Signs about creaking. Household signs for the home - how to maintain peace in the family The rule to restore the entrance door of belief

It is no secret that residents of megacities increasingly complain of increased irritability, fatigue and aggressiveness towards everything around them. The reason is simple - most residents do not have adequate sleep. A full sleep is an 8-hour period with a maximum of 1 spontaneous awakening. At the same time, we should wake up not out of necessity, but spontaneously, for example, to adjust the blanket - ideally, never once. As practice shows great value to ensure quality sleep is the state of the door to the room - whether it is closed or open.

Naturally, we are not talking about a communal apartment or a dorm room, where, for obvious reasons, the door is always closed, but we are talking about a multi-room apartment or house. Recent studies have shown that the bedroom door should always be closed if its open position involves the entry of light from artificial sources. The only light source allowed is the moon. Any artificial light - from lampposts on the street to billboards - negatively affects the quality of sleep. That is why it is recommended to purchase a blind door for the bedroom. Today you can buy doors to suit every taste and color, so finding a blind door should not be a problem. At the same time, the closed door to the bedroom should not be “deaf”. As a rule, this problem is solved by installing a door without a threshold. A small gap should be responsible for both the passage of air into the room - air exchange, and sounds - what is happening in the apartment, but nothing more.

If the open door to the bedroom does not allow any extraneous light to enter, then it is recommended to keep it open at night. In this case, the area airspace expands significantly and it will be easier to ensure adequate air exchange in the room. This will be relevant even if closed door the bedroom is warmer. You should regulate the temperature while sleeping with a blanket. If you keep warm by using increased heating, you will harm your respiratory tract by drying out the air.

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In the beliefs of many peoples, doors in premises were a recognized place of access to other worlds, therefore many signs and superstitions are associated with them. For the birth or death of a person, the door had a special meaning - it was believed that it allowed the soul to come into the world or leave it. So that the soul could do this without any obstacles, all doors were thrown wide open in anticipation of its arrival or departure.
For example, it was believed that childbirth would go well and be easy if all the doors and windows in the house were opened.

To alleviate the condition, they opened not only all the entrance doors, but also the doors of chests of drawers, cabinets, and so on.

Superstitions from different countries associated with the door

In Germany, people try not to close the door for some time after a death occurs in their home, so as not to accidentally pinch the departing soul. In Africa, the rules are even stricter - garbage cannot be swept away for at least a year, so that dust cannot harm the spirit.

The following are quite common. If the door suddenly opens by itself in the middle of the night, someone living here will soon have to be buried. If the doors come off their hinges, this sure sign- there will be a fire. When heard, trouble is expected soon, and perhaps you will have to leave your home.

In cases where someone goes on business or just on the road, all the doors and windows in the house must be closed for a while - this will help to silence the gossip of gossips so that they do not interfere with the fulfillment of their plans.

Evil spirits

People were afraid of evil spirits, and therefore there is such a sign - you should not open both external and internal doors at the same time. This could have caused evil spirits to enter the home.

If you heard a knock on the door, but there was no one behind it, you should cross yourself and read the “Our Father” - this will help scare away evil spirits. In ancient Rome, they tried to cross the threshold of a house only right foot– also with the aim of scaring away evil.

The Romans even placed a special person at the door who was supposed to make sure that the threshold was crossed correctly.

In some places it was customary to open the door during a thunderstorm so that the lightning that flew in could fly out. The sign was well known not only in those places where there was an abundance of ball lightning.

In some areas there is a tradition according to which the husband must close the front door before the whole family goes to bed. If this is not done, the spouses' squabble will last all night.

Shouldn't be the opposite front door placing a sitting doll - the man will strive to leave the family. And to the young unmarried girls You can’t leave the front door ajar - your husband will be out and about.

A door is perhaps the most reliable and strong protection of a home. In ancient times, people attributed many mystical properties to it. It was believed that the door protects the house from otherworldly forces and evil people. Even in fairy tales, they have magical spells; they can only be opened in a special way, for this you need to cast a special magic spell.

IN modern world, the door is also an integral attribute home interior. Among the wide variety of doors, you can find not only the entrance door, which is the calling card of your home, but also the interior door, which has a number of positive properties, such as sound absorption, thermal insulation, tightness and aesthetics. How to choose the right interior doors, which will satisfy all your requirements? The answer to this question can be found in various magazines, books, Internet sources, on television (there have been many TV shows about repairs, where quite a lot useful information), or maybe on the advice of friends who have knowledge and experience in this matter.

As already mentioned, the doors appeared a long time ago. But we will now tell you what signs exist about this subject. It turns out that you cannot open the entrance and interior door, since evil spirits could enter the home, then move into all rooms in the house. This sign developed back in ancient times, when people worshiped the Gods and were very afraid of dark forces. The servant at the door was not a guard at all, as many of us believe, he monitored the crossing of the threshold. It was believed that one could only cross the threshold with the right foot, otherwise misfortune could happen in the house. You cannot sleep with your feet facing the doorway, this greatly affects a person’s health, his strength dries up, he becomes lethargic, and he loses interest in life. If one of your relatives goes on a long journey, you need to not only “sit down,” but also close all the windows and doors for a while so that the journey is successful and happy. A creaking door was considered a harbinger of grief and misfortune; even today they try to lubricate them as soon as possible in order to get rid of this unpleasant sound.

IN Ancient India It was forbidden to slam the door, it supposedly could scare away luck and wealth, but in Greece, on the contrary, the louder you slam the door, the sooner you can drive away evil spirits from your home. To protect their home from troubles and troubles, people hung horseshoes over the door, icons, garlic, and buried mustard seeds under the threshold.

Today, each of us decides for ourselves whether to believe these signs or not. Or maybe someone will follow the fashion trends of the upcoming 2014 blue wooden Horse. All colors of blue, cyan, green are welcome on the eve of this time, and wooden objects will be a symbol of goodness and prosperity, so high-quality interior door This material will not only become a piece of furniture, but will also perhaps bring good luck to your home!

By observing signs and following fashion trends, a person is, as it were, programmed that everything will be fine for him, but at the same time, one should not forget to believe in oneself, then there is a greater chance of getting everything you want from life.

Since no house is complete without a door, it is associated with large number all kinds of signs, rituals and superstitions. It has long been believed that the door of a house is the place through which one can enter other world, therefore, signs are provided for every occasion.

Signs associated with the door

Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • The wide open door allowed the soul to freely leave or, conversely, come into the house.
  • The bed was never laid near the door, and it was also impossible for a traveler to sleep near it.
  • Only someone who has decided to get married can slam the door loudly.
  • The creaking door meant a quick departure. But if new door creaked, trouble will happen in the house.
  • To make the birth go smoothly, you need to unlock the doors in the house, all the drawers and locks.
  • If the door comes off its hinges, expect a fire.
  • If you leave home on business or on a trip, you need to close the windows and doors so that the slander of gossips and enemies does not interfere with the implementation of your plans.
  • Nailing a horseshoe on the door means protecting the house from evil spirits.
  • When leaving home, you should not leave the door open.
  • A door opening at night foretells a dead person in the house.
  • During a thunderstorm, the door was often opened so that the lightning that flew in could leave the house. This was especially often done in areas where ball lightning occurred.
  • Before the whole family goes to bed, the husband closes the front door of the house. Otherwise, the spouses will argue all night.
  • There is no need to place the doll opposite the front door - the husband will leave the family.
  • For a long-lasting relationship with a girl, before knocking on the door, you need to touch the door frame with your left hand.
  • Unmarried girls should always close the door behind them, otherwise their husband will be caught walking.

Signs about the door and animals

Also, folk wisdom says that:

  • If a cat sharpens its claws on the door, there may be a strong wind.
  • A rooster walks at the door and crows - a stranger will come to visit.
  • Everyone knows that a cat washes itself when visiting guests. It turns out that if you throw a cat at the door, and it moves away, good guests are expected, and if it lies down at the threshold, a beggar will come.
  • A dove flying through the door portends good news.
  • The spider has woven a web over the front door - wait for a quick return.
  • The cat sharpens its claws on walls, doors, the weather will be windy, cold and stormy.
  • If a swallow that has flown in through the windows of the house flies out through the door, there will be a funeral in the house. It was believed that the bird carried death on its wings and if it flies out through the door, it leaves it in the house.

Signs about the door and evil spirits

It is worth taking into account the following signs:

  • Fearing the penetration of evil spirits into the house, people believed in the sign that it was impossible to open both the internal and outer door. Otherwise, evil spirits settled in the house for a long time.
  • If you heard a knock on the door, but there was no one behind it, you had to make the sign of the cross and pray, saying “Our Father.” Such a prayer scared away evil spirits from the family.
  • The ancient Romans believed that you could only step over a threshold with your right foot. In this case, he will not be able to enter the house with you. evil spirits. It is interesting that in Rome there was a special position in which a person monitored the correct passage of guests through the threshold of the house.

Whether or not to believe such signs is everyone’s business, but one should not forget about their centuries-old history.

The door and threshold are a symbolic border between our home and the outside world. At home we are protected and surrounded by a benevolent atmosphere. This is our little fortress, and only we decide who to let into our little comfortable world and who not.

If they try to enter our home against our will, this causes protest and a desire to fight back. Everything connected with the native walls is important for a person, so signs and beliefs about the threshold have survived to this day, and many of our contemporaries try to observe ancient traditions.

Two different worlds

Why can’t you say hello across the threshold and why can’t you pass things across the threshold? Many, even without knowing the answers to these questions, try not to violate the two mentioned rules.

  • The threshold has long been considered the border between the worlds of the living and the dead. These worlds have different energies, so if you don’t want to lose a person, quarrel with him or lose mutual understanding, it’s better not to communicate across the threshold.
  • For the same reason, you cannot shake hands across the threshold.
  • To prevent good luck and happiness from leaving the house, you cannot pass an item over the threshold. Moreover, such a thing will not bring anything good to the person who received it.
  • If you give money over the threshold, material well-being will disappear.
  • There is no need to explain why you can’t kiss across the threshold: you can destroy the connection with your loved one, love will leave the relationship, and quarrels will begin.

What else can’t you do across the threshold?

  • It was believed that spirits should not be disturbed, which is why one should not stand on the threshold.
  • Even if something worries you or the wait is too long, you can’t sit on the threshold. You need to enter the house or go outside.
  • All issues need to be resolved inside or outside the house. Saying goodbye over the threshold is unacceptable if you want to see this person again.
  • You cannot talk while on opposite sides, this can lead to a quarrel.
  • It was believed that on the day the bride should not step on the threshold or even step over it. Otherwise, she will not be happy with her husband. Apparently, it was no coincidence that the tradition of carrying the bride into the house in his arms arose.
  • It was recommended that when leaving the house, you cross the threshold with your right foot, then the day will definitely be successful and you will be lucky in everything.
  • Spitting over the threshold was also not recommended: you could accidentally drive away your luck.
  • It was considered an alarming sign if a dead person appeared on the doorstep. However, everything is not so scary, because she could have been thrown or she was frozen. In any case, it was recommended to bury the bird and go to church for your own peace of mind.

It’s very simple to protect yourself from negativity: you need to listen to signs and not pass anything across the threshold - neither objects, nor emotions, nor feelings.

On the other side

In the house we feel safe and calm, but what awaits outside is unknown. Perhaps that is why the signs associated with the door are shrouded in mysticism. Door - main symbol home protection. It’s no coincidence that ill-wishers throw it under her various items, wanting to cause damage, and the owners, on the contrary, place various amulets in front of the front door or above it.

1. It has been used above the door as protection since ancient times. It is still considered a symbol of good luck in all matters and promises the owner a successful completion of all affairs.

6. Another sign is a knock on the door. This sound may be associated with someone's visit, and there is nothing special about it if you are expecting guests. But if you hear a knock and approach the entrance, but there is no one outside, not everyone will take this situation calmly. Some superstitious people then cannot sleep at night, tormented by bad thoughts. It's so easy to actually attract bad things into your life. Best of possible options- do not respond to knocks and do not go out into the hallway. If someone really needs to talk to you, they will knock again.

7. A creaking door also never promised favorable events. But at the same time, in ancient times it was believed that it was walking. He had to be appeased with a saucer of milk or honey.

8. Hitting your forehead on the doorframe foreshadowed that the owner would find great solution, which will help get rid of the problems that weigh on him or find a way out of difficult situation, which seemed insoluble.

9. If the cat is sitting at the front door, you can be happy. The dark streak has come to an end, improvement in all matters lies ahead. If it is lying on the doorstep, and there is a young girl or a single guy in the house, there will soon be a wedding.

Knowing about signs and their meanings, you need to remember that unfavorable signs can always be neutralized and everything can be turned around in such a way that the bad will bypass the house, and the good will definitely linger in it.

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