How to design an opening or standard sizes of interior doors. Standard dimensions of interior doors: features of determining the main parameters Standard dimensions of the door leaf of an interior door

Upon purchase between room doors First of all, you should pay attention to their size. The right choice will allow you to reduce the cost of preparing the opening and easily install the frame and canvas yourself.

Standard sizes of interior doors

The easiest way is to choose doors for apartment rooms in old houses. IN Soviet times high-rise buildings were built according to standard designs, and the sizes of openings in all rooms were regulated by GOST. The doors sold today in specialized stores are also usually standard and have dimensions ideal for apartments in block houses and Khrushchev-era buildings.

The dimensions of openings and door panels in old high-rise buildings can be seen below. The table shows the standard sizes of interior doors with frames.

The standard dimensions of doorways for interior doors in width can thus be 60-90 cm. Their height is always the same - 2 meters.

Modern doors

In new multi-storey buildings, as well as in cottages, interior openings can have the most different sizes. Any standards in this regard are not observed in our time. However, it often happens that doors of standard dimensions are suitable for non-standard premises. For example, a canvas made according to GOST 21-8 is often ideal option for the opening of a toilet or bathroom, and depending on the layout, a wide opening 21-9 or 21-10 can lead to the kitchen.

Where to get doors for non-standard openings

First of all, owners of non-standard apartments and country houses Those who decide to change doors should, of course, measure the openings. If it turns out that the standard sizes of interior doors do not correspond to them, you should still first visit several specialized stores. Perhaps it will be possible to find suitable designs. If not, you will have to order the doors from a company specializing in their manufacture. The list of services of such companies usually includes accurate measurements of openings, manufacturing of structures from scratch and their installation. Of course, changing canvases and boxes in this case will cost much more.

How not to make a mistake with your choice

In order to avoid unnecessary expenses when replacing the door leaf, of course, you should know not only what dimensions a standard interior door opening has, but also what correspondences exist for the dimensions of non-standard blocks and passages. Which doors will be most suitable in the latter case can be seen in the tables below.

Opening size

Canvas size

Block size

Block size with platbands

Matching blocks and openings for double doors:

What is the thickness of the door?

Standard sizes Interior doors with frames thus correspond to the openings of standard apartments. If desired, today you can choose suitable designs for rooms with an unusual layout. Well, or at least order it. The thickness of modern door frames can also vary. Most often, specialized stores sell 35 and 40 mm interior doors. Sometimes you can also find 36 and 38 mm models. Cloths from natural wood usually have a thickness of 40 mm. However, those specializing in the manufacture of interior and entrance doors companies in most cases provide clients with such a service as the production of very thick canvases from natural material at 50 cm.

Of course, you should also pay attention to the thickness when purchasing. The following door characteristics depend on this parameter:

    Noise reduction level. The thicker the canvas, the better it blocks sounds.

    Durability of the canvas.

    Appearance. Thick models, of course, look more impressive than thin ones.

How to measure an opening

Thus, you now know what the standard sizes of interior doors are. Taking measurements in standard apartments, in general, is not too difficult (however, as well as in non-standard ones). However, when performing this operation, you should still adhere to certain rules:

    When taking measurements of length and width, you need to take into account possible changes in dimensions. For example, the thickness of the future flooring, if necessary, ceiling trim, etc. You should be very careful, including measuring the standard doorway of an interior door. Dimensions for various reasons (errors during construction, redevelopment, etc.) may differ from standard ones.

    Before going to the store, it is advisable to measure the old door as well.

    The thickness of the wall in the opening is measured taking into account the finishing (gypsum plasterboard, plastic panels etc.). If this parameter exceeds 10 cm, you must additionally purchase or order a special additional element.

Also, before purchasing a door, you should decide whether to install a threshold. This element is usually used if the floor in the rooms separated by a door is at different levels.

Thus, modern doors may have different designs and sizes. The main thing when choosing them is to take accurate measurements of the openings. What non-standard and standard sizes of interior doors can be, we have figured out all the details. Blocks for apartments in old buildings can be purchased without problems. Doors for non-standard openings will most likely have to be ordered from a company specializing in their manufacture.

It is not limited to just a beautiful spring view. In order not to overpay about half the cost for a non-standard product, they equip doorway standard sizes.

If you initially install a standard size in the wall doorway, in the future there will be no problems with choosing a new block. It is important to consider that domestic and foreign standards differ. The difference is small, but it is better to decide on the model in advance so as not to reduce or expand the entrance to the room.

The size of the opening is always larger than the dimensions of the sash. The calculations take into account the thickness of the box, which according to the standard varies from 15 to 40 mm. For each room, a typical door block size is used:

  • For combined bathroom, as well as separate baths And toilet arrange an entrance 1.9–2 m high, 550 or 600 mm wide. The depth ranges from 50 to 70 mm.
  • For kitchens the optimal dimension of the canvas is 2 * 0.7 m. The passage is made 70 mm deep.
  • IN bedroom a block of 2*0.8 m is suitable. The depth is set in the range of 70–200 mm.
  • IN hall Double-leaf structures with an increased width of up to 1.2 m are often installed. Two doors with a width of 600 mm are installed. It is possible to have one fixed half - 400 mm and a working main blade - 800 mm.

When arranging a passage in an interior partition, it is necessary to take into account that its size and even depth will change after leveling the walls with plaster or drywall.


The most popular widths of a single-leaf door are 60, 70, 80 cm. Less popular are widths of 40, 55, 90 cm. However, such dimensions also correspond to the standard and are sometimes in demand.

For sliding systems according to the domestic standard there are minimum as well as maximum restrictions. The width of the canvas varies from 60 to 120 cm.

For each standard door, the opening width is calculated taking into account the thickness of the frame. Additionally, the gaps necessary for the free opening of the sash are taken into account, as well as correct installation door frame. For example, if a canvas of 80 cm is selected, then the width of the passage will be 88.6 cm.


The common domestic standard for door height is 2 m. Doors with a height of 1.9 m and 1.8 m are less commonly made, they are less in demand.

The height of the doorway is calculated in the same way, taking into account the gaps. However, they also provide for the presence of a threshold. For example, for a two-meter sash with a frame thickness of 3 cm, the opening height should be 278 cm. If there is no threshold, one thickness is removed - 3 cm. The indicator is reduced to 248 cm.

The standard height is 2 m. Sometimes the manufacturer increases the parameter to 2.5 m. When calculating the height of the opening for, they similarly provide for a technological gap between the ends of the leaf, as well as the upper and lower edges of the doorway. Additionally, the thickness of the elements is taken into account sliding system, acting as a frame.

Sliding door opening dimensions


Most everyone standard boxes Available in a thickness of 7.5 cm. The value is determined by the parameters interior partitions. If the door frame is installed in a thick wall, additionally used. It is more difficult to resolve the issue with a thin partition. To prevent the box from protruding from the wall, you will have to cut the frame or remove part of it with a plane.

The thickness of the passage is measured at at least three points. If the wall goes obliquely and is thicker than the box, additionally use. The plank is sawed with a wedge. The platbands on all sides should be pressed tightly against the wall, regardless of flaws.

Non-standard dimensions

For foreign-made doors, the domestic standard for the height and width of the doorway does not match. More often, blocks are 2 m high, plus or minus from 10 to 15 cm. Width is from 60 to 90 cm.

French standards differ from domestic ones by reducing the size of the door by 1 cm. If we compare two doors with a width of 90 cm, then the parameter for the imported door leaf is 89 cm.

A non-standard opening size is often typical for private houses built according to an independently developed project. Modern designers they like to use doorways up to the ceiling. They increase the space and make it possible to create a unique room design. Such options are less common inside new buildings with a modern layout.

For non-standard dimensions of the interior door opening, you have to order it individually door block. There are companies that provide a similar service, but the cost of the product will be increased by 30 percent.

Interior doors have non-standard width and height. Dimensions depend on the installation location of the unit. Typically, high and wide doorways are installed for the living room or kitchen. For a bedroom or bathroom, the entrance is made smaller - from 55 to 60 cm.

Arched doorways

The dimensions of arched interior openings depend on architectural features buildings. The width of the arch can be selected individually, and the height is limited by the ceiling. If the distance from the floor to the floor slabs is 2.5 m, then the arch is made with a maximum height of 2.2 m. For high ceilings 3.2 m is suitable arched design 2.6 m high.

Many manufacturers do not indicate the dimensions of finished arches. The technical documentation often specifies the permissible interval. An example is an arch with a maximum height of up to 2.4 m, a thickness of up to 18.5 cm, and the width range varies from 79 to 150 cm.

How to measure the opening in the wall for an interior door?

To calculate the doorway, take the dimensions of the entire block, taking into account the gaps. A free space of 1 cm is left between the ends of the walls and the three elements of the bow. The gap is needed for free entry, as well as leveling it. The threshold is installed tightly on the floor.

When calculating doorways, additionally provide free space around the entire perimeter between the ends of the door leaf and the inner plane of the frame elements. The gap is needed for the sash to open freely.

An example of calculating the width of an opening for a door of 80 cm with a frame thickness of 40 mm looks like this:

  • Sum up two 10 mm gaps between the wall and the frame.
  • Sum up two gaps of 4 and 2 mm between the ends of the sash and the inner surface of the frame elements. A smaller distance of 2 mm is left on the hinge side.
  • A sash width of 800 mm is added to the finished result, as well as two thicknesses of frame elements. In the example given, it is 2*40 mm.

The summation result showed that the width of the passage is: 10+10+4+2+800+40+40=906 mm.

Opening dimensions for a swing door

Calculating the size of a doorway for interior doors in height is carried out in a similar way, only the presence or absence of a threshold is taken into account. At the top, the free space between the wall and the box element is 10 mm. The gap between the ends of the blade and internal part boxes is: top – 3 mm, bottom – 5 mm. Now to calculate the height of the passage, all that remains is to sum up all the values. If it is missing, then one thickness of the onion is not added.

Taking measurements of a previously used wall passage

If the purpose of the repair is to replace the old unit, the following steps are performed to measure the doorway:

  • remove the old canvas along with the frame;
  • clean the ends of the walls from mortar and other debris;
  • evaluate the strength of the masonry;
  • if necessary, the passage is strengthened;
  • measurement is carried out in maximum and minimum gaps;
  • At least two points are measured near the corners to avoid skew.

The measurement results are transferred to the drawing. If it is not possible to accurately calculate the size to ensure the evenness of the box, take the minimum values, increased by 1 cm of the technological seam.

When independently performing calculations and measurements of the door opening, a diagram sketched out on a piece of paper will not be superfluous. A sketch with dimensions will help you determine the design more accurately.

One of the stages of repair is the choice of interior doors. Everything matters: material, texture, color, design. And dimensions. Incorrectly selected dimensions mean extra money and time for adjusting the opening to the canvas or vice versa. Meanwhile, the existing standard sizes of interior doors fit the vast majority of openings.

How to calculate

The overall dimensions of the structure that will fit into the opening are the sum of the height and width of the canvas, the thickness of the box and the width of the installation gap of one and a half to two centimeters. And three centimeters on the threshold, if provided.

The width of the box depends on the thickness of the walls of the opening. Standard sizes door frames and the doors themselves are always 7.5 centimeters wide. If the box turns out to be wider, it will have to be filed; if already, installation of additional elements will be required.


Standard sizes of interior doors (leaves):

For openings with a height of 1.94-2.03 meters, canvases of 1.9 meters are suitable;

201-204 centimeters – two meters;

Width door leaf 55 centimeters is designed for an opening of 63-65;

0.6 meters – 66-76 cm;

0.7 meters – up to 87;

80 centimeters – up to 97;

90 centimeters – 98-110;

Dimensions of interior doors with a frame, consisting of 2 panels:

Two doors of 0.6 meters – 128-130;

Double-leaf models with canvases of 60 and 80 centimeters - 148-150;

The same with canvases of 90 and 60 centimeters - 159-160.

There is also a certain correspondence between width and height, which applies to both Russian and European models. Standard dimensions of an interior door frame:

Width 55 centimeters – height 190;

60 – 190-200;

In addition, there are GOST standards for the sizes of doors/frames/openings for various rooms:

Size of the door to the bathroom and toilet: 55-60 centimeters width, 190-200 height, thickness 5-7 cm;

Size of a door with a frame for a room: 80 centimeters width, 200 centimeters height, wall thickness (frame width) - from 7 to 20 centimeters;

Standard dimensions of interior doors for the kitchen: two meters high, 70 centimeters wide, wall thickness 7 cm.

Interior doors are mainly used to separate two rooms. Today, these structures are made not only from wood. Sometimes materials such as plastic or glass are used. They look great not only in an apartment or house, but also in the office.


Doors between rooms serve specific purposes. Among the main functions of these structures:

  • partition between two separate rooms;
  • stylish and beautiful view products;
  • muffle noise.

The most popular material used to make these structures is wood. Ash and pine are often used. Oak is a more expensive material. The higher quality and stronger the wood, the correspondingly more expensive its price.

Most often, the most expensive models are made from solid wood. They meet the necessary door requirements high quality. Manufacturers make them completely differently, which is why they have different colors, different design, as well as various sizes.

Today, doors between rooms made of veneer are quite popular. In appearance, they are not at all inferior to expensive models made of timber. At the same time, their price is much lower and more acceptable for the average buyer.

These products are based on cheap wood. On last stage production, it is simply upholstered with veneer. For additional decoration, all kinds of glass inserts or carvings are used. It is advisable to install them in rooms with low humidity. This way you can greatly extend their service life.

In order to purchase a quality door, you need to determine:

  • the amount you are willing to spend on the purchase;
  • for which room in the house the door is intended;
  • the general interior of the room in order to be able to decide on the color of the future door.

There are also double and single models. The second type is most often used.

Buy finished goods today will not be any special difficulty. This can be done both in the store and online.


Another issue at the construction or renovation stage is determining the size of the door opening. When planning to order these products from a specific manufacturer in the future, you should not worry about these parameters.

Dimensions Chinese door per box measured by standard scheme. The standard size of the interior door along with the frame is chosen in order to save money. For room doors, standard measurements are easy to take.

With a clearly allocated budget, it is better to think about standard opening sizes for further installation of doors between rooms. So, you can accurately plan your expenses, because construction stores offer large selection designs of various parameters.

Today, manufacturers offer customers many variations of door leaves based on texture, size and style.

However, before you make a purchase, check the doorway to see if it matches the required dimensions.

As a rule, the optimal parameters that are popular are the following door sizes:

  • width – 0.6 m, 0.7 m or 0.8 m;
  • usually the height is 2 meters.

Now on sale there are also doors with a width of 0.55 m and a height of 1.9 m, and the thickness of the door frame itself varies from 15 to 45 cm.

By neglecting this data, you may end up in a situation where the door frame simply does not fit into the existing opening, which will lead to additional costs (widening the opening or replacing the door).

In case of expansion, the placement of communications or plasterboard jumpers on the metal frame should be taken into account.

The opposite situation is also possible, when the hole is too large. Its reduction also entails costs when contacting specialized specialists. If you are interested in how to reduce the height of a doorway, you can use wooden beam, drywall or brick.

So, let's define correctly required size opening:

  • height and width of the ordered product;
  • threshold size (of your choice);
  • width of platbands;
  • thickness (depth) of the door frame.

When building a house according to an individual plan, it is likely that the opening parameters will differ from the standard ones. There are three options here:

  • Less costly in time and money. Make holes of typical parameters and purchase doors of standard sizes that you liked in the store.
  • More expensive financially, but with high-quality results. Order a specialist to take measurements from a company that will produce door panels for you to specific sizes. Here you can choose absolutely any model, color, fittings and accessories.
  • Alternative. Purchase or order extensions (special strips that are additionally attached to the box to increase its thickness). This way you can install standard interior doors in non-standard openings.

Doors are manufactured in accordance with numerous standards and rules, such as GOST and SNiP. They regulate the sizes of interior and entrance doors. It is difficult for the average person to understand them due to the numerous abbreviations, terms and numbers.

Common box dimensions are 35 mm thick. That is, the door leaf of the frame is 70 mm – 35 + 35. Now we measure the height. If there is a threshold, the height is shortened by 70 mm, if absent - by 35 mm. So, the door leaf will be 100 mm smaller than the opening in the wall (both in width and height).

When choosing doors, you need to understand what dimensions the door frame has and how these parameters affect the dimensions of the doorway. Each room has its own standards, established and caused by functional features:

  • doorways in the kitchen are made 0.7x2 m;
  • in rooms – 0.8x2 m;
  • in bathrooms - 0.6 (sometimes 0.55) x 1.9 m;
  • second entrance doors 0.8x2 m or 0.9x2 m;
  • main entrance 1.2x2 m - if single-leaf, and 0.6 / 0.8 + 0.4 m - if double-leaf.

The size of the doorway should be 0.08 - 0.1 m wider and 0.06 - 0.09 m higher than the door leaf.

If, for example, the door dimensions are 0.6 x 2 m, then the opening should be approximately 2.06 x 0.68 - 2.09 x 0.7 m.

A few tips on how to find out the size of door panels:

  • A doorway without a door is measured using the “bare” walls. Therefore, you need to dismantle the canvas with the box before taking measurements.
  • Measure the distance between the walls in all directions. Write down the smallest number.
  • We measure the distance from a point on the floor (choose the lowest) to the top of the opening.
  • The depth of the hole is equal to the width of the wall, so it’s worth measuring all three (left, top and right).

If you can't remove the door frame:

  • Measure the distance from the center of one platband to the center of the second - this will give approximate results from which you can build.
  • Find the distance from the floor to the top point of the casing.
  • Measure the thickness of the box, as well as the wall itself if you have one that protrudes.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated here.

When choosing the width of the door clearance, you should take into account the fact that you will have to bring certain large things inside: sofas, tables, chests of drawers, beds and the like. Therefore, these things will not always “fit” into a hole 0.6 m wide. Optimal width still considered 0.8 m.

  • openings should be smaller than the entrance;
  • the usual width of entrance doors should not exceed 0.8 m, interior doors - 0.6–0.8 m;
  • the standard size (width) of a bathroom door should be such that you can bring washing machine, plumbing, bedside table and so on.

The thickness of the door opening is most often about 0.75 m. The same thickness is offered by frame manufacturers. If you have thick walls, consider the need to expand the box. Even if the difference is insignificant, you will not be able to hide it with the help of platbands.

The wall thickness is also measured at three points. If the number is the same, feel free to order a standard design; if not, you will have to cut the wall in this place. If you do not level the walls, the platbands will not be able to be installed smoothly.


An interior door must certainly be practical, but also match the interior of your room. To choose a color, combine their tone with the tone of the floor, furniture and walls. Sometimes the rooms have various styles. In this case, you should pay attention to neutral rooms, for example, a corridor. Thus, the integrity of the interior will not be compromised.

Among the most popular colors of interior doors:

  • universal plain white;
  • To classic style Light shades are suitable - stained oak and wenge;
  • warm tone dark walnut;
  • cool shade of birch.

Which material to choose?

Door cost per construction market may be different. First of all, it all depends on the quality of the door, as well as on their classification.

There are 5 main types of interior doors:

  • Solid wood doors.
  • Laminated doors solid wood.
  • Laminated.
  • Veneered.
  • With PVC coating.

Solid wood doors very rarely found on our market. Usually they are either made to order or imported from Europe. The cost of such doors is perhaps the most expensive, but their quality is also high. The appearance of such doors is very expressive, and the high cost is explained by the complexity of their production.

Doors made of laminated wood– a more frequent visitor to our construction markets. They are made from several pieces of wood at once, which are glued together. Despite the “mosaic” nature of their design, they are quite durable and have excellent moisture resistance. Their cost is cheaper than the cost of models from solid wood, but the quality is practically the same. This explains their high popularity in the construction market.

Laminated doors appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but quickly occupied their niche. This is explained primarily by their budget. Of course, they are not distinguished by winning appearance, however, despite this, they still find their buyer. Their second advantage is their relative ease. They are made from fiberboard, which is laminated on the outside.

You should not choose very cheap copies, as they can be very short-lived.

Veneered doors found on the market much more often than all other types. Their high popularity is explained by the fact that they fall into the middle price segment, with an optimal price/quality ratio. It should also be noted that the variety of types of these doors is very large, so there is plenty to choose from.

Doors with PVC coated appeared on the market quite recently - the latest. The material of these doors is covered with a special PVC film, which gives the door several advantages - it protects from moisture and is easy to clean. The production of these doors is mainly carried out by manufacturers from China.

What are they?

Thanks to the efforts of designers, a huge number of types of interior doors have been created:

  • ordinary single-leaf;
  • decorated with decorative inserts;
  • double-leaf door leaves that give the room solemnity;
  • sliding doors, which slide along the wall and save space.

Accordions fit organically into modern interior. In addition, the door leaf is simply an excellent springboard for creative fantasies. On its surface you can draw your favorite cartoon characters or lay out a cheerful panel from craft materials. All this can be done if there is a child in the house.

When choosing an interior door, it is important to determine the correct dimensions. The set of hinged leaf and frame must match the opening, otherwise installation difficulties will arise, and too large a difference in dimensions will make installing the door impossible.
Let's consider the standard sizes of frames and interior door leaves, features of measuring openings and permissible discrepancies.

Who observes the standard sizes of interior doors with frames?

A ready-made door kit costs 30–50% less than custom-made products. However, such doors are not regulated in size. For example, a kitchen model may not fit into the opening.

If you have standard apartment, choose doors with Russian-made frames: they are made to standard sizes doorways specified in construction GOSTs and SNiPs. The products are suitable for the openings of Khrushchev and block houses, as well as most new buildings. The dimensions of European doors, as a rule, exceed Russian standards - you will have to increase the openings, spend time and money on construction work and subsequent wall finishing.

Handicraft workshops do not have the capacity for in-line production of standard products and quality control, so deviations from standard dimensions can be significant. It is better to buy door kits from large factories.

Typical dimensions of interior door frames

It is rational to buy a door in a complete set, which includes the door leaf with fittings, frame and trim.

In high-quality ready-made kits, the canvas and box match perfectly in size. There is a gap of 2–3 mm between the frame and the canvas at all points of the perimeter. Due to this, the sash moves unhindered, and the structure maintains good sound insulation.

As a rule, manufacturers indicate the dimensions of the interior door leaf - the dimensions with the frame will be approximately 3 cm larger around the entire perimeter, which must be taken into account when choosing. If the sash height is 2000 mm (Russian standard), then the height with the frame will be 2060 mm with a threshold and 2040 mm without a threshold.

Standard width interior doors (by leaf) depends on the purpose of the room:

  1. living rooms– 800 mm;
  2. kitchen – 700 mm;
  3. bathroom – 600 mm.

These are the parameters for single-leaf doors (with one leaf). In apartments with two or more rooms, the opening to the living room can be wide. In this case, you will have to install a one-and-a-half or two-leaf model with two doors.

Standard door opening sizes

Ideally, the opening should exceed the dimensions of the box by 10–15 mm. The free distance (installation gap) is filled with foam and is easily hidden under decorative trims. Based on the standard dimensions of door leaves, the height of the opening should be 207 cm, and the width also varies by room:

  • living rooms – 88–89 cm;
  • kitchen – 78–79 cm;
  • bathroom – 68–69 cm.

Standard sizes of one-and-a-half and two-leaf doors

Wide openings have increased throughput, making it easy to carry large furniture through them. They are often found in the living rooms of multi-room apartments. To frame them, special double-leaf doors are provided.

The standard total width of two sashes is 1200 mm, the height of the leaf is 2000 mm. The most beautiful and functional are double-leaf models with identical doors 600 mm wide.

Non-standard doors

In private cottages, “Stalin” buildings, and apartments with individual layouts, the openings are most often non-standard - more expensive non-standard doors have to be installed in them.

You can order a swing model exactly to fit the dimensions of the opening or choose a solution that does not require rebuilding the passage. For example, sliding doors “compartments” and folding doors-books are installed without a frame - the doors move along roller guides.

There is no need to rush into ordering a custom door. Can fit a wide kitchen opening standard door for a living room with a door leaf of 800 mm, and to the passage to the bathroom - ready set for a standard kitchen with a 700 mm door.

Rules for measuring openings

To select a ready-made door set with the optimal height and width, take measurements of the opening at at least three points vertically and horizontally. Take the minimum values ​​as a basis. Next, using the formula, you can calculate the dimensions of the canvas:

  • opening width - the width of the opening minus twice the thickness of the block (3 cm) and the installation gap (1.5 cm). Example: 80 – 3x2 – 1.5x2 = 71 cm;
  • sash height - the height of the opening minus the thickness of the frame (3 cm), the installation gap at the top (1.5 cm) and the air exchange gap at the floor (0.5 cm). Example: 207 – 3 – 1.5 – 0.5 = 202 cm. If there is a threshold in the opening, you need to subtract double the thickness of the frame, that is, 6 cm.

In this example, we need a canvas measuring 202 x 71 cm. The standard 2000 x 700 mm will do; the extra millimeters will be hidden under the trim.

What to do if the opening is wider than the door

If the purchased door is slightly narrower than the opening (2–3 cm on each side), you can build up the walls using plasterboard panels. If there are large discrepancies, the opening will need to be reconstructed or the door replaced. Decorative inserts - mezzanine and side panels - will help you avoid labor-intensive work, but this is a rather expensive option.

There may be discrepancies between the width of the box elements and the thickness of the walls. Standard partitions made of wood have a thickness of 10 cm, and those made of brick - 7.5 cm. If the frame is wider, it will not be possible to securely fix the structure, and the platbands will protrude greatly above the plane of the walls and spoil the aesthetics of the interior. There is only one way out - to trim the frame elements.

If the box is narrower than the walls, it can be expanded with the help of extensions. To avoid having to install the strips yourself, buy a door kit with a telescopic molding. It consists of sliding extensions that are easily adjusted to suit the thickness of the walls. The extensions and platbands are joined using the tongue-and-groove principle, so nails and screws are not needed to secure the block.

Thus, door dimensions must be chosen carefully. Use the services of a professional measurer to select the dimensions of interior door frames exactly for the opening. If the master makes a mistake, the manufacturing company will independently pick up the unsuitable one and bring another door.