Dried fruits: beneficial properties and contraindications. What are the benefits of dried fruits? How to distinguish good from bad? List of the best. Dried fruits for children

Dried fruits are considered to be a natural and healthy product that is suitable even for those who are on a diet, so they can safely replace sweets. But in fact, eating them in handfuls and without knowing what the benefits and harms of dried fruits can be is not worth it. They all have different properties and have different effects on the human body, dried fruits can both help and harm. The danger also lies in the fact that you can often purchase low-quality dried fruits.

What are the benefits of dried fruits for the body?

Dried fruits are very good for health, but in small quantities and with individual selection. Any fresh fruit in itself is a natural source of vitamins. Dried fruits retain everything after processing beneficial properties, except that now they are contained in a more concentrated form.

These are completely natural treats that even children love. Therefore, dried fruits are often recommended for diets, for cleansing the body, and for exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

But still, such products often have a high calorie content:

View What are they made of? Carbohydrates Sugar Calorie content
Apricot 60–65 g 45–50 g 215–260
Plum 57–65 g 45–50 g 230–256
Grape 72–80 g 55–65 g 262–264
70–75 g 50–65 g 274–277
Dried apples Apples 68 g 62 g 199–231
Dried pears Pears 62 g 62 g 201
Figs Fig 57–65 g 45–50 g 257

The following table immediately shows the benefits and harms of dried fruits, because you can see how many calories, carbohydrates and sugar are contained in your favorite dried fruits. All data is based on 100 g. product.

One of the most popular dried fruits is dried apricots, which are made from pitted dried apricots. This is not the same as apricot. When making the latter, the seed remains in the fruit.

Dried apricots are eaten both separately and in baked goods; they are used in the preparation of sauces and compotes. Often this type of dried fruit is eaten instead of regular sweets. The big advantage of dried apricots is that they do not contain as many calories as some other dried fruits, so you can eat several dried apricots at a time.

The composition of dried apricots includes the following substances:

  • Vitamins A, C.
  • Potassium.
  • Iron.
  • Fiber.

It is not surprising that this dried fruit has many beneficial properties:

  1. Even a few pieces of dried apricots will satisfy your hunger for a long time.
  2. Improves metabolic processes.
  3. Normalizes intestinal function, as it has a laxative and diuretic effect.
  4. Will have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  5. It will have a good effect on the condition of the skin and hair.

Clean the dried apricots well before eating them. To do this, soak the dried apricots in warm water for a quarter of an hour and then rinse thoroughly.

Another dried fruit that always finds a place on the table is prunes. It can be added to desserts and meat dishes, thanks to it you can enjoy the unusual spicy taste of cooked dishes.

It contains even more useful elements than dried apricots:

  • Fiber.
  • Pectin.
  • Vitamins C, A and group B.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Magnesium.

Therefore, if we turn to the question of the benefits and harms of these dried fruits when losing weight, we can see that prunes can be safely eaten during diets. It improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has positive influence on the pancreas. Among all dried fruits, dried plums contain the most organic acids.

Raisins are rightfully considered the healthiest of all dried fruits. It varies, but it’s worth considering that white raisins contain slightly more calories than dark or black raisins.

Attention! Any type of raisin has a high calorie content, so when dieting, you should not consume it in large quantities. And also don’t get carried away with baking and desserts with this dried fruit.

Otherwise, raisins provide tremendous support to your health:

  1. Positively affects the functioning of the lungs, kidneys, and gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Normalizes blood pressure, improves heart function.
  3. It should be used for anemia, as raisins contain a lot of iron.
  4. Increases hemoglobin levels.
  5. Vitamin B1 ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  6. Strengthens protective functions body.

Thanks to fructose and glucose, this type of dried fruit is an excellent helper for those who do physical labor. Eating for breakfast oatmeal with raisins, you will be energized for the whole day.

Dates are often used as a substitute for sweets; they taste no worse than sweets. They are worth consuming if you have a weakened immune system, and in other cases this type of dried fruit is very useful.

This is what percentage of the daily requirement for important elements contains one cup of dates:

  1. Fiber –47%.
  2. Vitamin B6 – 12%.
  3. Folic acid – 7%.
  4. Manganese – 19%.
  5. Magnesium – 15%.
  6. Calcium – 5%.

Eating dates will support cardiovascular and immune system.

Important! You should not eat dates if you are intolerant to fructose, as this type of dried fruit contains a lot of it.

Dried apples are primarily useful for anemia and other diseases in which hemoglobin levels decrease. 100 g of such apples contains almost half of the daily requirement for iron.

And also similar dried fruits are a source of fiber. Fresh apples contain much less of it, but dried apples, thanks to this composition, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and reduce cholesterol. But there is no vitamin C in these dried fruits, so you cannot completely replace fresh apples with dried ones. Apples are best eaten with the skin on, so try cooking them yourself.

A less popular dried fruit is pears, but they really shouldn't be ignored.

  1. Dried pears contain large quantities of organic acids, dietary fiber, glucose, fructose, and vitamin C.
  2. Among all dried fruits, pears have the most antioxidants, without which normal heart function is impossible.
  3. Pears contain arbutin, a natural antibiotic.
  4. Dried pears should be consumed for problems with the pancreas.
  5. Normalizes digestion, strengthens blood vessels.

This dried fruit is also perfect for snacking between meals.

Expert comment:

“Almost any fruit or berry can be dried. However, the most popular dried fruits in our country include apricots, dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, dried apples, pears and cherries.

Dried fruits are used in diets, however, it is a misconception that they are low in calories. Quite the contrary, they contain more calories per unit mass than fresh fruits. During grinding and drying, moisture leaves the semi-finished product and the proportion of ascorbic acid. The energy value of the product increases. A fresh apricot weighing 45 grams contains approximately 12 kcal, and its wrinkled version - dried apricots - will add only 10 grams, but will “enrich” the person who eats it with 15 kcal.

Due to the high content of glucose and fructose, dried fruits are not recommended for patients diabetes mellitus. Their daily diet can be supplemented with a maximum of 100 g of this product. For overweight people, the abuse of prepared fruits will bring additional kilograms. The delicacy can also harm those who have been diagnosed with inflammatory processes of the duodenum and stomach. Dried pears and apples are suitable for weight loss. These fruits are low in carbohydrates and sugar. Eating them promotes gentle weight loss due to pectin and fiber.

For personal safety, it is best to avoid eating exotic fruits. Ideally, it is better to dry fruits and berries yourself. Dried fruits can and should be eaten, but everything is good in moderation! 100 gr. a day is enough! However, I recommend using them exclusively in the first half of the day!”

Svetlana Kozlova, nutritionist, Gorno-Altaisk

How are dried fruits made?

Usually production involves drying in the sun, but for industrial production this method is not suitable. The most commonly used are sealed dehydrator chambers, which allow you to quickly remove water from a large number of fruits. In them, drying is carried out using streams of hot air or infrared radiation.

However, dried fruits that are familiar to us are dried using these methods - raisins, dried apricots, etc. But berries and exotic fruits like pineapple, papaya, mango are actually caramelized so that they do not lose their shape. Therefore, in fact, they are not dried fruits.

For better storage, protection from insects and giving a marketable appearance, all dried fruits are processed detergents, vapors and pesticides:

  • Raisins and dried apricots – sulfur dioxide (in its composition it is designated as E220). This increases shelf life and gives dried fruits a golden color.
  • Figs – vegetable oils.
  • Grape soaked in alkali.

In addition, fruits that have begun to deteriorate or have been damaged are often used for production. Hence the conclusion: the quality of such dried fruits is questionable.

Important! Beautiful colorful fruits will bring you little benefit, as they sometimes contain up to 80% sugar.

How to choose and store dried fruits correctly?

Unfortunately, low-quality dried fruits are a common phenomenon. It’s good if it’s just candy, but often, due to chemical processing, the harm of dried fruits to the body outweighs the benefits.

When purchasing, pay attention to the following:

  1. The fruit color is too bright.
  2. Unnatural shine.
  3. Unpleasant odor or taste.

Truly high-quality and natural dried fruits, oddly enough, have a rather unsightly appearance. They usually have a dull dark color, they are wrinkled. The bright color is usually provided by dyes or sulfur dioxide.

Advice! When purchasing, choose dried fruits in transparent packaging so you can evaluate them appearance.

The beneficial properties are best preserved in prunes and raisins with stalks, as well as in dates with pits. The raisins should be neat and not stuck together.

Choose dried fruits that are matte, without shine or cracks in the skin, and without the smell of gasoline, diesel fuel, or smoke. . The latter means that the fruits were dried using a burner and other methods, after which it is harmful to consume dried fruits.

When storing dried fruits, follow several important rules:

  • Fruits should be stored in a cool and dry place out of direct sunlight.
  • Can't mix different types dried fruits, as they have different aromas and moisture index. You can only put raisins and dried apricots together.
  • Can be stored in glass, ceramic jars, wooden containers, plastic containers with air access, bags - cotton or canvas, jars with a vacuum system.
  • Remember the expiration date. Dried apricots, prunes, dates and figs can be stored for a maximum of six months, raisins - for a year.
  • Protect your products from insects.
  • Periodically ventilate and check the supply of dried fruits, sort through them, removing spoiled ones and drying damp ones.

A good place to store such products would be the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

How much to use so as not to harm, but to help?

Despite the obvious benefits, you should not eat too much dried fruit, primarily because of their calorie content. Remember the benefits and harms of dried fruits if you are on a diet. If you overeat, you may gain overweight. It is best if you consume no more than 200 grams per day. this product.

The ideal option is to have dried fruit snacks several times a day.

It is not necessary to eat dried fruits separately; they can be added to different dishes; they go well with cottage cheese and porridge.

To prevent dried fruits from being too hard, pour boiling water over them for five to seven minutes. At the same time, you will disinfect them and get rid of insects that may be in the fruit.

Harm, contraindications and undesirable consequences

First of all, you need to remember about the calorie content of dried fruits, as well as the high sugar content. Therefore, those who are going on a diet should be careful with dried fruits. As for the benefits and harms of dried fruits for diabetes, it is better for diabetics to avoid them. Your blood sugar may rise too high.

The same applies to people with inflammation of the stomach and duodenum. Coarse fiber irritates the mucous membrane, and when you chew hard dried fruits for too long, a lot of gastric juice is released.

You will have to abstain from this delicacy in cases of individual intolerance and allergies.

If consumed excessively, the following consequences are possible:

  1. The proliferation of yeast fungi, which is promoted by a sweet environment, as a result - disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, bloating.
  2. Proliferation of bacteria in the oral cavity, as pieces of dried fruit easily stick to the teeth.
  3. Dehydration due to low moisture content in dried fruits.

Dried fruits are undoubtedly very healthy; they contain many substances necessary for the normal functioning of our body. But, as in other cases, you need to not overdo it, don’t eat too much of them, otherwise the consequences may cover up all the beneficial effects.

It is important to take into account your condition, the characteristics of the body, the qualities that the dried fruits themselves have . The method used in manufacturing also plays a big role. Always choose a natural product, remember that the unnaturally beautiful appearance of dried fruits means that this is more like candy than a natural and healthy treat.

Are you sure that you know absolutely everything about the benefits and not-so-benefits of dried fruits? Don't rush to answer. Because even experienced nutritionists and biologists cannot give an answer with one hundred percent certainty. There are several points of view on this matter. Some believe that these same “dried fruits” are not so healthy; others, on the contrary, claim the impeccable properties of dried fruits, which have a more than beneficial effect on the human body.

Let's try to understand the pros and cons, putting on two scales: “usefulness” and “misconceptions”, in the characteristics of dried candied fruits and other delicacies we love.
Let's start with the most common misconceptions, so.
Misconceptions about dried fruits
1) Those who believe that dried fruits contain less sugar and are less calorie are mistaken. The truth is that when dried, water is removed from the fruit, that is, it loses weight and properties (the breakdown of some unstable vitamins, for example, vitamin C), but sugar and calories do not evaporate from it. Thus, if an apricot weighs 45 grams (about 12 kilocalories), then after it is “transformed” into dried apricots weighing 10 grams, its energy value is already 15 kilocalories.
2) If you think that fresh fruits are healthier than dried or frozen ones, you are mistaken. Of all three listed above, the most valuable are fruits that have been subjected to shock freezing. Well, of course, with the exception of those that the “grandmother from the village” brought you. Ask yourself the question: “How much time has passed since the moment a supposedly fresh fruit was plucked from a branch and fell into your hands?” But frozen or dried fruits are subject to heat treatment literally a few hours after collection. So, one can argue about the benefits of “conditionally fresh” and heat-treated fruits.
Perhaps we can end this “in the ointment”. Now about the benefits of dried fruits.

Nuts. Benefits of nuts

I think it's time to move on to nuts. All nuts have a fairly high calorie content, but if we are not talking about a “diet” as such, but about benefits for the body, then nuts are benefits in their purest form. Read and draw conclusions. So…
Benefits of walnuts
Walnut- this is not just a great delicacy, but also an unconditional help to your health. Nuts help with anemia, diseases, heart disease, dermatitis, and colds. Besides, walnut has a calming effect and is indicated for insomnia and nervous disorders. Walnuts are necessary for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and also during the recovery period after surgery. Has a beneficial effect on the body's immune system.
Benefits of almonds
Sweet almonds useful for hypertension, obesity, stomach and duodenal ulcers, asthma, pleurisy, heartburn. In addition, sweet almonds are recommended to all persons over thirty years of age as a prophylactic against atherosclerosis in elevated level cholesterol. Bitter almonds are indicated for use as a prophylactic agent in the treatment of kidney diseases, upper respiratory tract, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases of the genitourinary system in women.
Benefits of hazelnuts
Hazelnut- pure protein. Used as a prevention of obesity, indicated for diabetes, chronic fatigue, phlebitis and varicose veins, prostate enlargement, arterial hypertension. Hazelnuts are used in the treatment of chronic anemia.
Benefits of peanuts
Peanut. Many consider this fruit to be useless, I hasten to convince you otherwise. Peanuts have a beneficial effect on tissue functions, promote cell growth and renewal. It is used as a choleretic agent. Peanuts help lower blood cholesterol levels. In addition, it increases potency and has a great effect on libido. It also improves memory, the ability to concentrate, and is indicated for insomnia and fatigue.
Benefits of cashews
Cashew– a delicious, sweet, slightly curved fruit that perfectly strengthens the immune system; in addition, cashews normalize metabolic processes in the body and are indicated for anemia, psoriasis and heart disease.
The benefits of pistachios
Pistachio. This small greenish nut can help during periods of great physical and mental stress, as it activates the brain and at the same time has a tonic and restorative effect on the entire body. Pistachios are useful for people suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis, anemia, arrhythmia and thrombophlebitis.
Conclusion: dried fruits contain a huge amount of useful substances. 5-6 pieces of dried fruits, eaten daily, improve the condition of the skin, hair and nails, in addition, dried fruits are an excellent immunomodulator. This delicacy is useful for both children and adults.

Harm of dried fruits directly depends on exactly how they were made. It turns out that initially fruits are not simply dried in the sun to produce the healthiest dried apricots, apricots, prunes, dates, raisins or, say, dried cherries. Often, immediately before drying, fruits are treated with various chemical compounds to give them an external gloss, attractive appearance, aroma and taste. In addition, such processing extends the shelf life of the product by almost three times.

Alas, there is little left of the benefits of dried fruits after such processing. But such dried fruits can cause significant harm.

When examining dried fruits with the naked eye, it is difficult to say with 100% certainty whether they are chemically processed or a pure, safe eco-product. But some conclusions can be drawn. For example, you should definitely be wary of the following.

Dried fruit color is too bright

The harm caused by dried fruits, which look like they have a bright, even and juicy color, is almost the same as from wolfberry: outwardly it is beautiful, but inside it is pure poison. Where do such unnaturally colorful colors come from in dried fruits? It's simple: the collected fruits - most often apricots and grapes - are fumigated with sulfur dioxide. Otherwise, this compound is called sulfur dioxide and is designated on the packaging as preservative E220. After this “smoking”, the dried apricots become amber-orange before our eyes, and the raisins, instead of brown, acquire a transparent light yellow tint.

Mostly chemical compounds settle on the surface of dried fruits, and if you wash them thoroughly, the harm from them will be reduced. However, doctors warn that it is better to avoid eating processed dried fruits altogether.

Precautions. Choose the most inconspicuous-looking dried fruits - the more unsightly their appearance (dark, matte color, dusty, wrinkled), the higher the quality, purity and usefulness.

Too sweet, cloying taste

The harm from dried fruits with an unnatural sweet taste is even more dangerous than from fruits of an unnatural color. The fact is that dried fruits acquire this sweetish taste when dried in gas or gasoline ovens. Drying, for example, plums in a natural way - in the sun - is quite problematic: the crop may turn sour and not bring any benefit. But artificial accelerated drying is a clear advantage and a guaranteed result. But the harm from such dried fruits is also considerable - during drying they crack and dangerous substances and toxins get inside the fruit, which cannot be washed off with plain water. It is these toxins and carcinogens that give dried fruits a strange, sugary taste.

Precautions. Choose dried fruits with seeds and preferably with stalks. The fruits may be wrinkled and unattractive, but it is desirable that they remain intact - large number cracks hint that the fruits were dried in an oven and warns about the dangers of dried fruits.

Shine, gloss, softness

The very word dried fruits suggests that the fruits must be dried - which means that there can be no talk of any tenderness and softness in their natural form. To give, for example, prunes viscosity and softness, they are soaked (after drying) in glycerin or vegetable oil low quality(because no one will spend money on expensive oil). Glycerin residues and oil carcinogens are absorbed into the fruit, making dried fruit harmful product. The most gentle way to make prunes soft is to scald them with boiling water, but in this case they will lose all their vitamins.

Precautions. Try to buy really dried fruits - dry, hard, wrinkled and unsightly in appearance. If they are packaged, read the ingredients carefully; there should not be any “E” in it. Before use, soak dried fruits, but not in boiling water, but simply in warm water for several hours. They will become soft, but will retain their beneficial properties. And there will be no harm from them.

What dried fruits can you eat, and which ones should you strictly avoid? How and why dried fruits from useful product turn into the enemy of a slim figure?

Dried fruits are harmful, not beneficial

Most people perceive dried fruits as a healthy snack that can even help you lose weight. Their logic is that if fresh fruits are healthy, then the same applies to dried ones. As a result, dried fruits are often consumed as a dietary product.
However, due to the coating with sugar syrup, most dried fruits are more correctly considered candies, and due to the nature of industrial production, instead of the original vitamins, they contain only pesticides and preservatives. Only very, very few dried fruits can be considered healthy.

How are raisins and figs made?

Almost all raisins and dried apricots sold in regular supermarkets are treated with sulfur dioxide (labeled E220) to extend shelf life and give them a pleasant golden yellow color(1). Remember that natural raisins and dried apricots always have brown, not gold at all.
Figs (dried figs), in turn, are most often processed with cheap vegetable oils, which protect against spoilage and overdrying, and also impart a characteristic shine. What also requires special mention is how dried fruits are made - or rather, how they get rid of the vitamins in them.

How many vitamins are in dried fruits?

The traditional “manual” method of making dried fruits is sun drying, but more productive (and faster) methods are always used on an industrial scale. Most often, water is removed from fruits in dehydrators - special drying chambers.
In dehydrators, drying is carried out either in streams warm air(temperature from 30 to 70°C and above), or infrared radiation- such processing leads to a significant loss of vitamin C. As a result, B vitamins remain in dried fruits, and in quantities tens of times lower than in cereals.

How are dried fruits made?

Many fruits (primarily pineapples, mangoes, kiwis, papaya, ginger, strawberries and other berries) lose their shape when dried - as a result, they are not dried at all, but caramelized in sugar syrup. It should be noted that the share of sugar in the final product can reach a significant 70-80%.
Before drying, bananas are fried in vegetable oil (most often, cheap sunflower or rapeseed oil), and then treated with phenols to preserve color. In addition, absolutely all dried fruits are treated with detergents, pesticide vapors and preservatives.

Chemical additives in dried fruits

National food standards in most countries (including Russian GOSTs) require chemical treatment of dried fruits, as this kills bacteria and increases shelf life. For example, dried apricots and figs must be treated with a solution of sulfuric acid, and grapes must be soaked in alkali.
In theory, the concentrations of these substances are strictly specified, and the recommended dosages are clearly safe for humans. However, when buying cheap dried fruits “by weight”, you don’t even know in which country they were produced, and whether the unknown manufacturer complied with food standards.

Raw materials for dried fruits

Dried fruit technology is primarily used to minimize the losses of the production industry. Fruits that lose their marketable appearance due to partial rotting or mechanical damage are cut into pieces, treated with chemicals and dried (or caramelized in sugar syrup).
Moreover, the cheaper dried fruits are, the more questions arise about them - it is naive to believe that the manufacturer has begun to operate at a loss. Most likely, something happened to a batch of “raw” fruit, it was urgently processed into dried fruit, and then they tried to sell it as quickly as possible.

Firstly, buy only those dried fruits that are obtained by drying and not caramelization. First of all, these are raisins, figs, dried apricots, prunes, apples and pears. Avoid dried pineapple, kiwi and other exotic fruits. Dried bananas are acceptable, depending on the oil used.
Secondly, study the packaging and choose only those dried fruits that are clearly labeled as “bio” - this ensures that the production technology has reduced the use of chemicals to a minimum. Thirdly, do not buy vague mixtures of dried fruits - if necessary, mix them yourself.

The overwhelming majority of dried fruits are either fruits candied to the point of candy, or substandard production residues rich in chemicals. High-quality dried fruits are expensive and are always labeled “bio” - it is impossible to accidentally buy such a product at a regular market or in a supermarket.

Dried fruits are a tasty and healthy product, although they raise some questions among those who watch their figure. Indeed, the higher concentration of sugar compared to fresh fruits, on the one hand, and the mass of useful substances, and therefore properties, on the other, make you think. We will consider these subtleties.

Types of dried fruits

There are many types of dried fruits, like their fresh counterparts. They can be with or without seeds, whole or in the form of halves or small pieces, dried in the shade and under open rays, or even boiled in sugar syrup (candied fruits).

The list of their names is quite long (by the way, it also includes berries): raisins, pear, apple, rose hips, barberries, cranberries, prunes, apricots, dried apricots, cherries, dates, peach, banana, figs, papaya, unabi and many others. Let's focus on those that are especially useful in weight loss. And the vitamins in dried fruits are very diverse, if they are not chemically processed.

What dried fruits are good for weight loss

There is an opinion that it is impossible to eat fruits during a diet, and that it is generally unacceptable to consume dried fruits, because the first of them are sweet, and the second are very sweet. If you adhere to a specific strict diet (protein, for example), then of course, by definition, there cannot be any fruit in it. Otherwise, you should think carefully about this issue.

What dried fruits are healthy? Dried fruits are useful for dietary nutrition at least because they are a concentrated container of various useful substances that we so need for normal well-being. They also help suppress the feeling of hunger, and their sweetness is perhaps the only way to do without chocolates and sweets (and get rid of attacks of irritability).

Eat certain types dried fruits that you should give preference to when dieting. First of all, with a low glycemic index (GI), because this means that the product is broken down slowly, gradually, is digested for a long time and does not cause a sharp release of insulin.

Why is this important? Because with large doses of sugar entering the body, part of it is sure to turn into fat. At the same time, thanks to insulin, the body is only able to build adipose tissue, but not break it down.

That is why, if 2 people eat the same amount of calories, but the products are different, with a strikingly different GI, they will lose weight (or gain weight) with different results.

Useful properties of dried fruits

The presence of a whole set of micro- and macroelements, fiber and vitamins makes dried fruits an ideal food, especially in winter time year. This product can also boast a balanced amount of organic acids and fiber, which, by the way, plays a huge role in cleansing the body of harmful substances, stimulates peristalsis and normalizes intestinal microflora.

Each type of these sweets has its own unique set of “benefits”, and therefore is often purposefully used for the treatment or prevention of not only vitamin deficiency, but also certain diseases.

The benefits of dried apricots for weight loss

Dried apricots are a nutritious product that suppresses hunger and gives energy. In addition, it should be added to the diet if the heart and thyroid gland are failing, or vision is weakened. It contains a huge amount of minerals that work for the benefit of the whole body.

Benefits of prunes for the body

Prunes have a positive effect on digestion and intestinal function, regulate cholesterol levels and give a feeling of fullness, and are an antidepressant. It should be consumed if the digestive tract requires attention, because it is a well-known remedy for cleansing the intestines, and prunes also have antioxidant properties.

What are the benefits of dates?

But the benefits of dates are difficult to limit to any limits. They are recommended to be used to strengthen the heart, kidneys, and liver; for anemia, hypertension, cough, dystrophy; Dates activate brain function, reduce the risk of cancer, and are also a general tonic. And this is not a complete list.
However, there is one “but”.

Dates have a high GI, which is doubly unfortunate since they are one of the most delicious and sweet foods. However, do not rush to exclude it from your diet. You can reduce the GI coefficient if you drink dates with milk or kefir.

These products delay the breakdown of sugar, thereby lowering the glycemic index. This applies to all dairy and fermented milk products, but give preference to products with a low fat content.

Benefits of raisins for women

Raisin. Normalizes digestion and acidity, is a source of energy (a necessary component of the diet at high physical activity). In addition, it is beneficial for the thyroid gland due to its high iodine content.

The benefits of figs for weight loss

This fruit has an ideal ratio of nutrients, as well as (the only one from plants) omega-3 and -6 acids. In addition, it removes fluid from the body, reduces hunger, and helps normalize digestion. And most importantly, figs have a relatively small amount of calories and a low GI.

Whichever of these sweets you choose, remember that the portions should be small - up to 10 pieces of fruit per day. By chewing your food thoroughly and slowly, you will “deceive” the feeling of hunger, but will replenish your reserves of essential nutrients.

How many calories are in dried fruits

Table of calorie content and GI of dried fruits

How to choose dried fruits

It is no secret that food products are often treated with special and not always harmless substances. Therefore, the first thing that should alert you is an overly bright color.

Typically, this is the result of using sulfur dioxide (E220). This preservative can cause severe allergies in asthmatics, as well as aggravate gastrointestinal diseases, as it destroys the mucous membrane. But if the product has an inexpressive color and a wrinkled, dusty surface, you can take it.

The second thing you should be alert to is an uncharacteristic smell or taste. For example, plum fruits are difficult to dry naturally, as they turn sour quite quickly.

Resourceful manufacturers dry them in special ovens - gas and gasoline - thanks to which dried fruits acquire the appropriate taste, smell and numerous cracks in the peel where carcinogenic substances settle. Vitamins and enzymes die.

It is better to buy dates with seeds, and prunes and raisins with stalks.
Another alarming point is the unnatural shine.

This often applies to prunes, which are treated with glycerin or soaked in low-quality oil to add softness and shine. Coffee shade indicates that the fruits were scalded with boiling water, and this noticeably reduces the amount of vitamins in them.

Dried fruits for diabetes

People with this disease need to be extremely careful when choosing dried fruits. Dried fruits can be eaten in moderation if you have diabetes. You will have to immediately give up exotic overseas fruits, as well as bananas, figs and pineapple. Prunes, raisins and dates can be consumed in very limited quantities (no more than 3 prunes, 1 tablespoon of raisins, and 1 date per day).

But unsweetened varieties of apples, currants and especially pears can be eaten without fear for health, but also without fanaticism. The patient must agree with the doctor for a complete list of dried fruits that diabetics can and cannot eat.

This applies not only to this disease. A person suffering from several ailments at the same time can cause harm to himself. For example, if in addition to diabetes there is an ulcer, it is better to exclude raisins altogether, and if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should also avoid dates.

Dried fruits during pregnancy

Of course, due to the huge number of various “benefits”, pregnant women should consume a variety of dried fruits in reasonable quantities, while paying close attention to their quality. The human body is a complex and intelligent system that can tell you what exactly it is missing.

Therefore, a pregnant woman should listen to her appetite and eat the appropriate fruits.
And yet, doctors especially recommend dates (not least due to the substance oxytocin).

They are useful during pregnancy and lactation; facilitate childbirth and promote the mother’s milk production, as they trigger a whole cascade of reactions in the female body.

Dried fruits instead of sweets

What are the advantages of dried fruits over confectionery? Despite the calorie content, a very small portion of dried fruits will be enough to both heal and saturate the body.

In addition, without denying yourself sweets, you also get rid of depression, a frequent companion to diets. And unlike all kinds of cakes and chocolates, dried fruits are a natural product.

Dried fruit dishes

Dried fruits can not only be added to oatmeal, although it is both quick and tasty. Based on them, you can cook broths and soups, make pilaf and salads, and also prepare delicious curd desserts, without compromising the basic principles of dietary nutrition.

The conclusions are obvious: dried fruits can and should be included in the diet, especially for those who are losing weight or controlling weight, as well as pregnant women. And if you have any diseases, you should first consult your doctor.