Horoscope for Leo Rabbit. Rabbit - Pisces. Rabbit – Libra

The stars have prepared only joyful events for the Rabbit (Cat) in 2018. You will enjoy your life to the fullest. Doing what you love will bring not only pleasure, but also a lot of income. To avoid trouble, the Rabbit (Cat) must learn to use cold calculation. The yellow earth dog will give the representative of the sign endurance and wisdom.

Horoscope for Rabbit (Cat) for 2018

The coming year will give the Rabbit a lot of opportunities to bring his projects to life. You can't be passive. The dog loves workaholics. Honesty and sincerity are important to her. Rabbits need to determine a strategy for their further actions. This way you can clearly know which direction to move next.

The Year of the Yellow Earth Dog promises significant changes in the love sphere. Perhaps your relationship will end in marriage. Rabbits who already have a family should add a touch of romance to spice up their lives and show their love to their other half. If you are expecting a baby this year, the babies will be born completely healthy, endowed with many talents.

In matters of career, Rabbits can expect a promotion. For those looking for a new job, there will be tempting and profitable offers. But you should adhere to some rules: do not tell everyone about your plans, work hard, communicate tactfully with management. Entrepreneurs should be more assertive, not afraid bold ideas, and build relationships with employees.

Zodiac sign Rabbit (Cat) and its health

Rabbits need to take their health seriously. Visit the hospital for preventive purposes. Do not let the disease get worse; at the first symptoms, consult a doctor. If you like fatty and high-calorie foods, reconsider your diet. The earth dog recommends choosing a diet to normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

2018 will be successful for those Rabbits (Cats) who are ready to work hard. For married couples there will be harmony and mutual understanding. In matters of health, you should pay attention to your diet and daily routine.

Year of the Dog for the Rabbit (1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011)

Modest Rabbits will have a triumphant 2018. This will be possible mainly because the owner of this annual cycle, the Dog, will be imbued with special sympathy for the Rabbits. The dog is disgusted by the injustice reigning in the world, and even more so, it will not calmly watch as someone stronger and more greedy puts a spoke in the Rabbit’s wheels. Guardianship of representatives of this eastern sign The Dog will take over the zodiac, and the Rabbits have nothing left to do - to make the most of such a favorable environment. Those who will boldly rush into battle in the first half of 2018 will be right, getting closer to victory every day. Everything that the Rabbits dreamed of achieving, everything that they constantly put off due to their modesty, can easily come true in the Year of the Dog. The main condition that Rabbits must meet for this is to sincerely believe in themselves, become bolder and not be afraid to put forward personal initiatives. Even if these initiatives don't immediately resonate with people important to your success, don't despair! The good thing about the Year of the Dog 2018 is that somewhere behind your back it will be invisibly present - the Dog, endowed with unlimited power. It is this power that will create real magic, which you will receive as a reward for your decency and hard work.

The Dogs will need the first half of 2018 for the Rabbits to finally realize that the time has come for grandiose achievements. You will not make this conclusion immediately, but only after several small victories that you win at work and in the sphere of personal affections. These victories will be based on traits that are unusual for you - pressure and determination. Once you are convinced that by exhibiting these traits you are not incurring heavenly punishment, you will come to the conclusion - why not continue to compete for potential success? That's it, from now on the world will recognize Rabbits in a fundamentally different role. There will no longer be quiet and timid people who prefer to sit in the corner while someone else puts forward their initiatives. And the most important thing is that you will take initiative literally everywhere, in each the most important aspects of your existence.

These changes will be noticed by everyone who knows you closely. Of course, at first, those around you will consider your newfound courage to be nothing more than banal posturing. And, to be honest, at some point you will be ready to give up your new role, after a small failure (for example, after the fiasco of one of your business initiatives or the collapse of your personal hopes). Fortunately, the Dog, who invisibly controls your life path, will not allow self-doubt and pessimism to nullify the new features of your personality. You will not refuse changes in the direction of initiative and determination, which will be another triumphant victory for you.

By showing determination and drive, you can radically rewrite the script of your personal life! In the past, you preferred to wait for your partner to take the initiative, offering both a leisure scenario and unilaterally defining what your relationship should be like. Being under the tutelage of a Dog, you will cease to be a leading link that is pushed around by everyone and everything. Of course, your partner will not immediately be able to adapt to the changes that have occurred in your character, and there is even a risk that these changes at some point will become an object of contention within your couple. All scandals will subside when your partner realizes that you have become a self-sufficient unit that cannot be controlled like a puppet. By the way, you will plan the 2018 family vacation, and your partner will support this scenario.

Android application for 2018: Year of the Dog 2018 Single rabbits in the year of the Dog will make one sensation after another, demonstrating to others their new essence. Few of them will be able to assume that you are capable not only of outright coquetry and flirting, but also of attempts to invade someone's love couple. This is exactly what your personal life will look like - having experienced strong passion, you will show great agility and will still be able to achieve your main goal (that is, you will achieve favor). The most paradoxical thing is that the determination and drive you show will be hidden behind your soft rabbit essence. This unique combination will allow those around you to unanimously call you a fatal temptress or a latter-day Casanova. Do not contradict these kinds of words, because they will frankly flatter your pride. True, something else will be much more important. The couple that you manage to break up so cynically will gain more than they will lose from your attack. The person you like will happily free himself from the strong shackles of his unhappy love affair and in his relationship with you will try to avoid all his past mistakes.

Not only on the love front, many victories await Rabbits in 2018. The professional sphere will be no less triumphant. Maximum success in the year of the Dog can be achieved by representatives of your zodiac sign who are engaged in the field of entrepreneurship or who have just begun to take steps towards personal business. In order not to turn into an inconspicuous boat, unsuccessfully floundering in the endless sea of ​​entrepreneurship, carefully listen to the advice of experienced people. It would be wise if you invite an experienced businessman (perhaps from among your friends or relatives) as a partner to implement your business projects.

Having put in a lot of work, showing real miracles in the fight over themselves and over their complexes, the Rabbits are spending 2018 far from empty pockets. As soon as your income increases, you will face a number of new questions. The first of which is how to use these funds as far-sightedly as possible. The answer will appear by itself, and it will be the one unusual project, which you will find very promising and which at any other time in your life you would probably have put off due to lack of determination.

Along with the horoscope for the year of the Dog 2018 for the Rabbit, the site provides information about the sign Chinese horoscope Rabbit with detailed description and the characteristics of this sign in Eastern astrology:

Also see horoscopes for 2018 compiled for the signs of the Zodiac (zodiac constellations), better known to us, the European school of astrology:

For Rabbits, the Year of the Yellow Dog will be a calm and very simple time (that is, the complete opposite of the past annual cycle). As soon as the Rooster is no longer a destiny, and you meet the mistress of 2018, a positive mood will return to you. You will immediately understand that this wisest lady, the Yellow Earth Dog, will never let anyone offend you. And this will really be so! The dog will start barking loudly at everyone who dares to encroach on your peace of mind. There will no longer be people around you who are trying to take advantage of your gullibility, as well as people who communicate with you only for the sake of some kind of self-interest. Throughout 2018, your life will be left to you alone, which means you will be able to do only what brings you great pleasure.

Rabbit men, for example, with the support of the Yellow Dog, will want to “furnish” their home, and we are not talking about buying designer furniture! You with my own hands You will create one interior masterpiece after another, thereby earning yourself the reputation of a “man of all trades.” Oh, how many times in 2018 will you hear the words “what a lucky woman to have such a unique man next to her.” Yes, you yourself will understand that your companion is very lucky (although your natural modesty will not allow you to say this out loud). Rabbit women in 2018 will also receive many compliments from others. Some people will really like your ability to manage everyday affairs, while others will sincerely admire your stylish appearance. Vanity is completely alien to you, and therefore you will perceive all the numerous compliments addressed to you very calmly, as a fact of course.

In general, in the personal lives of both female Rabbits and men of this sign, almost complete idyll will reign throughout 2018. Anyone who has already created a strong family union will have nothing to worry about at all. Your family during the reign of the Yellow Dog will be a single living organism, bound by common interests. It is noteworthy that the main interest for you and your family will be an exotic trip, which will take place around March-April. Single rabbits in 2018 will be in high demand among members of the opposite sex. Your admirers or admirers will even argue among themselves which of them is more worthy of attention. At the same time, you yourself will not be too willing to decide which of these people to share your morning coffee with and to whom to say “goodbye.” Most likely, you are spending this year as a loner, considering your loneliness more of a precious reward than a cause for concern.

What will really sincerely concern you throughout 2018 is the level of your income. For some reason the dog will ignore that important point that you, Rabbits, do not yet have large financial savings (that is, the Dog will not help you get rich, and at the same time you will not languish from lack of money). Free finances will be enough for you if you learn to make lists of immediate expenses and prioritize potential acquisitions.

As for your career, it will not undergo major reforms in the Year of the Dog, but it is very difficult to call your stay at work definitely calm. In the first half of the year, you will meet the new management of your company, and this person will not immediately recognize your merits (before you will have to demonstrate your professionalism and experience in business more than once).

In general, 2018 will pass without major problems for Rabbits, and health will not become any problem for representatives of this sign. If you stick to a balanced diet for 12 months, even your weak point (the gastrointestinal tract) will not cause you much trouble.

Attention, the horoscope for Rabbit for 2018 gives only general idea about the coming 2018, for a more accurate forecast, you should draw up a personal horoscope for 2018 with an individual person’s birth chart.

In 2018, Rabbits will need to moderate their activity a little, because the period of achievements will be replaced by a leisurely and calm time. But you shouldn’t immediately get upset and worry that during this period you won’t be able to achieve your goals.

The Rabbits will be quite happy with this arrangement of things, and besides, the Yellow Dog will protect these individuals from unnecessary worries and worries. Therefore, there will be a great opportunity to finally enjoy a well-deserved rest for the work done earlier.

2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

The mistress of 2018 will remove from life path Rabbits of those who tried to deceive them. A fair and honest totem will not allow you to take advantage of the natural gullibility of all your charges.

In the new year, Rabbits will be able to do only those things that will bring them real pleasure. The stars advise using the time and opportunity to pay attention to family, hobbies, loved ones and close friends. After all, soon you will have to roll up your sleeves again and start taking action.

In 2017, every second person made an attempt to take advantage of Rabbits, but now the period of life is coming when they will completely get rid of dirty intrigues and behind-the-scenes gossip. You can not be afraid to involve acquaintances and friends in new business, as they can give useful advice or provide all possible assistance to smoothly implement your plans and ideas. However, this does not mean that you need to make important decisions with the impulsiveness that is characteristic of these individuals.

When starting your own business, you must remember that the work should only be based on competent calculations and realistically assessed risks and losses. Even the successful location of the stars does not cancel the preparation of a business plan.

The 2018 totem sympathizes with Rabbits, so relationships with your significant other and in the family will develop quite well and will delight you with unprecedented harmony. In the circle of loved ones, you can enjoy peace and tranquility, wait out the impending storm and relax a little.

Also, the Yellow Dog will give you the opportunity to find time to spend drinking family tea or going with loved ones to nature. The Mistress of the Year will actively help in building a career and business, sharing the heavy burden of responsibility.

It is quite difficult to call the Dog generous with gifts of fate and advances, however, the most purposeful individuals will be able to achieve its patronage in 2018 precisely in professional field activities. Now there is a short period of calm, which Rabbits can use to improve their skills and gain new knowledge. Some representatives of this sign may seriously think about changing jobs. The stars advise looking at vacancies from top employers; perhaps a dream job awaits Rabbits and they will make an important decision for themselves towards the end of summer.

In 2018, Rabbits will be lucky to have new, unusual and very interesting meetings and acquaintances, which may turn out to be fateful. Therefore, the stars do not advise giving up meetings with friends or work trips. Among your new acquaintances there may be a person who will completely change your life. personal life Rabbits. The possibility of meeting a very influential person, with great authority, capable of putting in a good word for these individuals to solve complex career problems.

We can say that 2018 will turn out to be a completely harmonious period for Rabbits, because almost any business they take on will turn out to be successful and will not require much time or effort from them. Most importantly, now you should not set too high goals.

A dog gives Rabbits the opportunity to rest a little, put their thoughts in order, improve their health and spend time with family and loved ones. When planning a vacation, it is better to avoid extreme trips, giving preference to quiet excursions. You can go to the seashore and relax on a sun lounger for a week with your favorite cocktail in your hands.

Love horoscope for Rabbit (Cat) for 2018

The personal life of Rabbits will be relatively calm; complete mutual understanding and idyll will begin to reign in the family and relationships with a loved one. Those representatives of the sign who have already started a family will have the opportunity to completely relax, since no unpleasant surprises are expected in 2018.

Thanks to the patronage of the Dog, the Rabbits will feel that they have created simply perfect couple. Shared hobbies, goals and aspirations will help strengthen relationships. The stars advise Rabbits to spend more time in the company of their significant other, especially if there is a vacation ahead and a trip to warmer climes.

It is worth finding not only the funds, but also free time to go on a small but exciting journey. Even for a married couple who already has heirs, it is best to relax alone. You can entrust the children to a loving grandmother, and enjoy a romantic trip yourself.

Many will envy lonely Rabbits, because they will literally begin to bask in constant attention from representatives of the opposite sex. Interesting and extraordinary personalities will do everything possible to conquer and conquer these bright representatives of the eastern horoscope. And Rabbits can enjoy success and choose!

But we should not forget that the Dog, the mistress of 2018, has always been and remains a connoisseur of family and traditional values, especially in matters of morality. If Rabbits constantly move from one object of passion to another, they risk getting into big trouble. As a result, during the first half of the year the life of single representatives of the sign will be filled with bright events and a lot of romantic dates. And in the second half of the year they will find themselves completely alone. If you are lucky enough to meet an interesting and... unusual person who can capture the feelings of Rabbits, the stars advise you to boldly make a choice in his favor and stop rushing about.

Rabbit (Cat) career and work horoscope for 2018

There will not be any drastic changes in the career field in 2018. This period will be active for those individuals whose bosses will change. In this case, it does not matter at all what reason will lead to such changes - Rabbits will decide to change their place of work or will simply come to their department new manager. Most importantly, Rabbits will have to show all their professional qualities and earn the respect of both colleagues and new superiors. But to do this, you will have to overcome your own indecision, and towards the end of 2018 you can count on additional rewards.

All other Rabbits can remain completely calm. Now you just need to go with the flow, and the Yellow Dog will make sure that steep whirlpools and rapids do not appear on the path of the representatives of this sign.

This is the ideal period when Rabbits will be able to show their own creative activity. Thanks to a unique set of circumstances, you can turn your favorite hobby into a stable source of income.

In 2018, do not forget that you will have to establish good relationships with colleagues, because this part of life will require special attention. More recently, they provided assistance to the Rabbits, and now the time is coming when they must repay their debts. In the lives of these individuals, a period of calm and slight stagnation begins, when they can help colleagues who are panicking from constant blockages at work.

Financial horoscope of the Rabbit (Cat) for 2018

Rabbits need to pay special attention to the financial sector, since representatives of this sign love to spend money buying expensive and completely unnecessary things. However, they rarely think about the future.

Rabbit financial horoscope

Rabbits extremely rarely have savings, and during the reign of the Yellow Dog, not all representatives of this sign will have the opportunity to get rich, but this does not mean that they will die of hunger. The mistress of 2018 will provide a quite stable, however, not very high income. Therefore, the stars advise Rabbits to think about additional sources of income.

In 2018, the horoscope advises Rabbits to learn how to properly plan their expenses, taking into account the income they receive, especially if they are going to make some major acquisitions during this period. It is worth sorting out your existing equipment and wardrobe, since many things are no longer needed at all, but they can be sold at a very favorable price.

This period will be quite successful for those Rabbits who work in the field agriculture. Thanks to their determination and activity, they will be able to achieve great success. The stars advise using the profit received in business - for example, expanding land or updating equipment. This year it is better to avoid loans and not lend, as there is a high probability of large financial losses.

Rabbit (Cat) health horoscope for 2018

Despite the fact that the Rabbit is one of the most active signs, occasionally it succumbs to bouts of laziness. This negative quality may manifest itself most clearly in 2018. The fact is that during this period the Rabbits will be freed from all unnecessary hassle and haste.

In 2018, a rather lazy Cat may wake up in the Rabbit, who is ready to lie on the sofa for days on end. However, astrologers warn that complete absence physical activity can have a negative impact on health.

You should always try to adhere to the principle of healthy and balanced nutrition, which will help avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the risk of which increases in the second half of the year. Now is not the time to forget about existing chronic diseases.

Rabbit health horoscope

2018 will be a fairly calm and stable period for Rabbits, so the stars advise using this time to improve their health; it will be useful to go to a specialized boarding house or medical sanatorium.

Horoscope for the Rabbit (Cat) woman for 2018

Big changes may affect Rabbit women, but almost all changes will be pleasant. Something new will appear in every area of ​​life. However, the greatest changes will occur precisely in the issue that Rabbit women have been dealing with for quite a long time. For example, active and hardworking individuals will receive the desired promotion at work, well-deserved recognition in the creative field, or marriage.

Horoscope for the Rabbit (Cat) man for 2018

It will be quite easy for hardworking representatives of the sign in 2018, because the Dog always supports active and productive individuals. But for lazy people there comes a difficult period when they will have to work hard to achieve their goals.

In 2018, Rabbit men need to rely only on own strength and do not count on outside help. The stars do not advise blindly relying on the support of colleagues when starting a new major project.

Now you need to give up all your tricks and tricks, trying to do all the work with someone else’s hands, otherwise the Dog may seriously punish you for this. In 2018, Rabbit men will face many changes, which they should not be afraid of, since almost all of them will turn out to be quite pleasant.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for each month of 2018

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for January 2018

From the first days of 2018, representatives of the Rabbit sign will be full of energy and strength. Enthusiasm is literally in full swing, which allows you to achieve amazing results in a relatively short period of time.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for February 2018

Promises to be quite stable financial situation Rabbits, so you won’t have to look for additional sources of income. But now it’s not the best the right time to take out a large loan from a bank, otherwise it will be very difficult to pay back the money.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for March 2018

In March, the stars advise Rabbits to devote more time and attention to their loved one. All existing disagreements and misunderstandings must be resolved before they become global problem. This approach will help maintain peace and well-being in the family.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for April 2018

Those Rabbits who have been thinking about changing jobs for quite some time will receive several lucrative offers in April, which will help them make their final choice. In the new place you will find not only a friendly team, but also more substantial pay, and most importantly, the opportunity for career growth.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for May 2018

This month, family Rabbits should devote more time and attention to loved ones. Don't forget about your loved one, who will be very pleased to receive an unexpected gift, which will also help strengthen the relationship.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for June 2018

Some Rabbits in June 2018 will have an almost irresistible desire to change something in their lives or radically change their occupation. This is also an ideal month to learn something new or take advanced training courses.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for July 2018

Rabbits who want to legitimize their relationship with their significant other will have this opportunity in July. This is an ideal month to start a family and strengthen relationships. Single individuals can meet a loved one and start a dizzying romance.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for August 2018

This month, those around them will begin to tirelessly give advice to the Rabbits, but, despite the fact that they will patiently agree completely, they will continue to do as they themselves want. These individuals have long come to certain conclusions and are completely confident that they are right.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for September 2018

The financial sector promises to be quite stable, so you don’t have to worry about it. But the stars aren't predicting the income growth many Rabbits were hoping for.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for October 2018

Single individuals will receive many invitations to dates in October, but do not rush to refuse, because this is a chance to meet a person with whom Rabbits will create a strong and happy relationship.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for November 2018

Now is not the right time to enter into conflicts with colleagues. This month you shouldn't go looking for new job, since a worthy offer is unlikely to come.

Rabbit (Cat) horoscope for December 2018

At the end of 2018, which for some Rabbits will be successful and profitable, and for others difficult and not joyful, a completely calm and stable time is coming when you can start making plans for the future.

RABBIT/CAT (1963.1975.1987.1999.2011)

Horoscope 2018 for Rabbit (Cat)

Rabbits in 2018 should not be afraid of tricks on the part of their Master. They can fully count on the fact that they will be able to live this time at least relatively calmly. From the first day that the Dog takes over, Rabbits can set themselves up for a positive attitude, because representatives of this sign will truly be protected from many of the difficulties that many of their other “brothers” will face. For example, Rabbits are gullible and open; this usually creates problems for them, however, in the new year it does not. In addition, there are usually many people who try to influence them by imposing their position or giving advice that they were not asked for. So: in 2018, Rabbits will be quite reliably protected from this kind of influence.


Health will not become a source of significant problems for Rabbits if they take several points into account. Firstly, they should protect their stomach and intestines, which will be the “weak link” in their body during this period, from excessive stress. Therefore, an adequate diet should be a constant for them topical issue since the beginning of the year. Secondly, it is advisable for Rabbits to remember hygiene at all times. No, you won’t have any problems with this at home. But in other places - cafes, hotels, etc. – they can easily catch some problem like herpes (or something even worse).

But most Rabbits will not face stress in 2018. Their psycho-emotional resources are enough to withstand with a smile situations in which others give up, and to behave correctly and with restraint when others would only be able to cry and complain. But, be that as it may, and regardless of the circumstances, all Rabbits should strive for precisely this way of behavior.


Money (more precisely, the lack of it) can become a source of certain problems for Rabbits. For some reason, the mistress of the year will show negligence towards this – very important – side of their life. So you can’t count on the Dog allowing all the Rabbits to become millionaires. However, those of them who manage to maintain a prudent approach to finances will live quite well in 2018. The Rabbits will generally have enough money for what they need.


Those Rabbits who are deeply attached to their work should abandon attempts at serious reform. But, however, this cannot be considered a panacea for them for possible difficulties. For example, in the first half of the year, many of them will have to go through a period of “grinding in” with the new boss. And in the second, they will have to defend their right to decision-making and authority.

Some Rabbits will be able to feel much freer in 2018 than before. They will have more possibilities do what you like. And some will even be able to make their own hobby a source of income. Or, at least, start making quite realistic plans in this direction.


Married Rabbits will be able to take a big step towards great prosperity. They will have the opportunity (and desire) to arrange their (and their family’s) habitat again and again, making it more comfortable and individual. And, if the efforts of female Rabbits in this sense will sometimes be perceived as something ordinary and taken for granted, then many male Rabbits will be able to earn the glory of being the unique heads of the family and will become the object of envy from completely strangers.

Lonely Rabbits can count on a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Sometimes they will even fight for their attention and favor. However, the Rabbits themselves will not be too happy about this circumstance, because the very posing of the question about who is better to drink a cup of coffee in a cafe with, and who to let accompany them will be unpleasant for them... And such moments for many Rabbits will be the reason that they would prefer not to receive anyone's attention at all, rather than to receive the attention of many.

In general, Rabbits will receive a lot of compliments in 2018. Their content may be very different, however, regardless of this, they will be able to perceive praise addressed to them quite calmly, and therefore objectively and with special pleasure.

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