Case histories of famous personalities. Famous people who had sexually transmitted diseases. H. P. Lovecraft's Mysterious Cold Antipathy

Even kings are not immune from inflammation of the appendix or tetanus. You cannot hide from death either in the highest tower or in a golden castle. And no matter what they say, money still cannot buy health. Our rating includes stars who, like ordinary people, suffer from incurable diseases, but do not lose heart.


The actor was given a terrible diagnosis in 1991 - Parkinson's disease. Only seven years later he was able to admit this and tell how he was fighting for life.

CHER (69)

Eternal Cher suffers from severe form myalgic encephalomyelitis, better known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Back in 1991, she first felt unwell and is still struggling with the disease.


Singer Prince suffered from epilepsy and in 2009 he openly spoke about this in an interview.


This famous singer, despite her serious illness, was able to achieve world fame. The girl was diagnosed as a child lupus And Schmidt syndrome. It is known that these diseases are often fatal; her uncle died from lupus.


Looking at this actor, it is difficult to imagine that he suffers from one of the most terrible and difficult to diagnose diseases - this Lyme disease, or tick-borne borreliosis. This disease causes a person to experience constant fatigue, drowsiness, and problems with joints and kidneys.


In one episode of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians show, Kim admitted that she suffers from eczema− a disease in which inflammation appears on the skin. Stress is believed to be the main cause of eczema.


The son of the famous rock musician Ozzy Osbourne is suffering chronic relapsing multiple sclerosis. This is a disease in which disturbances occur in nervous system, as a result of which all organs suffer: hearing, vision, reproduction and, of course, memory.


It's hard to believe, but the actor suffers from severe pain in the muscles and bones since he was diagnosed fibromyalgia.


The famous rapper suffers from epilepsy. One day he had three attacks in a row and was hospitalized.


The actor, known to us for his roles in the children's films "Agent Cody Banks", "Big Fat Liar" and "My Dog Skip", is still so young, but has already experienced four mini-strokes. And who will take their child to the casting after this?


The actress suffered from childhood kidney disease, in 2012 she even had to undergo a transplant, then her father became the donor.


The rapper suffers from a disease thyroid gland, or Graves' disease. In 2008, the girl was diagnosed with this disease, and recent years she fights him.


The actress was diagnosed diabetes still at 23 years old. The girl fell into a coma, and when she came out of it, she began to drive healthy image life and sports.


The singer suffers from Crohn's disease, and in 2003 she had a mastectomy because she was diagnosed with breast cancer.


The actress suffers from thrombocytopenia− a disease in which the blood does not clot well and even a small cut can cause severe bleeding.


One of the most famous football players turns out to be ill asthma! This became known when he had to get an inhaler at one of the matches. Although the PR people tried to attribute it to bronchitis, David still had to reveal the truth.


The actor suffers from a rare disease - prosopagnosia, in which a person does not remember faces.


The actor admitted that he suffers from a rare disease dyspraxia. This is a disease in which a person is unable to purposefully perform movements, and such people are called clumsy.

Genius and madness: top 21 crazy geniuses

Tarragon - the hero of the play "Waiting for Godot" Samuel Beckett, said that “we are all born crazy. Some people remain so...” According to the World Health Organization, there are currently more than 450 million people in the world suffering from mental illness. Their growth is facilitated by excessive information flow, political and economic disasters... The harbingers of diseases are stress and depression. But this, as it turned out, is not all.

The debate about the relationship between genius and madness among doctors has been going on for a long time. Stories of great people fuel interest in this. Suffice it to recall the nervous and mental disorders of the post-impressionist Vincent Van Gogh or writers Virginia Woolf.

And now scientists from the Karolinska Institute (Sweden) published an article in the Journal of Psychiatric Research in which they claim that there is definitely a connection between creative activities and deviations from the mental norm. The reason for this conclusion was the statistics of mental anomalies collected by scientists among more than a million people. The range of deviations was very extensive: schizophrenia, bipolar affective disorder, depression, anxiety, various addictions, starting with alcohol, anorexia, autism and much more.

The results of the analysis confirmed that people in creative professions are indeed most susceptible to mental illness, and most often to bipolar affective disorder, which was previously called manic-depressive psychosis. Dancers, photographers, scientists, and writers are especially at risk for this disorder.

Literature studies serve as a kind of bait for most psychoneurological deviations. It turned out that writers are twice as likely to commit suicide as other people.

The opposite pattern was also revealed: representatives of creative professions were most often found among relatives of those who suffered from schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, anorexia and autism.

However, the data obtained do not indicate that passion for literature, painting or photography has a bad effect on the psyche. On the contrary, unusual thoughts or fantastic visions resulting from mental abnormalities, as well as the ability to imagine and hear voices in characters, are likely to motivate a person to take up a pen, camera or brush.

Today, many psychiatrists are convinced: every creative person has more or less significant deviations in the psyche, and brilliant creators necessarily have such deviations - they only help create masterpieces. Most of the geniuses we know clearly had mental problems. Who is this?

All my life N.V. Gogol suffered from manic-depressive psychosis. “I have been taken over by my usual periodic illness, during which I remain almost motionless in the room, sometimes for 2-3 weeks.” This is how the writer describes his condition. He eventually starved himself to death within two weeks.

Leo Tolstoy suffered from frequent and severe bouts of depression, accompanied by various phobias. Moreover, he struggled with melancholy and depression for many years. In addition, the great writer had an affectively-aggressive psyche.

Sergei Yesenin it seemed that everyone was whispering about him, weaving intrigues around him. Some researchers of his biography say that the poet had manic-depressive psychosis, suicidal tendencies, complicated by hereditary alcoholism.

And Maxim Gorky there was a craving for vagrancy, frequent moving and pyromania. In addition, in his family, his grandfather and father had an unbalanced psyche and a tendency towards sadism. Gorky also suffered from suicidomania - he made his first attempt to commit suicide as a child.

Periods of depression and all kinds of manias for the great Russian poet are known A.S. Pushkin. From early youth, he began to exhibit various psychopathic traits. During the lyceum period they expressed themselves in increased irritability. For Pushkin, there were only two elements: “satisfaction of carnal passions and poetry.” Biographers associate the poet's "unbridled revelry, cynical and perverted sexuality, and aggressive behavior" with excessive emotional excitability. It was usually followed by a long depressive period, during which creative sterility was noted. And one can clearly trace the dependence of creative productivity on the mental state of the poet.

Some biographers Mikhail Lermontov It is believed that the poet suffered from one of the forms of schizophrenia. He most likely inherited a mental disorder on his mother's side - his grandfather committed suicide by taking poison, his mother suffered from neuroses and hysteria. Contemporaries noted that Lermontov was a very angry and uncommunicative person, even in his appearance something ominous was read. According to Pyotr Vyazemsky, Lermontov was extremely nervous, his moods changed sharply and polarly. Cheerful and good-natured, in a moment he could become angry and gloomy. “And at such moments he was unsafe.”

English writer Virginia Woolf suffered from deep depression. It is also said that she wrote her works only while standing. The outcome of her life is tragic: the writer drowned herself in the river, filling her coat pockets with stones.

Edgar Allan Poe It is no coincidence that he was so interested in psychology. It is believed that he may have suffered from bipolar affective disorder. The writer drank a lot of alcohol, and in one of his letters he talked about his thoughts of suicide.

Pulitzer Prize Winner Tennessee Williams was subject to frequent depression. In the 1940s, his sister, who suffered from schizophrenia, underwent a lobotomy. In 1961, the writer's lover died. Both events greatly affected his mental state, increasing his depression, which led to his drug use. He could not get rid of depression and addiction for the rest of his life.

American writer Ernest Hemingway suffered from alcoholism, bipolar disorder and paranoia and eventually shot himself with a gun.

Vincent Van Gogh was prone to depression and epileptic seizures. A severed ear is an innocent experiment. Ultimately, he shot himself in the chest with a pistol.

Artist Michelangelo allegedly suffered from autism, that is, its mild form - Asperger's syndrome. The artist was a closed, strange person, focused on his own individual world. He had practically no friends.

German composer Ludwig van Beethoven experienced manic and depressive periods of bipolar disorder and was close to suicide. His creative upsurge of energy gave way to apathy. And to switch gears and force himself to write music again, Beethoven dipped his head in a basin of ice water. The composer also tried to “treat” himself with opium and alcohol.

One of the founders of modern theoretical physics Albert Einstein He was undoubtedly a genius already during his lifetime and definitely an eccentric person. As a child, he suffered from a mild form of autism. And his mother almost considered him mentally retarded. He was withdrawn and phlegmatic. The actions of the already adult theoretical physicist were not distinguished by morality. American psychologist Ion Carlson believes that the presence of the schizophrenia gene is one of the incentives for high creative talent. In his opinion, Einstein had this gene. Therefore, doctors diagnosed the scientist’s son with schizophrenia.

Another brilliant scientist sir Isaac Newton, according to many researchers, suffered from schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. It was very difficult to talk to him, he often had mood swings.

Oddities were also noticed behind the brilliant inventor Nikola Tesla. He had a mania for finishing everything. So, in college, he decided to read Voltaire, and although after the first volume he realized that he actively did not like the writer, he read all 100 volumes. During lunch, he used exactly 18 napkins, wiping down plates, cutlery and hands. He was horrified by women's hair, earrings, and pearls, and never in his life did he sit at the same table with a woman.

Prototype of the main character of the award-winning film "A Beautiful Mind", mathematician John Nash I suffered from paranoia all my life. The genius often had hallucinations, he heard strange voices and saw non-existent people. The wife of the Nobel laureate supported her husband, helping him hide the symptoms of the disease, since, according to American laws of that time, he could be forced to undergo treatment. What ultimately happened, however, the mathematician managed to deceive the doctors. He learned to mask the manifestations of the disease with such skill that psychiatrists believed in his healing. It must be said that Nash’s wife Lucia, in her old age, was also diagnosed with paranoid disorder.

Hollywood actress Vaiona Ryder once admitted: “There are good days and bad days, and depression is something that is always with me.” The actress abused alcohol. Then she was repeatedly caught shoplifting in Beverly Hills. It turns out that Ryder suffers from kleptomania.

Spouse suffers from bipolar affective disorder Michael Douglas Catherine Zeta-Jones. Actually, it was this disease that caused discord in this star family.

Another Hollywood genius Woody Allen- autistic. Among the favorite themes of his films: psychoanalysis and psychoanalysts, sex. All this worries him and real life. Woody's first wife, Harleen Rosen, filed a million-dollar lawsuit for emotional damages during their divorce. According to her, he humiliated her, demanding sterile cleanliness in the house, creating a menu according to which Harleen had to feed him, and making sarcastic comments about everything she did. After the divorce, the second wife Louise Lasser stated that she was interested in the director as a housekeeper. One day, after returning from a psychoanalyst, Allen told her: “My doctor said that you are not suitable for me physically.” In fact, he met someone else - Diane Keaton. After 8 years, Diana was replaced by another muse, actress Mia Farrow, who adopted a child almost every year. They were filming different apartments nearby, because Allen didn't want to turn his life into kindergarten" As a result, the couple broke up amid scandal. Mia caught her husband in the arms of her eldest adopted daughter Sun-Yu. Actually, she is now the life partner of the film genius.

The list of famous creative personalities who left a mark in art and suffered from mental illness can be continued indefinitely: Fyodor Dostoevsky, Hans Christian Andersen, Franz Schubert, Alfred Schnittke, Salvador Dali, Leonardo da Vinci, Nicolo Paganini, Johann Sebastian Bach, Isaac Levitan, Sigmund Freud, Rudolf Diesel, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Claude Henri Saint-Simon, Immanuel Kant, Charles Dickens, Albrecht Durer, Sergei Rachmaninov, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Lope de Vega, Nostradamus, Jean Baptiste Moliere, Francisco Goya, Honore de Balzac, Friedrich Nietzsche, Marilyn Monroe and others. Geniuses, what can you do...

The life of a gifted person is not as wonderful as it seems at first glance. Brilliant people are often crazy. But who knows if they would be great now if not for their madness.

Howard Phillips Lovecraft

Science fiction, mysticism and horror intertwined in Lovecraft's work into one bizarre whole. The writer suffered from a severe sleep disorder. In the writer's night visions, beings with membranous wings, which he called “night beasts,” lifted him into the air and carried him to the “vile plateau of Lang.” Lovecraft woke up in a completely insane state.

However, the danger for the writer’s fragile psyche lurked not only within. The financial affairs of the writer's family suddenly and rapidly went downhill, the standard of living deteriorated sharply, which became one of the reasons for deep depression; it even almost came to suicide. Later, intestinal cancer and kidney inflammation added torment to Lovecraft’s life, the pain from which accompanied the rest of the writer’s life.

JK Rowling

The creator of the Harry Potter books, JK Rowling, suffered from clinical depression for a long time. As the writer herself admitted, writing books about a young wizard became a kind of therapy for her. It was thanks to depressive disorder that the writer came up with dementors, which “suck” all the joy out of a person.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln also suffered from depression; historians claim that the US president often sobbed into his pillow and even attempted suicide.

Ernest Hemingway

The psychological state of this “block” of American literature was also far from prosperous. For a significant part of his life, Hemingway, like many other great artists, suffered from alcohol addiction. But there were other diagnoses, from bipolar psychosis and traumatic brain injury to narcissistic personality disorder.

As a result, the writer was placed in a psychiatric clinic, where, after fifteen sessions of electroconvulsive therapy, he completely lost both his memory and the ability to formulate thoughts. And soon after his discharge, in July 1961, he shot himself with his favorite gun.

Marquis de Sade

The name of the Marquis de Sade is associated with a somewhat... peculiar way of life. He was glorified by the idea of ​​sexual and moral freedom, revolutionary for his time, which the Marquis outlined in detail in numerous literary opuses. And “sadism” began to be called sexual satisfaction obtained by causing pain and humiliation to another person.

In 1803, by order of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Marquis was first taken into custody without trial, and then declared insane and placed in the Charenton psychiatric hospital. But even there, de Sade managed to write plays and lead the same dissolute lifestyle until his death in 1814.

Vincent Van Gogh

They say it was bipolar disorder that caused Vincent Van Gogh to cut off his ear. The artist’s condition was aggravated by epilepsy and hallucinations associated with the constant use of absinthe. Ludwig Van Beethoven had the same pathology (composers in general have strange quirks). For a composer suffering from bipolar disorder, states of creative elation and a surge of energy are replaced by complete apathy. To switch over at a moment of apathy and force himself to write music again, Beethoven dipped his head in a basin of ice water.

Edgar Allan Poe

The consciousness of the author of the “dark” stories, Edgar Allan Poe, was full of the same demons that inhabited his works. After the death of his wife, the writer admitted: “In terms of my physical properties, I am impressionable - nervous to a very unusual degree. I became insane, with long intervals of terrifying sanity.”

In October 1849, Edgar Poe was found wandering deliriously through the streets of Baltimore. He was unable to explain how he got there or even say anything intelligible. He died the next day at a local hospital.

Alfred Nobel

Not only Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, known to us all, suffered from taphophobia, or the fear of being buried alive. The founder of the Nobel Prize, Alfred Nobel, was terrified that he would be buried alive. By the way, Nobel’s father was the inventor of the so-called “safe coffin”, as he also suffered from taphophobia. Marina Tsvetaeva was afraid of being buried alive, Arthur Schopenhauer, Wilkie Collins.

Mikhail Lermontov

Some biographers of Mikhail Lermontov believe that the poet suffered from a form of schizophrenia. The poet most likely inherited a mental disorder on his mother’s side; his grandfather took his own life with poison, and his mother suffered from neuroses and hysteria. Contemporaries noted that Lermontov was a very angry and uncommunicative person; even in his appearance something sinister could be read. According to Pyotr Vyazemsky, Lermontov was extremely nervous, his moods changed sharply and polarly. A cheerful and good-natured poet could become angry and gloomy in a moment. “And at such moments he was unsafe.”

John Nash

The prototype for the main character in the award-winning film A Beautiful Mind, mathematician John Nash suffered from paranoia all his life. The genius often had hallucinations, he constantly heard strange voices and saw non-existent people. The wife of the Nobel laureate tried in every possible way to help her husband hide the symptoms of the disease, because according to American laws of that time he could be forced to undergo treatment. What ultimately happened, however, the mathematician managed to deceive the doctors. He learned to mask the manifestations of the disease with such skill that psychiatrists believed in his healing. It must be said that Nash’s wife Lucia, in her old age, was also diagnosed with paranoid disorder.

Leo Tolstoy

The author of War and Peace and Anna Karenina became famous for his complex plots with lengthy philosophical and historical digressions. By creating his many characters (and there are hundreds of them), Tolstoy tried to distract himself from the melancholy and fear that he experienced in the painful search for answers to the most intimate questions of human existence.

The writer suffered from frequent, deep and prolonged bouts of depression. At the age of 83, Tolstoy decided to become a wandering ascetic. Unfortunately, this last trip was short-lived. Lev Nikolaevich fell ill with pneumonia and was forced to make a stop at the small Astapovo station, where he soon died.

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When you look at photographs taken by the paparazzi, in which celebrities of various sizes shine, one thought sometimes comes to mind: the life of stars is nothing other than a continuous holiday. But, of course, this is not true, because even the most successful people on our planet are ordinary people with their own problems. And health problems are no exception. For example, Oscar winner Halle Berry has been living with diabetes for almost 30 years, and beauty Khloe Kardashian was diagnosed with skin cancer. This is incredible, because people with such serious illnesses continue to create, overcoming all sorts of obstacles.

We are in website Let's tell you which celebrities faced incurable diseases, but did not give up and continued their life path further.

Halle Berry and Tom Hanks: diabetes

  • Almost 30 years ago, a tragic situation occurred on the set of the mini-series “Living Dolls.” Then aspiring actress Halle Berry fell into a coma. The girl was hospitalized, and then received a disappointing diagnosis: diabetes mellitus 1st type. In one of the interviews, the actress admitted that it took her a lot of time to accept her illness, because she learned about her illness only at the age of 23.

    According to the actress, after each major event with alcohol, desserts and various dishes, a difficult recovery period awaited her. It was then that Hallie began to think about her health. She has not drunk alcohol for many years and leads a healthy lifestyle. This allows a 52-year-old woman to look 15 years younger than her age. It is worth noting that the actress first became a mother at the age of 42.

  • Tom Hanks found himself in a similar situation. For more than 20 years, the actor struggled with increased level blood sugar, but the actor’s lifestyle with regular stress, lack of sleep and poor nutrition did its job. For example, for the film “Cast Away,” Tom lost 25 kg, and for the film “A League of Their Own” he gained 14 kg.

    In October 2013, Tom Hanks admitted on David Letterman's show that he had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. Having learned about the illness, the actor decided to give up his old habits in order to please his fans with his work for as long as possible.

Pamela Anderson: Hepatitis C

The most important “Malibu lifeguard” was diagnosed with hepatitis C back in 2002. According to Pamela Anderson, she contracted this virus back in the 90s from her legal husband, when they were getting tattoos with the same needle. The actress was treated for the disease for almost 13 years. In 2015, Pamela Anderson announced that thanks to a new experimental course of treatment, she was able to get rid of the virus.

Tom Cruise: dyslexia

Tom Cruise didn't have an easy childhood. The future sex symbol of America grew up in a large family, in adolescence survived his parents' divorce, and by the age of 14 he had changed 15 schools. But the most difficult test for Cruise was his incurable disease - dyslexia.

Due to dyslexia and its accompanying dysgraphia, he was bullied at school and considered an outcast. After all, the boy had difficulty reading syllables and practically could not write. With such a set of “skills” in every new educational institution he quickly became known as an idiot. But it was precisely this heavy burden that helped Tom Cruise discover his acting talent. Being “ignorant” in class, he transformed himself on stage in school productions.

Now, we think, Cruise has no problems reading scripts and contracts, because specially hired staff does this for the millionaire.

Angelina Jolie and Shannen Doherty: breast removal

  • In the summer of 2015, Shannen Doherty sued her former manager. According to the lawsuit, the manager incorrectly issued medical insurance for the actress, which, in her opinion, was why she was unable to receive timely treatment and her breast cancer metastasized to the lymph nodes.

    For almost 4 years, Shannen has been fighting a difficult battle with cancer. To stop the progression of the disease, the actress underwent several courses of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and a unilateral mastectomy, which in simple words means breast removal. Most recently, the actress announced remission, a condition when the tumor is under control and treatable.

  • A few years earlier, Angelina Jolie found herself in a similar situation. The actress's mother and aunt passed away at a relatively young age after a long illness - the so-called tumor syndrome, which is inherited. And Angelina after passing medical examinations I decided to have my mammary glands and ovaries removed.

    Jolie's genetic analysis showed an 87% chance of developing breast cancer in the future and a 51% risk of uterine cancer. The actress underwent surgery to save herself from a non-existent, but without emergency measures, an almost inevitable threat.

Michael J Fox: Parkinson's disease

Michael Jay Fox's illness became officially known back in 1998. Then the actor admitted to his colleagues that in the early 90s he was diagnosed with a neurological disease - Parkinson's disease. When the actor first went to the doctor because of a twitching little finger, he was given a disappointing verdict: a maximum of 10 years of active life.

After his confession, the star of the Back to the Future trilogy took a break from his career, focusing all his energy on treatment. During this break, Michael J. Fox wrote 3 biographical books, in which he spoke in detail about the nuances of life with Parkinson's disease, and also became the founder of a charitable foundation. Through the efforts of this organization, they managed to raise $350 million for research into this disease.

Sarah Hyland: kidney dysplasia

Modern Family star Sarah Hyland has suffered from health problems since early childhood. At the age of 9, Sarah was diagnosed with an extremely unpleasant disease - kidney dysplasia. For more than 10 years, the girl struggled with the disease, but in 2012 she had to undergo a kidney transplant, which her father donated for her.

It is worth noting that the organ transplant improved Sarah's condition, but did not cure her completely. Because of feeling unwell the girl rarely appears at public events, and fans of her heroine Haley Dunphy are increasingly noticing changes in the actress’s appearance. In his Instagram the girl openly shares with her subscribers the problems she has to face due to her illness: from critical weight loss to a constantly swollen face.

Michael Phelps: hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder

American swimmer Michael Phelps, the only 23-time Olympic champion in the history of sports, made his way to his triumph shoulder to shoulder with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Michael's neurological-behavioral developmental disorder began in childhood. The main symptoms of hyperactivity are difficulty concentrating and the inability to complete what you start. In interviews, Phelps’ coach said that sometimes the swimmer forgot the way to the locker room, and their training became a living hell.

However, thanks to the efforts of the athlete and the people around him, Phelps managed to reach unimaginable heights in the world of sports. Michael Phelps is going through a difficult period right now. After finishing his sports career, the Olympic champion lost motivation in life and is now struggling with depression.

Mila Kunis: partially blind

For many years, one of the most sought-after women in modern cinema, Mila Kunis, was blind in one eye. The cause of partial blindness was iritis. Due to inflammation of the iris, the actress had difficulty seeing, her vision was blurred, and objects were blurry. The girl put off going to specialists for a long time, but in 2010, Mila had surgery with an artificial lens inserted. By the way, the actress’s blindness was kept in the strictest confidence until full recovery vision after surgery.

Hugh Jackman and Khloe Kardashian: skin cancer

  • The youngest of the Kardashian sisters is also extremely frank with her multi-million army of fans. Proof of this is not only the family show in which the girl has been starring for more than 10 years, but also her posts in social networks. In one of her posts, Chloe said that in 2008, a malignant tumor was found on her body, which was formed from a mole. Doctors had to transplant 20 cm of skin on the celebrity’s back to save her from the threat to her life. Thanks to the efforts of specialists and constant monitoring, doctors were able to stop the course of the disease.

Daniel Radcliffe: dyspraxia

Actor Daniel Radcliffe, known throughout the world for his role as Harry Potter, admitted that since birth he has suffered from a rare and incurable disease - dyspraxia. This is a dysfunction of the brain, which manifests itself in the inability to correctly perform targeted movements or actions.

Radcliffe's illness prevents him from writing beautifully and tying his shoelaces, and as a child the actor did not succeed in a single subject at school. And the point is not at all in constant filming, but in the inability of the brain to learn. According to Daniel, dyspraxia was the main reason he chose a career in acting.

Yolanda Hadid: Lyme disease

turned out to be a secret medical report. The document states that the first member in line to the throne ruling family UK is seriously ill. Prince Charles has been suffering from incurable Alzheimer's disease for several years. And every day his health is deteriorating. For the first time, people started talking about Charles’ illness back in 2011; due to his health condition, his participation in the wedding of his eldest son could have been disrupted.

Sources close to the royal family say that due to the prince's illness, the next person to take the throne after the death of the monarch will be William, Duke of Cambridge.

This article was created not to talk about the shortcomings of stars of the first magnitude, but so that everyone who has encountered such difficulties knows: there is always a way out. And how we will live, what we will do, how society will perceive us, mainly depends only on us. Create, love and be happy regardless of everything!