Lakes of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The first results of bathymetric survey of the volcanic lake Ring (Onekotan Island, Northern Kuril Islands) Lake Ring

Lake Tunaicha is the second largest on Sakhalin and a real natural monument. Located in the Korsakov district of the Sakhalin region. The lake is transparent, pure water, and around it there is unique vegetation. The lake flows parallel to the coastline of Mordvinov Bay. Lake Tunaicha is brackish. It flows into the Komissarovka River.

In winter, Lake Tunaicha is a real paradise for fishing lovers. Lake Tunaicha is home to 29 species of fish! Salmon and other fish species are found here. In this lake you can catch the red fish beloved by many: chum salmon and pink salmon.

In summer, you can pick berries on the lake, admire a variety of plants and enjoy the cleanest air, as well as take beautiful landscape photographs.

Coordinates: 46.76944400,143.22500000

Lake Nevskoe

Lake Nevskoye is the largest lagoon-type lake on Sakhalin. The water in the lake is salty. It stretches for 40 kilometers, and its depth is up to one and a half kilometers. Three large rivers flow into Neva Lake: Rukutama, Olenya and Angurovka. The lake got its name from one of the ships led by I.F. Kruzenshtern. Despite its size, the lake is shallow. Its maximum depth is about 2 meters.

The main treasure of the lake is the abundance of birds and rare animals. In spring and autumn, more than 40 species of birds, numbering several thousand, fly here! You can also observe ducks, waders and gulls on Lake Nevsky. In addition, the lake is home to otter and muskrat. In total, more than 32 species of rare animals live on the lake. The Sakhalin authorities plan to raise Lake Nevskoye to the status of a nature reserve.

Coordinates: 49.38326700,143.40844600

Lake Koltsevoye

Lake Koltsevoye is not just beautiful, but a unique place on Earth. It got its name from its ring shape. This is the only lake in the world of this shape that also surrounds a volcano. The world's largest volcano, Krenitsyn, attracts hundreds of tourists to the lake. However, due to its location on the uninhabited island of Onekotan, peace and quiet reigns here.

Koltsevoye Lake is a great place to be alone with nature and take great photos without crowds of travelers. Although the lake is shallow, since its depth is just over one meter, people usually do not swim here, but admire the scenery while climbing the mighty volcano.

Coordinates: 49.34928300,154.74272100

Lake Tauro

Tauro - lagoon lake on Sakhalin island, in Uglegorsk municipal area Sakhalin region. On the shore of this lake is the city of Shakhtersk, where about 8,000 people live.

Near the lake there is a narrow gauge railway railway Miner's loading and transport department. The area of ​​the lake is only about 3 kilometers.

Views from Lake Tauro beautiful views to the mountains for exemplary landscape photographs. The distance from Lake Tauro to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is about 250 kilometers.

Coordinates: 49.17638900,142.08416700

Lake Changeable

Lake Izmenchivoe is located in the Korsakov region in the south of Sakhalin Island. Its total area is 8.2 square kilometers. The lake is quite deep and salty. Flows into the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Lake Changeable is famous for its medicinal properties thanks to sea sulfide mud, which helps get rid of skin and gynecological diseases. The lake is adjacent to a magnificent pine forest.

The water in the lake is sea, salty. Locals and tourists love fishing here. The lake is home to navaja, catfish, smelt and other valuable fish. If you have diving equipment, you have every chance of catching a “sea spider” - a large Sakhalin crab. This unique crab can also be purchased from local experienced fishermen.

Coordinates: 46.87138900,143.11666700

Lake Protochnoye

Lake Protochnoe is a beautiful lagoon lake on Sakhalin. The lake is located in the Uglegorsk municipal district of Sakhalin Island. Right on the shore of the lake is the small town of Shakhtersk, where about 8 thousand people live. There is a railway nearby.

Lake Protochnoye is small, its area is 3.1 kilometers. The Dno River flows through Lake Protochnoe. It is worth noting that Protochnoye Lake is very clean. Many fishing enthusiasts gather here in winter and summer.

Coordinates: 49.16632800,142.07345200

Small Chibisan Lake

Maloe Chibisanskoye is a marvelous lake on Sakhalin Island. Located in the lakemost place of Sakhalin - in the Korsakov urban district. Lake Maloye Chibisansky communicates with Big Chibisansky Lake.

The length of this lake is 2.5 kilometers and the average width is 800 meters. The water in the lake is fresh. The lake is interesting because it serves as a nesting place for rare birds listed in the Red Book during seasonal migrations.

The warmest period for traveling to the lake is August. Autumn here is relatively warm, but there are often rains and fogs, as well as typhoons.

Coordinates: 46.61694400,143.12888900

Small Vavai Lake

Maloe Vavayskoye is a beautiful lagoon lake on Sakhalin Island. The lake is located in the Korsakov urban district of the Sakhalin region. The lake is one of the most picturesque lakes in Sakhalin.

A trip to Small Vavai Lake can be made by motor boat. The lake is famous for its picturesque landscapes, clear clear water and colorful vegetation. You can see an excellent view of Maloe Vavayskoe Lake from the main camp at Cape Lebyazhiy Nos. From here you can do best photos lakes and coastal nature.

Coordinates: 46.60666700,143.17916700

Big Vawai Lake

Lake Bolshoye Vavayskoye is located in the Sakhalin region, in the Korsakov urban district, on Sakhalin island. Connected to Small Vavai Lake and Busse Lake. It is flowing, the Arakul River flows from it, and nine rivers flow into it. It is a lagoon-type lake. The area of ​​the Big Vavai Lake is 44.1 square kilometers, the average depth is 4.2 meters, the greatest is 8.4 meters.

There are bays in the northwestern and southwestern parts of the lake. The lake is home to fish such as crucian carp, rudd, carp, taimen and others. In the vicinity of the lake there are lizards, frogs, foxes, swans, ducks, geese, and eagles.

Coordinates: 46.59668300,143.25909500

Boiling Lake

On the island of Kunashir, in the east of the caldera of Golovnin volcano, Lake Boiling is located. The lake's area is 0.7 square kilometers, its depth is 23 meters, its diameter is 230 meters, and its height is 130 meters above sea level.

The lake is located on the territory of the explosion crater. A sulfur deposit formed at its bottom. The lake received its name “boiling” due to the fact that its water is heated by volcanic gases. Sometimes volleys of boiling water occur, and jets of sulfur and hydrogen sulfide gases begin to shoot out from under the ground, along with hot streams of water.

The average water temperature here is +34-36 degrees, but despite this, on the northern shore there are boiling mud pots, the temperature of which reaches +80-100 degrees. Sulfur combines with metals, so sulfur foam floats on the surface of the water. On the shore lies yellow-black sand.

In the 20th century, Lake Boiling was a source of sulfur. You cannot swim in it, since the concentration of heavy metal salts and arsenic in the lake is too high. In the caldera with Boiling Lake there is Lake Goryacheye, connected to it by an artificial canal built by the Japanese.

Coordinates: 43.84305600,145.50555600

Lake Busse

Busse is a lake (lagoon) in the Korsakov district of the Sakhalin region. The lagoon was opened in 1797. The lagoon got its name thanks to Major N.V. Busse, participant of the Amur expedition of 1849 - 1855. The area of ​​the lake is 39.4 square kilometers, length - 9 kilometers, width - 7 kilometers, depth reaches 4.5 meters. Streams and rivers flow into the lake, including the Shishkevich and Arakul rivers. The lake communicates with lakes Chibisansky, Maly and Bolshoy Vavaysky.

The lake is home to various sea grasses and algae, including the valuable red algae Ahnfeltia, from which agar-agar is extracted. Shellfish are also found here, mainly mussels, giant oysters, sea scallops, sea cucumbers, and the large grass shrimp. The lake is home to many species of fish, including pink salmon, chum salmon, herring, navaga, smelt, crucian carp, taimen and others. Waterfowl nest on the lake.

Busse Lagoon is a natural monument of regional importance and is a rich ecosystem of great commercial and scientific importance.

Coordinates: 46.53448000,143.33278600

Ain Lake

Lake Ain is located in the Tomarinsky urban district of the Sakhalin region, on Sakhalin Island. It is a lagoon lake. It got its name due to the fact that the indigenous inhabitants of the Kuril Islands and Southern Sakhalin called themselves Ainu. From the Ainu language, “Ainu” is translated as “person” or “man”. The area of ​​the lake is 32.4 square kilometers. The Ainskaya River flows through it.

The lake is not deep, the maximum depth is about 3 meters. The lake is famous for the habitat it contains large number fish. Here you can catch smelt, taimen, kunja, and cherry salmon. Fishing on the lake is year-round. The lake has a channel through which you can go out to the sea, where cod and different types flounder.

Coordinates: 48.49998400,142.04865400

A typical two-tier “volcano within a volcano” located in the southern part of Onekotan Island.
Height 1324 m (the highest point of the island).
The volcano is the world's largest "volcano within a volcano".
The volcano is one of the hundred wonders of Russia!

to Onekotan Island

map of Onekotan island, Krenitsina volcano

The volcano is located in the Ring Lake with a diameter of 7 km, surrounded by a rock wall, 900 m high. The volcano is the most beautiful and spectacular natural wonder of the Far East, which locals call the “eighth wonder of the world.” You can get to the local attraction - Onekotan Island and Krenitsyn Volcano - from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky by Pacific Ocean on a yacht.

The volcano was named after the navigator Pyotr Kuzmich Krenitsyn. There is only one known historical eruption, in 1952. Currently, fumarolic and thermal activity is being recorded.

Krenitsyn Volcano is an active volcano on the island of Onekotan. A typical two-tier “volcano within a volcano.”
Located in the southern part of Onekotan Island. Height 1324 m (the highest point of the island).
A volcanic cone (with a base diameter of 3.5-4 km) rises in the form of an island inside Lake Koltsevoye lying at an altitude of 400 m (diameter about 7 km). The lake is surrounded by a somma - the walls of the more ancient Tao-Rusyr caldera (heights 540-920 m with a base diameter of 16-17 km).

The caldera is composed of basaltic lavas and andesitic loose material, the volcanic cone is composed of andesites. The slopes are covered with dwarf cedar.
There is only one known historical eruption, in 1952. Currently, fumarolic and thermal activity is being recorded.
The volcano is the largest volcano within a volcano in the world

Onekotan Island in plan has a shape close to a triangle with a base in the south in the form of an arc curved in the same direction. The length from south-southwest to north-northeast is 42.5 km, width in the south is about 16.7 km, in the north 11 km, area is about 315 km2.

IN middle group the pointed peak of Enzio (Dome-shaped, House) rises to 707 m among domed mountains and short ridges, separated by longitudinal lowlands and closed basins.
In the north-west of the island, the smoldering Peak Nemo (1019 m) is also surrounded by peaks in a jumbled pile that extends to the north-eastern end of the island.

Due to the fact that the highest peaks are located closer to the western coast of the island, the latter is steep, sometimes steep and less rugged than the eastern one, although even there low-lying coastal areas are rare and are accompanied by rocks and pitfalls. From the northwestern Cape Kimpei (Kimberley) a rocky reef extends far into the sea; the northeastern cape of Kiito (Little John) ends with the Tsurigane rock (Clear Weather Stone) 88 m high; at the southern end, the coast is covered with high steep rocks with underwater reefs at depths of 20 m, which at low tide give the water a dark color.

The slopes of the mountains are mostly steep, devoid of loose sediments and only in places covered in hollows by stone streams. Climbing to the top is difficult even for a pedestrian. The depressions are filled with coarse sediments and a thin cartilaginous soil layer. Excavation works are possible to shallow depths.
There are few rivers on the island. They are low-water and easy to ford, although in the upper reaches they are stormy, especially during rains. River valleys in depressions are wide and filled with coarse alluvium. There are two large lakes on the island: at the foot of Enzio Peak - about 4 km long and 2 km wide, and at the foot of Mount Blakistovo - with a circumference of about 15 km.

The island's vegetation is richer than on the northern islands. In the valleys there is a dense cover of meadow herbs, among which are tall “bear root”, sweet hogweed, spear-leaved cacalia, Kamchatka shelamaynik, and nettle. Tall umbellifers and nettles form impenetrable thickets in some places. There are grass and moss bogs on the flat lowlands and around the lakes. On the gentle slopes of the hills, mixed-grass meadows alternate with heather. A higher position on the slopes is occupied by thickets of shrubby alder, which towards the tops of the mountains are replaced by grass and lichen-moss cover on rocky placers. Many plants produce edible rhizomes. Among the berries are crowberry, blueberry, and cloudberry. There is no timber on the island.
Of the terrestrial mammals, there are only foxes and small rodents. Seals are common at sea; Steller sea lions are found in areas rich in seaweed; Rookeries of sea animals are found only on the Puritana rock. There are bird nests on the Tsurigane rock. During the period of Japanese presence, a fox nursery was located in Nemo Bay.

The remains of an old abandoned village are located on the eastern shore, in Kuroishi Bay. There is a road on the island that crosses it, from the Tenryuwan roadstead to Kuroishi Bay.

Cape Kimberley, Onekotan Island

Pyotr Kuzmich Krenitsyn (1728 - July 4, 1770) - captain of the 1st rank, explorer of Kamchatka and the Aleutian Islands.
Born in 1728. In 1742 he entered the Marine cadet corps, the following year he was promoted to midshipman, and in 1748 to midshipman.
In 1760, commanding the bombardment ship Jupiter, he participated in the Kolberg expedition and earned the most flattering certification from Rear Admiral S.I. Mordvinov.
When it came to the attention of Empress Catherine II that Russian industrialists had discovered several islands in the Bering Sea, the Empress ordered the Admiralty Board to send “immediately, according to their judgment, as many officers and navigators as necessary, entrusting the command over them to a senior person, who would have knowledge of maritime science and diligence towards her was known.” The choice fell on Lieutenant-Commander Krenitsyn, who received the rank of captain of the 2nd rank and a gold watch from Empress Catherine; he was appointed in 1764 as the head of a “secret” expedition equipped to explore the newly discovered islands. M.D. Levashov was appointed his assistant, and he was given independence to a large extent. The navigators of the expedition were M.F. Krasheninnikov and Ya.I. Shabanov.

He went by land to Okhotsk, where he arrived at the end of 1765, and on October 10, 1766, commanding the brigantine “St. Ekaterina" with a detachment of four small ships, set off from Okhotsk; but his ships were separated by a strong storm and wrecked on October 25 off the coast of Kamchatka, near Bolsheretsk: standing at one remaining anchor on two rivers, Krenitsyn ferried the crew ashore and was the last to leave the ship.
In 1767, on the boat “St. Gabriel" Krenitsyn, rounding Cape Lopatka, moved from Bolsheretsk to Nizhnekamchatsk; in 1768, commanding the galliot "St. Ekaterina”, left the Kamchatka River into the Bering Sea and reached the island of Unalaska. Having waited there for M.D. Levashov, who was engaged in an inventory of the Commander Islands, Krenitsyn moved to Unimak Island, on which he set up his intermediate base. Then Krenitsyn and Levashev examined the northern coast of the Alaska Peninsula, which they mistook for an island.

At the end of 1768, Krenitsyn returned to Unimak Island and spent the winter on it; During the winter, most of the detachment died from scurvy there. In the summer of 1769, Krenitsyn examined a group of small islands between Unimak and Unalaska, later called the Krenitsyn Islands.
In 1769 he was promoted to captain of the 1st rank and, commanding the same galliot and leading the expedition, moved to Kamchatka. Due to the poor and hasty construction of the ships, the lack of provisions and the hostile attitude of the natives, this expedition ended after four years without any visible result; During this expedition, Krenitsyn drowned on July 4, 1770 in the Kamchatka River, after which the expedition ships returned to Okhotsk under the command of Lieutenant-Commander M.D. Levashev, who, taking the people, went to St. Petersburg. Based on the materials collected by Krenitsyn and Levashev, the first map of the Aleutian Islands was compiled.
From Krenitsyn's discoveries, a very convenient harbor is known on the island of Unalaska, called the harbor of St. Paul (Dutch Harbor). In addition to a group of islands in the Aleutian archipelago, the following names are named after Krenitsyn: the strait between the islands of Onekotan and Kharimkotan, the volcano on the island of Onekotan, the cape on the island of Kharimkotan and the cape in the Bristol Bay of the Bering Sea.

Krenitsina volcano, view from space, volcano within a volcano


Team Nomads
Global Volcanism Program
Poster-Mir. No. 035 – Active volcanoes
Wikipedia website
Active volcanoes of the Kuril Islands. Brief description
Geography of the Kuril Islands
Lurie V.M. Marine biographical dictionary. XVIII century. St. Petersburg, 2005
Magidovich I. P., Magidovich I. V. Essays on the history of geographical discoveries. T. III. Geographical discoveries and research of modern times (mid-17th-18th centuries). M., 1984
Russian biographical dictionary: In 25 volumes / under the supervision of A. A. Polovtsov. 1896-1918.

 /   / 49.33472; 154.73444Coordinates:
CountryRussia 22x20px Russia
RegionSakhalin region
Square26 km²
Greatest depth369 m
Catchment area45 km²
Lua error in Module:Wikidata on line 170: attempt to index field "wikibase" (a nil value).
K: Water bodies in alphabetical order

The area of ​​the lake is 26 km². The drainage area is 45.2 km².

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An excerpt characterizing Koltsevoe (lake, Onekotan)

– Do you know her?.. Then tell me, who are these people, North? And why does my heart hurt so much for them? “I asked, surprised by his advice.
“These are the Cathars, Isidora... Your beloved Cathars... on the night before the burning,” Sever said sadly. “And the place you see is their last and dearest fortress, which lasted longer than all the others.” This is Montsegur, Isidora... Temple of the Sun. The home of Magdalene and her descendants... one of whom is about to be born.
– ?!..
- Don't be surprised. The father of that child is a descendant of Beloyar, and, of course, Radomir. His name was Svetozar. Or – the Light of Dawn, if you prefer. This (as they always have) is a very sad and cruel story... I don’t advise you to watch it, my friend.
The North was focused and deeply sad. And I understood that the vision that I was looking at at that moment did not give him pleasure. But despite everything, he was, as always, patient, warm and calm.
– When did this happen, Sever? Are you saying that we are seeing the real end of Qatar?
North looked at me for a long time, as if pitying me... As if not wanting to hurt me even more... But I stubbornly continued to wait for an answer, not giving him the opportunity to remain silent.
– Unfortunately, this is so, Isidora. Although I would really like to answer you something more joyful... What you are now observing happened in 1244, in the month of March. On the night when the last refuge of Qatar fell... Montsegur. They held out for a very long time, ten long months, freezing and starving, infuriating the army of the Holy Pope and His Majesty, the King of France. There were only one hundred real warrior knights and four hundred other people, among whom were women and children, and more than two hundred Perfect Ones. And the attackers were several thousand professional knight-warriors, real killers who received the go-ahead to destroy the disobedient “heretics”... to mercilessly kill all the innocent and unarmed... in the name of Christ. And in the name of the “holy”, “all-forgiving” church. Koltsevoe (lake, Onekotan) Koltsevoe (lake, Onekotan)

 /   / 49.33472; 154.73444(G) (I)Coordinates: 49°20′05″ n. w. 154°44′04″ E. d. /  49.33472° N. w. 154.73444° E. d. / 49.33472; 154.73444(G) (I)
CountryRussia Russia
RegionSakhalin region
Square26 km²
Greatest depth369 m
Catchment area45 km²
K: Water bodies in alphabetical order

The area of ​​the lake is 26 km². The drainage area is 45.2 km².

Write a review about the article "Ring (lake, Onekotan)"



An excerpt characterizing Koltsevoe (lake, Onekotan)

Drum yes yes dam, dam, dam, the drums crackled. And Pierre realized that the mysterious power had already completely taken possession of these people and that now it was useless to say anything else.
The captured officers were separated from the soldiers and ordered to go ahead. There were about thirty officers, including Pierre, and about three hundred soldiers.
The captured officers, released from other booths, were all strangers, were much better dressed than Pierre, and looked at him, in his shoes, with distrust and aloofness. Not far from Pierre walked, apparently enjoying the general respect of his fellow prisoners, a fat major in a Kazan robe, belted with a towel, with a plump, yellow, angry face. He held one hand with a pouch behind his bosom, the other leaned on his chibouk. The major, puffing and puffing, grumbled and was angry at everyone because it seemed to him that he was being pushed and that everyone was in a hurry when there was nowhere to hurry, everyone was surprised at something when there was nothing surprising in anything. Another, a small, thin officer, spoke to everyone, making assumptions about where they were being led now and how far they would have time to travel that day. An official, in felt boots and a commissariat uniform, ran from different directions and looked out for the burned-out Moscow, loudly reporting his observations about what had burned and what this or that visible part of Moscow was like. The third officer, of Polish origin by accent, argued with the commissariat official, proving to him that he was mistaken in defining the districts of Moscow.

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1 UDC, FIRST RESULTS OF BATHYMETRIC SURVEY OF THE RING VOLCANIC LAKE (ONEKOTAN ISLAND, NORTHERN KURIL ISLANDS) 2017 D.N. Kozlov 1, A.V. Degterev 1, A.V. Rybin 1, I.G. Koroteev 1, I.M. Klimantsov 1, O.V. Chaplygin 2, I.V. Chaplygin 2 1 IMGiG FEB RAS, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, ; 2 IGEM RAS, Moscow, The paper presents the first results of a bathymetric survey of the volcanic lake Koltsevoye (Onekotan Island, Northern Kuril Islands). Its main morphological elements and morphometric parameters are described, and a bathymetric diagram is presented. Key words: volcano, caldera, volcanic lake, morphology. INTRODUCTION Over the last decade, employees of the laboratory of volcanology and volcano hazard of the Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics (IMGiG) FEB RAS have been studying unique and hard-to-reach objects - volcanic (crater) lakes of the Great Kuril Ridge. Research is carried out using modern digital echolocation survey techniques with synchronous satellite georeferencing of profiles (Kozlov, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016; Kozlov, Belousov, 2007; Kozlov et al., 2016; Kozlov, Zharkov, 2009a, 2009b; Kozlov et al. , 2012). As a result of the work carried out, the features of the morphology of volcanic lakes were identified and their exact morphometric characteristics were calculated (Table 1), the specifics of the genesis, functioning and evolution of lake systems were established, and their current state was described. Lake Koltsevoye on the island. Onekotan is one of the least studied volcanic reservoirs of the Kuril Islands. Geomorphologists and limnologists have practically not studied this unique and truly grandiose body of water, which is a large reservoir of fresh water. For the first time, echo sounding measurements of the lake were carried out by A.B. Belousov in 2006 (Levin et al., 2007) using a high-precision digital echo sounder and satellite georeferencing of profiles. Information about these measurements has not been published in the form of profiles or diagrams, but they are the first literary mention of the maximum depth of the lake at 264 m. Brief information on the morphology of the lake (according to A.B. Belousov and our information) is contained in the monograph “Crater Lakes of the Kuril Islands” (Kozlov, 2015). GEOLOGICAL AND GEOMORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY OBJECT Volcanic Lake. Koltsevoe is located in the caldera of the Tao-Rusyr volcano, which forms the southern part of the island. Onekotan (Fig. 1). Its structure is represented by the gently sloping shield volcano Tao-Rusyr, which acts as a pre-caldera base within a massif built according to the Somma-Vesuvius type. The diameter of the base of the structure is ~15 16 km, the diameter of the caldera is 7.5 km, and its area is 45 km 2. The formation of the caldera occurred as a result of a catastrophic explosive eruption, which, according to radiocarbon dating of charcoal from pyroclastic flows (Gorshkov, 1967; Kamchatka, 1974; Newest , 2005) occurred ~8350 years ago. (age calibration according to (Weninger, Joris, 2004). The total volume of juvenile and resurgent material (tephra, explosive deposits, pyroclastic flow deposits) of the Tao caldera eruption 89

2 KOZLOV et al. Table 1. Morphometric characteristics of volcanic lakes of the Kuril Islands. Lake name Hot Boiling Beautiful Turquoise Broughton Malachite Eye Black Ring Island Kunashir Kunashir Iturup Simushir Simushir Ketoy Ketoy Onekotan Onekotan Average volcano Golovnina Golovnina Urbich Zavaritsky Uratman Ketoy Pallas Peak Nemo Tao-Rusyr coordinates 43 52" N, "E" N, "E" N, "E" N ., "E" N, "E" N, "E" N, "E" N, "E" N ., "e.d. relative height above sea level sea, 11 mirror area, km 2 coastline length, km volume, km 3 length, km width max., km depth max., m ph n.a. 7.5 n.a. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. -\\- age, thousand years ~ ~60-80 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. ~10 ~8 -\\- hydrotherms (up to 80 C) (up to 95 C) no (up to 40 C) no yes yes no up to 30 C -\\- 90

3 FIRST RESULTS OF BATHYMETRIC SURVEY Fig. 1. Layout of Onekotan Island (a), Tao-Rusyr caldera and Koltsevoye volcanic lake (b). Rusyr, according to (Bazanova et al., 2016), amounted to 3 km, with a weight of () 10 9 tons. Deposits of pyroclastic flows associated with this event currently occupy a significant part of the eastern coast of the island, gradually decreasing in thickness from south to north . In addition, pyroclastic deposits also formed a depression between the Tao-Rusyr somma and the Shestakov mountain massif (absolute height m) along the Fontanka and Olkhovaya rivers. The mountain is named after the Russian explorer Vasily Afanasyevich Shestakov, who participated in an expedition to the Kuril Islands in the years. (Braslavets, 1983). Juvenile fragments from pyroclastic flows have a pumice-like appearance and their composition corresponds to andesite (SiO wt.%) (Gorshkov, 1967). The caldera of the Tao-Rusyr volcano is completely closed, has steep, sometimes almost vertical walls. Interior The caldera is occupied by the waters of a closed lake. Ring (Fig. 2 on page 1 of the cover). In the northwestern part of the caldera, the post-caldera stratovolcano Peak Krenitsyn (absolute height 1324 m), crowned with a summit crater, rises from the bottom of the lake (Fig. 3). The volcano is named after the explorer of the Aleutian Islands, head of the government expedition, captain 1st rank Pyotr Kuzmich Krenitsyn (Braslavets, 1983). The cone has relative height 900 m, the diameter of its base is 3.5 km. The crater of the central cone has a diameter of ~250 m and a depth of ~100 m. The active volcano Krenitsyn Peak (absolute height 1326 m) is considered one of the most beautiful volcanoes of the Great Kuril ridge and is a kind of standard volcanic structure of the Somma-Vesuvius type. The ideal geomorphological expression, proportionality and originality of the elements of the construction of Krenitsyn Peak Tao-Rusyr are superbly described by the famous domestic volcanologist G.S. Gorshkov (1967, p. 26): “ General view giant caldera bowl at the top of the mountain, where a lake of deep water sparkles, framed by gloomy rocks blue tone, from which rises a cone covered with green grass and variegated volcanic rocks, presents an unforgettably beautiful picture.” The structure of the Tao-Rusyr volcano is composed of basalts, basaltic andesites and andesites (SiO wt.%). The extrusive dome of the 1952 eruption has a dacyandesite and dacite composition (SiO wt.%) (Gorshkov, 1967; Fedorchenko et al., 1989). Data on the historical activity of the Krenitsyn Peak volcano are limited. In the work of G.S. Gorshkova (1967) mentions that in 1846 and 1879. the volcano exhibited solfataric activity. After this, until 1952, there was no information about the eruptive activity of the volcano in the literature available to us. In November 1952, the only reliably known historical eruption of the Krenitsyn Peak volcano occurred, the details of which are known quite well due to the fact that eyewitnesses were able to observe it (Gorshkov, 1958). 91

4 KOZLOV et al. Fig. 3. Crater of the Krenitsyn Peak volcano, August 2015. Photo by O.V. Chaplygin. As of August 2015, no visible manifestations of solfataric activity on the volcano were observed either in the summit crater or on the 1952 extrusive dome (Fig. 4a on page 4 of the cover). Thermal water outlets were visually observed only in the area of ​​the 1952 dome: along the water's edge for meters to the northwest (Fig. 4b on page 4 of the cover). All of them were low-income and, apparently, they were also described in the work of G.S. Gorshkova (1967). The temperature in the springs that discharged directly within the water's edge and did not have time to mix with lake waters reached ~30 C. Within the areas of underwater discharge, according to measurements with a temperature sensor built into the echo sounder emitter, it turned out to be significantly lower, down to 14 C. MATERIALS AND METHODS The materials that form the basis of this study were obtained during expeditionary work on the Kuril Islands in the period from July 25 to August 21, 2015, carried out within the framework of the Russian-Belarusian project “Monitoring the Union State: creating a database of subject-specific features and spectral characteristics obtained at ground-based control and calibration sites and in seismically and volcanically active zones, based on field measurements with a spectral hardware and software complex” (Rybin et al., 2015a; Rybin et al., 2015b). A bathymetric survey of the lake was carried out from August 12 to August 14, 2015 by a team of researchers from the Institute of Geology and Geography, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Geology of Ore Deposits, Petrography, Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kozlov et al., 2016). The work was carried out according to a proven method (Kozlov, 2013; 2015) using a Lowrance “LMS-527cDF igps” echo sounder with an integrated navigation receiver (GPS), and inflatable boat"Cat Fish 240" with outboard motor low power (2.5 HP). In a short time, due to the tight work schedule of the expedition vessel and the need to conduct planned research at other sites, it was possible to obtain information about the structure of the lake basin. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In total, during the work, 27 echolocation profiles with a total length of ~30.5 km were obtained, as a result of which a bathymetric diagram of the lake was constructed (Fig. 5). According to our data, the maximum depth of the lake reaches 369 m. This allows us to say that Lake Koltsevoye is the deepest freshwater body of water not only in the Kuril Islands and the Sakhalin region as a whole, but also in the entire Far East, and is also in fourth place in the list of the deepest deep lakes of Russia (Ryanzhin, Ulyanova, 2000) (Table 2). In depth it is second only to Lake Baikal (1642 m), the Caspian Sea (1025 m) and Lake Khantay (420 m). The discrepancy between the maximum depths according to our data (369 m) and the data of A.B. Belousov (Levin et al., 2007) (264 m), due to the fact that in 2006 A.B. Belousov examined the northwestern section of the lake, and the deepest place (up to m) is its southeastern part (Fig. 5). 92

5 FIRST RESULTS OF BATHYMETRIC SURVEY Fig. 5. Bathymetric diagram of the volcanic lake Koltsevoye (isobaths are drawn every 60 m, the position of the profiles is marked with a dotted line). Table 2. Lakes of Russia with depths of more than 300 m (according to the state water register of the Russian Federation). Name of the lake Subject of the Russian Federation Maximum depth, m Area, km2 1 Baikal Buryatia. Irkutsk region Caspian Sea Dagestan. Kalmykia. Astrakhan region Khantaiskoye Krasnoyarsk region Koltsevoye Sakhalin region Teletskoye Republic Altai Kurilskoye Kamchatka region The studies carried out (Kozlov et al., 2016) made it possible to obtain the following morphometric parameters of the lake: total area 35 km 2 (mirror area 26 km 2), volume 3.75 km 3, length 6.5 km, coastline length 22 km. Morphologically, the reservoir is a ring-shaped basin, enclosed between the internal slopes of the Holocene Tao-Rusyr caldera and the external slopes of the active volcano Krenitsyn Peak. The name of the lake fully justifies itself. The shape of a lake basin with a complex bottom structure can be considered similar to a crescent. During the bathymetric survey, the average temperature of the lake’s water surface was 5 8 C. Gas-hydrothermal outlets located along the water’s edge reached a temperature of 30 C during the research in 2015 (data were obtained using a temperature sensor built into the echo sounder emitter). These outputs were described previously by G.S. Gorshkov (1967). It was also noted that the thermal water discharge zone was marked by colonies of thermophilic algae, which indicates the existence of a stably functioning local ecosystem here. Computer interpretation of echo sounding profiles and analysis of the bathymetric scheme made it possible to establish the nature of the depth distribution in the lake basin. In the northern and northwestern sectors of the lake, relatively small depths of m were observed. In the northeastern part of the lake, the depths are much greater and reach m, while the eastern and southeastern parts account for their maximum, m, which corresponds to the greatest distance between the underwater slopes of the caldera and volcano Peak Krenitsyn. It should be noted that part of the data on the southwestern part of the lake was lost due to a malfunction of satellite equipment. When surveying in this place, the GPS-referencing was interrupted, and the depth data continued 93

6 press to sign up. In this regard, there is no bathymetric coverage in this part of the lake. CONCLUSION In the course of the research, an echo sounder survey of the lake was carried out. Koltsevoe, on the basis of which a bathymetric scheme was compiled for the first time, allowing us to obtain original data on the morphology of the bottom of the lake basin. The data obtained allow us to say that the lake is in fourth place in the list of the deepest lakes in Russia (Table 2). Interpretation and analysis of echolocation records showed that in the studied areas of the lake bottom there are no underwater gas-hydrothermal outlets observed, with the exception of the area in the area of ​​the extrusive dome of 1952. The data obtained must be integrated into specialized catalogs and databases on water bodies, as well as in educational, scientific- popular and reference publications. The research was supported by grants from the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (16-I e) and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (mol_a). References Bazanova L.I., Melekestsev I.V., Ponomareva V.V. and others. Volcanic disasters of the late Pleistocene-Holocene in Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands. Part 1. Types and classes of catastrophic eruptions of the main components of volcanic catastrophism // Volcanology and seismology S Braslavets K.M. History in names on the map of the Sakhalin region // Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: Far Eastern Book Publishing House, Sakhalin Branch, p. Gorshkov G.S. Active volcanoes of the Kuril island arc // Young volcanism of the USSR. Proceedings of the Laboratory of Volcanology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. M.: Publishing House of the USSR Academy of Sciences, S Gorshkov G.S. Volcanism of the Kuril Island Arc. M.: Nauka, Kamchatka, Kuril and Commander Islands / Rep. ed. I.V. Luchitsky. M.: Nauka, p. Kozlov D.N. New data on the intra-caldera Lake Black (Onekotan Island) // Questions of geology and integrated development of natural resources of East Asia. All-Russian scientific conf. Collection of reports. Blagoveshchensk: IGiP FEB RAS, S. Kozlov D.N. Features of the morphology of crater lakes of the Kuril Islands. Author's abstract. diss. Ph.D. geogr. Sci. St. Petersburg, p. KOZLOV and others. Kozlov D.N. Crater lakes of the Kuril Islands. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: State Budgetary Institution of Culture "Sakhalin Regional Museum of Local Lore", Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics of the Far Eastern Branch Russian Academy Sciences, p. Kozlov D.N. Morphology of the Krasivoe crater lake // Vestnik KRAUNTS. Geosciences Vol. 31. S Kozlov D.N., Belousov A.B. Modern methods studies of intra-caldera lakes of active volcanoes (using the example of Golovnin volcano, Kunashir Island, Kuril Islands) // Materials of the XIII Scientific Meeting of Geographers of Siberia and Far East, Irkutsk, 2007. T. 1. Irkutsk: Publishing House of the Institute of Geography named after. V.B. Sochavy SB RAS, S Kozlov D.N. Degterev A.V., Rybin A.V. and others. Preliminary results of a bathymetric study of the volcanic lake Koltsevoye (Onekotan Island, Kuril Islands) / Natural disasters: study, monitoring, forecast: VI Sakhalin Youth Scientific School, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, October 3-8, 2016 Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: IMGiG FEB RAS, S Kozlov D.N., Zharkov R.V. Results of the study of the intra-caldera lake Biryuzovoye on the Zavaritsky volcano (Simushir Island, Kuril Islands) // Natural disasters: study, monitoring, forecast: III Sakhalin Youth Scientific School, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, June 3-6, 2008. Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk: IMGiG FEB RAS , 2009a. S Kozlov D.N., Zharkov R.V. New data on the morphology of intra-caldera lakes on the islands of Kunashir and Simushir // Vestnik KRAUNC. Geosciences. 2009b. 2. Issue. 14. C Newest and modern volcanism on the territory of Russia / Rep. ed. N.P. Laverov, M.: Nauka, p. Kozlov D.N., Rashidov V.A., Koroteev I.G. Morphology of Broughton Bay (Simushir Island, Kuril Islands) // Vestnik KRAUNTS. Geosciences Vol. 20. S Levin B.V., Fitzhugh B., Bourgeois D. et al. Complex expedition to the Kuril Islands in 2006 (stage I) // Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences S State Water Register of the Russian Federation S.V. Ryanzhin, Ulyanova T.Yu. Geographical information system“Lakes of the World” GIS WORLDLAKE // DAN T S

7 Rybin A.V., Bogomolov L.M., Degterev A.V. and others. Field volcanological and environmental studies on the Kuril Islands in 2015 // Bulletin of KRAUNC. Geosciences, Vol. 28. S Rybin A.V., Bogomolov L.M., Degterev A.V. and others. International expedition of the Kuril Islands FIRST RESULTS OF BATHYMETRIC SURVEY 2015 // Bulletin of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, With Weninger B., Joris O. Glacial Radiocarbon Calibration. The CalPal Program // Radiocarbon and Archaeology / Higham T., Bronk Ramsey C., Owen C. (Eds.). Fourth International Symposium. Oxford, PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM BATHYMETRIC RESEARCH OF KOLTSEVOYE VOLCANIC LAKE (ONEKOTAN ISLAND, THE NORHERN KURILES) D.N. Kozlov 1, A.V. Degterev 1, A.V. Rybin 1, I.G. Koroteev 1, I.M. Klimantsov 1, O.V. Chaplygin 2, I.V. Chaplygin 2 1 IMGG FEB RAS, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia 2 IGEM RAS, Moscow, Russia The paper provides preliminary results from the bathymetric studies of Koltsevoye volcanic lake (Onekotan Island, the Northern Kuriles). We describe the main morphological and morphometric parameters and represent a bathymetric scheme. Keywords: volcano, caldera, volcanic lake, morphology. 95

D. N. Kozlov NEW DATA ABOUT THE MORPHOLOGY OF INTRA-CALDERA LAKE CHERNOE (ONEKOTAN Island) The study of the morphological and genetic features of intra-caldera lakes is an important task, the solution of which will shed light on

General and regional geology UDC 551.432.7,556.55,912.644.4+912.648 doi: 10.30730/2541-8912.2018.2.4.359-364 Koltsevoye caldera lake: current state and structure of the basin (Onekotan Island, Kuril Islands)

D. N. Kozlov, R. V. Zharkov MODERN GAS-HYDROTHERMAL ACTIVITY IN THE GOLOVNINA CALDERA (KUNASHIR ISLAND, KURIL ISLANDS) On August 25, 2014, the IMGiG FEB RAS received a message from the staff of the reserve

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NEWSLETTER KRAUNTS. EARTH SCIENCES. 2015. 4. ISSUE 28 Expeditions, field seminars, practices FIELD VOLCANOLOGICAL AND ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN THE KURIL ISLANDS IN 2015 During the period from July 25 to 21

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Brief messages UDC.: 551.21 ACTIVITY OF VOLCANOES OF THE KURIL ISLANDS IN 2016 2017 A.V. Rybin, M.V. Chibisova, A.V. Degterev Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian

As a manuscript UDC 551.432.7, 912.644.4+912.648 KOZLOV DMITRY NIKOLAEVICH FEATURES OF MORPHOLOGY OF CRATER LAKES OF THE KURIL ISLANDS Specialty: 25.00.25 Geomorphology and evolutionary geography ABSTRACT

Brief communications UDC 551.21 DOI: 10.31431/1816-5524-2018-2-38-102-109 ACTIVITY OF VOLCANOES OF THE KURIL ISLANDS IN 2017 2018 A.V. Rybin, M.V. Chibisova, A.V. Degterev Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics

Newsletter of the Crown. geosciences. 2009 2nd issue 14 Works of young scientists UDC 551.21 (571.645) NEW DATA ON THE MORPHOLOGY of intracaldera lakes on the islands of Kunashir and Simushir 2009 D.N. Kozlov, R.V. Zharkov Institute

Newest and modern volcanism on the territory of Russia. - M.: Nauka, 2005, - 604 p. Contents of the book: introductory article (author N.P. Laverov, vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences, academician); "Introduction";

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7 LABORATORY OF ACTIVE VOLCANISM AND ERUPTION DYNAMICS (LAVIDI) In the picture: first row junior researcher. T.M. Zhideleeva, researcher N.A. Laguta, Ved. Eng. CM. Limareva, leading Eng. H.V. Kozachenko, junior researcher N.A. Malik, senior researcher

259 D. ​​N. Kozlov STUDY OF THE MORPHOLOGY OF VOLCANIC LAKES OF THE KURIL ISLAND ARC: RESULTS AND PROSPECTS Volcanic crater lakes have been quite well studied in many areas of the world (Aeschbach-Hertig

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STUDIES OF THE CURRENT STATE OF SOME ACTIVE VOLCANOES OF THE KURIL ISLAND ARC 229 A. V. Degterev A lot has been said about the beauty and uniqueness of the Kuril Islands, so another new set


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7 Volcanological studies UDC 551.21 ACTIVITY OF VOLCANOES OF KAMCHATKA AND THE NORTHERN KURILIA IN 2008 T Manevich A.G., T Girina O. A., Melnikov D. V., T Malik N. A., Nuzhdaev A. A., T Tushakov S. V. ., Demyanchuk Yu.V.

III. Results of detailed seismic monitoring III.1. Continuous observations III.1.1. Volcanoes of Kamchatka and Alaid Volcano S.L. Senyukov, I.N. Nuzhdina, V.N. Chebrov In 2007, the telemetry network of the KF GS

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Problems: - lack of proper funding; - lack of research cruises; - lack of proper coordination of research; - lack of modern equipment; - lack of proper software

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UDC 550.83:551.214(265) 3 GEOPHYSICAL STUDIES OF UNDERWATER VOLCANOES OF THE KURIL ISLAND ARC: STATUS, RESULTS, PROSPECTS G.P. Avdeiko 1, V.I. Bondarenko 2, A.A. Palueva 1, V.A. Rashidov 1, I.M.


UDC 550.34 MONITORING THE ACTIVITY OF KAMCHATKA VOLCANOES IN 2004 S.L. Senyukov, S.Ya. Droznina, V.T. Garbuzova, I.N. Nuzhdina, T.Yu. Kozhevnikova, S.L. Toloknova Kamchatka Branch of the Russian Geophysical Survey


Proceedings of the annual conference dedicated to Volcanologist Day “Volcanism and related processes” Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky IVS FEB RAS, 2015 UDC 551.21. O. A. Girina, Yu. V. Demyanchuk, D. V. Melnikov,

65 UDC 551.21 FEATURES OF PYROCLASTIC ROCKS OF MODERN ERUPTIONS OF SHIVELUCH VOLCANO Kurochkina T.A. Kamchatsky state university named after Vitus Bering Scientific supervisor Ph.D. O.A. Girina

EXTRUSIONS OF THE SOUTH OF OKHOTSK UNDERWATER MARGIN OF THE KURIL VOLCANIC ARC V.L. Lomtev Institute of Marine Geology and Geophysics, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, e-mail: [email protected] The message discusses fragments


UDC 550.34.03 AUTOMATED ASSESSMENT OF THE DYNAMICS OF THE SEISMICITY LEVEL OF SEISMICALLY ACTIVE AREAS OF THE KAMCHATKA REGION Voropaev P.V. Kamchatka branch of the Geophysical Survey of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, [email protected]

New Zealand's submission to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf pursuant to (8) United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea Summary 2 This submission was prepared by


3 UDC 551.21+551.24 CATASTROPHIC EXPLOSIVE ERUPTION of March 28, 1907 of the Shtyubel Cone (KSUDACH VOLCANIC MASSIF) 100 years of I.V. Melekestsev Institute of Volcanology and Seismology, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky,