Vermiculite: what is it for, areas of application and rules of use for plants. Vermiculite for plants. Why use

I buy vermiculite in construction stores - this is how it is much cheaper. It is sold in 50 and 100 l. This is the same as in flower shops, only more economical.
I’ve been using it for two years now to grow seedlings, when planting different cultures, when cutting grapes, etc. In addition, I used it for storing cabbage - it proved to be wonderful.
A substance such as vermiculite has appeared on the shelves of our stores not so long ago, and many uninitiated people are often tormented by the question, what is it and what is it for?
Vermiculite is an environmentally friendly natural mineral and belongs to the group of hydromicas. By appearance this mineral is large plate-like crystals of golden yellow or brown color, but after heating to 900 ° C it transforms into a free-flowing scaly material. If the name of the mineral is translated from Latin, we get a funny name - a worm, but that’s all, because when heated, its plates form columns that are very similar to worms.
Mineral after heating

Chemical composition of vermiculite
This mineral contains quite a lot of trace elements in its composition, among them are the oxides of calcium, magnesium, potassium, aluminum, iron, and silicon. And thanks to this composition, expanded vermiculite is successfully used for growing plants, using it as a growth stimulator.
Also, this substance, when added to the soil, makes it breathable, and all because vermiculite itself is a highly porous material. Soil or soil mixture with the addition of vermiculite does not cake, does not form a crust on the surface, does not require regular loosening and has excellent aeration properties.
In addition to everything that has already been said, this substance also has good moisture-absorbing properties, creating a favorable environment for the development of the root system of plants. Plants planted in soils with the addition of vermiculite do not require frequent watering.

Benefits of vermiculite

Using vermiculite for seed germination

Adding vermiculite to the soil helps improve the soil, both in open and closed ground, and this also applies to the lungs sandy soils and heavy clay and loamy soils. In addition, with the help of vermiculite, you can regulate both the air regime and soil moisture. The mineral also helps reduce the acidity and salt content of soils by about 14%, increase the efficiency of fertilizer use, and reduce the risk of plant disease from root rot to almost zero.
Thanks to the minerals contained in its composition, vermiculite increases the percentage of seed germination and yield.

Vermiculite - instructions for use
Vermiculite for seedlings

The root system is more developed when vermiculite is used

This mineral is perfect as a soil additive for germinating seeds and growing seedlings. For fast and high-quality germination, you don’t even need to add soil, just mix the seeds with wet vermiculite of 1 mm fraction and place everything in plastic bags. Place the bags in a warm place until they sprout. After germination of the seeds, they can be sown in seedling boxes with a soil mixture; for the mixture we take one part of vermiculite of a fraction of 1-2 mm and add two parts of ordinary soil. This mixture will help better germination seeds and will help avoid diseases such as root and stem rot. If you decide to sow seeds immediately open ground then it is also worth improving the soil by adding vermiculite; for this, it is enough to add a fraction of 2 mm or 1 mm directly to the prepared bed, at the rate of 1 tablespoon for every 10 centimeters of the bed.
You can also use the technology developed in Holland; using this technology, you simply sprinkle the seeds after sowing with a layer of vermiculite of a fraction of 1 mm or 2 mm.

Picking seedlings

After the seeds have sprouted and grown to 3-5 true leaves, young seedlings usually need picking. If you plant seedlings in separate planting pots, you should think about a high-quality substrate for seedlings, because how strong it grows will depend on how strong it grows. future harvest. The key to the strength of seedlings, as is known, is the developed root system, thanks to it, the plant will better take root in the soil and receive the maximum of nutrients for growth and nutrition. Adding vermiculite to the substrate will promote the development of a strong root system in young plants, all thanks to the chemical and aeration properties of this mineral.
To create a substrate, you should take one part of vermiculite of fraction 1-2 mm and three parts of regular garden soil. Everything is mixed well and poured into planting pots.
If you decide to plant seedlings directly into open ground, for better rooting, you should add 2 tablespoons of vermiculite, fraction 2–4 mm, to each hole. This additive will help maintain optimal moisture in the soil and will greatly facilitate plant care.
Vermiculite for vegetable plants
Good results are achieved by adding expanded vermiculite together with vegetable crops when planting them in open ground. Thus, adding the mineral in an amount of 100 grams to each hole when planting potatoes promotes the growth of large tubers even in the dry season.
It is quite effective to use vermiculite together with a complex of mineral nitrogen-phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. To do this, it is advisable to mix them with vermiculite in equal parts.

Use in composts
A very good effect is observed if, when laying compost heap use vermiculite as an additive. For every 100 kg of compost heap, it is enough to add 3-4 buckets of expanded vermiculite fraction 2-3-4 mm.

Cuttings in vermiculite

The use of vermiculite has a fairly good effect on cuttings of most crops. To achieve the effect, simply add vermiculite to the substrate. Ideally, such a substrate should contain vermiculite in fractions 1-2 and peat in equal proportions. When using such a substrate, a more developed root system is formed and dormant buds awaken much faster; you can enhance the effect by adding watering with any mineral mixture.

Growing seedlings

If you want the seedlings you bought to take root better and faster, use vermiculite when planting. For getting positive effect it is enough to add from 20 to 30 percent of the volume of the hole; fractions of 2-4 mm are best suited for this. The action of vermiculite will be to absorb moisture and mineral fertilizers, and then gradually it will give all this to the plants.

The use of vermiculite in indoor floriculture

Vermiculite for indoor plants
The use of vermiculite has a fairly good effect on indoor plants. Quite often in indoor floriculture, soil caking is observed, as well as its clumping and crust formation. Another advantage of using vermiculite is the ability of this mineral to make the soil air- and water-permeable, which helps good growth and plant development. Vermiculite also prevents the leaching of nutrients from the soil and rotting of the root system. For potted plants, it is sufficient to use 1 mm fractions in a 1:1 ratio with soil mixture or peat.

Storing root vegetables in vermiculite

Storing vegetables and fruits in vermiculite
In addition to everything already listed, this mineral is perfect for storing vegetables and fruits. Vermiculite's low hygroscopicity and absorption properties make it suitable for this purpose. At air humidity of 60%, the moisture content of the mineral is only 6-8%, and at 100% humidity it is 10-11%, making it suitable for storing crops. High absorbent properties prevent fruits and plant bulbs from rotting and deteriorating. At the same time they do not get lost taste qualities products and their the nutritional value. For storage, you need to sprinkle the fruits with vermiculite in a layer of 2 to 5 cm, the thickness of the layer depends on the size of the fruit.

Vermiculite is a mineral that is part of the hydromicas group. It has a layered structure and is different environmental safety. It is formed in the earth's crust. It is processed under the influence high temperature(up to 800C), resulting in a loose scaly material. The mineral owes its name to the Latin word vermiculus, which translates as “worm.” During the heating process, it turns into columns that somewhat resemble worms.

vermiculite: what is it?

Vermiculite grains have a lamellar structure. They are shiny and can be of any color (yellow, golden, black, brown or green). It was first discovered in the 19th century, but people did not immediately understand its value. It received industrial use at the beginning of the 20th century. Many scientists were involved in the development of technologies for its use, but only Yakub Akhmyatov achieved success, who in 1979 received a prize from the Council of Ministers of the USSR. It was then that it began to be used in crop production and construction. But we'll talk about this a little later. Now let's get back to the beneficial properties and benefits of this mineral. He has more than enough of them.

benefits of vermiculite

Vermiculite is a unique mineral that has a huge number of benefits. It is fire resistant. Its melting point is 1350° C. It can be used in a wide temperature range - from minus 260 to plus 1200° C. The mineral has increased level heat and sound insulation and excellent absorbency. Imagine, it can absorb up to 500% of liquid based on its own weight. Due to its weak hygroscopicity, it does not absorb moisture from environment. At 100% air humidity, its humidity does not even reach 10%. Due to its biological stability, vermiculite is practically indestructible and does not rot. It perfectly resists the effects of pathogenic microorganisms and does not create conditions for the reproduction of insects and rodents. The chemical inertness of the mineral is explained by its neutrality to the effects of various acids and alkalis. This is an environmentally friendly and sterile material, it has no toxic effects and does not contain heavy metals. It has a neutral pH, which reaches 7.0. It is resistant to abrasion, and its lubricating properties are similar to graphite.

Interesting Facts

Vermiculite has one unusual property: when heated to 250 gr. it begins to swell and swell. Its volume increases 25 times. After firing, the weight of one cubic meter reaches 158 kg, while in its natural form it is all 1930 kg.

Place of Birth

The largest accumulation of vermiculite was found on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region. We are talking about the Kovdorskoye field. Large deposits of industrial importance were discovered in the Kokchetav region. It is found in the Urals in the Chelyabinsk region, in the Krasnoyarsk region, Irkutsk region and in the Primorsky region. As for other countries, vermiculite is mined in Ukraine, the USA, Western Australia, Kazakhstan, Uganda, South Africa and Uzbekistan. In most cases it contains foreign impurities.

Features of using vermiculite

When working with minerals, it should be taken into account that fine material is very dusty. Therefore, before use, it is better to moisten it with a spray bottle, and carry out work in a mask or respirator. Light gray mineral is not recommended for use in the presence of a large concentration of soil pests. It slowly releases moisture and when using hard water, its pH may shift to the alkaline side. Vermiculite can be stored for a long time, its structure and properties will remain unchanged.

Application in crop production

Vermiculite is a mineral created by nature itself. It is widely used in plant growing and floriculture, acting as a soil conditioner. It has proven itself well in combination with peat, which cannot retain moisture for a long time. By adding a third part of vermiculite, the mass maintains stable moisture even in severe drought. Therefore, it is used to protect the surface layer from drying out.

When vermiculite is added to the soil, its structure improves. This occurs due to increased porosity, aeration and increased drainage. The loss of moisture underground and above it is significantly reduced, since the mineral particles retain water 5 times their weight, allowing excess liquid to drain. This prevents soil cracking and compaction. A crust does not form on it. Plant roots are distributed freely and evenly. Vermiculite has excellent thermal insulation properties, thanks to which it provides optimal temperatures and makes plants more resistant to drought or frost.

The mineral contains accessible forms of potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium, so the soil is enriched with valuable microelements. As a result, plants develop and bear fruit better. They are more resistant to various diseases. With proper use of vermiculite, their productivity can be increased by up to 80%. The mineral allows you to improve the water-air properties of the soil and optimize the conditions of mineral nutrition. It has sorption capacity and cleanses the soil of heavy metal salts, radionuclides, and petroleum products, converting them into poorly soluble compounds that are not absorbed by plants.

Vermiculite is used as a carrier of potash, phosphorus, nitrogen and other fertilizers. Its porous granules instantly absorb them and release them gradually. Ideal conditions are created for feeding the root system of any agricultural crop. Vermiculite is most widely used in ornamental and medicinal plant growing, and in the cultivation of bulbous crops.

Using vermiculite allows you to:

  1. reduce salinization of permanent soils;
  2. extend the period of action of fertilizers;
  3. make excess nutrients non-toxic;
  4. retain moisture in the soil;
  5. stimulate the growth of the root system;
  6. reduce the incidence of root rot;
  7. improve soil structure and reduce its acidity.

The mineral is used in growing vegetables, picking, germinating seeds, preparing composts, cuttings, growing seedlings, storing vegetables and fruits, and mulching the soil. After opening the package, the additive should be washed in running water and use as intended. It is added to the soil on its own or mixed with sand or peat in equal proportions. To prepare compost, bird droppings, manure, plant stems and finely chopped straw are mixed. Vermiculite is added to this mixture at the rate of 3 buckets per hundredweight of the mixture. To increase the shelf life of vegetables and fruits, they can be sprinkled with layers of mineral.

Application of vermiculite in construction

We examined in detail what vermiculite is and the advantages of its use in crop production. But the mineral is also applicable in private buildings. Today, special requirements are imposed on the construction of buildings and materials must be easy to use, durable, fireproof, environmentally friendly and inexpensive. Expanded vermiculite has these qualities. Thanks to its porous structure, it is an excellent heat and sound insulator. It is used as bulk insulation for roofing or flooring work. It allows you to save up to 10 times on the purchase of concrete and brick.

Expanded vermiculite is included in many plasters and dry building mixtures. If we compare the heat-saving properties of simple plaster and cement-vermiculite mortar, the latter exceeds the former by 5 times. Due to its low mass and lightness, the mineral can be used as a filler in the production of lightweight gypsum and cement concrete and thermal and waterproofing mastics. High level heat resistance allows the use of vermiculite in the manufacture of fireproof boards and wall materials.

Vermiculite boards are produced by hot pressing. They have an unlimited service life. They are lightweight and flame retardant, do not contain asbestos, organic components and fibers. Conventional woodworking tools are used to process the material. The boards are quickly installed using standard fasteners and high-temperature adhesive. The surface of the slabs can be painted in any color with water-based or other paint. If desired, they can be lined with metal or decorative plastic. When wet, they do not lose their mechanical strength.

Expanded vermiculite and sound insulation

The most pressing problem of modern society is the fight against household and technical noise. It has been proven that expanded vermiculite perfectly absorbs sound vibrations. When arranging floors, attics and interfloor ceilings, it is recommended to create a soundproofing layer of mineral. Its thickness should be more than 5 cm. Compared to mineral wool and wood-fiber boards, the material has a higher level of sound absorption (up to 5 times).

Expanded vermiculite and thermal insulation

In private construction, it is impossible to do without thermal insulation of the foundation, floors, roofs, walls and floors. It allows you to save on energy costs and create comfortable conditions operation of the building. Thermal insulation boards are produced based on expanded vermiculite. But the mineral can also be used in its natural form, to fill construction and inter-wall voids, and insulate ceilings. A 20 cm layer of material is equivalent to 1.5 meter brickwork.

Thanks to the porous structure and the presence of closed air layers, the material eliminates heat loss. The main difference between vermiculite and expanded clay and perlite is the absence of mechanical shrinkage.

Talking about thermal insulation materials used in private construction, most often we are talking about such types of insulation as mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, expanded clay.

But recently new materials of mineral origin have appeared on the market - perlite and vermiculite. This natural materials, produced from appropriate rocks by processing at high temperatures.
The characteristics of these materials allow them to be used in various industries, including construction. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at the properties and application possibilities of each of them. Today we will talk about vermiculite.

The mineral vermiculite has been known for a long time, but its description was compiled only at the end of the 19th century. And in order to recognize him beneficial features and it took another century to learn how to use them.

Vermiculite belongs to the class of silicate rocks, the group of hydromicas. Each person, one way or another, has come across mica - a layered material that easily splits into thin plates.

The difference between vermiculite and ordinary mica is that bound water is present in its crystal lattice. There are four molecules of water per mineral molecule. Being in its natural state, vermiculite is quite hard rock density 2400-2700 kg/cubic. m. The mineral is practically resistant to abrasion, but at the same time it easily separates into separate plates. Melting of the mineral begins at a temperature of about 1350 degrees.

But all the beneficial properties of vermiculite “open up” when it is brought to a temperature of about 1000 degrees.

At the same time, the plates swell, increasing their size by 15-25 times, completely changing the crystalline structure of the mineral, making it loose. The density of the material changes: now it is 60-130 kg/cubic. m.

Thin plates transform into porous columns that resemble worms in appearance (vermiculus means “worm” in Latin). And in this expanded form the material is used in industry, agriculture and construction.

Production of expanded vermiculite and its characteristics

Our country has established industrial production expanded vermiculite. This became possible due to the fact that there are a sufficient number of deposits of this mineral in Russia. They are concentrated in the Krasnodar and Primorsky territories, Irkutsk, Chelyabinsk and Murmansk regions.

The production cycle includes several stages:

  • Sorting and enrichment (cleaning from foreign impurities) of raw materials.
  • Crushing of material.
  • The main stage is firing, which takes literally a few minutes.
  • Then the expanded material is crushed again to the desired fraction.
  • Next comes the sorting and packaging stage.

Vermiculite leaving production must comply with the standards regulated by GOST 12865-67.

The material, depending on the grain size, is divided into the following types:

  • small – up to 0.5 mm;
  • average – 0.6-5 mm;
  • large – 5-10 mm.

The grade of vermiculite means the value of its bulk density (kg/cubic m). The most popular brands are 100, 150 and 200. The density of the material and its thermal insulation properties depend on the size of the fraction.

The use of vermiculite in construction is constantly expanding due to its many advantages.

  • Low thermal conductivity coefficient (from 0.062 to 0.046 - depending on bulk density and temperature), quite comparable with similar indicators of mineral wool.
  • Wide range of permissible operating temperatures: from freezing to -200 degrees and ending with the possibility of heating up to 900-950 degrees.
  • It is absolutely non-flammable and when heated does not emit any harmful substances. This property allows it to be used as a fire barrier or for protection metal structures from exposure to fire.
  • Thanks to its layered granular structure, expanded vermiculite has the ability to dampen impact and airborne noise. Therefore, structures insulated with it do not conduct sound waves. The sound absorption rate is 0.56-0.8 (at a frequency of 1 kHz).
  • Vermiculite is absolutely inert and chemically resistant - it can withstand exposure to any organic solvents, alkalis, acids and other aggressive liquids without losing its properties.
  • Having a layered structure, however, the material is quite durable. Therefore, vermiculite is not afraid of transportation, vibration, does not shrink and does not crumble into smaller fractions, and does not generate dust. This distinguishes it favorably from such material as expanded perlite.

  • The material has absolutely amazing absorbent ability and a high water absorption rate. It is capable of absorbing water in an amount 4-5 times its own weight. But at the same time, it also easily releases moisture, retaining all its properties.
  • Vermiculite insulation does not cause allergic reactions and has high biological stability - it is not of interest to rodents, insects and microorganisms.
  • While firmly maintaining its qualities, the material practically does not age.
  • The high flowability of the material allows it to be used for high-quality filling of any voids present in building structures.

The disadvantages include the following:

  • The high hygroscopicity of vermiculite requires the installation of reliable waterproofing and the creation of opportunities for free evaporation of moisture. These goals are achieved through properly placed vapor barrier and vapor permeable membranes.
  • The cost of the material is still quite high - it is several times more expensive than perlite sand or expanded clay. Therefore, at present, vermiculite is not particularly widely used in private construction. Although in the long term the durability of the material can justify the high costs.

Possibility of using vermiculite in construction

The versatility of vermiculite allows it to be used as:

  • soundproofing barrier;
  • thermal insulation;
  • fire protection;
  • for the production of warm plasters;
  • to improve the properties of concrete solutions.

In terms of this indicator, vermiculite is 1.5-2 times higher than materials such as polystyrene foam, mineral wool, brick, concrete, and wood board. The sound absorption coefficient of the material is comparable to that of acoustic slabs. Such a high rate is a consequence of the granular structure of the expanded material. It not only reflects sound, but also absorbs it. The maximum effect is achieved with a backfill thickness of 50 mm, which is significantly less than traditional soundproofing materials.

For sound insulation, it is better to use vermiculite fractions with a grain diameter of 3 to 6 mm.

Thermal insulation

Low thermal conductivity makes the material one of the first places among heat insulators. Porous structure vermiculite contains a large number of closed air layers, which provide such a high indicator. At the same time, the material can also be used as a refractory. While other fire-retardant materials are produced primarily in the form of boards, vermiculite can also be used as loose-fill insulation, as well as in various mixtures and screeds.

If we talk about the effectiveness of thermal protection, then a layer of vermiculite backfill 20 cm thick can replace a two-meter concrete or one and a half meter brick wall.

A layer of vermiculite 10 cm thick, used to fill the attic floor, reduces heat loss by 92%.

Expanded vermiculite is an excellent addition to mixtures intended for outdoor use.

This material:

  • protects walls from sudden temperature changes;
  • resists any atmospheric influences;
  • prevents the development of microorganisms;
  • does not burn;
  • does not interact with various aggressive substances.

It is also used for interior plastering work:

  • The plaster layer is easy to rub over and has an attractive appearance.
  • Makes it possible to reduce the thickness of the plaster layer, which reduces the load on the walls.

Masonry mixtures with vermiculite prevent heat loss through the seams of the structure, since cold bridges do not form - after all, the mixture is heat insulating.

Concrete solutions

The use of vermiculite for preparing concrete allows you to obtain high-quality lightweight concrete:

  • the weight of concrete is reduced;
  • the mixture is more homogeneous and durable;
  • Vermiculite in the composition of concrete contributes to the stability of structures in terms of deformations that can occur due to frequent changes in temperature or fire.

Vermiculite concrete can perform the functions load-bearing structure, heat and sound insulation at the same time.

When deciding whether to use expanded vermiculite in the construction of your home, you need to compare the benefits of its use with the expected costs, and use the material only in those structures where it will bring maximum benefit.

Vermiculite– a mineral of yellow, greenish or black color, belongs to hydromicas. Looks like large plate-shaped crystals.

Formed in the earth's crust as a product of volcanic activity.

After exposure high temperature(up to 1000 degrees), large pieces of the mineral disintegrate into tiny scales, forming the so-called expanded vermiculite, which is used in floriculture.

The processed mineral looks like a loose, fine-plate material and has the following properties, such as durability, friability, porosity and lightness.

How is vermiculite useful?

Mineral composition includes many minerals needed by plants. These include aluminum, calcium, silicon, manganese, sodium, iron and potassium.

Thanks to this, vermiculite acts as mineral fertilizer and plant growth stimulator.

He is absolutely safe for flowers and is an environmentally friendly material. Vermiculite plates contain a lot of air, which enriches the earth and acts as...

Mineral prevents compaction and hardening of the earth, its clumping and the appearance of a hard crust on the soil surface.

Even heavy soils containing a large amount of clay in their composition become by air and relieved.

Mineral has high hygroscopic properties properties, it absorbs a large amount of moisture, is able to retain it for a long time and give it to plants in small portions, pre-enriching it with useful substances.

This ability of a mineral helps Maintain soil moisture while rooting cuttings.

Vermiculite acts as air-water exchange regulator, operating equally optimally in soils with different compositions.

The mineral is unfavorable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms, preventing the appearance of mold and rot. Therefore, plants placed in vermiculite are protected from these diseases. In addition, dry material is used to store tubers and plant bulbs.

In vermiculite don't settle harmful insects and rodents (mice, rats). The mineral protects the soil from overheating in hot weather and from hypothermia in cold weather, smoothes out temperature changes.

Prevents fertilizer leaching from the soil due to a reduction in the amount of watering. Vermiculite has an increased ion exchange capacity, due to which it retains positively charged ions of various minerals, “distributing” them to the plant in small portions.

Absorbs heavy metal salts, gas exchange products and radionuclides, clearing the earth of them. Has an unlimited shelf life.

Methods of application

Mineral of small fractions(no more than 1 mm) is used for rooting stems and cuttings and germinating seeds.

You can take pure vermiculite or add it to light substrates, such as peat and sand. Plants will not get sick with black leg and root rot.

Seeds mixed before planting with small fractions of vermiculite to distribute them evenly in the ground.

To protect the seeds from mold and lack of moisture, they can be sprinkled with mineral after planting.

Moistened vermiculum t is used for growing seedlings before planting in the ground. Seeds are placed in a substrate to speed up the hatching of seedlings. Afterwards, the seedlings are transplanted into the ground.

Vermiculite is used as one of the soil components, adding it to the soil. For the powerful woody plants It is recommended to use vermiculite of large fractions - from 4mm, for more delicate plants with weak roots and succulents - small fractions - no more than 1-2mm.

At hydroponic plant maintenance Vermiculite is used as a component or whole substrate.

For storage tubers, bulbs, rhizomes and roots, take a container, pour a layer of vermiculite on the bottom, then lay planting material, then again a layer of mineral.

Layer thickness should be 3-5cm to provide maximum protection from the effects of moisture, rotting, adverse effects of environmental temperature, attacks by rodents and pests.

Vermiculite, used in its pure form, can be reapply after the calcination procedure. Can be used in decorative purposes. To do this, vermiculite is poured into the pot from above. In addition to the fact that it shines beautifully and covers the black earth, it also protects the top layer from drying out.


Vermiculite fine fractions It is very dusty and can get into the eyes, nasopharynx and oral cavity.

Not always easily available, not sold in every store. Some shades mineral (gray, yellow) make it difficult to detect pests such as fungus gnat larvae, mealybugs and rootbugs.

Slowly releases moisture plants, so it is recommended to use it together with perlite, which releases water much faster.

Carefully use vermiculite in its pure form and when watering plants with hard water, since the neutral reaction of the mineral can shift to the alkaline side, resulting in reduced availability for them nutrients and the normal development of the plant is blocked.

And for the most curious, we invite you to watch a video about vermiculite

Perlite for plants or vermiculite - the names of these substances are probably familiar to you, since they are often included in the list of ingredients of various soil mixtures and substrates. If you don’t know what it is, then in this article I will talk about the properties of perlite and vermiculite, as well as how these materials are used by gardeners, gardeners, and flower growers.

Vermiculite, perlite, photo:

Until recently, these components were not widely known to flower growers and gardeners. Today they are freely sold and are also widely used in plant growing. They contain ready-made soil mixtures mixed with each other in different proportions. For rooting shoots, as well as for storing tubers and bulbs, pure compositions of one or another material are used.

Vermiculite - what is it, what is it for?

This is a plate-like material of golden brown or silver color, essentially hydromica. The name itself comes from the Latin word vermiculus, which means “worm”. If vermiculite is heated, its plates will become thread-like granules, somewhat similar to “worms”. The porous structure of this material acts like a sponge, absorbs and retains moisture, the volume of which exceeds its own weight by 4 times. Thanks to this quality, vermiculite is simply an indispensable additive to soil mixtures; it retains soil moisture (closer to the roots) and all its beneficial substances for a long time.

Vermiculite - what is it? It is a chemically inert mineral that does not contain toxic substances, heavy metals. This material is environmentally friendly, does not decompose, does not rot, and is neutral to acids and alkalis. It contains valuable components that have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of green crops - calcium, magnesium, silicon, potassium, aluminum, iron. The components of vermiculite are partially absorbed by the plant as needed, but it is not suitable as a main fertilizer (chemically inert). The material improves soil aeration, can change its pH level (alkalinize), and maintains soil moisture, thereby increasing the time between waterings.

Vermiculite for plants - how to use? When growing plants, agrovermiculite is most often used, processed in a special way (firing), intended specifically for floriculture and horticulture.

I found a video on the Internet in which the author shares his experience of growing potatoes using vermiculite:

Agrovermiculite, photo:

In addition to retaining moisture, vermiculite is capable of retaining the components of fertilizing and fertilizers, which the prepared soil also contains. It is mixed with peat, sphagnum, a variety of earth mixtures, and substrates. Pure, undiluted material is widely used for rooting shoots; seeds are also very convenient to germinate in this way. Another big plus of this supplement is the absence favorable environment for fungi or mold.

Vermiculite for plants can also be used as drainage, while its larger fraction is taken (KVV-8, KVV-4). It is added to the soil in any proportions, so it becomes looser, does not cake, and does not form a crust on top. If you are planting seedlings in the garden, then you can first add half a glass or a glass of vermiculite into the depths of each hole. When planting young trees, feel free to add 2 or 3 liters of this substance to the planting hole.

What is vermiculite? This is a neutral acidic material that can lower the pH level of the soil mixture. Excellent for storing tubers or flower bulbs - they will not rot, become moldy, or be subject to temperature changes. It has the ability to extract from the soil, bind mineral compounds, and then gradually release them and give them to the plant. When adding vermiculite to soil mixtures, be sure to consider the characteristics of the flower.

For example, for cacti or individual species This additive is not suitable for succulents, as it is undesirable for them high humidity. Perlite is ideal as a soil loosener for drought-resistant green inhabitants.

Perlite - what is it?

It is a volcanic rock formed by hydration. Obsidian hydroxide is perlite; initially it can have a different shade (brown, black or even green). After special treatment, the material becomes white, porous, it is crushed and used as an additive to soil mixtures. Perlite promotes uniform distribution of moisture in the soil, is an ideal component for the hydroponic method of growing plants, and loosens the soil well.

Perlite - what is it? This is a sterile substance without impurities, its properties reminiscent of sand (the main component is silicon dioxide). With its help, you can root cuttings, grow seedlings, and use it as an additive to various substrates. It improves soil aeration, optimizes its drainage and water-retaining qualities.

Perlite is very dusty, so be sure to wear a protective mask when working with it.

When inhaled, microparticles of glass dust enter the body, but subsequently are not displayed from it - remember this.

Agro perlite, photo:

Like vermiculite, this material improves the soil structure, retains moisture, and prevents the formation of a crust on the top layer of soil. By adding perlite you can increase the aeration of heavy soil, as well as improve the water-holding qualities of light soils. It reduces the acidity level of the soil, slows down its salinization, and prevents waterlogging during prolonged rains.

If you suddenly overdo it with fertilizers, then perlite will absorb them and then gradually release them to the soil.

After three or four years Perlite granules are destroyed; digging and loosening only contribute to this.

Perlite for plants - how to use? Its presence in the soil is simply irreplaceable for flowers with a weak root system, like sand, perlite loosens the soil and makes it light. Strong plants with powerful roots also need it, because stagnation of moisture can lead to their rotting.

To root shoots and germinate seedlings, you can use pure material, but mixing with sphagnum or peat also gives excellent results. Summarizing all of the above, we can safely say that these two additives are combined with each other, ideally complement each other’s qualities, and have the same effect on the soil and plants.

Arugula in perlite, photo:

Scope of application of both additives:

  1. Can be used as drainage (large fraction).
  2. They are used to cover the top layer of soil - prevent the formation of mold and crust formation.
  3. Bulbs and flower tubers are poured over and buried for comfortable storage - this is reliable thermal insulation and protection from rotting.
  4. Wet vermiculite or perlite is an ideal substance for germinating seeds and forming roots in cut shoots.
  5. A mixture of both materials (equal parts) is used in hydroponics.
  6. The pH level is neutral for both additives - this should be taken into account when preparing soil mixtures for plants with certain requirements to the ground.

The combination of these two materials creates an optimal environment for the development and growth of your plants, both in pure form and in soil mixtures.

Vermiculite - gladioli shoots, photo:

Vermiculite - cucumber seedlings, photo:

Perlite and vermiculite - what's the difference?

Despite the lightness and flowability of these two materials, they differ in appearance: perlite - white, dusty, vermiculite - dark color. Perlite does not contain any nutrients, but vermiculite contains aluminum, calcium, magnesium, iron, silicon, potassium (in bound form).

Vermiculite, unlike perlite, can absorb beneficial compounds from the soil and then gradually release them. It is also very moisture resistant compared to perlite.

Perlite is an excellent conductor of moisture, but a poor retainer, while vermiculite, on the contrary, retains it very effectively. Vermiculite has an elastic structure, and perlite is destroyed and becomes dust under active physical influence.

Perlite or vermiculite - which is better for plants? This question cannot be answered unambiguously; it is impossible to say which material is better, since everything depends on the plant itself and its needs. For example, for some flowers (the same indoor violets or gloxinias) wick watering is sometimes used. In this case, perlite is ideal, which is used to dilute the substrate in the pot - it promotes uniform distribution of moisture throughout the soil, and the soil itself dries faster. Vermiculite, on the contrary, will be more appropriate with the usual method of watering - the soil will remain moist longer due to its moisture-accumulating properties.

It is impossible to determine which is better, perlite or vermiculite, since each type of plant is equally suitable for one or another additive. These two materials are equally good, have similar qualities, but still differ slightly in “technical” characteristics.

They complement each other perfectly and improve the soil. To obtain an optimal soil mixture, gardeners take 15% of each material, mix them, while the total additive rate (relative to the rest of the soil mixture) should be 30%. A mixture of peat, perlite and vermiculite is most often used for growing. Vermiculite is suitable for delicate, capricious representatives with a vulnerable root system; perlite is more suitable for powerful plants, cacti or succulents.

New opportunities for growing plants are constantly appearing on the market - care products, all kinds of additives. Today, almost any product can be purchased. If you are not yet familiar with these materials, pay attention to them. Vermiculite or perlite for plants will save your time in caring for them, eliminate many problems (fungi, mold), improve the composition of the soil, and help maintain planting material in proper condition.