Hot and cold water meters - how often do they need to be changed by law? At whose expense are electricity meters replaced: rules and procedures Do water meters in an apartment need to be changed?

It is not the verification that has been canceled, but its fixed deadlines! An article about this from the newspaper "Star Boulevard"

Four questions about water meters

The editors receive many questions regarding the mandatory verification of water meters. All of them are associated with the release in December last year of Moscow Government Resolution No. 831-PP, which canceled the document that regulated the procedure for installation, maintenance, and verification of water metering devices (Appendix 1 to Moscow Government Resolution No. 77-PP dated February 10, 2004). So is it necessary or not to carry out verification?

The changes were commented on by the Directorate of Housing and Communal Services and Improvement of the North-East Administrative District.

1. Do I need to check or install new cold water meters?

Need to. It is not verification that has been canceled at all, but its fixed terms - 4 and 6 years for hot and cold metering devices. cold water respectively, which were indicated in the canceled annex to the resolution of the Moscow Government. Nevertheless, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 No. 354 “On the provision of utility services to owners and users of residential premises,” the consumer is obliged “to establish the technical documentation for the metering device.” In other words, within the time limits specified in the device data sheet. Technical certificates for domestic water meters usually indicate verification intervals in accordance with GOST - 6 years for cold water meters and 4 years for meters hot water, although the calibration interval for some imported meters can be 10-15 years.

2. How does the management company control the timing of verification of apartment water meters?

When installing or replacing water meters, residents must bring management company an act of putting the device into operation, which indicates the date of its installation, since only in this case the payment for consumed water will be made based on the readings of the apartment water meter. Thus, the management company has information about the expiration of the verification interval for all water meters installed in the house. And at the right time, the resident will be informed about the need to carry out verification.

3. What consequences can a resident expect if he ignores the verification deadlines?

Without testing, the devices are considered unsuitable for metering water consumption. For subscribers who have not provided verification certificates or replacement of the water meter, payments for housing and communal services based on metering devices will be transferred from apartment to general house metering devices.

4. On what basis did the management company begin to check the registration of residents in apartments without water meters?

On January 30, 2013, the Moscow Department of Housing and Public Utilities and Improvement approved the “Methodological recommendations for identifying individuals using residential premises." Based on this document, management companies received the right to identify unregistered residents in order to charge fees for actually consumed water. Under the previous procedure for paying for cold and hot water, only citizens registered in the house were taken into account according to the readings of a common household appliance. . Apartments that are not equipped with water meters will be inspected by the commission at least twice a month. Information about the fact of residence of unregistered citizens will be transferred to the State Property Committee of the district for water charges.


Material from Star Boulevard No. 10 (328) from 03/17/2013

If you need it in your home, but don’t know which water meter is best suited for this, we advise you to pay attention to Beregun water meters made in Russia.

Beware of fraudulent water meter companies!

Trust the replacement and verification of water meters to the professionals of the STEK company!

Certificates and licenses

Verification license

Requirements for metrological services legal entities, accredited for the right to verify measuring instruments, and the procedure for their accreditation is established by law. The MS must have a position, structure, quality assurance system, personnel, necessary working standards, premises and conditions that ensure verification of measuring instruments. The regulations on the MS must be approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Order on accreditation of STEC

The activities of "STEC" in verifying water meters are fully consistent building regulations and rules. In particular, SNiP 2.04.01-85. Checking water meters will help reduce utility costs several times. Verification is carried out in any district of Moscow. This is the main argument for the transition from utility standards to strict accounting of water consumption.

Free verification of water meters - Metrological Service STEC

When concluding a service agreement
We take care of all subsequent verification of water meters!

All verifications of your metering devices will be free for you!

Benefits of a service agreement

    By concluding a service agreement, you receive FREE OF CHARGE:
  • All subsequent instrument verifications
  • Free replacement of a faulty water meter
  • Visual inspection to identify malfunctions and irregularities in the operation of the water meter
  • Checking the presence and integrity of seals
  • Control reading and recording of water meter readings
  • Checking the operation of the counting mechanism on water meters
  • Cleaning the filter from sediments, sand and scale with disassembly and inspection - if necessary
  • Replacement of gaskets at the joints of water meters - if necessary

Any person who has installed meters for hot and cold water is convinced of personal experience in obtaining benefits. Most Russians are of the following opinion: you only need to pay for what you use.

In this article we will tell you how often water meters need to be changed according to the law.

The government has adopted certain regulations, controls and measurement methods:

102 federal law on replacing a water meter

This regulatory legal act dated June 26, 2008 determines the feasibility of checking measuring instruments (whether they meet metrology conditions).

  1. The main task of the Federal Law is to protect the rights and real interests of individuals and the country as a whole from the negative consequences of erroneous calculation results.
  2. Verification (verification) refers to various actions, the task of which is to confirm that water meters comply with all necessary conditions.
  3. Inspecting a device refers to checking it for damage and accuracy. Special equipment helps to check the device.
  4. The legislation specifies the time period during which the metering device is able to carry out its activities as usual. It also indicates after what time water meters are changed.

Federal Law No. 261 of November 23, 2009

This regulatory legal act imposes an obligation on everyone using in an apartment building, summer cottage, water with the obligatory installation of special devices that keep track of it.

The one who supplies services and the one who consumes them are obliged to enter into contracts. The requirements must be fulfilled within 180 days.

Counters help:

  1. Seriously save resources.
  2. Decide on losses.

Government Decree of the Russian Federation No. 354 of May 6, 2011.

This act describes the specifics of the amount of fees for the use of water and other services. Applies to owners of apartment buildings and residential buildings. The law specifies the conditions under which services are provided in this area.

There is also a detailed division of the term about the amount of payment if there is a water meter or if it is absent.

For what reasons do devices need to be checked?

The counter is considered very accurate and sensitive. After a certain time period has passed, it may fail, in other words, display information that is not the most reliable.

Neither the one who consumes water nor the one who supplies it needs such information. What are the reasons for such a failure, and how much does the water meter information deviate?

Warm and cool water have different effects on the meters. Of course, in warm water There are chemical components, so its structure and high temperature have a greater effect on the measuring device. It is for this reason that such devices need to be checked much more often.

The results of the study can inform about the serviceability of the device. If accounting equipment deteriorates, it is sent for repair or replaced.

When is it necessary to replace hot and cold water meters?

Interverification time period for the meter monitoring hot water, consider 4 years. For cold water supply – 6 years.

But this does not mean that after this time it will be necessary to replace devices that take into account consumption. Water meters need to be replaced only when they stop functioning. Or when they reflect unreliable data.

How often are water meters changed? Average the temporary period of operation of the water meter is 12 years. In other words, one device can work without breaking for 7 years, another – for 15 years. Each case is individual.

It is necessary not to forget that it is better to think through this issue in advance - a couple of months before the time period between verification intervals expires.

The one who supplies the services monitors every living space, every house, and so on. If a person accidentally forgot about the expiring period between checks, he will definitely be sent a special notification.

In what order are water measuring devices checked?

How exactly are water meters checked? Since this procedure requires a certain technique, not everyone knows that this process can be implemented both in a hospital setting and at home.

For this purpose, a citizen independently chooses an institution that owns all the required documents.

  1. First, the water is turned off, notifying the Housing Office in advance.
  2. Provide access to water supply pipes.
  3. The taps must completely shut off the flow of water into the home.

Checking is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Water meters are removed.
  2. Water meters remain in place.

If the procedure will be performed by a special company, it is necessary to call a specialist involved in home maintenance. He will remove the device. The disassembled device will be put into operation, with the drawing up of a withdrawal certificate. The brand and serial numbers must be indicated. There must be a document for the device - it is called a passport, as well as a document - proof of your identity.

Checking is carried out using special calibration installations. They verify the accuracy of information as competently as possible.

After a certain period of time (after 3 hours or several days), the device is returned to the owner with the following documentation attached:

  1. Agreements that water measuring instruments have been installed.
  2. Certificate of completed work.
  3. Certificate of commissioning of the meter.
  4. Cold water certificates.
  5. Passports for hot water.
  6. Certificate for water measuring instruments.
  7. Technical support agreements.

When is it legal to change water meters in an apartment?

If the device is found to be damaged, it will need to be replaced. If the device is in good working order, it is returned and you can continue to use it until the next verification.

There are ways in which you do not need to remove meters - verification will be done right at home.

But it's worth getting proof of the company's accreditation. Its specialists must be certified.

Of course, this verification method is very convenient. Company employees will call the supplier themselves and resolve this issue. The homeowner will only have to receive a document with the date and results of the process.

But this method also has disadvantages.

  1. To carry out a proper verification, more than two hundred liters of water are passed through a device attached to the tap, and the owner of the residential premises will have to pay for this.
  2. If the meter shows inaccuracy, you will not be able to repair or correct anything on the spot. In this case, the water meter will be removed.

What consequences await the owner of an apartment or house if he fails to pass the inspection within the specified period?

Having the verification report, the owner is obliged to track the date of the standard verification.

An untested water supply device of any type is considered faulty. In other words, paying for readings on this water meter becomes impossible.

Next, bills for payment for water use will begin to be calculated based on the average established standards. The procedure is the same as for persons without water meters. In such a situation, the number of citizens registered in housing is taken into account.

These requirements lead to the fact that the consumer will be forced to pay much more every month than with existing meters.

Is it necessary to pay for the IPU verification service or not?

Users should check their water meters. This is done at your own expense, during the time period designated by the manufacturer (it is indicated in the meter’s passport).

Verification is paid service. It all depends on what region. The price varies from 400 rubles to 1000.

It is also worth noting that the cost of work when using a portable standard, without removing the device, and in the case of its removal, does not actually change.

It is not very difficult to keep track of the verification date and the organization of its implementation. Every home owner should always worry about proper operation devices on its territory. You can choose any method for checking water measuring instruments.

Frequently asked questions from residents

Question:I signed an agreement for annual monitoring and verification of the meter. The cost of the service is 600 rubles, for the past four years. I have been using water meters for 5 years. I was informed that the cold water meter needs to be replaced. For what reason? Everything works fine. Replacement costs money. I have 2nd degree disability. Money for extra years. What are the options?

Answer: water measuring devices must be checked once every 6 years for cold water and once every 4 years for hot water. The service provider sends appropriate notice. The price for such a service ranges from 350 to 1000 rubles. It is not necessary to change - this service and constant checks are imposed on you. Everything in this case depends only on your desire.

Question: I would like to know when the period of operation of a water meter expires - from the moment of its release or from the moment of its installation?

Answer: The shelf life of water measuring instruments is determined by the manufacturer of the water meters. Devices from Germany and Italy work for 10-12 years, but are also very expensive. Domestic water meters work less - 5-7 years, and not all of them pass testing. We recommend that you do not bother with inspections; it is better to immediately purchase new devices. And it’s even better to buy imported ones once, so you’ll spend less (since they will last you longer).

Many Russians have meters for cold and hot water in their apartments. The financial issue for the purchase and installation of equipment has finally been resolved. And it seems that savings on utility bills have even begun to show themselves. But a new thunder struck - putting forward a demand to replace or check water meters from private companies. Moreover, the replacement in this case looks like a planned or forced one.

What this is, whether the actions of the management company are legal and whether replacement of water meters is actually necessary, we will discuss below.

If you are overwhelmed with calls from various companies demanding that you URGENTLY change your water meter, know that such calls are illegal and there is NO need to take any action with your meters.

  • Firstly, representatives of the ERC or DEZ never call their clients. They simply receive data from meters between the 23rd and 26th of each month and issue a water bill on this basis. If the data is not received in specified period, the bill will be formed according to the average rates per person. In addition, representatives of these same organizations do not remind you that it is time to check the water meter. The user should be aware of this. Thus, according to the law, the previously established calibration intervals for meters for hot (4 years) and cold (6 years) water have been canceled since 2012. Now water meters need to be checked as needed, that is, if the user suspects that the device is counting incorrectly. And only in this case, having a verification certificate in hand, you need to contact the Criminal Code or the Economic Desk to carry out the procedure for replacing the meter.

Important: it is worth knowing that according to the technical data sheet, the estimated service life of the device is 12 years. And it is likely that your meter will completely expire without a single check.

  • Secondly, frequent calls from various companies are clean water a fraud that, unfortunately, still affects vulnerable segments of the population - gullible people, pensioners, or those who simply do not know the laws.

Important: mandatory replacement of the meter is illegal. No matter who it is carried out by. This is simply a scam of the consumer out of money.

  • Thirdly, if you are wondering where scammers get your phone number, then know: all data is leaked from the DEZ or ERC database. The answer to the question “why” is obvious.
  • Moreover, it is always worth remembering that an accounting device is a fairly simple mechanism., at the heart of which lies an impeller and a magnet with a dial. That is, there is simply nothing special to break there. And even if an arrogant employee of a private company somehow convinced you of the advisability of carrying out inter-interval verification and is now trying to tell you that the device urgently requires replacement (even though in your opinion he thinks it is correct), do not give in to scammers. Change the device only if you notice real discrepancies in the readings and actual water consumption.

Important information from experts

Meters for cold and hot water are subject to mandatory replacement only if they are found to be inoperative as a result of verification. In this case, the owner is given a certificate of inspection and recognition of the mechanism as unfit for use. Here are the reasons for the failure:

  • Natural wear and tear;
  • Clogged pipes and build-up on the impeller;
  • Depressurization of the meter housing due to mechanical impact or unauthorized interference in its operation.

With the act in hand, you should contact the DEZ or management company and write an application to replace the water meter. In this case, you must buy a new device at your own expense. When the technician changes the meter and seals it, he will issue an act of putting the new device into operation. All that remains is to take the papers with zero water meter readings and the report on the work performed to your management company or to the Unified Center.

Important: if during the test the meter is found to be working, the device must be replaced. And the owner is issued a certificate stating that the mechanism is fully operational and subject to further use.

Locations for meter checks

  • Houses without dismantling with the help of a foreman invited from the DEZ or Housing Office. It will connect to the mixer special device and check the correctness of water consumption accounting. You will receive a certificate of suitability of the device.
  • Houses without dismantling, by inviting a private craftsman from a private company. The same actions will be carried out. But they will be considered legal only if and when the company or craftsman has a license to carry out such work.
  • Take the device to the metrological service yourself. You just need to remove it first after drawing up a report on the integrity of the seal and the device body. As a rule, a piece of pipe can be placed in place of the removed meter while the water meter is being checked. In this case, the management company will recalculate in accordance with average water consumption standards.

By the way, the first and last methods of checking the device are considered the most profitable in terms of saving the family budget.

Planned replacement of water meters

But don't relax completely. There is also a so-called planned replacement of metering devices for cold and hot water. This is carried out if a law has been passed to replace the water meter with a more advanced model. But there is simply no such law.

In the second case, a planned replacement of the meter occurs precisely when the device malfunctions and this is documented after checking the mechanism.

In other cases, any arrogant and harsh demands to replace or check water meters can be considered pure fraud and punishable by law.

Remember: only you have the right to decide whether you need to check the meter and change it or not.

Important: if you are afraid that the hot or cold water meter is really faulty and you will have to change it after checking, then in this case you can save money on checking and just buy a new mechanism right away. Notify the DEZ about your desire to replace the device and wait for a technician to complete the work.

Everyone who uses hot/cold water meters has long been convinced that this approach allows for good savings. The population is guided by the principle that you need to pay for what you use - this is the most correct approach.


The government has adopted several acts that regulate the means and methods of measuring water supply. Federal Law No. 102 of June 26, 2008 - this law governs the provision of uniform measuring instruments. The document defines the need to check devices according to metrology requirements.

The purpose of the act is to protect the rights of citizens, society and the state from negative influence incorrect measurements. This document also establishes a period after which the inspection must be carried out. During this period, the device operates unhindered, taking into account the supply of cold/hot water. It is allowed to install only those meters that are approved by the register of measuring instruments of the State Standard of the Russian Federation.

Federal Law No. 261 dated November 23, 2009. This law “On energy saving and increasing energy efficiency and on introducing amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation” obliges all water utility subscribers to apartment buildings It is mandatory to install water meters. To do this, you need to draw up an agreement with the water utility, and 180 days are given for all installation procedures.

Mandatory installation of a meter provides the following advantages:

  1. Economical management of resources.
  2. The measuring tool allows you to determine possible losses.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 dated May 6, 2011. This document explains the features of payment for the use of water and other services in apartment buildings, as well as the rules for the provision of utility services. The resolution clearly defines the concept of the amounts payable in the presence of a meter, as well as in its absence.

Why is it mandatory to check meters?

The device for measuring the amount of water supplied is an accurate measuring instrument. The latter may simply work together over time and show a false expense for which you may overpay.

Neither the water utility nor the end client in your person will like this situation. What is the reason for the loss of measurement accuracy and how large is the error, and in what direction?

Hot/cold water has different effects on metering devices. Hot water has chemical additives that, in tandem with high temperature aggressively affect the parts and mechanisms of the measuring instrument. Therefore, checks of such devices need to be done more often.

The result of such a test can show complete serviceability, while failed equipment should be repaired or replaced.

When is it necessary to change water meters?

Inter-inspection period established measuring instrument in a hot water supply system is 4 years. As for cold water supply, meters are checked every 6 years. The deadlines do not indicate that replacement will be required. The water meter must be replaced when a breakdown is detected and the recording occurs with errors.

The average service life of the meter is 12 years. From this we can easily conclude that one copy can last 6 years, and the other – all 18. It is important to note that you need to start the meter checking procedure in advance, and not on the last day of the end of the checking interval. It is best to do this one to one and a half months in advance.

If the inspection deadline is approaching, the supplier may also notify you by written notice.

How are water meters checked?

The check is performed on specialized equipment, but not everyone knows that the same check can actually be done right on site. To carry out the procedure, the subscriber can choose an organization that has the right to perform this type of work.

The procedure for replacing the meter:

  • before starting work, it is necessary to turn off the water with prior approval from the Housing Office;
  • open access to water supply pipes;
  • the condition of the pipes must be satisfactory;
  • Shut-off units should be provided in the apartment to locally shut off the water.

The check is performed using several methods:

  1. With the counter removed.
  2. Without removing the meter.

If you use the services of a specialized company, call a home plumber to dismantle the water meter. The removed meter will be put into operation, a document on withdrawal will be drawn up, which indicates serial number and the brand of the device. Keep the documents for the counter with you - your passport and your passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation.

The verification procedure is performed using a calibration unit, which verifies the readings as accurately as possible. The duration of the check ranges from several hours to several days. When you receive the water meter back, you will be given the following documents:

  1. Meter installation agreement.
  2. Certificate of completed work.
  3. Document confirming the commissioning of the water meter.
  4. Certificate for cold water supply meter.
  5. Passport for hot water supply water meter.
  6. Certificates for equipment.
  7. Maintenance contract.

If after checking it turns out that the water meter is broken, it will need to be replaced. A working device is installed in the same place, all changes are documented. The new water meter can be used until the next check comes.

Checking the water meter on site in 2018-2019

When choosing a company to check the meter, make sure that it is specialized and has the appropriate permits for such activities. Upon arrival of specialists, all necessary water meter tests are performed. This approach is the most convenient - you save a lot of time. Representatives of the equipment testing company independently contact the water utility, which, in turn, eliminates the need for verification. You, as a client, receive a document about the date and results of the meter tests.

This on-site testing approach has its drawbacks. During the test, up to 250 liters of water are passed through the device, for which you will need to pay. If a malfunction is detected, you will not be able to repair or adjust the water meter on site - dismantling will still be required.

If the check was not completed on time: what to do

If there is a water meter inspection report, its owner is obliged to ensure that he does not miss the deadline for the next procedure.

An incorrectly functioning meter is considered unusable, and payment based on these readings is impossible. Thus, in such a situation, you will pay for water utility services according to average standards. In simple words, as if you do not have a meter installed taking into account the number of people living in the apartment.

These numbers will be much higher than what you paid if you had a properly working meter.

Is the verification service paid or not?

You have to pay for these types of checks. The cost varies from 370 to 1,000 rubles. You can make payments online without commission. Organizing the verification procedure is not at all difficult. How you perform the check is at your discretion.

To summarize, we note that meters need to be checked once every 6 years for cold water supply, and once every 4 years for hot water. The procedure is paid, and the maximum cost for the service does not exceed one thousand rubles. There are only three ways to check:

  1. Inspection by the water utility with dismantling of the water meter.
  2. Self-diagnosis on site with the involvement of a specialized organization that has all the permits to carry out such work.
  3. Dismantling and inspection by the same specialized company on site, only for more short term, rather than diagnostics at the water utility.

The last two methods allow you to quickly complete the procedure, and the company’s specialists contact suppliers and notify them of the completed check.

Do not ignore the end of the interval and the need to test the water meter. By doing this, you can only overpay for the water supply services received at prices that are considered average.