Vinogradov, Viktor Vladimirovich - On the language of fiction. Vinogradov V.V.: On the language of Gogol’s early prose Linguistics as a vocation

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov is a famous linguist and literary critic, student of A.A. Shakhmatova, L.V. Shcherby. His main works are devoted to the grammar of the Russian language. He founded a school in Russian linguistics, for which he was awarded the State Prize in 1951. Book “Russian language. The grammatical doctrine of the word" (1947) is a systematic presentation of the theoretical grammar of the Russian language with a detailed discussion of the views of predecessors on most controversial issues. “Essays on the history of the Russian literary language” (1934; 2nd updated edition, 1938) - dedicated to the history of the Russian literary language. He supervised the work on collective works, in particular, on the two-volume Grammar of the Russian Language (1952-1954). In the works “Modern Russian Language” (Issue 1-2. 1938), “Russian Language. “Grammarical doctrine of the word” (1947), “Basic questions of the syntax of a sentence” Vinogradov gave a complete theoretical course in the grammar of the modern Russian language, defined the word as a system of forms and meanings, formulated the main characteristics of a sentence, and included modal words and the category of state in the system of parts of speech. The scientist showed the special place of word formation in the system of linguistic disciplines, the connection of word formation with grammar and lexicology, and created the doctrine of phraseology as a special branch of linguistics. The role of V. V. Vinogradov’s works in the field of grammar is exceptionally great. The principles of constructing and describing the grammatical system put forward and developed in them had a decisive influence on the development of the grammatical thought of Soviet linguists. Already at the end of the 20s, V.V. Vinogradov was attracted to the problem of parts of speech. Developing the ideas of A. A. Shakhmatov and L. V. Shcherba, he created a coherent and original concept of parts of speech, which was reflected in his later works on grammar. Vinogradov divided words into “main structural-semantic types”: 1) parts of speech names (noun, number, adjective); vestiges of pronouns; verb; adverbs; condition category); 2) particles of speech (particles of connectives; prepositions; conjunctions); 3) modal words; 4) interjections. In 1938, his book “Modern Russian Language” was published in two editions. Then, continuing his work in the field of Russian grammar, he published a number of extremely important theoretical articles. Prepared by these studies, his work “Russian Language” (Grammarical doctrine of words) was published in 1947. This work, still in manuscript form, was awarded the Lomonosov Prize by Moscow University, and later, in 1951. , he was awarded the State Prize. For V.V. Vinogradov, the word “represents the internal, constructive unity of lexical and grammatical meanings” and at the same time “the focus of the connection and interaction of grammatical categories of a language,” and therefore it is the basic unit of language, and grammar is the center of the language system, because “the semantic contours of a word, the internal connection of its meanings, its semantic volume is determined by the grammatical structure of the language.” This naturally follows from the proclamation of the interaction between grammar and vocabulary, the need to study them in close connection. “The study of the grammatical structure of a language without taking into account its lexical side, without taking into account the interaction of lexical and grammatical meanings is impossible,” V. V. Vinogradov writes polemically about this. In the book "Russian Language" this fundamental idea received concrete embodiment. It underlies the analysis of all grammatical categories and forms. Connected with it is the view put forward by V.V. Vinogradov on word formation as a special part of the language system, interacting, on the one hand, with grammar in the narrow sense, and on the other, with vocabulary. The inclusion of word formation in the grammatical doctrine of words is justified by the fact that the word formation structure of a word is determined by its grammatical properties: belonging to a certain part of speech and to a certain morphological (identified by formative characteristics) type within the part of speech. In accordance with this, the types of nominal word formation are distributed according to the morphological classes of words formed on their basis. “Russian Language” is also connected with the works of V.V. Vinogradov, devoted to other issues that seem to be far from grammar. In his preface, V.V. Vinogradov writes that in parallel with his work on the “Russian Language,” he worked on the “Historical Lexicology of the Russian Language,” and this work “could not help but be reflected in the presentation of the grammatical doctrine of the word.” Indeed, “Russian Language” contains numerous information from the history of Russian vocabulary and word formation.

Sociolinguistics. The role of extra- and intralinguistic factors in language development

Sociolinguistics is a branch of linguistics that studies the connection between language and the social conditions of its existence. Sociolinguistics emerges in opposition to structuralism. Sociolinguistics deals with the interaction between language and society. The focus is on internal functioning (age, gender of the speaker, characteristics of the situation).

This trend arose in the 30s, and the term was introduced in 1952. It arose at the intersection of sociology and linguistics. Representatives of this direction are: Vinogradov, Vinokur, Polivanov, Zhirmunsky, Meillet, Charles Bally.

The main goals are to study:

  • 1. How people use language. What does it have to do with the people who make up this or that society?
  • 2. How do changes in the society in which the language exists affect the development of a language?

Goals drive problems:

  • 1. Social differentiation of language.
  • 2. Social conditioning of language. As society develops, language changes. Social change is primary.

Other problems:

  • 1. Related to the social aspect of language proficiency. This means that sociolinguistics is the study of social roles, how we can study communication style.
  • 2. Related to a range of issues concerning which language is the main one (interaction of different languages).
  • 3. Issues of language policy. The state can regulate spelling and punctuation standards.

The subject of sociological linguistics is a wide range of issues: language and nation, national languages ​​as a historical category, social differentiation of language, relationships between linguistic and social structures, typology of language situations determined by social factors, social aspects of multilingualism, etc.

The method of sociolinguistics is a synthesis of methods and techniques used in linguistics and sociology, such as recording and analysis of socially determined speech acts, modeling of socially determined speech activity using sociolinguistic rules, questioning, interviewing, sociological experiments and processing their results using the apparatus mathematical statistics, etc.

Extralinguistic factors manifest themselves differently in oral and written forms of speech. ?

To the extent that the translation process is not carried out without the involvement of extralinguistic factors, translation theory also cannot do without taking these factors into account: This is quite natural, since any theory, as already noted, must reflect the essential features of that object (process or subject) , which is modeled by this theory. ?

The classification of styles based on extralinguistic factors has become very widespread and has been included in university textbooks, although it also emphasizes the importance of linguistic factors themselves. ?

Thus, punctuation analysis is carried out on the basis of an analysis of the structural features of the sentences indicated in the subtitles, based on an extralinguistic factor: pictures reflecting the content of the sentences. ?

The role of the systematic factor (linguistic factors themselves) is absolutized by Saussure and turns into a fundamental denial of the influence of extralinguistic factors on the structure of language and its development. In his understanding, they act spontaneously on the language. ?

So, we come to the conclusion that any speech work, in addition to the language in which it is constructed, also presupposes the presence of certain extralinguistic factors, such as: the topic (subject) of the message, participants in the speech act who have certain linguistic and extralinguistic information, and the setting ( situations) communication. Extralinguistic, that is, non-linguistic factors of speech do not represent some kind of superlinguistic residue, as A.I. Smirnitsky believed1, they are integral components of the speech process itself (communicative act), without which speech is unthinkable. The selection of a translation equivalent to a foreign term in the form of an adequate term of the corresponding system of terms of a given TL sublanguage is carried out taking into account, first of all, the functional-conceptual principle (extralinguistic factor), i.e. its correlation with this concept, as well as the linguistic principle, i.e. using generally accepted, standardized special terminology of a given sublanguage of science and technology as an equivalent means of expression in TL. ?

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Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

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To search without morphology, just put a “dollar” sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the query:

study *

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" research and development "

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Not compatible with morphology-free search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the Boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

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bromine ~

When searching, words such as "bromine", "rum", "industrial", etc. will be found.
You can additionally specify the maximum number of possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity criterion, you need to put a tilde " ~ " at the end of the phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Relevance of expressions

To change the relevance of individual expressions in the search, use the " sign ^ " at the end of the expression, followed by the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the others.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word “research” is four times more relevant than the word “development”:

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Valid values ​​are a positive real number.

Search within an interval

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be located, you should indicate the boundary values ​​in parentheses, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author starting from Ivanov and ending with Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in a range, use square brackets. To exclude a value, use curly braces.

It is impossible to imagine Russian linguistics without such a significant scientist as Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov. A linguist, a literary critic, a man of encyclopedic education, he left a significant mark on the teaching of the Russian language, did a lot for the development of modern humanities and trained a whole galaxy of talented scientists.

The beginning of the way

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov was born on January 12, 1895 in Zaraysk, in the family of a clergyman. In 1930, my father was repressed and he died in exile in Kazakhstan. My mother, who went into exile to pick up her husband, also died. The family managed to develop in Victor a strong desire for education. In 1917, he graduated from two institutes in Petrograd: historical and philological (Zubovsky) and archaeological.

The path to science

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, while still a student, showed brilliant scientific inclinations. Immediately after graduating from the institute, he was invited to continue his studies in science at the Petrograd Institute, first he studied the history of the church schism, writes. At this time, he was noticed by academician A. Shakhmatov, who saw enormous potential in the aspiring scientist and made arrangements for Vinogradov to be accepted as a scholarship student for the preparation of his dissertation in Russian literature. In 1919, under the leadership of A. Shakhmatov, he wrote about the history of the sound [b] in the Northern Russian dialect. After this, he was given the opportunity to become a professor at the Petrograd Institute, in which position he worked for 10 years. After his death in 1920, Viktor Vladimirovich found a new mentor in the person of the outstanding linguist L.V. Shcherba.

Achievements in literary criticism

Vinogradov simultaneously studied linguistics and literary criticism. His works became known in wide circles of the Petrograd intelligentsia. He writes a number of interesting works about the style of the great Russian writers A.S. Pushkina, F.M. Dostoevsky, N.S. Leskova, N.V. Gogol. In addition to stylistics, he was interested in the historical aspect in the study of works of literature. He develops his own research method, which is based on the broad involvement of historical context in the study of the features of a literary work. He considered it important to study the specifics of the author's style, which will help to penetrate deeper into the author's intention. Later, Vinogradov created a coherent doctrine about the category of the author’s image and author’s stylistics, which was at the intersection of literary criticism and linguistics.

Years of Persecution

In 1930, Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov left for Moscow, where he worked at various universities. But in 1934 he was arrested in the so-called “Slavist case.” Almost without investigation, Vinogradov is exiled to Vyatka, where he will spend two years, then he is allowed to move to Mozhaisk and is even allowed to teach in Moscow. He had to live with his wife illegally, putting both of them at risk.

In 1938, he was banned from teaching, but after Viktor Vladimirovich wrote a letter to Stalin, his Moscow registration and the right to work in Moscow were returned to him. Two years passed relatively calmly, but when the Great Patriotic War began, Vinogradov, as an unreliable element, was sent to Tobolsk, where he would stay until the summer of 1943. All these years, despite the unsettled life and constant fear for his life, Viktor Vladimirovich continues to work. He writes the stories of individual words on small sheets of paper; a lot of them were found in the scientist’s archive. When the war ended, Vinogradov’s life improved, and he returned to Moscow and began to work hard and fruitfully.

Linguistics as a vocation

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov won worldwide recognition in linguistics. The scope of his scientific interests lay in the field of the Russian language; he created his own scientific school, which was based on the previous history of Russian linguistics and opened up wide opportunities for describing and systematizing the language. His contribution to Russian studies is extremely great.

Vinogradov built a doctrine about the grammar of the Russian language, based on the views of A. Shakhmatov, he developed a theory about the parts of speech, which was set out in the fundamental work “Modern Russian Language”. Of interest are his works on the language of fiction, which combine the resources of linguistics and literary criticism and allow one to deeply penetrate the essence of the work and the author’s style. An important part of his scientific heritage are works on textual criticism, lexicology and lexicography; he identified the main types of lexical meaning and created the doctrine of phraseology. The scientist was part of the group that compiled the academic dictionary of the Russian language.

Outstanding Works

Prominent scientists with a wide range of scientific interests often create significant works in several fields, such was Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov. "Russian language. The grammatical doctrine of the word”, “On the language of fiction”, “On artistic prose” - these and many other works brought fame to the scientist and combined the research capabilities of stylistics, grammar and literary analysis. A significant work is the never published book “The History of Words,” which V.V. Vinogradov wrote all his life.

An important part of his legacy consists of works on syntax; the books “From the history of the study of Russian syntax” and “Basic questions of sentence syntax” became the final part of Vinogradov’s grammar, in which he described the main types of sentences and identified the types of syntactic connections.

The scientist’s works were awarded the USSR State Prize.

Scientist career

Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov, whose biography has always been connected with academic science, worked a lot and fruitfully. From 1944 to 1948, he was the dean of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, where he headed the Russian language department for 23 years. In 1945, he was elected academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, bypassing the post of corresponding member. From 1950, for 4 years, he headed the Institute of Linguistics of the USSR Academy of Sciences. And in 1958, Academician Viktor Vladimirovich Vinogradov became the head of the Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences, which he would lead for more than a quarter of a century. In addition, the scientist held many public and scientific positions, he was a deputy, an honorary member of many foreign academies and a professor at Prague and Budapest universities.

The main theses are set out in the monograph “On the Language of Fiction” (1959)

II. General problems and tasks of studying the language of Russian fiction.

The study of the “language” of fiction as a specific task of philology in our domestic science is widely spread and receives a comprehensive theoretical justification only in the Soviet era. True, there is still no complete clarity in understanding the connection of this task with the history of the literary language, on the one hand, with the history of literature, on the other, with stylistics and the theory of artistic speech, on the third.

! The central problems of studying the language of fiction include the problems of “language” (“style”) of a work of art and “language” (“style”) of the writer.

Writer's style should be studied in its historical development, in its changes and fluctuations, in the diversity of its genre manifestations. In some cases (for example, when studying the works of Karamzin, Nekrasov, partly L. Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, M. Gorky) we can talk about a change in systems of verbal and artistic expression, in others (for example, when studying the works of Fonvizin, Radishchev, Pushkin, Gogol, Lermontov, Chekhov, etc.) - about the interaction of several stylistic systems. Almost most often, a writer’s style has to be considered as a unity of diversity, as a kind of “system of systems” in the presence of a single style-forming core or organizational center.

The specificity of the “language” of fiction cannot be revealed in all its complexity only with the help of methods and techniques of linguistic study of a language system or structure.

The purpose and task of studying the language of a work of art“is a demonstration of those linguistic means by which the ideological and associated emotional content of literary works is expressed” (Shcherba)

A work of art can and should be studied:

1. On the one hand, as a process of embodiment and formation of the author’s ideological and creative plan 2. On the other hand, as a concrete historical fact, as a logical link in the general development of the verbal and artistic art of the people.

The study of a work of art, its language, and content should be based on a deep understanding of the social life of the corresponding period of development of the people, on a comprehensive knowledge of the culture, literature and art of this era, on a clear understanding of the state of the national spoken and literary language and its styles at that time, on a deep penetration into the author’s creative method and into the originality of his individual verbal and artistic mastery.

The historical study of the “language of fiction” cannot be separated from the study of socially and ideologically conditioned and dominant views in a particular era on the attitude of the writer, his artistic system to the written, literary and colloquial language in their varieties and interactions.

III. Language of the work of art

The main category in the field of linguistic study of fiction is usually recognized as concept of individual style (that is, unique, historically conditioned, complex, but representing the structural unity of the system of means and forms of verbal expression in its development).

In the writer's style, in accordance with his artistic intentions, all the linguistic means used by the artist are combined, internally connected and aesthetically justified.

At the same time in the style of individual artistic creativity, sometimes the elements of the future system of the national literary language appear more obvious and sharper and the functional remnants of the linguistic past are more clearly reflected. The voice of the entire people is often heard in the voice of a great artist.

    It is necessary to carefully distinguish the expressive qualities of speech, which have their source in the personal properties and states of the speaker or writer, from such facts of linguistic expression that are rooted in social psychology and are manifestations of precisely the social reaction to the language belonging to a given society.

In the language itself, and not at all in the psychology of speakers and writers, which the linguist is not directly interested in, in addition to sounds, forms and signs, there is something else, namely expression belonging to sounds, forms and signs. From all this it follows that it is one thing language style, and another thing is the style of those who write or speak.

    Expressive colors mix easily and transform into one another. Harsh words caused by anger, hatred, irritation can take on a softened meaning. Swear words can become affectionate and friendly.

    Expressive impressiveness almost senseless(from communicative and cognitive points of view) expressions(“Lebedyan” by Turgenev: “...every time they died with laughter and forced him to repeat “my veneration”; then he began to use a rather complex expression: “no, it’s you who are the one, keskese, it turned out”);

    Violations of literary and linguistic norms and deviations from them are frequent; Retreating due to certain artistic goals from these rules and regulations, the writer is obliged to internally, aesthetically justify his speech innovations, his violations of the general national-linguistic norm.

    One and also expression in different stylistic environments can take on different shades and perform various expressive and semantic functions. An example is the use of the Church Slavonic expression “heavenly thunder will strike” or “heavenly thunder will burst” by Pushkin in a comic style in a poem about Chisinau;

    Mixing or combining expressions belonging to different styles of literary language as part of a work of art must be internally justified or motivated. Otherwise, a comic clash or interweaving of different styles arises, indicating (if it is not purposeful) the author’s lack of speech culture.

    In different styles of literary language, phrasal phrases are formed, accumulated and frozen “stamps”, templates, ossified expressions. Such expressions are often characterized by rhetoric, stiltedness, and the desire to depict the content with features that are far from reality. The abuse of such templates in the author's language of a work of art kills the simplicity and naturalness of the narrative;

    The stylistics of the national language includes not only a system of its different styles, but also a set of various constructive forms and compositional structures of speech, developed in connection with the development of forms of communication. This includes not only the forms and types of monologue speech typical of the era, but also speech standards for writing, business document and much more. In the language of a literary work, reflections of these compositional speech systems of everyday communication;

    Pthe principles of reproducing the socially typical characteristics of speech cannot be naturalistic. A work of art is not a monument or document of either regional dialectology or social jargon.

    A huge role in the process of creating a work of art belongs, on the one hand, to electoral, and on the other hand, combining and synthesizing work of the author, aimed simultaneously at both the depicted reality and the forms of its reflection in the verbal composition of the work, in its language, in its style;

    The meaning of a word in a work of art is never limited to its direct nominative-objective meaning. The literal meaning of the word here acquires new, different meanings (just as the meaning of the described empirical fact grows to the degree of typical generalization).

    In a work of art there is no and in any case there should be no unmotivated words passing only as shadows of unnecessary objects. The selection of words is inextricably linked with the way of reflecting and expressing reality in the word. Objects, persons, actions, phenomena, events and circumstances, named and reproduced in a work of art, are placed in various, internal, functional relationships, they are interconnected;

    The specificity of the figurative and artistic understanding of the word is reflected even in the functions of proper names chosen and included by the writer in the composition of the literary work. They are meaningful, expressive and socially characteristic as nicknames;

    It is important to study and evaluate proportionality in the structure of images in a work. According to Professor Peshkovsky, “The more economical a writer is in his images, the stronger they, other things being equal, affect the reader”;

    At the same time, since a work of art is included in the broad context of literature - both previous and modern, understanding many speech and stylistic phenomena in the structure of a work of art is impossible outside of this context and its specific historical peculiarities. An example is Saltykov-Shchedrin’s fairy tale “The Faithful Trezor”. Here the reactionary publicist M.N. Katkov is depicted satirically - in the image of the dog Trezor;