DIY high pressure air compressor. Making your own air compressor. Let's start assembling

The compressor is used for independent vehicle maintenance, including painting, inflating tires, supplying air to pneumatic tools, and others. repair work. Making a compressor for painting a car - economically profitable solution, which does not require significant financial investments.

Operating principle

Based on the principle of operation, various types of equipment are distinguished, but it is based on one technology - the air entering due to the operation of the engine is transferred to a container and, accumulating, reaches higher level pressure indicator. As soon as the pressure reaches a critical point, excess air is removed using a bleed valve. Thus, compressors work by maintaining pressure at a certain level.

The most important condition is a constant pressure level in the compressors used to paint the car. However, regardless of the functionality of the tool, this parameter is key, and therefore the manufacturing technology and materials used are selected depending on the required pressure. On the Internet you can find many different videos of assembling any compressor, however, the most popular options are very few.

We assemble quickly and easily

One of the most available options A compressor for painting work is a tool made from a car inner tube onto wheels. It is she who acts as a receiver. You also need to have the following materials and tools:

  1. The nipple of another car camera.
  2. Car pump with pressure gauge.
  3. Consumables for working with rubber.
  4. Set of automotive tools.

The chamber must be intact, since the main function of the receiver is the accumulation of air. Acts as a supercharger in the device car pump. We assemble the compressor carefully following all the necessary steps.

First of all, you need to make a hole in the chamber and glue the nipple to this place. Thus, the “native” nipple will serve to pump air into the chamber, and the new one will serve to supply air to the atomizer. Next, you need to adjust the pressure using a pressure gauge, selecting the optimal indicator during operation.

To simplify the work of making a compressor for painting a car, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. To prevent vibrations during air supply, the chamber must be carefully secured.
  2. You should not fill the chamber with bulk substances as this leads to clogging of the channels, which means the paint mixes with them.

Compressor with receiver

This option is much more complex in design than the previous one. Such a tool is considered semi-professional, which means that in order to assemble a compressor, a larger number of tools and materials are needed. Important elements Such equipment is a do-it-yourself refrigerator compressor. It is worth considering that the compressor of an old refrigerator may lose its seal, which means its functionality is reduced. In such cases, it is necessary to take care of changing the oil. This procedure is performed as follows:

  1. File and break off the tube on the side of the compressor.
  2. Pour oil inside using a syringe.
  3. Seal the tube with a screw with a rubber gasket.

In order to compensate for the abundant evaporation of oil, it is necessary to install an oil and moisture separator filter at the inlet of the receiver, which will prevent foreign liquids from entering the paint.

After this, you need to drill a hole for the adapter and install it using, for example, cold welding. The outlet is equipped with an automobile air filter to prevent dirt and liquids from entering.

Once the preliminary assembly is completed, you can assemble the compressor:

  1. Fasteners are screwed onto the separator filter and installed with one side on a reinforced oil-resistant hose, and the other on the compressor tube.
  2. All connections are clamped with clamps, and the threads are sealed with fum tape.
  3. Screw on a cast iron lid with a rubber gasket backing.
  4. Install the toggle switch, pressure switch, reducer, pressure gauge and connect all the wires.

Upon completion of assembly, the compressor must be adjusted and tested. It is certainly more difficult to make such a tool yourself, but its functionality is much more extensive. For ease of use, furniture wheels can be installed on the compressor.

Most common faults

  1. The receiver does not maintain the set pressure level when the power is turned off. This is possible if there is a leak in the system and it can be detected using a soap solution on the following most vulnerable areas:
  • highway;
  • piston valve;
  • pressure relief valve on the receiver.

If a leak is detected on the line compressed air This problem can be eliminated with simple electrical tape and sealant. If there is a malfunction on the tap, then the valve must be replaced.

  1. The engine does not respond to starting. First of all, you need to make sure that the power source is in good condition and the integrity of the cable, and also evaluate the quality of contact connections and fuses. Incorrect pressure settings on the receiver can also affect the performance of the instrument. To diagnose this malfunction, you need to bleed the air from the reservoir and try to start the engine.
  2. No pumping. The first cause of such damage may be damage to the electrical network. It is also possible that the pressure in the receiver is too high.
  3. Compressor overheating. This situation is possible with increased temperature conditions and when the voltage drops in the network, as well as during prolonged operation of the tool.
  4. The air at the outlet contains water. As a rule, the reasons for this phenomenon are the following:
  • The collected water in the receiver has reached a critical level
  • inlet filter contamination:
  • increased level of room humidity.

Undoubtedly, self-assembly compressor installation is a complex and time-consuming process, but the benefits are undeniable. It is worth noting that maintenance such a tool is much simpler and cheaper. Painting a car with your own hands using such a compressor will also be significantly cheaper than in any auto repair shop. A do-it-yourself painting compressor for a car will last a long time if assembled and used correctly.

A portable air compressor, low noise, consuming relatively little electricity - this is probably the dream of every owner of a private home, cottage, garage, or small business. Well, it’s quite possible to make a mobile compressed air installation yourself, for example, by taking part of the equipment from an old household refrigerator. Each refrigeration unit has a built-in compressor. If you remove this part and add accessories, you will get an air compressor from a refrigerator compressor.

Before deciding to implement an idea, it is advisable to decide exactly: is this idea really worth taking on? Let's look at a few important aspects to the topic in order to help future designers make the right decision:

  1. not intended for use with air.
  2. The compressor performance of domestic refrigerators is low.
  3. To lubricate the mechanism of refrigeration compressors, special oil is required.

The corresponding conclusions follow from this. When working with air, the device will not be able to function for a long time without good cooling.

When a refrigeration compressor operates with freon, the housing is cooled due to other temperature parameters of the refrigerant.

Compression of the air mixture by a refrigeration compressor occurs under completely different temperature conditions, which will lead to an increase operating temperature by an order of magnitude. Ultimately, without good cooling, the compressor will simply burn out.

A burnt-out refrigerator compressor as a result of a violation of technological operating conditions. The same fate awaits the device that is supposed to be used in the project if special protective equipment is not used

The low performance of home refrigeration units is another factor limiting the use of such equipment for producing compressed air.

For example, to pump a 5-liter receiver to a pressure of 5-7 atm, it will take at least 15-20 minutes of operation of the refrigeration unit.

Meanwhile, this volume of air is not enough even to pump up a car tire in one sitting or spray paint one wall of a small garage room.

Poor performance of the refrigerator system is common for such equipment. But for an air compression system, especially with a high flow rate, a high-performance system is required

Finally, another important factor is compressor oil. To lubricate the mechanism of refrigeration compressors, a special freon oil is used, the properties of which change dramatically in contact with air.

If you do not change the oil to another type of lubricant that is structurally friendly to air, after a certain time the compressor mechanism will simply “close up” due to rapid wear of parts.

DIY design

So, if, despite all the noted nuances, the decision is made to assemble from the refrigerator, you can proceed directly to action.

Approximately this design should result from the implementation of the conceived idea. By appearance no complaints. The device looks more than flawless and quite impressive

The first step is to collect all the necessary parts of the project equipment:

  1. Air receiver.
  2. Oil separator.
  3. Differential pressure switch.
  4. Copper tube.
  5. Inlet air filter.
  6. Shut-off control and control valves.

A compressed air cylinder from a KAMAZ vehicle is optimally suited for the air receiver. The five-liter capacity is suitable for a domestic environment overall dimensions and meets the requirements for pressure vessels.

It is best to equip a home compressor made from a refrigerator with one of the cylinders that are used on KAMAZ truck tractors. These vessels comply with Rostekhnadzor standards
An oil separator design option that is recommended for use as part of the installation. For reliable operation systems require high-quality separation of oil from air

A differential pressure switch (for example, from the RT series) is used from among those used in industrial refrigeration units.

Copper tube is available in sufficient quantity in the design of the condenser of a domestic refrigerator. Its diameter matches the outlet pipe of the refrigerator compressor.

The air filter at the compressor inlet can be easily made from any suitable plastic container, placing a regular foam sponge inside. Shut-off control and control valves - valves, check valve, pressure gauges - can be bought in the store.

Air unit assembly

An air receiver (for example, an air cylinder from a KAMAZ vehicle) is mounted on a chassis made of metal corner. Additionally, it is recommended to install a pair of wheels on the chassis for ease of movement, a support “leg” and a handle.

A platform for installing a refrigerator compressor and a bracket for mounting a differential pressure switch are fixed above the upper area of ​​the cylinder. An oil separator is attached to the side of the receiver, through a clamp and an outlet fitting.

DIY oil separator. For fastening, one clamp with a bracket is used on the left side of the separator, and the right side is attached to the fitting of the receiver inlet pipe

An air filter must be installed on the inlet pipe of the refrigerator compressor. An air filter is required to reduce the entry of foreign particles present in the air into the system.

An air filter can be easily made from any plastic container by attaching it through an angle threaded transition to the inlet pipe.

Air filter on the inlet pipe of the unit. It’s easy to make one with your own hands from suitable plastic containers. There is a foam sponge inside the filter housing

The outlet pipe of the compressor is connected through a compensation copper tube-heat exchanger to the inlet fitting of the separator (oil separator). The outlet pipe of the separator is connected to the receiver through an angle adapter.

A tee and (compressed air outlet) are installed at the outlet of the receiver. Through the tee taps, the receiver output is additionally communicated copper tubes with differential relay and pressure gauge. A safety valve is also installed there.

Electrical part and principle of operation

The electrical circuit diagram actually remains untouched, with the exception of minor changes. That is, the compressor from the refrigerator was powered from the AC mains through the starting relay, so this option is left unchanged.

Another question is that the circuit can be slightly modernized. For example, supplement it with a switch mounted on the case assembled installation. Still, this option is more convenient than periodically plugging and unplugging the plug from the socket every time you use the device in action.

This design does not provide a separate power switch. The compressor is connected to the network with a two-wire cord with a plug through the contact group of the pressure switch

Also, the voltage supply circuit to the compressor must be configured taking into account the inclusion of the contact group of the differential pressure switch.

Due to this configuration, the device will turn off immediately after reaching the set air pressure limit. That's all. The air compressor from the refrigerator can be considered done.

Some notes on the project

A fire extinguisher for a receiver for a home compressed air unit must be selected taking into account a three-fold pressure reserve. Powder OT canister is not the best choice

Often as a receiver for homemade projects use fire extinguisher cylinders. Meanwhile, the containers of powder fire extinguishers have a low limit of the maximum permissible operating pressure (8-12 atm.).

In addition, such vessels are subject to mandatory inspection after a certain period of time by the relevant authorities. If you still take a fire extinguisher vessel under the receiver, then vessels from carbon dioxide systems can be considered an acceptable option.

Finally, the most important point. Such designs, in fact, should be registered with Rostechnadzor, since the assembly contains a vessel operating under a pressure of more than 0.07 MPa (operating pressure of the installation is 10 atm.).

Owners of unregistered homemade air compressors may well be held accountable (administrative and even criminal), as soon as something extraordinary happens during the operation of the equipment that threatens the life and health of people.

So you should think a thousand times before trying to assemble an air compressor from a refrigerator compressor with your own hands.

Practice assembling a compressed air installation


Almost all car enthusiasts who make something in their garage every day understand perfectly well that with the tools and components in their hands, you can always create something necessary.

In the same way, you can create an entire compressor for painting a car from an ordinary compressor for a Soviet-style refrigerator.

But how to do this technically, and in what order?

Therefore, due to frequently asked questions from novice self-taught craftsmen, in this article you will learn how to make such a compressor on your own and using hand-made materials.

Which compressor to choose (factory or homemade)

The main criterion that should be followed when choosing a painting station is uniform air distribution, without foreign particles.

If such impurities are found, the coating will be minor defects– graininess, shagreen, cavities. At the same time, these particles can cause drips and stains, so it is best to entrust the painting to a branded air compressor, but there is only one catch - such a device is too expensive, which many car enthusiasts cannot afford.

You can save money and at the same time create a functional model by creating functional equipment, which is described in many videos and articles.

You just have to spend your precious time studying the material, and then creating equipment that should at least be of high quality.

The model presented by the factory or home-made does not matter, because the principle of its operation is the same and it consists in creating excessive pressure. But the method of pumping air is completely different - it can be produced manually or mechanically.

In the second case, this is a significantly higher cost of funds, manual method economical, but labor-intensive, requiring constant monitoring.

Automatic inflation does not consume your energy, but the product requires periodic maintenance, which is only worth the process of changing the oil for the compressor.

This is the only way to achieve uniform air supply and distribution. Having studied the theory, you will realize how easy it is to make a compressor station that will work efficiently, and it will not take much time.

We assemble a compressor unit from improvised means -

If you decide to create equipment for painting your own car, then you should stock up certain materials for this:

  1. The reverse function requires a car camera;
  2. For the supercharger function you will need a pump with a pressure gauge;
  3. Chambered nipple;
  4. Repair kit and awl.

When all the components are prepared, you can begin to create a compressor station. To check how sealed the chamber is, you will need to pump it up.

If the problem still exists, then it can be solved in two ways - by gluing or vulcanization with raw rubber. A hole must be made in the resulting reverse to supply compressed air so that it comes out evenly.

A special nipple is placed in the hole for this purpose. The repair kit will serve for additional fastening of the fitting. To check the uniformity of air supply, simply unscrew the nipple. The original nipple allows you to get rid of excess pressure.

The pressure level is determined during operation, when paint is sprayed. If the enamel is applied evenly to the metal, then the installation is functioning. At the end of the procedure, it is worth determining the pressure indicators; to do this, just spray paint on the body of your car.

If the enamel lays down without tubercles, it means that the device is functioning efficiently. In addition, pressure readings can be monitored using special device- pressure gauge. But, its indicator after pressing the aerator should not be chaotic.

As you can see, you don’t need any special tools or knowledge to create such a compressor. At the same time, repairing and painting a car in this way is more effective than using a spray can.

Remember that neither dust nor water should get into the inner tube. Otherwise, you will have to re-paint the car.

If this installation is used correctly and with the use of all knowledge, then it will last a long time, and if you also automate the air pumping, then the process itself will go quickly.

Alternative to a professional device (refrigerator compressor)

Homemade compressor devices last much longer than the presented time, even in comparison with domestic and foreign-made installations.

This is quite natural, because by creating it with our own hands, we do everything for ourselves. top level. Therefore, people even thought about how to create a compressor from a refrigerator that would be on par with the installations of popular companies.

But to create it you should stock up on such components as a pressure gauge, relay, rubber adapters, oil and moisture separator, fuel filters, gearbox, motor, switch, hose, clamps, brass tubes, but also small things - nuts, paint, wheels from furniture.

Creation of the mechanism itself

The whole procedure can be simplified by purchasing a compressor from an old Soviet-era refrigerator. This will not cost too much in terms of budget, and there is already a compressor start relay.

Foreign competitors are inferior to this model, because they are not able to develop such high pressure. But the Soviets cope with this task.

After removing the executive unit, it is advisable to clean the compressor from layers of rust. To avoid the oxidation process in the future, it is worth using a rust converter.

It turns out that the working motor housing is ready for the painting process.

Installation diagram

The preparatory process is complete, now you can change the oil. Since the refrigerator is old and it is unlikely that it has undergone constant maintenance, it is worth updating this point.

Since the system was always far from external influence, then justifiably no maintenance work was carried out there. To carry out this procedure, you do not need expensive oil; semi-synthetic oil is sufficient.

At the same time, it is no worse in terms of the presented characteristics of any compressor oil and has many additives that are used to advantage.

When examining the compressor, you will find 3 tubes, one of them is already sealed, but the rest are free. Open ones are used for air input and output. To understand how the air will circulate, it is worth connecting the power to the compressor.

Make a note of which hole sucks air in and which one lets it out. But the sealed tube needs to be opened, it will serve as a hole for changing the oil.

A needle file is necessary to cut the tube, but be sure to ensure that the chips do not get inside the compressor. To determine how much oil is already there, pour it into a container. With subsequent replacement, you will already know how much it will have to be poured.

Then we take the spitz and fill it with semi-synthetic, but this time expect that the volume should be twice as much as what was already drained. When the container is filled with oil, it is worth turning off the engine lubrication system; for this, a screw is used, which is pre-formed with fum tape and simply placed in the tube.

Do not be alarmed if drops of oil appear periodically from the air outlet tube. This situation is not too difficult to resolve; find an oil/water separator for homemade installation.

The preliminary work has been completed, only now you can begin the actual assembly of the installation. And they start with strengthening the engine, it is best to choose wooden base for this purpose and in such a position that it is on the frame.

It is worth noting that this part is very sensitive to position, so follow the instructions on the top cover where the arrow is drawn. In this matter, accuracy is important, because the correctness of changing modes directly depends on the correct installation.

Where is the compressed air located?

A cylinder capable of withstanding high pressure is a fire extinguisher container. At the same time, they have high strength indicators and can be used as attachments.

If we take the OU-10 fire extinguisher, which holds 10 liters, as a basis, then we should count on a pressure of 15 MPa. We unscrew the locking and starting device, instead of which we install an adapter. If you find traces of rust, then these places should be treated with a rust converter.

It is not difficult to remove it externally, but cleaning it internally is more difficult. But the easiest way is to pour the converter itself inside the cylinder and shake it thoroughly so that all the walls are saturated with it.

When the cleaning is done, the plumbing cross is screwed in and we can assume that we have already prepared two working parts homemade design compressor.

Carrying out installation of parts

It was previously stated that for fixing the engine and the fire extinguisher body, it is suitable wooden board, it’s also even easier to store working parts.

In terms of mounting the engine, threaded rods and washers will serve, just think about making holes in advance. To fix the receiver vertically you will need plywood.

A recess is made in it for the cylinder, the second and third are fixed to the main board using self-tapping screws and hold the receiver. To give the structure maneuverability, you should screw the wheels from the furniture to the base.

To prevent dust from getting into the system, you should consider protecting it - a great option can be considered the use of a gasoline filter for coarse fuel purification. With its help, the air intake function will be easily performed.

Since the pressure at the inlet of the compressor equipment is low, there is no need to increase it.

Having created an inlet filter for installation work with the compressor, do not forget to install an oil-water separator at the end to avoid the ingress of water droplets in the future. Since the outlet pressure is high, automotive clamps will be needed.

The oil-moisture separating filter is connected to the gearbox inlet and the pressure outlet of the supercharger. To check the balloon pressure, you should screw in the pressure gauge itself on the right side, where the outlet is located on the opposite side.

To control the pressure and 220V power supply, a relay is installed for adjustment. Many craftsmen recommend using PM5 (RDM5) as an actuator.

This device reacts to operation: if the pressure drops, the compressor turns on, but if it rises, the device is completely deflated.

To set the proper pressure, springs are used on the relay. The large spring is responsible for the minimum indicator, but the small one is responsible for the maximum, thereby setting the framework for the operation and shutdown of the homemade compressor installation.

In fact, PM5 are ordinary two-pin switches. One contact will be needed to connect to the zero of the 220 V network, and the second to connect to the supercharger.

You need a toggle switch to disconnect it from the network and save yourself from constantly running around in the direction of the outlet. All connected wires should be insulated for safety reasons. When this work has been completed, you can paint the installation and check it.

Pressure adjustment

Once the structure is assembled, it is quite natural to check it. We connect the last components - a spray gun or an air gun and connect the installation to the network.

We check the operation of the relay, how well it can cope with turning off the engine, and monitor the pressure using a pressure gauge. If everything works properly, we move on to checking the tightness.

The easiest way to do this is to use soap solution. When the tightness is checked, bleed the air from the chamber. The compressor starts when the pressure drops below the minimum limit. Only after checking all the systems and bringing them into working condition can you begin the procedure for painting the parts.

To paint, you only need to determine the pressure and do not overload yourself pre-treatment metal In order to paint with a uniform layer, it is necessary to experiment and determine atmospheric indicators.

It is important to use the supercharger as little as possible. Every car enthusiast will understand the components and begin making a car compressor.

You can choose different options production, but the application of the navigator launcher, automatic control pressure is more complex design, but using it is pure pleasure.

In this case, you will not have to devote time to monitoring the receiver, which will reveal more possibilities, and you can start painting a car, a fence or even a gate.

Regulatory work is mandatory procedure in order to extend the operation of your homemade compressor.

To change the oil - drain or refill it, you can use a regular syringe. Filters are replaced only when necessary, when the rate of filling the tank chamber is reduced.

Compressor connecting components

When it is decided which compressor to choose and reverse, it is worth addressing the issue of combining them. At this point it is worth determining how the air will flow to the airbrush. The unit that is mounted to the receiver is responsible for air distribution.

The main thing is that these components are compatible with each other. The pressure switch is responsible for turning the compressor off and on. Although RDM-5 is used for water supply systems, it is ideal option for our case - for a relay.

The bottom line is that the connection element fits onto an external inch thread. To find out what pressure is in the receiver, you need to use a pressure gauge and first think about the size that is suitable for the connection. We supply pressure to the air preparation unit and regulate it within 10 atmospheres; at this stage it is necessary to attach the oil separator filter.

The pressure gauge allows you to check the pressure, and the filter allows you to prevent oil particles from entering the receiver. Turns, tees and even fittings are the next components that will have to be prepared for installation. To understand the exact number, you need to think through the diagram; select an inch as the size.

After solving the issue with adapters, it is important to think about the moment of installation of the structure; most often chipboard slabs are used for this. The design of your station should be maneuverable, because you will have to move it around the workshop. To make your work easier, you should attach roller legs to it.

You won’t have to invent for a long time here, just visit a furniture store, where there are a lot of such furniture wheels. To save space in your workshop, you can build a two-story structure. But here it’s better to stock up on large bolts to secure the structure. To simplify preparation for this stage, make a list of required components.

Assembling a semi-professional air blower

Assembly begins with removing the fire extinguisher screw and installing the adapter device. After removing the fire extinguisher valve, install the adapter there.

Four components are immediately installed on a durable hose - a reducer, a pressure switch and an adapter.

The next step will be to fix the wheels for installation on a sheet of chipboard. Since the structure is planned on two levels, it is necessary to make holes for the studs where the fire extinguisher will be placed.

The hydraulic accumulator is easier to assemble, because there are brackets on both sides. Bottom part fixed to the base, and for installation homemade equipment serves as the top one.

To reduce vibration when installing the compressor, silicone gaskets are used. The hose connects the air preparation outlet and inlet.

The next stage will be the connection work. Jumper, protective elements - all this needs to be thought through.

The entire connection chain is carried out through the relay and the switch, assuming that the entire connection follows the diagram: the phase wire goes to the switch, the next connection is the relay terminal. To ground the relay, a special wire is connected.

What is better: buy or make a compressor yourself?

There is a wide range of compressor equipment on the market. Piston components, vibration units, screw stations - all these are components that are used in other areas.

If you wish, you don’t have to waste your time creating the installation; it is presented at any point of sale of auto parts or on specialized websites.

Such a wide range makes it difficult to choose required product. But if you decide to purchase a station, in this matter you should be guided by technical indicators, cost and reviews of those who have already assessed it.

If you're chasing warranty periods, then you should pay attention to models of popular brands. Expensive products are worth purchasing if you are engaged in repair work at a professional level.

Products that do not have a name and status can let you down, so it is better to spend money once and not take any more risks in this matter. Many manufacturers budget options save on components.

Eventually you will encounter frequent breakdowns and replacement of parts, warranty repairs will take a lot of time. Therefore, many car enthusiasts are well aware that a do-it-yourself installation is sometimes more reliable than a factory one.

Such products with technical indicators win. For example, the components homemade device for painting a car it lasts much longer - compressors from refrigerators can last for decades, a fire extinguisher also has a colossal safety margin.

You can always improve the performance of your compressor yourself, everything is in your hands, but you can’t experiment like that with a factory device.

Your garage neighbors will probably get one when they see a well-made and well-thought-out device.

Air compressor is necessary for every car owner, since using the services of car services for any problem is very expensive. For the urban car enthusiast living in multi-storey building, a fairly compact, portable electric pump for inflating tires. If there is own garage, a compressor device is already a mandatory measure. The device is useful for connecting pneumatic tools, for repairing and painting cars. It is quite possible to make a compressor yourself, which will help save up to 50% of the cost of a production installation.

Operating principle

A homemade compressor works according to a simple scheme:

  • An electrically powered or manual pump can be connected.
  • Air under pressure enters a sealed container (a receiver or cylinder is used).
  • The design includes an outlet valve that directs air through hoses to the spray gun, impact wrench, adapter for inflating tires, etc.

A pressure gauge is used as auxiliary elements to control pressure and automatic system to release excess air. To prevent rapid wear of the device and ensure high-quality work results, filters are connected to the output line to protect against the penetration of oil and moisture.

An air compressor is essential for every car owner.

Compressor from a fire extinguisher with a motor from a refrigerator

To create a homemade compressor, an OU-10 fire extinguisher or an equivalent is suitable.

The procedure is performed in stages, below are detailed instructions:

  • Clean the inside and outside of the cylinder from any remaining foam solution, dirt, rust and other contaminants.
  • Insert the adapter into the thread; installation must be done hermetically.
  • Fix a quad to the adapter, internal thread, size ¾ inch.
  • In the engine from the cooling installation, you should find the tip of the oil fill tube. Cut off the end with side cutters and replace the oil.
  • Pour the previous lubricant into a container with measuring marks to determine the amount of oil.
  • Using a syringe, introduce new oil into the electric motor, adding 10–12% when calculating the amount.
  • Plug the oil filler pipe again, you can compress the ends or insert a bolt wrapped with fum tape.
  • Find a starting relay in the motor, which, together with the cylinder, should be installed in the frame of the future unit. It is better to use bolts as fasteners, but zip ties will also work.
  • Install a gasoline-type filter on the air intake pipe to clean the air received. Installing the filter involves installing a rubber adapter.
  • Attach a fuel filter from a diesel engine with a device for separating moisture to the outlet line from the supercharger with clamps. Without a filter element, drops of water and oil will get into the paint.
  • Connect a reducer to the line to maintain pressure inside the cylinder.
  • Behind the gearbox, the hose is attached to the quad.

Compressor from a fire extinguisher with a motor from a refrigerator

  • The remaining inputs of the quad are equipped with a pressure gauge and a relay to control the pressure level.
  • To adjust the minimum and maximum pressure, a spring-type control relay is installed on the cylinder. Connect it with one wire to the engine, and the other side to the negative wire of the network. The positive wire is connected to the start button. For a high-quality connection, soldering and high-quality insulation are used.

Compressor from a gas cylinder with a supercharger from a truck

An alternative way to make a compressor with your own hands is to use gas cylinder by 50, asynchronous motor and a compressor from the braking system in ZIL-130. All elements are installed on the frame, but you can do without it and make load-bearing element from a cylinder to which a pump, filter, electric motor, and equipment for operating control are attached.

You can make the simplest compressor unit with your own hands using a step-by-step guide:

  • Weld the fitting into the line to introduce air from pumping unit to the receiver.
  • Attach the adapter for the output line from the receiver to the pneumatic tool.
  • Weld the fitting for mounting the pressure gauge.
  • Attach an adapter to connect the relief valve; it can be replaced with a relay. When the pressure rises to critical levels, the pressure will be released.
  • At the bottom of the cylinder, install a ball valve to drain condensate.
  • The pump and motor are fastened together using a drive belt, which is installed on the shaft pulleys.

Compressor from a gas cylinder with a supercharger from a truck

  • Create electrical system settings: button to turn on, off, connect 2 capacitors with a capacity of 30 μF and a starting element of 60 μF, a temporary relay and a magnetic starter.
  • Install a device to filter the air flow to the supply line.

The manufacture of a powerful automobile compressor for painting can be done according to various schemes. The main advantage of these methods is the availability of materials.

Making a 220 V electric air compressor with your own hands

Making a compressor with your own hands is easier than it seems at first glance. Let's look at the basic principles of how to make a compressor step by step.

Required materials

Properly preparing materials is half the job of assembling a compressor unit successfully completed. To create a classic device operating from a 220 V network you will need:

  • pressure gauge;
  • pressure control relay;
  • gearbox with built-in oil and moisture protection filter;
  • gasoline engine cleaning filter;
  • crosspiece for water with internal thread;
  • thread adapters;
  • clamps or ties;

Manufacturing of air electric compressor with your own hands

  • engine;
  • receiver;
  • motor oil;
  • switch for working with voltage 220 V;
  • brass tubes;
  • hose made of oil-resistant material;
  • board;
  • medical syringe;
  • corrosion inhibitor;
  • washers, nuts and studs;
  • means for creating hermetic connections;
  • auto enamel;
  • file;
  • small wheels from toy cars or furniture;
  • motor filter from a diesel engine.

Assembling the engine

First, let's prepare the motor. Its role is to pump up air pressure. In order not to buy a special motor, you can use a motor from an old refrigerator.

Motor from an old refrigerator for making a compressor

The power unit contains a relay; it is useful for maintaining the selected pressure value in the system. Professionals note that Soviet refrigerators were equipped with more efficient motors; they are suitable for creating a compressor with greater power compared to imported products.

First of all, remove the motor from the refrigerator. To make it usable, the case will have to be cleaned. It is important to apply detergent which will prevent oxidation and corrosion. After cleaning the surface, the motor is suitable for painting.

Assembling a homemade compressor:

  • The motor contains 3 tubes: 1 sealed and 2 open for air circulation. Determination of the output and input channel is required: the easiest way to find out about the role of the tubes is to turn on the motor.
  • After external treatment, the oil must be changed. In the best possible way A semi-synthetic product is suitable, which in terms of characteristics is not inferior to the motor one and contains various useful components. To replace it, a plugged tube is used, the end of which is cut off with a file. It is important to prevent sawdust from entering the system, therefore, after making a cut, you need to break the tube and introduce new oil with a syringe.
  • It is important to properly close the oil filling channel to prevent leakage. A screw with the appropriate cross-section is selected and fum tape is applied to it. A sealant will come in handy during this process. The bolt is screwed tightly into the pipe.
  • The motor and relay are mounted on a thick base board. The sensitivity of the relay requires maintaining the angle of the motor that was present in the refrigerator. Additionally, the engine is marked with the recommended position of the housing for stable and proper operation.

Compressed air reservoir

The air tank is an integral component of the compressor, without which the installation will not work. When choosing a tank, it is important to consider the amount of pressure that the cylinder can withstand (indicated on the body). Alternative option will use a receiver, old containers from a 10-liter fire extinguisher, since these containers are sealed and quite reliable.

The air tank is an integral component of the compressor, without which the installation will not work.

The start valve is replaced with a threaded adapter, which is screwed onto the receiver. Creating a tight connection will ensure the use of fum tape.

If there are pockets of corrosion on the receiver, first clean it with sandpaper or grinder. To remove rust from the inside, pour a special product into the container and mix thoroughly. Next, install a cross adapter of the plumbing type; it is mounted using sealant.

Assembling the device

Final assembly is carried out in stages:

  • The prepared receiver and motor are attached to a thick board. For fixation to the base, washers, nuts and studs are used. The location of the tank is strictly vertical. A reliable connection will be ensured by 3 sheets of plywood, on one of which a hole is cut for inserting a container. The remaining sheets are attached to the wood and plywood receiver retainer. From the floor side, furniture wheels are welded to the bottom for ease of movement.
  • A rubber hose is placed on the air capture tube, to which a cleaning filter from a gasoline engine is attached. Separate clamps for attaching the filter are not required, because the inlet pressure is low.
  • To prevent oil and water particles from entering the working composition, an oil and moisture separating filter from a diesel engine is installed on the outlet tube. Due to the relatively high pressure in the wire, it is recommended to use auxiliary fasteners; screw clamps are suitable.
  • A cleaning filter is installed at the inlet of the gearbox; it is required to create a decoupling and direct air movement. The connection is made with a plumbing cross on both sides. A pressure switch or pressure gauge is installed on the opposite side to monitor and regulate the pressure level in the receiver. An adjustment relay is installed on top of the cross. All elements are mounted hermetically.

Materials for assembling a homemade compressor

  • By means of regulating pressure, intermittent operation of the homemade structure is ensured. To adjust the relay, they act on 2 springs: one to set the maximum pressure, and the second to set the minimum.
  • The electrical circuit contact is connected to the supercharger, and the second is connected to the minus phase. The second wire is connected to the supercharger via a toggle switch and to the mains phase. The toggle switch acts as a start button to activate and deactivate the device without removing the plug. All contacts are connected by soldering and then insulated.
  • Painting of metal structures.

After creating the compressor, all that remains is to check its performance.

Testing and setting up a homemade

Having made a powerful compressor with your own hands, you should connect the spray gun to it.

Verification algorithm:

  • Set the toggle switch to the inactive position, connect the plug to the electrical circuit.
  • Initially set the relay to a low value and start the installation. Monitor work using pressure gauge readings. Now the user should make sure that the relay is working properly; it should open the circuit when the indicators are exceeded.
  • To check for leaks, use a soap solution to wet all connections.
  • Now the spray gun is turned on to release the air from the container. If the system is working properly, after the pressure drops the device should turn on.

If the device has passed all stages of testing, it is recommended to test the device in action by trying to paint a body element. The greatest attention is paid to the quality of the layer and composition, as well as stability of operation.

Testing and setting up homemade compressor for car painting

  • The tank must be cleaned inside and out, otherwise progressive corrosion will create a hole. Sandblasting unit is one of the most effective and simple ways cleaning. created with relative ease.
  • Before work begins, the body elements are straightened. You can go the standard route and use a hammer, hoods, spotter, and then paint the body, but the one developed helps eliminate damage without painting.
  • Be sure to paint with a spray gun after applying the primer. extremely effective, but has features of operation and compatibility with other materials.
  • Before painting, all adjacent elements are either dismantled or covered, especially glass. If paint gets on glass, there is a risk of damage to the material during the removal process. A car glass repair kit will help restore glass from most damage. Car roof rails are difficult to dismantle; it is better to cover them with film and wrap them with tape.


When manufacturing an electric compressor manually, it is possible to save a considerable amount. Additionally, the design can be retrofitted to create a device suitable for specific purposes. The finished installation is often used for painting, connecting sandblaster, blowing the body after washing and inflating the wheels.

An air compressor operating on 220 V is needed in a home or garage for various purposes: it is easy to inflate tires, make repairs by driving pneumatic tools, blow off dust and shavings from treated surfaces, and use it as a spray gun. In specialized retail outlets there is a wide range of pneumatic compressors, and such a unit costs quite a lot big money. But if you wish and have certain skills, you can make a compressor at home with your own hands.

Any compressor, or with your own hands, works on a simple principle - the motor forces air into the container, where it is under the required pressure, which is controlled by a pressure gauge. When the pressure drops to the lower limit, the engine begins to operate, and when the set value is reached, it turns off. Depending on the purpose that the compressor will serve, you can make either a simple or a semi-professional device.

The unit is mounted on a base or frame, for which you can use any available material, for example a sheet of chipboard or plywood the right size, where all parts are placed in such a way that they are provided with easy access in case of maintenance, or if necessary, make repairs. Old KamAZ brake tanks, which already have threads for fittings and a condensate drain valve, or an empty fire extinguisher cylinder, are perfect for the role of a receiver.

Sometimes several containers are used, and then the necessary bushings and tubes are welded into them to connect the rest of the system. The design must include a moisture separator and an air filter, which are sold ready-made. Metal or oxygen hoses used for gas welding are used as connecting tubes. From automatic equipment, a starting and pressure switch are purchased separately.

What will you need?

The main part of a hand-made product is a motor-compressor.

It can be purchased separately, but such devices are not powerful or reliable, and are also quite expensive. For this purpose, it is suitable, which is devoid of such shortcomings, and repairs to such a unit during normal operation are extremely rarely needed. Also you will need the following materials.