Conduct an audit using an example of an organization. The procedure for organizing internal audit at an enterprise. List of identified errors and violations in accounting for authorized capital, accounting for expenses with founders and the budget

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Settlements with accountable persons take place in almost every enterprise and are very diverse, because include: cash purchase of spare parts, materials, fuel, office supplies; payment for minor repairs of office equipment and vehicles; expenses for business trips within the Russian Federation and abroad; entertainment expenses.

As a rule, in the practical activities of any enterprise, settlements with accountable persons are of a massive nature and are associated with many other sections of accounting, for example, cash transactions, settlements with suppliers and contractors, operations for the movement of material assets, etc., which causes high labor intensity and the relevance of the audit of settlements with accountable persons.

The object of research for the thesis is Avantrade LLC.

The purpose of this thesis is to study the current procedure audit at the enterprise and applying the acquired knowledge to analyze the correctness of the accounting reflection of settlements with accountable persons in Avantrade LLC for 2006.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks were set:

Consider the accounting procedure, the composition of the primary and accounting registers of settlements with accountable persons in accordance with the current accounting rules and regulatory documents;

Consider the stages of conducting an audit of settlements with accountable persons;

Give an economic description of the research object;

Study the accounting procedure at Avantrade LLC;

Based on the knowledge gained, conduct an audit of settlements with accountable persons at Avantrade LLC and make an audit report;

Develop proposals for improving the accounting of settlements with accountable persons.

When auditing settlements with accountable persons, various methods of obtaining audit evidence are used, which include the following: monitoring the implementation of business or accounting transactions; oral survey; receiving written confirmations; verification of documents received by the client from third parties; checking documents prepared at the client’s enterprise; checking arithmetic calculations; analysis.

The source of information for writing the work was the financial statements of Avantrade LLC for 2004 - 2006, as well as primary documents and accounting registers of the organization.

The regulatory framework was the Federal Law “On Accounting”, the Federal Law “On Auditing Activities”, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and others.

The works of such authors as N.P. Baryshnikov were used as a methodological basis for writing the thesis. , Alborov R.A. , Kondrakova N.P. and etc.

The practical significance of this study is to determine the compliance of the reflection of settlements with accountable persons in Avantrade LLC with the current regulatory documents and to make recommendations based on the conclusion made.

The thesis consists of a summary, four chapters, a conclusion, a list of sources used and applications.


1.1 Accounting for settlements with accountable persons

In the practical activities of an enterprise, there is often a need to pay expenses in cash, purchase material assets from other enterprises and in retail trade in cash, pay expenses for business trips, etc. In such cases, an employee of an enterprise may be given cash under his responsibility (on account) to perform certain actions as directed by the manager. Such employees are called accountable persons. Only employees of this organization who have an employment relationship with it, authorized by order of the manager, can receive money on account.

Settlements with accountable persons affect several sections of both accounting and tax accounting The list of legislative acts is quite large.

The main provisions for reflecting expenses with accountable persons in accounting are regulated in the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” - contains a list of mandatory details of primary documents (Article 9, clause 2). Allows the preparation of documents on computer media (Article 9, paragraph 7). The head of the organization, in agreement with the chief accountant, approves the list of persons who have the right to sign primary accounting documents (Article 9, paragraph 3). Obliges the director of the organization and the chief accountant or their authorized persons to sign primary accounting documents for transactions with funds (Article 9, paragraph 3).

The issuance of cash on account is regulated by the Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions in the Russian Federation, approved by Resolution No. 40 of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Russia dated September 22, 1993, and is executed by an expenditure cash order or properly executed other documents (pay slips, applications for the issuance of money, etc. .) with affixing a stamp on these documents with the details of the cash receipt order.

In cases where documents, statements, etc. attached to cash receipts. There is a permit from the head of the organization; his signature on cash receipts is not required.

The head of the enterprise, by his order, must establish the amount of accountable amounts and the terms for which they are issued. Persons who received cash on account are obliged no later than three days at the end of the period for which they were issued, submit to the accounting department a report on the amounts spent and make a final payment for them. If there is an unspent balance of funds, this balance must be deposited by the employee into the organization's cash desk.

Due to the fact that settlements with accountable persons are carried out in cash, the amount of settlements of the accountable person when paying in cash must comply with the standards of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated October 7, 1998 No. 375-U “On establishing size limit cash settlements in the Russian Federation between legal entities" - establishes the following maximum amounts for cash settlements for one payment: between legal entities - 10 thousand rubles; for consumer cooperation enterprises and trade organizations of the GUIN of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - 15 thousand rubles.

The issuance of cash against a report is made subject to the full report of a specific accountable person on the advance previously issued to him. The transfer of cash issued on account by one person to another is prohibited. After completing the operations for which the money was received, the accountable person submits to the accounting department an advance report on expenses, which is the main document that allows the debt to be written off from the accountable person. It must be accompanied by all supporting documents confirming the correctness of both the payment for operations or services for these operations, and the receipt of goods and materials.

In accordance with Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, VAT on material assets purchased from wholesale trade organizations and manufacturers in cash is accepted for credit only if there are appropriate primary documents (cash receipt order, invoice for goods release) containing the VAT amount on a separate line). A prerequisite for VAT offset, in addition to the documents mentioned above, is the presence of an invoice for purchased goods containing the VAT amount on a separate line.

If the accountable amounts have not been submitted to the cashier or a report has not been submitted on them three days after the date established for the report, they are included in the employee’s total income taxable with income tax. If accountable amounts were issued without establishing a deadline for their return at the time of inspection, such amounts are reflected in the debit of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons”, there are no grounds for inclusion in taxable income. However, later at the end of the year, if this amount is unreasonably written off from the reporting person without documents confirming the expenses incurred, it is subject to inclusion in total income and is subject to income tax on a general basis.

Advance reports on the amounts spent and accompanying supporting documents submitted by accountable persons in the accounting department are subject to an accounting check, as well as a substantive check. At the same time, the correctness of the documents, the expediency of the expenses and their compliance with the purpose of the advance are checked. Advance reports verified by the accounting department are approved by the head of the organization.

A business trip in accordance with paragraph 1 of the Instructions of the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, the State Committee for Labor of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of April 7, 1988. No. 62 “On official business trips within the USSR” recognizes a trip by an employee, by order of the head of an enterprise, to another location for a certain period of time to carry out an official assignment outside his place of permanent work. The maximum terms for workers' business trips are established by clause 4 of the Instructions - 40 days (not counting travel time), but the minimum terms are not established.

From this definition we can conclude that only employees who are in labor agreements with a given enterprise on the basis of Chapter III “Employment agreement (contract)” can be sent on a business trip, that is, those for whom this enterprise is either the main place of work or place of part-time work, since only such employees must obey the orders of the manager and the internal labor regulations in general (Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If an employee is hired under an employment agreement and the employment agreement stipulates that he has a free work schedule and does not contain a specific, specific list of work that he must perform, then such an agreement can be recognized as an employment contract in accordance with Article 15 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Free work schedule, in this case, is one of the possible options internal labor regulations. Consequently, such an employee may be sent on a business trip.

In the event that the head of an enterprise sends his employee or part-time worker on a business trip, documented expenses for the business trip are included (within the limits of current standards) in the cost of products (works, services) and are not included in the taxable income of the business traveler. In the event that an individual performing work under civil contracts is sent on a business trip, the expenses for the business trip (within the current standards) are also included in the cost of products (works, services), but the fact of the business trip itself is not recognized due to the relationship determined by a civil law agreement, therefore, all expenses on it must be included in the income of an individual.

The sending of enterprise employees on a business trip is carried out by the heads of the organization and is formalized by issuing a travel certificate in the prescribed form. At the discretion of the head of the organization, sending an employee on a business trip, along with a travel certificate, can be formalized by an order, which reflects the advance payment due, usually calculated according to the estimate.

An advance for travel expenses is issued to the employee within the budget, usually from the enterprise's cash register using an expense cash order. The accountable person also receives an official assignment for sending on a business trip, the form of which is approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee No. 26 of 06.04. 2001

The procedure for issuing cash on account is regulated by the Procedure for Conducting Cash Transactions. Clause 11 of the said Procedure stipulates that enterprises issue cash on account for travel expenses in the amounts and terms determined by the heads of the enterprises. Within three days upon returning from a business trip, the employee is required to submit an advance report on the expenditure of the amounts received for the report, along with a travel certificate with marks from the destinations and documents confirming payment for travel, rental accommodation and other expenses associated with the business trip.

In addition, it should be remembered that the issuance of cash on account is subject to the full report of the specific accountable person on the advance previously issued to him.

The day of departure of an employee on a business trip is the day of departure of an airplane, train, bus, or any other vehicle from the place of permanent work of the business traveler, and the day of arrival is the day of arrival of the vehicle at the place of permanent work.

When accepting a business trip report for consideration, the actual time spent on a business trip is determined by the marks in the travel certificate on the day of arrival at the place of business trip and the day of departure from the place of business trip. If an employee is sent to different locations, notes about the day of arrival and day of departure are made at each location. In this case, the marks in the travel certificate on the arrival and departure of the employee are certified by the seal that is usually used in his economic activity one or another enterprise to certify the signature of the relevant official.

It should be noted that workers on a business trip are subject to the working time and rest regime of the enterprises to which they are sent. In return for rest days unused during a business trip, other rest days upon return from a business trip are not provided. However, if the employee is specially sent to work on weekends or holidays, compensation for work on these days is made in accordance with the generally established procedure in accordance with the law.

If, by order of the head of the enterprise, an employee goes on a business trip on a day off, upon returning from the business trip he is given another day of rest in accordance with the established procedure. The issue of reporting to work on the day of departure for a business trip and the day of arrival from a business trip is resolved by agreement with the administration of the enterprise.

The posted worker retains his place of work (position) and average earnings during the business trip, including while on the road (for all working days of the week according to the schedule established at the place of permanent work) in accordance with Article 116 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The salary is sent to the posted worker at his request at the expense of the organization to which he is sent.

When a person working part-time is sent on a business trip, the average salary is retained in the organization that sent him on a business trip. In the case of being sent on a business trip simultaneously for the main and combined work, the average salary is maintained for both positions, the costs of paying for the business trip are distributed between the sending organizations by agreement between them.

In accordance with Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation “Income Tax for Individuals”, amounts reimbursed to an employee for travel expenses within the limits of the norm are not included in the employee’s total annual income.

The posted worker is reimbursed for the costs of renting accommodation, travel to the place of business trip and back to the place of permanent work, for the use of bedding, and is also paid daily allowances.

The posted worker is reimbursed for hotel reservations in the amount of 50% of the reimbursed cost of the room per day.

Expenses for renting accommodation during a forced stopover, confirmed by relevant documents, are reimbursed in the same amounts as during the stay at the business trip destination.

Within the limits of reimbursement rates for housing rental expenses, employee expenses for paying for additional services provided in hotels (for the use of a TV, refrigerator and other cultural and household items included in the hotel room) are also subject to reimbursement. Expenses for laundry, serving meals in the room, etc. are not refundable.

Travel expenses to the place of business trip and back to the place of permanent work are reimbursed to the posted employee in the amount of: the cost of travel by air, rail, water and road transport common use(except taxi), including insurance payments for compulsory state insurance of passengers in transport, payment for services for the pre-sale of travel documents, costs for the use of bedding on trains.

The posted worker is paid the costs of travel by public transport to the station, pier, airport, if they are located outside the populated area. If there are several types of transport connecting the place of permanent work and the place of business trip, the administration can offer the posted worker the type of transport that he should use. In the absence of such an offer, the employee independently decides on the choice of transport.

Daily allowances are paid to a posted worker for each day he is on a business trip, including weekends and holidays, as well as days en route, including during forced stops along the way. Daily allowances for the time spent on the road are paid at the same rates as for the time spent at the place of business trip.

It should be remembered that daily allowances and expenses for renting accommodation (both with and without documents confirming such payment) must be reimbursed to the employee within the limits established by current legislation, which tend to constantly increase due to changes in the price level. Currently, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On establishing standards for organizations’ expenses for the payment of daily allowances and field allowances, within which, when determining the tax base for corporate income tax, such expenses are classified as other expenses related to production and sales” dated February 8 2002 No. 93 daily allowances are paid in the amount of 100 rubles. for each day of being on a business trip.

Many organizations consider the established state standards for reimbursement of travel expenses to be insufficient and pay for them at an increased rate.

According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 02.26.92 N 122 (as amended on 02.22.93) “On the norms for reimbursement of travel expenses,” the source of payments to an employee for travel expenses in excess of the norms is the net profit of the enterprise.

Reimbursing employees for travel expenses below the established standards or not reimbursing them in full should be considered a violation of labor laws.

In accordance with Article 249 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, officials guilty of violating labor legislation bear responsibility (disciplinary, administrative, criminal) in the manner prescribed by law.

Article 41 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes that violation by an official of an enterprise, institution, or organization, regardless of the form of ownership, of the labor legislation of the Russian Federation entails a fine of up to 100 times the minimum wage.

Per diems are not paid if the employee is able to return but does not want to. However, the possibility of a return is established by order of the manager based on production necessity. The instructions do not clarify where to assign daily allowances (to cost or profit) if the manager establishes the need for their payment (due to production needs), therefore, in this case, daily allowances are attributed to cost in the general manner.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, in letter No. 30 dated May 12, 1992, reports that the Ministry of Railways, by its instruction dated February 18, 1992, granted railway chiefs the right to set fees for providing passengers with bedding on trains.

Costs for the use of bedding on trains by a posted employee are subject to reimbursement based on actual expenses, confirmed by relevant documents.

It should be noted that the head of an enterprise or organization has the right to reimburse an employee for travel expenses without providing travel documents at the minimum fare.

If an employee has lost travel documents confirming payment for travel to his destination or back, then the employee must receive a written certificate of the cost of travel from the passenger transport company whose services he used (Department of the Passenger Department of the Railway, Aeroflot Agency, etc.) from the place of permanent work to the place of business trip on the date of his trip. A personal application from an employee addressed to the head of the enterprise with a request for reimbursement of travel expenses without supporting documents with an attached certificate from the transport company is submitted for consideration to the head of the enterprise. The manager makes a resolution in accordance with which the accountant acts when reimbursing the employee for travel expenses. If the manager’s resolution is positive, then the accountant has the right, when reimbursing the employee for business trip expenses on the basis of a certificate from the transport company, to include the cost of travel in the cost of products (work, services) without travel documents. In this case, a certificate from the transport company will serve as a supporting document.

When the nature of a business trip requires any production expenses (for example, telephone conversations, luggage transportation), the head of the enterprise, before sending the employee on a business trip, issues an appropriate order to reimburse these expenses. Moreover, these costs, if there is such an order and supporting primary documents (invoices, receipts), can be attributed to the cost of products (works, services).

An employee of an enterprise, within three days after returning from a business trip, is obliged to submit to the accounting department of the enterprise a report on the amounts actually spent with supporting documents attached - an advance report.

The following may serve as supporting documents:

A travel certificate confirming the arrival and departure of the traveler, which serves as the basis for writing off the daily allowance from the account;

Hotel accounts necessary to justify the costs of renting accommodation;

Travel documents with attached receipts for the use of bedding on trains, required for writing off accountable amounts issued to pay for travel to and from the place of business travel;

Documents for additional expenses incurred (telephone bills, payment documents for purchased material assets, consumed work, services, etc.).

Upon returning from a business trip, in addition to the advance report, the employee should also receive a brief report on the work done. Documents confirming the results of the trip are attached to the report. Such documents may include, first of all, a contract signed by the parties, a protocol of intent, an act of completion of certain works, a certificate (certificate) of participation in exhibitions, conferences, etc. On the report on the work done on a business trip, the head of the enterprise puts a resolution on its compliance with the goals of the business trip, and on the advance report on travel expenses - his signature, thereby confirming their expediency.

After receiving the advance report with supporting documents attached to it, the accountant, after reconciling the arithmetic calculations with the figures indicated in the supporting documents, uses accounting entries to record the direction in which these amounts are written off from the sub-report.

The funds actually spent by accountable persons on business trips, reflected in the supporting documents, are posted to the credit of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” in correspondence with various accounts depending on the nature of the expenses incurred.

Thus, the accountant makes necessary calculations, generates summary entries for including travel expenses in the cost of products (works, services) of the organization or attributing them to the net profit of the enterprise, and then fills in the corresponding columns on the front side of the expense report. After the accountant checks the advance report and determines the amount to be recorded, the manager approves this amount, and it is recorded in the analytical accounting of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons,” thereby writing off the debt from a specific employee. Overexpenditure or balance is carried out through the cash register with the issuance of an expense or receipt order.

All foreign business trips must be formalized by order of the head, indicating the purpose of the trip, the country of stay and the timing of the trip. The maximum duration of business trips abroad has not been established, but a business trip lasting more than 60 days is considered long-term and is paid, starting from the 61st day, in the amounts provided for the payment of employees of foreign institutions. If an employee is sent to a CIS member country, then the business trip is processed in the same way as business trips on the territory of the Russian Federation, without issuing a foreign passport. At the same time, foreign business trips do not have to be issued with travel certificates; marks of stay abroad are affixed to the international passport. Payment of expenses for business trips abroad is made in accordance with the rules and regulations approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The foreign currency received under the report can be spent for purposes and according to the standards approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. When an employee returns from a business trip, an advance report must be drawn up within 3 days, which indicates the country, the timing of the business trip, daily and quarterly allowances, total amount foreign currency issued for travel expenses and converted into rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of issue of the funds; the report, spent and the balance of unspent funds, converted into rubles at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of approval of the advance report by the head of the enterprise.

When traveling abroad, VAT amounts on expenses for travel to and from the place of business travel and rental of accommodation are accrued and written off in the same way as for business trips within the Russian Federation.

The procedure for reimbursement to employees of amounts for unfinished settlements when traveling abroad is determined by the resolution of the Ministry of Labor in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for settlements in foreign currency with employees traveling abroad” dated August 20, 1992 No. 12.

According to the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 1992 No. 94 (as amended by subsequent amendments and additions), entertainment expenses associated with commercial activities are the costs of an organization for receiving and servicing representatives of other enterprises, organizations and institutions (including foreign ones) who arrived for negotiations in order to establish and maintain mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as participants who arrived at the meeting of the council (board) of the enterprise and the audit commission. Entertainment expenses include costs associated with an official reception (breakfast, lunch or other similar event) of representatives (participants), their transportation, attendance at cultural entertainment events, buffet service during negotiations and cultural program events, payment for the services of translators who are not members of the on staff of the enterprise.

In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the inclusion of entertainment expenses in the cost of products (works, services) is carried out within the limits of estimates approved by the head of the enterprise, which should not exceed the normatively approved norms of 4% of labor costs, and only in the presence of supporting primary documents, in which must indicate the date, place, program business meeting(reception), list of guests on both sides.

If the reporting person fails to provide relevant supporting documents confirming the expenses incurred, such amounts are subject to inclusion in the employee’s total taxable income on a general basis in accordance with Chapter 23 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

1.2 Audit of settlements with accountable persons

The composition of primary documents for settlements with accountable persons, on the one hand, is quite narrow - these are advance reports, applications for the release of money from the cash register. On the other hand, the composition of documents accompanying settlements with accountable persons is extremely wide and varied, since settlements with accountable persons are associated with many other sections of accounting, for example, cash transactions, settlements with suppliers and contractors, transactions for the movement of material assets, etc. . etc., and, therefore, when checking, it is necessary to compare advance reports with documents for other sections of accounting.

The purpose of an audit of settlements with accountable persons is to verify the legality and confirm the reliability of accounting for settlements with accountable persons.

The audit of settlements with accountable persons is carried out using a continuous method, so it is advisable to involve assistants to carry it out.

The main documents that need to be examined when checking settlements with accountable persons are:

Advance report;

Orders on sending employees on business trips;

Travel certificates;

Copies of international passports with border crossing marks;

List of persons who are allowed to receive cash from the cash register;

Estimates of entertainment expenses;

Orders on approval of estimates of entertainment expenses;

Supporting primary documents.

Transactions on settlements with accountable persons are reflected in the following accounting registers:

Journal-order No. 7, which combines analytical and synthetic accounting of settlements with accountable persons (with a journal-order form of accounting);

Main book;

Other registers for analytical and synthetic accounting of settlements with accountable persons, depending on the form of accounting adopted by the enterprise.

Audit of settlements with accountable persons according to the method of R.A. Alborov.

When starting to check settlements with accountable persons, the auditor must first check:

Who keeps records of settlements with accountable persons (position, education, work experience in the specialty, is there any family ties with the manager, cashier of the organization);

Is there a regulatory framework for the work of an accountant;

To whom is the accountant accountable and who checks him on the work performed;

Is there a list (circle) of accountable persons approved by the head of the organization (the circle of accountable persons is determined at the beginning of the year and the list of them is approved by the head of the organization).

Next, you need to check the balances of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” in journal order No. 7, the General Ledger and the balance sheet of the organization as of the first day of the last month before the date of the audit. If there are discrepancies, identify their reasons.

By checking the entries for each personal account in journal order No. 7, it is necessary to identify:

Amounts of advances issued on account;

Are there orders (instructions) on sending employees on business trips;

Purpose and actual use of advances;

Deadlines for submitting advance reports;

Do you have travel certificates with marks on places of stay according to the assignment;

Correctness and timeliness of preparation (submission) of advance reports;

Correct reimbursement of travel expenses and expenses for operational and economic needs;

Correct preparation of correspondence accounts for transactions with accountable persons;

Timely repayment of debt on previously issued advances;

Availability of supporting documents for all transactions.

It is also necessary to establish the legality and expediency of operational and business expenses through accountable entities, and the possibility of carrying out these expenses through non-cash payments.

When completely checking the advance reports of accountable persons, you need to check:

Are expense reports signed by an accountant and approved by the head of the organization? If the submitted report is not signed or approved, the amount cannot be written off from the accountable person for expenses or other accounting objects of the organization;

Completeness and validity of the attached documents. They often make the mistake of attaching invalid documents to the expense report (sales receipt without marks, store stamps, various receipts, coupons, checks without mandatory details) or writing off to cost the amounts issued to accountable persons for fuels and lubricants, technical repairs, purchase of spare parts and repair materials without supporting documents. At the same time, receipts from cash receipts when paying the cost of material assets (work, services) to a correspondent organization through an accountable person are not attached to advance reports, although these amounts can be substantial. Having identified such facts, the auditor must recognize the write-off of amounts for expenses as unjustified and determine the amount of income underestimated for tax purposes, as well as the hidden amount of payments for social insurance and security, transport tax;

The correct reflection of daily allowances and housing costs, as well as the correct allocation of VAT on them. Excess of daily allowance standards should be attributed by accounting to a decrease in the profit remaining at the disposal of the organization, simultaneously with the withholding of income tax from this amount. In addition, expenses written off as expenses (cost price) must be reduced by the amount of VAT (from the cost of travel and rental housing).

Correct reflection of revenue from the sale of products (goods) through an accountable person. In this case, the receipt of proceeds from sales is shown on the credit of account 71 “Settlements with accountable persons” without preliminary (or subsequent) attribution of this amount to the credit of account 46 “Sales of products (works, services)”. When such facts are revealed, it is necessary to determine the size of the hidden object of taxation (revenue);

The correctness of attributing entertainment expenses through accountable persons to the production (circulation) costs of the organization.

When checking settlements with accountable persons related to foreign business trips, the auditor must establish:

Correct accounting of calculations;

The correctness of reimbursement to the employee of expenses for a one-day business trip, as well as in cases where the employee in the host country is provided with free food and housing;

The correctness of the calculation of exchange rate differences on the day the accountable person submitted the advance report;

Correct correspondence of accounts for a given control object. Here it is necessary to pay attention to reversal and other corrective records, which may hide facts of violations and abuses.


Full corporate name of the company: Limited Liability Company "Avantrade".

Abbreviated name: Avantrade LLC.

Location of the company, its postal address: 350000; Russian Federation, Krasnodar region, Krasnodar, st. Chapaeva 84.

The company "Avantrade" was founded in 1996. The first name is “Stationery Store”.

General Director of the company Evgeniy Viktorovich Zhukov.

LLC "Avantrade" on the basis of the Charter (Appendix A) is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, has separate property by right of ownership, has an independent balance sheet, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights in its own name, bear the obligations of being a plaintiff and defendant in a court. The company is created without a term limit. The Company has the right to open bank accounts in the prescribed manner on the territory of the Russian Federation and abroad.

LLC "Avantrade" has a round seal containing the full company name in Russian, its own emblem, as well as a trademark registered in the prescribed manner.

Avantrade LLC operates on a commercial basis with the aim of making a profit, as well as further saturating the consumer market with goods, works and services, expanding competition, and introducing achievements of scientific and technological progress.

The driving force of a market society is competition. It stimulates the expansion of production, improving the quality and reducing the price of the product, forces the organization to more fully perceive scientific and technical achievements, apply modern technology, technology, new methods of organizing production and labor.

Among the variety of possible types of activity, the main one for Avantrade LLC is wholesale and retail trade in office supplies, retail trade office supplies and office equipment, as well as accessories thereto.

The company's assortment was represented by four trademarks: BENE, KORES, TRODAT, SAX (Australia). The main principles in the formation of the assortment now remain quality and affordable prices.

Avantrade LLC has never allowed itself to offer our customers stationery, office equipment or paper of dubious or unverified production. From year to year we have optimized our range, expanding it with new, interesting and high-quality manufacturers.

Today, Avanreid LLC offers our customers more than 7,000 stationery and household goods, office equipment, souvenirs and papers. Our assortment includes over 90 European, Japanese and domestic manufacturers and brands.

The creation of a branch network allows us to carry out shipments in the Krasnodar Territory within 48 hours, and in Krasnodar we are guaranteed to deliver products within 24 hours. This service is provided through our own fleet of vehicles throughout the region (10 vehicles of various classes) and the use of modern logistics and warehouse technologies.

Warehouse 900 sq.m. is the property of the company. For convenience of work in the warehouse, it is used lifting mechanism. By optimizing our work with suppliers, transport and warehouse logistics, we offer our customers affordable and competitive prices for purchased products.

In 2000, Avantrade LLC introduced the direction of applying corporate corporate symbols. Over the course of 4 years, we purchased equipment that allows us today to apply logos to all types of products (technologies - stamp printing, silk-screen printing, laser engraving).

In 2005, we were the first in the Southern Federal District to publish our own catalog of products offered, “Avantrade - Office Products,” where each item in our assortment was presented with high-quality photographs and each item had a clear price. The catalog includes 2970 products, the most tested and of the highest quality on the Russian market.

Since 2005, the company began to actively work not only in the corporate and wholesale directions, but also in the retail sector.

On April 4, 2005, the company launched a new project called Avantrade Home&Office - this is a chain of retail stores that presents not only stationery and office products for adults, but also for the little ones. We provide our clients with a system of discounts.

At the same time, Avantrade LLC is taking measures to improve and increase the level of social protection of its employees, with a view to solving a number of issues (the length of vacation of the working day and week, payment of travel expenses, payment of additional benefits when going on vacation) towards improvement against the officially existing .

The production and economic activities of Avantrade LLC are based on the principles of self-sufficiency and strict compliance with the Legislation of the Russian Federation. The Company has complete economic independence in carrying out its activities. Relations with state, public and other commercial organizations and citizens are carried out on a contractual basis; the Company independently develops and approves plans for the development and orientation of production within the framework of the Charter activities.

The authorized capital of Avantrade LLC is formed from contributions of the Founders, made in the manner prescribed by the constituent documents, as well as from additional contributions of third parties accepted into the Company by decision of the general meeting of participants. Contributions to the Authorized Capital may be money, securities, other things or property rights. An increase or decrease in the authorized capital of the Company in accordance with the constituent documents is carried out in the manner and under the conditions provided for in Art. 17-20 Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”. At the time of state registration of the Company, the authorized capital is estimated at 9,000,000 rubles and consists of the shares of the Founders, distributed as follows: 49%; 26.5%; 24.5%.

Avantrade LLC sells its products, work and services at prices set independently, and in cases provided for by the Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation, at fixed prices. The profit received by the Company as a result of its activities is primarily used to repay bank loans, contributions to the reserve fund and payment of mandatory payments and taxes to the budget according to current legislation RF. The Company's reserve fund is intended to cover unplanned expenses and losses from production activities, as well as to pay the Company's debts upon its liquidation. The formation of the reserve fund is carried out by annual deductions of at least 5% of net profit until its maximum amount is reached, which is 15% of the authorized capital. The remaining net profit at the disposal of the Company shall be directed to the production development fund and distributed among the Founders. The amount of contributions is determined at the annual meeting of the Founders and amounts to a total of at least 20% of net profit. Part of the net profit due to the Founders is distributed in proportion to their shares in the authorized capital of the Company. Profit distribution is made quarterly no later than one month after approval of the enterprise's annual accounting report.

The organizational structure of management is a linear-functional type. The sole executive body of Avantrade LLC is the director, who carries out the current management of the organization’s activities and acts without a power of attorney in relations with the state, legal and individuals, makes transactions. The director is the manager of the enterprise's loans with the right of first signature on all financial documents, and is personally responsible for the safety of documents reflecting financial, economic and personnel activities. The main specialists of the organization: deputy director for general issues, chief accountant, heads of departments are appointed to the position by the decision of the director and report only to him. The powers of the chief specialists are determined by contracts and job descriptions approved by the director of Avantrade LLC. Departments report directly to the orders of their boss and the director of the enterprise. The director is liable to the Company for losses caused by his guilty actions (inactions), taking into account the degree of economic risk and business rules.

Control over the financial and economic activities of Avantrade LLC is carried out by the Audit Commission, elected by the general meeting of founders, or by decision of the meeting, audit services are attracted.

To assess the security of an enterprise with basic resources, it is necessary to analyze Table 1.

Table 1 - Resources of Avantrade LLC

The data in Table 1 indicates that the number of employees is increasing every year; in 2006, compared to 2004, it increased by 29 people or 185.3%. Compared to 2005, by 15 people or 131.3%. This indicates that favorable conditions are being created for staff to work. The average annual cost of fixed assets in 2006 compared to 2004 increased by 5.34 times or by 5201 thousand rubles, and compared to 2005 by 2.08 times or by 333.2 thousand rubles. Average annual cost of materials working capital in 2006 compared to 2004 increased by 182.8%, that is, by 31,553 thousand rubles.

To characterize the results of activities of Avantrade LLC, let’s analyze Table 2.

Table 2 - Results of activities of Avantrade LLC


Sales revenue, thousand rubles.

Cost of goods, products, works and services sold, thousand rubles.

Gross profit, thousand rubles.

Commercial and administrative expenses, thousand rubles.

Profit (loss) from sales, thousand rubles.

Other expenses, thousand rubles.

Other income, thousand rubles

Profit (loss) before tax, thousand rubles.

Income tax and other similar mandatory payments, thousand rubles.

Net profit, thousand rubles.

The data in Table 2 indicates that sales revenue in 2006 compared to 2004 increased by 172,575 thousand rubles. or 301.9%. If we compare with 2005, then by 120,901 thousand rubles. or 188.2%. Simultaneously with the growth of revenue, the cost increases. In 2004, expenses amounted to 75,430 thousand rubles, in 2005 - 121,961 thousand rubles, and in 2006 - 228,035 thousand rubles, that is, 3.02 times higher than in 2004. This indicates a relative increase in the costs of goods, works and services sold.

An increase in gross profit can be considered a positive change; in 2006, compared to 2004, it increased by 19,970 thousand rubles. or 298.7%, and in relation to 2005 by 14827 thousand rubles. or 197.6%. This indicates an increase in sales volumes and expansion of production and economic activities.

At the same time, the dynamics of financial results also include negative changes, for example, there was an increase in commercial and administrative expenses by 2.38 times in 2006 compared to 2004, or 238.2%, and when compared with 2005, by 1.63 times.

Profit (loss) from sales increased in 2006 compared to 2004 by 9869 thousand rubles, and when compared with 2005 by 8081 thousand rubles. or 278.2% - this is an extremely negative trend.

Profit (loss) before tax in 2006 compared to 2004 increased by 7,650 thousand rubles. or 400.2%, and compared to 2005 by 7035 thousand rubles. or 322.4.

Income tax and other similar mandatory payments in 2006 compared to 2004 increased by 1,883 thousand rubles. or 391.9%, and compared to 2005 by 1645 thousand rubles. or 286.3%.

The final indicator of the organization's performance is net profit; by 2006, compared to 20104, it increased by 4.03 times, when compared with 2005 by 3.36 times.

Indicators of the organization's business activity are presented in Table 3.

The business activity of the enterprise is expressed in the expansion of the sales market and an increase in the volume of sales of goods, growth in profits and profitability.

The business activity of an enterprise in the financial aspect is manifested, first of all, in the speed of turnover of its funds. Business activity indicators characterize the results and efficiency of current core production activities.

Business activity indicators of Avantrade LLC are presented in Table 3.

According to Table 3, it can be seen that the average value of total capital in 2006 compared to 2004 increased by 16,443 thousand rubles. or 8.12 times. If we compare with 2004, then by 5171 thousand rubles. Sales revenue in 2004 amounted to 85,479 thousand rubles, in 2005 it increased by 51,674 thousand rubles, and in 2006, revenue amounted to 258,054 thousand rubles, which is higher than the figure for 2004 by 172,575 thousand rubles. Profit before tax in 2006 compared to 2004 increased 4 times or 400.2%, and compared to 2005 by 7035 thousand rubles. or 322.4%.

Capital productivity shows the ratio of revenue from sales and fixed assets, so in 2004 capital productivity amounted to 71.4 rubles. This means that for 1 ruble of fixed production assets the organization received 71.4 rubles in revenue. By 2006, it decreased by 31.1 rubles. compared to 2004. Compared to 2005, by 4.4 rubles. Consequently, the organization does not effectively use fixed assets.

Annual labor productivity determines the efficiency of use of labor resources in Avantrade LLC and the level of labor productivity, so in 2006 it increased by 1582.1 thousand rubles. or 1.6 times compared to 2004, due to an increase in sales revenue, and in relation to 2005 by 1238.7 thousand rubles. or 143.4%. The number of turnovers of the total capital decreased by 23 turnovers compared to 2004, and when compared with 2005 it increased by 3.7 turnovers.

Table 3 - Indicators characterizing the business activity of Avantrade LLC


Average amount of total capital, thousand rubles.

Sales revenue, thousand rubles.

Profit before tax, thousand rubles.

Capital productivity, rub.

Annual labor productivity, thousand rubles.


Total capital

Own capital

Working capital

Working inventory and costs

Accounts receivable

Accounts payable

Turnover period, days:

Total capital

Own capital

Working capital

Working inventory and costs

Accounts receivable

Accounts payable


Total capital

The organization's equity capital turnover in 2004 was 37.02 turns, and by the end of 2006 the ratio decreased by 23.22 turns and amounted to 13.8 turns.

The turnover period of equity capital increased by 26 days, which negatively affects the efficiency of use of funds.

Working capital turnover characterizes the rate of turnover of an organization's current assets, so in 2006 it was 3.7 turnovers or, accordingly, 98 days. Turnover increased by 1.5 turns compared to 2004, that is, the organization is improving the efficiency of using current assets.


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During the audit conversation, the auditor interviews employees about the work they perform. The effectiveness of a survey is largely determined by the questions the auditor asks. As a rule, the auditor presents the main questions in a questionnaire. The questionnaire is created so that the auditor can draw up an audit script and take into account everything during conversations with employees necessary elements to check the employee's work. In addition, the questionnaire allows you to find out and clarify the information that the auditor received by studying the documentation before conducting audit interviews.

During the conversation, the auditor asks questions from the questionnaire to the employees being audited. In order to obtain the necessary information from the employee, these questions should be asked in such a way that the employee talks more fully about his work.

There are not so many questions that force employees to answer them in detail - there are only six of them. Therefore, the main rule when conducting a survey is that you must begin formulating your questions with one of these six questions.

These questions include:

  • When,
  • Why,

When answering questions, employees refer to specific facts or evidence of work performance. These can be documents, records, or the results of their work. Therefore, a mandatory and very important addition to these questions is the auditor’s request to show in practice what the employee being audited is talking about.

Exactly correct wording asking questions and asking to see evidence of work performance allows you to understand whether the employee really does his job as he says.

Questions that require a detailed answer from the employee are considered “correct” questions.

In addition to these, there are also “wrong” questions.

These “wrong” questions include closed questions, leading questions, and double-load questions:

  • Closed questions– these are questions to which employees do not have to give a detailed answer. They can get by with a short answer like Yes or No. If you ask such questions, the auditor will not receive necessary information for analysis.
  • Suggestive questions- These are questions that contain an answer in advance. If the auditor uses such questions, then the employee will not have to tell how and what he does at his workplace. The auditor will tell everything for him. In this case, the objectivity of the audit will be low, since the auditor will formulate leading questions based on his understanding of the employee’s work.
  • Dual load issues- these are phrases that contain two questions at once. When asked such questions, the employee will answer one of these questions. Moreover, if the answer is long enough, then most likely both the auditor and the employee will forget about the first part of the question. In addition, by formulating double-load questions, the auditor allows the employee to choose the most convenient question for him to answer, deliberately ignoring another.

During audit interviews “wrong” questions should be avoided. These questions, of course, can be asked, but they must be asked with a specific purpose. For example, in order to direct the conversation in the direction the auditor needs, you can ask a leading question. To obtain unambiguous confirmation (or refutation) of any action, you can ask a closed question. However, such questions should be followed by questions that require a detailed answer from the employee being tested.

Rules for audit conversations

The purpose of each audit interview is to obtain objective evidence that work has been performed in accordance with established requirements. To achieve this goal, audit conversations must be conducted according to certain rules. These rules include rules of auditor conduct and rules of conversation.

The basic rules of conduct that the auditor should adhere to during inspections in departments are as follows:

  • The auditor must be an attentive listener, but at the same time he must ensure that the progress of the audit is not unduly affected by lengthy statements from interviewees. One of the conditions for an effective audit is the ability of the auditor to get the audited employee talking - but, having got the employee talking, it is necessary to maintain a balance between the audit goals, time and mood of the employee. If the employee's conversations begin to deviate from the topic and from the questions that the auditor is asking, it is necessary to gently but persistently bring the employee back to the topic of the question.
  • The auditor must remain calm even in extreme situations and not succumb to provocations (show the appropriate reaction in disputes with emotional intensity). During an audit, different situations occur, and employees may have different attitudes to the questions asked. Therefore, it is very important for the auditor not to provoke, with his behavior and emotions, inadequate reactions on the part of the employees being audited.
  • The auditor must conduct the conversation diplomatically. During the conversation, you should not ask trap questions, because... this may lead to the fact that the employee being tested will try to answer questions in monosyllables. You should also not play on weaknesses interlocutor, avoid hints and judgments about the interlocutor’s competence, knowledge and experience.
  • The auditor should not engage in discussion during the audit; this is possible only during the final conversation. During the audit, the auditor should not discuss any extraneous issues with the employee being audited or engage in disputes. This reduces audit time, which is already limited.
  • The auditor should not make premature conclusions, but should only find out the actual state of affairs - i.e. During the audit, the auditor must act as an impartial recorder of those facts or evidence that he discovers at the employees’ workplaces without any conclusions or conclusions.

The basic rules for conducting an audit conversation are as follows:

  • At the beginning of the conversation, it is necessary to explain the purpose of the conversation - compliance with this rule is necessary to establish normal contact with the employee being tested.
  • During the conversation, you should look at the interlocutor, maintain eye contact - following this rule will convince the employee that you are sincerely interested in his work and everything he tells. Of course, you don’t have to look eye to eye and not look away to do this. It is enough to periodically meet the eyes of the employee being checked.
  • At each moment of the conversation, only one issue should be discussed - this is one of the main rules. You cannot ask your interlocutor several questions at once or move from question to question without hearing the answer to the previous question.
  • Do not interrupt the interlocutor's answer to the question posed. Ask the next question only after the interlocutor answers the question - this rule is related to the previous one. If you interrupt the interlocutor's answers, on the one hand, this will prevent the auditor himself from obtaining the most complete information on the issue of interest to him, and on the other hand, it may lead the interlocutor off topic.
  • If the employee being reviewed does not understand or is concerned about the question, the question must be reworded. The questions asked by the auditor are not always clear to employees, especially when the auditor uses the terminology of quality system standards in the questions.
  • It is necessary to ask open questions that require a detailed answer.
  • Questions should be targeted and have a business-like, substantive basis - during audit conversations there is no need to approach the topic of interest from afar. All questions must be asked on a specific topic or subject. There is no need to ask abstract or rhetorical questions.
  • Questions must be clearly formulated. They need to be repeated only for a specific purpose - during audit conversations, try not to repeat the same question. In any case, do not repeat it in the same wording. Repeating the question is necessary only when the employee did not hear something or it is clear that the employee is deliberately avoiding the question posed.

Audited organization

Audit period

Number of man-hours

Head of the audit team

Composition of the audit team

Planned level of materiality

N p/p Period Number of man-hours Auditor's working documents Executor
Start Completion

"______" ___________________ 20 ___

Appendix 4




Official name

economic entity

Report on the results of the forecast check

financial information

1. We have reviewed the forecast financial information for 201 in the composition. We reviewed this prospective financial information in accordance with the auditing rule (standard) “Review of Prospective Financial Information.” The executive body is responsible for the content of forecast financial information.

2. As a result of our review of this forward-looking financial information, we have not discovered any facts indicating that the assumptions made in its preparation are not applicable.

3. Please note that actual results may differ materially from those predicted, as expected events and actions may not occur.

4. In our opinion, the forward-looking financial information we have reviewed is prepared based on the assumptions made correctly and is presented adequately.

Head of the audit organization

(auditor working independently)


1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

2. Federal Law of December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activities”;

3. Federal rules (standards) of auditing;

4. Rules (standards) of auditing activities, approved by the Commission on Auditing Activities under the President of the Russian Federation;

5. “Analysis and assessment of investment efficiency: a textbook for university students studying economics” by T.U. Turmanidze - M.: Unity-Dana, 2014,;

6. “Audit”, ed. R.P. Bulygi. – M.: Unity, 2015,;

7. “Audit” V.I. Podolsky, A.A. Savin – M.: Yurayt, 2015;

8. “Audit” A.D. Sheremet, V.P. Suits – M.: Infra-M, 2014;

Audit plan and program of Alliance-M LLC

“Investments: a textbook” Kuznetsov B.T. – M.: Unity-Dana, 2012,;

10. “Investment design: Textbook” Baldin K.V., Rukosuev A.V., Perederyaev I.I., Golov R.S. – M.: Dashkov and K 2014,;

11. “Explanatory dictionary of audit, tax and budget terms” - M. Finance and Statistics, 2008,

Chuprikova Zinaida Valerievna

Audit of investment projects


All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
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Textbook for the discipline “Fundamentals of Auditing”

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

N p/p List of audit procedures by audit section Period
carrying out
Auditor's working documents Executor
Start Completion
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Study and evaluation of accounting and internal control systems
2 Audit of elements of an organization's accounting policy
3 Audit of operations with fixed assets, in accordance with the audit program for this section
4 Audit of transactions with intangible assets, in accordance with the audit program for this section
5 Audit of operations with materials, in accordance with the audit program for this section
6 Audit of costs for production of products (works, services), in accordance with the audit program for this section
7 Audit of cash transactions in accordance with the audit program for this section
8 Audit of operations with finished products, in accordance with the audit program for this section
9 Audit of settlements with legal entities, in accordance with the audit program for this section
10 Audit of settlements with the budget, in accordance with the audit program for this section
11 Audit of settlements with individuals, in accordance with the audit program for this section
12 Audit of capital transactions in accordance with the audit program for this section
13 Audit of financial results in accordance with the audit program for this section
14 Audit of commodity transactions, in accordance with the audit program for this section
15 Audit of transactions on off-balance sheet accounts, in accordance with the audit program for this section
16 Audit of accounting and tax reporting indicators
17 Holding a meeting with the management of the audited entity based on the audit results
18 Preparation of report and written information based on audit results
19 Preparation of the auditor's report

Head of the audit organization

Head of the audit team (auditor)

"______" ___________________ 200 ___ g.


  1. Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  2. Federal Law of December 30, 2008 No. 307-FZ “On Auditing Activities”;
  3. Federal rules (standards) of auditing;
  4. Rules (standards) of auditing activities approved by the Commission on Auditing under the President of the Russian Federation;
  5. "Audit" ed. R.P. Bulygi.

    What program should you follow when conducting an audit?

    – M.: Unity-Dana, 2011;

  6. "Audit of organizations various types activities. Auditor's Handbook" Yu.Yu. Kochinev-Peter, 2010;
  7. “Audit” V.I. Podolsky, A.A. Savin - M.: Yurayt, 2012;
  8. "Audit" A.D. Sheremet, V.P. Suits - M.: Infra-M, 2010;
  9. “Control and audit” G.A. Shatunova – M. Reed Group, 2011;
  10. “Legal regulation of auditing activities in the Russian Federation” I.V. Ershova, A.A. Ershov - M.: Jurisprudence, 2011;

Chuprikova Zinaida Valerievna

Organization and conduct of audit


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

All forms and forms on

Audit program

General plan for auditing fixed assets

Plan and program for auditing fixed assets

The main directions of the audit of fixed assets should ensure:

Control over the availability and safety of fixed assets;

Correct classification of items as fixed assets;

Correct assessment of fixed assets in accounting;

Correct registration and recording of transactions on receipt and disposal of fixed assets;

Correct calculation and recording of depreciation and repair of fixed assets;

Correct reflection of data on the availability and movement of fixed assets in accounting and reporting.

In accordance with the main directions and objectives of the audit of fixed assets, the following areas of inspection can be distinguished:

1) audit of the availability and safety of fixed assets;

2) audit of the movement of fixed assets;

3) audit of the correctness of depreciation calculation;

4) audit of inventory of fixed assets;

An audit of fixed assets accounting is carried out on the basis of a general plan and program for the audit of fixed assets.

The general plan for checking fixed assets should take into account the named areas of audit of these areas.

Table 1.

Number of man-hours 280

Head of the audit organization S.M. Petrov


Head of the audit team I.I. Ivanov


table 2

Inspected organization OJSC "Pskovoblgaz"

Audit period from 01/01/09 to 31/12/09

Number of man-hours 280

Head of the audit team Petrov S.M.

Composition of the audit team Rotnova I.S.

Planned audit risk %

The planned level of materiality is 448,000 rubles.

No. List of audit activities (procedures) Period Executor Auditor Working Papers
1 Audit of fixed assets valuation During a year Rotnova I.S.
1.1 Checking the creation of a commission for acceptance of fixed assets Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-1
1.2 Checking the execution of contracts for the receipt of fixed assets Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-2
1.3 Checking the correctness of the reflection of the initial cost in the acceptance certificates of fixed assets Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-3
1.4 Checking the correctness of the reflection of the initial cost after the completion and additional equipment of objects, reconstruction or partial liquidation of objects Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-4
1.5 Checking and assessing the current enterprise procedure for accounting for costs for repairs of fixed assets Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-5
1.6 Checking the compliance of reporting indicators with the corresponding indicators in the registers of synthetic and analytical accounting. Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-6
1.7 Familiarization with the procedure for maintaining a card index of fixed assets and inventory lists for specific financially responsible persons Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-7
2 Audit of operations on the movement of fixed assets During a year Rotnova I.S.
2.1 Validation check documentation OS movement operations Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-8
2.2 Check the availability of orders to create a permanent commission at the enterprise for the write-off of fixed assets Annually Rotnova I.S. RD-9
2.3 Checking the correctness and feasibility of writing off fixed assets Quarterly Rotnova I.S. RD-10
2.4 Checking the reporting of the movement of fixed assets Quarterly Rotnova I.S.
3. Inventory audit During a year Rotnova I.S.
3.1 Checking the correctness of the inventory During a year Rotnova I.S. RD-11
3.2. Checking the correct reflection of inventory results in accounting. During a year Rotnova I.S. RD-11
3.3. Check whether agreements on financial liability have been concluded. During a year Rotnova I.S. RD-7
Audit of correctness of depreciation calculation During a year Rotnova I.S.
4.1 Checking the correctness of depreciation calculations Per month Rotnova I.S. RD-12
4.2 Checking the compliance of the depreciation calculation methods defined in the accounting policy with accounting and tax accounting. Rotnova I.S.

Example of an audit program

4.3 Checking the correctness of determining the SPI within the framework of the classification of fixed assets included in depreciation groups Per month Rotnova I.S. RD-14
4.5 Checking the period from which depreciation of fixed assets begins and ends Per month Rotnova I.S. RD-11

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Introduction. 3

1 The importance of auditing the reliability of accounting indicators. 5

(financial) reporting. 5

1.1 The concept of audit. 5

1.2 Federal law and rules (standards) on auditing 7

1.3 Goals and objectives of the audit of accounting (financial) statements. 8

1.4 Composition of accounting (financial) statements. 14

1.5 Audit of the reliability of financial statements. 15

1.6 Analysis of the results of the audit of accounting (financial) statements. 22

1.7 Responsibility of the parties in relation to financial statements. 26

1.8 Result of the audit of financial statements. 27

2 The procedure for conducting an audit using the example of GrandService LLC, Novokuznetsk. 31

2.1 Basic elements of accounting policies. 31

2.2 Accounting for depreciable property. 32

2.3 Accounting for materials and goods. 33

2.4 Accounting special clothing… 36

2.5 Accounting for fixed capital. 36

2.6 Accounting for labor costs. 37

2.7 Auditor's report. 38

Conclusion. 41

List of sources used. 43


In market conditions, enterprises, credit institutions, and other business entities enter into contractual relations regarding the use of property, funds, and commercial operations and investments. The trust of this relationship must be reinforced by the ability for all parties to the transactions to obtain and use financial information. The reliability of the information is confirmed by an independent auditor.

Owners, and, above all, collective owners - shareholders, shareholders, as well as creditors, are deprived of the opportunity to independently verify that all the numerous operations of the enterprise, often very complex, are legal and correctly reflected in the reporting, since they usually do not have access to accounts , nor relevant experience, and therefore require the services of auditors.

Independent confirmation of information about the performance of enterprises and their compliance with the law is necessary for the state to make decisions in the field of economics and taxation.

Audits are necessary for government agencies, courts, prosecutors and investigators to confirm the reliability of the financial statements they are interested in.

The need for auditor services arose due to the following circumstances:

¾ the possibility of biased information from the administration in cases of conflict with users of this information (owners, investors, creditors);

¾ dependence of the consequences of decisions made;

¾ the need for special knowledge to verify information;

¾ users often lack access information to assess its quality.

All these prerequisites have led to the emergence of a public need for the services of independent experts who have the appropriate training, qualifications, experience and permission to provide such services. Auditing activities (audit services) - activities related to conducting an audit and providing services related to the audit, carried out by audit organizations and individual auditors.

The presence of reliable information makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the capital market and makes it possible to evaluate and predict the consequences of various economic decisions.

Purpose course work is to conduct an audit of accounting (financial) statements using the example of GrandService LLC.

The main objectives of the work can be formulated as follows:

¾ reveal the theoretical and methodological foundations of auditing;

¾ explore the features of accounting;

¾ analyze the performance indicators of the enterprise and production efficiency, the financial condition of the enterprise;

¾ determine the correctness of drawing up annual reporting forms and identify shortcomings.

The sources of information for the study are the financial statements of GrandService LLC for 2009:

¾ Form 1 Balance Sheet;

¾ Form 2 Profit and Loss Statement;

¾ Form 3 Capital Statement;

¾ Form 4 Cash Flow Statement;

¾ Form 5 Appendix to the balance sheet;

¾ general ledger for 2009, balance sheets for accounts, order journals, etc.

1.1 Concept of audit

An audit is an independent verification of the accounting (financial) statements of the audited entity in order to express an opinion on the reliability of such statements. Under the accounting (financial) statements of the year N 129-FZ “On Accounting” or regulatory legal acts issued in accordance with it, as well as reporting similar in composition provided for by other federal laws or regulatory legal acts issued in accordance with them.

The need for auditor services arose in connection with the isolation of the interests of those directly involved in the management of the enterprise, as well as the state as a consumer of information about the results of enterprise activities. To attract financial investments, an economic entity must be successful, and its accounting (financial) statements must inspire confidence among potential investors and creditors.

In the Russian Federation, there are two forms of audit: mandatory and initiative.

Mandatory audit is carried out in the following cases:

a) if the organization’s securities are admitted to trading at stock exchanges and (or) other organizers of trading on the market valuable papers;

b) if the organization is a credit organization, a credit history bureau, an organization that is a professional participant in the securities market, an insurance organization, a clearing organization, a mutual insurance company, a commodity, currency or stock exchange, a non-state pension or other fund, a joint-stock investment fund, a management company joint-stock investment fund, mutual investment fund or non-state pension fund (except for state extra-budgetary funds);

c) if the volume of revenue from the sale of products (sale of goods, performance of work, provision of services) of the organization (except for bodies state power, local governments, state and municipal institutions, state and municipal unitary enterprises, agricultural cooperatives, unions of these cooperatives) for the previous reporting year exceeds 400 million rubles or the amount of balance sheet assets at the end of the previous reporting year exceeds 60 million rubles;

d) if an organization (with the exception of a government body, local government body, state extra-budgetary fund, as well as state and municipal institutions) submits and (or) publishes consolidated accounting (financial) statements;

e) in other cases established by federal laws.

An initiative audit is an audit of any area of ​​an organization’s activity, carried out at the own request of the organization or individual entrepreneur on the basis of an agreement concluded with the auditor, i.e. carried out by decision of the management of the organization or the founders of the enterprise, as well as the business partners of the enterprise (potential investors, banks, etc.). An initiative audit is also commonly called “voluntary”, since the scope and nature of the audit is determined by the customer himself.

An audit can be carried out in relation to any legal entities regardless of their organizational and legal forms and types of activities, as well as any individuals engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity and registered as individual entrepreneurs.

1.2 Federal law and rules (standards) on auditing activities

The main document on auditing activities is the Federal Law of December 30, 2008. No. 307-FZ (as amended on December 28, 2010). This Federal Law defines the legal basis for regulating auditing activities in the Russian Federation. For the purposes of this Federal Law, the accounting (financial) statements of the audited entity mean the statements provided for by the Federal Law of November 21, 1996 No. 129-FZ “On Accounting” (as amended on September 28, 2010), as well as statements similar in composition provided for other federal laws.

The law includes articles that reflect the basic concepts and aspects of auditing activities, related audit services, define the rights and responsibilities of audit organizations and individual auditors, as well as the rights and responsibilities of audited persons and/or persons who have entered into an agreement for the provision of audit services.

In accordance with Article 7 of this law, the rules (standards) of auditing activities contain uniform requirements for the procedure for carrying out auditing activities, design and assessment of the quality of audits and related services, as well as for the procedure for training auditors and assessing their qualifications. The rules (standards) determine the requirements for the procedure for carrying out audit activities, and also regulate other issues provided for by this Federal Law. Designed in accordance with international standards audit and are mandatory for audit organizations, individual auditors, as well as self-regulatory organizations of auditors and their employees.

It must be said that domestic audit rules (standards) acquired official status only recently, after the Federal Law of August 7, 2001 No. 119-FZ “On Auditing Activities” came into force. Until this moment, their use was not regulated by any legislative acts; they were not even mentioned in the text of the Temporary Rules on Auditing. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 23, 2002 No. 696 (with subsequent amendments and additions) approved the federal rules (standards) of auditing activities (as amended by Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 04.07.2003 No. 405, dated 07.10.2004 No. 532, dated 16.04. 2005 No. 228, dated 08/25/2006 No. 523, dated 07/22/2008 No. 557, dated 11/19/2008 No. 863 dated 08/02/2010 No. 586).

The emergence of the first Federal Law on Auditing in Russian history, naturally, immediately affected the status of auditing standards.

Mastering these standards is not an easy task and requires auditors, in some cases, to have extraordinary abilities in order to understand and apply them in practice. Many auditors still experience difficulties in developing methods for constructing an audit sample, because knowledge is required not only in the field of auditing, but also knowledge in such areas as mathematical statistics and probability theory.

Practice shows that many auditing issues that are not reflected in the federal rules (standards) of auditing are elements of the own (internal) standards of audit organizations and/or professional audit associations of which they are members.

1.3 Goals and objectives of the audit of accounting (financial) statements

An audit of accounting (financial) statements is understood as an independent verification carried out by an audit organization and resulting in the expression of the audit organization’s opinion on the degree of reliability of the accounting (financial) statements of an economic entity.

At the macroeconomic level, audit acts as an element of market infrastructure, the need for its functioning is determined by the following circumstances:

¾ accounting (financial) statements are used to make decisions by interested users, including management, participants and property owners of an economic entity, real and potential investors, employees, lenders, suppliers and contractors, buyers and customers, authorities and the public in general;

¾ accounting (financial) statements may be subject to distortion due to a number of factors, in particular the use of estimated values ​​and the possibility of ambiguous interpretation of the facts of economic life; in addition, the reliability of accounting (financial) statements is not automatically ensured due to the possible bias of its compilers;

¾ the degree of reliability of accounting (financial) statements, as a rule, cannot be independently assessed by the majority of interested users due to the difficulty of accessing accounting and other information, as well as the large number and complexity of business transactions reflected in the accounting (financial) statements of economic entities.

The objectives of the audit of accounting (financial) statements are the formation and expression of the audit organization's opinion on the reliability of the accounting (financial) statements of an economic entity in all material respects.

During the audit of the accounting (financial) statements, sufficient and relevant audit evidence must be obtained to enable the audit organization to draw conclusions with reasonable confidence regarding:

¾ compliance of the accounting (financial) accounting of an economic entity with the documents and requirements of regulations governing the procedure for maintaining accounting (financial) accounting and preparing financial statements in the Russian Federation;

¾ compliance of the accounting (financial) statements of an economic entity with the information available to the audit organization about the activities of the economic entity.

The audit organization's opinion on the reliability of accounting (financial) statements can contribute to greater confidence in these statements on the part of users interested in information about an economic entity.

At the same time, users of accounting (financial) statements should not interpret the opinion of the audit organization as a complete guarantee of the future viability of an economic entity or the effectiveness of its management.

An audit report containing the audit organization’s opinion on the degree of reliability of the accounting (financial) statements should not be interpreted as a guarantee by the audit organization that there are no other circumstances (other than those set out in the auditor’s report) that affect or may affect the accounting (financial) statements. ) reporting of an economic entity.

The objectives of the audit of accounting (financial) statements are:

¾ formulation of the basic requirements for taking into account regulatory documents during the inspection;

¾ determination of the auditor’s actions when identifying facts of violations by the audited economic entity of the requirements of regulatory documents;

¾ reflection in the auditor’s working documentation of facts of violations of the requirements of regulatory documents.

When conducting an audit of accounting (financial) statements, the auditor is obliged to establish compliance of the financial or business operations of an economic entity with the regulations in force in the Russian Federation. The auditor checks the compliance of financial and business transactions performed by an economic entity with the applicable legislation solely in order to obtain sufficient confidence that the accounting (financial) statements do not contain significant distortions. The purpose of the audit is not to express an opinion on the full compliance of the activities of the economic entity with the applicable legislation.

Violations identified by the auditor may affect:

¾ significantly on the amount of indicators in the accounting (financial) statements;

¾ is insignificant on the value of the accounting (financial) reporting indicators, but can cause damage to the economic entity, its participants, the state or third parties.

In the event of an ambiguous interpretation of regulatory documents by the audit organization and the audited economic entity, the auditor should assess the significance of the impact of the controversial regulatory document on the assessment of the reliability of the reporting as a whole in accordance with the rule (standard) of auditing activities.

If the impact of a controversial regulatory document is significant, the auditor may, in agreement with the economic entity, take one or more of the following actions:

¾ send a written request on your behalf to the body that is the source of the controversial regulatory document, if there is no time limit for receiving a response to the request;

¾ warn in writing the management of the audited economic entity about the impossibility of issuing an unconditionally positive audit report.

If the impact of a controversial regulatory document is insignificant, then the fact of disagreement can be noted in the auditor’s written information to the management of the economic entity based on the results of the audit.

Checking by the auditor the compliance of the activities of an economic entity with the requirements of regulations:

1. When planning an audit, the auditor must, based on the characteristics of the economic entity being audited, determine the legal requirements that the activities of this entity must satisfy, as well as obtain a reliable idea of ​​the extent to which the economic entity fulfills these requirements.

2. The auditor must pay Special attention to such regulations, failure to comply with which may cause the termination or suspension of the activities of an economic entity. In this regard, the auditor needs to:

a) study the available information and regulatory framework relating to the economic entity;

b) obtain from the managers of an economic entity information about the techniques and methods used by it to ensure compliance with the requirements of regulations;

c) discuss controversial issues, ambiguously resolved in regulations, which are significant for assessing the results of the audit, with the management of the economic entity;

d) check the availability of documents on registration of an economic entity, necessary licenses and other documents, without which the inspected economic entity has no right to carry out economic and financial activities.

3. As in other matters, in terms of verifying compliance by an economic entity with the requirements of regulations, the auditor must plan and conduct the audit with a sufficient degree of professional skepticism.

4. The auditor must keep in mind that when conducting audits there is a risk of non-detection, despite the fact that the audit is well planned and professionally carried out in accordance with the requirements of the rules (standards) of auditing. The likelihood of this risk increases significantly if the following factors are present:

a) a significant number of regulations that are directly related to the audited economic entity, but are not taken into account and (or) not used by it in the accounting and internal control systems;

b) limitations of accounting and internal control systems that cannot reflect all economic and financial activities of an economic entity;

c) low qualifications of personnel involved in organizing accounting and internal control systems for an economic entity;

d) the auditor receives most of the information from the economic entity, which is not objective (evidential), but informative.

5. When ascertaining by the auditor whether an economic entity complies with the requirements of regulations, the auditor, if necessary, can use during the audit experts who have legal and other special knowledge in areas not related to the professional competence of the auditor. In this case, it is necessary to be guided by the rule (standard) of auditing activities “Use of an expert’s work.”

6. The auditor must ensure that the management of an economic entity takes measures to identify, prevent and eliminate violations of the requirements of regulations that may distort the accounting (financial) statements of the economic entity.

When checking the compliance by an economic entity with the provisions of legislative and other regulations, without compliance with which it is impossible to assess the reliability of the accounting (financial) statements of the economic entity, the goal is to establish requirements for an audit firm or an auditor working independently as an individual entrepreneur.

1.4 Composition of accounting (financial) statements

1.5 Audit of the reliability of financial statements

Data from Form No. 1 are submitted in compliance with the following requirements:

intangible assets and fixed assets are shown in net valuation, i.e. at residual value minus accrued depreciation;

construction in progress, purchased equipment requiring installation, are reflected at actual costs for the developer, as well as taking into account advances issued to the contractor for capital construction;

inventories (raw materials, main and auxiliary materials, fuel, components and spare parts, containers and others) are reflected at a cost determined from the cost of inventory valuation; inventories that are obsolete or the current market value of which has decreased are reflected at the end of the reporting year minus the reserve for reduction in the value of material assets;

finished products are reflected at actual or standard production costs;

goods engaged in trading activities are reflected at the cost of their acquisition;

shipped products or goods are reflected at actual or standard production costs;

accounts receivable for which provisions for doubtful debts have been created are shown minus the formed reserve;

receivables and payables are presented depending on the repayment period as short-term, if the repayment period is no more than 12 months, and long-term, if the repayment period is more than 12 months after the reporting date;

It is not allowed to provide information on settlement accounts in a “collapsed” form; data on these accounts is provided in an expanded form;

the authorized capital is shown in the amount in accordance with the constituent documents registered in the prescribed manner;

Loans and credits are shown taking into account interest payable at the end of the reporting period.

Data is also verified to identify any errors. The check is carried out as follows: the results of the balance sheets for analytical accounts are compared with the data of the corresponding synthetic account in the balance sheet for synthetic accounts. Equality of balances and turnover indicates the correctness of the entries in the accounting accounts. Data from Form No. 1 are used to analyze the property and financial position of the organization.

The profit and loss statement (Form No. 2) is the main reporting form and characterizes the procedure for generating the financial result of the financial and economic activities of the organization. The financial result in the income statement is defined as the difference between the balance of income and expenses of the reporting period on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year to the reporting date, taking into account that in accounting the financial result of business activity is determined by counting and balancing all profits and all losses for the reporting period period. For this, account 99 “Profits and losses” is used. The balance on this account reflects the financial result of business activities on a cumulative basis in account 99 “Profits and losses” on an accrual basis from the beginning of the reporting year.

The main purpose of the profit and loss statement (form No. 2) is to characterize the financial results of the organization for the reporting period. At the same time, the composition of such indicators as gross profit, profit (loss) from sales, profit (loss) before tax, profit (loss) from ordinary activities, net profit (retained earnings, uncovered loss) has been expanded. Income statement data is used to analyze financial performance.

When conducting an audit, it is necessary to check whether the requirements of regulations are met when generating the indicators of the “Report on Changes in Capital”. Explanations to the balance sheet and profit and loss statement must disclose additional data on changes in the capital (authorized, reserve, additional, etc.) of the organization.

At the same time, the Accounting Regulations “Accounting Statements of an Organization” PBU 4/99 requires from business partnerships and companies a report on changes in capital, which must contain at least data on the amount of capital at the beginning of the reporting period, an increase in capital, highlighting separately the increase due to additional issue shares, due to the revaluation of property, due to the increase in property, due to the reorganization of a legal entity (merger, accession), due to income, which, in accordance with the rules of accounting and reporting, are directly attributed to an increase in capital, a decrease in capital, highlighting separately the decrease due to reducing the par value of shares, due to a decrease in the number of shares, due to the reorganization of a legal entity (division, spin-off), due to expenses that, in accordance with the rules of accounting and reporting, are directly included in the reduction of capital, the amount of capital at the end of the reporting period.

For the purpose of reflecting in the financial statements of a joint-stock company information on the founders of the organization, stages of capital formation and types of shares, it is recommended to take into account the provisions given in Letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated December 23, 1992 No. 117 “On reflection in accounting and reporting of transactions related to privatization of enterprises" (according to the conclusion of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated November 2, 1994 No. 07-01-654-94, this document does not require state registration). In the absence of the specified information in balance sheet when reflecting data on the group of articles “Authorized capital”, it should be given as a transcript to the article “Authorized (share) capital” of the report on changes in capital or in an explanatory note.

The procedure for reflecting data on the types of reserves and funds formed, as well as changes in their balances at the end of the reporting period, is determined by the organization independently when developing and adopting its accounting reporting forms based on the sample forms given in Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated July 22, 2003 No. 67n “On the forms of financial statements of organizations.”

When conducting an audit, it is necessary to check whether the requirements of regulations are met when generating the indicators of the “Cash Flow Statement”. Data from the cash flow statement should characterize changes in the financial position of the organization in the context of current, investment and financial activities. Current activity is considered to be the activity of an organization that pursues making a profit as the main goal or does not have making a profit as such a goal in accordance with the subject and goals of the activity, i.e. production of industrial and agricultural products, construction work, sale of goods, provision of catering services, procurement of agricultural products, rental of property, etc.

Investment activities are considered to be the activities of an organization related to the acquisition of land plots, buildings and other real estate, equipment, intangible assets and other non-current assets, as well as their sale with the implementation of its own construction, expenses for research, development and technological development; with financial investments (purchase of securities of other organizations, including debt securities, contributions to the authorized (share) capital of other organizations, provision of loans to other organizations, etc.).

Financial activity is considered to be the activity of an organization, as a result of which the size and composition of the organization’s equity capital and borrowed funds change (proceeds from the issue of shares, bonds, loans from other organizations, repayment of borrowed funds, etc.). Information on the organization's cash flows is presented in the currency of the Russian Federation. In the case of the presence (movement) of funds in foreign currency, information is generated on the movement of foreign currency for each of its types in relation to the cash flow statement adopted by the organization. After this, the data for each calculation made in foreign currency are recalculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of the date of preparation of the financial statements. The data obtained for individual calculations is summarized when filling out the corresponding indicators in the Cash Flow Statement. The cash flow statement must contain information on cash flows (receipt, direction of cash) taking into account cash balances at the beginning and end of the reporting period, in the context of current activities, investing activities and financial activities. Information on the movement of funds of the organization, recorded on the corresponding accounts of funds held at the organization's cash desk, in settlements, special currency accounts, is reflected on an accrual basis from the beginning of the year and is presented in the currency of the Russian Federation.

In the event of the presence (movement) of funds in foreign currency, a calculation in foreign currency is first made for each type of currency. After this, the data for each calculation made in foreign currency are recalculated at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of the date of preparation of the financial statements. The data obtained for individual calculations is summarized when filling out the corresponding report indicators.

Organizations should keep in mind that in transcripts, cash flows associated with the payment (receipt) of interest and dividends, as well as the results of emergency circumstances, must be disclosed separately. Cash flows related to income taxes and other similar mandatory payments should be reported separately as part of operating data unless they can be specifically linked to investing or financing activities. When funds from the sale of foreign currency (including mandatory sales) are received into accounts with credit institutions or to the organization's cash desk, the corresponding amounts are reflected in data on current activities as the receipt of funds from the sale of fixed assets and other property. In this case, the amount of foreign currency sold is included in the data characterizing the expenditure of funds for current activities in the corresponding direction of expenditure.

When purchasing foreign currency, the transferred funds are included in the data on current activities in the relevant area. Receipts of acquired foreign currency are also reflected in current activities separately or as part of other receipts (except from the sale of fixed assets and other property).

Organizations should take into account that the cash flow report must provide information on cash receipts during the reporting period (except for receipts of funds from a credit institution to the organization's cash desk), highlighting, among other things, settlements with legal entities and for settlements with individuals, as well as with the allocation from data on the receipt of funds in cash using cash registers or strict reporting forms (that is, in the order of issuing receipts, vouchers, tickets, coupons, postage signs and other equivalent checks of strict reporting documents in forms approved in accordance with the current procedure). If the organization in the relevant sections of the accepted form of the cash flow statement does not highlight separately the data on the amounts of funds deposited by the organization to the credit institution or received to the organization's cash desk from the credit institution, then these data must be presented in the cash flow statement for reference.

When conducting an audit, it is necessary to check whether the requirements of regulations are met when forming indicators in the Appendix to the balance sheet. Individual indicators included in the Appendix to the balance sheet (form No. 5) according to the sample form can be presented in the form of independent forms of financial statements or included in an explanatory note.

When conducting an audit, it is necessary to check whether the general requirements are met when filling out the explanatory note. The explanatory note should provide a brief description of the organization’s activities (ordinary activities; current, investment and financial activities), main performance indicators and factors that influenced the organization’s financial results in the reporting year, as well as decisions based on the results of the review of the annual financial statements and the distribution of net profit, i.e. relevant information useful for obtaining a more complete and objective picture of the financial position of the organization, the financial performance of the organization for the reporting period and changes in its financial position. When presenting in the explanatory note the main performance indicators characterizing qualitative changes in the property and financial situation, their reasons, if necessary, the accepted procedure for calculating analytical indicators (profitability, share of own working capital, etc.) should be indicated.

1.6 Analysis of the results of the audit of accounting (financial) statements

When assessing the financial condition for the short term, indicators for assessing the satisfactoriness of the balance sheet structure (current liquidity, provision of own funds and the ability to restore (loss) of solvency) can be given. When characterizing solvency, you should pay attention to such indicators as the availability of funds in bank accounts, in the organization's cash desk, losses, overdue accounts receivable and payable, loans and borrowings not repaid on time, completeness of transfer of relevant taxes to the budget, paid (payable) ) penalties for failure to fulfill obligations to the budget. You should also pay attention to the assessment of the organization’s position on the securities market and the reasons for the negative phenomena that have taken place.

When assessing the financial situation for the long term, the characteristics of the structure of sources of funds, the degree of dependence of the organization on external investors and creditors, etc. are given. Characteristics of the dynamics of investments for previous years and for the future are given, with a determination of the effectiveness of these investments. In addition, an assessment of the organization’s business activity can be provided, the criteria of which are the breadth of product markets, including the availability of export supplies, the organization’s reputation, expressed, in particular, in the fame of clients using the organization’s services, and other information. The degree of fulfillment of planned indicators, ensuring the specified rates of their growth (decrease), the level of efficiency in the use of the organization’s resources. It is advisable to include in the explanatory note data on the dynamics of the most important economic and financial indicators of the organization over a number of years, descriptions of future investments, ongoing economic activities, environmental measures and other information of interest to possible users of the financial statements.

The final stage of the audit of business operations is a generalization of the audit results and analysis of errors identified during the audit. The list of verified documents, identified errors and violations, as well as the auditor’s opinion on the results of the audit are recorded in working documents.

2.1 Main elements of accounting policies

GrandService LLC is a manufacturer decorative tiles. The company operates according to common system taxation. The object of taxation is income minus expenses.

The main elements of the accounting policy of GrandService LLC include:

¾ object of taxation;

¾ assessment of raw materials and materials;

¾ evaluation of purchased goods;

¾ determination of expenses for the purchase of goods when taken into account in sales prices;

¾ calculation of interest on loans and borrowings accepted as expenses;

¾ accounting for partially paid fixed assets and intangible assets.

Let's consider the main provisions of the enterprise's accounting policy:

¾ organization of accounting: the organization’s accounting is carried out personally by the head;

¾ write-off of general business expenses: general business expenses are written off monthly as semi-fixed expenses. 90 "Sales";

¾ synthetic accounting of product output using account 40 “Output of products (works, services)”:

¾ assessment of finished products and shipped products is carried out at the full actual production cost (account 26 is closed to account 20, account 40 is not used);

¾ the valuation of shipped goods, completed works and rendered services is carried out at the actual full cost;

¾ distribution of sales expenses - sales expenses (account 44) are completely debited to account 90 “Sales”;

¾ distribution of profits remaining at the disposal of the organization among funds is made in accordance with the constituent documents of the organization.

2.2 Accounting for depreciable property

The accounting policy of GrandService LLC provides for a non-linear depreciation method for the following types of fixed assets:

¾ vibrating table;

¾ injection molds;

¾ concrete mixer.

At the same time, GrandService LLC is obliged to determine the residual value of depreciable property at the beginning of the year. This indicator is determined for each depreciation group based on the useful life established when these fixed assets and intangible assets were put into operation.

Depreciation is calculated based on the total balance of the corresponding depreciation group (subgroup) on the 1st day of the month for which the amount of accrued depreciation is calculated, and the established depreciation rate. Therefore, the total balance of the depreciation group (subgroup) is determined monthly. Since depreciation is calculated monthly, the total balance will be reduced monthly by the amount of accrued depreciation.

Depreciation charges for intangible assets are reflected in accounting by accumulating the corresponding amounts in a separate account 05 - “Amortization of intangible assets.”

To calculate depreciation of a vibrating table, the method of writing off the cost is used by the sum of the number of years of its useful life (the original cost is multiplied by the number of years remaining until the end of its service life divided by the number of years of the object's service life).

To calculate depreciation of injection molds, the reducing balance method is used (residual value at the beginning of the year multiplied by the depreciation rate multiplied by the acceleration factor (established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation).

To calculate depreciation of a concrete mixer, the method of writing off the cost is used according to the sum of the number of years of its useful life (the original cost is multiplied by the number of years remaining until the end of its service life divided by the number of years of the service life of the object).

The accounting policy provides that:

¾ there is no revaluation of the original cost of fixed assets;

¾ no revaluation of intangible assets is carried out;

¾ an audit of accounting for depreciable property did not reveal any violations.

2.3 Accounting for materials and goods

The main regulatory documents governing the accounting of materials are PBU 5/01 “Accounting for inventories”, Guidelines for the accounting of inventories and Guidelines for the accounting of special tools, special devices, special equipment and special clothing.

In accordance with PBU 5/01, the following assets are accepted for accounting as inventories (MPI):

¾ used as raw materials in the production of products (performance of work, provision of services);

¾ intended for sale (goods and finished products);

¾ used for the management needs of the organization.

Inventories are accepted for accounting at actual cost.

Actual costs attributable to the actual cost of materials purchased for a fee include:

¾ amounts paid in accordance with the agreement to the supplier;

¾ amounts paid to organizations for consulting and information services related to the acquisition of inventories;

¾ customs duties;

¾ non-refundable taxes paid in connection with the acquisition of a unit of inventory;

¾ fees paid to the intermediary organization through which inventories were purchased;

¾ costs for the procurement and delivery of inventories to the place of their use, including insurance costs;

¾ costs of bringing inventories to a state in which they are suitable for use for the intended purposes (costs of additional work, sorting, packaging and improvement technical characteristics received inventories not related to the production of products, performance of work and provision of services);

¾ other costs directly related to the acquisition of inventories.

Active accounts are intended for synthetic accounting of the presence and movement of an organization’s own production inventories:

¾ 10 “Materials”;

¾ 14 “Reserves for reduction in the value of material assets”;

¾ 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”;

¾ 16 “Deviation in the cost of material assets.”

Material assets that do not belong to the organization are recorded in off-balance sheet accounts 002 “Inventory assets accepted for safekeeping” and 003 “Materials accepted for processing.”

Synthetic accounting of the procurement of materials at GrandService LLC is carried out at accounting prices using accounts 15 “Procurement and acquisition of material assets”, 16 “Deviations in the cost of material assets”. Finished products are reflected in the balance sheet at actual production costs. Shipped goods, completed works and rendered services are reflected in the balance sheet at the actual full cost.

During the audit, it was revealed that sales books and purchase books were not properly prepared. According to clause 15. Resolution No. 914 “The purchase book and the sales book must be laced together, and their pages must be numbered and sealed. Control over the correct maintenance of the purchase book and sales book is carried out by the head of the organization or his authorized person.” In accordance with clause 14 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 2000. No. 914, “invoices that do not comply with the established standards for their completion cannot be registered in the purchase book.” If an organization receives an invoice with a facsimile reproduction of the head of the organization or the chief accountant, then it risks being left without VAT deduction. The accounting legislation and the Tax Code do not provide for a facsimile signature of the manager when preparing primary documents and invoices. The refusal of the inspectorate to deduct the amount of tax paid in this case will be lawful. This is the conclusion of the FAS VSO from the Resolution of July 20, 2005. No. A19-2073/05-5-F02-3384/05-S1. The same position is supported by the Ministry of Finance of Russia Letter of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia dated April 1, 2004 No. 18-0-09/00042 dated October 26, 2005 No. 03-01-10/8-404. Tax officials are no less categorical. They believe that the use of facsimile reproduction of a signature and seal using mechanical or other copying on an invoice is not allowed (see, in particular, Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated February 14, 2005 N 03-1-03/210/11 and Letter of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia dated 04/21/2004 N 03-1-08/1039/17).

2.4 Accounting for special clothing

Accounting for special tools, special devices, special equipment and special clothing is carried out on account 10 “Materials”.

According to the accounting policy of the enterprise, special tools, special devices, special equipment and special clothing are taken into account as part of funds in circulation.

A one-time write-off of the cost of special clothing, the service life of which, according to the issuance standards, does not exceed 12 months, is made at the time of transfer (vacation) to employees.

No violations of special clothing accounting were identified during the audit.

2.5 Accounting for fixed assets

The accounting and reporting indicate the amount of the authorized capital in an amount that does not correspond to the constituent documents submitted for verification. Such discrepancies must be resolved to avoid liability for accounting violations. A gross violation of the rules for accounting for income and expenses and objects of taxation means the absence of primary documents, or the absence of invoices, or accounting registers, systematic (two or more times during a calendar year) untimely or incorrect reflection in accounting accounts and in business reports. transactions, cash, tangible assets, intangible assets and financial investments of the taxpayer.

The audit report noted that at the same time liability may arise for officials of the enterprise under Art. 15.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for gross violation of the rules of accounting and presentation of financial statements, as well as the procedure and terms for storing accounting documents, in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of twenty to thirty times the minimum wage. A gross violation of the rules of accounting and presentation of financial statements means: distortion of the amounts of accrued taxes and fees by at least 10 percent; distortion of any article (line) of the financial reporting form by at least 10 percent.

2.6 Accounting for labor costs

According to financial statements, salaries are paid once a month. According to Article 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, wages must be paid at least every half month. Pay day wages established by internal labor regulations, collective agreement or employment contract. Other deadlines for payment of wages can be established for certain categories of workers only by federal law.

Thus, paying wages once a month is a violation of labor laws. It should be borne in mind that the employee’s statement of consent to receive wages once a month does not relieve the employer from liability. federal Service on Labor and Employment especially emphasized this circumstance in a Letter dated March 1, 2007. No. 472-6-0.

The labor inspectorate has the right to inspect any company once every two years. This is a scheduled check. Scheduled inspections can be comprehensive - then the company is visited by two inspectors. One checks the “legality” of personnel documents. The second is the compliance of working conditions with labor protection standards. Also, the audit can be carried out jointly with the tax office, the Pension Fund, and the Social Insurance Fund. In the case of a targeted audit, documents in a certain area are examined (for example, everything related to wages). Up to 90% of inspections are initiated by former employees based on their complaints.

The punishment for violations of labor laws is quite serious: in accordance with Art. 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of labor and labor protection legislation entails the imposition of an administrative fine on officials in the amount of from five to fifty times the minimum wage, and on legal entities - from three hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage or administrative suspension of activities for up to ninety days.

2.7 Auditor's report

In accordance with the Procedure for drawing up an audit report on financial statements, approved by the Commission on Auditing Activities under the President of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008. Based on the results of the audit, the auditor must express an opinion on the reliability of these statements.

A random audit was carried out at GrandService LLC. Based on the results of the audit, the following conclusions can be drawn. The financial statements of the enterprise are prepared in accordance with the regulations on accounting and financial reporting in the Russian Federation, PBU 4/99 and the Instructions on the procedure for drawing up and submitting financial statements. Before drawing up the annual report, an inventory of all the assets and liabilities of the organization is carried out, the results are documented in the relevant documents. Operating and performance accounts are closed, and the financial result of the organization’s activities for the reporting year is revealed. Basically, all reporting forms are filled out correctly. In the income statement, the composition of operating and non-operating expenses is clear. Form No. 3 is filled out correctly, in accordance with the requirements. The cash flow statement is also filled out correctly, without any violations. The accountant correctly reflects balances and turnover from the general ledger and order journals in the report. The correctness of the preparation of reporting forms confirms compliance with the interconnection of reporting indicators, which was verified during the audit.

Thus, as a result of the audit, the following violations were identified:

¾ violation of the wage regime;

¾ in accounting and reporting the amount of the authorized capital is indicated in an amount that does not correspond to the constituent documents submitted for verification;

¾ sales books and purchase books are not properly prepared.

At the present stage of audit development, not only owners are interested in its results, but also economic entities themselves, whose normal development is often impossible without attracting funds from investors, sponsors and creditors. To attract financial investments, an economic entity must be successful, and its accounting (financial) statements must inspire confidence among potential investors and creditors.

Over the past decades, the requirements for organizing the accounting and reporting system have increased significantly. New forms and methods of accounting have emerged, including the use of computer systems. Accounting statements have become the main source of information that allows one to assess the financial and property status of economic entities. In these circumstances, the audit of financial statements has become an important tool for improving the quality of financial statements, the leading component of which is its reliability. No reputable bank will provide a loan to a client that does not have audited accounting (financial) statements, just as no serious investor will deal with an organization whose reports have not been audited by a reputable auditor for a number of years.

In the course of writing the course work, we revealed the theoretical and methodological foundations of auditing, examined the features of accounting, analyzed the performance indicators of the enterprise and production efficiency, the financial condition of the enterprise, determined the correctness of the preparation of annual reporting forms and identified shortcomings.

A practical study of the topic of work was carried out using the example of GrandService LLC, whose main activity is the production of decorative tiles. Based on the study, it was revealed that internal audits are not carried out at the enterprise. Independent auditors are invited to the enterprise to conduct an external audit. The purpose of the external audit of GrandService LLC is to confirm the reliability of the financial statements.

During the audit of the accounting of depreciable property and the accounting of special clothing, no violations or shortcomings were identified. And a check of the accounting of materials and goods showed that sales and purchase books were not properly prepared. Recommendations were also given to eliminate in accounting the discrepancy between the amount of the authorized capital and the constituent documents, and in the accounting of wages the provision of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation on the payment of wages at least every half month is not followed.

The audit revealed that the accounting statements of GrandService LLC for the audited period are reliable, i.e. prepared in such a way as to ensure, in all material aspects, the reflection of assets and liabilities and the financial results of its activities based on the Federal Law “On Accounting” No. 129-FZ of November 21, 1996.

As a result of the external audit, taking into account the recommendations, GrandService LLC received valuable information to improve management and accounting, which helps to increase the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole, which is also important for increasing the income of the enterprise

1. 24 PBU: practical commentary [Text] / edited by G.Yu. Kasyanova. M.: ABAC, 2011. – 552 p.

2. Bogataya I.N. Audit workshop. [Text]: textbook. for universities / I.N. Bogataya, N.N. Khakhonova. M.: Phoenix, 2009. – 288 p.

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