Where is isopropyl alcohol found? Isopropyl alcohol: beneficial and dangerous properties

Isopropyl alcohol(isopropanol) is used in many industries industrial production. It is also used in medicine as an external remedy. But can you drink isopropyl alcohol? This question interests many people. Is this substance dangerous? Will its entry into the body lead to poisoning? Let's try to figure it out.

Description of the substance

Before answering the question of whether people drink isopropyl alcohol, let’s consider the composition of this chemical compound.

Isopropanol appears as a clear, colorless liquid. It has a stronger odor than ethanol. The formula of isopropyl alcohol is C 3 H 8 O. This substance is an aliphatic compound that does not contain a benzene ring. From a chemical point of view, isopropanol is the simplest monohydric alcohol.

Isopropyl alcohol contains the following: chemical elements:

  • carbon;
  • hydrogen;
  • oxygen.

The oxygen and hydrogen in this compound form a single hydroxyl group (OH) bonded to a carbon atom.


Isopropanol has a low density but is less volatile than ethanol. A high concentration of its vapors can cause intoxication. At a temperature of +80 degrees, alcohol boils. When mixed with air, this compound is flammable and can explode. If you heat alcohol to a temperature of +450 degrees, the liquid can spontaneously ignite.

Isopropyl alcohol oxidizes easily, turning into acetone. It is a powerful solvent and mixes well with water. Exposure to ethanol can damage rubber products. This alcohol completely dissolves essential oils and resins.

Isopropanol is very similar in properties and smell to ethanol. This similarity provokes some alcohol lovers to ingest this liquid with the smell of alcohol. However, when asked whether it is possible to drink isopropyl alcohol, doctors give a clear negative answer. Even vapors of this substance in high concentrations can cause poisoning, not to mention ingestion of alcohol.

There are times when a person drinks unfamiliar alcohol by mistake. However, it is very easy to distinguish this compound from strong drinks. The alcoholic odor of isopropanol is much stronger than that of ethanol.

Production and sales

The starting material for the production of isopropyl is propylene. Alcohol is produced by a hydration reaction in two ways:

  1. Direct hydration method. Highly purified propylene is used for the reaction. It is combined with water under pressure. Catalysts are used to speed up the process. As a result of hydration, absolute isopropyl alcohol is obtained. This is a high-quality product with a purification degree of more than 90%.
  2. Indirect hydration. This method produces technical isopropyl alcohol. It has a lower degree of purification than the absolute product. Propylene and sulfuric acid are used for the reaction. As a result of the interaction of these ingredients, not only alcohol is formed, but also various esters.

How many degrees is isopropyl alcohol? Absolute isopropanol can be found on sale. Its strength is 99.7%. This substance is used only as a solvent or cleaner and is not intended for ingestion. The price of isopropyl alcohol ranges from 150 to 300 rubles per 1 liter.

There is also a product on sale that is intended for cleaning office equipment. This substance is subjected to more thorough processing, all harmful impurities are removed from it. This compound is produced under the name "Professional or rectified isopropyl alcohol." Its price is much higher - from 700 to 1100 rubles for 0.5 - 1 liter.

Industrial use

As already mentioned, this alcohol is widely used in various fields industry. Isopropanol is used in the production the following types products:

  • perfumery and cosmetic products;
  • acetone;
  • paints and varnishes;
  • outdoor medicines;
  • antifreeze;
  • resins;
  • electronic parts (for cleaning);
  • aviation gasoline;
  • printed products (for humidification).

It is important to note that the use of isopropyl alcohol in food industry not allowed. This compound is of low toxicity, but can still cause intoxication. It was assigned hazard class 3. This means that the substance is moderately toxic. Therefore, such alcohol cannot be used in food production.

Medical use

Only topical use of isopropyl alcohol in medical practice is allowed. This compound has disinfectant properties. It is used for the following purposes:

  • for treating the skin before injection;
  • for application to a cotton swab (for the treatment of otitis externa);
  • as an impregnation for medical wipes.

Thus, we see that in medicine this substance is used only as an external agent. It is not intended for internal use.

Is it possible to drink highly purified isopropyl alcohol? This question is sometimes asked by people who are addicted to alcohol. Doctors give a negative answer. Even very high-quality and purified isopropanol is extremely toxic to humans. The danger of this substance lies not in the presence of impurities, but in the negative effects of alcohol on the body.


When isopropyl alcohol enters the body, about 15% of this substance is converted into acetone. It is this connection that poses the main danger. It leads to severe intoxication with damage to many organs.

In addition, isopropanol inhibits the central nervous system much more strongly. nervous system than ethanol. It causes severe intoxication more quickly. 10 mg of isopropyl alcohol is equal in effect on the body to 100 g of ethanol. In order to get severe intoxication, it is enough to take not large number this connection.

This is why doctors answer the question negatively: “Can I drink isopropyl alcohol?” Even a small dose of such a substance can become a potent poison for the body. In many cases, intoxication can develop even when inhaling alcohol vapor.

Poisoning routes

How does isopropanol intoxication occur? This substance can enter the body in the following ways:

  1. Through the mouth. Typically, people suffering from severe alcohol addiction are poisoned in this way. They use isopropanol as a substitute for alcoholic beverages. Also, an admixture of isopropanol may be contained in low-quality vodka made by hand. In very rare cases, small children are poisoned with this alcohol if the container with the substance was left in a place accessible to the child.
  2. Through the respiratory organs. Poisoning occurs when large concentrations of substance vapor are inhaled, especially in a confined space.

When taken orally, a dose of about 15 mg of pure alcohol is toxic. But even if a smaller amount of isopropanol enters the body, severe stomach upset with diarrhea can occur.

Mechanism of intoxication

Let's take a closer look at the effect of isopropanol on the body. Poisoning with this alcohol develops in several stages:

  1. The alcohol is absorbed into the walls of the stomach and enters the bloodstream.
  2. About 80-90% of the compound is neutralized in the liver.
  3. In small quantities, unchanged alcohol leaves the body along with exhaled air and urine.
  4. About 10 - 20% of isopropanol remains in the bloodstream and is converted to acetone.
  5. The level of ketone bodies in the blood increases sharply. Acetone affects the tissues of the kidneys, brain and liver.

Toxic substances leave the body on their own only 7-8 hours after drinking alcohol. During this time, acetone has negative impact to various organs.

Vapor poisoning

When working with isopropanol, it is recommended to wear protective mask and ventilate the room. This alcohol has increased volatility. Inhalation of its vapors irritates the mucous membrane of the respiratory system and eyes. In addition, isopropyl alcohol sharply depresses the central nervous system. Intoxication is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • cough;
  • pain when swallowing;
  • lethargy, weakness or feeling drunk.


What happens if you drink isopropyl alcohol? The entry of this substance into the gastrointestinal tract leads to the following symptoms:

  1. The first signs of poisoning are similar to the picture of ordinary intoxication. A person experiences dizziness, problems with balance and coordination of movements. Speech becomes unclear and incomprehensible to others. In this case, intoxication is much more pronounced than when drinking conventional alcoholic beverages with ethanol.
  2. A characteristic feature intoxication is the smell of acetone from the mouth.
  3. Then the person experiences a headache, severe weakness and drowsiness. Double vision appears, as in severe alcohol intoxication.
  4. There is a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the abdomen, as well as in the liver and kidneys. Man complains about severe pain in the legs.
  5. When taking large amounts of isopropanol, signs of respiratory depression occur. Cardiac activity weakens. The patient's pulse becomes rare, blood pressure decreases to critical numbers. Seizure attacks occur. When taking a large dose of alcohol, a person can fall into a coma. Kidney failure often develops, as acetone affects the nephrons.

The lethal dose of isopropanol is 250 mg. Death occurs due to respiratory and cardiac failure.

First aid

If a person has been poisoned by isopropanol vapor or consumed alcohol internally, it is necessary to call an ambulance. Treatment of intoxication is carried out in a hospital setting.

Before the doctors arrive, it is necessary to provide the patient with first aid:

  1. You need to rinse your stomach with a solution of baking soda. The person is given a large amount of liquid to drink and then vomited. This will help remove the remaining poison from the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. The patient should be given enterosorbents: “Smecta”, “Polysorb”, “Activated carbon”, “Enterosgel”.
  3. If the patient vomits, he should be placed on his side. This will prevent you from inhaling the vomit.
  4. You need to unbutton the collar and free the person from tight clothing. This will help make breathing easier.
  5. If the patient is poisoned by alcohol vapor, then the windows need to be opened so that fresh air can enter the room.

Possible consequences

Even if a person was given timely help and carried out all the necessary medical measures, the long-term consequences of intoxication cannot be completely excluded. Poisoning can have an extremely negative impact on the condition internal organs and provoke the occurrence of the following pathologies:

  • gastritis and gastric ulcers;
  • toxic kidney nephrosis;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • disorders of the function of the endocrine glands;
  • residual neurological disorders (recurrent headaches, motor coordination disorders, paralysis);
  • bronchitis and asthma (in case of vapor poisoning).

All this suggests that isopropyl alcohol should absolutely not be taken orally. This can lead not only to dangerous intoxication, but also to disability due to severe complications.

Isopropyl alcohol is a chemical substance with the formula CH3CH(OH)CH3. It is often also called 2-propanol, isopropanol, or IPA for short. We sell isopropyl alcohol, so we present a short story about it to visitors to the online store.

Properties of isopropyl alcohol

Isopropanol is a secondary alcohol of the aliphatic series. It is capable of forming various esters, reacts with active metals, and upon condensation with aromatic compounds produces derivatives, for example, isopropylbenzene.
An excellent solvent, it dissolves in benzene and acetone, and can be mixed with water and organic solvents in any proportions.

Isopropanol dissolves well natural and some synthetic resins, ethylcellulose, polyvinyl butyral, and most oils. Not suitable for rubber and some plastics. With water it forms an azeotropic mixture consisting of 87.9% 2-propanol. With solutions of salts in chemical reactions does not enter, which is used to isolate it from an aqueous solution.

Isopropyl alcohol is a colorless liquid with a pungent alcoholic odor, more “gross” than the odor of ethyl alcohol. Freezing point: 89.5 °C below zero. Vapors of the substance mix easily with air and high concentration form an explosive mixture, so you should work with it in well-ventilated areas and keep it away from open flames and heating devices.

Isopropanol is toxic if inhaled and ingested and can cause skin irritation, poisoning, and even death. The vapors have a narcotic effect. Isopropyl alcohol is more toxic than ethyl alcohol, but it also intoxicates tens of times faster, so a person is simply unable to take a lethal dose. Much more dangerous is long-term inhalation of vapors containing in the air above the maximum permissible concentration.

Using isopropyl alcohol

Its main scope of application is as a solvent in industry, perfumery, household chemicals, in repellents. The price of isopropyl alcohol is affordable, which, coupled with many beneficial properties makes it a sought-after substance. It is used:

- In the automotive industry. The property of IPS to freeze at very high temperatures is especially appreciated. low temperatures. The higher the concentration of isopropanol in the solution, the lower the freezing point of the liquid. It is used in antifreeze, windshield wipers, and added to gasoline.
— In medicine — as a disinfectant (Saturate tampons and napkins with a 60-70% solution and clean your hands).
— As an intermediate in the preparation of other reagents in chemistry. Acetone and isopropylbenzene are produced from isopropanol on an industrial scale.
— In pharmacology, it is used in analyzes using gas chromatography.
— For preservation organic materials(an alternative to formaldehyde), for preserving analyzes in medicine and biology.
— Isopropyl alcohol is used as a cleaner in electrical engineering, electronics, metallurgy, furniture and fiber optic production, etc.
- In everyday life. Propanol-2 is less toxic than most solvents used in households. Use it to remove stains, glue, oils, paint, dirt from fabrics, paper, wood, metal and glass surfaces.

Propan-2-ol Abbreviations Isopropanol, 2-propanol Traditional names Isopropyl alcohol Chemical formula CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 Empirical formula C3H8O Physical properties Condition (standard condition) liquid Rel. molecular weight 60.09 a. e.m. Molar mass 60.09 g/mol Density 0.7851 g/cm³ Dynamic viscosity (st. conv.) 0.00243 Pa s
(at 20 °C) Thermal properties Melting point -89.5 °C Boiling point 82.4 °C Flash point 11.7 °C Auto-ignition temperature 400 °C Molar heat capacity (st. conv.) 155.2 J/(mol K) Steam pressure 4.4 kPa at 20 °C Chemical properties pK a 16,5 Solubility in benzene highly soluble Solubility in acetone soluble Optical properties Refractive index 1,3776 Structure Dipole moment 1,66 Classification Reg. CAS number 67-63-0 SMILES CC(O)C Safety Toxicity quite high

Isopropyl alcohol, propanol-2 (2-propanol), isopropanol, dimethylcarbinol, IPS- the simplest secondary monohydric alcohol of the aliphatic series. There is an isomer of isopropanol - 1-propanol. It belongs to substances of the 3rd hazard class (moderately dangerous substances) in terms of the degree of impact on the body, and has a narcotic effect. The maximum permissible concentration limit for isopropanol vapors in air is 10 mg/m3. Isopropyl alcohol poisoning occurs as a result of inhalation of vapors containing a concentration exceeding the maximum permissible concentration; it does not have cumulative properties. Ingestion even in small doses causes poisoning. Widely used as technical alcohol in glass cleaners, office equipment, etc. and as a solvent in industry (where solvents are needed).


Chemical properties

Chemical formula (rational) of isopropyl alcohol: CH 3 CH(OH)CH 3 .

Isopropanol has the properties of secondary fatty alcohols, including the formation of ethers and esters. The hydroxyl group can be displaced by representatives of a number of halogens. Isopropyl alcohol condenses with aromatic compounds to form derivatives such as isopropylbenzene and isopropyltoluene. Many essential oils, alkaloids, some synthetic resins and other chemical compounds dissolve well in isopropanol. When dehydrogenated, it turns into acetone.

Reacts with strong oxidizing agents. Aggressive towards some types of plastic and rubber.

Physical properties

Colorless liquid with a characteristic alcoholic odor, more pungent compared to ethanol (by which they can be distinguished in some cases), melting point −89.5 °C, boiling point 82.4 °C, density 0.7851 g/cm³ (at 20 °C), flash point 11.7 °C. Lower explosive limit in air is 2.5% by volume (at 25 °C). Self-ignition temperature 456 °C. Refractive index 1.3776 (liquid, at 20 °C). Dynamic viscosity under standard conditions is 2.43 mPa s. Molar heat capacity (st. conv.) - 155.2 J/(mol K).

Steam mixes well with air and easily forms explosive mixtures. Vapor pressure - 4.4 kPa (at 20 °C). Relative vapor density - 2.1, relative density of the steam/air mixture - 1.05 (at 20 °C).

Soluble in acetone, soluble in benzene, miscible with other solvents (water, organic) in any ratio. Forms an azeotropic mixture with water (87.9% isopropyl alcohol, boiling point 83.38 °C).

The dependence of the freezing temperature of a mixture of isopropyl alcohol and water on the concentration of isopropyl alcohol in the mixture is presented in the table:

about %
weight %
0 0 0
10 8 −4
20 17 −7
30 26 −15
40 34 −18
50 44 −21
60 54 −23
70 65 −29
80 76 −37*
90 88 −57*
100 100 −90*

(*Hypothermia observed)


There are two methods for the industrial production of isopropanol—acetone hydrogenation and propylene hydration.

The main method for producing isopropanol in Russian industry is sulfuric acid hydration of propylene

CH 3 CH=CH 2 + H 2 SO 4 → (CH 3) 2 CHOSO 3 H + H 2 O → (CH 3) 2 CHOH.

The raw material can be a propane-propylene fraction with a propylene content of 30-90% (oil pyrolysis and cracking fraction). However, there is a tendency to use pure propylene, since in this case the process can be carried out at low pressures, the formation of reaction by-products - polymers and acetone - is sharply reduced. At the first stage of the process, a sulfuric acid extract is formed containing an equilibrium mixture of isopropyl alcohol, isopropyl sulfate (CH3) 2 CHOSO 2 OH, H 2 SO 4 and H 2 O; at the second stage, the sulfuric acid extract is heated with water and the resulting isopropyl alcohol is removed. Direct hydration of propylene is carried out mainly in the presence of a solid catalyst (process conditions are indicated in parentheses): H 3 PO 4 on a carrier (240-260 ° C; 2.5-6.5 MPa) or cation exchange resin (130-160 ° C; 8.0-10.0 MPa). Isopropyl alcohol is also obtained by oxidation of paraffins with air and other methods.

Modern way:

In Russia, isopropanol is produced from propylene at Synthetic Alcohol Plant CJSC (Orsk) and by the method of hydrogenation of acetone with hydrogen - Sintez Acetone LLC, (Dzerzhinsk)


Isopropyl alcohol is used to obtain:

  • acetone (dehydrogenation or partial oxidation)
  • methyl isobutyl ketone
  • isopropyl acetate
  • isopropylamine.

Due to special government regulation of ethanol, isopropyl alcohol is often a substitute for ethanol in many applications. So, isopropanol is included in:

  • cosmetics
  • perfumes
  • household chemicals
  • disinfectants
  • products for cars (antifreeze, solvent in winter windshield washers)
  • repellents
  • for cleaning printed circuit boards after soldering with flux, sold under the name “Universal Cleaner”.

Isopropyl alcohol is used in industry, when cutting aluminum, turning, milling and other work. When mixed with oil, it can significantly increase work productivity. Isopropyl alcohol is used as a reference standard in gas chromatography (for example, when testing drugs for residual organic solvents).


70% isopropyl alcohol is used instead of ethyl alcohol as an antiseptic for impregnating medical wipes.

Impact on humans

Irritating to the eyes and respiratory tract, causing short-term exposure to high concentrations of vapors. headache. May have a depressant effect on the central nervous system. Exposure to levels significantly above the MAC may cause loss of consciousness. Isopropanol, when taken orally, is metabolized in the liver by alcohol dehydrogenase into acetone, which causes its toxic effect. Small doses of isopropanol usually do not cause significant distress. Serious toxic effects on healthy adults following oral administration can be achieved at doses of 50 ml or more.

The maximum permissible concentration of isopropanol in the air is 10 milligrams per cubic meter.

Isopropanol is organoleptically noticeably different from ethanol and can't be mistaken for ethanol. It has a different smell from ethanol, more “rough”. When taken orally, it causes intoxication similar to alcohol. Isopropanol is oxidized in the body with the participation of aldehyde dehydrogenase to acetone. The oxidation rate is on average 2 - 2.5 times lower than that of ethanol, so intoxication with isopropanol is very persistent. With frequent use of isopropanol, intolerance quickly develops, and in some cases, hypersensitivity and allergies. Although the toxicity of isopropanol is approximately 3.5 times greater than that of ethanol, its intoxicating effect is also 10 times higher. For this reason, fatal poisoning with isopropanol has not been recorded, since a person falls into an alcoholic trance much earlier than he can independently take a lethal dose of isopropanol.

Narcotic properties

Isopropyl alcohol has a narcotic effect. The narcotic effect of isopropanol is almost 2 times higher than the similar effect of ethanol. A concentration of 1.2%, acting for 4 hours, has a narcotic effect. With similar exposure within 8 hours, death is observed in half of the cases.


Isopropyl alcohol is an effective solvent of organic origin. The widespread use of isopropyl alcohol in industry and everyday life is associated with its ability to dissolve oils, resins, and other compounds and its relative non-toxicity compared to other compounds of similar action.

Isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol, IPA, dimethicarbinol, 2-propanol) – colorless liquid chemical compound with a characteristic odor of a mixture of alcohol and acetone. At low temperature acquires a viscous consistency. Denoted by the molecular formula C3H8O. According to its chemical characteristics, it is a secondary alcohol of the aliphatic series.

Physical and chemical properties substances determined the scope of its use and precautions:

  • soluble in ether, chloroform, alcohol-containing products;
  • when interacting with oxidizing metals, it easily turns into acetone;
  • upon combustion, it breaks down into carbon dioxide and water;
  • freezing point of 100% alcohol -90 °C;
  • combines well with water - the more alcohol in the solution, the lower the freezing point.

The substance was first obtained in 1920 by refining petroleum products. Now industrial production is carried out in several ways, most often using the hydration process - combining water and propylene. The degree of purity of the final substance depends on the production method and type of raw materials.

Technical brands are used for technical purposes, pure (or absolute) with a content of the main component of 99% - for medical and cosmetic purposes.

Areas of application

Isopropyl alcohol is a safer, more accessible and cheaper analogue of ethyl and methyl alcohol; it is produced on an industrial scale in quantities of several million tons per year and is widely used in many areas of industry, medicine and everyday life. The demand for the product is due to its unique properties and low cost


Isopropanol removes dirt well and dissolves most types of oils, natural and synthetic resins, and ethylcellulose. It quickly evaporates from the surface being treated without causing harm, and is characterized by lower toxicity compared to other solvents. Due to these characteristics, the connection is widely used in various manufacturing industries:

  • furniture and paint and varnish – for dissolving and removing paints, glue, oils;
  • instrument making, electronics production - for degreasing and drying parts, connections, relay contacts, optical fibers, lenses;
  • oil refining - as a urea solvent, the resulting mixture is then used for dewaxing diesel fuel;
  • fuel – to stabilize aviation gasoline, as an additive to engine oil to lower the pour point and improve anti-corrosion properties;
  • wood chemical – for extracting resins from wood;
  • printing - as a moisturizer during the printing process, helping to increase the brightness of colors;
  • chemical - as an intermediate for the production of other solvents and raw materials for the industrial production of acetone;
  • plastic production – as a cleaning agent;
  • auto care - for the production of car anti-freeze products and antifreeze for radiators;
  • household chemicals – wet wipes for cleaning equipment, hygiene products, glass cleaners.

To get rid of the characteristic pungent odor, when preparing the solution yourself, you can use any essential oil as a fragrance.


The main use of isopropyl alcohol for medical purposes is as a universal antiseptic. For example, the pharmaceutical drug “Sterilium” and similar ones consist of 50-70% isopropanol, which determines the disinfecting properties medical product. The remaining components are glycerin, fragrances and excipients.

Health care workers use an aqueous solution of isopropyl alcohol to disinfect their hands before examining patients and performing surgeries. A pure substance without impurities is used for impregnation of cotton swabs, bandages, and other dressings, disinfection of injection sites and treatment of medical instruments.

IN laboratory work and research, isopropanol is used as a biomaterial preservative and a preferred substitute for synthetic formaldehyde.


The ability to dissolve in water and disinfectant qualities, along with low toxicity, allow the use of isopropanol in cosmetics:

  • nail polish;
  • hair styling products;
  • aftershave creams;
  • cleansing lotions and masks.

Cosmetics and care products containing isopropyl alcohol are not suitable for dry and sensitive skin - when choosing, you need to pay attention to the presence of this component in the composition. It can be designated in one of the following ways: ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL, 2-HYDROXYPROPANE, SEC-PROPYL ALCOHOL.

Household needs

In everyday life, isopropyl alcohol is used for the same purposes as in industry and medicine - as a broad-spectrum solvent, cleanser or disinfectant.

For convenient use at home, it is recommended to prepare a universal solution. In a bottle with a spray attachment, mix absolute isopropanol and distilled water in 1:1 proportions.

The resulting composition is used for the following purposes:

  • cleaning CDs and DVDs, matrices SLR cameras, electronic boards and microcircuits;
  • cleaning computer monitors, keyboards and mice, phones and tablets, TVs and other household appliances from dirt and dust;
  • removing traces of glue, ink, paints from fabrics, glass and wood;
  • disinfection of makeup brushes made of synthetic fibers and other cosmetic instruments;
  • eliminate odor from shoes - you need to lightly spray inner part alcohol solution and leave overnight;
  • treating the bite site of mosquitoes and other insects - this helps eliminate itching and promote rapid healing;
  • extermination of bedbugs, fruit flies, fruit flies and other insect pests - it is enough to treat their habitats several times with a solution;
  • home and garden plants against aphids and other pests - the alcohol content in the solution should be no more than 10%, otherwise the plants may die;
  • hand disinfection;
  • treatment of pediculosis, herpes;
  • As an alternative to antiperspirant, alcohol destroys germs that cause sweat odor.

Isopropyl alcohol should not be used to clean vinyl surfaces - the alkaline reaction may damage the plasticizer and cause the vinyl to harden. Also, this product is not suitable for cleaning rubber. Must be used with caution on some plastics.


Car enthusiasts actively use isopropanol for the following manipulations:

  • cleaning parts during repair and replacement;
  • removing stains from gasoline, grease and other petroleum products;
  • treating glass to prevent freezing (mix isopropanol and water in equal quantities, add a capful of household detergent);
  • improving the properties of gasoline (for 40 liters of gasoline - 1 liter of alcohol);
  • to remove water from a car's fuel tank.

To avoid the appearance white plaque and stains on glass, contamination of nozzles and pump, to prepare solutions based on isopropyl alcohol at home, you must use only well-purified or distilled water.

Where is it sold?

The easiest way is to buy the product in bulk from the manufacturer or direct representative. The price depends on the degree of purity and type of packaging and is 80-200 rubles per 1 kg.

The most common forms of containers:

  • bottles with a capacity of 0.5 or 1 l;
  • canisters with a volume of 3–30 l;
  • barrels of 200 l.

The product can be purchased retail in small quantities for household purposes in specialized chemical stores.

It is theoretically possible to find isopropanol in pharmacies, but now this product is very rare. In addition, alcohol is available by prescription to prevent misuse by alcohol dependent individuals.

When purchasing, it is better to choose absolute alcohol, which can be used for an unlimited number of everyday household needs. Even for technical purposes, preparing homemade detergents and antifreeze agents, a pure product without foreign impurities is preferable.

Hazard level and precautions

Isopropyl alcohol is flammable, so any interaction with it must be carried out in compliance with safety regulations. Store and work with the product away from open flames and sources high temperatures. Alcohol mixes easily with air, and at high concentrations it forms an explosive composition - work with it should be carried out in well-ventilated areas.

The compound is classified as a moderately hazardous substance in terms of its toxic effect on the human body and should be stored out of the reach of children. It is less toxic than methanol and ethylene glycol. Cases of intoxication are very rare - usually due to intentional ingestion.

Accidental poisoning is possible if vapors are inhaled while handling large volumes in an unventilated area.

Signs of intoxication:

  • nausea,
  • vomit,
  • dizziness,
  • loss of consciousness,
  • severe muscle pain.

The substance is not absorbed into the body through the skin, but with constant interaction with open areas body may cause chemical burns. As a rule, a single contact with the skin does not cause negative consequences. It is unacceptable for the compound to come into contact with mucous membranes and eyes - even vapors of the substance are dangerous; when working with large amounts of isopropanol, it is necessary to use protective equipment.

Isopropyl alcohol, provided it is used correctly, is a useful and versatile substance. The finished preparations contain a safe amount of isopropanol, with self-cooking solutions, you must be careful, use safety glasses and gloves to prevent accidents and poisoning.

In a number of publications, isopropyl alcohol is often referred to as isopropanol. In the chemistry literature it often appears as 2-propanol or dimethylcarbinol. It is presented in the form of a colorless liquid with a characteristic, strong-sounding alcoholic odor. Isopropyl alcohol is one of the secondary alcohols in the aliphatic series.

Isopropyl alcohol, both absolute and technical, is applicable if cleaning procedures for optical fibers are necessary. This fact can be fully explained by the improved properties of this product in comparison with any other compound, including ethanol compounds.

Isopropyl alcohol quickly and effectively destroys almost all contaminants in the absence of visible stains, thereby the effect of isopropyl alcohol differs from ordinary medical alcohol purchased at a pharmacy.

Of course, it is widely applicable in household chemicals and household goods. As a result, the substance is available in a wide variety of packaging. The pungent odor of the substance is masked various types fragrances


Isopropyl alcohol has all the basic qualities that are inherent in secondary fatty alcohols. General molecular formula:


Isopropyl alcohol is highly flammable. Practical example substance is alcohol of the secondary type, where carbon compounds occur, which can be reflected using the formula expression:


It should be noted that secondary alcohol is a structural isomer of propanol. Propyl alcohol, including isomers, are liquids with a characteristic odor of alcohol. Such substances can be obtained by distilling fusel oils. In the case of the synthetic method - from carbon monoxide, hydrogen, and isopropyl alcohol - through cracking gas (in propylene).

Basic chemical properties of the substance

Isopropyl alcohol is highly soluble in any of the following substances:

  • . Sufficient amount of water;
  • . Alcohol containing products;
  • . Some ethers and chloroform.

Using this substance, you can easily dissolve ethylcellulose, most oils, rubber-based materials, substances and materials with a certain amount of resins in their composition (of natural origin).

In the case of any saline solutions, isopropyl alcohol does not react. An alcohol of this type can be isolated from aqueous solutions by adding a little table or other salt, which distinguishes it from alcohols such as ethanol and methanol.

List of physical properties of isopropyl alcohol

  • . Mass of the substance (molecular, according to international atomic masses) - 60.095;
  • . Temperature level - 82.4 °C;
  • . Density indicator (at 20° C) - 0.785 g/cm3;
  • . The temperature at which melting occurs is 89 ° C;
  • . Steam pressure level (at 25° C) - 5, 229 kPa;
  • . The flash point is 11.7 °C.

According to interstate standards, isopropyl alcohol is regulated by the following technical specifications: GOST 9805-84 dated January 1, 1986. This standard applies to alcohol obtained by hydration of propylene.

Acting as a secondary alcohol, isopropyl alcohol undergoes oxidation by reacting with acetone. This effect is achieved by the mandatory use of an oxidizing agent. Such an oxidizing agent can be, for example, chromic acid. Or you should dehydrogenate isopropyl alcohol over a heated catalyst (copper):

(CH3) 2CH-O → (CH3) 2CO + H2

Main Applications

Isopropyl alcohol is a cheap but very effective solvent. Used in such areas of production as:

  • . Products of perfumery and cosmetics industry;
  • . Production of hygiene products;
  • . Household chemicals of several categories, which allows the addition of various dyes;
  • . Printing products and paint and varnish materials;
  • . Serves feedstock for a range of pharmaceutical products;
  • . Used as a base raw material in the production of acetone.

Isopropyl alcohol acts as a substitute for ethyl alcohol, finding wide application in auto chemical goods, medical products, and as an industrial solvent.

In medicine, isopropyl alcohol plays a special role, being used as an effective disinfectant. They are the ones who process the injection sites. Also used as an antiseptic.

Basic types of production

Isopropyl alcohol is produced by three methods. Main reactions:

  • . Propylene and sulfuric acid. As a result, it is possible to obtain a mixture of sulfate esters. They are also processed, and as a result, one of the by-products is diisopropyl alcohol;
  • . Direct type hydration under liquid or gas phase conditions. In this case, the presence of catalysts is mandatory;
  • . Carrying out hydrogenation of crude acetone.

Main product suppliers

In the Russian Federation, several enterprises supply and sell products containing isopropyl alcohol. The main ones:

  • . CJSC "Synthetic Alcohol Plant" Orenburg Region, Orsk;
  • . LLC "Trading House "Orion", located in St. Petersburg.
  • . Bottles of 0.5 l and 1 l;
  • . Canisters with a capacity from 3 l to 30 l;
  • . It is more convenient for wholesalers to purchase products in 200-liter barrels.

The price of such chemical products ranges from 80 to 200 rubles per 1 kilogram, which is determined by the form of packaging, manufacturer (or supplier), degree of purification and type of isopropyl alcohol sold.