to be with my beloved (name). The key to this matter is now and forever. Amen"

Treat your loved one to a delicious dish and know that in the near future only you will be in his dreams!

Love spell on meat

There is another version of the meat plot. This option is simpler to perform than the previous one - there is no need to add blood, but, due to this, the result will not come so quickly.

Choose the most delicious and beautiful piece of meat. It must be fresh and purchased on the day of the ceremony. Perform a ritual for the waxing moon on the men's day of the week. Take the meat and whisper the words of the spell. Text:

“The meat is red and juicy, everyone needs and loves it. Just as my beloved eats you, he won’t take his eyes off me, he will occupy his thoughts with me, he will settle me in his soul and will no longer be able to live without me! My words are strong and durable and they are secured by God! Amen!"

Having spoken to the meat, prepare the most delicious dish from it. Have a romantic dinner or at least lunch. Take time for your chosen one and wait for the reciprocal force of the conspiracy - it will definitely come. After all, what is destined to happen in your life cannot pass by and cannot bypass you!

Ritual with blood and sugar

This is one of the most powerful rituals. It includes the power of blood and the power of the sweet spell. Sweets will help bring a little taste pleasure and will endear your loved one to you. Blood will convey desires and feelings and, together with the pleasure of sweetness, will cause a storm of reactions and emotions in the opposite sex, provoking him to pay attention and show feelings for you. Only for this ritual you will need not sweets, and not chocolates and cakes, but ordinary sugar, which, after the magic words, will turn into a powerful love amulet.

Take some sugar. In the evening, with the moon growing, be alone with yourself. Take a bath or shower - wash your body completely - cleanse yourself of all the negativity that might have stuck to you during the day. Read the “Our Father” or another favorite prayer near the icon with lit candles and begin to charm the sugar.

Put on a loose shirt, remove all jewelry, and stand near the window. Prick the ring finger of your left hand and literally drop a drop of blood onto the sugar, then read the words of the whisper. The text of the magic words is as follows:

“As white sugar is, so you are one for me. Just as he is sweet, so you will stick to me, my dear. Just as the moon is bright, so are our feelings. As the sugar melts completely, you will fall in love with me irrevocably. So be it!”

Afterwards, the sugar is left on the windowsill overnight so that the light of the growing Moon falls on it. Overnight it will gain the necessary strength. In the morning, sugar can already be added to your loved one’s tea or coffee. This sugar can also be added when preparing baked goods and other dishes. It will soon be possible to observe changes in the behavior of the opposite sex for the better. Your chosen one will begin to show much more interest in you and over time, feelings will sparkle with bright colors. The main thing is to believe and love! And everything will work out!

Post updated: 03/29/2019 Comments: 0

There is an opinion among people that love itself comes and leaves, and it is impossible to influence it in any way. Completely wrong position. And she is not nice to the Higher Powers.

They send feelings to a person for happiness, and not for unimaginable torment. And since such a gift has come to you, then opportunities for its implementation are attached.

But we don’t always know about them. Illiteracy, apparently, is to blame.

There is no point in discussing why “civilization” decided to abandon magic. In the end, it's her own business. We don’t want to save the world, but we want to do good for ourselves.

That is why the topic: “Conspiracy of a loved one: for water, for food, for salt, for clothes, for hair” became of interest. So we will educate ourselves without disturbing others. Let them believe what is best for them.

How to read a loved one’s spell: on water, on food, on salt, on clothes, on hair

Any magic words do not work on their own. They need to be “filled” correctly.

When you try to influence a medium, a program is inserted into it. It consists of words of conspiracy, emotions and energy of the “magician”. It is important that everything is correct and harmonious.

Here is an approximate list of requirements for what you will do:

  • read clearly, pronouncing every word, even the sound. You can whisper, but don’t swallow the “parts of the formula”, otherwise nothing will come of it;
  • Be sure to clear yourself of negative thoughts. Any of your thought forms jumps into the magic formula on the fly.

If you are offended or upset, then postpone the ritual. It is carried out only (exclusively) in a good mood. Orthodox Christians are recommended to pray to cleanse themselves.

It’s good if the food came out from under your hand, that is, you prepared it yourself. This enhances the impact of the ritual. But you can also slander a purchased product.

Keep in mind that it is better if your loved one accepts it with pleasure. That is, when he prefers meat, then there’s no point in talking about cake. Do you understand?

Think about the “victim”, imagine how he enjoys the food, how his mood begins to “take off”.

From this, move on to thoughts about how happy he is that you are around. Then - depending on the situation. Or that he wants to cuddle with you, kiss you, and so on.

Now lean over your food and say:

“Lord, bless with bread! May happiness live under the bright sky! May the soul of Your servant (name) be next to me! Let them be directed in one wave! They love, they create, they thank God! Amen!"

Salt is spoken in different ways. Wives, for example, are recommended to process everything that is used at home with magic. Then the husband will be faithful and flexible.

For this purpose, salt is bought only on Women's Day. This is Friday and Saturday. You must go to the store before noon.

And in the evening, pour all the salt into a jar (or other container). Say once:

“Just as people use your salt and die without it, so let (name) love me, otherwise he will die! Amen!"

Now cover the container with a lid and place it under the table. And in the morning you can salt your food.

When it is necessary to influence a certain person, a little salt is used. You can take it from their common batch (from the one you have at home).

You also need a linen bag, in which incense is carried. Place some on your left palm and say:

“I’ll add salt, I’ll change my life. The food will be salty, and your soul (name) will be full. Full of unearthly love. My image will reign there! Amen!"

White powder is poured into a bag and worn near the heart. This salt should be offered to your loved one. Only he can use it. Otherwise, you can get yourself into trouble.

Once in the body of another person, the product will disrupt his energy. That is, you can cause damage, for which you will have to answer. Keep an eye on this!

More often, salt, charmed in this way, is poured into the pocket of a loved one. He will still touch her with his hand, but nothing more is needed.

Loved one's spell on clothes

You will need . It is preferable to choose according to two parameters: to be worn close to the body, the second - often.

It is ideal to choose scarves or hats. They are erased less often, which means that the energy of the conspiracy will not be erased. And they touch the naked body next to the central chakras.

By the way, if you want to evoke physical passion, then say cowards. You will be surprised at the effect.

You need the thing for the night. Afterwards it will need to be returned. Build an altar in the room.

To do this, cover the table with a red cloth, place two candles and a mirror in the middle. Place the item in front of the reflective surface. Light the candles.

Say while stroking the object:

“Lord, forgive me! I’ll get up in the morning and walk around the yard, making the sign of the cross and praying. I will go out into the open field, where the Son of God sits on the throne, alone in my soul. Just as Jesus suffers and grieves for his people, so His servant (name) suffers for me, wanting to get a wife! The Lord burns with pure love, and bestows upon His servant (name). Teaches me to glow with compassion, to create a family, and to hug me! Amen!"

This ritual is closer to a love spell. Hair can only speak purely, without changing the energy of the “victim,” only living ones, those on his head.

For this person, stroke and repeat:

“How the Mother of God loved Her son, bequeathed it to everyone, but forgot the subject! You (name) remember Mother’s lesson! May it be useful to you! She wanted the best for you, that's why she gave me to you! Don’t be stubborn, don’t be twisted, submit to the will of God and instantly fall in love with me! Amen!"

When it is impossible to carry out such a ritual, then you need to get at least one hair from your loved one’s head.

He is connected to his own. They twist it tighter and say:

“I don’t weave hairs, I intertwine destinies. So that my beloved will be with me forever. To hurry, to run, to press me to himself. That the whole wide world helped us unite and turn into a happy family. The word is spoken - do not kill, do not chop, do not kill! Amen!"

Now the hairs need to be placed in red. For example, tie it in scarlet or seal it in a burgundy envelope.

Hide it so that no one can find it or separate it. Otherwise, your destinies will diverge. Then it will be difficult to fix.

If nothing happens, then take out the hairs and read the plot again.


“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach,” says popular wisdom, and it turns out to be right. Of course, not every man will give his heart for delicious food, but this can be facilitated by turning to the help of magic. Since time immemorial, women have resorted to love spells on food and drink and received the desired man as their husband.

A love spell on food or drink is one of the most effective ways of magically influencing a person. It gives results in the shortest possible time - and what else do those who crave love and attention from their chosen one or chosen one need?

Representatives of both sexes can use this type of love rituals. In men it is even more effective - it is not for nothing that they are said to be the best cooks, and any woman on a subconscious level will choose a man who will show himself to be a good owner.

A love spell on food is a magical ritual that you can easily perform on your own. But first I recommend studying the general material on this issue.

Remember that your thoughts and words are material. And food is precisely the substance that absorbs the thoughts and even the energy of the cook. You've probably noticed more than once that the same dish, cooked in different moods, turns out different in both taste and edibility. With the help of thoughts and words, you can turn food into either food for the Gods or poison for even the most resistant organism.

Food intended for performing a love spell requires a special approach. Important details:

  • Do not prepare a dish for a love spell spontaneously - prepare carefully, put yourself in the right mood.
  • Your goal should be clearly stated, do not allow ambiguity.
  • Cook with love - this is the most important “seasoning”, the component that allows you to achieve what you want.
  • You can easily “program” a dish for any result, and for this it is not at all necessary to accompany the sacrament of preparing a love spell with special spells or prayers. It is enough to think and talk about what you want to achieve in the process.
  • Cast a love spell on food on the waxing Moon - the feelings of your chosen one will grow along with the night luminary.

Types and consequences of love spell

There are many varieties of love rituals involving food, but they are united by a common goal - to achieve the favor of a loved one, to win him. For the most part, such love spells belong to white magic, so they are minimal.

However, there is a group of love spells that involve adding blood to food (from menstruation or from a cut). These are rituals of black magic, and I highly do not recommend performing them yourself. Only a skilled magician should practice black magic. The fact is that a love spell on food with added blood is very dangerous: it completely destroys the will of its victim, forcing him to submit to the will of the customer (or magician).

This could lead to both of its participants losing their identities. Do you need this? I guess not.

Therefore, never use blood or other components of black magic at home. Of course, the effect of them is impressive (if they are done correctly and professionally), but the kickback can also be powerful - do not put yourself and your loved one at risk.

Love spell on food on your own

Method number 1 - for any dish

Any food that the person being bewitched must subsequently eat is spoken of. It’s best if this dish falls into the category of his favorites. A love spell is cast on the waxing Moon. To enhance the effect, the spell is read several times (preferably an odd number of times). Conspiracy text:

“As you followed Adam, so should you, God’s servant(name of the chosen one) , for God's servant(your name) go. May we live together forever, share bread and bed together, keep up with each other, and not know life without each other. Where is God's servant (your name) , God's servant goes there(name of the chosen one) . Amen!"

If a love spell is performed by a man, you only need to change the phrases “God’s servant” and “God’s servant” in places.

Method number 2 - for a departed husband

A wife can use this love spell when there is a rift in the relationship with her husband. This conspiracy has no effect on unmarried men. It is read for any food intended for the head of the family. The ritual is performed on odd days. Text:

“Bless me, Lord, with bread and reward me with holy water so that my husband(spouse name) was with me forever and ever. Salt is in the food, blood is in the liver, your flesh is in me. Key, lock, tongue. So be it."

The love spell begins to work when the husband eats the spoken dish. Usually after the ritual he stays with his wife forever.

Method number 3 - a strong love spell on salt

- a product with unique energy properties. She absorbs information well, so love spells with spoken salt are... This is an excellent alternative to black magic rituals. The seasoning is enchanted using the following spell:

"As God's servant(name of the chosen one) doesn’t eat anything without salt, it would be the same without me, God’s servant(your name) , he could neither eat, nor drink, nor walk around women. Just as salt is a seasoning for every dish, so would I, God’s servant(your name) was for God's servant(name of the chosen one) suitable for any task. Amen".

Prerequisite: With the spoken salt, the bewitched person must salt his food with his own hands (!). Therefore, improvise: undersalt the dish, prepare a personal salt shaker for your husband (chosen one).

For another way to bewitch with food, watch the video:

One-sided love, devoid of reciprocity, dries up the soul and breaks fate. But people do not agree to give up the object of passion. More often women, less often men, cast a love spell on food. This is a magical remedy that affects the feelings of the subject of desire, changing reality for both the customer (performer) and the victim. However, you should understand how a strong love spell works, when it is permissible to use it, and in what cases you should restrain yourself and stick to weak magic. Let's look at everything in order.

What is a love spell on food for a loved one?

Magic allows you to take over the psyche of another person for a while or forever. If the sorcerer's goal is to inspire love, then a love spell is used. This is the name of a special ritual that creates a special world for the victim. Rituals are black and white, contact and distance, they use the forces of nature, the afterlife, things, trees, stones, images and much more. A love spell for food in villages was called feeding or drying out. It differs from other rituals in that it is performed using food or drink. Schematically it looks like this:

  • The sorcerer charges the medium with his intention.
  • The food is given to the victim.
  • When the food enters the body, the program begins to work, enveloping the person with the energy of the sorcerer.
  • The customer waits for the first result and begins to influence the victim using non-magical methods (court).

Getting ready for the ritual

We will discuss how to cast a love spell on food yourself. By the way, if you’re interested, in villages such rituals were considered the norm. Every girl and young woman knew how and what to do. Whispering a few words over bread or drink was a common occurrence for a woman. She and her children depended on the breadwinner, so his interest in the family was supported in all sorts of ways, including light magic. After all, if a man was lured by some visiting beauty, the woman had a hard time. They turned to healers and witches only when a strong love spell was needed.

But that's not what this is about. To carry out the ritual, you need to prepare everything you need in advance (as indicated in the description). There's no point in interrupting the magic. In addition, it is recommended to increase your energy level. This post is quite suitable for this. Reasonable restrictions on food and entertainment lead to the accumulation of forces that will increase the effectiveness of the love spell. The time of divination also matters.

Rules for performing love spells

In order not to make mistakes, you need to know some subtleties. So, a love spell on food, like any other, should be carried out on the waxing moon. This period is favorable. The full moon is also suitable for the ritual. But caution should be exercised at this time, especially for male wizards. The full moon greatly affects the emotional sphere of a person. There may be negative consequences from rituals that affect the psyche. Women's days for love spells are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As a rule, on Sunday it is customary to avoid magic. Sorceresses are allowed to use alcohol in rituals. Experts recommend investing the magic program in those foods that the victim likes. A food that a person enjoys increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. for a love spell - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday.

Light impact

There are rituals whose purpose is to arouse the victim’s interest in the customer. It is recommended to carry them out first. Perhaps black witchcraft will not be required. Consider, for example, a love spell on drinking. You don't need anything special to carry it out. Prepare for the moment of any feast. This means charging with additional energy. Wait until it is appropriate to offer the victim a drink. When pouring it into a glass or mug, cast a spell on the liquid and pass it into the person’s hands. Don't let the magic potion get into the hands of someone else. This is the only drawback of this love spell. It is not personal, therefore, it will affect anyone who drinks the charmed liquid. The words of the spell are as follows: “Water - into the blood, into the soul - love. Amen!" The ritual does not lead to negative consequences; it begins to work as soon as the person drinks the magic potion. The effect of the ritual is limited and completely disappears in about a week to ten days.

Powerful Ritual

Let's consider another kind of feeding that will instill in the victim a passion for the customer. Dough is traditionally used for it. Start, for example, a pie or just bake homemade bread. And as you begin to knead the dough, think about your loved one and read the words of the conspiracy. Naturally, you will have to work with your hands; it is undesirable to use modern mechanisms in magic. The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “As flour and water are kneaded and gathered into a lump, so the love between the Lord of slaves (names) flares up. The pie (bread) melts in your mouth and fills your heart with passion and longing. Sweet food, be mine forever! Amen!" You should treat your loved one to your cooking as early as possible. Just take it out of the oven - bring it to the victim.

How to speak sweetness (male ritual)

Not every knight in love is ready to stand at the table and prepare the dish himself. Don’t bother, you can start talking about the finished product. Buy a sweet that your sweetheart will definitely eat. Love spells on food are a simple matter, just choose the day according to the above recommendations. In the evening, take a photo of your loved one, place a treat on it, light two wax candles and place it on the sides. Create a mental form of your mutual happiness (that is, imagine it). Guide her towards a treat and accompany her with the words of the conspiracy. This is done like this:

  1. Imagine that there is a ball hanging in front of your forehead.
  2. Fill it with pictures of desired events, scenes of mutual happiness.
  3. Concentrate on the pleasure and good emotions the victim receives from communicating with you.
  4. Point the filled ball into the treat.

The words of the conspiracy are as follows: “A sweet share for God’s servant (name), this is my will. I fill her with food, I instill love in her soul. How sweet food is, so be with us always. The love of fate will fall, no one will ever break it. Amen!" In the morning, give your beloved a magical gift.

Love spell on a man forever for food

Black rituals, unfortunately, are in particular demand among home sorceresses. But they are the most dangerous. We'll sort it out first, forever, and then we'll talk about the risks. For the ritual, use any dish or drink. Alcohol is best. It itself clouds the consciousness, therefore, reduces the victim’s resistance. But alcohol also has its disadvantages. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and leaves the body at the same speed. A strong man will release magical energy with alcohol. That’s why experts recommend using a spell on food served with alcohol. You should prepare it yourself. As soon as you start cooking, light six dishes, preferably meat, season well with pepper and salt. At the same time, read these words: “Behind the black mountain there is a wall of darkness. Melancholy sits underneath her, looking sadly into the distance. Chained to the mountain with black shackles. I will satisfy melancholy, I will show her freedom. I’ll send them to my dear friend and force them to be friends. Go, melancholy, to the threshold, I’ll show you the way. Let the dear one suffer, know neither light nor darkness. As soon as he sees me, his grief will leave him. And far away the soul will be drunk, the body will be in captivity, and the soul will be in a dark place. Amen!"

When can you use the black ritual?

This type of exposure is not recommended for young people. If you really need it, then entrust it to a professional. The sorceress will make protection to reduce the risks of negative consequences. Home wizards, as a rule, do not know how to protect themselves and the victim. Ladies who already have children can try to cast a spell on their own. Before and after the ceremony, you cannot visit the temple. Avoid contact with religious symbols for at least a month. Experts strongly recommend not to practice black rituals (those that are forever). Firstly, they change the fate of the victim, tying him to the share of the customer. It will be extremely difficult to change this circumstance and return everything to its place. Secondly, a man loses a number of his advantages, becomes dependent, and therefore less successful.

Consequences of an illegal love spell

The ritual leads either to success, which every sorceress desires, or to grief. The negative consequences are that troubles begin to happen in life, to put it mildly. They come in different forms and, as a rule, affect the most important areas of life. Let's list some of the troubles that it is advisable for those who practice black rituals to prepare for:

  • loss of health for both;
  • childlessness;
  • lack of money;
  • quarrels and scandals, despite affection;
  • development of bad tendencies in the victim (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

How to protect yourself

To prevent a love spell on food from causing harm, a payoff is used. This is a common addition to any black ritual. We charmed you, did what was necessary to achieve the magical goal, please pay. The ransom is carried out in different ways, but it is important to give away something valuable and important. For example, shy girls are advised to buy sweets and treat everyone. At the same time, you are not giving away candy, but your fear of communication. Such a ransom will be accepted, and no troubles will follow. Brave witches need a different ritual. Take a sufficient (not small in your situation) amount and take it to the intersection. Drop it there, saying “Paid,” and go home. Sometimes giving up a habit or a favorite thing is used as a payoff. The main thing is that what you give as payment is valuable to you.

The best, strongest love spell

No matter what sorcerers and witches say, the sincerity of feelings towards a loved one cannot be compared with magic. There is so much magic in them that a person will not be able to resist. Only one condition: no selfishness! This is the most real, invincible magic, the consequences of which are always positive and lead to mutual happiness. Good luck and love!

The power of the word and its influence on any thing has been tested over the years and is not in vain described in Russian folk tales. After all, any legend was not always the pure fantasy of the author. Let's take, for example, Zmey-Gorynych. You might think that this is a terrible hero invented by storytellers, but you can reason that not all dinosaurs have become extinct yet and maybe our distant ancestors really saw them, fought for their people, and then composed legends that were reborn into literary tales. This is how they describe the enchanted apple for the dead princess, and Baba Yaga’s stew with dope grass and a crust of bread...

People learned to spell food long before you and I were born, and this method has been tested for centuries.
When can you read a love spell and why can’t you always use it?

There are many food conspiracies. There are love spells for attracting success, for a good day, for the health of children. But love spells for the love of young husbands are more popular. It is clear that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And, if you read the plot on, then you will not only reach the cherished door faster - you will fly without stopping.
Knowing the conspiracy is half the battle. You need to correctly perform the ritual for love.

It is carried out before food is prepared for a specific person. Moreover, if you are going to act unreasonably or dishonestly, the conspiracy, at best, will not work. In the worst case, everything will be returned to you in full and there will be no happiness in the house.

Common rituals

A love spell on food can be performed through the preparation of almost any dish. After all, any food, one way or another, will end up in the human stomach. But the easiest way to achieve a love spell is through preparing pies, bread or other dishes for which you need to knead the dough. On an odd number, prepare your loved one a formal lunch or dinner. It can be any simple dish. If you are cooking meat, do not put spices in the dish, only salt and onions. Do the same with fish. Several effective and easy food spells will help you rekindle love in your man.

“God bless my bread and clean water, So that my husband (name) will always be by my side. Blood for the liver, salt for food, and your flesh is in me. Amen."

If you are not having a meal alone, it is better to postpone the plot until the moment when it can be prepared only for the man. The rest cannot eat the enchanted food. But, if you don’t have the opportunity to eat together, say bread and give it to your loved one. Make sure he doesn't share it with anyone.

A spell for a piece of bread for an individual

“(Name) servant of God, satisfy yourself with food and be with me. In the name of all saints on earth and in heaven. In the name of the father, son and holy spirit. Amen"

Spell for morning food

Often married couples meet only in the early morning and late evening. Blame it on work. Because of it, feelings cool down and new sensations do not happen. If you have time to speak about love breakfast, your relationship will soon flare up with renewed vigor.

“Hello sunshine, hello delicious food. Just as there is no joy without you, so (name) there will be no joy without me.”

Conspiracies help, frankly, everyone, but to a greater or lesser extent, it depends on your attitude towards the person and the matter addressed to him. If you want good, then the love spell will be kind and effective. And if your thoughts are dark and everything is for the sake of revenge, then the conspiracy will be harmful.

For home baking

You only need to knead the love spell dough clockwise.

At the same time, the following magic words are pronounced:

“Like dough is kneaded,
How the dough turns
This is how love will turn
This is how love will spin.
It may happen that (name of loved one) tastes my pie,
I want to know my love.
My love will be sweet
How sweet this pie is.
I'll be good to him
This pie is so good. Amen".

Treat your loved one to the prepared pie. Moreover, it is important to make sure that he tastes it first. Otherwise, the consequences of a love spell can be unpredictable.

For any food

Another food love spell is more universal. It is suitable for any dish you give to your loved one. Moreover, such a love spell is spoken immediately before the treat.

When bending over food you have prepared yourself, you need to say:

“An evil melancholy lies in the field,
There is great sadness.
I will raise melancholy and sadness,
I will send it to my dear
He will miss me
He will grieve without me.
And when will he connect with me?
Sorrow will change to joy."

A powerful universal ritual

There is a strong universal food ritual. It can be used when you are completely confident in your feelings for your chosen one. You can spell any food with magic words, the main thing is to put all your feelings into them and pronounce them very emotionally.

They sound like this:

“Just as Eve followed Adam through life, so the Servant of God (the name of her beloved) will follow the Servant of God (her own name). It will be that they will go through life together, in joys and in sorrows, they will be side by side, they will always and everywhere share bread and bed. They will not leave each other and will settle under the same roof. Amen".

The effect of the spell is enhanced if it is repeated several times in a row. The ritual is carried out only on the waxing moon; you should know that otherwise the effect will be completely opposite.

Fruit salad of love

A man whom you know well and have strong feelings for him can be forced to declare his love by treating him to a salad prepared according to a special recipe. This dish is called fruit salad of love. It’s not at all difficult to make, the main thing is to prepare the dish during the waxing moon or on the full moon. The optimal day of the week is Friday.

For the salad you should use the following ingredients:

Pine nuts.

All fruits should be cut into medium-sized pieces. In this case, you need to pronounce special magic words. They need to be chanted and very sensually. In this way, you can energetically charge each component and program the dish to fulfill your desires.

You can take the following love spell as a basis:

“Peach and mango will make (the name of your loved one) mine forever!
Apple and banana will fill our love with passion!
Pineapple, cherry and cedar will make him give me his heart!”

After the salad is prepared, it needs to be put into a beautiful dish, which you should take in your hands and imagine a future happy life together with your chosen one. After this, you can treat your chosen one to fruit salad. You can use a love spell on food only if you like a free person. Conducting a ritual with the aim of separating two loving people is strictly prohibited.