Standard bar table height. Selecting the height of the bar counter in the kitchen from the floor: a complete guide. How to calculate the height of the bar counter

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The bar table is a rather specific element of the interior. Previously, it was not perceived as suitable for home use, but design solutions have appeared where this design is located in the kitchen and fits perfectly. In this article we’ll talk about its dimensions – parameters such as the height of the bar counter.

Gradually, the owners of apartments and houses appreciated the advantages of this item. In addition to the stylish look that the room receives, it creates:

  • additional surface;
  • table;
  • additional storage space on the lower tier;
  • an elegant zone divider that will separate the kitchen from the living room.

Are there standards for floor measurements?

The shape can be any, as well as the sizes. You can make it oval, corner - only the area and shape of the room limit your imagination. The only parameter that does not depend on it is height.


The standard height of the bar is 115–120 cm from the floor, which is considered the most convenient for everyday use.

If the ceilings are high, you can make it higher - the standard dimensions of the bar counter are not immutable. If it serves as the boundary of the zones, such a solution can be considered successful.

In models for ordinary apartments, especially if the bar counter is built into the kitchen unit, it usually does not exceed the height of a regular table or differs slightly from it. Such options are convenient to use as an additional (or even main) table for meals and small snacks for 2-3 people.


The optimal height of the bar table from the floor for a specific room can be calculated. If it was purchased after other pieces of furniture, then it is better to adjust it according to the installed furniture.

Chairs are important - the seat of a chair or stool should be 30 cm lower than the tabletop. Therefore, if the counter was purchased separately, you will have to combine it with the height of the bar stools that will be used.


Generally accepted furniture dimensions are not chosen by manufacturers - the standard counter height is the result of calculation. The designs of interior items are created by specialists who take into account the features of human anatomy and take into account the postures in which people sit.

For the height standard, the height of the person who will prepare the drinks matters. It takes into account what kind of work can be done while standing.


The following values ​​are used in production:

  • height – 105 cm;
  • length – 120 cm;
  • bar counter width – 55 cm.

Ready-made models - about 105–130, a common value is 115 (for classic models), combined options– from 90 cm.

Types of bar counters

If you want to decorate your kitchen with this piece of furniture, you should understand the types.


For a small kitchen, a compact classic is best suited - just a tabletop with legs. Its height in a kitchen with a small area is 110 cm. It fits perfectly into cramped kitchens and is used universally.


A tabletop on consoles is considered a classic; it is fixed at the table level - 110–115 cm. The length is calculated according to the number of people (about half a meter is allocated for each) that will be placed at the same time, and according to the length of the wall to which it will be attached. You should buy high stools or chairs with footrests to go with it.

If the kitchen is cramped, you can install a console on legs - there will be two of them, the second side is attached to the wall. In this version it replaces work surface and a dining table.


Island - for a spacious room, requires space. Suitable for a home with many guests or for a large family. Installed in the middle of the room, acting as an accent - the design of the islands is varied, as well as color solutions. The height varies - depends on the model and the general concept of the kitchen-living room.


Combined models

Combined models are attached to the table at the same height, creating an additional large working surface. The kitchen will become rectangular or corner, which will perfectly separate it from other zones, and a large family will fit at an elongated table.

The stand can be raised above the table, then it is used for serving drinks. The table itself is a work surface and serving space. Such models are usually quite large and are installed in spacious rooms. In combined spaces they serve as zone dividers.


With such stands it is convenient to use chairs with height adjustment; this will allow you to sit on the side of the table and on the side of the counter.

Two-level bar tables

Models with two levels have two functional surfaces: one is used for cooking, the second, the upper one, is for serving and dining. This is a convenient option for small spaces, since there is no need for a kitchen table.


Partition - bar structure

It is installed in a combined kitchen-living room and at the same time serves as a border. Unlike conventional pieces of furniture, the height of the kitchen bar from the floor is not a constant value; it can be “adjusted” to suit you, your height and taste.


It can be made from any material (in harmony with the rest of the furniture), of any size. In order to enjoy a romantic light dinner in the evenings, you can backlight it and equip it with separate lighting - like in a bar.

Is it worth buying a kitchen counter?

In favor of purchasing:

  • they do not take up much space;
  • can replace a bulky dining table;
  • you can place a lot of items under the countertop, freeing up space in the room (there are even options with a built-in small refrigerator - if funds allow);
  • For a studio-type apartment, this type of furniture is ideal, but only if correct selection color scheme;
  • compact models, optimal for small apartments, are aesthetic storage for things and utensils, they have drawers and pull-out shelves;
  • If the bar counter is of sufficient height, you can put chairs under it. This will free up space and give the kitchen a neat look.


You will have to buy high chairs - this can be considered a disadvantage. You also need to take into account that in a large family the model will need to be of sufficient size, otherwise you will have to take turns eating.

But these shortcomings will not be decisive if you correctly plan the arrangement of furniture and choose the size of the countertop that fits perfectly into the kitchen ensemble. The bar top, which is a continuation of the table or located at an angle to it, will be at table level or slightly raised - the standard does not apply to a creative approach to the design of your home.


Most often, a bar counter is installed at a standard height - no more than 115 cm. It is advisable to align it with the existing kitchen furniture - so that it is convenient to use it as a work surface.

High stand in standard apartment It is rare, but in design decisions it is justified if the emphasis is on an element that rises above the rest of the furniture.


To buy or not to buy a counter and what is the height of the bar counter in the kitchen are issues that are decided taking into account a specific apartment. It is convenient, compact and inexpensive - after all, you can do it yourself.

You can simply try installing a simple console tabletop and see how acceptable it is. Raise it higher and see how it fits into the kitchen and everyday life. An unusual fit will very quickly become everyday.

In Western countries, bar counters remain a popular element kitchen interior for many decades. However, in our country such a solution has only recently begun to spread. And now it is rapidly gaining popularity. We will consider in the article what dimensions such furniture should have.


Purpose and features of bar counters, Because of which many people dream of purchasing it for their home, they include several main qualities.

  1. Bar counters are the most popular among owners who like to invite guests to their home and throw parties. The stand is perfect for both quiet gatherings with friends and a noisy celebration. This element of the interior will allow you to conveniently prepare and serve entertaining drinks, while adding ambience to what is happening. Perhaps every man in his life has dreamed of trying himself as a bartender.
  2. After a short period of use at home, the owners realized that the stand is perfect not only for drinking drinks, but also for a regular meal. You can conveniently have breakfast or a snack there. And for some people it can even replace kitchen table. It is also convenient to cook food on such a surface.
  3. A stand can be an excellent design solution, becoming one of the main elements unusual interior your kitchen. At the same time, it can be much more convenient than a regular table in terms of functionality. Inside the bar counters you can store, for example, kitchen utensils and other items you need. With its help, you can differentiate or, conversely, combine different rooms.

In essence, this furniture is a simple tabletop with several mandatory stools included.

However, choosing a suitable rack is not an easy task, as there are many nuances to consider.

They differ from each other in many different parameters, such as size, design and compatibility with general view rooms.


First of all, you should consider the material of manufacture. The most common are combined racks. Individual parts can be made from:

  • wood;
  • stone;
  • marble;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • granite

And also bar counters have several varieties depending on their design.

Thanks to this, you can choose the right one for any environment and space.

We list the most common types.

  • Ostrovnaya– fits best into a spacious kitchen. The dimensions of such a rack may vary depending on the area of ​​the occupied room. For convenience and increased functionality, a kitchen stove can be built into it, dishwasher, mini-fridge and other equipment that the dimensions allow.

  • Wall-mounted– a great option for small kitchens. In some cases, it can even replace a table. One narrow edge of the tabletop is attached to the wall, the second is supported on a leg. Some models have the ability to expand to become larger and save space when folded. Using a wall stand you can divide the room into two zones. This good decision for a studio apartment.

  • Built-in– adjacent to others kitchen furniture. Like the previous variety, it is great for small kitchens. This stand can be used both for meals and for convenient cooking. Just like a wall stand, one edge is supported by a leg, and the other is attached to the headset. When choosing, it is worth considering that all elements fit together both in design and functionality.

  • Connected to the window sill– attached to the window sill if it is wide enough. Often, many owners use wide window sills as a small table. Attaching a stand will add additional surface area to the room. It can also be folded to free up space when the stand is not needed. An additional advantage there will be a view from the window during the meal.

  • Combined- as the name suggests, it combines the qualities and functions of several varieties. More often bottom part is intended for use, while the top one is a decorative element.

But the most important selection criterion is Dimensions of the bar counter. Next, we will talk in more detail about how to choose the right height, width and length, and also tell you what characteristics of your room you need to start from.

Height Standards

As a rule, the height of a standard kitchen counter ranges from 80 to 130 centimeters from the floor. The most common height today is 115 centimeters. But it is not suitable in all cases. It also happens that the height of the rack goes beyond the above standards.

But this is not so important, since the main indicator is its convenience. Therefore, first of all, you need to take into account the main functions that it will perform in your home, as well as its location. For example, if your family has elderly people or small children, you should give preference to a low height. Pay attention to the average height of all household members.

If it does not exceed 165 centimeters, then the maximum height of the rack should not exceed 110 centimeters. If - from 170 centimeters and above, then in this case a 120-centimeter stand is the best solution.

Certainly, One cannot fail to take into account the type of stand itself. Let's look at its impact on required height with two examples.

For example, a bar counter built into the set. Hence, it must be consistent with the height of the rest of the furniture. Average height kitchen set is 85-90 centimeters.

The second example is a rack used to divide rooms or a studio. In this case, it is not only a working surface, but also a partition. Therefore, such furniture should be a little higher. The minimum height is approximately 1 meter.

Today, multi-level models are becoming popular. The part located in the kitchen area corresponds in height to the set.

And the part in the other room is 10-20 centimeters higher. Bar stools are usually located on the higher side.

The wall variety usually has a height of 110 to 125 centimeters. The combination of this type of rack and its dimensions will save internal space.

What should the length be?

The length of the bar counter can be anything depending on the available space, your personal preferences and capabilities. The standard, most common length is 120 centimeters. But you are free to experiment. Just don’t forget that the counter should be comfortable for people who spend time at it.

The norm of space per person is 62 centimeters. Therefore, you need to take into account the number of people who are at the counter at the same time. You will also have to take into account the physical characteristics of these people. For a large person, the usual norm may not be enough, which means the length will have to be taken with a reserve.

A person should not experience discomfort while sitting at the counter.

If not so many people gather behind it, but only 2-3 people, you can purchase a short but wider bar counter. In this case, several people can sit opposite each other.

Furniture width

The width of the tabletop depends on the purposes for which it will most often be used. The average value established by experts is 55 centimeters. If the kitchen has a small area, the width can be reduced to 30 centimeters. And narrower racks will be practically useless, since they will lose additional functionality and will be inconvenient even for their intended purpose.

Therefore, remember that 30 centimeters is the minimum width.

In spacious kitchens and rooms you can place wider bar counters. Their maximum width can reach 90 centimeters. Wide countertops are great for cooking or as a replacement for dining table. They also allow several people to sit on both sides at the same time without interfering with each other.

How to choose the right dimensions?

Purchasing a bar counter is not an easy decision. You will have to weigh many pros and cons before taking it. Definitely, such furniture has significant advantages:

  • does not take up much space;
  • can replace a bulky table;
  • can replace many cabinets at the same time;
  • fits perfectly into studio apartments;
  • gives a special touch to the surrounding interior.

But, alas, the matter is not without its drawbacks. These include:

  • the need to purchase chairs of appropriate height;
  • long rack length if many people live in your house;
  • selection of a stand according to the design and size of other headsets.

None of these disadvantages are significant.

If the optimal length depends on the number of household members, then you should not overdo it with the width; after all, it should correspond to the bar counter, without turning it into a table.

According to GOST standards The height of the stand for installation in catering establishments should be 120 centimeters, however, in everyday life such a height is not always advisable.

No matter how important the height, length and width are, the choice of bar counter is not limited to them. After all, this is not the only interior element that is available in your kitchen. In addition, you will need special stools, and perhaps additional furniture. It is important to understand what atmosphere the counter should emphasize, whether it is a real bar or a pub. Or you want to maintain the comfort of home.

The fashion for installing bar counters in apartments has appeared a long time ago, but it is in no hurry to give way to other trends. The question often arises - what are their dimensions, especially the height. It is impossible to answer in monosyllables, becausebar counter height- a value that depends on many factors.

What is a bar counter

Stand - important element bar interior.It looks like a fairly wide barrier separating visitors and employees of the establishment.

Creating two zones with different functions - for the bartender and for visitors - creates the opportunity to properly organize work and separate drunk people from bar workers.Bar counter widthis determined in such a way as to exclude the possibility for visitors to take something from behind the counter, and for the bartender to create the opportunity to conveniently accept money and issue goods.

The most common width corresponds to the approximate length of an outstretched arm - 70 cm. In addition to pure functionality, the design has an important decorative value, since it is the face of the establishment, the main element around which all events are built.

History of the bar counter

The term is believed to have originated in North America approximately in the 18th century.The prototype was an ordinary counter, which, in fact, is any bar counter.

The initial function expanded quite quickly - the counters began to be used as tables at which visitors drank, ate and generally relaxed.

It was then finally determinedbar counter height, a standard has been developed , which is still in effect today.

This use gave rise to a kind of bar culture, differing from cafes or restaurants in being more democratic and simple - everything was done right there, on the go. This contributed to the high popularity of bars among the poorer segments of the population, which at all times constituted the majority.

Attention!In Russia, traditionally there were no bar counters; people preferred a more substantial feast to have a snack or drink on the go. The fashion for bars and the corresponding design of establishments has come relatively recently, but has become quite firmly entrenched.

What functions does the bar counter serve?

The design separates patrons and bartenders. This is the main function for which it was created. The next, but no less important function is the creation of a platform, a working surface for dispensing or consuming goods . In addition, it is a kind of communication center that promotes trade and attracts visitors. From an ordinary specific element of the interior, the design has turned into a cult symbol, recognizable by everyone.

Usually this means the counter itself, i.e. front line. In fact, the composition also includes an upper tier, as well as a back (buffet) line, which traditionally consists of rows of shelves with a variety of alcoholic beverages, installed on a cabinet with sliding doors, designed to store various accessories.

Types of bar counters

Bar counters have been transformed and modified throughout the entire period of their existence. The traditional type of counters was transformed into a taller structure that is comfortable for a standing person.

If the table height is standard in the region of 70-75 cm, then the stand is much higher. In addition, different designs were created:

  1. Standard. This rack is made immediately ready-made and is not subject to design changes.
  2. Modular. It is created from unified elements and can be reassembled in a different configuration.

In addition, there are single- and multi-level racks that differ in the number of working surfaces. The most common are multi-level (two or more) systems; they are more convenient for everyone, can accommodate a lot of equipment and various items, allow you to organize a separate workspace for the bartender, inaccessible to visitors. Regularbar counter in a cafe has dimensions , which correspond to the area of ​​the hall and the style of the establishment.

In addition, there are wall-mounted and island structures, which are either attached to the wall at one or both ends, or are located in the middle of the hall without contact of the end parts with the walls.

What is a home bar counter?

Bar counter in the apartmenthas a purely decorative value, since there is no functional need for it.It is created as an element of style, and is used mainly as a dining table or work table.

Important!Apartments usually have narrow, small structures that have little in common with those used in cafes. At the same time, they are smaller than a standard dining table. This allows you to save kitchen space, which is very valuable in small apartments.

Most often, home options are an addition to the kitchen set. For example,kitchen bar countertopmade from the same material as all the other furniture, so that the entire interior forms a single whole. However, there are exclusive design options created for a specific room.

Dimensions of typical bar counters

A typical bar counter may have various sizes, which determines the size of the furniture, the style of the establishment and other factors

There are no strictly defined values ​​in this direction, and the existing GOST standards give a fairly wide range of values. Basically, the dimensions are chosen so that a standing person can comfortably lean his elbows on the work surface without bending over or standing on tiptoes.

This height is also convenient for the bartender, since the height of the lower level allows him to place work accessories and produce everything necessary actions without stress on the lumbar or shoulder region.

Bar counter for kitchenis done based on other considerations - it is required to fit it into the interior of the kitchen as much as possible and ensure its intended use, which, in essence, is the function of a dining table. The small area of ​​kitchens puts forward quite stringent requirements. Let's look at the most popular designs:

Classic single-level model

Single-level model for an ordinary small-sized kitchen - best option, since it is a stylized dining table, essential in the kitchen. At the same time, the design of the table rarely matches the rest of the interior, and the counter can be made as an additional part of the kitchen set.

Single-level installation bar counter in the kitchenallows you to designate a specific style without introducing additional elements or losing functionality.

Mini stand

Mini-rack - a compact model created specifically for installation in an apartment. It is a kind of cabinet, stylized as a classic model, but small sizes. Such a product does not require full functionality, it is only necessary to indicate some similarity to large prototypes. The main task lies in the decorative plane.

Is it possible to install a bar counter in a small kitchen?

A small kitchen does not exclude the possibility of installation; you just need to choose a size that will not overload the space of the room and will allow you to perform functional duties.

There are several design options that fit well into the interior of small kitchens:

  1. Bar counter combined with a dining table. In this case, the combination is conditional, since in essence there is dining table made in a certain style. It is usually divided into two zones with at different levels, allowing you to use the product both as a regular table and as a stand if necessary.
  2. Island stand. This type is a separately installed structure. The option is convenient because allows you to approach the product from any side, which allows simultaneous use by a large number of people. The island counter is the closest analogue of a dining table.
  3. Rack with combined levels. This option allows you to divide the tabletop into zones, allowing you to get a larger number of working surfaces. This visually separates the stand from the rest of the set, preserving the overall style and functionality of each individual item.

Choosing a bar counter

Choosing a bar counter for the kitchen is not such a difficult matter. You need to decide on the appearance and size, decide whether it will have the same appearance as the entire kitchen set, or whether an exclusive option is needed. If space is limited, the choice is simplified, for example,kitchen bar lengthcannot be larger than the size of the room allows. In addition, there must be enough space for people.

Should the bar counter match the overall style of the interior?

Compliance with the general style is desirable, but not required

This is a matter of taste and personal preference of the owners, and such things are always decided independently.

If you want to emphasize the design, highlight the item from general series, then it is better for it to be different from all other elements.

If you want to create a complete picture, combine all the objects into a single ensemble, optimal solution will bring the stand as close in appearance to the headset as possible.

Table of standard sizes of bar counters

Existing standard sizes have a significant range of values, which raises some questions. Stands and chairs are often purchased separately, and it is very important to select the elements that best match each other, otherwise they will be inconvenient to use. For example, what is the height of the bar counter in the kitchenDoes it match existing chairs? Or vice versa? A small table can help in resolving these issues:

Attention!These ratios are not fundamental and reflect the most convenient sizes for the average person. For children or people with very low or high levels, the ratios should be adjusted.

Standard sizes of bar counters

The main size that determines all relationships and proportions is
height of the bar counter in the kitchen from the floor.

All other parameters are based on height, both from the point of view of ease of use and from an aesthetic point of view.

A tall, but short and too narrow design will be perceived as disproportionate and incorrect.

In addition, it is tied to the height of the tabletopbar stool height, which should contribute to the comfort of people sitting at the counter.


The length of the structure depends on the parameters of the room.In this case, no standards are applicable, since for each kitchen the issue is resolved individually. What is more important here is the width orbar counter depth, since it can be chosen more freely.


The width of the tabletop is selected from the range of 0.6-0.9 m (GOST 17524.5-93).For the kitchen, the selection criteria are based on the size of the room, furniture, layout and other parameters. For multi-level structures, it is necessary to take into account the overall dimensions.

Important!It must be taken into account that the width of the tabletop should ensure that people around it are comfortable, without cramping or inconvenience.

How to choose the right chairs

The selection of chairs is made according to two parameters:

  1. Heightseatsbar stool according to GOSTshould be 60-65% of the height of the tabletop.
  2. The height of the back of the chair is chosen in such a way that it is possible to slide it under the tabletop to obtain free space.

It should be borne in mind that these requirements apply purely in technical terms; give any advice on appearance chairs are pointless and inappropriate.

A bar counter in an apartment is a stylish and convenient element of the interior that can save kitchen space, create a unique flavor and impress guests. Correctly selected sizes will provide comfort and special chic.

A bar counter can enrich a kitchen space, as it is one of the most interesting and colorful interior details. However, an incorrectly selected model, with inappropriate height and length, will look either like an overly bulky design in a small kitchen, or vice versa - occupy the minimum possible area in a spacious room, thereby violating the overall aesthetics of the room.

To avoid such embarrassment, first of all, it is recommended to decide on the dimensions of the future rack. How high should the bar counter be? How to do this, and are there any standards that should be taken into account when choosing? You'll find out soon!

When choosing, you should take into account its practicality in use and relevance in general design idea. Model range Modern bar counters are so diverse that choosing the most ergonomic design that fully suits your height and basic dimensions is quite easy.

Bar counter in the kitchen (photo)


The island model will simply fit amazingly into a spacious and expensively decorated kitchen space. On an unusual and functional “island” you can successfully place a stylish touch-sensitive electric stove, a modern oven or a luxurious sink, or achieve a combination of all three (or more) elements in a combined version.

The bar counter of this type can be divided into two zones: the work area, where the hostess brings her culinary ideas to life, and the dining area, where, in fact, hungry household members sit waiting for their breakfast. The second part, as a rule, is slightly raised, thereby achieving the effect of a “bar counter”.

Island bar counter

The dimensions and original shape of the “island” directly depend on its functional purpose and the needs of the owner. However, there is an optimal option - a stand that is 2.1 m in length, while the height of such a structure does not exceed a meter.

Often, a good “island” can also imply a purely decorative context. In this case, its dimensions are narrowed to 0.6 m in height and 1.2 m in length.

Often the height of the bar “island” is used, which is equivalent to the height of the kitchen countertop: in this design the table is used for cooking.

However, the height of the bar counter in the kitchen can also correspond to the level of the bar stools - in this case, the counter is used for its intended purpose. Combining these two directions, we obtain a two-level model.


Such a design can easily fit into the smallest kitchen, providing its own countertop as an alternative to the dining table. The branch bar counter came to us from the West, representing the best traditions and trends of popular fast food. As a rule, its design is combined with a common kitchen set, but its location is quite peculiar: such a model is placed perpendicular to the main kitchen composition.

The optimal height of such a counter is 0.9 m. In this case, the bar “branch” can also be used as a cutting table. In fact, this model is a standard mini-rack that has enough functional and aesthetic qualities to fit in your favorite one-inch kitchen. For more comfortable and leisurely meals, as well as quick cooking, it is best to choose bar stools whose height does not exceed 0.6 m.

Bar counter extension (photo)

The extension stand is one of the most laconic and maximum simple designs, however, the visual perception of such a model places it in the category of light and “airy” products that can perfectly zone a kitchen-studio. The mini-stand does not burden the room, creating a charming spatial illusion for it. A traditional mini-stand is attached to the floor and ceiling with a chrome pipe; the pipe itself houses various glass holders, fruit bowls, all kinds of stands, “mesh” circular shelves and other interesting accessories.

Wall rack

The design of the wall bar counter is profitable solution for a small family that also has a narrow or very small kitchen space. If the dimensions of the kitchen allow it, then, of course, you can place a small dining table in the corner and set it on weekends. But by purchasing a compact wall stand, you can equip it as a full-fledged and stylish table.

The tabletop of the structure can stand on one or both legs, or it can simply “float” in the air. Standard View wall model - a narrow and long tabletop, which:

  • or mounted on the wall itself;
  • or it is simply fixed close to it.

Regardless of the mounting, usually this type of rack has standard height– 1.2 meters, that is, such a model can be tall, but the dimensions of the structure must be selected according to the size of the kitchen.

Wall-mounted bar counter for a small kitchen

There are also separate folding models of mini-wall stands that can be adapted for feeding a child. This is a very economical option and this element looks quite aesthetically pleasing and functional. The most convenient point is the versatility of installing the “children’s” stand: since it usually takes up a minimum of space, it can be installed at any height.

Bar counter on the windowsill

A bar structure, combined with a window sill, or simply attached to it, is a great space saver. This design solution will harmoniously complement the interior of a small kitchen. The model attached to the window sill can be equipped with a functional folding mechanism and retractable support legs.

If your apartment has window openings, having quite a significant depth, then an unused window sill can take up a pointlessly large amount of space in the kitchen. Of course, you can equip it with a wonderful green corner, but a room squeezed into a certain overall framework is best used more rationally.

For this reason, the only optimal and reasonable way out of the situation would be to use the window sill in a different form: as a dining table with a delightful view outside the window, or, if the height allows, as an analogue to a bar counter. You can also purchase a folding model. The housewife removes the wider part of such a tabletop for a while, for example, while she is busy cooking, and then lifts it up and serves it for her beloved household members.

Bar counter combined with a window sill (photo)

A folding table is extremely convenient for a window sill with a significant width: when unfolded, such a table-stand becomes larger, since an extensive “window sill” surface is additionally attached to it. The height of such a model should naturally correspond to the height of the window sill. The only possible inconvenience in such a combination of rack and window sill will be the insufficient height of the latter.

Height Standards

Standard height of the classic model The bar counter in an apartment rarely exceeds 1.15 m. For such a bar counter, as a rule, elegant high chairs with ergonomic footrests, reliable stools, or stylish half-chairs that harmoniously complement its appearance are purchased. However, sometimes this rule is violated: the height of the stand may coincide with the height of the worktop being used kitchen cabinet or dining table. For this reason, low bar stools or seats with adjustable height are considered so popular today.

Fans extravagant and bright style They prefer fairly tall models with a table top. What is the height of this bar counter? This is 1.2 m from the floor and above. Designers advise using this design only in the case of zoning the kitchen and dining area, however, this “permission” is not always appropriate. For example, in a room with low ceilings, an excessively tall piece of furniture will become too bulky.

The optimal solution suitable for all types of kitchens, is the standard height of the bar counter, equal to 0.9 m. However, the most compromise option will be the aesthetic combination of countertops, which are recommended to be installed at 1.15 m and 0.9 m above the floor. Of course, it is not necessary to adhere to classic height standards and achieve the traditional design of counters that can be seen in luxury restaurants and affordable cafes.

Home bar counters and stools can be located significantly lower than traditional models. Low tables with legs and elegant, tasteful bar stools will fill the room with special warmth and a pleasant atmosphere; they are very comfortable and also safe to use. The height of the custom-made model varies from 0.7 to 12.5 m.

When choosing the appropriate tabletop level, you should take into account the correct distance to other surrounding objects. Additionally, it is worth taking care of the proportions of the bar set: the ideal difference between the levels of the table top and chairs is 0.3 m. Often, chairs are purchased first, and only then a bar counter, adjusted to the optimal dimensions.

Thus, the height of the bar counter should be chosen taking into account the overall dimensions of the kitchen space, personal preferences and exclusive purpose separate model. Your kitchen will become truly “status” and stylish thanks to the use of a bar structure suitable in size in the interior.

Installing a bar counter in the kitchen is a fairly common solution for modern interiors.

Increasingly, bar counters decorate not only studio apartments, but also kitchens in one-room apartments, the dimensions of which leave much to be desired. In this case, it is better to prefer a bar counter to a dining table.

How to decide on sizes

The standard dimensions of the bar counter are 120x55x105 (length*width*height, cm). Of course, these parameters may be different:

  • For example, the height of factory racks is usually 1100/1200/1250/1300 mm;
  • If the stand is part of the headset, then its height is 860/880/910 mm. These parameters are obtained as a result of a simple calculation that takes into account: the base of typical furniture is 100/120/150 mm in height, the thickness of the tabletop is within 40 mm and the height of the facade is 720 mm.

What size is optimal? This issue is resolved individually.

  • The length of the countertop can be different and depends on your idea, the size of the kitchen and the number of household members - 600 mm is required for 1 seated person;
  • But the width of the bar counter should not be less than 300 mm (otherwise it will be uncomfortable to sit). Optimal values for this dimension - 0.5-0.6 meters. Wider designs are chosen for rooms where there is no need to save space.

As for the choice of bar counter height, here, in addition to the height of family members, its type of construction and location in the kitchen also play a role.

The main options for installing a bar counter in the kitchen are as follows:

  1. A structure that is part of a kitchen unit. Its dimensions correspond to the overall height of the furniture, and as mentioned earlier, most often it is 86 cm from the floor. This allows the element to be used as a work or dining surface.

  1. A counter that acts as a partition and is separated from the kitchen unit - 110, 120, 125, 1300 cm. Such interior partitions are equipped with high bar stools 75–85 cm high and are preferable for large spaces that require zoning.

  1. In the form of a dining table with a height of 75 cm. This method of arranging a bar counter is optimal for small kitchens. In this case, it is mounted against a wall or near a window, and the chairs will fit standard sizes.

  1. Wall tables are not so common in the kitchen. They are good in and because they allow you to save the space required when installing a dining group. The width here should be chosen based on common sense, the length should be calculated based on the norm of 60 cm/1 person, and the height should be standard 110-130 cm.

  1. If the size of the room allows, you can install an island rack.

When choosing a bar counter for your kitchen, you must take into account the height of your family members. So, tall people It is more convenient to use a high bar counter of 130 cm, while for others it is better to choose a counter with a height of 110 cm or 120 cm.

Keep in mind that the design of the bar counter is often multi-level. That is, one part of it can be the working part of the set and have a standard height of 86 cm, while the other can be higher or lower and play the role of a bar counter.

How tall should chairs be?

Just like regular chairs, they have their own standard sizes based on the principles of ergonomics.

The seat height of bar stools is most often 75 cm or 85 cm. Although you can find other parameters, for example, Ikea produces bar stools for the kitchen with a height of 63 and 74 cm.

The following table shows the recommended bar stool sizes based on counter height. Keep in mind that it is not necessary to strictly adhere to these figures, the main thing is that the difference between the height of the table and chairs is not less than 30.

Bar counter typeHeight from floor to tabletopHeight of chairs from floor to seat
130 cm85 cm
Freestanding bar counter120 cm75 - 85 cm
Freestanding bar counter110 cm75 cm
91 cm75 cm
Bar counter dependent on the kitchen unit88 - 86 cm62 - 75 cm
Dining table in the form of a bar counter75 cm45 cm

  • To save space in the kitchen, you should buy high plastic stools rather than traditional bar stools. They will easily fit under the counter if necessary;
  • For a small kitchen, transparent plastic chairs that have recently come into fashion, such as in the photo: