Characteristics of a woman according to the horoscope of the bull Sagittarius. Cupid's arrows and fiery passion. Family and marriage

The Sagittarius-Ox sign includes people born from November 23 to December 21 in 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021.

The combination of Sagittarius-Ox signs is one of the most interesting. The virtues of both Sagittarius and Ox are harmoniously intertwined here. So, for example, the sequence and is successfully complemented by the character traits of a typical Sagittarius - a person who is always looking for in each of the people good points. In addition, the heavy energy of the Ox in this combination is balanced by the childishness inherent in Sagittarius. A person born with this combination is distinguished by sincerity and openness; he can easily reconcile people and defuse the situation in the most right moment. And at the same time, Sagittarius-Ox is difficult to deceive or mislead. He looks at the world objectively and is impartial in assessing his surroundings.

A person born under the sign of Sagittarius in the year of the Ox is very optimistic, never loses heart and does not give in to difficulties. He takes on projects of any complexity and is ready to bring them to life.

IN love relationships Sagittarius Ox can be somewhat timid. Behind the jokes and wild fun lies an indecision to take the first step. But the Ox neutralizes the duality and dynamism of Sagittarius, which is favorable for stable family happiness.

Sagittarius – Ox characteristics

According to the horoscope, Sagittarius-Ox has a representative appearance, a cheerful disposition and is always surrounded by numerous friends. He is resistant to stress, has excellent instincts and intuition, is quite realistic, is able to carry out the most risky operations and bring a hopeless enterprise out of a dead end. Thanks to these qualities, Sagittarius-Ox easily walks career ladder and can occupy the highest positions and positions. Another feature of a person born under the sign of Sagittarius in the year of the Ox is inner peace. This is where Bullish confidence in success comes into play.

Sagittarius-Ox does not like conflicts, quarrels, confrontations, and tries to resolve everything peacefully. The Ox, by nature, is very active and unrestrained, but Sagittarius-Ox knows how to compromise and negotiate with people. He is a peacemaker with a friendly, cheerful disposition. In general, people born under the combination of Sagittarius-Ox signs are responsible, observant, know how to give advice and at the same time listen to strangers. They are fun and easy to work with, interesting to communicate with and generally a pleasure to do any business with. However, there is another side to the coin - this majestic and calm Bull resembles a bison, which was wiped off the face of the earth due to its inability to defend itself. A person born with the Sagittarius-Ox combination lacks the aggressiveness to resist external influences. , which makes it unstable to unfavorable factors external environment. In other words, he is not always ready to confront problems from the outside. The search for new experiences and the desire to embrace the immensity often leads to a scattering of forces. However, the friendliness of this sign and the ability to always find a compromise simplifies a lot in his life. In addition, if Sagittarius-Ox takes on something, he will finish it to the end and with high quality. For him, not only the process is important, but also the result.

Sagittarius-Ox considers his family to be the basis of his happiness. Both in personal and family relationships, he shows all his best qualities, investing his inherent kindness and warmth, sometimes reaching childish spontaneity. He is reliable and responsible. Does everything possible for the well-being of her loved ones and will be an excellent parent, loving, caring, cheerful and responsible. True, it is worth noting that Sagittarius-Ox can sometimes flare up over the most insignificant reason. This is due to the fact that it is difficult for him to share his worries with loved ones. He tends to keep all his problems inside himself. Therefore, he can accumulate a large load of secret worries, which will later spill out at the most unexpected moment.

Sagittarius - Ox woman

A woman born under the sign of Sagittarius in the year of the Ox is outwardly attractive, intelligent, sociable, cheerful and pleasant to talk to. She has many friends whom she always supports, both morally and financially. She is sociable and even talkative, but despite this, she knows how to keep secrets and you can trust her with anything. She knows how to analyze a situation, delve into the essence of events, and many listen to her advice. In general, the Sagittarius-Ox woman is successful in life. She knows what she wants and strives for it with all her might. The ability to plan, predict and avoid mistakes helps her achieve excellent results.

A woman born with the Sagittarius-Ox combination is strong and strong-willed. Ambition and the desire to succeed makes her unbending and even tough. However, her valuable quality is the ability to perceive criticism and rationally apply what is said. For the Sagittarius-Ox woman, financial well-being is synonymous with success, so she solves two problems at once. Professional activity is very important for her, as for a man with the same combination.

Born in the year of the Ox, both professionally and in everyday life. She is distinguished by her thriftiness and tendency to do everything well. She is physically strong and very resilient. She is very picky and demanding when choosing a partner. A frivolous and irresponsible man can hardly count on a long-term relationship. But a man with a steely character, serious, promising and courageous, will certainly attract her attention. But love and family relationships do not always develop harmoniously. Both in life and in the family, the Sagittarius-Ox woman can be tough, demanding and unbending. She does not accept her partner’s opinion and is not ready to change her ideas for the sake of loved one. And it is precisely because of her inflexibility that she often remains alone. She demands that her companion devote his entire life only to her and have no interests of his own. Naturally, a strong man whom she likes will not agree to this, and she is not interested in a weak man who might bend. In order to establish long-term and happy relationships, she should be softer, more accommodating, and more flexible in relation to other people's desires, ideas and opinions. Also, to achieve happiness, you don’t have to completely plan your life. The ability to organize your activities is a good quality, but it is necessary in moderation.

Sagittarius - Ox man

A man born under the sign of Sagittarius in the year of the Ox is smart, diplomatic, hardworking and responsible. He can easily achieve success in any area related to intellectual activity and communication. He knows how to concentrate and, without being distracted by extraneous things, scrupulously do his job. He chooses a job according to his calling, and perceives the salary only as payment for the pleasure of doing what he loves. Self-confidence and ambition help him achieve his goals. He strives to be a leader in everything, an excellent organizer, capable of rallying a team to achieve certain goals.

Born in the year of the Ox, sports, prone to traveling and hiking. His interests are varied, he is insightful, intelligent and rational. He is distinguished by his criticality and ability to analyze any situation. This is an active man with a code of honor and morality.

In relationships with the opposite sex, the Sagittarius-Ox man is sociable, simple and easy. As a rule, he starts a family at a young age and is distinguished by constancy, care and love, both for the woman he loves and for his children. Of course, it happens in different ways, but still, the Sagittarius-Ox man rarely finds himself in the role of a seeker of love adventures. It is very important for him that his woman feels unique and loved. The Sagittarius-Ox man is an excellent parent who devotes a lot of time to raising his children. He loves to teach and is proud of his children, who love him for his lively, bright and charming character.

Both the Sagittarius Ox man and woman have inner peace and grandeur. They are not aggressive, so they use other qualities to gain their place in the sun. They have a good instinct that helps them avoid trouble. Realistic view of the world. Therefore, they are able to get out of any deadlock and pave the way for development.

Years of birth: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009.

The Sagittarius Ox rarely stoops to conflicts or illegal actions. Even without this, he is able to gain solid authority. This person is endowed with his own idea of ​​​​life, which helps him achieve success. For example, in the field of entrepreneurship.

This person is very reliable, including in love. The Ox smooths out the dynamism and duality of Sagittarius, imparts calmness and perseverance. This combination promotes stability in family life.

Character of the Ox Sagittarius woman

The Sagittarius Ox woman has, without exaggeration, a truly royal character. She is powerful, purposeful, knows what she wants and knows how to manage people. It seems to others that her incredible success is the result of simple luck, but this is not so.

Sagittarius ladies born in the year of the Ox have an analytical mind and a very strong innate intuition. They know how to calculate a situation several moves ahead, and this helps them in life and in their profession.

A career, as a rule, is fast-paced right from the start. In adulthood, these women often have a leadership position or their own company.

The natural liveliness, impulsiveness and emotionality of Sagittarius is extinguished by the thoroughness of the Ox. Therefore, girls are feminine, bright, but unusually strong and integral individuals.

It’s easy to captivate and lead. Put a presumptuous employee or partner in their place - in the blink of an eye. They conduct business harshly, do not recognize sentimentality, but are always ready to listen, hear and make a fair decision.

IN personal life Sagittarius Oxen women lack flexibility. Therefore, the horoscope warns of possible difficulties in relationships. They do not forgive mistakes and can allow themselves to be harsh and caustic when communicating with loved ones. However, they just need a worthy, strong partner.

Compatibility of women in love

Compatibility with other signs is as follows: the most successful union is for the Sagittarius Ox woman with Bulls, Rats, Snakes. A long-term alliance is possible with these signs.

The main difficulty in building successful relationships is that desire rules in everything. Therefore, the Ox Sagittarius girl fights with Tigers and Dragons, and does not cooperate. But if men of these signs have a strong enough character, and even in combination with a higher status, the chances of strong marriage increase.

It should be said that in the characteristics of the Sagittarius Ox girl, the horoscope notes an extremely reverent attitude towards the family. It takes her a long time to find a partner, and then with all her diligence she builds a family. Therefore, if she marries a Monkey, Sheep, Rabbit or Horse, with whom she has average compatibility, the contradictions will be overcome diligently and consistently.

Perhaps a pure Ox would not be able to compromise or give in, but the nature of Sagittarius is more flexible and mobile.

The fiery temperament, multiplied by gravity, helps soften the effect of both. It turns out that Sagittarius Ox is much more successful in relationships than these signs themselves are individually. Girls with this astrological combination have feminine wisdom that helps them in love.

Character of the Ox Sagittarius man

The Ox Sagittarius man, unlike pure Sagittarius, is extremely rational and pragmatic. He builds his career and relationships with others wisely. Perseverance, intelligence and creativity help him reach any heights. He climbs the career ladder easily. It is not difficult for him to lead others.

The Sagittarius Ox man is successful in communication. He has many friends and extensive personal and professional connections. Girls perceive him as a cheerful and mischievous guy, but there are small pitfalls here.

With the opposite sex, the Sagittarius Ox shows some uncertainty, which it masks with ostentatious gaiety. True, this does not bother him too much, since the objects of his interest are most often also interested in him. They are the ones who take the first step.

The horoscope claims that Sagittarians born in the year of the Ox are doing well financially. Usually Sagittarians are terrible spenders, but the earthly element of the Ox balances this quality.

On the contrary, men with this zodiac combination are committed to large, solid savings. They do not like to spend money on trifles, and they meet old age with substantial capital in reserve.

Compatibility of men in love

Timidity does not exclude rationality. Yes, in love, the Sagittarius Ox man also shows a reasonable approach and common sense. He chooses a mate for himself long and carefully. Most of all, he is attracted to status ladies who have managed to build a career for themselves and earn a name.

Women with similar characteristics evoke respect from the Sagittarius Ox, and he is ready to entrust them with the upbringing of his children. His attitude towards children is both demanding and tender. He pampers them, but also educates them.

The Sagittarius Ox will most likely maintain marital fidelity. He values ​​his family as his investment and is not inclined to destroy it. But he doesn’t like excessive control, reproaches and can start a scandal.

Especially if his wife starts making complaints about his constant presence at work. Social life, work, status always comes first for such men, and it is better for their girlfriends to know about this from the very beginning. However, this does not in any way affect the material and moral state of the family.

In love, the most harmonious relationships develop with girls who were born in the year of the Ox, Rooster or Snake.

To achieve compatibility you will have to spend a lot of effort with Goat, Pigs and Rabbit girls. It will be easier to build a strong and successful union with other horoscope signs.

Thus, the stars favor Sagittarius Oxen men and women in everything. They have developed the following positive qualities:

  • leadership abilities;
  • creative inclinations;
  • analytical thinking and intuition;
  • external beauty and attractiveness to the opposite sex;
  • rationality and pragmatism;
  • efficiency and responsibility.

Excessive authority and inflexibility can hinder them in life. We must learn to keep our mouths shut and not reward others with truthful but inappropriate characteristics. Then many corners will be smoothed out, and some bumps will not have to be filled.

Famous Sagittarius Bulls:
Walt Disney (1901), Jean Marais (1913), Jane Fonda (1937), Ilya Averbukh (1973)

The character of the Oxen-Sagittarius women: These women are the types who never make mistakes, never make mistakes. This is a rare quality and often makes them seem like they are just lucky. This is not so, they are lucky because they know how to analyze the situation and delve into the essence of events. After this, they make one decision or another, achieving excellent results in implementation. In general, they are successful in life because they understand what they want and strive for it with all their might.

These are strong, strong-willed individuals who, above all, prioritize duty. Ambition and the desire to succeed makes them unbending. In relationships with others, people demonstrate particular rigidity. Even close women in this case are no exception. However, their valuable quality can be considered the ability to accept criticism, despite their position. They will not only listen, but will definitely apply what is said rationally.

Oxen women - Sagittarius in love and relationships: In love relationships, they often act as tough people. They do not accept their partner’s opinion and do not want to change their ideas for the sake of a loved one. This can lead to disappointment and broken relationships. Because of their inflexibility, they often find themselves alone. It is worth being softer and more flexible in relation to other people's desires, ideas and opinions. This will help build positive long-term relationships.

Oxen women - Sagittarius in finance and career: The ability to plan, predict and avoid mistakes allows these people to achieve good results. They become especially successful if they choose the right field of activity. Financial well-being becomes synonymous with success for them, so they strive for two goals at once. These people can handle anything, so what more difficult task, the easier they perform it. Practicality and determination allow you to become successful in business.

Oxen - Sagittarius women in family and marriage: Family relationships don't always fold easily. They do not know how to perceive the other half as a person who has the right to their own opinion. In the family, these women can act as tyrants, demanding despots. For their other half, they do not think of independent activities; they try to make sure that the chosen one completely devotes his life only to them. This position can easily lead to loneliness.

Advice for Oxen-Sagittarius women: It’s worth learning to accept criticism, to be more tolerant and gentler. They also cannot plan their life completely, as this leads to them becoming too meticulous. The ability to organize your activities in moderation is a good quality that everyone should use. You also need to learn from your youth how to properly interact with people. Only in this case will they be able to achieve harmony in their personal lives.

The English king Henry IV was elevated to the throne as a result of a palace coup. The nobility did not like the dominance of favorites at court and the autocracy of the ex-king. The new monarch justified the hopes of the nobles. Standing up for “democracy,” he expanded the rights of parliament. Actor Jean Marais (“Fantômas”, “Beauty and the Beast”, “Orpheus”) considered his meeting with the writer Cocteau to be his second birth. Appearance and the actor's performance were well suited for tragic heroes. Cocteau proved to him that his role was as a hero-lover. French king Henry IV of Navarre was the leader of the Huguenots in the religious war, but to achieve national and religious harmony he converted to Catholicism.

While on the throne, he strengthened his power and finances, allowed the Huguenots to hold services, equalized their rights with Catholics, thereby ending the eight-year Huguenot War, for which he was killed by one of the Catholics. The poet and artist William Blake (“Songs of Knowledge”) was rejected by his contemporaries. His nature and creativity are characterized by fantasy, symbolism, rebellion and utopian ideas. The rebellious Blake wrote books and did the illustrations for them himself. Rock figure, composer, singer and actor, informal, neo-beat, alcoholic and original Tom Waits always goes through life in the opposite direction, protesting against any order and challenging everything, even common sense.

The internal contradictions of this type of people do not allow one to accurately determine their professional preferences. Here is the producer, Sophia Loren's husband Carlo Ponti, who was convicted of fraud with works of art; and reporter, journalist, expert on Moscow antiquity, writer Vladimir Gilyarovsky (“Moscow and Muscovites”); and banker Viktor Gerashchenko; and dancer and then actor Alexander Godunov (“Die Hard”), who played a wide variety of villains in films.

In politics, Sagittarius-Bulls are both dictators and conservatives, but with a military bias: Chancellor of Germany, head of the German socialists Willy Brandt; revolutionary, Bund chairman Aron Weinstein; General Pyotr Deinekin; Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza; general, front commander Nikolai Vatutin.

In movies, these astrological comrades are attracted by the exciting plot. Blockbuster film director Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator); screenwriter Maurice Slobodsky ("Operation Y...", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "The Diamond Arm"); actors Boris Shcherbakov (“Criminal Quartet”), Jeff Bridges (“Gates of Heaven”), Lev Sverdlin (“The Elusive Avengers”).

In science they are interested in electricity: physicist, creator of quantum mechanics Werner Heisenberg; kaleidoscope inventor David Brewster; physicist, inventor of the electrostatic generator Robert Van der Graaf.

A few more names: writer, editor of the magazine " New world» Sergey Zalygin (“Salty Pad”); poet Konstantin Vanshenkin (“Sign”); composer Georgy Mayboroda (“Taras Shevchenko”); existentialist philosopher Gabriel Marcel; football referee Nikolai Latyshev; artist Yuri Raksha; tennis player Apri Cochet; Clown Pencil; composer Vladimir Shainsky; doctor Nikolai Amosov (“Thoughts and Heart”); composer, author of film music Eduard Artemyev (“Solaris”, “Mirror”, “Stalker”).

Sagittarius-Ox woman horoscope

Actress Jane Fonda preaches healthy image life. Her varied roles include "Barbella," "They Shoot Horses, Don't They?" and "The China Syndrome." Enthusiastic, independent, loves to defend higher values, such as freedom. Jane - ex-wife Roger Vadima and the current wife of movie mogul Ted Turner. She had several plastic surgeries, removed two of her ribs and enlarged her breasts. She was involved in left-wing politics.

A girl with character successfully combines rebellious spirit and conformism, personal independence and social responsibilities. In her free time from filming and divorces, she invented aerobics and made a lot of money from it. Likes to live outside the city. Combines a love of nature with a love of children and animals. Big man in the film business.

Tennis player Monica Seles was born on December 2, 1973 in Croatia. She was attracted to the sport by her father: when she was 7 years old, her dad pulled a rope between two cars and gave the child a racket in his hands. The girl's talent showed up immediately. Karol Seles began to train his daughter on his own, and at the age of 10 Monica became the world champion among juniors. After that, my father gave up his job as an animator, his mother gave up teaching, and everything was subordinated to one goal - training, training and training. The authority of his father was unshakable for Seles: “My father has always been my best friend.”

In 1986 from the coming horror civil war The Seles family moved to the United States, and Monica was enrolled in a tennis academy. Seles's career developed rapidly: in 1990 she won Roland Garros, defeating Steffi Graf, and a year later she became first in the classification.

The life of the champion was cloudless until in 1993, during a match, a fan, Count, stabbed Monica in the back kitchen knife. The wound healed quickly, but the nervous shock from the experience did not go away. The tennis player was haunted by nightmares. Sleeping pills helped with insomnia, and it turned out that ice cream, chocolate and cakes were good for relieving stress. This is how she started having weight problems. Monica began to be afraid of the court and the audience. Security specialists turned her house into a fortress. Seles hid from people for two years, but she conquered fear. A psychotherapist, training and my father’s care helped. Seles took to the court in 1995, but she failed to become the first racket of the world again... Uncertainty in movement, a sprained ligament and a broken finger - and her name disappeared from the lists of tournament participants.

In 1997, she gave up training due to her father's illness. His dying will was: “You must play again as before” - and Monica fulfilled this will. But all this is already in the past. In addition to tennis, Seles enjoys horse riding, swimming, basketball and dogs. Together with other celebrities, she is the owner of the All Stars cafe. “I want to take care of the children. True, I don’t know yet whether they will be our own or someone else’s. In any case, pedagogy really attracts me.” One problem is that tennis players, as a rule, do not get married and do not have children. As for pedagogy, Sagittarius can only demonstrate it by personal example. Sport is one thing, but psychology is completely different.

Other persons: actress Nonna Mordyukova, ex-wife of Vyacheslav Tikhonov, whom she beat if she didn’t like something; became famous for playing the roles of peasant women and ordinary women (“Kinfolk,” “The Diamond Arm”); theater and film actress Olga Aroseva; actress Ewa Szykulska (“Star of Captivating Happiness”); model and actress Tyra Banks; Chaplin's young wife Mildred Harris.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

Characteristics and compatibility of the Sagittarius - Ox man interests everyone who was born under the control of these signs. This man combines the most incompatible qualities. On the one hand, he likes various adventures, on the other hand, he often likes to stay at home. He likes different hobbies and activities, but he can achieve perfection in one thing. The dispersion of strength and feelings prompts him to think that he needs to devote his time to one thing and one woman, but the sign of Sagittarius forces him to repeat mistakes again and again.

The Sagittarius-Ox man hates conflicts and will always try to solve the problem peacefully. The sign of the Ox gives a person incontinence and activity, and the sign of Sagittarius helps to disperse all this energy into large number affairs and relationships, which is generally not bad if he has his priorities set correctly. If he constantly searches for adventure and tries to embrace the immensity, then he will only waste his energy.

It is important that this guy, if he has taken on something, will finish what he started and do it with the highest quality possible. For him, both the process itself and the good result are pleasant. A wide variety of interests still does not make him resistant to environmental factors, that is, it is difficult for him to confront problems from the outside. Here, as a rule, friendliness and the ability to find a compromise come to the rescue.


A man born under the sign of Sagittarius in the year of the Ox is awarded with excellent intuition, which helps him achieve significant results in business. However, he will not break the law. One more important feature This person is inner peace. The sign of the Ox gives him confidence in success; it also helps him realize himself in life as a leader, and at a high level.

As a rule, this guy chooses active external activities for himself, because he simply loves traveling, hiking, and playing sports. He is very restless and professional activity is a very important part of his life. He prefers to work according to his calling, while the salary is a pleasant bonus for doing what he loves.

Compatibility in love

Women perceive the Sagittarius Ox man as a very relaxed and courageous guy, but in reality he is quite timid. It costs him effort to take the first step, which complicates building relationships. In this case, if a woman takes the first step, he will be happy, because this will allow him to reveal his best qualities, namely loyalty, reliability and caring. He is decent and honest, and this important qualities for a man who wants to start a family.

He chooses his wife for a long time, so, as a rule, he is happy in the family. The Sagittarius-Ox man will not look for adventures on the side, despite what he happily receives new experience, stability is still above all else. He is proud that he is faithful to his chosen one and wants to become a gentle and loving friend for her. A woman will feel comfortable with him in any situation. Of course, he has his own expectations about his partner, but they are quite adequate and will not create difficulties in the relationship.

For him, family will always come first. He devotes a lot of time to external achievements and career, but family still comes first for him. If he has to, he will give up his career for the sake of his loved ones, but this will not benefit him personally. Therefore, it is important for those close to him to understand how big a role his achievements play outside. He will be a wonderful family man, will help children and manage to solve many other things along the way.