What are brooms for sweeping the yard made of? Bath brooms - types and properties, how and when they are prepared, rules of use and price. Juniper spruce broom

On the background modern technology For cleaning, the sorghum broom has faded into the background, but it is almost impossible to completely abandon its use. After all, there are times when you need to quickly remove a small amount of debris on the floor, accidentally scattered crumbs, etc.

It is much faster and more convenient to use a compact broom than to take out a large vacuum cleaner. This applies to the courtyards of private houses or summer cottages. And hardly anyone uses a vacuum cleaner to clean the entrances of residential buildings.

Growing sorghum for broom

In addition to its compact size and mobility, the broom has another advantage - you can tie it yourself. After all, it is made from a special sorghum plant, which is quite easy to grow. True, this requires conditions such as the availability of land or a personal plot.

To make a broom completely on your own, you first need to grow a high-quality sorghum plant. There are three varieties of sorghum; we will need a special one - a broom, which is used to make brooms with your own hands. The whole process is divided into stages:

  • Seed selection.

Preparations for planting sorghum begin in the spring. Having purchased seeds, they must be checked for suitability for planting. To do this, you need to fill a deep container with water, put the seeds in it and hold for about twenty to thirty minutes.

If there are poor quality seeds among them, they will float to the surface. And those seeds that remain at the bottom of the bowl can be safely used for planting. After draining the water, you need to spread the seeds on the film in a thin layer and leave for a while to dry thoroughly.

There is another way to sort seeds. This is done outdoors, during warm, windy weather. The dry seeds of the plant are poured onto an oilcloth or tarpaulin and sifted, pouring them onto another piece of oilcloth. In this case, empty seeds will fly to the sides, and good ones will fall onto the oilcloth.

  • Planting the selected material.

Seeds are planted after frost. Typically from mid-May to June. It is better to plant sorghum in warm weather, in already warmed soil. This plant is undemanding to soil. However, in order for it to grow high-quality and durable, a little mowed grass is placed in the beds.

Seeds are sown in rows along the boundary line of the plot. They can be planted in a continuous line without spacing, but if you plant two plants in holes with a distance between rows of about thirty centimeters, their stems will be more massive and have larger panicles.

The depth of planting sorghum seeds is four to five centimeters. Sorghum is a light-loving plant, so for its planting it is necessary to select open sunny areas.

  • Soil care and treatment

Caring for a plant during the growing process consists of loosening the soil, watering it and fertilizing it at the initial stage of its growth. By planting the seeds in mid-May, the first shoots can be seen in the first half of June.

After this, they will need to be thinned out, making the distance between the stems about ten centimeters. The soil between the rows needs to be loosened. Ten days later, the weeding procedure must be repeated, loosening the soil not only between the rows, but also in the rows themselves.

Add humus or mineral fertilizers, such as urea and superphosphate. After this, the plant must be watered. Subsequently, the plant will no longer need such care, and even with insufficient quantity You don’t have to water it with moisture.

Harvesting a sorghum plant

This happens when its seeds are fully ripe (depending on the planting period) - from the end of August to mid-September.

The maturity of the plant can be determined by the yellowed stem, which has reached two meters in height, and the red-brown color of the brush. If everything is so, then it’s time to collect sorghum twigs for the future broom.

Next, a rather labor-intensive process awaits you, so you should be patient. The plant is mowed down to the very root using a scythe or sickle, and then trimmed with a knife so that the stem is about a meter long.

The mowed plant must be dried well. To do this, the stems are carefully folded one next to the other and hung in the sun with the panicles facing up. After complete drying, the stems are thoroughly cleaned of leaves and seeds.

Broom knitting technology

Select as many stems as you need to knit the number of brooms you plan to knit. Here everything will depend on how thick the sorghum stems are. One broom will require approximately 25-30 thin stems and about 20 thick ones:

  1. The stems are placed in a trough or bath and poured with boiling water.

Leave for approximately two hours. At this time, you need to prepare twine or wire and a pair of wooden slats, twenty-five centimeters long and about two centimeters thick.

  1. Next, you will need to bandage the stems for the future handle.

Customize required amount stems for one broom to each other, collect them in a bunch and tie them on top with twine. Make a second knot at a distance of six centimeters, and then two more at a distance of eight to ten centimeters from each other.

This way, you tie the stems at the very end of the handle, in the middle of it, and right at the beginning of the broom.

Let's move on to making the panicle:

  • prepare two needles from thick wire 10 cm long into which you need to thread a polyethylene cord or twine;
  • divide the panicles into three bunches 10 centimeters wide and insert slats between them;
  • tightly intertwine the panicles, threading them with a needle and twine.

This procedure must be done several times, retreating six centimeters from each row.

Be guided by yourself so that the future sorghum broom fits comfortably in your hand and at the same time is thick enough.

Then shape the broom by trimming the ends of the broom using scissors. The finished broom should be placed under a press and held for about twenty minutes. Now your sorghum broom is completely ready to use.

A bathhouse and steam room are always associated with the presence of the main thing in it attribute - broom. Birch branches are traditional for making this mandatory bath accessory, but in different regions Russia has long used other species of trees and shrubs, which are no less valuable for preventive and therapeutic bath procedures. What types of bath brooms are there, and in what cases are they best used? This question arises before everyone who has decided to improve their health with the help of bath procedures, as it has been done for centuries in Rus'.

A broom in a bathhouse is intended not only for active body massage, but also for creating a specific atmosphere that is formed from the aroma of leaves. In addition, almost all the plants used in the steam room are excellent inhalers, and can not only help in the treatment of many diseases, but also cleanse and rejuvenate the body.

Bath brooms are cut not only from birch, but also from oak, linden, rowan, juniper, several species of trees, cherry and currant bushes, walnut, eucalyptus and other plants. But not only trees and shrubs are used for this purpose, but also herbs such as tansy, wormwood, nettle, sage, lemon balm, mint and even bamboo.

Sometimes combined bouquets are made, consisting of different herbs and branches, which are combined not only in aroma, but also in their effect on the body.

To select the one you need and effective option For a specific case, you need to find out what properties each of the plants used in the steam room has.

Broom made of birch branches

Birch can be found almost everywhere in Russia, and it has won the love of traditional healers for a long time. For use in a steam room, a broom made from birch branches is considered almost ideal, since birch has cleansing properties internal organs and skin through inhaled steam and superficial massage. As you know, cleansing the body is the first step towards its recovery.

The leaders in popularity in Russian baths are birch brooms

Birch branches are flexible, and the leaves are able to remain elastic even after drying. However, these properties remain unchanged only if the process of cutting and drying the brooms is carried out correctly. During steaming, porous birch leaves adhere well to the body, absorbing sweat and waste products released along with it, cleansing the pores. Open pores allow the skin to breathe and absorb nutrients. Therefore, a birch broom is often used for the first two visits to the steam room, so that those used later medicinal plants had a greater effect.

Birch buds remaining on the branches contain essential oils, flafonoids, several types of biologically active substances, resins and bitterness. The opened leaves are rich in such useful components as ascorbic and betulorethin acid, hyperoside, carotene, saponins, phytoncides and others.

It is these natural components that help cleanse and prepare the body for subsequent therapeutic measures.

For brooms, young lower branches of birch with light green, recently blossoming leaves, which are no more than 30 mm in size, are harvested. They retain in their cellular composition the beneficial substances characteristic of the buds, and also contain components acquired by the leaves when they bloom.

Broom made of oak branches

No less popular are oak brooms, the leaves of which contain tannins, essential oils, quercetin and quercitrin, as well as pentosans. It is this composition that is especially necessary for oily skin - it cleanses it and makes it elastic, and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Oak broom is not collected from old branches, and its leaves should not be large and have a dark color, otherwise after drying they will become brittle and will not hold well on the branches. But even young oak leaves are quite large in size and have good density, which means they retain heat for a long time when the broom fan warms up. When performing a massage, the foliage, sticking to the skin, gives it part of the beneficial substances contained in it, affects blood circulation, reducing arterial pressure. Helps great oak broom in the treatment of skin diseases - this is facilitated by essential oils and tannins, which are rich in all parts of this tree.

Steam room experts recommend cutting a broom in the thicket of the forest, where ultraviolet rays almost do not penetrate. For the broom, use the lower thin branches that have good flexibility. They will help you carry out the right massage that will not harm the skin.

Broom made of eucalyptus branches

Eucalyptus leaves are often used to treat colds by brewing medicinal tea, making a decoction for gargling and inhalation. The effectiveness of this plant on recovery can be associated with the fact that eucalyptus contains up to 3% essential oils.

In order to use such a broom to treat colds in a bathhouse, after soaking it and before starting a body massage, you need to press the leaves to your face and inhale its aroma through your nose and mouth. Wormwood, sage, chamomile and mint are often added to a bouquet of eucalyptus to enhance the effect, but soften the tart smell of its leaves. It must be said that not every person is able to withstand the aroma of so many leaves of this plant, so sometimes they take just one or three branches of eucalyptus and place them, for example, in an oak or birch “bouquet”.

When choosing a dry eucalyptus broom, you need to pay attention to its color - it should not be faded gray, but bright green. This factor indicates that it was properly prepared and dried, which means that the leaves retained all their healing qualities.

This plant is found only in the southern, subtropical regions of the country, therefore most bathhouse lovers are unlikely to be able to prepare it themselves. However, it can be purchased in specialized stores or ordered on one of the websites. If such an opportunity is not found, then you can buy dry eucalyptus leaves at the pharmacy and make a thick decoction from them, which is splashed on hot stones.

Broom made from linden branches

Flowering linden spreads its aroma over long distances. Many people collect and dry its flower to treat colds in the autumn and winter. Steam room brooms made from branches of this tree are often used for the prevention and treatment of not only seasonal diseases, but also chronic ones, such as kidney or gallstones, frequent headaches, skin pathologies, disorders nervous system and others.

The aroma and substances released from the leaves from a steamed broom act as bronchodilator, soothing and wound healing agent. To do this, softened leaves are pressed to the face and body.

When studying the properties and chemical composition of linden, a whole complex of biologically active compounds was found, which includes bactericidal and sedative substances, such as tiliacin, carotene, protein, vitamin C, essential oil and others.

You can cut linden brooms for bathing procedures during its flowering or after its completion. This makes it less useful properties it will not grow in linden branches, but the “fan”, which contains dried flowers, will be more fragrant.

Juniper spruce broom

Juniper is an evergreen coniferous shrub and, like all representatives of this genus, is rich in essential oils. In addition to them, it contains a large amount of vitamins, organic acids and substances that have a bactericidal effect. The bush does not have sharp needles on its paws, but despite this, it is quite prickly. However, some experienced steam lovers choose this option due to its rigidity.

Juniper broom is good for treating rheumatic diseases, gout, edema and some skin diseases in a bathhouse. Thanks to its disinfectant properties, its aroma also helps with inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract.

Often the spruce branches of this plant are used to create a flooring on a steam room bench. In this case, it not only heals with its aromatic substances, but also proves to be an excellent massager.

Using a juniper fan, it is good to pump hot air from the heater towards yourself and, with light touches to the skin, carry out a tangential massage, slightly pressing the paws of the plant to different parts bodies.

There is no need to prepare brooms from this shrub in advance, since it is evergreen. It is used immediately after cutting, otherwise it will dry out and restore it, unlike deciduous plants, will not work. In dry form, juniper cannot be used for massage bath procedures, as it will be very hard and prickly.

Broom made from Canadian maple branches

Not everyone knows that a broom made from Canadian maple, which is no less rich in healing substances than other tree species from which bath brooms are cut, is perfect for a steam room. Part maple leaves contains carotene, ascorbic acid, tannins, alkaloids and other components due to which such a broom “works” like anti-inflammatory, wound-healing, cleansing, restorative, tonic and analgesic.

Paired procedures performed with a maple broom relieve pain due to osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis and rheumatism, as well as cleanse the skin and relieve inflammation.

Maple brooms are harvested in early or mid-summer, when the leaf has not yet fully grown, has a light green color and adheres well to the branch.

Broom made from spruce branches of coniferous trees

Bath brooms are made from spruce, cedar or fir branches. The needles of these species are distinguished by a high content of essential oils and resins, as well as vitamin C. The presence of small needles allows for an excellent massage that will relieve pain in the joints and spine. The essential oils of these plants disinfect and deodorize the air in the steam room, which is a necessary condition for the prevention of respiratory diseases. In addition to using a broom, a decoction of pine needles- for splashing on the heater and for rinsing the body after washing.

Thorny brooms must be used with extreme caution, as the needles can scratch delicate skin. They are most often used for steam injection and massage using light pressure on different parts of the body. It is best to use young needles, as they are not so hard and have no sharp ends, unlike the old spruce branches.

It is good to use coniferous paws for laying on the bench. You need to lie down on such a bedding carefully, but after a few minutes the body gets used to it. The needles, when heated, begin to release essential oils into the air, which envelop the body with steam, which helps open and cleanse the pores, as well as nourish the skin.

Coniferous brooms are not prepared in advance - they must be cut before going to the bathhouse.

Alder steam room broom

Alder bath brooms are most often used in Siberia and the northern regions of the country, where it grows. The leaves and branches of this tree have in their chemical composition several types of different acids, tannins and other substances that are beneficial to the human body. Many of them appear and begin to “work” only when the broom is steamed. They are able to disinfect the air, helping in the prevention of colds.

In addition, alder perfectly cleanses the skin, makes it elastic, smoothing out fine wrinkles.

Brooms from fruit trees and shrubs

Unfortunately, brooms made from currant, cherry and rowan branches are not very popular. And it’s completely in vain, since they have a wonderful unique aroma and great vitamin potential. When soaking dried brooms in hot water, the smell of freshness and summer completely captures the steam room.

The branches of these plants are quite thin and flexible, so the brooms made from them are soft, but they perfectly nourish and massage the skin.

A rowan broom has a special quality - this plant supports performance and does not allow you to relax even after a good massage and warming up in the steam room. Therefore, it is good to use it if a trip to the bathhouse is planned for the first half of the day, and in the second half there is some event planned, or serious work is to be done. By visiting the steam room and having massage treatments using a rowan broom, you can get a great boost of energy.

When massaged with currant branches, sweat is released especially intensely, and the leaves absorb it well. Thanks to a large number vitamin components and essential oils, a currant broom can not only cleanse the skin, but also nourish it well with useful substances. In addition to the effect on the skin, brooms from black currant bushes can relieve the painful manifestations of rheumatism and gout, and in combination with taking the decoction orally - very ist lymph nodes and urinary system from pathogenic microbes.

Herbal brooms

In addition to the brooms from different breeds trees and shrubs; bouquets of various medicinal herbs. Some of them are knitted into brooms for massage, others are simply hung in the steam room to create a special healing atmosphere in the room. When heated, the herbs release a mixed aroma into the dense, humid air of the steam room, inhaling which a person cleanses the lungs, and as a result, the entire circulatory system.

For the bath, different herbs are used, both separately and in combination with each other. The most used of them are worth considering.


Nettle relieves chronic fatigue well physical activity, it is able to relieve pain in muscles and joints. Thanks to its burning properties, which are somewhat reduced after soaking and become tolerable to the skin, nettle is a strong anti-inflammatory and healing skin irritant, which activates blood circulation and the metabolic process. When such procedures are carried out regularly, you can normalize blood pressure and get rid of chronic nervous tension.

Nettle brooms are prepared in May - June, since at this time the herbal tables are not yet too hard, and the leaves are moderately hot. This is important, since to obtain the result it is necessary to press the fan of the broom against the skin, and at the same time it should not have a traumatic, but stimulating effect on the skin cells.


A mint broom is called menthol and is often used in baths individually or in combination with other plants. Mint is used to create aromatherapy atmosphere and for massage treatments. A massage from the branches of this herb is done by pressing them, mainly to the face, neck and hands, since mint has a rejuvenating and calming effect. The essential oils contained in it, pinene, felandrene, mentofuran and other substances contribute to this. These components also have a bactericidal, vasodilating effect, and also bring relief to breathing in asthma.

Mint is harvested from May until late autumn. Young leaves are good to use for decoctions, and plants with fairly thick trunks are collected in separate brooms or added to birch or oak branches.

Do not collect plants after rain or heavy dew. In addition, before tying the collected shoots into brooms, they should not be washed or simply wet. “Bouquets” of mint should not be too thick - as it will be difficult for them to dry out evenly and properly.


Wormwood is most often used for hanging in a steam room, laying on a bench, or as an addition to brooms made from tree branches. This plant helps in the treatment of stomach and liver, gall bladder and joint diseases. When heated in a bathhouse, wormwood branches begin to emit a bitter aroma, which is useful for cleansing the body and relieving difficulty breathing. The essential oils contained in the plant contribute to this.

Dry wormwood - it is also widely used in bath practice

Wormwood is cut after flowering, when its stems are strong enough, but not rough. Having collected the grass, it is under no circumstances wetted, but is immediately tied into brooms and sent to dry.


The aroma of tansy is somewhat reminiscent of wormwood, but this herb even has great opportunities than wormwood. It is used to relieve pain and heal bruises, for headaches and rheumatic pain, as well as for menstrual irregularities. In addition, by regularly using tansy broom in the steam room, you can get rid of chronic problems with the genitourinary system and liver.

Tansy is often added to brooms made from different plants, and sometimes hung from the ceiling of the steam room to obtain aromatherapy effect.

This plant is collected during its flowering and used together with flowers. Before drying, it is not washed, but immediately tied into a bouquet and hung from the ceiling of a well-ventilated room.

Bamboo broom

A bamboo broom is exotic, unusual for a Russian bath, but if you know all its positive qualities, you will definitely want to try it for yourself. Experienced bath attendants who work with this plant claim that bamboo has the property of “pulling out” pain, so it is often used to relieve painful conditions. For example, it can relieve joint and spinal pain, relieve tension from muscles and ligaments, that is, provide a full massage of all parts of the body. In combination with this, a bamboo broom puts the skin in order, freeing it from accumulated toxins and making stretch marks left after childbirth less noticeable. This massage normalizes blood circulation and significantly strengthens blood vessels and the heart.

Somewhat unusual for our region - bamboo brooms

Unlike brooms with leaves, bamboo does not need to be steamed - it is always ready for massage procedures. A massage with such a broom not only heals the body, but also brings positive emotions.

Although bamboo strands have a porous internal structure, it must be used with extreme care and skill to avoid damaging sensitive skin. The broom is designed to influence the skin and muscle tissues that require periodic massage manipulations.

The massage is carried out with increased tapping on the skin, starting with a light touch to get used to it, and then intensifying it to more significant ones. The technique of alternating from weak to stronger effects, and vice versa, is often used.

Bamboo rods are quite flexible and, if used correctly, will not cause pain. A massage on a steamed body with relaxed muscles is especially good.

It will not be possible to harvest bamboo yourself, since it grows in Russia only in Kuril Islands. Some skilled gardeners sometimes grow it in other areas, but in any case, it is an exotic rarity, so most often such a bath accessory is purchased ready-made.

Preparation of traditional brooms

Since ancient times in Rus', bathhouse brooms were cut on Trinity Day, on the 49th day after Easter (usually the beginning or middle of June). The weather for harvesting brooms should be dry - if it rains or the humidity is high on the appointed day, then it is better to postpone this event until later. late date. You cannot cut branches early in the morning - you must wait until the dew has dried. The cut branches are not tied tightly right away - they need to be allowed to dry thoroughly.

The knitting process is usually carried out in compliance optimal sizes broom, which should be 500 ÷ 550 mm – fan and 100 ÷ 110 mm handle. The work is carried out as follows:

  • The branches are sorted and leveled, and excess leaves are removed from their lower edges, which can be dried separately and used for decoctions.
  • Then, the branches are carefully placed in a bouquet, with the thicker ones placed in the middle of the broom.
  • Next, the broom is loosely tied with linen twine in two places, at the top and bottom of the handle, passing it between the cuttings of the branches.
  • After this, two brooms are tied together and hung on poles mounted on the wall or mounted on supports in the middle of a well-ventilated room. It is impossible to dry brooms under the influence of ultraviolet rays, as the leaves will lose their flexibility and will crumble when dry.

  • The brooms are tied tightly only after drying for a week, and then laid on wooden shelves in dry, ventilated areas. Previously, brooms were usually stored in dry hay - you can create such conditions for them in a barn by laying dry grass on the shelves and placing it on top of the dried bath “bouquets”.

Properly prepared and dried raw materials retain the optimal amount of all medicinal properties plants. At the same time, the leaves should not be overdried - they should retain a pleasant matte green color.

Video - Knitting and drying brooms for a bath

Preparing a broom for the steam room

It is equally important to properly steam the broom before using it. There are several ways to do this:

  • An overdried broom is often dipped first in cold water for 8 ÷ 15 minutes, and then wrapped in damp cloth and keep it in this state for another 20 ÷ 30 minutes. Banya broom, prepared in this way, will retain a lively aroma and become soft. On branches soaked in cold water, the leaves will hold tightly, but, as some bathhouse attendants claim, some of its beneficial properties will be lost.
  • Some people prefer to simply hold a dry broom over the hot pebbles of the heater, turning frequently so that the leaves are heated evenly and completely. Such a broom will not be too soft, and the massage will be more intense.
  • Another preparation method is to treat the broom first with warm water and then with hot water. After the branches have been watered with boiling water, the broom is placed in a plastic bag, wrapped well and kept in this state for 6 ÷ 8 hours, before going to the steam room.

A few minutes before the steaming procedure, the broom is taken out of polyethylene, boiling water is splashed on it and covered with a tub.

You need to know how to take a steam bath!

It is not enough to have the desire to go to a real bathhouse by purchasing a good broom. An inexperienced person needs to know that such procedures must be subject to certain rules. so as not to cause harm to health - in a special article on our website.

The procedure of steaming in a bathhouse can be safely called an ineffective event if it lacks the main accessory - a broom. Having studied the information about the types of brooms, you can choose exactly the option that will improve your health, bring vigor and give you efficiency for the entire working week. There is no doubt that once properly carried out bath procedures, bringing only positive emotions, relief from ailments and a boost of vigor, will certainly turn into a weekly tradition for the whole family.

Both adults and the smallest children know that nothing will help you quickly and easily collect all the small debris from the floor than a broom. But if you ask them what brooms are made of, not everyone can give the correct answer. You can correct this “blank spot” in your knowledge and find out what plant brooms are made from with the help of our article.

What are brooms for cleaning made of?

Initially, flexible thin branches from any bush or young tree growing nearby were used to make brooms and panicles. But when the production of brooms for cleaning acquired an industrial scale, a plant called “sorghum” began to be grown for these purposes. It is from sorghum that the household brooms so familiar to our eyes are knitted, which are sold today in all markets and hardware stores. And this is no coincidence, because sorghum has a lot of advantages: it grows quite quickly in almost any soil, does not require special care and has the necessary flexibility and strength. In addition, sorghum has the ability to “ripen” when cut, which makes it especially suitable for growing in regions with cool climates. Interestingly, a special variety of sorghum was bred for the production of brooms, which is called sorghum broom. Buying broom sorghum seeds today is not at all a problem, and over the summer you can easily grow your own broom on your property.

What are millet brooms made of?

Before the advent of broom sorghum, brooms in Rus' were traditionally knitted from millet panicles remaining after beating the grains. Due to the external similarity of these two plants, many even confuse them. But today, millet brooms have almost completely been replaced by more durable, soft and fluffy sorghum brooms.

Despite the fact that more and more technologies appear every year, the main tool for cleaning an apartment is a broom. It is used for cleaning not only apartments, but also streets, utility rooms. An improved version, called a brush, is used for cleaning in offices and hotels. But, despite the slightly changed shape and name, it remains the same broom.

To ensure effective cleaning, you need to purchase quality equipment. It is made from natural raw materials. The most commonly used plant is called crown sorghum.

After drying, the plant, which is native to Africa, remains quite strong and tough. When making brooms, you should use only ripened sorghum branches. If the tool is made by hand, then the pre-dried stems must be tightly collected.

What else can you make a cleaning tool from? When making a broom, you can use any plants whose stems remain strong and elastic after drying. The raw materials can be nettle, wormwood, young linden branches, and thorns. This is not a complete list of herbs and plants that were used to weave brooms.

It is worth noting that in their own homes they often use instruments made from plants with a pungent odor (St. John's wort, wormwood). The smell of plants drives insects out of the room. Using a prickly broom made from thorn branches simplifies the cleaning of carpets and rugs. In order to get rid of cobwebs, they used a tool made from reed stems.

No matter what the broom is made of, it cannot have a long service life. Dried plants begin to break down over time. But when proper care and storage, the instrument can function for 10-12 months.

It is not recommended to store brooms in a vertical position. However, it is also undesirable to place them on the ground. It is best to install a special tray at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground. If you have a utility room, you can place the brooms directly on the floor (with the sweeping part up).

The service life of a sorghum tool can be extended by immersing it in a 5% solution of table salt before use. The solution must be hot. It’s good to clean with a moistened broom construction dust. And the best part is the pricing policy of the equipment. She's quite low. And if you collect raw materials with your own hands, you will only have to spend money on a strong rope, which is used to sew dried plant branches.

A broom is used to clean the streets. They make it out of tougher material. natural material. Here branches of any bush are used. Dried herbs are used extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that the operational period of such a broom will be quite short.

You can purchase a broom made of synthetic material. Most often, the sweeping part is made of polypropylene. This material is durable.

Brooms for sweeping are also made from artificial raw materials, although they are called brushes. But this does not change the essence. Plastic is used to make the throwing part. In addition to the cost of the raw materials used, the pricing of a cleaning brush is influenced by the hardness and length of the sweeping part. The handle of such a tool can be made of plastic or wood.

The length of the sweeping part of the brush compared to the broom has decreased, and the handle has increased. This made the cleaning process more comfortable. On the market you can find brushes that have different shape. They are very light and have a long service life. This tool is easy to clean and resistant to aggressive chemicals. Let's figure out what brushes of one shape or another are used for.

Rectangular brush with long handle is universal. It can be used to remove debris from the floor, clear cobwebs from corners and sweep carpets. There is a more focused tool that is designed for cleaning wooden coverings. In its production, a special pile is used, which effectively removes debris from laminated boards or parquet. It costs a little more than a universal brush.

If you need to remove dust from the battery or blinds, you can use special brushes. They have a curved shape and miniature dimensions, allowing you to remove dust from nearby radiator fins or blind slats.

A brush that can bend in different directions is suitable for cleaning the ceiling. It has a long pile located on a curved plastic strip. The bristles follow the curve of the slats. This brush is convenient for collecting cobwebs in corners.

After cleaning, the instrument must be cleaned and dried. Can be used for cleaning detergents, which will easily remove any dirt.

It is worth paying attention to a mechanical tool that does not require connection to an electrical outlet. These brushes will clean carpets with ease.

Despite the fact that more and more technologies appear every year, the main tool for cleaning an apartment is a broom. It is used for cleaning not only apartments, but also streets and utility rooms. An improved version, called a brush, is used for cleaning in offices and hotels. But, despite the slightly changed shape and name, it remains the same broom.

To ensure effective cleaning, you need to purchase quality equipment. It is made from natural raw materials. The most commonly used plant is called crown sorghum.

After drying, the plant, which is native to Africa, remains quite strong and tough. When making brooms, you should use only ripened sorghum branches. If the tool is made by hand, then the pre-dried stems must be tightly collected.

What else can you make a cleaning tool from? When making a broom, you can use any plants whose stems remain strong and elastic after drying. The raw materials can be nettle, wormwood, young linden branches, and thorns. This is not a complete list of herbs and plants that were used to weave brooms.

It is worth noting that in their own homes they often use instruments made from plants with a pungent odor (St. John's wort, wormwood). The smell of plants drives insects out of the room. Using a prickly broom made from thorn branches simplifies the cleaning of carpets and rugs. In order to get rid of cobwebs, they used a tool made from reed stems.

No matter what the broom is made of, it cannot have a long service life. Dried plants begin to break down over time. But with proper care and storage, the instrument can function for 10-12 months.

It is not recommended to store brooms in a vertical position. However, it is also undesirable to place them on the ground. It is best to install a special tray at a distance of 10-15 cm from the ground. If you have a utility room, you can place the brooms directly on the floor (with the sweeping part up).

The service life of a sorghum tool can be extended by immersing it in a 5% solution of table salt before use. The solution must be hot. It is good to remove construction dust with a moistened broom. And the best thing is the pricing policy of the equipment. She's quite low.

A broom is used to clean the streets. It is made from a tougher natural material. Here branches of any bush are used. Dried herbs are used extremely rarely. This is due to the fact that the operational period of such a broom will be quite short.

You can purchase a broom made of synthetic material. Most often, the sweeping part is made of polypropylene. This material is durable.

Cleaning brushes

Brooms for sweeping are also made from artificial raw materials, although they are called brushes. But this does not change the essence. Plastic is used to make the throwing part. In addition to the cost of the raw materials used, the pricing of a cleaning brush is influenced by the hardness and length of the sweeping part. The handle of such a tool can be made of plastic or wood.

The length of the sweeping part of the brush compared to the broom has decreased, and the handle has increased. This made the cleaning process more comfortable. You can find brushes in different shapes on the market. They are very light and have a long service life. This tool is easy to clean and resistant to aggressive chemicals. Let's figure out what brushes of one shape or another are used for.

A rectangular brush with a long handle is universal. It can be used to remove debris from the floor, clear cobwebs from corners and sweep carpets. There is a more narrowly targeted tool that is designed for cleaning wooden surfaces. In its production, a special pile is used, which effectively removes debris from laminated boards or parquet. It costs a little more than a universal brush.

If you need to remove dust from the battery or blinds, you can use special brushes. They have a curved shape and miniature dimensions, allowing you to remove dust from nearby radiator fins or blind slats.

A brush that can bend in different directions is suitable for cleaning the ceiling. It has a long pile located on a curved plastic strip. The bristles follow the curve of the slats. This brush is convenient for collecting cobwebs in corners.

After cleaning, the instrument must be cleaned and dried. For cleaning, you can use detergents that will easily remove any dirt.

It is worth paying attention to a mechanical tool that does not require connection to an electrical outlet. These brushes will clean carpets with ease.