If you were born on March 20, what is your zodiac sign? Video: Zodiac sign Pisces. Horoscope by Date of Birth

Those born on March 20 under the zodiac sign of Pisces find it difficult to make important decisions. People who are very gifted in various ways, they carry the burden of old problems, which they have to periodically get rid of. It is important for them to be able to leave the past behind. Born in day March 20, bright personalities who look at the world optimistically, but sometimes optimism prevents them from seeing the events taking place in their lives in a real light. Dreaminess gives people born on the twentieth of March special charm. But sometimes it takes them too far from reality, which threatens them with multiple failures. However, on this day of the week they will be able to find their calling, as well as a reliable love partner, they will be protected from life’s fiasco.

Those born on March 20th are gifted individuals prone to romanticism

As I already said, people with the horoscope sign Pisces, born on March 20, are gifted people in many areas. Having talents and being versatile personalities, these people have great difficulty making their choice of relative life path. They are romantic and tend to create idols for themselves. Due to romantic worship of their hero, those born on March 20 unconsciously begin to underestimate their own capabilities. It is not surprising, therefore, that many of those born on this day suffer from low self-esteem. The consequence of this may be the tendency of men and women born on March 20 to often fall into deep depression. Representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces, whose birthday is March 20, can get rid of such conditions that depress the psyche in a radical way - through self-affirmation.

People born on March 20th are subtle psychologists

This may seem strange, however, many people of this day show themselves as subtle experts on human souls. In addition, this zodiac sign is attributed psychic abilities. Be that as it may, those born on March 20 know how to read people. This makes them good advisors to those who need their support.

Compatibility for love and family for those born on March 20 under the zodiac sign of Pisces

The Pisces sign is gifted and therefore difficult. For Pisces born on March 20th, good compatibility with the signs of their environment, but even the similarity of characters of people of the same element does not guarantee the emergence of an ideal union. In terms of temperament and perception of life, the zodiac sign Pisces is suitable for the horoscope of Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Cancer and Capricorn. Unsuccessful love compatibility with Aries, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius and Libra.

Eastern horoscope – animal signs

  1. MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac year/ 1932 zodiac year/ 1944 zodiac year/ 1956 zodiac year/ 1968 zodiac year/ 1980 zodiac year/ 1992 zodiac year/ 2004 zodiac year/ 2016 zodiac year
  2. ROoster - 1921 zodiac year/ 1933 zodiac year/ 1945 zodiac year/ 1957 zodiac year/ 1969 zodiac year/ 1981 zodiac year/ 1993 zodiac year/ 2005 zodiac year/ 2017 zodiac year
  3. DOGS - 1922 zodiac year/ 1934 zodiac year/ 1946 zodiac year/ 1958 zodiac year/ 1970 zodiac year/ 1982 zodiac year/ 1994 zodiac year/ 2006 zodiac year/ 2018 zodiac year
  4. BOAR / Pig / - 1923 zodiac year / 1935 zodiac year / 1947 zodiac year / 1959 zodiac year / 1971 zodiac year / 1983 zodiac year / 1995 zodiac year / 2007 zodiac year / 2019 zodiac year
  5. RATS - 1924 zodiac year/ 1936 zodiac year/ 1948 zodiac year/ 1960 zodiac year/ 1972 zodiac year/ 1984 zodiac year/ 1996 zodiac year/ 2008 zodiac year/ 2020 zodiac year
  6. Ox / Bull / - 1925 zodiac year / 1937 zodiac year / 1949 zodiac year / 1961 zodiac year / 1973 zodiac year / 1985 zodiac year / 1997 zodiac year / 2009 zodiac year / 2021 zodiac year
  7. TIGER - 1926 zodiac year/ 1938 zodiac year/ 1950 zodiac year/ 1962 zodiac year/ 1974 zodiac year/ 1986 zodiac year/ 1998 zodiac year/ 2010 zodiac year/ 2022 zodiac year
  8. RABBIT /Cat/ - 1927 zodiac year/ 1939 zodiac year/ 1951 zodiac year/ 1963 zodiac year/ 1975 zodiac year/ 1987 zodiac year/ 1999 zodiac year/ 2011 zodiac year/ 2023 zodiac year
  9. DRAGON - 1928 zodiac year/ 1940 zodiac year/ 1952 zodiac year/ 1964 zodiac year/ 1976 zodiac year/ 1988 zodiac year/ 2000 zodiac year/ 2012 zodiac year/ 2024 zodiac year
  10. SNAKES - 1929 zodiac year/ 1941 zodiac year/ 1953 zodiac year/ 1965 zodiac year/ 1977 zodiac year/ 1989 zodiac year/ 2001 zodiac year/ 2013 zodiac year/ 2025 zodiac year
  11. HORSE - 1930 zodiac year/ 1942 zodiac year/ 1954 zodiac year/ 1966 zodiac year/ 1978 zodiac year/ 1990 zodiac year/ 2002 zodiac year/ 2014 zodiac year/ 2026 zodiac year
  12. SHEEP/GOAT/ - 1931 zodiac year/ 1943 zodiac year/ 1955 zodiac year/ 1967 zodiac year/ 1979 zodiac year/ 1991 zodiac year/ 2003 zodiac year/ 2015 zodiac year/ 2027 zodiac year

Description of the character of Pisces and Aries, who were born in March.

The Western horoscope has twelve zodiac signs. Scientists believe that the sign under which a person was born determines his destiny. Astrologers, taking into account all factors (zodiac sign, position of the Moon, exact time of birth), can draw up a horoscope and determine the main features of a person. Let's find out what kind of character Pisces and Aries have.

Date of zodiac sign Pisces and Aries

Pisces and Aries are considered spring signs. The Sun is in these constellations in March - April. The vernal equinox point is considered the starting point. On this day the Sun is in the constellation Aries. This period lasts from March 21 to April 20.

Pisces is considered the last sign. In Western astrology, it is customary to calculate the period of validity of this sign from February 20 to March 20.

March: what is the zodiac sign for men and women

The beginning of March is considered the period of the Pisces sign. People born on these days have very developed intuition. Usually this sign is depicted in the form of two fish or two brackets. Thus, the true essence of the representatives of this sign is revealed. They are dual in kind. They have a struggle between consciousness and soul.

On the one hand, these are honest, hardworking materialists, and on the other, dreamers and idealists. This sign contains many contradictions. It contains all the complex character traits of such signs as Scorpio and Cancer.

Developed intuition helps Pisces penetrate human souls, turn them inside out and reveal all the secrets. But their whole life is a search for their “I”. They understand everyone, but not themselves.

Pisces have a hard time dealing with problems. Their perception of the world is based on idealization. Real life is not for them. Dangers and obstacles knock them out of their usual rut. They are not able to resist them. Huddling in a shell and going with the flow is the solution to all adversities.

They never worry about tomorrow. And today they are not very worried. Representatives of this sign live in their own world. They are not interested in material values. Experiences about the lack of primary needs of any person are alien to them. For them, the main thing is mental and emotional peace.

If we talk about the ten days of the sign, then Pisces in the second ten days (March 1 – 10) have the traits of Cancer. Emotionality there are too many such people. But they try not to show feelings. In the work field they show themselves as responsible and purposeful workers. A sense of duty does not allow them to relax.

Pisces of the third decade are similar to Scorpios. Fearlessness and energy- the main character traits of such people. They are capable of performing feats. But this comes to them over the years. They think through all their steps in advance.

Susceptibility to depression and despondency often prevents them from living. Sometimes their experiences spill out onto paper. They become writers, poets. They are no strangers to fortune telling, magic, and solving dreams. Among them there are many people who are interested in yoga, vegetarianism, and meditation.

The end of March marks the first decade of the sign Aries. Speaking in public and to have enormous success in this field is the meaning of life for representatives of this sign. All great events should not happen without their participation. They love standing ovations and recognition of their talents.

Leaders in life. In the family, at work, among friends, their opinion must be taken into account. They are respected in the work team. They will always come to the rescue. They are not afraid of competition and ruthlessly deal with opponents.

Aries are leaders in life

Their main drawback is that they don't rest. They just don't know how to do it.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces for men and women

Pisces men have huge potential. But they are in no hurry to implement it. They take a passive position in life and expect that everything will come into their hands. Often men of this sign look for patrons. And, as practice shows, they succeed.

To succeed, a Pisces man must leave his fantasy world and discover his talent. And the sooner he does this, the greater his chances of achieving success.

Such men are very sensitive, easily hurt and touchy persons. They are easily angered and are hostile to criticism. But at the same time, their resentment does not last long. They easily forget everything and move away easily. At the same time, they are also altruists in life.

Empathy, compassion, willingness to help everything helps them get closer to people. This creates a warm, trusting relationship. A sense of modesty and shame does not allow Pisces men to refuse a friendly shoulder. This is what everyone uses. After all, they will never make fun of and share other people’s secrets with the public.

Marriage bonds do not attract men of this constellation. They don't need a family. They can live their entire lives without a family home, a loving spouse and children. They can only get married at someone else’s request. The wife of such a man must understand that she will have to take the reins of government into her own hands. And the Pisces spouse will not object or resist. Plus, they don’t know how to save money. They have no deferred capital.

Men born under the sign of Pisces are by nature very vulnerable with creatures. Their excessive emotionality can give the wrong impression about them. Therefore, they hide their feelings and emotions. Even close people do not know what is going on in the souls of such men.

At the same time, such people subtly feel other people and can determine their real emotions hidden under the mask. Subtle psychologists detect lies immediately; you can’t hide anything from them.

Among lovers they have no equal. They feel a woman, easily determine her desires, fulfill all her whims and fantasies. Women love with their ears. And Pisces men have achieved enormous success in this field. Their sweet speeches drive female representatives crazy.

Pisces men are great lovers

Pisces women have an innate femininity, uniqueness and sense of style. The charm of these women attracts members of the opposite sex. They feel comfortable in sophisticated and respectable society.

Like Pisces men, women of this constellation live in their own imaginary world. They are more like children - they always look for a strong shoulder and support and give in to life’s adversities.

Pisces women are influenced by the Moon. Their mood changes with the changing phases of the satellite. The full moon has a beneficial effect on them - they become cheerful and cheerful.

A sense of style is inherent in them everywhere - from the ability to dress to the choice of a gift. They prefer expensive, elegant clothes. But at the same time they do not know how to manage money and often find themselves in a difficult situation.

The character of such ladies is flexible. They never make a scandal or prove their point of view in a raised voice. They have a sense of tact. With the help of affection and kindness, they solve any problem and achieve their goals. Taking over a man is considered an impossible task. Their calling is to be just a weak, helpless woman.

Pisces women are stylish and flexible

Men, in their understanding, are needed in order to nurture and provide for women like them. At the same time, they cannot be called amorous persons. Pisces women find a companion and completely idealize him.

Are considered good wives. Children are not subject to strict control and discipline. They become an adviser and just a friend for them.

Video: Characteristics of the Pisces sign

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Aries for men and women

Aries men mature very late. Even in adulthood, they look youthful and fit, and this is also reflected in their character and behavior. They have no sense of style. Prefer sportswear. They don’t always combine things correctly: they might wear sneakers from the market under an expensive suit.

They do not recognize authority over themselves. Any encroachment on their freedom is perceived with hostility. Always full of ideas, making grandiose plans. They cannot be called dreamers. In pursuit of their calling and achieving their goals, they stop at nothing.

Life passes in constant pursuit. They love extreme types of recreation. The company jokes a lot, talks, and gives compliments.

They often achieve success at work and like to complete unsolved tasks. In crisis situations, they take the reins of power into their own hands and do not give in to difficulties. But their dislike for their bosses can bring big trouble. With age they become balanced and sane.

In marriage, such men become leaders. The wife must always obey them in everything. They will not tolerate initiative and resolution of issues without their participation. You will not find boredom and regularity in their family life. In love they are distinguished by passion, emotionality and ardor. They dream of sublime and romantic relationships.

They have offspring at a fairly late age. But they love children very much. They are raised in strictness and expected unquestioning obedience. But, despite all this, children love Aries fathers.

Aries women never doubt their irresistibility, they are always well-groomed and neat. At any age, they try to look their best. They wear either business clothes or sportswear. They have their own personal idea of ​​style. Sometimes they can overdo it and look eccentric. Cosmetics are rarely used.

The behavior of such women is similar to that of Aries men. They do not look for easy ways, they try to be the first in everything. They will not tolerate authority. They will not look for a male leader. They solve all their problems independently and without additional help. They never complain or act as someone’s “vest”.
They engage in active sports, sitting still is not for them - movement and only movement. They demonstrate leadership qualities at work. You rarely see an Aries woman in the role of a housewife. The status of a businesswoman suits them more. If the spouse supports this approach to life, they can achieve enormous success in the work field.

Aries Women in love and marriage they occupy leading positions. They are not looking for strong leverage. Marriage is entered into only with a passionately loved person. They try to combine the responsibilities of a wife, mother and breadwinner. With such women, men will achieve great success. But they will have to fight the attacks bad mood and the temper of such a wife.

The Aries woman is a leader in the family and at work, has a masculine character

Women born under the sign of Aries are prone to wastefulness. They can afford to spend their last money. And at the same time they do not think about the consequences. Children are born when they are emotionally and physically ready for it.

Video: Characteristics of the Aries sign

March 20 zodiac sign: Pisces or Aries?

Those born on March 20 are Pisces by zodiac sign. Such people feel the influence of both Pisces and Aries. This shows in their character. Panic attacks, melancholy, and the need for solitude are replaced by an increased craving for entertainment and the need to be among people.

They are too indecisive, have a hard time accepting everything new. Such people need support and a strong shoulder. Because of their optimism, they do not always understand the realities of life.

They create idols for themselves. Their attitude towards life often leads to depression. An inferiority complex may develop. In friendly relationships they show compassion and understanding. They enjoy authority among friends and colleagues.

Video: About those born on March 20

What is the zodiac sign on March 21st?

March 21 is the day of the vernal equinox. People born on this day can be both Pisces and Aries. It all depends on the time of birth, on the year.

IN different years the calculation is not the same. It is generally accepted that this is the first day of the beginning of the zodiac sign Aries.

People born on this day born leaders. They know how to achieve goals, are ambitious and decisive. At the same time, they understand that nothing in this life comes on its own.

You need to put in a lot of effort and work tirelessly.
Many of their ideas are not implemented. They imagine the world to be too ideal. For them, the main thing is to find a family and a home. This is how they find peace and their place in life.

Video: About those born on March 21

On March 20, Pisces celebrate their name day. Born on the border of two opposing elements, these individuals are often extraordinary. They very clearly feel how their fate is influenced by two planets at once: Neptune and Mars. This fact is clearly imprinted on the perception of the world and behavioral characteristics of people born on March 20th.

General characteristics

Pisces born at the end of the astrological year endowed with creative abilities and talents. These people perfectly combine the universality of character that is inherent in Pisces and the bright individuality that Aries possesses. Very often a conflict arises in their souls, in which one half strives for cooperation with others, while the other craves independence and independence. As a rule, Pisces, who want to work as a team, win this argument.

Personalities born on March 20th endowed with excellent mental abilities. Their physical side is much weaker. These people are accustomed to hiding their feelings in a distant corner of the soul, which is very difficult for an outsider to reach.

Excess energy often results in migraines and emotional exhaustion. If you do not pay attention to rest, then breakdowns are likely. To avoid trouble, you need to add moderate exercise to your daily schedule, and for psychological relief, show true emotions more often.

For those who were born on March 20, very it's important to stick to proper nutrition . If Pisces does not want to cause irreparable damage to their body, it is necessary to decide on a suitable diet as early as possible. But wasteful natures who love to eat delicious food very rarely give preference balanced menu, although one of the main recommendations is to avoid uncontrolled eating. It would be most correct to include cereals, various vegetables and foods that contain a minimum amount of fat in your diet.

But you shouldn’t go to extremes; strict diets will not bring any benefit, but will only seriously harm you. You should avoid alcohol altogether; you are allowed to drink only red wine in small quantities.

Pisces belong to Water element, which, in turn, leaves an imprint on the entire sign. This characterizes them as individuals:

  • poetic;
  • hospitable;
  • endowed with special faith;
  • tender;
  • spiritual;
  • ready to help in difficult situations;
  • dreamy and spiritual natures.

Neptune rewarded Pisces the gift of providence and instilled in them faith in people. The planet is very respectful of creative individuals, in particular artists. And Mars is responsible for the lack of pragmatism and the inability to discern the situation in detail.

People born on March 20 are very talented and versatile. They are optimists in life, which can sometimes cause failure in business. Dreamy natures have an elusive charm. If these people managed to find their place in the sun and acquire a soul mate, then fortune itself will turn to face them and protect them from failure.

Due to the fact that Pisces born on March 20 have a wide range of interests, it is very difficult for them to find their purpose. In addition, they are able to create an idol for themselves and frantically idolize him, often this is done at a loss to their own interests.

Often, having overestimated someone else's merits, they begin to look for shortcomings in themselves. This significantly reduces their capabilities and self-confidence. Due to this, Pisces often suffer from their unfulfillment and inferiority complex. Often only a professional psychotherapist can help them get rid of prejudices.

Depression is a fairly common condition people born on March 20th. The characteristics of these phenomena can be very diverse. Sometimes this happens due to the opinions of outside observers. Friends and acquaintances are of great importance in the life of Pisces, who will be able to support them in difficult times. As a result, only self-realization and self-affirmation in society will help them avoid depression and nervous breakdowns.

Despite their unbalanced psyche, Pisces born on March 20 are very good psychologists with psychic habits. Fascination with paranormal phenomena makes you break away from real life. This strangeness hurts and torments the hearts of both Pisces and those who are near and dear to them.

To achieve incredible success in professional and personal life them you need to learn how to use your energy moderately. Those born on this day are sensitive to everything sublime and spiritual. For example, singing can become not only an excellent hobby, but also a professional activity for those whom nature has blessed with perfect pitch. Will help you achieve success in social positions special attention to the misfortunes of the people around you. People around you listen and really value the opinion of Pisces, born on March 20th.

Pisces Man

  • artistry;
  • sensitivity;
  • intuition;
  • romance.

Pisces are very dreamy, they easily and quite simply make contact with strangers. They are polite and tactful, which does not allow them to openly aggressive and sometimes causes these men unnecessary problems. These guys can fall in love very easily, but building beautiful relationships is much more difficult for them. Drawing a picture of an ideal darling in your head, and in the future the desire to find her in real life is a problem for men born on March 20th.

Pisces Woman

Women born on this day are very impressionable, sensitive and very mysterious. These ladies have a natural charm, they are graceful and subtle. They attract men with their defenselessness and feigned vulnerability. Femininity is their trump card. They know how to create an atmosphere of mysterious mystery around themselves.

It is very difficult to get attention from Pisces, since a cold mind does not allow her to be guided only by feelings and emotions. The most powerful feature is the ability to correctly prioritize and use one’s external data to achieve goals.

Love Ties

In relationships with the opposite sex, Pisces are very cheerful and sweet personalities. Due to their severe psycho-emotional nature, they often fall into a state of unreasonable anxiety. These people desire stability and expect devotion and fidelity from their partner. But, despite all this, Pisces expect bright impressions and incredible changes from relationships.

Excellent can become allies Cancers, Scorpios, Taurus. These people are most suitable for Pisces in their perception of the world; they have similar views on life.

Possible marriage with Virgo, Libra, Capricorn. These combinations of signs are favorable in 50% of cases. The main thing is to distribute priorities in a couple from the first days, giving each partner their own roles. In addition, it is worth agreeing on personal time and space.

The relationship will be unfavorable with Aries, Gemini and Leo. There are practically no prospects for a happy and carefree future, because due to different views For the life of them they will not be able to understand each other.

Professional activities

Pisces, born on March 20, are very indecisive in many matters; I do not know how to let go of what I have experienced, constantly clinging to it. Often they are immersed in a fictional world so that they cease to distinguish the real from the actual. For efficient work they need a strong and decisive mentor who will constantly be nearby and at the right moment return Pisces to earth. Being optimists to the core, these people often do not understand the true state of affairs.

Having several talents does not allow them to quickly decide on their future profession. When they come up with idols, they try to be like them. With their own hands they can drive themselves into a state nervous breakdown, having developed an inferiority complex. To communicate, they need to choose those people who will be close to them in spirit and intellectual abilities.

Those born on March 20 very often do not pay attention to the condition of their body, developing only the spiritual side of life. They practically do not move, which leads to rapid fatigue and extra pounds.

http://heaclub.ru/tim/e198a43e032901b45b4ce7f5250022a9/zodiakalnie-ribi.jpgDepression often occurs in their lives. This happens due to the regular suppression of true feelings and emotions, which roll in like a snowball, having a serious impact on health. It is best not to be shy about showing emotions and feelings. Sometimes it's healthier to cry than to sit casually.

Active physical activity and proper nutrition is important for Pisces. But their misfortune is that they are quite greedy for satisfying their pleasures, which include gluttony. This is the reason for abandoning the correct menu in favor of tasty, but not always healthy food. It is best to adhere to proper nutrition, eat strictly according to the clock at the same time. And also, you shouldn’t starve yourself with strict low-calorie diets, which will not lead to good things.

Celebrities born on this day

  • Lady Gaga - singer;
  • Ekaterina Strizhenova - actress and TV presenter;
  • Danko - singer;
  • Anatoly Zhuravlev - actor.

In order to avoid depression, those born at the end of March need to try to develop confidence and increase their own self-esteem. There is no need to look back at other people, much less fall under their influence.

You should not be overly carried away by the mystical and paranormal phenomena of life, as this can harm the existing reality. When enjoying authority among friends and colleagues, it is important not to become arrogant and not lose the feeling of solid ground under your feet. It should be remembered that in all matters you need to look for a golden mean.

Attention, TODAY only!

Pisces women are romantic, dreamy, with a thoughtful look, graceful, sweet and charming, very feminine, very seductive and attractive to men.

A woman born under the sign of Pisces exudes a certain charm that is difficult for men to resist. Often the Pisces woman can be seen in sophisticated, bohemian society - this is her element.

This woman lives in an imaginary kingdom of dreams and hopes, is very sentimental, capable of shedding streams of tears, unarmed in the face of life, helpless, in a word, she is a woman-child. In everything she relies on others and seeks protection and support.

Of course, she can be quite strong inside, but she still retains a defenseless, weak, delicate appearance.

Moods Pisces women changeable, they change from rises to deep recessions and depressions depending on the lunar phases. Apathetic, lifeless during the new moon, the Pisces woman becomes energetic and cheerful when...

Pisces' birthday is celebrated on March 20, and the very next day the sun moves into the sign of Aries. Born at the junction of two elements, Water and Fire, such people are somewhat extraordinary. Pisces born on March 20 feel the influence of both Neptune and Mars, which affects the behavior and worldview of these people.

Personality of Pisces born on March 20

The extraordinary sensitivity and developed intuition that Pisces inherited from Neptune are combined with perseverance and the ability to achieve their own, which is characteristic of Aries. People born on March 20th have rational thinking, but this does not prevent them from falling under the influence of strangers. They look at the world through rose-colored glasses and perceive people as they would like to see them.

Those born on March 20th have creative abilities or acting talent. If they take on something, then everything will be done to the highest standard. Maximalism is one of the character traits of these people. They're good...

Horoscope by date of birth - March 20 Home >> Characteristics of the signs >> Select date of birth >> March 20

Paradoxical Pisces, born at the end of the astrological year, during a period associated with intense creative activity, often have unusual talents and abilities. Because your birthday falls during a sign transition, you combine the versatility of Pisces with the individuality of Aries. At times, the cooperative nature of Pisces and the independent nature of Aries conflict within you. Pisces usually wins, you are a great team player.

Those born on March 20 are usually more developed mentally than physically, and tend to tie their natural feelings into a tight knot. Excess energy can cause them frequent headaches and ultimately lead to exhaustion if they do not rest and seek a stable position in life. Moderate, regular exercise will train their bodies...

What is the zodiac sign of those born on March 20?

March 20 is the last day of the last sign of the Zodiac, Pisces. The next day the new zodiac year begins. On this day, deeply creative and talented people are born. People born on this day feel the influence of both Pisces and Aries, which manifests itself in periods of craving for a team and loneliness, independence. The influence of Pisces is often more pronounced.

Diseases of those born on March 20

Those born on March 20 often neglect their body, preferring to develop their mind and spirit. They lead a sedentary lifestyle, often end up with migraines and increased fatigue, and they also do not know how to properly alternate work and rest. Sometimes they suffer from depression because they suppress their feelings and emotions, which accumulate inside and undermine their health.

It is better for them to openly express what they feel and not be shy even about tears. Regular exercise and...

Maze day.

Paradoxical Pisces, born on March 20 - at the end of the astrological year, during a period associated with vibrant creative activity, often have unusual talents and abilities. Because your birthday falls during a sign transition, you combine the versatility of a Pisces with the individuality of an Aries. At times, the cooperative nature of Pisces and the independent nature of Aries conflict within you. Pisces usually wins because the energies of the number 2 make you a great team player.
Imaginative, idealistic and goal-oriented, you know how to put your plans and ideas into action. You have subtle intuition, compassion and understanding of the problems of others. If someone is in trouble, you don’t hesitate to offer your help. You can achieve a lot by developing your...

Maze day.

March 20th celebrity birthday- singer Chester Bennington, singer Lady Gaga, actress Ekaterina Strizhenova, actor Hayden McFarland

Personality of Pisces born on March 20- March 20 is a very symbolic day, considered the last day of winter and the end of the astrological year, so those born on the twentieth are significantly different from other people. For example, among them there are often very gifted natures, perhaps, to some extent, determining the evolution of human existence. On the other hand, sometimes they have to make desperate efforts to get rid of the burden of accumulated problems and leave the past behind them. Making an important decision, especially one that can make significant changes in their lives, unfortunately takes them too much time.

You are the most emotional type. You are changeable, like the wind, and sometimes calm reigns in your soul, and sometimes a hurricane rages, sometimes you are soft and easy to communicate, and other times you are stubborn and impulsive. At the same time, no one will undertake to guess when your next change of mood will occur.

At the same time, you are quite practical, reliable and thoughtful, and have a fairly pronounced common sense. True, your sensitivity to the emotions of others can work both to your advantage and to your detriment. On the one hand, sensitivity combined with the ability to listen helps you to be an excellent adviser, consultant, maybe a psychologist. But, on the other hand, you easily fall under the influence of more strong-willed individuals. You are very trusting, if not naive.

Emotional sensitivity can make you a connoisseur of poetry, painting, and music. And since your speech is emotional and persuasive, you will succeed wherever...

Born on March 20: the meaning of the birthday

Of great importance for everyone born in this period are the character traits inherent in them by nature, since the patron planets will strengthen them to a significant extent.

Self-sufficiency, willpower, perseverance and courage distinguish everyone who was born on March 20: the zodiac sign helps them to never depend on anyone for anything, to rely exclusively on own strength, without even assuming the possibility of outside assistance.

Since time immemorial, the twentieth of March has been considered a turning point, after which winter goes away and spring comes into its own. This could not but affect the character of everyone who was born on March 20, your zodiac sign is Pisces, which endows you with phenomenal creative abilities and potential sufficient for global achievements.

In this regard, you need to always act meaningfully, not waste your time on trifles and think about the common good...

SIGN: 30° Pisces
ELEMENT: water


CHARACTER. They have different talents, but it is not always possible to develop them. They often experience difficulties and cannot break with the past, so it takes them a long time to make important decisions, especially if it concerns significant changes in their lives. They are optimists, but often an overly positive attitude leads to them having a distorted view of things. They can experience periods of depression and have a hard time getting out of it, especially if there is no loyal friend nearby who is ready to support and help. Personalities are extremely sensitive, they are attracted to music and art.
LOVE. They tend to overestimate the object of their love and underestimate themselves. They easily fall under the influence of a partner, and then put him on a pedestal. The fanaticism with which they treat their partner has a detrimental effect on their own personality, which weakens completely...

Birthday secret: Those born on this day are characterized by the ability to harmoniously combine imagination and realism, earthly vanity and creative inspiration. Therefore, they are able to balance their character traits. They can...

The zodiac sign of those born on March 20 is Pisces. These are individual, independent, optimistic and talented individuals. They are persistent and hardworking, thanks to which they achieve success in their goals. on their life path Difficulties and troubles often occur. However, they manage to overcome them thanks to courage and self-confidence.

These are dreamy and spiritual individuals. Nature rewarded them with different talents. They have good hearing and a sense of rhythm, which is why they are often chosen as a hobby or professional activities music.

In relationships with others, those born on this day are charming, diplomatic and responsive. Thanks to their passion for psychology, they understand the motives of others. Such people love communication and strive to be the center of attention. The lack of approval and support from others causes them anxiety and can cause depression.

Characteristics of women born on March 20

Such women are endowed with romance, dreaminess, love for the harmony and beauty of the world around them. They are responsive and compassionate, not indifferent to the grief of others. Friends value them for their reliability and loyalty, for the fact that they can be relied upon in difficult life situations.

Thanks to their charm, these ladies easily establish trusting and warm relationships with others. Inner intuition allows them to sense and avoid unscrupulous people.

Characteristics of men born on March 20

These are practical, idealistic individuals. They are full original ideas. They are interested in psychology, philosophy, religion and spiritual aspects of life. Endowed developed intuition and receptivity, they often find extrasensory abilities in themselves.

Such men are good-natured and merciful. They want to make the world a better place and benefit the people around them.

Love horoscope

In love, those born on this day are spontaneous, sensitive and emotional. They are vulnerable and vulnerable. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies from their partner. If they lose interest in a person, they break off the relationship.

As a life partner, these women and men choose an intelligent, understanding and devoted partner who inspires them. The life of such people is rarely boring and monotonous. They travel with their other half. Trips bring vivid impressions to their life together.


Pisces born on March 20 are well compatible with Scorpios, Cancers, and Capricorns. They do not go well with Gemini, Leo, Libra.

The most suitable partner for those born on March 20

People born on such days are best suited for love and marriage:

January: 1, 10, 11, 16, 28
February: 6, 12, 17, 22
March: 5, 8, 17, 23, 27
April: 2, 5, 14, 18, 21
May: 7, 8, 10, 13, 21, 22
June: 4, 13, 17, 18, 29
July: 5, 9, 12, 16, 21, 23
August: 22, 24, 28
September: 6, 10, 15, 30
October: 1, 4, 9, 22, 28
November: 2, 12, 19
December: 14, 18, 19, 24, 29

Business horoscope

Those born on this day are responsible, goal-oriented, conscientious and efficient workers. They strive for stability and rarely change jobs. Thanks to perseverance, they achieve success in their careers. They know how to competently organize the work process, which is why they are often trusted with leadership positions. They are attracted to power, it allows them to assert themselves.

The makings of a fighter, resourcefulness and creativity allow such people to realize themselves in sports, music, fine arts. The ability to competently express thoughts and communication skills help you find your calling in teaching, trade, and politics. Business sense and analytical mind allow you to develop in the field of commerce. Thanks to their ability to see the essence of things, they become good advisers and mentors.

Health horoscope

Pisces born on March 20 neglect physical health. Intellectual and spiritual development is more important for them. They ignore the symptoms of illness - the precursors of serious diseases.

Due to their passion for their career, such people suffer from a sedentary lifestyle. They do not know how to alternate between rest and work. At the end of the working day they feel tired, headache and weakness. Over time, this leads to exhaustion of the body and depression. Alternating physical and mental activity will help you feel better. The horoscope recommends monitoring your diet and giving preference to plant foods and cereals.

Don't create idols for yourself

Because of your idealism and romanticism, you tend to create idols for yourself whose virtues you extol. Behind the image of an object of worship, your qualities fade. This causes low self-esteem and self-doubt.

Free yourself from negative memories

Negative memories stay in your head for a long time. You tend to replay the same event over and over again. This makes you anxious, painful, and can cause fear.

Avoid tyranny in relationships with loved ones

In relationships with loved ones, you are possessive, which often results in tyranny. Be loyal to your family, avoid pressure and infringement on the freedom of family members.