Summary of a modeling lesson on the topic: “Birds on our site.” Outline of a lesson on applique, modeling (middle group) on the topic: Summary of GCD in the middle group on artistic creativity (modeling) on ​​the topic: “Sparrows on the feeding trough”

Summary of GCD in middle group By artistic creativity(modeling) on ​​the topic: “Sparrows at the feeding trough.”

Tasks: Teach children to sculpt birds in a constructive way from four to five parts, different in shape and size, using additional materials(matches for legs, seeds for beaks). Show the possibility of obtaining a more expressive color by mixing two original colors. Encourage them to independently search for ways to convey the movement of a molded figurine (the head is lowered down, the wings are raised). Develop a sense of form and composition ability. Cultivate an interest in nature, a desire to help wintering birds during the cold season.

Preliminary work:

Watching sparrows on a walk;

Feeding birds at feeders;

Conversation about wintering birds;

Looking at pictures of different birds;

Reading the story “Sparrow” by E. Charushin;

Making feeders together with parents.

Materials, tools, equipment:Plasticine brown and gray, stacks, seeds for beaks, matches for legs, paper and cloth napkins; “feeder” as a basis for collective compositions, two or three lids from a cardboard box with low sides, or pastry shops with ropes or braid for hanging.

Teaching aids, visibility: Posters “Winter. What we did in winter”, “Seasons”, “Colored landscapes”. Technological map for sculpting “Sparrows at the feeder”.

Poem by A.L. Barto:

Sparrow in a puddle

Jumps and spins.

He ruffled his feathers,

The tail fluffed up.

The weather is good!


Guys, who is this poem about? (about the sparrow)

I remind the children of how we watched the birds at the feeder during our walks, and we ourselves fed them with seeds, cereals, and bread crumbs. Then I show two or three feeders prepared in advance from cardboard boxes with strings for hanging and I suggest making little sparrows. Please remember what sparrows look like (small and remote, the body is round, the head is small and also round, the wings are small, the tail is elongated, the feathers are brown and gray, the beak is short, the eyes are black). I display a didactic picture depicting sparrows or once again draw attention to the “Winter” poster. Method of sculpting a sparrow in a constructive way:

Take pieces of brown and gray plasticine. Mix them into one lump to get a color similar to the color of the feathers of sparrows (I draw the children’s attention to the image of sparrows);

Divide the brown-gray lump in half and one half in half again so that you get three pieces from it - one large and two smaller;

From a large piece we sculpt a body in the shape of an egg and pull the tail from behind, flatten it with our fingers to form a sparrow tail, like a chain or a spatula for a frying pan;

We have two identical pieces of plasticine left: from one we will make a head and a footrest, and from the second we will make wings;

We divide the piece into a head and a footrest; roll the round head and attach it to the body (shows the place of attachment); for the legs, take a match or a toothpick, break it in half, insert it into bottom part torso (tummy) and strengthen it on a flat cake stand;

And we do the wings like this: we roll out the ball, flatten it, cut it in half in a stack - we get two identical wings, attach them to the sides of the body;

We check whether our sparrow will stand on its legs (the teacher checks the stability of the craft);

We decorate the sparrow's head: we make the beak out of yellow plastic or simply insert a seed - one if the beak is closed, and two if the beak is open; shiny round eyes;

The little sparrow is ready to fly to the feeder.

In a playful way, I show children the possibilities of conveying the movement of a molded figurine: it raises its wings and shows that a sparrow flies to a feeder, sits on it (its wings lower) and begins to peck grains (lowers its head down).

Children, before sculpting, let's warm up.

Physical education lesson “Chick”

The chick looked out of the nest (head down)

“Wow, what a height!” (shaking head)

Let the height - (wave with right hand)

Fly out of the nest! (smooth swings with both hands)

Look at the world - (turns head left, right, forward)

One, two, three

Have you rested? Now let’s remember what you will sculpt first, and what later.

I'm exhibiting technological map"Sparrow at the feeding trough." Children choose a material, begin to sculpt sparrows and, as they are made, transfer them to a feeding trough.

Guys, I really liked your birds, they turned out beautiful, cheerful, funny. Children, take care of the birds, do not offend them, they are our friends!

Outline of modeling classes in the middle group on the topic« Birdie »

Teacher Strokova Tatyana Valerievna

GBOU kindergarten No. 1672

Moscow 2014

Program content. Teach children to sculpt with clay bird, convey an oval body shape, a round head. Learn to pull back the tail and pinch the beak. Continue learning how to divide plasticine into pieces and use a stack. Learn to notice the diversity of the resulting images.

Cultivate accuracy, independence, develop memory, attention, imagination.

Material: plasticine, board, stacks.

Visual material : sculptural bird, image of a bird.

Vocabulary work : head, tail, circle, oval, eyes, beak, pull, pinch, stack.

Preliminary work. Reading a fairy tale bird.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher asks a riddle.

Everyone knows this bird

IN warm region doesn't fly away. This bird is all year round. He lives in our yard. And she tweets

Loud since the morning:

Wake up quickly. -

Everyone is in a hurry.

Who is this? (sparrow) Right.

There's a knock on the door. "Arrives" bird. The teacher looks at the sculpture with the children small form birds.

How beautiful the bird flew to us! Let's make one like this bird. But first, let's take a closer look at it. What do you have birds? (torso, head, beak, tail, wings). What shape is the body birds? (circling gesture) (Oval like an egg).

What shape is the head? (round). What does it look like? (per ball). In what part of the body is the head located? birds? (at the beginning of the body).

What kind of birds tail? (long, primo). Look what you have there are birds on my head? (eyes, beak).

How many eyes does birds? (two). How many wings? (two)

And now I'll show you how to sculpt bird. Watch carefully and remember. I will divide the lump of plasticine in half, put one part, and divide the other in half. How many lumps did you get? (three).I will sculpt a body from the largest piece. What shape is it (oval) Show me how to sculpt an oval shape (children show).

Yes, you need to roll out the clay straight movements: back and forth (sculpt the body). On one side of the body there will be a head, but on the other what? (tail).

I'll pull the plasticine off with my fingers, like this (showing). Now I will sculpt the head. (head ball). Show with your hands how you will sculpt the head.

That's right, we'll roll the ball in a circular motion. What needs to be done to make it work bird? Right. Let's connect two parts: body and head, press tightly, apply with fingers (showing) You need to apply it carefully so that it turns out smooth and beautiful. Now pinch the beak in the front, being careful not to spoil the head, like this (show): with two fingers from above and below, and now also from the side.

Think and tell me how we will make eyes and wings? (let's draw it in a stack)

Yes, with the end of the stack we will draw eyes on one side and on the other, and wings and feathers with the other end (show).

So that our the bird was sitting, let's sculpt instead of legs stand: from the 3rd small piece we roll up a column, flatten it onto it and place it on it bird, press tightly and seal. That's how it turned out bird. I will remind the children about careful use of plasticine, clarify the sequence sculpting, we give instructions to start sculpting.

Individual work with children: I will help individual children divide the clay into 3 parts, remember the methods with him oval sculpting, ball, exercise children in pulling and pinching (show on your piece) I will praise independent, neat children and once again show them the technique of smoothing the surface of an object.

Analysis of children's works. Children display their work on the board. I’ll gather the children around the table, on which there is a board with the children’s work, and examine their: a lot you made the birds! Now our mother birds many baby birds, all of them different: big and small. Look this one the bird tilted its head, looking for grains. And this what is the bird doing? (pay attention to the expressiveness of the images). Which the birds are the most beautiful, the smoothest? Similar birds on mother bird. I will give a positive assessment of the children's work. At the end classes I'll sing a song with the children about bird.

Summary of GCD for modeling in the middle group kindergarten"Duck with ducklings"

Vitskova Marina Viktorovna, teacher of the MBDOU Kindergarten "Golden Fish" of the Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsk district, village of Solenoye Zaimishche.
This material will be useful for educators when conducting conversations and classes about poultry with middle school children.
Target: teach children to sculpt an object consisting of several parts, betraying some characteristic features(extended beak, tail).
1. Teach children to convey in sculpting the expressiveness of the image and the characteristic features of a duck and ducklings: an oval-shaped body; ball-shaped head, elongated wide beak, tail.
2. Strengthen sculpting techniques: separate parts from a whole piece and maintain their size, connect the parts, pressing them tightly against each other.
Integration of educational areas:
Artistic Creativity; Work; Cognition; Communication; Music; Physical training; Safety.
Vocabulary work: neck, beak, body, tail.
Materials and equipment: plasticine, boards, wet wipes, cardboard lake, duck sample.
Preliminary work. Conversation with children about poultry (geese, ducks, chickens); looking at pictures of ducks, chickens, geese and their babies.

Educator: Guys, we have already talked about poultry.(
Showing pictures). Name the birds you see in the picture?
(Children call).
Educator: Well done, right. You know a lot about birds.
Now try to guess the riddle.
Quack-quack-quack, catch flies!
And then into the water - Splash!
Swimming is no joke!
This is how children are taught... (duck).

Educator: Children, tell me what a duck can do?
Children (swim).
Educator: That's right, well done. But Kolya wants to tell us a poem about a duck, let's listen to it.
The duck waddled to the lake
The duck brought ducklings with her,
Quack - Quack - Quack said,
You are following me
Quack - Quack - Quack and paws
Row underwater.
Educator: Guys, how does the duck walk?
Children: Waddle!
Educator: Can you show me? (Yes)
(Children show appropriate movements).
Educator: Guys, look at the picture? What do you see?
Children: Lake!
Educator: Look how beautiful it is. Who's swimming there?
Children: Duck with ducklings.
Educator: Listen, kids, to an interesting story:
The duck and ducklings and the hen and chicks went for a walk. They walked and walked and came to the river. A duck and ducklings can swim, but a hen and chicks cannot. What to do? We thought and thought and came up with an idea! They swam across the river in exactly half a minute: a chicken on a duckling, a chicken on a duckling, and a chicken on a duck!
Educator: Did you like the story? (Yes).
Guys, do ducklings look like chickens? (No) Why?
(Children say differences). Let's look at the picture again
And consider the duckling and the chicken. Do you like duck with ducklings?
Educator: Now let’s sculpt a duck with ducklings.
But first, let's stretch our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Five ducklings” is being carried out

Five ducklings swim forward
Their mother is waiting on the shore,
(One of the hands is the “mother duck”. She stands on the table, leaning on her elbow. The fingers are folded in a pinch. The second hand is the ducklings. They perform wave-like movements towards the “duck”. The number of extended fingers corresponds to the number of ducklings, the fingers are gradually bent)
But only four ducklings
We returned to mommy back.
Four ducklings are swimming...
Three ducklings are swimming...
Two ducklings are swimming...
Here's one floating forward
His mother is waiting on the shore,
And five ducklings at once
returned to mommy back.
(“Nod” with the hand, i.e. “mother duck”)
Educator: Now let's get to work.

What parts should we sculpt?
Children:"Head, body, beak, tail"
Educator:“How do you make the beak and tail?”
Children:“Pull off the plasticine with your fingers.”
First you need to divide the plasticine into two parts. One larger piece will be the body, one smaller piece will be the head. To sculpt the body of a duck, we need to take a larger piece of plasticine and roll it into an oval with our palms. Then we also sculpt the head, only with a ball. Next, we connect these two parts, pressing them tightly against each other. We connect carefully so that the shape does not break. Then we guys, by pinching, make a beak on the duckling’s head and pull it back a little, and on the body, where the tail should be, we pull it out. Look how I do it. And you will definitely succeed too.
(Children do the work)
A calm melody sounds while working.
Educator: Well done, guys! You all turned out wonderful ducklings. Now let’s let our ducks and ducklings onto our beautiful lake, let them swim there.

GCD for modeling “Bird” (middle group)

Goal: To strengthen in children the skill of sculpting a bird out of plasticine, conveying the oval shape of the body, pulling and pinching small parts; beak, tail. Develop the skill of noting the diversity of the resulting images and enjoying them.

Progress of the lesson.

Children stand in a circle. Conducted finger game"I want to build a house"

Enable "birds chirping" recording

Educator: Oh, do you hear guys? Who is this tweeting?

Children: bird!

A bird feeder is brought in.

Educator: Guys, let's say hello to the bird.

Children: Hello, birdie!

Birdie: Hello, guys. (sad)

Educator: Birdie, why are you so sad?

Birdie: There are so many of you, you are so cheerful and friendly, but I am sad because I am alone and I have no friends.

The teacher addresses the children: Guys, how can we help the bird?

Children: Make friends for the bird.

Educator: How can we do this?

Children: Glue, draw, mold.

Educator: Yes, we can glue, draw, but today we will sculpt. So that we can do this well, guys, let's look at our bird.

The teacher asks questions to the children.

Educator: What does the bird have?

Children: Torso (it is oval)

Children: The head is round and located in the front.

Children: Beak, tail (it is at the back)

Educator: So we looked at our bird.

Show me your pen.

Educator: What are we planning to do?

Children: Bird! (bend the little finger).

Educator: What material?

Children: Made from plasticine. (bend ring finger)

Educator: Using what instrument?

Children: Using the board. (bend middle finger)

Educator: How are we going to do it?

Children: Everything is in order, and we get this result. (Fold over index finger and show big)

Educator: To get this result, come to my table.

A ball and an oval, molded in advance, lie on a tray on the table.

Educator: Guys, look, I have a ball, how to sculpt it, show me in the air, guys. And there is also an oval, show how we sculpt it.

And now we need to connect the bird’s body and head. How are we going to do this? (smear) We will make a beak on the front of the head (pull it out).

And the tail at the back (we stretch it out and flatten it).

This is the kind of bird we got!

The teacher invites the children to go to their workplace and cover it. After the children had covered their workplace, the guys go for the chairs.

Educator: Guys, where do we start working?

Children: Divide the plasticine into 2 parts. We will make the body from the larger one, and the head from the small one.

For those children who completed the work faster than others, the teacher gives additional plasticine and invites the children to mold grains for the birds.

After the work is completed, the bird crafts are taken to the craft stand.

An analysis of finished work is carried out.

Educator: Guys, what great fellows you all are, what beautiful birds you have created. Oh, look, how happy our bird is!

Birdie: (joyfully) Thank you, guys! How many friends I have now, how beautiful they all are. I'm so glad, guys! Thank you!

The guys carry the chairs and then clean their workplace in the reverse order.

Maria Jazairyan
Summary of modeling classes in the middle group on the topic “Birds on our site”


Summary of lessons on modeling in the middle group on the topic« Birds on our site»

Goals and objectives: To consolidate the idea of ​​wintering and migratory birds. Strengthen the ability to sculpt using familiar techniques sculpting. Learn to notice the diversity of the resulting images. Cultivate accuracy, independence, develop memory, attention, imagination.

Material: plasticine, board, stacks.

Visual material: sculptural bird, image birds.

Vocabulary work: head, tail, circle, oval, eyes, beak, pull, pinch, stack.

Preliminary work. Reading a fairy tale by a bird.

GCD move.

The teacher shows an illustration birds, asks to remember how the children watched birds on the site and counted them in math class.

This everyone knows the bird,

It does not fly to warmer regions.

This bird - all year round.

He lives in our yard.

And she tweets

Loud since the morning:

Wake up quickly.

Everyone is in a hurry.

Who is this? (sparrow)

Educator: What other wintering ones? birds you know? Answers children: jackdaw, tit, pigeon, crow, wood grouse, magpie, woodpecker

Educator: Right.

What kind of migratory birds you know?

Children's answers: Lark, Rook, Cuckoo, Swallow, Starling, Duck, etc.

Educator: Guys, your parents didn’t see what birds fly to our site? I suggest you blind birds. (shows layout group site)

Educator: Vanya, tell me what the bird has? (torso, head, beak, tail, wings).

What shape is the bird's body? (circling gesture) (Oval like an egg) .

What shape is the head? (round). What does it look like? (per ball). In what part of the body is the bird's head located? (at the beginning of the body) .

What kind of tail does the bird have? (long, primo). Look what the bird has on its head? (eyes, beak)

How many eyes does a bird have? (two). How many wings? (two)

Educator (Reminds me) Guys, we recently sculpted ducklings for a duck, but the body of the birds that flew to plot, more round than that of a duckling, and the beak is short, it can be sculpted by pinching.

We remind children about careful use of plasticine, clarify the sequence sculpting, we give instructions to start sculpting. In progress sculpting We help you correctly correlate body parts birds.

Individual work with children: helping individual children divide plasticine into 3 parts, remembering ways with it oval sculpting, ball, exercise children in pulling and pinching (show on your piece) I will praise independent, neat children and once again show them the technique of smoothing the surface of an object.

Analysis of children's works. Children place their work on the layout. The teacher encourages you to tell what birds sitting on a feeder, which sat on tree branches.

Publications on the topic:

Topic: Modeling treats from butter dough “Kremnyanchiki” Objectives: To arouse children’s interest in modeling edible confectionery and culinary products.

Program content: Continue to develop interest in modeling. Reinforce the sculpting techniques mastered in previous lessons: pressing p.

Summary of a modeling lesson in the middle group of the kindergarten “Modeling by Design” Sculpting lesson notes. Topic: “Modeling by design.” Equipment: plasticine, boards for plasticine, stacks, bowls with a soaked sponge.

Summary of direct educational activities on modeling in the middle group “Fairy-tale heroes” Program objectives: to consolidate preschoolers’ knowledge of fairy tales and fairy-tale characters; learn to convey fairy tales in sculpting.

“Wintering and nomadic birds” Goal: developing the ability to make birds from plasticine in an unconventional way. Tasks: consolidate.

Summary of educational activities for cognitive development in the middle group “Trees and Shrubs on our site” GCD summary for cognitive development in the middle group TOPIC: “TREES AND SHRUBS ON OUR SITE” Goal: Expand and clarify knowledge.

Notes on drawing in the middle group on the topic: “Wintering birds (bullfinch).” Goals and objectives: - develop interest and positive attitude.