Construction of a monolithic retaining wall. Options and technology for constructing concrete retaining walls. Retaining wall: structure and functions

Having acquired ownership of a plot of land, every person experiences joy, but it may not last long if, after getting to know the plot, irregularities are discovered. If the purchased land has large and steep slopes, elevation changes and other hilly areas, this will create certain difficulties with the planning and arrangement of the dacha space.

However, even in such a difficult situation, a solution can be found. It could be a retaining wall.

What is a retaining wall?

This design is a seemingly ordinary wall made of durable material, on which assigned support functions for unstable soils.

If the site has uneven terrain, includes hills and a large number of slopes, then it is recommended to install supports in the most problematic areas, which will avoid collapse and sliding of the soil.

Don't ignore any uneven spots on your property. It is necessary to take appropriate measures as soon as possible to help protect the site itself and you from trouble. And a retaining wall that you can make yourself can help you with this. If you choose the material for this design wisely, then this wall can turn into a beautiful design element of your site, as a result, your dacha will acquire an original appearance.

When choosing a retaining wall design, you must take into account its purpose. Therefore, before its manufacture, it is necessary to find out whether it will serve only a decorative role or whether it will have to solve the problem of strengthening the site. The process of creating a retaining wall itself includes three main stages:

  1. Making a foundation that will serve as support for the supporting wall;
  2. Construction of the wall. Here we mean the support itself, which on the inside will provide support to the ground, and on the outside will provide decorative properties to the site;
  3. Drainage and drainage system. These measures are necessary to prevent excess moisture. Moisture will certainly accumulate between the wall and the ground, so the owner will have to think about how to ensure its effective removal.


Depending on their purpose, all retaining walls can be classified into two types: decorative and strengthening.

The first ones are installed in order to transform the site and add originality to it. As for the strengthening walls, their main task is consists of strengthening irregularities, as well as preventing their destruction.

Fortunately, a retaining wall often combines the functions described above, so in addition to solving the problem of strengthening the soil, the owner has the opportunity to use this structure to perform zoning of the territory.

Another sign of the classification of retaining walls is the material used for their manufacture. In accordance with it, the following can be distinguished types of these structures:

  • Wooden. These walls are of interest due to the minimal costs associated with their construction. To make them, you will need smooth logs.
  • Concrete. Among all other walls, these stand out for their maximum strength and long service life. However, the process of making concrete walls is too labor-intensive and time-consuming.
  • Stone. This type of retaining wall may be suitable for owners who want to impress their guests. Moreover, this design can be made even more attractive if plants are planted between the stones. Then such a wall will turn into a real masterpiece.
  • Brick. It is this type of wall that most summer residents most often choose. They are attracted to them by their high strength, reliability, and ability to transform the appearance of the site.

Manufacturing instructions

The first thing the owner of a site who plans to install a retaining wall on it needs to do is perform calculations. The easiest way to do this is to create a design drawing in which the required amount of material should be displayed. It is also necessary to indicate on the drawing what type of drainage system will be constructed and where it will be located.

Types of drainage systems:

  • Transverse. In the process of constructing the wall, between every 1-2 layers it is necessary to fix the tube at a certain angle, which will allow water to flow down it.
  • Longitudinal. This option involves placing a tube with a cross-section of 15-20 cm along the entire length of the wall, and its end should extend out. For this drainage scheme, you can use either ceramic or corrugated pipe, but in any case it is necessary to wrap it in geotextile material.

When the drawing has been drawn up and the issue of material for constructing the wall has been resolved, we can move on to the next stage: here we will need to mark the territory using rope and pegs, which will determine the installation location of the retaining wall.

Let's start digging a trench. For softer soil and a higher wall, it is necessary to increase the depth of the trench. If the structure has a height of 1 m, then a depth of 40 cm will be sufficient.

Then we proceed to create a pillow, for which we first need to fill the bottom with crushed stone, and lay a layer of sand on it, after which everything is thoroughly compacted. The drainage system must be arranged so that the cushion is located at a slight angle to the slope.

Wooden retaining wall

To make this design, a log of any cross-section, including 20 cm, is suitable.

For laying wooden logs, you can choose one of the following options: vertical or horizontal.

Vertical installation

In the first case, the logs are positioned so that they are closely adjacent to each other. The advantage of this installation option is that there is no need to make a foundation. The minimum depth that must be maintained for installing logs is should be 50 cm. It is best to install the logs to the maximum depth, as this will only increase the stability of the structure.

Horizontal installation

With the horizontal installation method, the logs are placed on top of each other. To do this, first dig a trench, the depth of which should be slightly greater than the thickness of the log. The ditch is filled with a layer of crushed stone, after which a log is laid and fixed with iron reinforcement. After this, the laying process is continued by adding new logs, which are fixed using self-tapping screws.

Before you begin installing logs, you must treat them with machine oil, bitumen or other means that will help protect the wood from rotting.

The space between the wall and the ground must be filled with fragments of crushed bricks and coarse sand. It is recommended to turn the top layer of drainage into a base for decorative plantings.

Concrete retaining wall

The process of making this retaining wall begins with digging a trench, the length of which should correspond to the wall being built, including turns and corners, after which the bottom is filled with a layer of crushed stone or gravel. Next, you need to make a frame from reinforcement and install it in the trench. Combination of concrete and rods will provide a more reliable fastening, which will increase the strength of the structure.

Next you need to make the formwork. When installing supports made of boards along the length of the wall, they must be further strengthened. Unevenness can be avoided by taking appropriate measures to prevent the support boards from bending. This is done by knocking down iron tubes that will provide support for the formwork. They should be placed in increments of 1-1.5 m.

When the formwork is ready, they begin to pour concrete, making sure that it is distributed in even portions over the entire area. After waiting 4-5 days from the moment of pouring, the formwork is removed.

For a concrete retaining wall, it is recommended to install transverse drainage. To do this, even at the pouring stage, the pipe is laid across the formwork, through which moisture will be removed. At this point, the main part of the work on the manufacture of a concrete retaining wall has been completed. Now all that remains is to add moss, thereby giving the structure an antique effect.

First, you need to mark the place for the future wall, after which we begin to dig a trench 40-50 cm deep. To make the formwork, you need to prepare the boards and lay them in the trench along the entire length on both sides.

To fill, use a mixture that requires the following materials:

  • concrete;
  • sand;
  • gravel.

They are necessary take in proportion 1:6:6 For the solution to harden well, you need to wait 3-4 days.

Next, the frozen foundation must be covered with a layer of lime mixture. To prepare it you will need lime, sand and water, which are taken in a ratio of 1:4:300. Next, add the resulting mixture to the cement in a ratio of 1:7 and apply it to the foundation.

We begin to lay the stone. First, the stones must be prepared by removing dirt from their surface and also moistening it with water. The laying itself should be carried out according to the following scheme: two stones are laid side by side, and at the junction there should be the middle of the next stone.

It is recommended to place stones on the edges larger sizes. After laying the next stone, you need to rotate it in order to experimentally select the most stable position for it. Each level of masonry must be covered with a layer of lime mortar, the thickness of which should be no more than 1.5 cm.

In addition to what is described above, you can offer another option for laying stones. It differs from the first option in that there is no need to moisten the stones: before work, the stones are stacked on top of each other, and the gaps formed between them are filled with fertile soil, which will allow plants to be planted there in the future.

In the process of constructing a retaining wall made of stone, it is necessary to maintain a slight inclination in the direction of the slope.

When the construction of a stone retaining wall is completed, the space between it and the slope filled with pebbles or crushed stone. You also need to remember about drainage: for the design in question, a longitudinal option is used, which is installed between the second and third rows.

As in the case of a stone wall, work begins with the construction of a foundation for which supports are used. If you have to work on heavy soil, then concrete can be poured directly into the trench without the use of support boards.

If the walls being built have a height of up to 60 cm, then masonry equal to half a brick will be sufficient. If the structure exceeds 1 m in height, then the thickness of the masonry is increased to one brick.

When laying the first or second row, it is necessary to provide a hole through which water will be removed. For this purpose, the area where there are 4 and 5 bricks, there is no need to treat it with cement mortar; subsequently, pipes for drainage will be installed there.

During the laying process, the bricks are placed on top of each other; at the end of each row, cement mortar is applied, for which cement, sand and water are taken in a ratio of 1: 3: 3.


Not everyone manages to acquire a plot of land that is successful in all respects. Seeing steep slopes and elevation changes on the site, it immediately becomes clear that with the improvement of the garden area certain difficulties will arise. However, today there is a solution that can help deal with these natural irregularities. With the help of a retaining wall, which can be built from different materials, you can not only solve the problem of unstable soil, but also significantly transform your site.

Of course, without theoretical preparation, this task will be quite difficult to solve, so first you need to familiarize yourself with the technology of work, prepare the necessary materials, and with due diligence and patience, each owner can acquire a fairly original and practical element of landscape design.

A retaining wall on a private site is a structure created to protect the site, all its buildings and landscape from the collapse of unstable soil masses. At the same time, the retaining mesh should not spoil the beautiful landscape with its appearance, but, whenever possible, should decorate it. These tasks are quite compatible and feasible.

When are retaining walls needed?

The need to construct retaining walls arises when the site has complex terrain with significant differences in height.

In such conditions, both local collapses of soil masses and landslides are possible, and the situation is significantly influenced by the height of groundwater, the presence of high water and the natural water regime of the area. Drainage in this case should be solved by installing drainage and storm sewer systems, and retaining walls installed precisely in problem areas guarantee the safety of the amenities even when the area is flooded.

With the right choice of material for a retaining wall, this design will not only not spoil the landscape design, but can itself become a decorative element and add originality to the entire site. In some cases, retaining walls are installed for purely decorative purposes, combining them with flower beds and recreation areas.

But if, when creating a retaining wall, the task is to strengthen the soil, then a calculation is required based on information about the geology of the site. Such calculations and independent installation without experience are advisable for retaining wall heights of up to 1.2 - 1.6 m. At higher heights, you should contact specialists to calculate strength and stability, as well as designate the structure and materials of the structure.

There are no particular difficulties in constructing the retaining wall itself, and it is quite possible to work independently. The first stage of the device is always the supporting part of the wall, its foundation. Then they raise a wall that is strong enough to withstand the pressure of the soil mass, and with a small margin. The inner wall will hold the soil, and the front wall will decorate the design of the site.

As a rule, drainage in retaining wall structures serves to ensure their reliability and long service life. Groundwater and moisture accumulating between the inner surface of the wall and the retained mass must be removed. Drainage is solved differently, depending on the height, design and material of the wall.

The most commonly used drainage structures:

  • Using a perforated drainage pipe with a diameter of 150-200 mm, laid along the entire length of the wall, with a slope towards the external drain. Any pipes can be used, more practical are drainage pipes and PVC. The pipe is laid in a jacket made of drainage material, crushed stone or gravel, and wrapped in geotextile to prevent it from silting. Ready-made technological pipes in a special case with filler and geotextile are preferable, especially if the total length of the retaining walls is short and the increase in cost for this reason is insignificant.
  • When laying retaining walls made of brick and stone, after one to three rows in the transverse direction, tubes are fixed with an outward slope to drain water.

Types of retaining walls

Two types of retaining walls - decorative and fortifying - are combined on a private plot, and in addition to this, the walls perform zoning of the plot. The choice of material depends on both the load on the wall and the architectural requirements placed on it. Everything should be harmonious, and the design of the site is usually decided as a whole.

Materials for retaining walls

Below we list the materials that can be used to make or select retaining walls.

Wooden retaining walls

Log retaining walls have a financial advantage; they are much cheaper than stone and concrete ones. But also less durable.

In terms of aesthetics, log walls are not inferior to all others, and are very harmoniously combined with flower beds, dry streams and recreation areas.

Logs of medium and large diameters are required, debarked and treated with fire-retardant compounds. Close proximity to wet soil reduces the working time of wood, and impregnation must be of high quality.

Concrete retaining walls

Concrete retaining walls guarantee maximum strength and durability with high-quality pouring, proper selection of concrete mixture and maintenance of concrete. In terms of labor costs, concrete walls are the “heaviest”. It takes at least a month for the concrete to gain strength. Waterproofing of concrete surfaces in contact with soil and water is mandatory; the service life of the structure largely depends on its quality. Concrete walls are usually reinforced with flat or spatial reinforcement cages.

Brick retaining walls

Brick retaining walls are strong and reliable, and also have great potential to effectively complement any design. Brick with low water absorption is used, ceramic is possible.

Sand-lime brick is not suitable for retaining walls due to its ability to absorb water like a sponge. Clinker brick is expensive, but it is quite practical to use it for local cladding. Also, if there is decorative brick left after facade work, it will be useful in retaining walls.

Stone retaining walls

Made from granite, sandstone and other types of natural stone, such structures are not only super durable, they are masterpieces. Combined with flower beds, stone retaining walls will enhance any landscape.

Construction and installation of retaining walls

The construction of any type of retaining wall begins with the design, choice of material and technology. When the dimensions are determined and there is a drawing of the wall structure, they begin to prepare the area. Cleaning, leveling and marking are carried out using standard methods, as for the construction of non-buried foundations. Pegs and cord are used for marking.

The depth of the trench depends on the height of the retaining wall; the slopes are taken along the ground. In loose soft soils, slopes are sometimes reinforced with shields. When the height of the retaining wall is up to 1.0-1.2 m, the trench is torn to a depth of 0.4-0.5 m. At the bottom, a shock-absorbing drainage pad made of crushed stone, gravel or coarse sand is required, the layers of which are compacted 10 cm thick. have a transverse slope of approximately 5-10 degrees, for maximum removal of water from the slope and the supporting part of the wall.

To construct log retaining walls, logs of any diameter are used. Laying can be either vertical or horizontal. With the vertical method, a foundation is not required, but the logs must be buried into the ground by at least 0.5 m, the more the better. Burying increases the strength and stability of the retaining wall. The junctions of the logs should be as tight as possible, and the logs themselves should be treated with a bioprotective composition.

When laying horizontally, the first log is placed in a trench on a layer of crushed stone. The logs are fixed with steel brackets and reinforcing bars treated with anti-corrosion compounds. The gap between the retaining wall and the soil is filled with drainage material, crushed stone or a sand-gravel mixture. The top layer of drainage is usually used as a base for planting ornamental plants.

The concrete retaining wall is constructed according to concrete technology. After excavating the trench and installing the drainage cushion, the formwork is set up, the reinforced frame is installed and secured in it, then the concrete is poured, if possible in “one shift,” without cold seams. Drainage in a concrete wall is solved both longitudinally by laying a perforated drainage pipe at the base, and transversely. When installing the reinforcement cage, tubes are placed in it, with a slope for water drainage. Concrete is laid in layers, with compaction. High retaining walls need to be vibrated. Concrete must be protected from water by waterproofing, mainly bitumen coating is used. The face of a concrete wall can be protected with penetrating waterproofing compounds and decorated with moss and climbing plants.

Brick retaining walls are laid on a foundation made of monolithic concrete or prefabricated reinforced concrete blocks. The brick must be selected on the basis that it will be used in a humid environment with temperature changes. Maximum frost resistance and minimum water absorption will be the main parameters for selection. The solution used is cement-sand. The thickness of a brick retaining wall depends on its height. For low walls up to 0.6 m, a masonry thickness of half a brick is sufficient. Drainage pipes are placed in the masonry.

Stone retaining walls also require a stable foundation. stones for masonry must be clean, free of traces of dirt and debris, and moistened with water to ensure adhesion to the mortar. Dressing in rows is required. Large flat stones are placed at the edges of the wall and at its base.

The mortar for masonry is cement-sand with the addition of lime paste 1:10. The thickness of the seams depends on the size of the stones; it should not be more than 16 mm. Sometimes stones are laid without mortar at all, filling the gaps between them with fertile soil. If perennial plants take root and weave around such a wall and are held in place by the roots, its strength will be sufficient.

But for this you need to have massive large flat stones, from which it is possible to build a wall, the stability of which will be ensured by its own weight. And the thickness of such a wall will be at least 40-50 cm. The stone is not so afraid of water, and transverse drainage is not necessary; it is enough to organize drainage from the supporting part of the wall by laying a drainage pipe in the longitudinal direction, with a slope for water drainage.

The gap between the soil and the stone wall is filled with crushed stone, gravel or a sand-gravel mixture. The transverse slope of the wall to the slope during laying must be maintained.

It is impossible to give any recommendations on the dimensions, material and designs of retaining walls, since everything depends on the topography of the site, the type and properties of the soil, their ability to heave and the behavior of groundwater. To protect the landscaping of a site and all its buildings from landslides or soil collapse by installing retaining walls, calculations are needed based on specific data. But a small retaining wall for decorative purposes and to strengthen a slope with a small difference in height can be designed and executed even without experience.

Another way to strengthen soils is a gabion retaining wall. This design does not require drainage; it is not afraid of either water or soil movement during heaving.

Also worthy of attention is the durability of gabions and economic efficiency, both in terms of material and technology.

If a dacha or personal plot is located in an area with difficult terrain, then during its arrangement it is necessary to resolve the issue of strengthening slopes and slopes. Using retaining walls in the landscape, you can not only eliminate this problem, but also decorate the site with another architectural and planning element. Materials suitable for constructing retaining walls include concrete blocks, natural stone, logs, bricks and gabion structures. Artificial structures are sometimes installed on completely flat areas in order to add a “zest” to the design of the site. Magnificent flower beds are arranged on bulk fertile soil, which look especially unusual and beautiful in an elevated place. You can enhance the effect of height differences in the garden by planting specially selected plant varieties. In addition to planting flowers, support walls can serve as a basis for embedding additional decorative elements, which increases the functionality of their use.

This video shows how you can build retaining walls on your site with your own hands, using bricks or concrete blocks.

There are several ways to lay stones. However, in any case, the first row is laid in recesses specially prepared in the ground. The stones of subsequent rows are laid out in a checkerboard pattern, thereby providing reliable two-point support for each of them. To give special strength, stone retaining walls are fastened with cement mortar. Walls, which play a more decorative role, are erected using the “dry” method:

  • Laying stones of the same height in even horizontal rows is used in gardens designed in a regular style. The material used is sandstone or gneiss. These types of stones do not create problems during processing, allowing you to form the required number of blocks of equal size.
  • Laying rectangular stones of different heights in horizontal rows. This retaining wall looks less severe. It is considered universal, and therefore suitable for decorating any garden, regardless of the chosen landscape design style. When selecting a material, pay attention to the shade of the stone.
  • In farmsteads decorated in a rural style, retaining walls are made of rubble stone. As a rule, these stones have different sizes, which complicates the process of laying them. But the designer has a wide field for imagination when working with such material.
  • Cyclopean masonry of natural stones with a rounded shape is also popular among specialists. Both sea and river pebbles are ideal for this. Soil is poured into the spaces formed between adjacent stones, and special unpretentious varieties of flowering plants are planted.

The shape and size of the stones also determines the type of future retaining wall.

A retaining wall, laid dry using stones of natural origin selected according to size and color, is a decoration of the site

Sectional view of a dry stone wall:

A longitudinal section of a stone retaining wall, on which the main structural elements of this structure are clearly visible. The deviation of the wall from the vertical is 15 degrees

Scheme legend:

  1. A trench into which a foundation is laid to serve as a solid foundation for a supporting wall. The width of the trench is 40 cm if the height of the wall being constructed is one meter.
  2. A drainage pipe that allows water to drain away. If drainage is not provided at the base of the wall, the water accumulating behind it will wash away the soil and destroy the structure.
  3. A binding stone, laid with its long side deep into the foundation, provides additional stability to the structure. For the same purpose, when laying stones, the wall is specially given a slight slope of no more than 10-15 degrees.
  4. A layer of stone and crushed stone that fills the trench. When backfilling, the stone-crushed stone mixture is thoroughly compacted. Due to this, the wall becomes wider and much more stable.
  5. The niches formed between individual stones are filled with earth. Sometimes “nests” are specially left between the stones so that hanging (climbing) plants can be planted in them. After they grow, the wall turns into a beautiful decorative element of landscape design.

Pay attention! For supporting walls built in sunny open areas, bell, alyssum, etc. are suitable. Sedum, aubrieta, saxifrage, St. John's wort, and low-growing phlox also grow well in such conditions. You can plant lumbago, young, stonefly, speedwell, gypsophila, and grass carnation in the sun. For retaining walls located in the shade, you should choose corydalis, saxifrage, cymballaria, lobularia, wallsteinia, and ferns.

How to strengthen a terrace with logs?

In some regions, it is easier and cheaper to use logs of the same diameter to build supporting walls. A wooden retaining wall in landscape design looks no less beautiful than a stone structure.

One of the possible ways to construct a retaining wall from round logs of equal diameter that reliably holds the slope from destruction

The logs are impregnated with special solutions that inhibit the rotting process and are installed vertically in a pre-dug trench. To keep the wall firmly in the ground, it is buried half a meter. Adjacent logs are placed close to each other. The structure will be level for a long time if a layer of crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the trench and compacted well. The free space in the trench around the logs is filled with gravel and then filled with concrete.

Here is another example of arrangement:

Construction of a concrete retaining wall

To pour a concrete retaining wall, a shallow trench is also dug into which formwork of the required height is installed. To effectively contain the concrete mass, the formwork is strengthened from the outside with supports. Before pouring the solution, install a reinforcing frame made of metal rods and wire. Also, pipes are laid at the base of the wall, through which the water that accumulates behind the retaining wall will be drained.

A little secret - to ensure the evenness and smoothness of the front surface of the retaining wall, you need to attach roofing material to the inner wall of the formwork

With the help of concrete you can build quite impressive structures:

Use of gabions and bricks

You can easily build retaining walls with your own hands from gabions - mesh boxes filled with natural stone. Gabions are three-dimensional mesh containers made in a factory from metal wire with a protective anti-corrosion coating.

Gabion structures are actively used for constructing retaining walls when terracing a site. Mesh containers filled with large stones can last for decades

Mesh containers differ in size and shape, which can be:

  • box-shaped;
  • cylindrical;
  • mattress-mattress.

Box-shaped gabions are more suitable for retaining walls. The nets are delivered to the site folded. Then they are straightened and filled with stones by hand. In this case, large stones, larger in diameter than the size of the mesh cells, are placed along the edges of the container. The middle is filled with small crushed stone.

The mesh boxes are fastened together directly at the installation site of the retaining wall with galvanized binding wire. With the help of sharp pins that easily stick into the ground, the mesh boxes are securely fixed in place. To prevent the walls of the mesh from bending when laying the filler, they are tied using braces. The container loaded with stone and gravel is closed with a lid, which is attracted by a device specially designed for this purpose. Gabion structures have a long service life. Under loads, the gabion structure is deformed, but does not collapse.

Important! When installing a retaining wall made of gabions on a garden plot, you don’t have to worry about drainage outlets, since water passes through the stone filler unhindered.

Initially, retaining walls were built in mountainous areas to strengthen dangerous slopes, as well as to retain soil in vineyards. Gradually, this type of structure began to be used in landscape design. In garden areas you can see retaining walls made of bricks. This affordable building material is easily laid using a binder mortar into smooth walls.

A retaining wall, neatly laid with bricks using various methods of laying them, beautifully frames the elevated area of ​​​​the site

All the considered methods of constructing retaining walls can be tested by anyone on their site. The difficulty of the work lies only in carrying heavy loads, because the stones have a considerable weight.

Therefore, it is better to carry out this work with several assistants. Of course, involving professionals in the construction of a retaining wall saves a person from searching and delivering the necessary materials, as well as from hard manual labor, which takes not only time, but also effort.

Not every owner of his own plot can boast of a perfectly flat topography, from which it can be concluded that concrete, the construction technology of which will be described in the article, is sometimes an irreplaceable element that can act as a decoration for the garden and a structure that divides it into zones. The construction of such a structure cannot be called a complex process; during it, various landscape design fantasies can be realized.

Wall construction

A concrete retaining wall, the construction technology of which must be followed by you during the work, may have a certain design that determines its function. Thus, some walls are decorated, while others are strengthened. Each is designed for its own degree of impact and consists of basic elements, including: foundation, body, drainage and drainage. The foundation is an underground part and is designed to withstand the gravity of soil pressure. The ground part is the body, the inner side of which is in contact with the soil and outlines the hill on the site. The outer front side is open and can have a flat or beveled appearance. Protective communications are drainage and drainage. During the design process, it is necessary to provide methods for removing excess moisture that will accumulate on the inside.

Parameters that determine the stability of the wall

The construction of concrete retaining walls must provide for the presence of each of the above elements. Only in this way will the structure be as stable as possible and will be able to withstand high pressure. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the factors that affect strength. The wall will be affected by some physical forces, namely: its own weight, the force of friction and adhesion to the ground, soil pressure, as well as the additional weight of the elements. The latter can be mounted on the wall.

Impact on the wall

It is important to take into account those phenomena that will affect the structure, including: swelling of the soil in winter, vibrations (if a railway is laid nearby), washing away by rainwater, seismic phenomena and wind. Considering the last factor, it should be taken into account that a concrete retaining wall (height 2 m or more) will undergo strong wind loads.

Construction technology

The described design is a rather complex engineering structure, therefore, when arranging it, it is necessary to take into account certain factors on which reliability, strength and durability will depend. The construction of such structures can begin on stable soils that contain clay, crushed stone, sandy loam, and gravel. To successfully complete the work, it is necessary to remember that the level of soil freezing should not be more than 1.5 m from the surface.

Groundwater should be 1 meter, the optimal option is 1.5 meters from the surface of the earth. If you decide to carry out the construction work yourself, then the ground part of the wall should not be higher than 1.4 meters. If you need a concrete retaining wall (height 3 m), then it is best to turn to professionals, as this will require complex calculations that take into account soil pressure and mobility.

Made of concrete, a photo of which you can see in the article, it must have a foundation that is reliable if the structure is more than 30 centimeters high. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rule, which is that the depth of the foundation depends on the characteristics of the soil. The more unstable and lighter the soil, the deeper the foundation needs to be laid. If the soil is dense, then the ratio of the depth of the base and the height of the ground part should correspond to a proportion of 1 to 4. If you have to work with soil of average looseness, then the depth of the base should be 1/3 of the height of the support. If the soil is sufficiently soft and loose, then the depth of the base of the structure should be equal to 1/2 of the height. The foundation should consist of concrete, gravel and crushed stone, as well as heavy length or compacted cement.

Waterproofing, drainage and drainage

A concrete retaining wall, the technology and design of which you can study and implement yourself, must provide for drainage and waterproofing, which will ensure reliability and durability. It is not enough to build a good foundation and install a wall; you must protect the structure from moisture, which can have a destructive effect. It is necessary to waterproof the inside of the support.

Drainage is divided into longitudinal, transverse and combined. Transverse involves installing holes in every second or third row; their diameter should be about ten centimeters. You can lay the pipes at an angle, then the water will immediately drain out of the area. If you decide to arrange a longitudinal drainage system, then it is placed along the wall under the ground at the level of the foundation. To do this, a corrugated, asbestos-cement or ceramic pipe with a diameter of 10 centimeters is laid. The elements are wrapped in geotextile, which will absorb moisture entering through small holes. In order to prevent the penetration of water into the masonry structure, which will cause destruction of the wall when the temperature drops, it is necessary to provide a cornice block or canopy with a slight slope.

Laying a drainage layer between the wall and the soil

If you need a concrete retaining wall, you must study the technology and the device yourself and produce it using a certain technology. The technique involves the arrangement of a drainage layer, which is located between the soil and the structure itself. After completing the wall assembly, you can begin to fill the space created by the wall and slope. To do this, you can use coarse soils such as pebbles, gravel and coarse sand. For this, broken bricks and waste building materials are often used.

It is important to note that the gravel will exert some pressure on the support, but will act as a drainage layer. The drainage mixture should be poured in layers, each individual layer should be compacted. Coarse soils and sands taken from sandy loam are considered preferable. A concrete retaining wall, the construction technology of which is described in the article, must have an upper part of the laying layer, which may consist of After compacting the last layer, you need to leave everything in this state for several days, without exposing the surface to loads. Thanks to this, reinforcing materials will gain their properties. After completing all the above work, you can begin arranging the terrace.

Features of wall construction

The monolith is poured into formwork, which will be broken-shaped panels. The individual components are strengthened from the outside with supports so that the formwork can withstand the pressure of concrete. Reinforcing mesh rows are installed inside, which consist of metal rods and pipe scraps. They should be tied together with wire. At a height of 5 centimeters from the surface of the earth, you need to lay plastic tubes that will ensure the drainage of collecting water. The distance between them should be 1 meter.

To obtain a smooth outer surface, the formwork is sheathed inside with plywood or roofing felt. If you need a concrete retaining wall, the construction technology of which is described in the article, then you can build it from rubble concrete, without the need for reinforcement. A device of this design allows you to save cement, since a significant volume will be made up of stones.

The first row is laid dry, the resulting voids should be filled with crushed stone and filled with mortar. Afterwards, a row of stones is laid again, they need to be drowned in the solution, continuing work until the formwork is filled. As with monolithic walls, concrete structures must contain pipes to drain water.

Concrete calculation for wall construction

A concrete retaining wall, which you can calculate yourself, must be poured without long interruptions in work, otherwise it will be impossible to eliminate the formation of seams. In order to calculate how much concrete to purchase, you should determine the internal volume of the future wall. To do this, its area is initially determined, and then the value is multiplied by the depth of the wall. This will allow you to understand how much solution should be ordered from the factory. But if this is not possible, it is better to rent a concrete mixer.

If your home is on or near a slope, you will need to protect it from possible ground movements. The best way to do this is to make a retaining wall. Such walls are also installed on flat areas as a decorative element. You can build retaining walls yourself. The article describes what types of retaining walls there are, how to make them and what they are needed for.

A retaining wall is needed to strengthen the soil in an area that is located on or near a slope.

First of all, a retaining wall requires a foundation. It is located underground and takes on most of the load under ground pressure.

The next element in the design is the wall itself. It is presented in the form of a vertical structure made of durable material that will withstand high soil pressure in case of soil movement.

The last but important element of a retaining wall is drainage. It is necessary to drain water, which will not only protect the soil from heaving, but also strengthen the wall itself.

So, the wall design has three main elements:

  1. Foundation.
  2. Wall.
  3. Drainage

How to calculate a retaining wall

In order for the wall to correctly and reliably perform its functions, it is necessary to carry out calculations.

The retaining wall must prevent the movement of soil and withstand the strong pressure that the soil creates. If you incorrectly calculate the parameters of your wall, then it will collapse along with the soil.

Typically the walls are built about 1.5 meters in height.

The following parameters must be known for the construction of a retaining wall:

  1. Structure weight.
  2. The force of soil pressure that affects the future wall.
  3. The force of adhesion to the ground, the force of friction.
  4. The weight of the possible load that will be on the retaining wall.

In addition to these basic parameters, you need to take into account the nuances that will influence the choice of material. These include the following parameters:

  1. Ground vibrations are taken into account if there is a road, streets, or a railway nearby.
  2. Groundwater level.
  3. Soil freezing depth.
  4. Seismic activity of the region.

If the height of your supporting wall is more than 2 meters, then the wind speed must also be taken into account.

What materials are used for retaining walls?

To build a retaining wall, you can use wooden piles or boards, concrete structures, or stone walls. Also, a retaining wall can be built from brick or gabions.

The choice of material directly depends on the type of soil and its basic properties. It is important to take into account not only the depth of soil freezing and the groundwater level, but also to take measurements to determine the pressure force, vibration and other parameters of the slope.

Features of the design of retaining walls

In addition to the vertical body itself, the retaining wall must have a base; without it, the wall may collapse under soil pressure.

To install the sole correctly, you need to take into account that there is also a backfill force that keeps the soil from moving. It also needs to be taken into account.

We must not forget about the frictional force under the sole. To ensure reliable fixation of the slope, the friction force must be high enough. To do this, you need to select the appropriate material. The width of the sole is also important: the wider it is, the greater the friction force will be, which holds the soil from moving.

An equally important feature is the height difference in the area. Knowing this difference, we can correctly select the height of our future wall.

Types of retaining walls

Wooden retaining wall:

A wooden retaining wall is the most common. If the height difference does not exceed 1 m, then the logs should be 1.5 m each. The part of the log that will be in the ground must be impregnated with special liquids that will protect them from getting wet and rotting. To install a wooden retaining wall, you need to dig a trench 10 cm deeper than the length of the underground part of the log, and 20 cm wider than its diameter.

At the bottom of the trench you need to put a sand cushion 15 centimeters wide. Tamp down thoroughly. After this, place the logs in the dug ditch. To ensure the density of the wall, the logs can be tied on top with wire or nailed to each other. The back of the trench, where the tree touches the ground, is best paved with roofing felt. When everything is ready, the trench is filled with concrete.

Concrete retaining wall:

Concrete walls are built on slopes with high soil pressure.

To install a concrete wall, it is necessary to dig a trench and install formwork so that the earth does not fall into the prepared trench, and only then fill in sand and gravel. After laying the pillow, a reinforcing mesh is placed on top and concrete is poured.

We remove the formwork after 5-7 days. After this, you can give the wall an aesthetic appearance.

Stone retaining wall:

If you decide to build a retaining wall from stone, then its installation can be done either dry or using cement mortar. Granite, basalt or quartz are best suited for a stone wall. It is important to place a concrete foundation under it to protect it from subsidence.

The width of the foundation should be three times the width of the retaining wall itself. This is the only way to protect it from subsidence.

To properly lay a stone wall, it is necessary to dig a ditch 10 cm larger than the width of the foundation. Compact a sand and gravel cushion to the bottom with a layer of 30 cm, and then fill it with concrete. The foundation should be 15 cm below ground level. Once the solution has hardened, you can begin laying the stone. If you are laying with cement mortar, then it is better to treat all voids with grouting material.

The stone wall has a stylish appearance.

Brick retaining wall:

Before laying a brick wall, it is necessary to pour the foundation. It completely matches the foundation for a stone retaining wall. If the height of your wall is no more than 1 m, then the thickness should be 250 mm. But if the wall is small (about 0.5 m), then its thickness should be 120 mm.

Please note that when constructing a retaining wall more than 1 m, its thickness must be at least 370 mm. This means that you need to lay the wall with one and a half bricks.

Gabion retaining walls:

Gabion is a special metal container filled with stone. Such walls are the easiest to install and do not require large expenses.

If the ground difference is no more than 1 m, then there is no need to build a foundation. If the height of the difference is higher than this value, then a strip foundation similar to that used for stone or brickwork is placed under the gabion wall.

After the construction of the foundation is completed, gabions are laid on it, which are connected to each other with wire. When the retaining wall is ready, its front side is covered with crushed stone or pebbles to add aesthetics.

How to Improve Your Retaining Wall Design

In order to give the wall an attractive appearance, it can be slightly cultivated. For example: brick or concrete walls can be painted or painted in some way. You can make beautiful, neat masonry in stone walls. Decorative masonry can also be done on a brick wall.

The height, thickness and material of the supporting wall are selected depending on the nature of the soil. Do not forget about drainage so that water pressure is not added to the soil pressure. A properly constructed retaining wall will last for decades and will prevent the soil from moving where it shouldn’t move.