Strong prayers-amulets against the evil eye, damage and evil. Amulet "God's Eye" or amulet against damage to the family. The most powerful ancient protective spell against damage

Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 15 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Amulet from the evil eye

Amulet from the evil eye

If you have to be in a crowded place, then before leaving the house, read special spell words over the water with which you wash your face. The plot is as follows:

God is in heaven, God is on earth, God is everywhere.

And my amulet is on me, God’s servant (name).

Just like living people don’t gnaw on a dead bone,

So no one’s evil eyes will take me.

My words are the key,

The key is in the sea, the lock is locked.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

You can ask the Holy Great Martyr Nikita for protection from the evil eye and damage by reading the following prayer:

From the book The Strongest Conspiracies and Spells for Love, Sex, family relations author Estrin Anatoly Mikhailovich

Removing the evil eye Human envy and the evil eye can cause deterioration in relationships in the family or between lovers. There are a lot of angry and envious people. They will always find a reason to cling to something. This plot removes the evil eye, which can damage relationships. Lights up

From the book Conspiracies of an Altai healer on water author Krasnova Alevtina

Amulet against the evil eye and damage Take the blackest jasper, preferably without any stains at all, and a cup of Epiphany water. Read during the full moon at midnight. First, “Our Father” three times, then a prayer to the Guardian Angel, then the following words: The angel of my servant of God (name), send me birth

From the book Miracle Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stefania

Conspiracies against troubles and the evil eye From dangers At dark midnight, go to the field and read the conspiracy three times: Black clouds have covered the starry sky, agile clouds. Yes, a wheel of fire rolled down from high heights onto those black clouds. A golden wheel, of unprecedented brilliance, with eight golden spokes,

From book 7777 best conspiracies from the best healers in Russia author Astapova M.

From the evil eye Pour three-quarters of water into a glass, drop any three clean spoons into it. Using each spoon in turn, stir the water, scoop it up, lift the spoon with the wide part up so that the water flows down the handle into the glass. All this must be done with clean hands, as if washing

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 02 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

From troubles and the evil eye Take a bath in running water, wipe yourself with a new towel, reading the spell three times: The shroud is white, grave, the scythe is sharp, impregnable, incorruptible, not subject to jurisdiction, not promising. Scythe, scythe, my enemies, take them to your grave rot! I'll fill the prison with stones,

From the book Conspiracies of a Siberian healer. Issue 15 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Signs of the evil eye The signs of the evil eye are not as obvious as those of damage, but they can still be detected. A burning sensation in the eyes, as if a speck had gotten into the eye, even though there was nothing in the eye. The eyes become watery and there is a fear of bright light. A series of minor troubles and minor ailments

From the book of 7000 conspiracies of a Siberian healer author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Whisper-amulet from the evil eye Look at me, but don’t overlook me. You can't fool me.

From the book Removing damage and the evil eye by whispering. Prayers and spells author Vinogradova Ekaterina A.

Amulet against the evil eye If you are going to be in a crowded place, then before leaving the house, read special spell words over the water with which you wash your face. The plot is as follows: God is in heaven, God is on earth, God is everywhere. And my amulet is on me, God’s servant (name). How living people are dead

From the book, Water teaches you how to manage people and get what you want from them. Slanders about water author Stefania Sister

From the evil eye in the bathhouse There is no Moon in my bathhouse, and there is no red Sun in my bathhouse. There are aspen logs in my bathhouse. Whoever dismantles these logs will only take me with his evil eye. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

From the book Conspiracies, amulets, rituals by Luzina Lada

From the evil eye of someone else If someone on the street marveled that the child was calm, beautiful, etc., and after that the child at home starts screaming, throw a pinch of salt into the water, stir with a knife, saying: Whoever eats salt with spoons, swallows from a knife, is a child yawns. Amen.

From the book The Traditional Healer's Golden Manual. Book 2 author Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Spells against the evil eye There are situations that cannot be called just a coincidence. For no apparent reason, strength quickly disappears; established relationships with loved ones collapse in an instant; a serious illness suddenly falls on one’s head... You can see in a person’s eyes that he is good

From the book How to get rid of damage and the evil eye. Signs, amulets, conspiracies, rituals, prayers author Yuzhin Vladimir Ivanovich

Plot against the evil eye You will need: water, a container with wide edges, a handkerchief, a candle Location of the ritual: room Time: from 0 hours to 2 hours Moon phase: third, fourth Suitable days of the week: Tuesday, Thursday Special condition: you can’t do the plot on critical days

From the book I Will Bring My Husband Back to the Family author Nevsky Dmitry

The True Christ washed and rinsed from the evil eye. You weren’t afraid of anything, so you, God’s servant baby (name), washed, rinsed, and weren’t afraid of anything. From now on and forever and ever. Amen.* * *If someone praises a child a lot, you need to lick the child’s right hand after that, spit on it three times

From the author's book

From the gypsy evil eye There are people who cannot stand the gypsy gaze and begin to yawn and get sick. If this happens, speak to the water and wash your face with it. The gypsy rode on a horse, on a morocco saddle, the horse faltered, the evil eye turned over. Don't spoil me From Gypsy

From the author's book

Type of evil eye - hiccups Hiccups are traditionally described in scientific literature as a type of damage caused by sorcerers. In scientific studies, hiccups are characterized as a nervous disease (along with whooping and epilepsy), manifested in attacks of a hysterical-epileptic nature.

From the author's book

Diagnostics of the evil eye By and large, there is no point in confirming the presence of the evil eye - it can be eliminated quite simply (see below). But, nevertheless, the very understanding that a person has the evil eye can be quite important. After all, if such a trifle could distort

This is the strongest protective plot you cannot interrupt, and let your enemies not even try to harm you - it will be worse for them.

The spell words are as follows:

Glory to the Father, glory to the Son, glory to the Holy Spirit.
Lord, save me from all evil,
From intrigues, inventions, secret plans,
Nets, traps, poisons, swords,
Conspiracies, subterfuges, cunning, insidious negotiations,
From enemy visitation, from imprisonment,
From bribery and sword, from words spoken in haste,
From an enemy meeting, from a false promise.
From the flooding water, from the drowning wave,
Save me from the beast, from the fire, Lord, save me.
Save me from the violent wind, from the ice, Lord, save me.
Save me from the evil sorcerer, Lord, save me.
From a terrible illness, from an early death in vain,
Save me from the inverted cross, Lord, save me.
Mind you, my thought, mind you, my flesh,
Chur, my living red blood,
Chop, my wild, reckless thought.
My guardian angel, pray for my soul.
Everything I said that, having forgotten, I didn’t say,
Word by word, come to me, the servant of God (name),
Save from all evils.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Not everything and not always in our lives turns out the way we plan. Sometimes, trouble awaits us one step away from our cherished goal. Or, for example, a family that seemed strong just yesterday is destroyed, a disease that came from nowhere begins to progress... It happens that troubles fall on one’s head literally out of nowhere, or, on the contrary, they haunt a person or even a whole family for years and generations, not allowing them to get out of the material or psychological problems.

In such cases, very often people talk about damage or the evil eye. At these words, we are usually enveloped in superstitious fear, which very often leads to despair, which, in turn, allows this evil magical influence to take over us.

However, not everything is as bad as it seems. After all, magical influence is not a sentence, but simply a guide to action. Let's figure out how you can protect yourself and your closest people from the evil eye and damage, or remove damage if you already have them, what prayers and conspiracies to use against damage and the evil eye.

How to protect yourself:

Since ancient times, people in Rus' knew how to install protection against damage and how to make it durable. Modern people They often neglect, and sometimes do not know, simple preventive measures that can protect them from negative energy effects.

First of all, you need to get rid of or minimize communication with people who can bring the evil eye or damage to you. Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings. Maybe there are very aggressive, obsessive people who like to complain about fate and easily provoke scandalous situations with everyone around them.

If you still think that you have become the object of someone’s negative influence, then show your will and stop any contact with such people. But if it is impossible for you to avoid relationships with them, do not trust or empathize with them. Learn to be indifferent to people who can upset your energy balance. The easiest way to protect yourself when talking with potential carriers of damage and the evil eye is to keep a fig (fig) in your pocket.

And also arm yourself with basic techniques, because protection from the evil eye and damage is for the benefit of your life and health. Row simple rules Our great-grandmothers also observed.

Here are some of them:

If they start praising you, bite the tip of your tongue so that the praise does not turn into an evil eye.

Don't give the clothes you wear to anyone

Store photos separately dead people(damaging a photograph is very dangerous)

Before eating, you need to cross your food and mouth to avoid spoilage of food and drink.

Carry a small mirror in the left pocket of your outerwear, facing outwards, or you can place it on your desk facing visitors.

Take a shower in the mornings and evenings, after visiting crowded places, hospitals, cemeteries, or communicating with an unpleasant person.

If you find a cross, do not keep it for yourself.

Throw it all away cracked dishes and fragments of mirrors from the house.

Don't keep things you find for yourself. wallets, jewelry.

Don't let your imagination get you into trouble. Don't think negative thoughts.

Beware of negative statements and black humor towards yourself. Thought is material.

A ritual that protects against envy and gossip

So that no one envy you, perform the following ritual.

For this ritual you will need to go to church.

Buy 12 candles and place them in front of 12 icons: the Trinity, Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, John the Baptist, Archangel Michael, Nicholas the Wonderworker. These icons are in any church.

Choose the remaining six icons yourself, which ones you like best.

Be sure to take a prosphora from the church.

After serving the liturgy, return home, eat half the prosphora, drink it with holy water, read the “Our Father” three times and the prayer for accepting the prosphora.

Strong prayer against damage to receiving holy water and prosphora:

Now cast a spell to remove damage:

After that, take your photo, put it in the Bible, in the book of Psalms, on the page with the 90th Psalm (“Living Help”). On the same day, before going to bed, eat the second half of the prosphora and drink it with holy water again. The next morning, take out your photo and read the 90th Psalm.

Conspiracy to protect the family

Read for a week in a row from the day of the new moon before open window at midnight.

Conspiracies against corruption for reading once a month:

Talk about melt water. You should then wash your forehead, eyes, neck and hands with the spoken water. A strong conspiracy against damage is as follows:

How to protect your home:

Protecting your home from damage is not at all difficult. You need to light a church candle brought from mass once a week (preferably on Sunday) and walk around your entire apartment strictly clockwise with this burning candle. Along with this, you need to read the following prayer:

After this ritual, all rooms of the apartment must be sprinkled with holy water.
Above the threshold on Mondays, read the following plot:

Protective spells read on the doorstep of a house:

Since getting into someone else's house is not always easy, damage is often directed at the threshold of a house or apartment: you step over it - and that's it, the job is done. Therefore, it is necessary to be able to protect the threshold of your home.

At noon on Friday, take 3 pinches of salt from a wooden salt shaker with your left hand and throw them into a basin or bucket of water.

Wash the threshold with this water 3 times, while saying:

It is salted with salt, soaked in water, the salt does not rot, and damage does not stick to my house. Turn away, roll away, come back!Go away, I didn't call you. Amen.

Pour this water at a pedestrian intersection.

Take a broom and sweep the threshold three times, each time saying:

I sweep away sorrows, illnesses, ailments, damage, lessons, evil eyes brought upon us. The threshold is marked, blessed by God.

Conspiracy from the lining:

The most common type of damage that can be caused to a house is the lining.

If you find something on the threshold of your apartment, under no circumstances bring it into the house and do not even touch this item with your hands or feet.

It is best to take paper or a broom and dustpan, collect everything and take it outside. And there everything that was found was burned with prayers to Jesus Christ, “Our Father” and Life-giving Cross The Lord's.

If you find something foreign in the apartment itself, don’t take it into your own hands either! Take it with paper and immediately deal with these things - burn them with the words:

Fire to the sky, ash to the ground. I burn away bad thoughts, I burn away the enemy’s scourge. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Protection with amulets:

Amulets against the evil eye and damage must be self made. A piece of the energy of the person who made this amulet should remain in them. The best amulet would be one made with your own hands, especially for you by a specialist or just a loved one. You can make an amulet yourself. Now we will look at several options for such amulets.

The simplest amulet is an ordinary safety pin. It must be discreetly attached to clothing so that it touches the body. It is necessary to periodically monitor the condition of the pin. As soon as any part has darkened (this means that it has taken on negative energy), the pin must be changed, and the old pin must be buried in the ground.

To make it you will need the help of a jeweler. Buy already finished product not recommended as jewelry casting is currently done automatically. With this method, there is no need to talk about the manufacturer’s energy. In addition, the design of the product must belong to you.

Above received jewelry you need to read protective prayers and a prayer for consecration. Protective prayers must be read for several days in a row. If you adhere to a religion other than Christianity, choose similar rituals from the arsenal of your religion. In order for the amulet to be charged to protect a particular person, he must wear it without removing it for at least a week.

Amulet "God's Eye" or amulet against damage to the family:

Such a talisman against damage and the evil eye is found in different cultures. It can be made from wool threads of different colors.

This is done like this:

We take two wooden sticks, put them in a cross and begin to wrap them with threads, fastening the sticks.

First we wind threads of one color, then another and so on. In this case, the threads can be any colors of your choice.

As a result, you will get a diamond-shaped amulet with a completely unique design.

Prayers are also read over such an amulet. This amulet is used to protect the home or individual family members, for example, newborn children, for which it is hung directly above the child’s crib.

If you fail to protect yourself:

In the case when you already feel a negative magical effect on yourself, it is necessary to urgently carry out cleansing. Now we will look at examples of such rituals.

This ritual is performed in the evening. To carry it out you will need a glass of water and 9 matches. We light the first match and, when it burns out completely, throw it into the water. After that, we do the same with the rest of the matches. While the matches are burning, you must say, looking at the fire:

After all the matches are in the glass, shake the water a little and wait about a minute. If none of the matches sank at all, there is no evil eye. If at least one match sank a little or stood vertically, it means there is an evil eye. Now you need to take three small sips from the glass and wash your face with this water and pour the water into the toilet. Well, if problems and troubles often arise at work, then a conspiracy to work will help you.

Ritual from damage:

To perform the anti-corruption ritual you will need 8 eggs. This ritual is repeated for eight days. Before going to bed, you need to break an egg into a glass of water and place it at the head of the bed. In the morning, the egg must be poured into the toilet. If you have spoilage, then in the morning you will find an unsightly picture of protein threads in your glass. If the egg does not change overnight, there is no spoilage. But, even if so, the ritual must be completed.

In the morning, immediately after waking up, pour tap water into a cup and quietly whisper into this water:

Then wash your face with this water. If the above rituals do not seem enough to you, or for some reason you do not want to use them, a prayer against the evil eye and spoilage of a child will help you. The official position of the Russian Orthodox Church somewhat ambiguous regarding the evil eye and damage. On the one hand, it is argued that the evil eye and damage are simply superstitions that should have no place in the souls of believers, but at the same time, priests advise prayers that help people get rid of problems caused by damage and the evil eye. Removing damage through prayer is one of the most effective ways of cleansing.

Islam has its own traditions of removing damage and the evil eye. Muslim prayers for damage and the evil eye are excerpts from the Koran: Al-Ikhlas, Al-Fatiha, An-Nas and Al-Falaq, The Throne Verse. Damage among Muslims can also be removed by such a sura as Ya-Sin. She is considered the most powerful prayer from this kind of witchcraft (damage, evil eye, curse) and is used when reprimanding.

What to do next:

After the treatment of damage with prayers is completed, you need to go to church to confess and receive communion, both for the former patient and for the one who removed this effect. If for some reason you cannot go to church, before you begin to remove the magical effect, read a cleansing prayer to Jesus Christ, and after all the manipulations, another prayer to Jesus Christ, which will not allow the dark forces to take over your mind again:

Now protection from damage to death and the future has been established. These are just some tips that can help you everyday life. But our culture has a richer arsenal of means, because protection from evil eye damage is an ancient art. Read specialized literature, contact specialists. Attract only good luck, money and health to yourself. No one will do this for you.

Signs of damage may or may not be obvious:

Suddenly, on the threshold of the apartment, you saw scattered earth, salt, grain, and doorway needles and nails were found in the house that did not belong to you strange objects- this should be alarming. Such finds indicate some kind of ritual action directed towards your family.

You can only judge the invisible negative energy impact by your condition. You always need to be vigilant and remember that, unfortunately, not all the people around you wish you well.

The main signs of the evil eye appear as follows:

  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness or, conversely, insomnia
  • Sudden depression
  • Changes in blood pressure
  • Apathy towards everything
  • Inner restlessness
  • Frequent quarrels with people around the person
  • Loss of goals, aspirations, interest in life; frequent sighs
  • Strengthening bad habits
  • Unpleasant sensations in the solar plexus.

How to feel the magical influence with a cross?

On my own pectoral cross It is not an amulet against damage and the evil eye, but with its help you can very clearly feel that this effect is taking place. As soon as a negative magical effect has been imposed on a person, the pectoral cross begins to signal this.

This may manifest itself as follows:

  1. The cross may darken
  2. He may suddenly begin to constantly cling to clothes
  3. May suddenly begin to interfere with walking or sleeping
  4. It may even choke its owner a little.

If you feel someone’s negative impact on you, which clearly affected your life and health, do not neglect those you know. traditional methods protection or contact specialists, because protection from damage and the evil eye is very important for every person.

See also the video - the opinion of Professor Alexey Ilyich Osipov about damage and its nature

Zprotective spells - amulets

When reading protective conspiracies, use visualization.

Imagine that you are completely protected, that you are in a transparent sphere.

See your loved ones protected. This will strengthen the power of the conspiracy.

Safe words in any dangerous situation

This conspiracy is read to oneself in moments of danger.

This is a very strong amulet.

It works simultaneously as protection, help and punishment of those who harm you.

Mother of God behind, the Lord ahead.

Mother of God ahead, the Lord God behind.

What will happen to them will also happen to me - ohthey won't help me. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy against all dangers.

The Lord gave me the way, but the evil spirit filled me with anxiety.

The Lord will defeat evil and free us from evil. God is holy and God is strong. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy is a talisman against harm.

Read this amulet regularly to protect yourself from all kinds of misfortunes.

Heavenly Savior, be in front,

Guardian angel, stay behind

Queen of Heaven, be above your head,

Save me whole from evil people and sudden death.

Lord, save and preserve. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective amulet of salvation.

A strong conspiracy from enemies.

This conspiracy is used in cases where a person has an enemy from whom one can expect the worst, even death.

Be marked, servant of God (name), with the life-giving cross at your right hand and one, in front, behind. The cross is on me, the servant of God (name), the cross is in front of me, the cross is behind me. May the entire host of enemies flee from my cross. The power of the cross will flash like lightning, scorching and blinding enemies. Near me is Christ and all the power of heaven: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael, archangels and angels. The Lord's powers and terrible ones, seraphim, holy guardian angels, devoted to me to preserve my soul and body from holy baptism. The angels of God pray for me to the Savior Christ, to save me from my enemies, to bless this amulet. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You can cast this spell on wax, stick a drop of this wax on your body cross and wear it as usual.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective shield against treachery and deceit.

This amulet will protect well from deception when signing various contracts, obligations, loans and documents.

Great Martyr of Christ, Saint George,

You are the Lord's indestructible warrior.

For centuries, your sword was, is and will be invincible.

Strengthen me with your holy army, with your might.

Put my enemies to shame, shield me with your shield,

Defend against devilish cunning and deception.

And who wants to bypass your border,

He will not escape the hand of your saint.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Amulet prayer "Seven Crosses" for the whole family.

I lay down the first cross from the Holy Spirit,

The second cross from the Lord God,

The third cross from Jesus Christ the son of God,

Fourth Cross from the Guardian Angel of the SlaveGod's (name)

The fifth cross from the Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary,

The sixth cross from the west to the rollout,

The seventh cross from earth to heaven.

Seven crosses will close the house with seven locks.

The first castle - from all kinds of troubles,

The second is from poverty, poverty,

The third - from burning tears,

The fourth - from theft,

Fifth - from spending,

Sixth - from illness and infirmity,

And the seventh is the strongest, bringing up the rear of the six,

Locks me forever, guards my house. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A talisman against danger.

This amulet will protect you from real danger, from attack, even when you are threatened with a weapon.

Holy sovereign Savior and holy sovereign Archangel Michael, close,

Lord, from the evil of man and adversary, for every hour and for every time, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Protective sphere.

Visualize a silver sphere surrounding you, reflecting all the bad things.

Say 3 times:

Inside me is the Power of the Goddess!

Around me is God's Grace!

♦ ♦ ♦


When tying shoelaces, fastening buttons, putting on a ring, say:

I close myself with this lock from an evil deed, from a black eye, from bad words. So that you have neither access nor semi-access to me, neither on the road, nor on the road, nor at work, nor at rest, neither at night nor during the day. These words are my key and lock, now and forever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Amulet "Family Shield"

To set up the amulet, you need to take a lock of hair from each family member.

Place them on a piece of white cloth. Light a candle bought in the temple on a major holiday and, dripping wax onto your hair, read:

Now I am creating a faithful and reliable stronghold for my family,

It’s not a house or a wall, but protective words.

Whoever goes against the servants of God (names) with evil and envy,

He will find his last refuge in the graveyard from the protective shield.

Like this candle from the holy day is now in my hand,

It is so true that all our enemies are deprived of power by God.

Whoever touches us with evil and envy will get it back a hundredfold.

Now and forever, so that there is no person who would go against us,

Otherwise, I might find myself a grave.

For now and forever, these words are a true shield and a wall.

I speak, I reprimand, I affirm with a word, I speak.

The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen

Then wrap the fabric and tie it with a rope and hide it in the house away from prying eyes.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against curses:

If someone curses you, then immediately read a special protective spell so that nothing bad comes to you.

There is a Cross on the mountain, mMary was sleeping on a high rock.

She saw the suffering of Jesus Christ in a dream,

How they nailed His feet,His swords crucified him,

They placed a crown of thorns on His forehead toThey shed His hot blood.

Angels with high heaven flew off, pod His blood was placed in cups.

Whoever puts his hand to this prayer,

He will never and will never suffer torment.

The Lord will save him, take him under His hands,

It will save you from trouble, protect you from all evil.

Will not allow death,He will not let enemies curse.

Angels will cover him with wings, withHoly water will wash away any curses.

Who knows these words, po reads them three times a day,

He will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water,he will not drop a drop of his blood.

The Lord was, the Lord is, the Lord will always be!

The Lord will never forget me, God’s servant (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - amulet:

If they start cursing you during a quarrel or if someone looks at you badly, mentally say:

There is a circle around me, it was not I who drew it, but my Mother of God. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy is a talisman against a bad person.

Say it before meeting a bad person.

You can write this plot on paper and carry it with you.

Once a month it needs to be rewritten again.

The lamb is afraid of the wolf

The wolf is afraid of the lynx

And you are a servant of God (name)

Fear me, servant of God (name).

Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Salvation plot:

Read until the sun shines.

I will go, blessed, from the hut through the doors into the vestibule,

From the entryway to the yard, from the yard to the gate,

Under the red sun, under an open field.

IN open field stands the holy church of God,

And the royal doors themselves dissolve,

The servant of God (name) himself is charmed by sorcerers,

From witches, from witches, from witches.

Who thinks bad things about me?

Consider him to be a forest in the forest, sand in the sea, and stars in the sky,

Forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from trouble:

They read once loudly, once in a whisper and once to themselves.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I'm standing at the cross. The cross is church beauty.

The cross is praise for the martyrs, and help for the suffering.

I’ll come closer to the cross and bow to it lower.

Protect and defend from enemies and foes,

From their tongues, their batogs, from their fire and sword, from infliction.

Lord, send a blessing,

So that I stand unshakable and indestructible, like the Holy Cross. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

The plot is a talisman for lovers.

Buy a small clay pot without haggling or change.

There, put a photo of yourself and your lover, a strand of hair and two new consecrated silver crosses.

Sprinkle with holy water, close the lid and drip wax from a burning candle around the perimeter.

At the same time, read the plot:

I create a security guard, I erect a talisman on the servants of God (names)

Just as the Alatyr stone is strong, so are my words,

Just as the Alatyr stone is flammable, so are my deeds powerful.

How (names) are united by fate, blessed by the Lord,

So it will happen and nothing can prevent this union.

Whoever decides to interfere with them, whoever decides to use witchcraft,

That’s two meters of grave depth, and a funeral cross.

I protect them with a cross, I seal candles with fire, and I cover them with holy water.

Amen, amen, amen over amens amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy from energy vampires:

Mother of God, Mother of God, You are the Mother of God, don’t let anyone take away my happiness, my share. Cover me with a shroud. God in heaven, God on earth, God in me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against all enemies and witchcraft:

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us!

I pray, servant of God (name), to the icon, the cross, the true Christ,

To the Lord God, the King of Heaven.

The Lord God heard and sent his angel to me, God’s servant (name).Amen.

An angel descends from heaven, dresses himself in golden bows,

At a distance of bows, at a distance of arrows.

They shoot through the gray clouds, shoot the enemy away from me,

Any enemy - blood and dear.

Whoever approaches me with witchcraft will fall under fire from an angel’s arrows.

The arrow will fly and defeat a foreign and blood enemy.

Be, my words, to everyone in full.

Which word was silent, she spoke through the mouth of an angel.

Be, my words, stronger than a damask knife.

Century after century from now on to eternity. Key, lock, tongue.Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

A conspiracy to protect your home from misfortunes.

Power of heaven, give me protection.The power of heaven, give my children protection.

Lie down, amulet, on my threshold, nand my trace is from vain tears and from all sorts of troubles.

From enemies I know and from those I don't know

From lies, from water, from fire, from wounds, from words and from swords,

From the youngest and from the eldest, from the first and from the last.

As strength comes from heaven, so does help from God. Amen. Amen. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against enemies:

If you have enemies ready to interfere with you.

Jesus came down from God's Heaven,

I took the golden cross with me.

I washed myself with the dawns, wiped myself with the sun,

Crossed with a golden cross

And locked himself with locks.

Let these castles be in the sea.

Who will drink this sea and drive away the sands,

The enemy will not come to that.

Jesus Christ, You are the Son of God,

Save, save from all evil at all times. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against witchcraft:

Yarilo, red sun, put a fiery wall around me, protective, not penetrated by any witchcraft. Protect your son (daughter) (name) from any witchcraft now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

♦ ♦ ♦

Conspiracy - a talisman against enemies:

,Remember me, O God, for health, and remember my enemies for peace.

Lead me, Lord, among my enemies along the most invisible path.

My concerns are for the angels, the angels of care are for the archangels.

You, archangels, stand behind my back and cover me with an invisible cover.

There is a concern from this whole world, from all this white light, so that my enemies do not see me,

As soon as I passed by, I didn’t notice, just as blind people don’t notice anything, they don’t distinguish between day and night.

I will pass - they will stand like a pillar, I will leave from under their hands in a smoke.

And just as smoke cannot be collected by the wind, so it is impossible to detain me."

Lips, teeth, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

In this world, almost anyone can provide energy impact on another. And this effect is not always favorable. Some people believe in the existence of sorcerers and witches, others do not, but even the most ordinary person, without suspecting it, can, as people say, “ jinx» another, simply by being jealous or very angry. After all, each of us has a biofield and energy and their strength is different for everyone. It happens that a person with a strong energy, offended, all you have to do is look at you unkindly, evil eye provided for you. How it manifests itself evil eye? What are its symptoms? How, in this case, can spells against damage and spells against the evil eye help you?

Usually evil eye manifests itself as a sharp deterioration in well-being, relationships, affairs, or both. In a person who jinxed, character and behavior may change. Usually evil eye“hits” the area of ​​life where a person’s life is not stable and good. But evil eye- this is one of the milder forms of negative energy impact. The situation is much more complicated with damage and curse. Damage It is always applied to a person knowingly; a variety of means and methods are used to influence it, which sometimes make the hair stand on end. When causing damage, a person gives a lot of energy and strength, and, of course, not without support from dark forces. Miss the damage and curse almost impossible. Damage will not affect only the person who has a powerful energy protection. If damage And evil eye have already achieved your goal, and you have disappointing guesses about this, then a response will help to reflect the negative impact energy impact - conspiracies for protection from evil eye and damage! With protective spells, you can be sure of a favorable outcome of the situation. When you start reading conspiracies for protection that can ward off any damage from you, you will certainly see retribution from those who sent it to you. The process of cause-and-effect relationships and the law of conservation of energy will work. With the powerful energy of the conspiracy, you will push the negative energy of damage back to its supplier.

Conspiracies from evil eye and damage is read on the waning moon!

Strong protective spells against damage (amulet spell)

Read this powerful conspiracy against corruption with special respect and reverence!

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. I, the servant of God (name), will bless myself, wash myself with honey dew, dry myself in the heat of the sun, pray to the Heavenly King, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos: She gave birth to Christ and wrapped her in swaddling clothes, so also cover and protect me, the servant of God (name), with silk swaddling clothes, silk belts, your Holy Spirit from an evil sorcerer, from a witch and from all evil of a dashing person, from evil blood, from evil thoughts, from evil industry. I will also submit, the servant of God (name), to Elijah the prophet: you are a light, Elijah the prophet, a fiery carriage and a fiery chariot, you pull tightly, you shoot accurately, you kill the enemy and adversary and scorch with fire, so that I, the servant of God (name), will not to spoil, not to bewitch either a sorceress, or an evil dashing person, or evil blood and an evil thought, an oncoming and prestigious thought, and for drinking and for hedgehogs at a feast, in conversation, in any mortal fun. I will also submit and pray to the Preserver Savior: and you keep, save, all-merciful Nicholas of Mozhaisk, Izosim and Savvaty of Solovetsky wonderworkers, Tikhon the Reverend, John the Baptist, John the Friend, John the Conception of Christ, John Chrysostom, John the Faster and all the power of heaven, place an iron wall near me, the servant of God (name), from earth to heaven, from century to century, so that I, the servant of God (name), will not be spoiled, not bewitched, not looked at and seen, and not heard at a feast, during a conversation, in all amusement and forever and ever, from now on and forever, amen, amen, amen, forever and ever, amen. Most strong conspiracy from damage."

Conspiracies against damage to death

If you feel worse and worse every day, your strength leaves you and suicidal thoughts begin to arise, perhaps you have been cursed to death. This powerful conspiracy will help you!

“Water flowed from the water pipe through the city of Jerusalem from the sorcerer, from the witch, from the heretic, from heretics, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhoid and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from melancholy. , thorns, prickly, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (here we must baptize the water and say): and in the city of Jerusalem before the throne is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, Elijah. the prophet with his golden rod defeats demons with holy fire-flame and Jordanian water. With passionate fire I challenge you - I expel you: come out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from the greens, from the uterus (if a woman), from the ovaries, from bladder, from the intestines, from the hands, from the legs, outlived, laid out, from the fingers and joints. You will not be here, you will not drink red blood from the begotten, prayer-baptized servant of God (name) forever and ever. Amen".

Vintage conspiracies from damage and the evil eye on Grandma Solomonidas

Grandma Solomonida is one of the strongest, famous healers of antiquity. There were legends about her miraculous healings and protective spells. The following conspiracy against the evil eye is very ancient, it is believed that it came to us since the 15th century.

Read this plot in dark room and completely alone.

“In the east there is a great sea, a wide sea, a deep sea. In the middle of that sea there stands a great island, and on it there is a stone church. In that church there is a holy throne made of pure gold, and grandmother Solomonida sits on it. The servant of God (name) will come to that island in the middle of the blue sea, approach the golden throne, and Grandma Solomonida herself, who swaddled Jesus Christ himself, wrapped a silk belt around him, and threw an incorruptible robe over his body. Take off everything from the servant of God (name), grandmother Solomonida evil eyes evil, all the commotion, damage during the day, night, evening, morning, mid-baptism, and midnight.

Just as water cannot be held in one fist, so on the servant of God (name) and evil eye won't be able to hold on. Just as a gray goose swims in the water, comes out, shakes off the drops and remains dry, so does the commotion, yes evil eyes They will come off God's servant (name) and dry up. Just as the dew dries on the morning grass, so does the commotion, yes evil eyes they will dry up on God's servant (name).

Just as fire goes out from water, so does power evil eye it will go out and go away. Come on evil eyes , yes, there is a commotion beyond the dark forests, in the black mud, where no person walks, where no horse passes, where dogs do not run, where birds do not fly. Go into the green moss, into the quicksand swamps, and find yourself there, and stay forever. As it is said, it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A powerful spell for holy water against all damage

Take holy water from the church and say the following words on it:

“Bless, Lord God, all Orthodox people, and me too. Take, Holy Mother of God, this water, and wash away all the touches and lessons from me with it.

Let the holy water wash away all the enviable eyes from me, all the hateful looks, the looks of men, women, girls.

Thought, promised, told fortunes, whispered, pasted on, forged, let all envy be taken away by the holy water from the servant of God (name).

Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After casting a spell on water, wash your face with it in the morning and evening, and you can also sprinkle whatever your heart desires (clothing, corners of the house, bed or workplace).

The most powerful ancient protective spell against damage

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. This conspiracy is not for an hour, not for a day, not for a month, not for a year, but for the whole century and for the whole life, amen, amen, amen, above amens, amen. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. From God are the holy wonderworkers, reverend fathers and martyrs in the sea, and the sea was troubled by the clouds, descending from the sea into thirty fields of accursed, unclean spirits, damned demons, visions of the devil. Asking them about them, the holy wonderworkers, venerable fathers and martyrs Niphon and Marof, Cyprian, Justinia, Konon of Isauria and Demetrius of Rostov said to them:

“What kind of damned demons are you who came through the prayer of Christ?” Izhe rekosha: “We are damned and unclean spirits, children of Satan, the prince of hell.” And the saints and great wonderworkers and reverend fathers and martyrs asked the others and said to them: “Why have unclean spirits come?” They are rekosha:

“They came to torment the Christian human race, to break bones, to bruise the mind and senses, to give in to illnesses and ailments, to create dirty tricks and harm, to ache the heart, to push them into melancholy and sadness, to weaken everything, to take away possessions, to act in various machinations, to destroy and lead to death “Whoever walks, drinks, eats and takes whatever without prayer, and who attends feasts and weddings, that is our slave and home, in him we move in, we live nesting, in him the sorcerers plant us and send us.”

And these holy wonderworkers will pray: “Don’t torment the human race, don’t break bones, don’t crush your mind and feelings, don’t give in to illnesses and ailments, don’t do dirty tricks, don’t pinch your heart, don’t give in to sadness, but go to the abyss of the underworld, to the earth empty, live there from now on and forever Amen."

Nowadays there are many types of conspiracies. And it is very difficult to understand which one to use.

This can help healer Praskovya Ivanovna. She gained enormous experience working with conspiracies most of her life. Praskovya's grandfather was a sorcerer White magic and passed on his knowledge to the still young Praskovya.

Over her long life, Praskovya helped more than one hundred people who are grateful to her to this day. The situations in which the healer had to work were also varied. This gave enormous experience in working with all kinds of conspiracies for get rid of problems and improve your life.

Medicine woman Praskovya Ivanovna is able to help everyone who needs her help, who is tired of difficulties and adversity. For everyone who wants to change their life, Praskovya wishes not to deviate from the decision made, and you will definitely find good luck and prosperity.

You will forget what it is problems with debts and loans, quarrels in the family, failures. Praskovya Ivanovna writes a plot individually for each person and his specific life situation. Therefore, it is very important to tell your story as openly and honestly as possible to achieve maximum results.

Along with the spell, you receive a prayer to enhance the effect. It is imperative (!) to follow the instructions that Praskovya Ivanovna sends with each conspiracy. All instructions are built individually to yours life situation, because all the problems and life difficulties of all people are different. You need to decide for yourself that you need to change your life, turn it in a happy direction and follow your goals. You must be prepared for the changes awaiting you. Rearrange your energy and your thoughts to receive life blogs. Forget about doubts and become happy. You can ask any questions on Praskovya Ivanovna’s website.

Today I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will talk about the use and selection of protective amulets. The world of protection talismans is rich and varied. This is knowledge that you cannot do without. The more you know about amulets and protection from negativity, the greater the chance of not making a mistake in choosing personal guardian amulets. Before you come into contact with an amulet, find out everything about its power, its meaning, try to understand whether this is your amulet against the evil eye and damage, and whether you can cope with it.

Magic talismans against the evil eye and damage - symbols of protection and safety

  • Amulet - Pentagram. This is a symbol of dark witchcraft. A mystical talisman symbolizing a strong shield. The pentagram amulet is used by magicians for protection when performing complex rituals with spirits that can harm. Common people, i.e. non-magicians also often wear strong talisman of protection against damage - pentagram, knowing that it is capable of protecting its wearer from many negative impacts: gossip and gossip, bad thoughts and wishes, evil eye, magical damage, the influence of astral beings. The amulet is a pentagram, not only protection, it is also a seal that closes corridors, locking evil spirits in the world from which they came.
  • Magic talisman - Egyptian cross of life Ankh, this is an ancient, widespread and used not only by magicians talisman of protection against damage and the evil eye - Egyptian cross of life Ankh. The sacred meaning of the amulet is rebirth. It has the ability to endow its owner with power and provide protection from witchcraft. A mystical key that opens the gates to the world of gods and spirits. Anyone who wears a protective talisman against the evil eye - the Egyptian cross of life Ankh, is strongly protected from everyday negativity associated with energy attacks, cuts off evil eyes, vampire connections, gives strength to the body in resisting diseases, protects a person from accidents and troubles.

  • Talisman - Seraphim. Christian amulet, the image of a powerful being close to God. To the one who wears this strong amulet from the evil eye, protection of angels is given. You can maintain contact with the talisman through prayers asking for protection from the evil eye and damage.
  • Strong amulet Key of Solomon. Legends are associated with this talisman; the Key of Solomon gives protection to its owner from unfriendly sorcerers, as well as from attacks by evil spirits, hungry ghosts, and astral beings. The talisman of protection against damage is activated in moments of danger. It has the ability to make a person invisible to evil spirits, which makes it difficult for a black magician to place dark spirits in a victim who has such protection.
  • A magic seal with the inscription “Time past irrevocably” is another amazing amulet of protection from negativity, both magical and those undesirable characteristics of a person’s character that interfere with him on the roads of life. A magical amulet is capable of almost any gravity through which they try to influence a person. Another great feature strongamulet against the evil eye and damage– changing the perception of life of the bearer of the magic seal. Old attachments go away, grievances, pain, hostility and regrets are erased. If you feel empty in your soul, the amulet will help you cope with this condition.
  • The amulet is the sword of Themis, an instrument of justice. A powerful talisman against envy and the evil eye can be worn by a person who needs a reliable shield from magical powers, despite the fact that the person himself does not want to attack others. If the wearer of the Amulet - the Sword of Themis is wronged or harmed, the amulet will punish the offender with its power. However, if a person himself is unjust to others, his evil will return.
  • Talisman - Anchor. A popular amulet for sailors, an effective amulet against envy and the evil eye for anyone who is not used to sitting still. On long journeys, the amulet will protect against diseases, dangers and the elements. Strong male mascot, women should not wear it, since it conflicts with feminine energy. The bearer of a strong amulet in right moment help will come, faith in yourself. Talisman - Anchor will help a person find his true purpose.

Cat's eye is a strong amulet against the evil eye

The beautiful green quartz and yellow chrysoberyl stones are called cat's eye for their amazing optical effect - vertical stripe concentrated light, reminiscent of the narrow pupil of a cat. People, including those who practice magic, wear amulet cat's eye from the evil eye, and as reliable protection against vampire and magical bindings, damage, and curses. A strong cat's eye amulet gives its owner positive energy, brings success and good luck.

The cat's eye talisman is recommended to be worn as an amulet to protect against the evil eye; it will give you self-confidence and cleanse the energy field. A stone is an amulet, a cat's eye will help a person avoid sudden and early death. The golden hue of chrysoberyl stone carries the energy of wealth and luxury. Its magical properties have a positive effect on a person, helping to collect thoughts, cultivate patience, calmness, and confidence.

Cat's eye amulet, actively used in witchcraft rituals, especially in positive magic for well-being and prosperity. Stronga talisman that protects against the evil eye and negativity, can become support and energy boost in financially. Jewelry with a cat's eye stone is recommended to be worn by those who rely on luck and fortune - gamblers.

A huge plus of the cat's eye talisman is its ability to quickly adapt to the person who wears it, recognize its energy, and repel the dark energy of a magical attack. A protective amulet against damage and the evil eye helps the person who wears it to see signs that previously went unnoticed, and which carry certain information important to the person. The cat's eye talisman, with its mystical power, can make friendship stronger, ignite love in the heart, and maintain marital fidelity.

The power of the blue eye amulet - protection from the evil eye and vampires

In the East they love to tell the legend about the love of the beautiful Fatima and her chosen one Ali. Accompanying her lover on a journey full of dangers, she gave him the Nazar boncuk stone - an amulet for protection from dangers, misfortunes and dark witchcraft. Fatima put all her love into this pendant; the amulet began to be called the eye against the evil eye when Ali returned safe and sound. The Nazar stone gained great power, becoming an assistant to people, a powerful amulet against the evil eye and protection from sorcerers.

An amulet against the evil eye and negativity can be worn without a frame, but you can also make precious jewelry, works of jewelry, such as, gold eye pendant against the evil eye, protecting and decorating its wearer. A powerful amulet against damage and curses, it is not customary to hide it. It must be visible to reflect negative impacts of any nature. Hidden by clothing, a strong amulet against the evil eye loses the intensity of its qualities.

When an amulet stone splits, it means that it has exhausted its capabilities for a person. This means that blue eye from the evil eye repelled a powerful attack, a directed blow from the sorcerer. Broken stone talisman, you need to bury it with gratitude. Thank protective amulet it is also necessary if it has disappeared, since its disappearance can be caused by the same reason.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Gold amulets against the evil eye - the magic of jewelry

In modern society, gold is perceived as an indicator of status. But this metal is not only associated with material well-being. Magic properties gold is used in positive witchcraft to attract good luck in life, to gain a high position, for wealth and the fulfillment of desires. Magicians create strong talismans for protection against damage and the evil eye, charming gold bars and jewelry. And each such decoration has its own character.

Gold loves the determined creative people who know how to go towards the goal and do not betray their nature. I note that gold jewelry and amulets should not be worn by those who are not able to fight. All that an amulet in the form of a gold pendant with a magic eye can do for such a person against the evil eye is to protect a weak person from the claims and accusations of others. But how good and necessary is strong protection, and does it not harm, because an already unambitious person completely relaxes, stops even attempts at spiritual development, and loses sensitivity to the situation.

Golden amulets against the evil eye teach a person to keep the situation under control, pacify his emotions, be balanced, and calm. The power of the amulet allows its wearer to remain independent from negative emotions, from mood, to accept constructive solutions, remaining on a rational rather than an emotional level.

Gold gives man power over people, and financial success through the ability to see new opportunities, through determination and willingness to take risks where material benefits are most likely to be found.

However, as I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, said, gold, as a strong amulet against the evil eye and a powerful talisman that attracts good luck, increases the power of the strong, but does not give it to the weak. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, would like to note once again that, like any other talisman or amulet, golden amulet against the evil eye and others negative influences magical and everyday life, helps only those who believe in his power, ask for help and thank him.

If you want not only to wear jewelry made of precious metal, but also to gain the magical power of gold, treat it with due respect. And try to match the character of gold. Next, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you how to make an amulet against the evil eye with your own hands. I will bring to your attention several conspiracies used by sorcerers to establish personal protection from damage and curses.

Do-it-yourself amulet against the evil eye and damage - cast a moonstone for protection

On the full moon, read the spell on moonstone. Decide for yourself how many times to read the plot, let your witchcraft intuition tell you. Wear the enchanted stone around your neck as a protective amulet against envy and the evil eye. In addition, as follows from the conspiracy, the moonstone, with its power, helps a person who is in direct physical and energetic contact with it to find their life purpose.

“As this stone sparkles, so the life of (name) shines and rejoices. Come, peace and luck, go, thunderstorms and storms. Help, stone, (name) find his main life goal, develop his creative potential to the upper limits. Help (name) realize himself, help him become wiser and think clearly. You, stone (name), listen, and he will hear you. Amen".

Black protective talisman against the evil eye and damage to a bullet

To independently make black protection against witchcraft and magic - an amulet of protection against the evil eye and what is commonly called magical war, you need a bullet that has tasted the blood through which a person or a wild forest animal was deprived of life. Take this bullet, speak three times, holding it so that your breath touches that bullet. Enchanted artifact - protective amulet against damage and the evil eye you need to carry it with you.

The protection is powerful. Real magicians place this shield either for constant wear (it is activated in moments of danger and extreme need), or before a dangerous, lengthy witchcraft ritual. And here's how you can make your own talisman against the evil eye and damage with your own hands and his witchcraft plot.

The text of the conspiracy to initiate an amulet of protection from damage and the evil eye must be read three times:

“Behind a black field and a sea of ​​fire, no one has seen, no one knows, there is a stone courtyard, and in that stone courtyard there is a black archer, yes. Yes, his eyes glow, and his speeches thunder like thunder, then he read the black book, I bow to him firmly, but he gives me a retreating word. Yes, those words were fired like a bullet, they were filled with power, yes, all my enemies were destroyed, the bad eyes were gouged out by a bullet, the bad words were muffled, the chains were torn, the keys were opened, the crooked paths were closed. Everything bad has been thrown away from me, driven away miles away, and whatever comes on the move, or creeps up like a bastard, thinks of harming me, or has evil plans for me, the black archer will kill him, that bullet will take him. Amen".

A very strong, protective talisman against envy and the evil eye, made independently, you need to carry it with you. Put the charmed bullet in a small linen bag, it will protect you from troubles and ward off trouble. Good, strong stuff. And at the end of the article, one more good way, For self-use. So, how to make a talisman with your own hands against the evil eye and damage to the fang of an animal.

Protective talisman to protect against the evil eye and damage to the fang of the beast

There's a lot ancient conspiracies, with the help of which sorcerers created strong protection for themselves. And they used fangs, claws and skins of wild animals for these purposes. Here effective way make a strong defense, make an amulet against the evil eye with your own hands on the fang of an animal. First, you need to make the amulet itself - the basis, design it as you see fit, in the form of a necklace, for example, or a rosary. Read the spell while holding your right hand over your personal amulet. There must be a very clear, very specific program for the talisman.

Visualizing the work of the future talisman against the evil eye and damage, merge together the thought, intention, witchcraft word and deed. It is necessary that power flows from you to the amulet, and from the amulet to you. It's important to feel it. Created with your own hands and brought to life by this strong animal amulet against the evil eye and damage during the full moon.

Read a strong plot for an amulet made from a beast’s fang three times:

“From the hidden kingdom, from the kingdom of timelessness, I call upon the great beast. I place a call across the passage of centuries. You, wonderful beast, wolf (fox, bear) of the forest, are the eldest prince above all wolves. I want to be your grandson, under your guarantee, put part of your spirit into a fang, cover me, keep me. Give strength and power to my business and body, make the amulet strong and faithful. Let him be connected with you, fed by your spirit, filled with your strength and power. This fang will help me, strengthen my spirit, preserve my body, protect me along the way, and ward off enemies. My deeds are covered with your spirit, covered with your power, surrounded by my words. I release the beast and receive a talisman. So be it."

A talisman against the evil eye and damage is necessary for every person for wishes or targeted influences. Charms, objects, or specially made amulets can become amulets. Minerals are considered an effective amulet, protective plants and even specially selected scents.

The evil eye is the most common negative phenomenon. Any person with strong energy can jinx it. The reason for the evil eye can be unkind thoughts, envy or outright hostility towards another person. Negative energy is filled with crowded places - queues in stores, public transport during rush hour, pavilions and large shopping areas.

Amulets and amulets are specially enchanted objects or spoken words. The purpose of the amulet is to accumulate negative energy directed at the owner, or to divert it to the side. Verbal amulets have short term actions, for about a day or a week.

Enchanted items last a long time: until they become damaged or lost. For a verbal conspiracy to gain power, it can be written on a piece of paper and dipped in wax. Until the wax crumbles and the words are erased, the amulet will protect against negativity.

So that luck is not jinxed

To prevent your happiness and luck from being jinxed, perform a protective ritual. You need to go to the river during the waxing of the moon or during the full moon. Find a stone on the shore, hold it in your hands for a few minutes - the stone will absorb your energy. Then throw a stone into the river and say the protective words three times:

This amulet against envy and the evil eye must be done after a wedding or other significant event in order to protect yourself from envious glances. Effective amulets against the evil eye are minerals - bull's eye, . These stones must be carried with you at all times. If the stone is lost or cracked due to the evil eye (it may lose its shine), it has fulfilled its role as a protector. They get rid of such amulets by burying them in the ground.

If you go to a crowded place - a talisman

When a responsible event is coming up, you need to have strong energy. Before leaving the house, read the special words for water three times, and then wash your face and do not dry yourself:

Evil eye ring

A closed object is considered a good amulet against negative energy. When putting on a charmed ring, the biofield is closed, and negative energy cannot harm a person. If you remove the ring, you must say the protective words again when putting it on. Chant the words for the amulet against the evil eye:

Mirror protection

A mirror is an excellent amulet against the evil eye: it has the ability to send negativity back. To protect yourself from unkind views and bad wishes, wear a small mirror on your chest near your heart. For women, the mirror should be round, for men - square. The mirror is positioned with the reflective side facing outwards.

You need to purchase a mirror on your mother's birthday before noon; you need to overpay a little for the purchase - just leave the change at the store. When you place the mirror on your chest, kiss the reflective surface three times, cross yourself and ask for protection from everything evil - from the evil eye and damage, secret thoughts and wishes.

Effective pin protection

How to make a talisman against the evil eye and damage with your own hands? Sharp iron objects protect well from negative influences and evil spirits. If a ghost appears in the house, you need to stick a knife or hammer a nail into the place where you observed the phenomenon - the ghost will not appear again.

Pinned to clothing, it closes a person’s biofield and does not allow negativity to pass through. On the waxing moon, buy a new pin and a church candle. Hold the point of a pin over the flame and read:

Pin the pin to the wrong side of the garment, point down, near the chest. As long as the amulet is not unfastened or lost, it will protect its owner. The pin cannot be unfastened from clothes: you can use several pins for different things from your wardrobe.

After six months it is necessary to repeat with the same pin. If the amulet is unfastened, you need to get rid of it - the pin has taken the astral blow. Just bury it in the ground. If the pin is lost, make a new amulet.

Safety bracelet

In the old days, decorations were not decorative element wardrobe - they protected the owner from unkind views and wishes. Jewelry served as a distraction, attracting attention to itself. Along with the attention, the evil power of the envious person also flowed away. Jewelry is a trap for negative energy, for example, an evil eye bracelet. The bracelet can be made from protective stones that match the energy of its owner.

Simple also has protective power. wool thread soaked in human saliva. They tied a thread around the wrist, and in the evening they burned candles in the flame. Saliva contains the DNA code of a person; the thread itself is a container for saliva. Tie your wrist with a red thread, after moistening it with saliva. In the evening before going to bed, simply burn the thread - all the negativity will burn with it. Tie it in the morning new thread on the wrist.

Damage protection

To prevent damage from gaining a foothold on the aura, you need to protect yourself with the help of a talisman. In addition to the amulet, precautions should be taken to prevent negative force from penetrating the aura:

  • do not pick up money, wallets or valuables at crossroads - you will take someone’s illness or misfortune with them;
  • after sunset, do not give anything from home to anyone, no matter who asks;
  • do not comb your hair with someone else’s comb, especially when visiting;
  • Always wear a silver cross under your clothes - it is not decoration, but protection;
  • remove the rug outside front door- it’s easy to damage him.

Regular visit church serviceseffective remedy from different types negative influences. However, you need to stand under the dome of the church during the service, and not at the door or altar.

Black feather protection

For this ritual you need to find a crow feather on the street. At home, place the feather in a bowl of water and read the protective spell three times. Hold the bowl in your hands as you read. Then go outside and pour the water and feather onto the ground. The amulet will protect from negative influences until the feather decays. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Damage by phone

Spoilage over the phone has become a common occurrence. If you are having a row with someone or feel unkind, make a fig from the fingers of your left hand. Simultaneously right hand Draw a cross in front of you with your phone and say:

Then turn off your phone, place it with the screen facing away from you, and say the Lord's Prayer three to nine times. Damage will not stick.

Away defense

Spoilage can be transmitted through food, so it is necessary to apply safety measures at banquets, weddings or anniversaries. Take a bottle of enchanted water with you and drink before meals. You can drink water in the corridor, as well as in toilet room. The words of the conspiracy must be said three times, and the bottle must be closed immediately.

Watch another type of amulet in the video: