How to clean a drain pipe. What to do if the sewer is clogged, how to quickly clear the blockage in the pipes. Chemicals are available in the form

How to clean the sewer yourself? This question was asked by everyone who has at least once encountered the call of a professional plumber when a household wastewater drainage system fails. This publication is dedicated to reviewing the most effective ways self-elimination blockage in the sewer system.

Signs of clogged sewer pipes

Clogged sewers in private and apartment buildings are an unpleasant and very common problem. As a rule, it is solved by calling a professional plumber. However, the cost of specialist services often goes beyond reasonable limits, and the quality of services leaves much to be desired. In some cases, you can solve this problem yourself without resorting to the services of expensive specialists.

Determining the location of the blockage

Before clearing a blockage in the sewer, you should determine where the “plug” appears.

You should know that pipes most often get clogged at bends, and these are siphons and combs.

Residents of apartment buildings may encounter the problem of traffic jams in sewer riser or outlet pipeline. To make it easier to determine the location of a blockage in the wastewater and utility water disposal system, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table.

If you determine a blockage in the riser or supply system, you should call an emergency team, which will carry out work free of charge and at any time of the day. Specialists know how to clean a sewer riser without allowing sewage to escape through indoor plumbing fixtures.

Determining the cause of the blockage

Determining where it is clogged is still half the battle. You need to know what contributed to the formation of a “plug” in the sewer pipe. This information is necessary in order to determine as accurately as possible what to use to break through the sewer in a private house and what chemicals to use to remove the blockage.

The most common reasons for the formation of “jams” in sewer pipes are mechanical blockages that appear due to the fault of the home owner:

  1. Thick paper. Cellulose tends to swell when exposed to water, which leads to a significant reduction in pipe capacity.
  2. Food waste. Some waste practically does not dissolve, settles on the walls of the pipeline and blocks the flow area of ​​the sewer system devices.
  3. Textile. Rags end up in the sewer when draining water after mopping floors and hand washing.
  4. Hair. Experts consider hair to be the most common cause of clogs in the bathtub and shower.

There is another type of blockage - operational - that occurs during the operation of the sewer system. The main reason for the appearance of operational blockages is grease that sticks to the walls of the pipeline. It is to the fat that all other pollutants stick: hair, pet hair, cellulose, etc. You will learn about ways to dissolve fat in pipes in the next section of this publication.

Removing blockages in the sewer system

There are three methods for cleaning a sewer system:

  1. Thermal.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Chemical.

Do-it-yourself sewer cleaning using the thermal method involves using hot water to dissolve fat on the walls of the pipeline to increase the cross-section and restore the functionality of the system. Pour 2-3 liters of boiling water into the drain hole and wait until the water drains.

You should know that the effectiveness of removing blockages in the siphon using this method is very low. It's all about the water seal, the water in which will reduce the temperature of the liquid being poured, and, consequently, the efficiency of dissolving fatty deposits.

How to clean a sewer mechanically? Using a cable or a plunger. The cable destroys the “plug”, and the pressure difference created by the plunger pushes it into a wider part of the pipeline. This method is used for mechanical blockages: ingress of rags, paper, construction waste, traffic jams created by food waste.

The chemical method involves dissolving fatty deposits using special chemicals.

Using a plunger to clear a clogged siphon

The process of cleaning sewerage in a private home begins with removing blockages in the siphons of the sink, sink, bathtub and shower. As noted above, the most common reasons for the “obstruction” of water in plumbing fixtures are a “plug” in the siphon and hair in the drain grate. Cleaning the siphon is quite simple: you need to unscrew bottom part, remove dirt from the water seal, wash the dismantled element, and install it in place.

In most cases, disassembling the siphon is very inconvenient. In this case, a plunger comes to the rescue:

  1. Take a plunger and press the rubber cup firmly against the sink drain hole. The water must completely cover the bowl of the plunger to create a vacuum.
  2. Make several sharp back-and-forth movements with this device, which will create a pressure difference that pushes or destroys the “plug”.

The result of the plunger is the flow of water through the drain hole.

Cleaning with a plumbing cable

If using a plunger does not bring the desired effect, use a steel plumbing cable. It is with its help that professional plumbers remove debris plugs in household drainage systems.

To clean the sewer with a cable, you must perform the following operations:

  1. We cover the floor at the work site with plastic film, which will protect flooring from contamination with fecal matter.
  2. We insert the cable into the inspection window of the pipe.
  3. Using rotational movements, we push it until the “plug” is reached, trying to break the blockage into fragments.

How to clear a severe blockage in a pipe if working with a cable does not bring the desired results? The cable allows you to remove even the most serious dirt. Repeat this process several times, then pour a large volume of hot water into the system.

To clean metal sewer pipes, steel cables are used, which can have different diameters and lengths. Plastic pipelines are cleaned with soft spring cables that do not damage the walls of the pipeline.

How to clean a toilet drain if a homemade cable turns out to be ineffective? Use the factory version in the form of a flexible spiral that ends in a handle. To increase the efficiency of cleaning the toilet, many models are equipped with additional attachments in the form of a brush or hook.

Use of chemicals

How to break through a clog in a sewer without using specialized tools and devices? Modern industry offers a very wide range of chemicals that can cope with serious fat deposits, dissolve hair and remove many years of soap scum.

According to the method of influence, all means are divided into two groups:

  1. Alkaline. Dissolve fat deposits. They showed the greatest effectiveness when cleaning the drainage system in the kitchen.
  2. Acidic. Capable of dissolving hair and removing soap scum from the inner walls of sewer pipes. Most often, acidic products are used to clean drains in bathrooms.

Chemicals are available in the form:

  1. Powder and granules. It is convenient to pour into the drain hole. The most popular means: “Floop”, “Pothan”.
  2. Gelya. Envelops the inner surface of the pipe, effectively affecting fatty deposits. Domestic housewives trust the gels “Mr. Muscle” and “Tiret”.
  3. Liquids. They have high fluidity, localizing at the point of blockage. The “Mole” product is popular.

If you have a question about how to flush the drain if it is severely clogged, use liquid chemicals based on caustic soda.

How to clean a drain with improvised means

Any chemical used to remove blockages from a drainage system is aggressive in nature. Alkalies and acids can damage sewer material and cause harm to health if they come into contact with the skin, mucous membranes and respiratory organs. That is why many families, especially those with small children, prefer to use improvised means that are in the kitchen of any housewife.

The most popular folk remedy for blockages in pipes is a mixture with vinegar. Upon interaction, a violent thermal reaction occurs with the release of carbon dioxide. The mechanism of action of the “explosive” mixture is simple and effective. Due to the increase in temperature, fatty deposits are broken down, and a large volume of carbon dioxide pushes the “plug” out of the siphon into an outlet pipeline with a large cross-section. How to clean drains with soda and vinegar? Pour half a pack of baking soda into the drain hole, pour in 0.5 liters of table vinegar and carefully plug the drain with a stopper or rag. After an hour, pour several liters of boiling water into the drain hole, which will wash away the remaining fat and debris into the system.

The advantages of this method are undeniable. All ingredients are inexpensive and, as a rule, are available in any kitchen. In addition, soda perfectly disinfects the system area, eliminating unpleasant odors.

It is obvious that the sewer system is important element ensuring the normal functioning of any residential premises. It must be understood that it is a rather complex system for removing wastewater. At the same time, blockages in the bathroom, shower or kitchen occur even with careful use of plumbing and cause significant inconvenience.

Cleaning your drains yourself is entirely possible, and there are many methods using different tools. Often, it is easier to prevent the occurrence of such a problem than to eliminate it later. In order to understand what to do if a pipe is clogged and how to remove the blockage with your own hands, you need to study the following techniques and rules.

A man in the house is the key to success in the fight against blockages

It is important to know the causes of clogged drains

To fix the problem and clear the drain, it is important to find out the causes of blockages. Over time, fat deposits accumulate on the internal surfaces of the pipeline network. Fragments of waste stick to them, the resulting lumps increase in size, reducing the permeability of wastewater. When this process develops critically, the lumen of the pipe is completely blocked by a mud plug, and a blockage occurs in it.

The cause of frequent blockages may be too small or too large an angle of inclination of the pipes set when installing the system.

In this case, the solution to the problem will be a complete replacement of the pipeline network. Full information about what the slopes in the sewer system should be is available in the article. Large foreign objects that enter the system through the drain hole can also clog the sewer.

The material from which the pipes are made matters: cast iron ones clog more often than plastic ones. Common cause clogs are clumps of hair that quickly become overgrown with dirt deposits, so it is advisable to prevent them from entering the system.

We start by determining the location of the “traffic jam”

How to pierce a pipe if it is clogged? Before you start cleaning sewer pipes, you need to determine the location of the “plug”. This will make the job much easier. Most often, the bends of the pipeline network become clogged in the siphons of plumbing fixtures and at the sections of their connection with the drain riser.

Define approximate location location of the blockage in sewer network you can do it yourself. To do this, the proper functioning of the drain of various household plumbing fixtures is checked. For example, if water flows out of the bathroom and toilet normally, but does not flow out of the kitchen sink, a blockage has formed in the section connecting the sink to the drain.

When using a plunger, do not forget to block the safety hole in the sink

The situation is worse if water does not drain from all household plumbing fixtures, the reason in this case is a clogged common riser apartment building. In such a situation, it will not be possible to clean the sewer on your own; you will have to call a team of plumbers, and the sooner the better, since fecal water will begin to flood the apartments.

Do-it-yourself methods for cleaning sewers in a private house

Before you begin cleaning the sewer, you should carefully disassemble the siphons of plumbing fixtures and rinse them with running water. Also, very often it is the bends of their pipes that become clogged. The siphons, cleaned of contaminants, are installed in place and tested in action.

If these manipulations are not successful and the water does not drain from the plumbing fixtures, depending on the complexity of the problem, professional or household sewer cleaning methods are used. At the same time, they use a variety of, sometimes unexpected, means and tools.

The first assistant is a plunger

The plunger is a convenient and versatile tool that is definitely worth having in your household. It is a handle with a rubber tip in the form of a suction cup. You should choose the most inexpensive tool; the length of the handle, the amount of pressure created, the use of a pressure gauge in the design (there are such models!) do not have a decisive influence on the effectiveness of use in living conditions.

IN kitchen sink it is also necessary to close the drain hole on the countertop

The action of the plunger is based on the formation of a water hammer, that is, a sharp increase in pressure on one side of the obstacle. To do this, the suction cup of the rubber bowl of the tool is pressed against the drain neck and several sharp presses are made on the handle. As a result of increasing pressure, the blockage is removed and the pipe is cleaned.

A thick hose can help

Instead of a plunger, you can use a thick hose. It works effectively when supplying hot water with high pressure. One end of the sleeve is put on the tap with hot water, the other is lowered into the drain hole to be cleaned to the greatest possible depth.

Having turned on the hot water, you make a back-and-forth movement with the end of the hose facing the blockage of the pipe. The combination of hot water pressure and pushing action allows you to destroy the formed obstacle and restore the permeability of the sewer system.

A classic of the genre - the use of a cable

The classic method is to use a plumbing cable. It is used if the blockage is located far in the pipe cavity, or the obstacle is so tightly compressed that it cannot be affected by a plunger or a hot water hose.

When rotating the cable, do not forget to use a rag for careful work

In its simplest version, this tool is a piece of twisted steel wire, one end of which is spread out in the form of steel fibers or bent with a hook, and on the other there is a handle that allows you to impart a rotational movement to the system.

Elements that complicate and increase the cost of the design (such as the winding drum and rotation gearbox) are of no practical importance for use in domestic conditions.

The work, the essence of which is to pull out an obstacle with a hook or push it into a wider highway, can be conveniently done together with an assistant. One person monitors the tension of the tool and guides the cable, while the other person gives the tool a rotational movement.

As soon as the end of the cable reaches the blockage and begins to destroy it, you need to strongly pull the wire several times, trying to pull the lump of dirt out. Then you should open the water and continue the above steps until full recovery permeability of the sewer pipe.

Dirty sewer line is best placed in a bucket.

When performing this, not at all sterile, operation, it is better to stock up on a bucket of clean water and rags. Rubber gloves won't hurt either. When removing a long cable from the system, it is better to immediately wipe it or lower it into a bucket, wrapping it in a ring.

Advanced Technology - Electric Wire Rope

Rotating the wire with the help of muscular force leads to the expenditure of physical strength. To facilitate sewer cleaning work, the plumbing cable is equipped with an electric drive. The easiest way to do this is with a drill or screwdriver, setting the rotation speed of the devices to low speed. Professional plumbers use power tools and various attachments to remove various types of pipe blockages.

Cordless screwdriver with a special nozzle significantly simplifies drain cleaning

You can clean the pipes with a vacuum cleaner, but be careful

You can clean sewer pipes at home using an ordinary vacuum cleaner. You will need a model that has a backflow air function. Proceed with caution as the combination of water and electricity is potentially dangerous.

The vacuum cleaner hose connected to the return air outlet channel is wrapped with a rag to seal it and directed into the drain hole to be cleaned. When the unit is turned on, a powerful air flow is generated, which builds up pressure in the pipeline system and breaks through the blockage that has formed in it.

After completing the operation, do not forget to first turn off the vacuum cleaner and then remove the hose. Otherwise, it is possible to spray toilet products all around, without forgetting about yourself.

Application of hydrodynamic machine

The most effective cleaning of sewer pipes is achieved using a hydrodynamic machine. This unit delivers a directed water jet to the site of blockage formation, under high pressure destroying the obstacle.

Plumbers have professional equipment to remove blockages

Nozzles in the form of rotating nozzles efficiently clean the inner surface of the pipeline network from all contaminants present there. The permeability of wastewater in the sewer system is completely restored. This equipment is operated by professional plumbers, and its operation requires special knowledge and skills. In this case, you will show sufficient independence if you invite plumbers by phone.

Efficiency of using chemicals

The most “lazy” cleaning method is the use of chemicals. This method is used if you don’t want to use other methods of restoring the system’s functionality, or they have not led to success. It is important to select chemical reagents so that they do not harm the materials from which the sewer pipes are made. The range of such products in the retail chain is presented quite widely, so you have the opportunity to try several of them.

A small fraction of possible chemicals for clearing blockages

Active ingredient are alkaline and acidic components that effectively decompose almost any contaminant. It is necessary to work in protective glasses and gloves; the respiratory tract is protected from exposure to harmful vapors by a respirator. Professionals do not recommend using chemicals to clean drains too often.

In many situations, one should not have any special illusions about the effectiveness of “chemistry”. However, if it is used to dissolve fatty deposits in the sewer system in the kitchen or in the bathroom sink, the experience can be quite successful.

The use of folk "chemistry"

People use their own chemicals in the form of boiling water, salt, soda, lemon, and so on. They are good because they are easy to use and do not require a trip to the store for the factory compound, as they are available in every household. The procedure for cleaning the sewer is as follows:

  • table vinegar and soda are prepared in equal proportions, but not more than a glass;
  • Soda is first poured into the pipe to be cleaned, then vinegar is added;
  • the drain hole is clogged;
  • wait approximately three hours;
  • the cleaned pipe is washed with hot water.

Every family has a cleaning kit of this type.

An effective folk remedy for removing stains is the use of citrus fruits. The juice of several large lemons is squeezed into the clogged pipe. Of course, when carrying out this manipulation, you should not allow the seeds to get into the cavity being cleaned. After waiting about sixty minutes, pour boiling water into the drain hole to remove any remaining dirt.

Often, ordinary table salt helps. Mixed in equal proportions with water, it is poured into the drain hole and left overnight. In the morning, the system is thoroughly flushed.

The nuances of cleaning plastic sewer pipes

The process of cleaning plastic sewer pipes has its own nuances. Blockages in them form much less frequently, mainly in places of bends. Made from modern material plastic pipeline networks have a flat and smooth inner surface.

To prevent damage mechanical methods cleaning is not recommended. The best effect is achieved by specially selected chemical compositions, which do not have an aggressive effect on polymers.

Features of cleaning a bathroom drain

A special feature of cleaning a clogged bathtub drain is that this plumbing fixture is equipped with a safety drain hole. It must be clogged, for example, with the palm of your hand, if cleaning is carried out by creating excess pressure.

A clog in the bathroom cannot be cleared unless the safety drain hole is closed.

Next, a plunger or chemical cleaning method is used. If the above remedies do not help, you need to disconnect the siphon under the bathtub and rinse it. If this measure does not lead to the desired result, you will have to disconnect the drain and use a cable to clean the outlet pipe.

After disassembling and assembling the system, do not forget to check it for leaks. It is likely that if the sealing elements have shrunk and hardened, they will have to be replaced.

Sometimes it is possible to remove dirt using a dishwashing brush, placing it on long handle and inserting it into the clogged drain hole. When sending any object into the sewer hole, do not forget that it must be removed back. That is, the size of the tool must ensure its free movement in the pipe, and the object itself must be securely fastened.

How to clean the sink siphon in the kitchen and bathroom

Siphons installed in the bathroom and kitchen must be washed periodically. Over time, deposits are deposited on their inner walls, causing unpleasant odor in an apartment or private house. Preventative cleaning can be performed without dismantling the siphon, and the procedure for performing this procedure is as follows:

  • a container for collecting dirty water is placed on a rag placed under the sink;
  • the plastic cap is unscrewed at the bottom of the siphon;
  • after draining the dirty water, all parts are cleaned of debris;
  • All deposits are carefully removed from the internal surfaces of the siphon;
  • the washed cover is installed in place;
  • Having opened the tap, check the tightness of the connections.

Cleaning the siphon under the sink is very simple

The frequency of performing these works depends on the intensity of use of plumbing fixtures. It is recommended to wash the siphon every month and a half of using the kitchen sink. If you follow this rule, the question of how to clear a clog in the kitchen sink simply will not arise.

Delicacy of working with the toilet

A clogged toilet can significantly complicate living in an apartment or private house for an entire family. Wastewater are not removed into the drain, but when flushed, rise in the bowl of the plumbing fixture, threatening to overflow. The resulting fetid odor and feces floating in the water leave no one indifferent, and besides, in order to simply relieve themselves, household members have to knock on their neighbors’ door. It is clear that cleaning the toilet is a task that requires immediate resolution.

The toilet water seal has a sharp bend, so it will be difficult to use a hose or cable to solve the problem, especially since a metal wire can damage an expensive plumbing fixture. It is most convenient in this case to use a plunger, as described above.

It’s good if you can clear a clog in the toilet using a plunger

If the mentioned tool does not help, the only cleaning method is to dismantle the toilet and disconnect it from the receiving pipe. In this case, there is direct access to all elements of the sewer system, and the blockage can be quickly removed, including using a cable.

Sewage is an integral and very important part of any modern house both multi-apartment and private. Due to constant use, there is always a risk of clogging.

Of course, the occurrence of an unpleasant situation can be prevented, but there are no absolute methods or guarantees. Therefore, it is always important to know how to clean sewer pipes in a private home and what tools are required for this.

Preventing a problem is always easier, and often cheaper, than eliminating it, this is clear to many. And problems with sewerage in a private house are no exception. Preventative measures will minimize the likelihood of pipe clogging if carried out regularly and systematically.

A significant problem can often be created by the very search for the place where the trouble occurred. This can be a challenging task for a non-expert.

Typically, pipes do not clog immediately, but debris accumulates gradually. It accumulates in the pipe, preventing the free passage of water. Respectively The main sign of a blockage is poor water drainage.

Method No. 3 - chemicals

Method chemical cleaning It is rather preventive or final after cleaning in another way to consolidate the result.

However, for health safety and to prevent any damage, a number of rules and precautions must be observed:

  1. Due to the specific composition, different products can harm the communications themselves. This must be taken into account when choosing a product for a specific type of pipe.
  2. Be sure to follow the necessary measures precautions, they are usually written directly on the packaging of chemicals, because many of them can have toxic fumes.
  3. Clear blockages in a well-ventilated area.

When you buy plumbing chemicals in a store, be sure to carefully read the instructions: the prescribed dosage volume of the product is poured into the drain.

Then, after the time specified in the instructions, the drain is washed with a strong stream of water. It can be either cold or warm, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations.

Under no circumstances should you mix different ones with each other, since the consequences of this can be completely unpredictable.

Method No. 4 – hydrodynamic cleaning

If you cannot cope with the blockage of the sewer pipe using any method, you can only resort to the last, more radical method - hydrodynamic. It involves removing the blockage with a jet of water under high pressure.

If all means have been tried, but there is still no result, then all that remains is to resort to hydrodynamic cleaning of clogged pipes. Just keep in mind that this procedure is not cheap, and only specialists can perform it

Prevention and prevention of blockages

Currently, there are many different methods for effective fight with garbage plugs. But it’s more important not to let the situation get worse and not let the sewer system become clogged.

Any technical equipment and any communications need care and timely prevention, sewer pipes are no exception.

It is enough to follow the usual and accessible, but effective rules:

  1. Do not dispose of substances that do not dissolve easily down the drain. They belong in trash can, but not in the pipes.
  2. When installing sewer pipes, it is necessary to install them at a slight angle, and large angles should also be avoided, since blockages can accumulate in them.
  3. At least once a week, and preferably more often, you need to rinse sewer drains boiling water for several minutes.
  4. Special grates must be installed in the drains to prevent debris from entering the pipeline and clogging it. It is easier to clean the grate itself than to remove waste from the pipe.
  5. Never leave small objects, bags or rags in the immediate vicinity of the drain - they can easily end up in the pipe and cause serious problems for you.

When carrying out repairs or construction work, pay double attention to drainage issues.

It is necessary to regularly clean the walls of the pipes from the layer of fat and other dirt that has accumulated in them. It is important to monitor very carefully so that foreign objects do not get into them and household waste. For example, vegetable peelings, plastic bags, cloth

Conclusions and useful video on the topic

You can learn how to properly use a plumbing cable from the following video:

Following simple rules and precautions will minimize the risk of blockages in your sewer system, wear and tear, damage from chemicals, and generally extend its service life.

By preventing blockages and avoiding labor-intensive operations to remove them, you can save not only a lot of time, but also money.

Which one do you use? Please tell us about it in the comments section. There you also have the opportunity to ask questions about the topic of the article, and we will try to answer them promptly.

Clogged drains in the private sector are a common occurrence. There is no point in turning to a plumber for help every time. You can clean pipes at home with your own hands using mechanical devices or folk methods.

Causes of blockage

Pipes in the kitchen can become clogged for the following reasons:

  • Cast iron pipes become clogged more often due to the fact that their inner surface is lumpy. This is due to the constantly occurring process of corrosion. The section between the bathtub and the kitchen sink can become clogged especially often;
  • Plastic pipes are less susceptible to clogging. This happens if their installation is carried out with an incorrect slope;
  • Fat deposited on the walls of the sewer causes debris to stick to it. Over time, a thick layer forms and the pipe loses its permeability;
  • Water impurities contain limescale, deposited on the walls of the pipes;
  • The source of pollution is soil and sand that gets in while washing shoes;
  • If the pipes are clogged with large objects, then you need to call a specialist. The work will be carried out using a hydrodynamic method. This often happens in high-rise buildings;
  • The cause of the blockage may be detergents containing active substances. They, like fats, lie on the inner surface of the pipes.

Whatever material the pipes are made of, the question constantly arises of how to clean the sewer in the private sector.

Cleaning methods

When answering the question of how to clean sewer pipes at home, you need to accurately determine the location and cause of water obstruction.

Basic methods for cleaning kitchen drains:

  • Carry out cleaning using improvised means;
  • Mechanical cleaning;
  • Using chemicals.

If there is a blockage in the pipes, then removal at home can be done using any of these methods. In the private sector the task is easier. Here it is possible to carry out work in the yard.

Sewer cleaning

Generally, drain cleaning is often done in the kitchen. There is more fat, hair or food waste present here. Work in these premises is carried out constantly. You need to adhere to four points:

  1. When laying cast iron pipes, you need to regularly pass 1 liter of boiling water through them. If there is a plastic sewer, it is enough to run hot water for 20 minutes. Make the stream small. If a piece of soap is stuck, it will quickly dissolve;
  2. The same amount of soda and half a glass of salt are poured into a glass of water. This mixture is poured into the sewer pipe for 15 minutes. Then you need to turn on the water from the water supply, flush the system and at the same time conduct cleansing work plunger;
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner with a blowing function. If you use a rag to reduce the diameter of the vacuum cleaner pipe, the sharpness of the air flow will increase. If you direct a stream of air into the drain, it will push the plug;
  4. If you need to wash a clogged siphon in the kitchen, remove it, remove all debris and rinse under running water.

In cases where such methods do not lead to success, more serious measures are taken. However, first they find out the location of the blockage. They clarify that it is the pipe that is clogged, not the siphon.

To do this, fill all plumbing fixtures with water and observe:

  • If stagnation occurs in only one unit, for example, in a sink, then only local networks;
  • If water has established itself in all plumbing places, then the blockage is complete, and the issue needs to be resolved with the involvement of specialists.

Local sewer cleaning is carried out on our own. To do this, the siphon is removed, the corrugation is removed, and washing is carried out using chemicals or a cable.

Mechanical methods

To know how to clean a drain at home if there is a serious blockage, it is important to understand which tool to use to break the blockage into small components. Then simply rinse off its components with a stream of water. This method is often used in the kitchen, where food debris often causes clogs.

You can clean the pipes in the sewer using a plunger, which works on the principle of creating hydraulic pressure due to the formation of a vacuum.

Instructions for use:

  • The sink fills with water;
  • The base of the plunger is pressed against the drain and pressed sharply;
  • Translational movements up and down are carried out several times. With the last upward movement, the device abruptly breaks away from the plane. It is important to do this carefully so that the sink parts do not break;
  • This work is carried out up to 4 times.

If you have a double sink, it needs to be cleaned with two plungers at the same time. For this you need an assistant. If this is not the case, then one drain is covered with a rag.

Plumbing cable

It is a wire with a handle, at the end of which there is a brush.

Cleaning instructions:

  • The cable is inserted with the brush down into the drain;
  • The wire is twisted using the handle. In this case, pressure is applied downwards and then upwards. You need to punch the cork until it comes out;
  • Water is supplied from time to time to wash away small debris.

Knowing how to break through plugs, you can clean metal pipes in this way. At the same time, rust is removed from the inside. If the pipes are plastic, then instead of a brush, use a cable with twisted wire so as not to damage the material.

Other mechanical means

How to clean the sewer if there is no cable at home? Then homemade devices come into play:

  • A plastic bottle is covered with tape from top to bottom in a spiral. A line is drawn along the border of the tape on the bottle;
  • A cut is made on the bottle along the lines;
  • The bottom of the bottle is used as a handle;
  • Notches are made at an angle of 45 degrees in the form of a spiral;
  • The device is inserted into the drain hole and then removed. The spiral pulls out the debris.

Chemical methods

The industry provides a wide range of anti-clogging products that help clean the sewer.

  • In liquid form. “Tiret” and “Mr. Muscle” products with an ammonia odor;
  • In powder form. For example, "Comet". If there is no passability at all, then the use of such a means is pointless;
  • Acidic. "Mole". Before use, you need to pour boiling water into the system. After using the drug, rinse well with running water;
  • Alkaline. "Domestos", "Whiteness".

How to clean the drain using these products is indicated on the packaging. You need to familiarize yourself with it in detail.

Traditional methods

Cleaning sewers with folk remedies is used when there is concern about the use of chemicals. In a private home, salt and vinegar are often used. This method has tangible advantages in the form of low cost and ease of use.

Salt, being an alkali, interacts with the acid-vinegar. Heating occurs and carbon dioxide is released. This mixture acts on the walls and removes plaque from them.

Half a pack of soda and half a bottle of vinegar are poured into the drain hole, which is slightly heated. The hole is closed with a plug. Waiting time – 2 hours. After this, the sewer is flushed with 3 liters of boiling water. All dissolved debris will go away with the water.

If you don’t have soda on hand, but have Alka-Seltzer, then it can act as a replacement.

Two tablets are thrown into the drain hole, and 1 tablespoon of vinegar is added. Then the system is washed with boiling water.

Cleaning the bathroom

Flushing with a shower hose:

  • C shower hose the watering can and seal are removed;
  • A hose is applied to the hole and water is released under maximum pressure;
  • The procedure lasts for 8-10 minutes;
  • If there are several holes, the rest must be closed;
  • This procedure is carried out with the remaining holes in turn.

Siphon cleaning

With local contamination, the sink siphon usually becomes clogged. To clean it, you need:

  • Unscrew the plastic nut;
  • The removed siphon is placed in a container;
  • A mixture of vinegar and soda is poured into the open hole of the pipe;
  • As soon as the reaction comes to an end, another glass of vinegar is added.
  • Once the fizzing process begins, you need to continue adding vinegar until the reaction stops;
  • After 20 minutes of waiting, 3 liters of heated water are poured;
  • The siphon is put back by tightening the plastic nut.

If, when removing the siphon, the system is not clogged, then the use of the mixture is not required.

Eliminating odor from drains

The first step is to remove the traffic jam. The following activities are carried out:

  • Dry mustard is poured into the drain hole. Then it is washed off;
  • You can use a bleach solution. It eliminates all odors, but establishes its own;
  • The problem can be solved with an air freshener, but not for long.

If the instructions for installing the siphon are violated, there will be no water seal, which prevents the smell from escaping. You need to check the siphon for correct installation:

  • In a bottle siphon, the drain pipe is located lower than the water level. Otherwise, the evaporation will pass over the water seal;
  • The pipe may have changed position or was installed incorrectly. It needs to be corrected and fixed.

Other causes of stagnant water in the sink

Sometimes the reason is not a clogged system, but may be:

  • The siphon itself is clogged. It needs to be cleaned;
  • The corrugation between the siphon and the sewer is clogged or incorrectly bent. It is necessary to correct its position;
  • Plugs have formed at the joints where the silicone seals are located. The traffic jams need to be removed.


It is carried out to reduce clogging:

  • Do not pour greasy waste into the sink;
  • Try not to get leftover food into it; it’s better to throw them in a bucket;
  • Place a mesh on the drain so that small waste is retained in it;
  • Hair should not fall into the sink;

Sewer pipes pass everything through domestic waste. Every day, water with grease, hair, food debris and other debris passes through them. It is not surprising that such impurities are often the basis for severe blockages even in pipes with a smooth surface. You can turn to specialists for help in removing such blockages, but most people try to figure out how to clean sewer pipes on their own.

There are different methods for eliminating trouble. The final decision in choosing a method depends on the location where the pipe is clogged and the reasons that caused the blockage.

Clogged pipe in section

The first thing an apartment owner should do is find out the type of blockage. First of all, you need to check whether liquid passes through the remaining drains (toilet, bathtub, shower stall, sink). If the water doesn’t drain in these places either, it means the problem is global.

The catch is that in multi-storey buildings The riser itself may become clogged. The liquid does not go away and occasionally may rise in the toilet and sink. This problem occurs especially often on the initial floors. Only a plumber or a representative of the housing office can help here. The plumbing service's telephone number is usually located on the electrical panel on the floor or on the notice board.

You can try to neutralize other types of blockages yourself. Their list is presented in the table below.

Table 1. Types of sewer blockages and their differences

Type of blockageDescription and methods of struggle
Operational This type of clog occurs due to an abundance of grease in the drain. It accumulates on the inner walls of the pipes. Hair, leftover food and other debris stick to the grease, causing congestion.
Mechanical Typically, the culprits of mechanical blockages are the residents themselves. It consists of plugs made of toilet paper, cat litter or other foreign substances that end up in the toilet every day. Occasionally, the paper may not dissolve and create a dense plug.
Congestion in siphon A siphon is a device that is designed to make life easier for apartment owners. It is a kind of filter against unpleasant odors from the sewer. But over time, it becomes clogged with fat and other deposits.
Man-made blockage If the property was purchased immediately after the house was built, but blockages are a private problem, the worst case scenario may be the basis. These are man-made blockages that arise due to incorrect design of waste systems. IN modern houses This problem is not uncommon.

How to clean a kitchen drain?

A clogged kitchen sink drain is perhaps the most common type of clog. Every day food residues and grease from dishes get there, which hardens inside. Majority kitchen sinks equipped with a siphon, which just needs to be disassembled and cleaned.

The diameter of a kitchen siphon is usually no wider than 4 cm. The smaller it is in cross-section, the faster it will clog. But there are also advantages to such devices - they are easy to clean, just follow a simple algorithm:

  1. Place a basin under the siphon to clear the blockage and avoid inadvertently flooding your neighbors.
  2. Unscrew the plastic nut that holds the plastic pipe in the siphon.
  3. Pull the siphon down and place it in the basin.
  4. Inspect the part and clean it from dirt (if any).
  5. Use your hands or a knitting needle with a curved end to remove the blockage. It can be in the siphon itself or in the pipe.

Video: How to remove a clog in the sink with your own hands

This cleaning method will be appropriate if the blockage is local and shallow. For those who are not the happy owner of a collapsible siphon, all other methods are suitable. They are also used in case of deep blockage in a sink with a siphon.

Disassembling the siphon in the kitchen

How to clean sewer pipes at home?

To make clearing a blockage especially effective, you need to take into account the location and complexity of the situation. An equally important factor is the material from which the pipe is made.

The most common are three types of cleanup measures. This:

  1. Chemical method using different drugs.
  2. Mechanical cleaning.
  3. Application of traditional methods.

It does not matter where the blockage occurred - in a private house or in an apartment. All methods will be carried out the same way.


However, in the case of a private home, pipe cleaning can also be carried out outside the home. This is relevant if there is a sewer plan.

Each method has its own characteristics, so they all need to be carefully studied.

Plastic pipes need to be cleaned carefully, as they are prone to damage.

Dry cleaning

Market household chemicals provides the consumer with a wide selection of chemicals to remove blockages. As advantages chemical method speakers:

  • prompt and effective pipe cleaning;
  • convenient use - you just need to pour the drug down the drain, wait a little and rinse it off with a stream of water;
  • a large selection of products and their analogues.

Special preparations are offered on store shelves in the form of gels, liquids and powders. Basically, they all work the same way: they dissolve formed deposits due to their chemical properties.

The most popular drugs and their descriptions are available in the table.

Table 2. Pipe cleaning products with the most good reviews consumers

PreparationGeneral descriptionRelease formHow and what it works on
A well-known drug that is considered the most used means for removing blockages. It has the form of a loose mixture that must be poured into the drain hole.The modern market offers the familiar “Mole” in different variations:

The last two varieties are characterized by the most aggressive effects.
It actively corrodes everything it comes into contact with. Helps well in the fight against grease plugs or other contaminants in pipes.

This is a very aggressive drug that should be used with caution. It won't suit plastic structures, since it can easily dissolve them too.

Important! Before opening the package, be sure to wear gloves and under no circumstances inhale the composition.

The second most effective product for clearing pipes. It is quite expensive, but consumers call it an economical product due to its low consumption.It is produced in the form of a gel-like liquid. There are several varieties of the drug:

Any of these drugs can be used as a preventative or to clear more significant blockages.
After entering sewer system spreads over the entire area of ​​the pipe. Quickly neutralizes accumulations of fat, as well as plugs from any other composition. It acts softly, unlike “Mole”, so it can be used for pipes made of any material.


Before use chemical preparation Be sure to read the instructions for use. Some drugs are so aggressive that they can even destroy objects made of hard materials (for example, plastic pipes).

Mechanical removal of blockages

Mechanical methods are used as an “ambulance” when nothing else is immediately available. These methods include removing blockages with a plunger or plumbing cable.

Cleaning with a plunger

Most easy option, since a plunger is present in almost every apartment. The principle of operation is similar to a pump that pumps liquid out of a sewer pipe along with air, dirt and waste.

In some cases, it is the plunger that is especially effective method fight against blockages. Especially if the traffic jam appeared recently.

Step 1. Pour enough water into the sink or bathtub to completely cover the bowl of the plunger.

Pour enough water to cover the bowl of the plunger

Step 2. Place the plunger over the drain hole so that there is no water underneath it.

It is important to install the plunger correctly

Step 3. Pull and release the device handle 15-20 times.

We make 15-20 active movements “up and down” with a plunger

There will be water and air in the pipes. During the pulling vacuum movements, the liquid will move up the pipe, pulling particles of debris with it. It must be completely removed and the procedure repeated several more times until it is completely cleaned.

Cleaning with a plumbing cable

In cases where the blockage is caused by large pieces of debris or a massive plug, a plunger alone is not enough. Here the “heavy artillery” is used - the plumbing cable. This is a thick but flexible metal wire. There is a handle at the end of the cable for convenient use, and the wire itself is about 4 mm in diameter. Such a cable can easily be purchased at any plumbing store.

Step 1. Roll the metal cable into a ring with the handle left on the outside.

Roll a metal cable into a ring

Step 2. Remove the siphon to make it easier to get to the pipe.

Removing the siphon

Step 3. Place the end of the wire inside the pipe. Rotate the handle little by little and push the cable further into the sewer system.

Cleaning the toilet with a plumbing cable

Step 4. Periodically pull out the cable and free it from adhering debris and dirt. The process is repeated several times until the cable is clean.

Dirt on the plumbing cable

After this, you need to turn on strong pressure of hot water and rinse the pipe from any remaining contaminants. It is best to use boiling water.

The procedure using a cable is carried out if other methods no longer help. This operation is very labor-intensive.

You can replace the cable with a special mechanical machine. These two devices operate similarly to each other, but in the first case the process is completely manual, and in the second it is automatic.


When cleaning a toilet or bathroom drain using a plunger, do not lean over the outlet and examine the contents of the sewer. If the plug cannot be removed the first time, on the second attempt dirty water can rush right into your face.

Bathroom drain clogged with hair

Traditional methods of dealing with blockages

The problem of clogged pipes is not new at all, so folk ways There are a lot of ways to eliminate blockages. Many families opt for non-aggressive methods. These are mostly young parents who are concerned that their child does not accidentally swallow the anti-clog product.

The most popular means are presented in the table below.

Table 4. Home methods for cleaning drains

WayStep by step instructions
Washing with boiling water
Some blockages can be neutralized by simply running boiling water over the pipes. For example, this method is suitable for dissolving small fat plugs.

1. About 6 liters of boiling water is poured into a clogged drain.
2. Gradually the water should begin to drain. After about 20 minutes you need to check the result.
3. If the water is completely gone, you need to fill the sink with boiling water again to remove any remaining clog. If the water remains standing, you need to use more global methods.

Pouring boiling water is used only for cleansing metal pipes. If the sewer system consists of plastic, you can turn on the hot water.

Citric acid

1. Pour about 60 g into the drain hole. powder.
2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
3. Wait about half an hour and rinse the drain with a powerful stream of water.
This method works well with limescale plaques.
After calcination, the effectiveness of such a product increases.

1. Heat the soda in a hot frying pan.
2. Dilute with water to form a concentrated solution.
3. Pour the solution down the drain and wait half an hour, then rinse with hot water.

Salt and soda
1. Mix a large amount of soda and salt in a liter of hot water;
2. Pour into the clogged pipe;
3. Wait half an hour, then use a plunger for better effect;
4. Rinse with water.
Experience shows that this method deals well with grease stains.
Vacuum cleaner
Enough unusual way, which some citizens still use. To perform this you need a vacuum cleaner equipped with reverse blowing.

1. Wrap the vacuum cleaner pipe with a rag;
2. Press firmly onto the sink drain;
3. Turn on the device at full power and break through the blockage with a powerful stream of air.

The procedure should always begin only after the blockage has been analyzed. So, it can be local or general. In the first case, it is enough to work on the problem pipe, in the second, you will have to completely clean the entire sewer system.


Almost all of the above remedies can also be used to prevent blockages. The procedure is carried out once every 2-3 months to eliminate the risk of severe blockages.

Cleaning pipes with baking soda and vinegar

Baking soda is a generally accepted alkali. When the reagent is mixed with acetic acid, a reaction occurs with active production of carbon dioxide and an increase in temperature. Using these properties helps to quickly neutralize dirt, grease and waste that has accumulated inside.

To cleanse you need:

  1. Pour half a pack of dry soda down the sink drain.
  2. Follow with a glass of plain homemade vinegar. To make the process more active, you can warm it up.
  3. Plug the drain tightly and wait about 1.5-2 hours. If a reaction is heard inside, it means that the process has begun and the cleaning is underway.
  4. After two hours, remove the plug and pour a stream of boiling water over the drain. It will remove the remaining clogs and deposits from soda and acid.

This method is considered very effective, but at the same time it is economical. After all, all of the above means are present in almost every home.

A mixture of soda and acid gives a good cleaning effect.

How to rid the sewer system of fatty plaques?

Most kitchen sinks become clogged precisely because of grease, which penetrates into the pipes during the dishwashing process and accumulates there in large volumes. To break up such a fat plug, you need to use preparations containing chlorine. These can be household chemicals or standard white, which is poured in excess into the drain and after 60 minutes is poured with a stream of boiling water.

For minor jams, you can simply use a larger volume of boiling water. If this does not help, it is worth moving on to more global methods - chemical and mechanical. Their features for this type of pollution are presented in the table below.

Table 5. Removal of fatty plaques by chemical and mechanical methods

Chemical To dissolve fatty plugs, they opt for preparations that contain alkali. It is not necessary to carefully look for this element in the composition of the drug: it is enough to purchase a granular product or powder. Such compositions usually also contain an antiseptic, which quickly deals with the consequences of a blockage.

The following remedies are effective in the fight against fat:
Mole is the most effective and budget-friendly product, which is packaged in bags for one-time use;
Mister Muscle - acts similarly to Mole, but costs a little more;
Pothan is a strong drug that is classified as “heavy artillery”. It is enough to pour it into the sink and leave for 15 minutes, after which even particularly difficult blockages will be removed.

Chemicals are a very dangerous thing for the human body, and especially for children. When using them you need to use protective mask and thick gloves. And in apartments with small children, it is recommended to abandon such decisions altogether.

Mechanical Mechanical methods are quite effective in combating grease that has dried in pipes. The most commonly used plumbing cable. This is a long steel “rope” consisting of several intertwined wires with a handle at the end. To improve the effect on the plug, the other side of the cable is equipped with a tip in the form:
metal brush;
To get rid of fatty plugs, the first option is better. However, you need to use the brush very carefully, as it can severely damage the walls of the pipeline.

Alkaline compounds not only perfectly remove grease plugs, but also help well in the fight against soap residue. It often accumulates on inside large volumes of pipes.


Another productive way to clean grease from pipe walls is with sewer tape. It is screwed into the drain, thanks to which all deposits stuck to the inside are removed.

Plumbing cable with a brush at the end

Video: Cleaning drains with a plumbing cable

Mixed pipe cleaning

This method involves using mechanical method along with application folk remedies. The sequence of actions for mixed cleaning will be as follows:

  1. Remove debris and dirt from the drain if it is located close to the opening.
  2. Pour 1.5-2 liters of boiling water down the drain.
  3. Wait 15-20 minutes.
  4. Use a plunger.
  5. Pour one part baking soda down the drain and add three parts boiling water.

The last stage in the form of soda cleaning will not only remove residual contaminants, but also disinfect the drain pipe. Thanks to this, the unpleasant aroma from the sink will disappear.

The blockage is most often concentrated in the siphon, so it needs to be disassembled and examined first.

Hydrodynamic cleaning: when all else fails

The hydrodynamic method of clearing blockages is a “lifeline” if none of the above methods help. This method is very labor-intensive and requires partial disassembly of the sewer system, so it will not always be convenient.

This type of cleaning should only be used in the presence of a specialist. There are special utilities that have hydrodynamic systems available. The sewer is cleaned using a special machine that supplies water into the pipes under high pressure through nozzles of different sizes.

The method is used only in pipes whose diameter does not exceed 30 cm. The procedure is carried out in two stages, as a result of which the pipes are completely cleaned:

  1. Using a hose. The blockage is broken through using a hose, at one end of which large nozzles are attached. Water is supplied through them under pressure. The larger the nozzle, the more active the water will move. The main task of the first stage is to destroy the plug and carry out preliminary cleaning of deposits.
  2. With replacement of injectors. After the first piercing of the pipes, the nozzles are replaced with smaller ones. They may also have brush attachments. The liquid, which is supplied through small sprayers under high pressure, actively acts on the internal walls of the pipes and removes small deposits.

This method involves cleaning the pipes as thoroughly as possible. It is used in the presence of a large volume of fatty deposits, as well as to eliminate frozen liquid in sewerage structures. But in such situations, instead of cold water Hot water is supplied through a hose and the method is called thermodynamic. It helps well in neutralizing blockages in a private home in winter.


If the sewer system consists of PVC structures, high-temperature exposure cannot be used. This material can withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees, then it begins to melt.

Hydrodynamic Pipe Cleaning Tool Tip

How to clean plastic and cast iron pipes

Cleaning plastic and cast iron pipes must be approached with caution. If a chemical product has been chosen, you must carefully study the instructions on the packaging before purchasing it. As a rule, the manufacturer always indicates for which types of structures a particular composition is suitable.


Aggressive mixtures can have an undesirable effect on both plastic and cast iron. So, one active powder can injure plastic pipes, but will not affect cast iron ones. Conversely, another composition can destroy the anti-corrosion layer on cast iron, but not damage the plastic.

Clean cast iron pipes in section

Clogging material and control methods

So, let's try to approach it from the other side - choose a method of dealing with the blockage depending on its nature. Materials that may enter the sewer system are presented in the table below along with a list of control methods.

Table 6. Clogged material and methods of elimination

MaterialPrinciples of removing blockages
Paper The wad of paper usually gets stuck in the narrowest place - the toilet outlet. The easiest way to remove it from there is to push it into a wider place, then the problem will disappear by itself. Most often, a plunger is used for this purpose.

If you don't have a plunger at home, you can use homemade tools. For example:

1. Take plastic bottle volume 1.5-2 liters and cut off the bottom. If you screw the lid tightly, you can get an almost full-fledged plunger.
2. Use a simple stick or mop handle. A thick, damp cloth is wrapped around it.

Such devices can be used in the same system as a plunger. They are pressed against the drain hole and moved up and down until the paper plug is removed.

Rag If a rag gets into the sewer system, you can only pull it out with a special plumbing cable. At one end there should be a hook or steel fibers fluffed to the sides.

A cable is inserted into the sewer with continuous rotation. It must be tensioned, otherwise the cable will fold into loops. You need to try to grab a rag. When this is successful, the cable is pulled along the same rotation path so that the rag does not break off and float down the pipe.

Hair The problem is especially acute in apartments where several women live or where there are pets with copious amounts of hair. There are several ways to clear a hairball from a bathtub drain:

1. Knitting needle or hook. Hair hanging from the grill can be removed piece by piece using a knitting needle or hook. The tool is simply inserted into the hole, the hair is picked up and pulled out.
2. Plumbing cable. It can be safely called an assistant in any situation: passing through the opening of the grill, it catches all the hair and pulls it out.
3. Dismantling the siphon. A decisive method that is used in the most severe cases. The siphon is removed and thoroughly cleaned of hair. At the same time rubber seals It’s better to change them right away: after some time they may lose their elasticity and begin to leak.

Sand It could be construction sand or soil from a dog's paws after a walk, which has tightly clogged the drain in the bathroom. The easiest way to remove such a plug is to dismantle the siphon and pour out the dirt.

In some cases, this method can be completely inconvenient: for example, if the apartment has a shower. You have to remove the top and disassemble the harness. You can simplify the task by using a plunger: cover the drain with it and pump the water back and forth several times. Remaining sand is removed with volumetric flows of hot water.

How to clean a sewer in a private house?

If the sewer system in your home is clogged, the available equipment is first inspected. You need to find out what kind of blockage has arisen - internal or external. In the first case, all the algorithms discussed earlier are suitable.

When an external blockage occurs, the pipe that goes from the building to the well is damaged. To “punch through” it, the following algorithm is suitable:

  1. Remove all water from the well. For this purpose, use a water hose with a pump.
  2. Gradually screw the plumbing cable into the drain pipe through the drain. Usually, for sewers in private houses, the length of the standard cable is insufficient. And in a wide pipe it can even fold into loops. In such cases, it is worth using sewer wire. It has greater rigidity than a cable.
  3. Without removing the cable, the pipe is filled with water at a temperature of 60 degrees under high pressure. You can first fill the bath and flush the water when the cable is in the sewer.

All debris after such cleaning should end up in the well. If everything works, remove the cable and remove the hose. Otherwise, you should repeat the procedure.

If the blockage is not severe, even a fragile girl can cope with it

Alternative method: clearing the blockage “from the well”

Specialists never clean pipes from the well side. But some owners of private houses, who have encountered blockages more than once, call this method the most effective.

When performing this task, it is very important to observe safety precautions. Namely:

  1. Work only with a partner. He will help you get out of the well if the ladder breaks or some unforeseen situation occurs.
  2. Do not go underground immediately after opening the lid. Many gases accumulate under it, including methane. These compounds are low-toxic, but if there is a lack of oxygen, the “plumber” may lose consciousness. Therefore, the air in the well must be allowed to renew itself.
  3. It is necessary to clean the outlet hole while standing on the well brackets above it. As a result of the “punching” of the pipe, water along with sewage hits the opposite wall with great force. If the cleaner is located above the descent, he will be able to quickly retreat.

When cleaning the sewer “from the well”, you must be extremely careful.

Preventing blockages in the sewer system

Of course, it is better to prevent a gap in the pipe at all than to clean it later. To do this, periodic prevention is carried out, for example:

  • every 2 weeks the sewer pipes are flushed with a large volume of boiling water;
  • try not to throw food waste, paper, hair, or cat litter into the toilet;
  • sometimes wash cast iron or plastic pipes with a mixture of soda and vinegar;
  • They pour a portioned package of the chemical down the drain every time the apartment is thoroughly cleaned.

The last method is especially effective. It is enough to leave the substance in the drain for the whole day or overnight to dissolve small deposits and prevent the formation of large ones. The frequency of such treatment depends on the volume of household waste drained into the sink.

As a preventive measure, you can use not too aggressive means

Preventing blockages in a private home

In your own home, an effective method of preventing blockages is to install grease separators. They are produced for home and industrial use and are mounted under the sink. The operation of such devices occurs in two steps:

  1. Waste water circulates through a filter system and is cleared of debris.
  2. The resulting liquid is cleaned of grease and only then flows into the sewer pipe.

Preventing blockages both in an apartment and in a cottage will definitely increase the life of the pipeline, and will also help save time, money and resources.

An important part of prevention is installing stainless steel screens on the sink drain. In addition, it would not be superfluous to install a disposer - a waste shredder. It also needs to be regularly cleaned of debris.

Metal mesh prevents food particles from entering the drain

If the pipe is still clogged, in most cases the blockage can be dealt with without the help of specialists. But if the blockage is very complex, you cannot do without the participation of utility services.

Video: How to get rid of a blockage? Cleaning pipes at home