DIY crow's feet for a motor cultivator - drawings. "Crow's feet" for a walk-behind tractor. Self-installation of cutters on a walk-behind tractor

The standard equipment for walk-behind tractors of any brand includes cutters and other necessary parts. But there are situations when you need to independently increase the power of the unit in order to better and deeper cultivate the soil. Today, anyone can make cutters for walk-behind tractors with their own hands, and for this you need to follow simple instructions, which we will look at in detail in this article.

In agriculture, walk-behind tractors have long occupied a leading position in operation, characterized by fast cultivation of land and the ability to automatically harvest crops. Each model, regardless of the country of origin, includes additional power units. As a rule, they are quite enough for quality work in any area, and there is practically no need to independently make cutters for a motor cultivator. But there are situations when the capabilities of the purchased unit do not correspond to Russian realities.

There are two types of cutters: soil and saber

Simple example: not all Western manufacturers take into account soil depth in other countries, specific grain crops, weather conditions and other points that can complicate the work process and increase the likelihood of a quick breakdown.

In such cases, you can always buy an additional cutter for your specific area or make it yourself. It is worth noting that in many cases homemade parts They work much more efficiently than the factory ones! Visually, any cutter looks like this: two parts of the module with a special set of tillage knives are attached to the wheel base, and then adjusted so that one structure does not interfere with the work of the other. Thanks to this simple technology, the walk-behind tractor is able to independently move around the territory and engage in processing.

It is worth noting that there is a second type of mounted milling cutter, which operates using a power take-off shaft. Such installations are mounted behind the main structure, and are often found on models such as MTZ, Foreman, Agro and others. Despite the difference in installation, all types of cutters are manufactured according to the same pattern.

Depending on the type of use, additional devices may differ slightly from each other. The main purpose of cutters is to destroy weeds and level the ground surface of the site, but at the same time they can perform other tasks. For example, wrapping fertilizers, processing the soil, or even fertilizing it with the help of special devices. Let's take a closer look at what types of cutters are most common.

Saber or “active” cutters

The most effective part for surface treatment is considered to be an active cutter, which, thanks to its configuration, can work on any problem areas. There are practically no restrictions on use, but at the same time, many farmers recommend using saber knives on soft ground. If desired, it is possible to use walk-behind tractors in rocky areas with a large number of roots, since the chance of possible breakage of the knives is almost minimal.

The knives on active cutters consist of 4 parts and are evenly spaced along the structure at ninety degrees. As a rule, two to three such blocks are attached to one side of the device, and sometimes their number can even reach five elements. It all depends on the power of your walk-behind tractor and its total weight, the same goes for the width of the attached parts.

Each knife visually looks like an ordinary curved metal strip, but with a certain power, these tips penetrate very deeply into the ground and destroy all unnecessary components. If we talk about how to make saber-shaped cutters yourself, we should recommend special spring steel grade 50HGFA.

The active cutter is most widely used in summer cottages

Manufacturing an active cutter

Among farmers and gardening enthusiasts, saber-shaped devices are the most popular due to their effective and simple design, which can be easily assembled at home. To make an active cutter, you will need a metal strip made of high-strength steel, an angle grinder, additional parts for directly digging up the earth, a small pipe and any welding machine.

It is worth noting that old car springs and other similar products are quite suitable as plowing devices. The main elements of the cutter should be bent in the same direction and cut to the same size. Using a welding machine, you can easily attach the resulting structures to the main pipe. Important! The cutting parts must be distributed evenly and on different sides of the pipe.

If you need a homemade cutter for specific purposes, and you immediately know in which direction the blades will move, it is recommended to further sharpen them in the required direction, thereby increasing the power and quality of digging. Having received the assembled mechanism, you need to secure it well on the walk-behind tractor and immediately try the cutter in action. If some inaccuracies in operation or any other problems are discovered, the structure can be easily removed and modified depending on needs. Before you start making a cutter for walk-behind tractors with your own hands, we recommend watching the special video instructions presented at the end of the article.

"Crow's Feet"

The second type of cutter is the “crow’s foot” model, which received its original name due to the triangular shape of the cutting parts. Similarly with the saber-type device, the size and number of cutting components depends on the weight of the main unit. For example, for the MTZ walk-behind tractor it is recommended to install four or more parts, but for other similar models only three. In fact, you can install an unlimited number of knives as you see fit, but you must take into account that the power of a walk-behind tractor with a weak engine will drop significantly.

With the help of crow's feet, complex types of soil and virgin lands are most often cultivated. But it is worth noting that if the soil contains large number branched roots, the system can become clogged and malfunction.

Any type of cutter requires initial inspection and further careful handling

This type of cutter was widely used in the eighties during the USSR, when the active development of homemade devices in the economic sector began. Farmers were forced to look for ways to increase productivity on their plots and for this reason learned to create cutters for walk-behind tractors with my own hands. It should be said that the design of the unit has not changed since then, which once again proves its timeless efficiency.

How to assemble crow's feet

The main element of the soil device is the drive sleeve, the parameters of which must be at least five mm of the wall length, and the optimal indicator is considered to be approximately seven mm. Next, you need to machine the inside so that it fits easily onto the shaft, and make a special hole for the axial pipe, thirty or forty mm deep.

As for the axial pipe itself, it is usually made on the basis standard model AE25-32, but other similar parts can also be used. There are two types of finished pipe: collapsible and non-dismountable, it all depends on your expectations. But if you believe the reviews of farmers, then collapsible version it is still considered the most effective, since it is always possible to add or remove knife installations. It is impossible to predict how the walk-behind tractor will behave in a certain area, and for this reason it is better to have a backup modification option just in case.

Having chosen the appropriate type of axial pipe, it is necessary to install a special flange on it for further fastening of the knife units. The total length of such a device will depend on the width of the knives and their distance from each other. The optimal width of triangular knives is approximately 60-80 mm, since larger sizes significantly increase the resistance of the unit to the ground and worsen its performance. The knife inserts themselves should be made of dense steel and have a thickness of 3-5 mm. Next, you should assemble the cutting element stand, which consists of a curved strip and a sharpened edge.

« Crow's feet» works well on rocky soils and destroys weeds

By connecting the blade unit and axial pipes, you get general design modular element. Actually, this is the final stage of creating “crow’s feet” and you can carry out the first “run-in” homemade installation. Also, before starting the cutter manufacturing procedure, you should first make small drawing to reduce the risk of damage to parts. The required drawing can be found in many automotive publications or on the Internet; if you have a technical education and understand the design of the cutter, you can make rough plan on one's own.


If your unique device model requires the presence of shaped parts, it is better to pre-order them from a specialist and not spend additional time on this. All other elements are sold in stores or can be made by hand.

Important: To extend the life of a homemade cutter, it is necessary to keep it on the surface of the ground when starting the walk-behind tractor, and only slowly lower it after starting work.

So, when answering the question of which cutters are best to assemble, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a particular site and working conditions. In terms of ease of manufacture, active cutters are considered more attractive, but soil-based ones cope better with problematic soils. Homemade device will definitely work better than the factory one, since no engineer knows which area you will be processing. The procedure for making a cutter for walk-behind tractors with your own hands will require a certain amount of time and effort, but believe me, it’s worth it and the result will not take long to arrive!

A tiller for a walk-behind tractor is used to destroy weeds, intensively crumble soil, mix soil layers, level the field surface and wrap fertilizers. Milling cutters are used especially effectively when heavy, waterlogged soils are processed, silty layers are developed, hummocks are cut off, and meadows and pastures are improved.

Soil mill for walk-behind tractor

A tiller for a walk-behind tractor is used during the pre-sowing period in the spring, after moldboard cultivation. It is not recommended to use cutters on light soils to avoid spattering.

Externally, rototillers look like bent knives or sabers, which are attached to a shaft in a certain order. The shaft rotation speed reaches 200 rpm. It is hung on the back of the walk-behind tractor. The operation of the rototiller depends on the power take-off shaft. The cutter gives better results when the speed of movement increases.

Diagram and device of a cutter for a walk-behind tractor

Thanks to their saber-shaped shape, cutters for walk-behind tractors are safe to use. If the walk-behind tractor hits a root or stone, the cutters lift it like a car wheel, while continuing processing. If the cutters are straight, then they can catch on an obstacle and overturn the walk-behind tractor. The consequence may be loss of balance by the operator and possible fall onto the cutters.

The knives are attached to plates, which are welded to the shafts at various angles. Thanks to this, the cutters enter the soil smoothly, one at a time. This has a positive effect on the transmission of the walk-behind tractor. Carbon steel is used to make knives. If you have access to a forge, using a spring, you can make such knives. For the manufacture of other parts, the following steel grades are used: St-25, St-20, St-10, which are easy to weld.

Soil milling crow's feet for walk-behind tractors

To give greater strength to the cutters, they are made of steel, all-welded and non-separable. These cutters are called crow's foot cutters for walk-behind tractors. They are successfully and effectively used when working with hard soil. They are installed on almost any motor-cultivator or walk-behind tractor.

The main thing is that the axle diameter is correct. Houndstooth cutters are ideally used when there is hard soil to plow it “under potatoes.” They are also used to prevent garden pests(wireworm or Colorado potato beetle) or for quick plowing of the garden.

Crow's feet cutters are divided into 3 and 4 rows. If the axis diameter is 25 mm, 3-row cutters are used for motor-cultivators Texas, Krot, Caiman, Neva, and 4-row cutters are used for walk-behind tractors Farmer, Salyut, Favorit. If the axis diameter is 30 mm, 4-row cutters are used for walk-behind tractors Cascade, Pubert, Master Yard, Neva.

Do-it-yourself active cutter for a walk-behind tractor

Typically, an active cutter for a walk-behind tractor is sold complete with the walk-behind tractor. But sometimes you need to get the job done using specialized cutters that are not sold anywhere. In this case, you need to make cutters for the walk-behind tractor yourself.

In this case, you can go two ways: make the cutter yourself or order production from a master. The first option is quite labor-intensive. But a little time and money will be spent on manufacturing the cutter, as well as the cost of materials.

The second option has a number of advantages: the master has all necessary tools and materials, and as a result the cutter will be more practical.

First you need to think about the functionality and design of the cutter. To do this, you should familiarize yourself with the analogues. To achieve maximum functionality and safety, all design details must be taken into account. If this is not taken into account, the cutter will not do necessary work, and all the work to make it will be a waste of time.
Ready necessary materials necessary after the drawings have been prepared. If the cutter design contains figured or pobedite elements, their production is ordered in the workshop. And other elements are bought in the store or those that are available are used.

After all the parts are made, it is necessary to assemble a normally working cutter, which not everyone can do. Assembly must proceed strictly according to the drawings, without any deviations in the design. Otherwise, the cutter will constantly move to the side, which will greatly complicate the work.

After the cutter is assembled, you need to test its operation. If the need arises, we modify the cutter so that it does the required job.

Drawing of cutters for walk-behind tractor

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Soil cutters can be called the most popular type of attachments for walk-behind tractors used in farms and household plots. They are indispensable for cultivating the soil, chopping weeds, mixing and leveling the soil and are actively used in land plots with heavy and waterlogged soils. Often, working with a walk-behind tractor using milling cutters is initially envisaged when purchasing the unit.

However, if cutters are included with some devices, others are not, and this has its own advantage. Many experienced users of small agricultural machinery prefer to independently determine which cutters are needed for their farms. In such cases, cutters for a walk-behind tractor are purchased separately and of the desired type, or they are assembled with your own hands. Often additional cutters are required to the existing ones. The quality of land cultivation depends on the choice of equipment, so it is important to understand its features as best as possible.

Motoblock cutters will help you in cultivating the soil

Classification of cutters

A rototiller is a soil knives fixed on an axis, which, rotating around it as the walk-behind tractor moves, crushes the soil and weeds. The designs of cutters vary, so to choose best option, it is worth understanding their varieties. First of all, cutters are classified according to the type of aggregation:

  • with side installation;
  • with installation using a hanger.

Side cutters, installed as a running gear, essentially replace wheels and operate from their drive shafts. Thus, they simultaneously set the unit in motion and cultivate the soil.

Mounted cutters are distinguished by their rear location - they are installed at the back of the walk-behind tractor, operate from the power take-off shaft and perform only the cultivation function. These are the cutters that are equipped with the Neva (MB 1 and MB 2), Tselina and some others units.

In addition to the type of installation, cutters also differ in types of knives:

  • active sabers;
  • crow's feet.

In this video we will look at cutters for a walk-behind tractor:

Active sabers

The name of the cutters is determined by their appearance- knives are large in size and have an elongated curved shape. On cutters of this type there are several sets of four knives located relative to each other at right angles.

Typically, two or more sets of knives are placed on one axis. This one is pretty powerful design The equipment is highly durable and copes well with processing heavy soils and virgin soil, and is not afraid of stones and roots.

“Crow’s feet” on a walk-behind tractor is another equipment option, the name of which is also determined by the shape of the knives - triangular, similar to crow’s feet, and located at the ends of the racks of the cutting elements. As in the previous version, the number of knives determines the quality of cultivation and varies depending on the power of the unit.

There are three-row and four-row crow's feet with different axle diameters. Three-row tillers on an axle with a diameter of 25 mm are installed on Texas, Neva, Krot, Cayman walk-behind tractors, and four-row ones are suitable for units of the Salyut, Farmer, Favorit brands. Equipment on a 30 mm axis is compatible with Cascade, Master Yard devices, some models of Neva walk-behind tractors and a number of others.

“Crow’s feet” are cutters for walk-behind tractors that show high efficiency when processing heavy, clayey soils and virgin soil, but can become clogged when working in areas with a lot of roots.

Which cutters are better for a walk-behind tractor: saber or crow's feet?

When choosing a rototiller option for your unit, you should proceed from the characteristics of the soil. Of course, saber knives can easily cope with the cultivation of previously cultivated soils. When it comes to processing virgin areas or lands densely overgrown with grasses, basic factory cutters sometimes do not cope with the load very well due to insufficiently high quality materials and workmanship (bolted and welded joints). Processing heavy soil with such cutters is a rather heavy load both on the walk-behind tractor and on its operator. It is much easier for purchased or homemade cutters with knives made of high-quality metal to cope with their task.

As for the “crow’s feet” cutter option, you can install the desired number of sections on a walk-behind tractor, adjusting its performance to suit the needs of your own farm and the power of the unit. This type of equipment copes more easily with hard soils and vegetation debris and ensures easier controllability of the device during operation. Many users note this particular design as optimal in terms of practicality and reliability.

Assembling crow's feet with your own hands

If for some reason the existing rotary cutters are not satisfactory or have become unusable, home-made rotary cutters for a walk-behind tractor can be an alternative to purchased devices. This task is not particularly difficult and at the same time has advantages in the form of the desired degree of reliability of the structure and its features, increasing the efficiency of land cultivation and, of course, saving money on the purchase of a ready-made device.

The easiest way to make it is to study the design of the cutters industrial production and diagrams on how to assemble a cutter, and then create an analogue with making the desired adjustments, if required. It makes sense to draw drawings for assembly that take into account the necessary parameters and requirements for the device.

When assembling crow's feet homemade design includes the following parts:

  • bushing (can be made of a tube having a diameter of 50 mm);
  • flange (made of a thick sheet of steel, can be round or square, which is easier to make);
  • knife racks (easy to make from steel angle, profile, car spring);
  • blades (the optimal material is tool alloys; springs from cars are suitable).

You can either make cutters for a walk-behind tractor yourself or purchase them in a store.

The knives are welded to the posts, which, in turn, are fixed to the flanges, and the flanges to the bushing. Sometimes bolts are used for connections, but practice shows that it is much more reliable to use a welded connection.

To prevent premature wear of the knives when processing particularly difficult and turfy soils, it is recommended that the design include lightening the load by additionally installing limit wheels on the sides of the device. This complicates the processing process somewhat, since only the top layer of soil is cultivated, after which the restrictions must be dismantled and re-processed.

Manufacturing an active cutter

Now let's look at how to make saber-shaped tillers. Assembly of this option is also not particularly difficult. As with the previous option, you should first carefully study the design and create a drawing.

The set of parts from which the device is assembled includes:

  • rotor axle (solid or split, length is determined individually);
  • fixing component;
  • knives;
  • fasteners (bolts, nuts).

When assembling, it is important to take into account that the movement of the cutting elements occurs counterclockwise. In general, the process is similar to making crow's feet. The only issue that requires special attention is the technology of creating knives. They should be bent after heating at an angle of 90 degrees. The length of the knife part after bending should be about 8 cm. After manufacturing, it is necessary to harden and install it on the flange.

How to sharpen cutters

First of all, we note that sharpening rotary cutters is not necessary in all cases. For example, if heavy soil is being processed with a powerful unit on which reinforced cutters are installed, there is no point in sharpening - you will not notice a difference in the quality of cultivation, you will only waste your efforts on sharpening.

At the same time, when working with lighter equipment, sharpened cutting devices can temporarily improve cultivation efficiency. But you need to be prepared for the fact that sharpening does not last long; after a few hours of active use, the knives become dull, and you will have to sharpen them again, which is quite labor-intensive. Besides, it's too sharp knives crush root systems weeds, which does not help fight them, but, on the contrary, accelerates their reproduction.

However, if desired, you can sharpen soil knives. To do this, remove the cutter from the walk-behind tractor, clean it of dirt and carefully sharpen each knife using sandpaper.

How to adjust plowing depth

An important element when cultivating soil is the coulter. It is installed in the rear bracket of the walk-behind tractor. To adjust the plowing depth by increasing it, you need to increase the pressure on the steering handles from top to bottom, deepening the device into the ground.

If the depth is still insufficient, you need to install a lower coulter. To cultivate at the level of the spade bayonet, you should set the movement of the device, swinging it from side to side.

How to properly plow with a walk-behind tractor with cutters

As mentioned above, one of the important factors in the efficiency of soil treatment with rotary cutters is the level of depth of the coulter. Second no less important point- this is the correct choice of the speed of movement of the unit. Experienced users recommend using second gear, as this increases the number of revolutions and improves the quality of crushing the soil and diving to the desired depth.

Having enough desire, time and straight hands, you can easily create a cutter for a walk-behind tractor. An active cutter for a walk-behind tractor can be made with your own hands. The walk-behind tractor cutter is attached to the tow hitch, like any other attachments, like a harrow.

Purpose of the equipment

Using a walk-behind tractor with an active cutter, you can till the soil different types. The cutter, in this case, influences the following factors:

  • the final quality of the plowed land;
  • how convenient it is to operate the walk-behind tractor;
  • how efficiently the power unit works;
  • How reliable is the transmission?

Both factory-made and self-made milling cutters are the working part of a walk-behind tractor when you need to plow something. Knives called “crow’s feet” are very common. They can be placed to loosen the soil and create a specific structure for a specific layer of soil. They can also destroy weeds directly during the cultivation of arable soil, the main thing is not to forget to sharpen them.

It should be remembered that the material that served as the basis for the knives mounted on the walk-behind tractor directly affects how good and deep the soil cultivation will be. If you don’t know how to make a good cutter or how to install the cutter you created on a walk-behind tractor, read on.

It is generally accepted that mounted cutters for walk-behind tractors, created using forging and self-sharpening, are better than others. You can create a similar cutter yourself using stamped sheets of steel as a base. Such cutters will have a cutting edge that will need to be sharpened.

Common varieties

Most often, crow's feet cutters for walk-behind tractors are created from such sheets. But there is another type, it is called an “active” or “saber” cutter. They are considered most suitable for most earthworks, they efficient work confirmed by many years of research in the field agriculture. In order to make a cutter for a walk-behind tractor, you will need high-quality carbon steel with an increased strength coefficient.

Active knives have a collapsible design, which distinguishes them from other types of cutters. This feature will traditionally allow you to assemble and install active cutters in record time: within a few minutes.

The high carbon steel from which these active knives are made cannot be welded in any way. To increase the mechanical strength of products of this type, thermal hardening is used during their creation, and they are also processed with high-frequency electric current.

The cutter, nicknamed "crow's feet", is used in cases where it is necessary to plow rocky and uneven soil. There is an average permissible speed for working with cutters and a cultivator - from two to five kilometers per hour, otherwise no one can guarantee the long service life of the cutters.
Remember that if the area you are planning to cut with a carbon steel cutter has clay soil, then the knife must be regularly inspected for defects.

Assembly Features

Assembling a cutter for a walk-behind tractor requires preparing the appropriate drawings of the device in advance, since if you assemble the cutter incorrectly, then during operation the walk-behind cultivator will begin to deviate from the selected direction line. As a result, cultivating the land will be significantly more difficult. The blades of the cutter must be inserted into specially created sockets and secured in them using bolts.

Particular attention should be paid to the process of placing the cutting edge of the petal. The element to be installed must be positioned in the direction of travel so that sharp end could easily penetrate the soil and leave behind a good trace. A correctly installed cutting element will help you avoid typical mistakes, which usually haunt beginners using a rotary walk-behind tractor on their site.

The additional section of knives should be secured to the main section using pins. Also in design heavy walk-behind tractor a metal disk must be involved, which must be connected to the frame using bolts intended for this purpose.

How many blades your walk-behind tractor will have should be determined in advance and the number chosen wisely. This means keeping an eye on the power of the walk-behind tractor motor. You can assemble cutters onto a walk-behind tractor using not one axle, but several. When assembling a four-blade cutter, remember sequential arrangement knives left and right.

Handmade production

To create a cutter for a walk-behind tractor yourself, you will need to take:

  • a tube with a diameter of 42 millimeters made of metal, which was already mentioned above;
  • welding machine;
  • grinder, that is, an angle grinder;
  • You will also need a diagram that you will use when assembling the cutter.

If you want to create a walk-behind tractor with a cutter, you can use a former plate from a car spring as a base. When you make the blade, adjust it to size and bend it at the angle you need. With the help welding machine weld all the cutting parts to the tube. Sharpening the cutters of a walk-behind tractor occurs when you put everything together. When the structure is assembled, it should be mated to the hitch unit of the walk-behind tractor, and adjusted during the test run.

Choosing cutters for a walk-behind tractor is a responsible process, because this element plays an important role in ensuring the efficiency of the device. In order to choose the right cutters, you need to understand the distinctive features of these products, understand what types and types of cutters exist.

The importance of making the right choice

Many novice summer residents think that the most important thing is to purchase a high-quality walk-behind tractor, but they do not pay due attention to the choice of cutters. Such a mistake can be costly when processing the territory, since the correct choice of cutters affects the following points.

  • Quality of cultivation. If you purchase and use high-quality cutters, you can even do without a plow.
  • Save time. Good cutters allow you to spend a minimum amount of time on certain work on processing a summer cottage.
  • The cutters ensure ease of control of the walk-behind tractor. An incorrectly selected part can cause increased stress on the operator during the milling process.

In addition, bad cutters can place increased load on the walk-behind tractor gearbox, which will negatively affect its durability and performance. It is necessary to select such elements based on many factors, including the thickness and type of soil being processed.

Carefully study the features of your walk-behind tractor, as the following are important: wheel stop pin, trailed, PTO or rotary machine, as well as other points.

Factory cutters

Such tillers are considered one of the most popular and in demand on the market. These are the varieties that are equipped with factory walk-behind tractors. Depending on their purpose and design, these cutters can be assembled or dismounted. During the selection process, a person decides for himself which walk-behind tractor he needs, but choosing a specific type of cutter will not work. If the equipment was initially equipped with an assembled version, then in the future it will be possible to use exclusively such models.

The design of the cutter may vary depending on the manufacturer and other features. It usually includes a pair of sections that are connected to each other using bolts. Important when operating such an element, the cultivation width has a width that can vary depending on the addition of sections.

Distinctive feature factory cutter is that it is offered complete with a walk-behind tractor. For standard tasks it will be quite sufficient. But it is worth considering that tillers from Chinese walk-behind tractors cannot boast of impressive efficiency. If low-quality metal was used during the production process, then problems will arise already during the first processing.

For example, when cultivating virgin land, it will be extremely difficult for the user to control the walk-behind tractor. In addition, this will lead to an increase in the load on the gearbox, which will also negatively affect the durability of the device.

Crow's feet

Crow's feet cutters are considered one of the most popular on the market due to high quality and reliability. The main disadvantage of such cutters is their non-separable design, which makes it impossible to carry out repairs if they fail. However, if you choose quality option, then it will be able to serve for many years, fully fulfilling its obligations. Among the main advantages of using such cutters are the following.

  • The ability to decide for yourself how many plate sections can be placed on a walk-behind tractor. However, it is important to consider technical features device and the required milling width.
  • Robust design that allows the walk-behind tractor to be used for processing hard soils.

  • Copes much better with plant residues.
  • A unique sleeve that can come in several shapes. Hexagonal and round options. This allows you to select suitable option for any walk-behind tractor, regardless of its type and other indicators.
  • Reduces the load on the gearbox, which prevents overheating of the device and has a positive effect on the durability of the equipment.
  • Significantly simplifies the process of controlling the walk-behind tractor.

Most experts say that this particular type of cutter is best suited for walk-behind tractors that have an air cooling system.

Saber models

Such elements are considered very durable and reliable due to the fact that only steel is used in their production process. In addition, such models boast a unique design that makes them resistant to any mechanical damage. Saber-shaped models are included in the standard kit of most European and American-made walk-behind tractors. The effectiveness of such elements has been tested in areas with any type of soil, which sets them apart from other models. These cutters are different increased quality and high strength, which allows for high-quality soil cultivation.

The main feature of saber-shaped knives is that carbon steel is used to manufacture the working parts, which guarantees the reliability of each part even after a year of active use. In addition, the knives are specially treated and hardened using high-frequency currents, making them incredibly durable.

"Virgin Land"

Another popular type of cutter for a walk-behind tractor is “virgin wood”, which is in great demand due to its spiral shape. A distinctive feature of this type is its one-piece design, which allows it to cope even with colossal loads without problems.

The main disadvantage is the slow work and the fact that during tillage the soil is pushed out, which sometimes results in small holes.

As for the advantages, there are a huge number of them, among which are the following:

  • unlike other types of tillers for walk-behind tractors, they cope well with virgin soil;
  • characterized by impressive cultivation depth;
  • allows for high-quality cultivation of the soil;
  • It is distinguished by a monolithic design, which is a sign of reliability, strength and durability.

Installation of cutter

The process of installing a cutter on a walk-behind tractor is quite simple, but before starting work you should carefully study the manufacturer’s instructions and understand the installation features. The standard cutter design includes a rotor axis, a pin equipped with a special lock, several knives and fastening materials. This equipment must be installed in such a way that the cutter rotates counterclockwise. Rotary cutters are self-sharpening tools, which greatly simplifies the process of using them. In other words, you will not need to constantly disassemble the structure in order to sharpen the knives.

It should be noted that problems may arise during the installation of the cutter, so experts do not recommend carrying out the installation yourself - it is best to get an assistant in advance. Special attention deserves the installation of a saber cutter. The fact is that it is not a monolithic structure, so first you will have to assemble the product correctly. The main thing is to install right direction rotation, since without this the device will not perform its tasks.

Assembling such an element with your own hands for a walk-behind tractor is quite easy, because this is a task that can be quickly mastered, but first it is better to study the functions that the unit will have to perform. Before we start homemade assembly For a saber cutter, you need to carefully study the drawing, and after installation, you must check the unit for functionality. Usually, it is not possible to accurately configure the equipment the first time, so you have to make some adjustments to its operation.