Toll sections of the M11 road. Bypassing Valdai

The new M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg expressway will stretch from the Moscow Ring Road to the junction of the Ring Road around St. Petersburg. The total length of the highway is 669 km. The road will pass through the territories of the Central and Northwestern federal districts, through the Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions, bypassing all populated areas.

The new M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg road basically runs parallel to the existing M-10 Rossiya highway and intersects it at km 58, km 149, km 208, km 258, km 334, km 543 with the construction of transport interchanges in different levels. This allows you to switch traffic flows from the M-10 "Russia" to the expressway and vice versa. The construction of the Moscow – St. Petersburg highway is being carried out in several stages, each of which is an independent investment project. The sequence of project implementation is determined by the extent to which the capacity of the corresponding section of the existing federal road M-10 "Russia" does not correspond to the volume of current traffic.

Technical parameters of the expressway:

  • road category – IA (motorway);
  • design speed - 150 km/h;
  • number of traffic lanes – 4, 6, 8, 10 (depending on the stages of construction);
  • lane width - 3.75 m;
  • width of the dividing strip -6 m;
  • lighting along the entire highway, including traffic intersections; transport interchanges at different levels – 36 pcs.;
  • artificial structures (bridges, overpasses, overpasses and cattle runs) 325 pcs.;
  • Transport interchanges at different levels, depending on the category of roads crossed, are mainly designed according to the cloverleaf type; “double pipe”, “pipe”.

Measures to reduce environmental impact to ensure environmental safety object:

  1. reducing noise levels when passing roads near populated areas and environmental areas using noise barriers and green spaces;
  2. construction of special runs in the body of the embankment of the designed road for the migration of wild and domestic animals;
  3. application of effective designs of treatment facilities for the treatment of surface runoff within water protection zones.

Increased security traffic is achieved by developing a traffic management project using modern energy-intensive barrier fencing, using modern materials for applying road markings and installing road signs and indicators. For better and timely information content of road users, variable information boards and multi-position signs have been developed and applied in the section of intelligent transport systems. The new highway will be the first new highway built in the European part of modern Russia.

Base stations of mobile operators have been installed on toll sections; the Megafon company has already ensured complete uninterrupted coverage of the cellular network along the entire length of the road. The road is equipped with comfortable rest areas for all types of vehicles. On December 15, 2017, the State Company "Avtodor" opened traffic on a new section of the M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg expressway (208 - 543 km) under construction.

On the toll sections of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway 58 km - 97 km and 208 km - 543 km, a closed toll system operates. Closed system Tolling involves paying the fare for the actual distance traveled. When entering toll areas, the user registers in the system at the entry toll point (if there is a transponder in automatic mode, without a transponder by taking a ticket from the machine on the travel lane). The user makes payment only at the exit toll station.

  1. Km 15 – km 58 in the Khimki and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region, bypassing Khimki. The movement was opened on December 23, 2014. The payment regime was introduced on November 23, 2015. This site was built and operated under a concession agreement concluded with North-West Concession Company LLC.
  2. Km 58 - km 97 in the Solnechnogorsk and Klin districts of the Moscow region, bypassing the cities of Solnechnogorsk and Klin, as well as in the Konakovo and Kalinin districts of the Tver region. The section opened to traffic on September 1, 2018, and toll collection began on the same day. Construction of the section km 97 - km 149 is being carried out within the framework of a long-term investment agreement concluded with Transstroymekhanizatsiya LLC and will be completed in 2019.
  3. Km 208 - km 258 in the Torzhok district of the Tver region, bypassing Torzhok. The movement was opened on December 15, 2017.
  4. Km 258 - km 334 in Torzhoksky, Spirovsky and Vyshnevolotsky districts of the Tver region, bypassing Vyshny Volochok. The section was built and opened to traffic on November 28, 2014 as part of a long-term investment agreement with Mostotrest OJSC.
  5. Km 334 - km 543 in the Vyshnevolotsky and Bologovsky districts of the Tver region, Okulovsky, Malovishersky and Novgorodsky districts of the Novgorod region. The section bypasses the settlements of Bologoe, Uglovka and Okulovka. The movement was opened on June 06, 2018.
  6. Km 543 - km 684 in the Novgorod and Chudovsky districts of the Novgorod region, Tosnensky district Leningrad region. The section will bypass Chudovo and Tosny and in St. Petersburg. The concession agreement on the financing, construction and operation of this section on a paid basis was signed by the State Company Avtodor and the Highway of Two Capitals LLC on November 18, 2014. Construction of this section will be completed in 2019.

Rules for driving on the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg expressway:

Without transponder:

  1. Entry. When entering toll areas, the user must pick up a travel ticket (coupon) at the entrance lane of the toll booth. Users who are going to travel through toll areas in cash or using a bank card must select the appropriate lane to travel through the Toll Point, take a ticket and be sure to save it until leaving paid area.
  2. Departure. When leaving toll sections, when paying in cash or paying with a bank card, to determine the correct fare, you must present the ticket to the cashier-controller, he will calculate the fare and the user will need to pay for the fare.

With transponder:

  1. Entry. You need to select a lane to travel using the transponder and reduce the speed to 30 km/h. Upon entry, the system recognizes the presence of a transponder and a positive balance in the account for payment of travel, and the travel is recorded automatically, without the participation of a cashier-controller.
  2. Departure. When driving along the lane, owners of transponders are also automatically debited Money for travel.

If, when leaving a toll section, for some reason it is not possible to determine at what point the car entered the toll section (there is no ticket, the transponder does not work, etc.), then the user is charged the maximum tariff. This is the highest fee that can be charged at a particular Toll Point for vehicle corresponding category.

IMPORTANT! If the transponder is not connected to the service, from October 22, 2018, for transit passage of sections 15 km - 58 km and 58 km - 97 km, when entering the sections, you must first take a ticket, and leave the toll section through the lane with a cashier-controller, presenting a ticket and payment in cash or by credit card. To activate the interoperability service, owners of the T-pass transponder need to personalize it in Personal account, please use .

The maximum fare applies in the following cases:

  • Travel by transponder, without a specific entry point.
  • Loss of a travel ticket by the user.
  • The travel ticket does not contain information about the point of entry or exit.
  • More than 24 hours have passed since entering and exiting the toll section.
  • Entry with a travel ticket and exit with a transponder without stopping and handing over the device to the cashier-controller for reading.

The practice of constructing toll roads came to our country from abroad. It has both its positive and negative characteristics. One example of this phenomenon is the Moscow-St. Petersburg toll road. It is expected that it will help during the football world championship.

The main tasks assigned to the transport artery are that it should relieve the flow from the Rossiya federal highway and provide high-quality and high-speed transport links between the two capitals. The length of the route is about seven hundred kilometers.

The construction of the Moscow-Petersburg highway should ultimately lead to a reduction in the load on the M-10, which operates with four times the load. It will also be provided maximum speed passing different sections of the route, because a speed of up to 150 km/h will be acceptable on certain sections.

Even in ancient times, the M-10 was called the “Petersburg Truck”. It was laid from the beginning of the 18th century, when the city on the Neva was founded. Since then, many reconstructions and upgrades related to this road have been carried out.

In the 21st century, the government adopted a plan to build a modern route between major Russian cities. This would reduce the load on the old track, which was very expensive to repair. During the construction process they are used modern technologies related to construction and design.

Speeds change significantly:

  • three centuries ago, citizens traveled from Moscow to St. Petersburg on a log truck for twenty days;
  • the current road allows you to cover this distance with your own transport in 20 hours;
  • it is assumed that new scheme The M11 highway will allow you to cover the same distance in 5–7 hours under favorable conditions.

You need to know that the constructed expressway between the two capitals will, upon completion, be the fastest autobahn on the European continent.

Disadvantages of the M-10 road

The current situation of “Leningradskaya”, which is what people call the “Russia” highway, leaves much to be desired. According to the standards, it allows you to reach speeds of up to 90 km/h over almost its entire length, which is 697 km. Its width on average ranges from 8–11 m and includes 2–3 stripes.

In reality, in certain sections it is physically impossible to reach 30, and sometimes even 10 km/h due to the quality of the road surface and the abundance of potholes that road services do not have time to patch. Problems are also caused by installed traffic lights, for example, in Vyshny Volochyok. With two-lane traffic, it takes up to 5–6 hours to overcome this “bottleneck” in bad weather.

The capacity of the Leningrad highway is limited to 40 thousand cars. In reality, it has to withstand traffic of up to 170 thousand cars every day. However, no one is going to dismantle the M10. Drivers will make their own decisions whether to use toll sections of the road or travel the old fashioned way along the free route.

Financial side

When M11 is completed, it will become unique not only due to technological features, but also due to the fact that this is the first facility in the Russian Federation based on public-private partnership. This means that the contribution was made not only from the state budget, but also from private investors. In this case, income will also be collected in favor of both parties.

Citizens are often interested estimated cost project. The announced figures fluctuate around one and a half hundred billion rubles. The route is divided into certain sections, one of which is the section Khimki - Solnechnogorsk, as well as Solnechnogorsk - Klin, in total exceeding 130 km. The contribution of concessionaires depends on preliminary agreements.

The head section costs 60 billion. This amount includes 23 billion budget funds. The Vyshny Volochok bypass required capital investments of 46 billion, and the access to the Northern capital costs almost 38 billion. In this situation, the state invests 3/4, and investors 1/4 of the cost.

Basic characteristics of the path

According to the plan, the route should include 684 km of high-quality coverage between cities. The distance is divided between areas:

  • Moskovskaya – 90 km;
  • Tverskaya – 253 km;
  • Novgorodskaya – 233 km;
  • Leningradskaya - 75 km.

It is possible that total funding will exceed the planned budget of 153 billion rubles. The maximum speed limit will be 150 km/h.

The width of each strip is 375 cm, and a different number of them is expected at each site. When approaching Sheremetyevo Airport, their number should be at least 10. total in both directions. If the path reaches Zelenogorsk, then 4 lanes lead to it and 4 lanes lead from it, 8 in total. Further, the M11 Moscow - St. Petersburg expressway on the map will appear to have four or six lanes, all the way to St. Petersburg, where it will expand to 5+5 lanes as it approaches.

For the safety of drivers, a concrete dividing barrier will be installed. Its width reaches 5–6 m in different areas.

Hydraulics and Infrastructure

Price toll road Moscow - St. Petersburg will be paid exclusively for the kilometers traveled. Helps ensure accounting accuracy special equipment. Checkpoints will be set up for this purpose. Possible congestion may occur in them at the initial stages due to poor regulation of payment. In the future everything will return to normal.

A shoulder will be formed along the entire route, the width of which should be at least 3.5 m. Planting green spaces (grass) will help to minimize the occurrence of landslides. A couple of weeks after sowing, it will form a high-quality covering in the form of a thick lawn.

It is expected that along the entire length of the route there will be good lighting and the road infrastructure has been formed, which traditionally includes gas stations, cafes, toilets, sewage treatment plants, noise barriers, etc. for such projects. The developers plan to build 325 artificial objects, including hundreds of bridges, bus tracking stations, overpasses, communication points and etc.

There are almost four dozen traffic interchanges on the new toll highway. They are erected at different levels, with the height of the most massive reaching 35 m.

Environmental component

Along the entire length from Moscow to St. Petersburg, compliance with environmental standards during construction and further operation is provided. For each treatment plant are mounted sand filters, in this way it is possible to minimize or completely eliminate the penetration into the natural system of chemical harmful components that are necessarily present during the operation of vehicles.

It is possible to preserve the existing streams along their entire length thanks to the laying of pipelines. It also provides migration opportunities for wild animals, such as wild boars or moose. In such a situation, builders install wide animal passages. Although few people understand how to train animals to use such methods of movement.

The disadvantage is the partial cutting down of the Khimki forest that took place during construction. I remember the actions that local residents attended. To restore the green zone, but in a different area, 12 billion rubles were allocated from the budget. for purchasing and planting seedlings.

Another stumbling block was the section passing through the Zavidovo conservation area. The dispute was resolved by providing compensation in the form of a new land plot. However, the issue with the work of the Pulkovo Observatory, which turns out to be close to the new route, has not been fully resolved. Possible noise and dust may complicate her work.

Full route plan

M11 starts from the capital at the intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Brusinovskaya transport interchange. Next we go around Khimki and the village of Vashutino. After crossing the International Highway, which leads to Sheremetyevo Airport, the Sheremetyevskoye Highway and the entrance to Zelenograd with the A-107 highway. The path does not reach Solnechnogorsk, but immediately goes parallel to the M-10 highway. This section is already in full use by motorists.

There are five intersections with the old Leningradskaya road:

  • before entering Solnechnogorsk at 58 km;
  • to Tver at 149 km;
  • after passing Torzhok for 258 km;
  • near Khotilovo after Vyshny Volochek at 334 km;
  • beyond Veliky Novgorod at 543 km.

The route will not enter cities such as Tver, Klin, Valdai and Veliky Novgorod. However, the project provides for mandatory congresses, allowing, if necessary, to visit these settlements.

The question of paid and free travel. Tariffication

It is assumed that the paid part will be the 606 km route. It was decided to make the gap between Klin and Medny free of charge. It is located in the range of 15–58 km of the route. Many sections have already been launched on a toll basis, in particular, the Vyshny Volochek bypass. The tentative opening is scheduled for 2018.

Drivers should get off with an approximate payment of between 2 and 3.62 rubles. for 1 km. However, for the Tver and Novgorod regions, the limit was so far set at 1 ruble. per km. Even the president of the country paid attention to the high cost of individual plots, because in reality it exceeds the standards.

Initially, to Solnechnogork the price tag soared to 500 rubles, and to Zelenogorsk to 300 rubles. Later they began to differentiate transport, as many boycotted this approach to drivers. There was differentiation based on daily tariff, car class and days of the week. There are also 30-time passes and a discount for transponder owners.

  • motorcycles, cars, small buses or trucks;
  • medium-sized machines with a height of up to 2.6 m;
  • large two-axle transport, the height of which is more than 2.6 m;
  • tall machines with three or more axles.

More detailed description can be found on the SZKK website. It is worth paying attention to, as tariffs may change.

The emergence of roads in Russia whose quality is not inferior to world standards is taking the country to a new level. The notorious quality of the road surface or complete absence such a situation on the roads of the country has become a reason for jokes and anecdotes not only among Russians, but also among the peoples of other countries.

Verification of the legality of the company’s actions in relation to environment was checked by representatives of the Green Party. We should pay tribute to the management of Avtodor: at the first complaints, work was suspended to identify violations and correct errors. The work being carried out also includes planting trees for landscaping along the route.

The number of travel lanes along the route varies from 10 at the exit from Moscow and 8, 6 and 4 as you move away from the capital.

For the convenience of construction, the entire section of the highway was divided into parts:

  • the first was a “piece” of the road from 15 to 58 km;
  • construction from km 58 to 149 is yet to come;
  • from 208 to 258 km the construction is carried out by the Mostotrest company, which is due to commission its section of the track in 2018;
  • 258-334 km of the track are already operational;
  • from 334 to 543 km intensive work is underway;
  • 543-684 km is the final segment, which will also be completed in 2018.

The gradual introduction into operation of both the highway and tolls on it will accustom Russian drivers to European road standards.

New modern expressway M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg originates from the Moscow Ring Road and joins the Ring Road of the Northern Capital. The length of this highway from “ring” to “ring” will be 669 km.

The creation of the M-11 highway was due to the heavy congestion and wear and tear of the previous highway, as well as the need to rid a number of settlements of transit transport. In addition, an important factor for its construction is Russia’s preparation for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. New route will connect the cities hosting the main matches of the competition.

The M-11 road will cover the territories of the Central and Northwestern federal districts. The route will be laid within the borders of the Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions. Moreover, it will be located bypassing all populated areas. The new Moscow-St. Petersburg highway in some sections runs parallel to the currently functioning M-10 Rossiya highway. The intersection of M-11 with its predecessor is carried out at 58 km, 149 km, 208 km, 258 km, 334 km, 543 km through multi-level transport interchanges.

The construction of the Moscow – St. Petersburg highway is carried out in several stages. Each of them is an independent investment and construction project. This phased implementation of the project is due to the need to adapt to the capacity of the existing M-10 Rossiya federal road. This value has not met modern requirements for a long time, so the project management decided to divide the construction stages and put the most significant sections into operation early.

Full commissioning of the M-11 Moscow - St. Petersburg road will take place in 2018. However, we note that the project provides for road development, for example, increasing the number of lanes.

Main stages (sections) of construction of the M-11 highway

The route is divided into conditional sections. Their boundaries are sections of the road, calculated in km. These areas include:

15 – 58 kilometers.

They take place in Solnechnogorsk and Khimki districts of the Moscow region. At the same time, the route bypassed Khimki, which will significantly relieve city traffic and reduce the travel time of motorists. This section was opened for traffic on December 23, 2014. Khimki has already been significantly unloaded, and transport to Sheremetyevo Airport is moving faster.

The site operates in a paid mode.

58 - 149 kilometers.

They take place in the Klin and Solnechnogorsk districts of the Moscow region. Cars move from the capital, passing the cities of Solnechnogorsk and Klin. Further, the path runs through the territory of the Konakovsky and Kalininsky districts of the Tver region. The work will be completed no earlier than 2018.

Upon completion of construction, vehicles will be able to travel faster to Tver and the northwestern part of the Moscow region, since, unlike the old route, new road passes villages and other small settlements. Note that at first the road will have 4 lanes, then their number will increase to 8.

208 - 258 kilometers.

The section is located in the Torzhok district of the Tver region and bypasses Torzhok, significantly shortening the existing route Tver - Vyshny Volochyok. Construction of this site will be completed in 2018.

M-11. Detour from Vyshny Volochok.

258 - 334 kilometers.

Pass through Torzhoksky, Vyshnevolotsky and Spirovsky districts of the Tver region, bypassing settlement Vyshny Volochyok. The section has already been built and opened to traffic on November 28, 2014.

This event became a significant date for many categories of drivers. Vyshny Volochyok was unable to cope with the intense traffic flow; it took a lot of time to travel through two tens of kilometers of its streets. The Volochok bypass was without a doubt the most significant gift for drivers over the past years.

Now this section has 4 lanes, the project provides for 6.

334 – 543 kilometers.

This section of the route runs in the Vyshnevolotsky and Bologovsky districts of the Tver region, Okulovsky, Malovishersky and Novgorod districts of the Novgorod region. Its construction began in 2014 and is still ongoing. The planned commissioning date is 2018.

This section of the road can be called the most difficult. The areas of the Tver and Novgorod regions along which the M-11 road passes are famous for their impassable swamps. Road workers have to completely replace the soil under the road and build many kilometers of embankments. In particularly difficult wetlands it is necessary to construct pile fields. It is on this section that one of the largest bridges on the road is located - the bridge over the Volkhov River.

Another feature of this section is that it passes through the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War. Almost 300 explosive objects have already been found and neutralized, and the remains of 10 Red Army soldiers have been recovered. Archaeological work was also carried out at this site.

Construction of a bridge across the Volkhov.

Findings of road workers in the Novgorod region.

543 – 684 kilometers.

The road is being built on the territory of the Novgorod and Chudovsky districts of the Novgorod region, covering part of the Tosnensky district of the Leningrad region. The section goes around the city of Chudovo and the city of Tosno and ends in St. Petersburg. The route ends at the Ring Road, near Pulkovo Airport. Construction will be completed in 2018. To the benefits of this construction This includes such an aspect as significant unloading of the suburban routes of the Northern capital.

The length of the new toll section on the M-11 highway is 209 km, and the free section on the M-10 highway is 23 km.

Motorists from today, June 6, 2018, can drive along approximately half of the M-11 Moscow-St. Petersburg highway. This opportunity arose after a new section from 334 to 543 km, which runs in the Tver and Novgorod regions, was put into operation. Together with previously existing sections (bypasses of Torzhok and Vyshny Volochok), a through passage with a length of 335 km (from 208 to 543 km) became available.

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The entire toll route from Moscow to St. Petersburg will take 669 km upon completion of work. The state company Avtodor, which is engaged in construction, plans to open the toll highway to traffic “in full” at the end of 2018.

Earlier, the head of Avtodor Sergei Kelbakh named. According to him, travel along 669 km will cost about 2,000 rubles. That is, the tariff will be brought closer to the maximum allowable: 3 rubles for each kilometer of travel.

Now it’s slightly lower: the maximum daily rate (when paying in cash or by credit card) is 660 rubles, which means approximately 2 rubles per 1 km. The minimum fare is 356 rubles, this tariff is valid for those who use a T-pass transponder (the price also depends on the discounts provided as part of the loyalty program).

For those who do not want to pay for travel on a toll highway, there is a free backup - the M-10 "Russia" highway, which can also be used to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Yesterday, June 5, 2018, traffic was launched along a new section with a length of 23 km. It runs along the Tver ring road (bypassing Tver) from 156 to 178 km.

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Rosavtodor reconstructed this section: previously there were only three lanes with intersections at the same level and traffic lights. This led to constant traffic jams. Now the capacity has been increased by increasing the number of lanes (four to the Volokolamsk interchange and six to the northern entrance to Tver). In addition, road workers built two transport interchanges at 164 km (with Turginovskoye Highway) and 173 km (with Staritsky Highway).

As part of the project, the overpass across Oktyabrskaya was reconstructed railway, as well as bridges over the Tmaka and Mezhurka rivers. According to representatives of the Federal Road Agency, 46 km of new electric lighting lines, over 20 km of axial barrier fencing, and elevated pedestrian crossings were installed on the site.

According to experts’ calculations, before the reconstruction of the section of the M-10 “Russia” highway, approximately 40,000 cars passed along it per day without hindrance. Now it will be able to provide free passage for 100,000 vehicles.

Russia is gradually rising higher in . If in 2012 it was on the 136th line, in 2015 – on the 123rd, then in 2018 the Russian Federation was already in 114th place. Despite this, the state is still in the TOP 25 countries with the worst road conditions, led by Mauritania, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Haiti. Residents of the UAE, Singapore and Switzerland are most satisfied with their roads.