Calendar for March. Calendar for March Sowing calendar for a greenhouse in March

Do you want to receive good harvest, March has come, then choose the right landing days. This is the month when you can sow seeds of carrots, radishes, cabbage, lettuce, and dill.

If peppers, eggplants, and tomatoes have sprung up, you can start feeding them as soon as the cotyledon leaves unfurl. Combine fertilizing with watering, i.e. weak fertilizer solution.

Tomatoes can be treated with phytosporin to increase resistance to late blight, or water the seedlings with a copper solution once every 3 weeks. Picking tomatoes can be done when they already have 3 true leaves.

At the end of March, you can sow aster seeds, sprinkling them with 2 centimeters of soil. Also prune trees and shrubs. Prepare drainage grooves to drain excess water when snow melts. Spray the trees in the garden against pests that winter on them.

Favorable landing days in March 2020

March 1 - Waxing moon in the sign of Aries. You can work in the garden. Fertilize and weed plants growing in the greenhouse and on the windowsill.

March 2 - Waxing moon in the sign of Taurus. Thin out the seedlings vegetable crops, grown in a greenhouse. Don't overwork yourself on this day. You can replant indoor flowers.

March 3 - Rast. l. in the sign of Taurus. Good planting days are coming in March 2020. Time to sow tomato seeds for seedlings early varieties, as well as cabbage, eggplant and peppers. It is recommended to put root crops for forcing - parsley, celery, onions. It is good to weed the beds and cultivate the soil in the greenhouse, and, if necessary, replant and fertilize.

March 5 - Rast. l. in zn. Twins. A favorable day for preparing infusions, decoctions, tinctures. It is good to fertilize the plants in the greenhouse and on the windowsill.

March 6 - Rast. l. in zn. Twins. good time for garden work. If the weather is good, start cleaning the tree trunks - remove the old bark, clean the cracks, coat them with garden varnish. Whiten the trunks, remove pests.

March 7 - Rast. l. in zn. Cancer. You can feed the plants and replant those that need it. Good period for pest control, weeding and tillage. You can work in the garden.

March 8 - Rast. l. in zn. Cancer. Today is a good time to start cultivating the beds and plants - picking vegetable crops, removing weak and diseased plants.

March 9 - Rast. l. in zn. Lion. Start cultivating the soil in the greenhouse - weeding, replanting, pinching, spraying. At the required temperature, tree trunks can be whitened.

March 10 - Rast. l. in zn. Lion. If the seeds do not germinate, replant them. Unfavorable day for planting and sowing.

March 11 - Rast. l. in zn. Virgo. Unfavorable time for working with plants. It is also not worth watering.

March 12 - Full moon in the sign of Virgo. You should not engage in planting, sowing, replanting, or picking. Take care of your health. This day lunar cycle not good for health.

March 13 - The waning moon is in the sign of Libra. If this is necessary, then you can start cultivating the soil in the greenhouse - thinning, weeding, pinching, spraying.

March 14 - Desc. l. in zn. Scales. Continue fertilizing and fertilizing the plants in the greenhouse. Sow pepper seeds late varieties, cauliflower, broccoli for growing in a greenhouse. A good period for setting up root crops for forcing - celery, parsley, onions. You can weed the beds and cultivate the soil in the greenhouse

March 15 - Desc. l. in zn. Scales. If necessary, you can cultivate the soil in the greenhouse - thinning, weeding, pinching, spraying.

March 16 - Desc. l. in zn. Scorpion. You can continue to cultivate the land and replant plants. A favorable time to feed indoor flowers.

March 17 - Desc. l. in zn. Scorpion. March is a good planting day to sow lettuce, spinach, dill and parsley. Engage in thinning - remove weak and diseased plants.

March 18 - Desc. l. in zn. Sagittarius. Don't work with plants today. The day is not favorable. Take care of your health, the day is favorable for cleansing the body.

March 19 - Desc. l. in zn. Scorpion. Today is a good time to sow seeds of late varieties of peppers, broccoli and cauliflower for growing in a greenhouse. Weed the beds and cultivate the soil in the greenhouse. If necessary, feed the plants and, if required, replant.

March 20 - Desc. l. in zn. Scorpion. Today's day of the lunar cycle is favorable for any endeavors. A favorable day to prepare planting material. It is good to sow radishes and install root plants for forcing. Today you can plant bulbous flowers - tulips and daffodils in pots. The right time to fertilize the greenhouse is today. root system most active. Good moderate watering of indoor flowers, herbs and medicinal plants.

March 21 - Desc. l. in zn. Capricorn. A favorable day for completing things and unfavorable for any endeavors. Finish the things you started yesterday.

March 22 - Desc. l. in zn. Capricorn. If the weather is good, you can start pruning fruit trees and shrubs; pruning ornamental shrubs- lilac, hawthorn, honeysuckle. Remove pest-affected buds berry bushes.

March 23 - Desc. l. in zn. Aquarius. Not a suitable period for sowing and planting. If necessary, start cultivating the soil in the greenhouse - weeding, thinning, spraying, pinching.

March 24 - Desc. l. in zn. Aquarius. Today is also an unfavorable day for planting and sowing. This day of the lunar cycle is one of the most dangerous for health. Take care of yourself and rest.

March 25 - Desc. l. in zn. Aquarius. If the weather is good, you can work in the garden (pruning fruit trees and shrubs). Inspect the trees - treat cracks in the bark, remove clutches of pest eggs, remove affected buds on berry bushes. You can start pruning ornamental shrubs.

March 26 - Desc. l. in zn. Fish. A good day to apply fertilizer. You can water indoor flowers, herbs and medicinal plants moderately.

March 27 - Desc. l. in zn. Fish. Not a good day to work with plants. Do not engage in picking, sowing or planting.

March 28 - New moon in the sign of Aries. The new moon is considered an unfavorable day for plants. Don't plant anything. Take care of your health.

March 29 - Waxing moon in sign. Aries. Don't work with plants today. The second lunar day is good for cleansing the body.

March 30 - Rast. l. in zn. Taurus. If the weather is good, plant garlic in the afternoon, onions, leeks, shallots, radishes, parsnips, radishes. You can sow carrot seeds.

March 31 - Rast. l. in zn. Taurus. Continue what you started yesterday. You can work in the garden. Fertilize plants growing in the greenhouse. Till the land, do weeding.

The time for the florist's lunar calendar is Moscow.
The beginning lunar days is the time of moonrise.

Attention: During the winter months, most indoor plants experience a period of dormancy or a significant slowdown in growth. Minimal care is watering, pest control and re-handling if necessary: ​​if the plant was flooded, pests appeared. Loosening the soil and sanitary pruning are also carried out as necessary: ​​if the soil in the pot does not dry out for a long time, the branches have dried out from a draft, etc. Other care methods: fertilizing, grafting, formative and rejuvenating pruning, replanting, dividing, etc. It’s worth postponing until the end of March until truly bright days arrive. The exception is plants that are illuminated with lamps and that continue to grow, bloom or bear fruit.

Date Lunar day Moon in a sign Moonrise Moonset Moon phase Moon without course Recommended Not recommended
March 1 4th Aries 1st quarter, waxing moon

Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Grafting and cuttings.

Drastic pruning crowns

Planting and replanting plants.

March 2 5th Taurus from 10:18 1st quarter, waxing moon

from 5:18 to 10:42

Until 10:42 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

After 10:42

Drastic crown pruning.

March 3 6th Taurus 1st quarter, waxing moon from 18:20

Soaking, sowing and planting indoor plants, garden flowers, vegetables, fruit and berry trees and shrubs.
A good time to sow cacti and succulents.
Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can replant (with caution), transfer plants and graft.

From 18:20 the Moon is off course, do not work with plants.

Drastic crown pruning.

Weeding. Pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and shoots.

March 4 7th Gemini from 12:27 1st quarter, waxing moon until 13:05

Until 13:05 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

March 5 8th Twins 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Planting, transplanting and forming only climbing, hanging, climbing plants. Including wild strawberries, strawberries, honeysuckle.
Sowing seeds of garden and indoor crops. Weeding, soil loosening, land preparation.

Treatment against diseases and pests.
Preparations and home canning.
Stepsynching, air layering.

It is possible to dig up bulbous plants for storage.

Transplanting and pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and suckers.

Watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

March 6 9th Cancer from 15:02 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 11:22 to 15:54

from 11:22 to 15:54 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 15:54

March 7 10th Cancer 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Soaking, sowing and planting vegetables that bear fruit in the above-ground part (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), as well as fruit trees and shrubs.
Watering and mineral fertilizing.

Sowing and planting non-frost-resistant plants.
Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greens.

March 8 11th Leo from 18:57 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 17:59 to 19:45

Soaking, sowing and planting vegetables that bear fruit in the above-ground part (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), as well as fruit trees and shrubs.
Watering and mineral fertilizing.

from 17:59 to 19:45 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

Sowing and planting non-frost-resistant plants.
Planting and sowing climbing and ampelous plants, as well as tall plants, as well as delicate herbaceous plants and greens.
March 9 12th Lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon

Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.

March 10 13th Lion 2nd quarter, waxing moon from 20:05

Planting cacti, succulents and any drought-tolerant plants.

Loosening, weeding, mulching, hilling.
It is possible to transplant plants with strong roots (ficus, non-fruit trees and shrubs).

From 20:05 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

Undesirable: watering, spraying, fertilizing.
Sowing seeds and transplanting herbaceous and fruit-bearing plants.
March 11 14th Virgo from 01:05 2nd quarter, waxing moon until 1:07

Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can plant only the most unpretentious ones, like tradescantia or coleus.

No serious work with plants or planting.
March 12 15th Virgo Full Moon 17:53
March 13 16th Libra from 08:42 3rd quarter waning moon from 5:36 to 8:28

Until 8:28 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

After 08:42

Soaking and sowing seeds.

March 14 17th Scales 3rd quarter waning moon

Feeding plants with organic or humic fertilizers and watering.

Loosening, weeding, mulching.

Planting and sowing of tuberous plants and caudex (adenium, jatropha, etc.) and flowering plants.
Rooting of cuttings, pruning (rejuvenating, shaping, sanitary).

Vaccinations, spraying, pinching.
It is better not to soak the seeds.

March 15 18th Scorpio from 17:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 13:05 to 18:11

Until 13:05 see calendar for 14th Mary

From 13:05 to 18:11 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 18:11

March 16 19th Scorpion 3rd quarter waning moon

Soaking seeds.
Sowing, planting perennial crops, as well as cacti and all plants with thorns, hanging plants. It is possible to plant greenery.

March 17 20th Scorpion 23:59 3rd quarter waning moon

Soaking seeds.
Sowing - planting perennial crops, as well as cacti and all plants with thorns, hanging plants. It is possible to plant greenery.

Pruning and pinching to control crown growth.
It is possible to loosen and weed (carefully), if necessary, transfer indoor flowers, prepare the soil and lay compost.

Watering, fertilizing organic fertilizers.
Spraying against pests and diseases.

Transplantation, any damage to roots, division of tubers, rhizomes and bulbs.
Sowing, planting, picking tuber and root crops.

March 18 20th Sagittarius from 05:59 09:10 3rd quarter waning moon from 0:56 to 6:00

Digging, loosening, weeding and sanitary pruning.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

March 19 21st Sagittarius 3rd quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting hanging plants.
Digging, loosening, weeding and sanitary pruning.

Spraying against pests and diseases.

Watering and regular spraying, fertilizing, pruning, pinching.
March 20 22nd Capricorn from 18:31 4th quarter waning moon from 13:37 to 18:31

From 13:37 to 18:31 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 18:31

March 21 23rd Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon

Planting and sowing root crops and bulbs.
Weeding, removing weeds, digging and preparing the soil, adding compost. Cleaning up fallen leaves.
Watering, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning of dried and diseased branches, excess shoots.

Disturb the root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply.
March 22 24th Capricorn 4th quarter waning moon from 16:20

Planting and sowing root crops and bulbs.
Weeding, removing weeds, digging and preparing the soil, adding compost. Cleaning up fallen leaves.
Watering, fertilizing with organic fertilizers.

Sanitary pruning of dried and diseased branches, excess shoots.

After 16:20 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

Disturb the root system, cut off the roots and loosen the soil deeply.

March 23 25th Aquarius from 05:01 4th quarter waning moon to 5:28
March 24 26th Aquarius 4th quarter waning moon

Treatment against diseases and pests (spraying, watering with pesticides carefully).
Land preparation, weeding, loosening.

Sanitary treatment of plants, removal of old and dried shoots. Cleaning up fallen leaves.

Sowing, picking and planting fruit trees and shrubs. Refrain from watering, transplanting and fertilizing.

March 25 27th Pisces from 14:24 4th quarter waning moon from 8:56 to 13:06

From 8:56 to 13:06 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 14:24 Moon in the sign of Pisces

March 26 28th Fish 4th quarter waning moon

Sowing and planting vegetables and root crops not intended for long-term storage, and for canning, drying or for seeds.

Sowing and planting indoor plants, especially decorative flowering ones, cacti and succulents.
Water and fertilize with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

Sanitary and formative pruning.
Leaf spraying against pests.

Plant greens and tender herbaceous plants, intolerant drying (for example, azaleas), as well as fruit trees and non-frost-resistant plants.

Prepare the ground, dig, loosen, plant and replant. It is undesirable to injure the root system (dividing rhizomes or planting suckers).

March 27 29th Aries from 18:34 4th quarter waning moon from 13:19 to 17:11

Water and fertilize with organic fertilizers, but carefully.

from 13:19 to 17:11 Moon without course, do not work with plants. In the remaining time until the new moon, we rest.

March 28 1st and 2nd Aries New Moon 05:58 Relax, read useful literature on horticulture and floriculture.
March 29 3rd Taurus from 20:07 1st quarter waxing moon from 15:07 to 18:48

We relax, read useful literature on gardening and floriculture.

From 15:07 to 18:48 Moon without course, do not work with plants.

After 20:07 you can soak the seeds and water the seedlings and flowers.

Don't plan any serious things for this day.
March 30 4th Taurus 1st quarter waxing moon

Soaking, sowing and planting indoor plants, garden flowers, vegetables, fruit and berry trees and shrubs.

A good time to sow cacti and succulents.
Watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

You can replant (with caution), transfer plants and graft.

Drastic crown pruning.

Weeding. Pruning roots, dividing rhizomes and shoots.

March 31 5th Gemini from 20:48 1st quarter waxing moon from 2:12 to 19:40

Until 19:40 the Moon is without a course, do not work with plants.

If you need to water the plants, it is better to do it between 19:40 and 20:48 hours.

Favorable days in March 2017

  • from March 1 to March 3, 2017 (waxing Moon)
  • March 7, 9, 2017 (waxing Moon)
  • from March 14 to 19, 2017 (waning moon)
  • March 21, 24, 26, 30, 2017 (waning moon)

Unfavorable days in March 2017

  • March 5, 2017 - First quarter
  • March 12, 2017 - Full Moon
  • March 20, 2017 - Last quarter
  • March 28, 2017 – New Moon

Note: you should not take the gardener’s lunar calendar literally as a guide to action. If in October or January you see recommendations that “you can sow and plant some indoor plants” or “water and feed with organic fertilizers,” then know that only experienced gardeners can follow them and this only applies to plants in certain conditions. For example, fruit bearing indoor trees It is permissible to feed monthly even in winter. Plants that are in autumn and winter warm conditions long daylight hours (with additional lighting by lamps), you can also feed and even replant. Experienced flower growers and in winter they can successfully take cuttings and re-root plants, as well as sow seeds or carry out artificial pollination. In the general rules of plant growing, with the onset of autumn, cooling, reduction of daylight hours and lighting intensity, i.e. When plants enter a stage of dormancy or slowdown in development, fertilizing, replanting, grafting, pruning and other procedures are strongly not recommended.

In March, gardeners begin one of the most important procedures - pruning trees and bushes. This is necessary so that the buds on the plants bloom better. As indicated in the gardener's calendar for March, it is favorable to prune trees and bushes on the waning Moon in the sign of Scorpio. In March, it is customary to re-graft fruit trees. In the first half of March, the gardener recommends grafting cherries, apricots, cherries, cherry plums, and plums.

Gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017

The gardener's lunar calendar for March 2017 clearly indicates when and what work the gardener should do. March is the favorite time to plant seeds in greenhouses. During the waxing moon, tomatoes, celery, eggplants, peppers, cabbage, and pumpkin seedlings are sown. According to the gardener's lunar calendar for March, in the second ten days of the month you can plant potatoes for vernalization.

According to the florist's lunar calendar, in March, flowers are sown in greenhouses for seedlings. Do not under any circumstances add humus to plants that suffer from the so-called black leg. The florist's lunar calendar for March 2017 contains comprehensive information about which days are best to sow plants.

Lunar landing calendar for March 2017 with moon phases

The gardener's calendar for March contains detailed description work that needs to be carried out on each day of the month.

Date Lunar day Recommended works
March 1, 2017 fourth lunar day, waxing Moon in the sign of Aries Today you can sow tomatoes, spinach, hot pepper. In addition, the Moon in Aries favors pruning the branches of trees and shrubs in the garden.
March 2, 2017 fifth lunar day, waxing Moon in Taurus Dedicate this time to sowing amaranth for seedlings in the greenhouse, Chinese carnations, dahlias, and so on.
March 3, 2017 sixth lunar day, waxing Moon in the sign of Taurus The lunar calendar advises you to start forcing greens.
March 4, 2017 seventh lunar day, waxing moon in the zodiac sign - Gemini On this day, according to the lunar calendar, the gardener performs therapeutic pruning of bushes and trees.
March 5, 2017 eighth lunar day, waxing Moon in the sign of Gemini Perform sanitary pruning of bushes and trees. In addition, you can start planting cabbage and tomatoes for seedlings and fertilizing the soil.
March 6, 2017 ninth lunar day, waxing Moon in the zodiac sign – Cancer Sow salad greens, as well as runner crops. Start sowing seedlings of sweet peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes.
March 7, 2017 tenth lunar day, waxing Moon in the sign of Cancer The lunar calendar favors planting any plants. Dedicate this day to cuttings of roses, pelargonium, and chrysanthemums. Care for vegetable seedlings, including cabbage.
March 8, 2017 eleventh lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo Dedicate this day to cuttings and feeding flowers. Grown in the garden ornamental plants It is not advisable to transplant and plant into these. Instead, spend time working with garden trees and bushes. Start creating beds and flower beds, as well as fertilizing the soil. In addition, such a day is conducive to mulching and spraying the garden and vegetable garden to combat pests.
March 9, 2017 twelfth lunar day, waxing Moon in the sign of Leo On this day you can plan to plant and fertilize flowers. In addition, you can spray your garden and vegetable garden to combat pests and various diseases. It is better not to fertilize the soil today.
March 10, 2017 thirteenth lunar day, waxing Moon in the zodiac sign – Leo The lunar sowing calendar advises refreshing your plants in sunny weather. Sowing seeds from plants living in the garden is (still) undesirable. You can also spray to control pests.
March 11, 2017 fourteenth lunar day, waxing Moon in the sign of Virgo On this day you can remove the covers from perennials, those who love warmth, crops, free raspberries from winter binding. The lunar sowing calendar suggests sowing lettuce.
March 12, 2017 fifteenth and sixteenth lunar day, Moon in the sign of Virgo, full moon The gardener's lunar calendar advises covering the beds for early landing. At this time, you can work on beds and flower beds, as well as fertilizing already planted plants. In addition, such a day is favorable for surface covering of the soil and cleansing the garden of harmful insects.
March 13, 2017 sixteenth lunar day, waning Moon in the sign – Libra According to the lunar sowing calendar, rapid emergence of roots occurs at this time. We recommend taking a little break from the garden on this day.
March 14, 2017 seventeenth lunar day, waning moon in Libra The lunar calendar says: you can sow root crops. If the soil has warmed up to the desired temperature, begin planting root crops.
March 15, 2017 eighteenth lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio The gardener's calendar suggests that at this time it is favorable to sow and plant perennial flowers. Their root system will develop very well.
March 16, 2017 nineteenth lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio The lunar calendar advises planting medicinal plants, as well as cuttings of ornamental shrubs. On this day you can plant turnips and radishes. The gardener's lunar calendar recommends not touching tree seedlings, but you can already start grafting and pruning adults.
March 17, 2017 twentieth lunar day, waning moon in Scorpio On this day, according to the gardener's lunar calendar, it is necessary to force fortified greens (plant bulbs, root vegetables, rhizomes). The day is favorable for planting turnips and radishes. Do not touch tree seedlings. Instead, focus on grafting and pruning mature trees.
March 18, 2017 Sowing medicinal plants. The gardener's calendar states that on the waning Moon it is better to touch the soil.
March 19, 2017 twenty-first lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius At this time, the gardener’s lunar calendar advises covering the ridges with film for the first plantings.
March 20, 2017 At this time, the gardener’s lunar calendar advises covering the ridges for the first plantings with film if the snow has melted. During this period, according to the gardener’s calendar, you can plunge into planting tuber crops and root crops. You cannot sow flower seeds.
March 21, 2017 twenty-third lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn The waning moon favors working with raspberries and fighting insects. You can transplant seedlings from the greenhouse to the garden.
March 22, 2017 twenty-fourth lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn On this day, according to the lunar calendar, it is better to cancel work with flowers.
March 23, 2017 twenty-fifth lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius It is not advisable to plant or sow on this day. Instead, the gardener's lunar calendar recommends auditing your storage facilities. You can also prune dry and diseased branches from trees.
March 24, 2017 twenty-fourth lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius The gardener's lunar calendar says that it is unfavorable to plant on this day.
March 25, 2017 twenty-seventh lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces From sun rays, according to the lunar calendar, evergreens and conifers. Start planting bulbous crops on the ground.
March 26, 2017 twenty-eighth lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces The gardener's calendar advises sowing celery and radishes. You can work on the soil in your garden.
March 27, 2017 twenty-ninth lunar day, waning moon in Aries On this day, pay attention to the beds for upcoming plantings. The gardener's lunar calendar says that this is a wonderful time for pest control.
March 28, 2017 first, second lunar day, Moon in Aries, full moon Take care of removing weakened and diseased plants. At this time, it is better not to loosen the soil so as not to harm the roots. You should not sow or plant any garden or ornamental crops.
March 29, 2017 third lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo Take this time to prepare the base for planting cabbage.
March 30, 2017 fourth lunar day, waxing Moon in Taurus Start planting flowers.
March 31, 2017 fifth lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini At this time, according to the lunar calendar, it is necessary to mulch and loosen the finished rows in the garden.

March is an extremely important month for planting and planning the future of the garden. In order for the flowers to delight you with their appearance, and the garden to bring a rich harvest, you need to use the lunar calendar of the gardener and gardener.

March 1: The waxing Moon in Aries makes the first day of spring not very favorable for planting and fertilizing plants. On this day, it is better to start planning the future garden and preparing the soil.

March 21-22: The moon moves into the constellation Capricorn. This time is extremely favorable for any work related to caring for plants: watering, planting, soaking seeds and loosening will have a great impact on the future harvest.

March 23-25: waning Moon in the constellation Aquarius. This three-day period is not very favorable for caring for plants: it’s time to give both yourself and the seedlings a rest, allowing them to gain strength and get stronger.

March 26-27: The moon continues to wane and moves into the constellation Pisces. At this time, lunar energy has virtually no effect on plants, so it is not recommended to replant weak and sickly sprouts: the risk of their death increases without the energy support of the Moon.

March 28-29: On the first day, the Moon in the constellation Aries enters the New Moon phase, and on the second day it begins to grow. This two-day period is not very favorable for planting new seeds, but is good for fertilizing the soil using a dry method.

March 30-31: waxing Moon in the constellation Taurus. This period is extremely favorable for planting seeds and seedlings, transplanting, feeding and watering plants.

The lunar calendar for March 2017 will help you plan your daily activities and choose a favorable time for important meetings and events in the first month of spring. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors and only good mood. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

01.03.2017 01:33

IN lunar calendars The advice of astrologers is reflected, which can help even with everyday matters. Nail cutting in...

In a zone of sharply continental climate, planting ornamental shrubs is a troublesome task and is not as common among summer residents as growing colorful summer trees. Moreover, adapted planting material few. That is, everything written out, as a rule, is planted at your own peril and risk. Komsomolsk-on-Amur, for example, is almost 300 km north of Khabarovsk, with even more cold winter and slightly less hot summers. In today's article I will tell you about the results of my experiments.

I advise you to cook fish for lunch with a marinade of carrots and onions with mashed potatoes. A marinade without vinegar; tomatoes canned in their own juice will add sourness to it; of course, it tastes best with homemade preparations. When choosing fish, it is better to give preference to inexpensive sea fish from the cod family - navaga, cod, pollock, hake. The meat of these fish is white, dense, ideal for frying. To make the mashed potatoes golden, add a pinch of turmeric to it.

Microgreens that surprise with their nutritional value and beneficial properties, has become a common addition to the diet for everyone who cares about healthy eating. Peculiar concentrates of all useful substances, miniature sprouts are healthy, tasty, and amazingly beautiful. Microgreens are becoming increasingly available on sale today. But the freshest and healthiest microgreens are easier to grow yourself. Moreover, when growing at home, the choice of plants is not limited to the assortment of stores.

“Rabbits are not only valuable fur” - catchphrase from the performances of famous comedians is completely true. Dietary meat, that same valuable fur, fluff and enviable ability to reproduce have made rabbits very popular animals for agricultural breeding. Rabbits are worth keeping for their beautiful fur, meat, or both. In this article I will tell you what breeds of rabbits there are, what you need to have to keep them, how and what to feed.

Currently, patio peonies are attracting more and more attention from amateur gardeners; they have modest dimensions, hence their increased popularity. They can be placed on the terrace and used to decorate apartment balconies and patios. These peonies are delightful not only during the flowering period, but also during the growing season. Thanks to their compact growth and friendly flowering, miniature peony bushes fit perfectly into small flower beds and are great for potted gardens

Bilbergia brings the vibrant flavor of Brazil to any interior. Despite the drooping flowers and thin leaves, it still looks exotic and enviably lush. Admiring the dense bushes of Billbergia is as pleasant as admiring its flowers. Moreover, caring for Billbergias is not at all difficult. This plant just needs regular care. It is governed by simple, understandable rules for beginners. The main thing is to choose the right conditions and monitor watering.

Sweet buns yeast dough with fondant they turn out fluffy, tender, and are quite easy to prepare. The butter dough in this recipe is somewhat similar to French brioche dough; you can leave it in the refrigerator overnight, and the next day form buns, let them rise and bake a warm pastry for breakfast. It is better to pre-soak the raisins for the filling in strong alcohol. To decorate baked goods, you will need a mixture for decorating gingerbread and cookies - dry fondant.

Modern petunia is strikingly different from the simpleton it was at the dawn of breeding work. And, it would seem, what else can surprise breeders? Last spring I purchased at the market several unnamed cuttings of vegetative petunias with striking flower colors. When I later found out what kind of plants I was growing, I was stunned. After all, it turned out that these “petunias” are not petunias or even calibrachoa at all, but belong to a new independent genus Pethoa.